hanging of the greens at knightdale baptist church nov. 30th 2014 bulletin

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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The Worship of God

First Sunday of Advent Preparing the Way November 30th 2014

11:00 am Please take this time to complete our “Welcome Guests!” section of the bulletin if you are visiting with

us today, would like more information about KBC, or have prayer concerns.


“For unto us a Child is born. Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be

upon His shoulder. And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty

God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Isaiah 9:6


Prelude ..................................................................................Ann Coleman

Call to Worship .......................................Rev. Hal Roach and Congregation

Worship Leader: God comes to save us!

All: Praise God whose face shines upon us!

Worship Leader: God hears our every concern!

All: Praise God who cares for us as a shepherd!

Worship Leader: God comes to us in signs!

All: Praise God whose light is coming into the world!


Prayer of Invocation........................................................ Rev. Joe Johnston

THE ADVENT CANDLE OF HOPE .................... Brandon & Rebecca West

Hymn of Expectation ........... Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus ........ No. 77 (Children enter with poinsettias)


Prayer of Thanksgiving and Adoration......................... Robin Farrington

Offertory...............................................................................Dana Coleman

Pastoral Prayer ............................................................. Rev. Trent Sessoms

A Time for Children ................................................................Bill Scanlon

THE WREATHS ..................................................... Christian Fellowship Class

Hymn of Adoration .......... Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You Joyful, joyful we adore You, God of glory Lord of light; Angels lifting praise before You, sing throughout this holy night. In a manger lies a baby, Child of Mary, Son of God; Voices joined in joyful chorus, praise You for Your gift of love. All Your works declare Your glory, all creation joins to sing; Praise resounds as earth rejoices in the birth of Christ the King. Shepherds kneel before the infant, trumpets sound and anthems raise; As with joy our hearts are lifted, joined in wonder, love and praise.


Scripture ........................Acts 1:8-14 (pg. 770) ........................Rev. Johnston

Message in Song...............Mary, Did You Know?................ Worship Choir

Message ............................Put It in Reverse ............................ Rev. Sessoms


Hymn of Response ..................... Jesus Is Lord of All ..................... No. 296

Benediction ............................................................................Rev. Sessoms

Fellowship Chorus......................... Emmanuel ....................... Congregation

All hymn and chorus texts are copyrighted and used by permission under CCLI#775853.

All videotapes are copyrighted and used by permission under CVLI#501943570.


Lottie Moon/Global Missions - The Church Post Office is ready for you to send Christmas cards to church members. Please put your postage money in your offering envelope and mark it “postage for” - Lottie Moon or Global Missions. In addition to postage money for Missions, envelopes are available for your regular offering to Lottie Moon and CBF Global Missions. These offerings can be made through the month of December. November 30th - December 7th is the week of prayer for International Missions and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Love Offering - A love offering will be received for our staff to express our appreciation and love. This offering will be received now through December 21st and distributed equally among Trent, Hal, Joe, Patty, Dana and Ann. The preschool board will recognize Christi and our preschool staff. If you wish to contribute, please mark your envelope as “Love Offering.” Operation Christmas Child - Thank you for all your contributions! The shoeboxes are on their way to their destinations, so for the month of December we ask that you pray. Pray that every girl and boy who receives a shoebox will experience God’s unconditional love and provision through the gifts they receive. Food Pantry Sunday - Today is Food Pantry Sunday, so don’t forget your food pantry donations! Supporting our local Food Pantry is an on-going mission project of the Angelic Ministers. This ministry works best when everyone donates to the food pantry and then the Angelic Ministers will make arrangements to have the food delivered to the local pantry. Food collection barrels are located in the education building for you to place your food donations. Our local food pantry is very specific in what they give out, so please make sure you purchase only what is on the list (a grocery list can be found in the vestibule for you to take home), and please be mindful of expiration dates. They will not accept expired foods. Backpack Buddies - Thank you ALL for the ongoing food donations you provide for Backpack Buddies. The weekend meals are going to children at Knightdale Elementary School who might otherwise have little or no food from Friday until they return to school Monday morning. We need lots of kid-friendly non-perishable food items to maintain this ministry (a grocery list can be found in the vestibule for you to take home). The food collection bins are located in the Education Building and the vestibule of the Sanctuary. Thank you again for supporting this ministry. Faith Challenger’s Class Party - Monday, December 1st at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Upward - Next practice is December 2nd at 6:00 pm in the Family Life Center. First games of the season will be Saturday, December 6th beginning at 9:00 am. Properties Committee Meeting - Thursday, December 4th at 7:00 pm in the Conference Room. Knightdale Christmas Parade - Saturday, December 6th at 2:00 pm. Faith Challenger’s Tea Party - Monday, December 8th at 11:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. Angelic Minister’s Meeting - Tuesday, December 9th at 7:00 pm at Brenda Hailey’s home.


Thank you

Maggie Horton would like to thank Pastor Trent and Knightdale Baptist members for

the many cards and prayers during the death of her sister-in-law, Chris Hinnant. She

will always be grateful.

The card is on the bulletin board in the Education Building.

Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal - December 10th from 5:30 - 6:30 pm (Arrival anytime between 5:30 and 6:30 pm) The menu is: Baked Spiral Ham, Candied Yams, Butterbeans, Bread, Homemade Desserts and Beverages (Cheese Pizza always available). The cost is: adults (10-up) $5.00, children (4-9) $2.00 and children 3 and under free. Maximum family cost is $20.00. Reservations/cancellations must be made by noon on Monday, December 8th. Call the church office to make reservations or complete the Wednesday Night section on the “Welcome Guest” slip and drop it in the offering plate. Make sure to write your name on the slip. Volunteers Needed - We are still in need of chairpersons for our Spring fundraising event. If you are interested in this position, please contact the church office. “God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to Him forever and ever! Amen.” – 1 Peter 4:10-11 (NLT) Church Bus Keys - Properties is requesting that all bus keys be turned into the church office. We are striving for a better system of usage and accountability that will allow better management and proper maintenance of the bus. Church Budget - The Finance committee is presently reviewing the budget by line item and we need your input. If you are responsible for any line items associated with the budget, we would like for you to present your request as soon as possible. Please contact Bill Scanlon at 919-217-6027 with your requests.

KBC Christmas

Worship Opportunities Sunday, December 7th - Youth Caroling after 11:00

am worship service.

Sunday, December 14th - “God is With Us” Worship

Experience at 6:30 pm.

Wednesday, December 24th - Christmas Eve Service at 5:00 pm.

This week’s Deacon Greeter: “Pete” Harrell

This week’s

Deacon of the Week: Robin Farrington

Deacon Greeter for 12/07/14:

Terry Johnson

Deacon of the Week for 12/07/14:

“Pete” Harrell

Baptist Knight of the Week: Bill Scanlon

November Ushers:


Class sponsoring Koffee Before Church for


Christian Service

Sunday’s Schedule First Sunday of Advent Food Pantry Sunday 9:15 am Koffee Before Church

9:45 am Bible Study

11:00 am HOG Worship Service

11:30 am Faith Expressions Practice 6:30 pm Snack-n-YAK Monday Schedule 6:00 pm Open Basketball - FLC 6:00 pm F.C. Class Party - FH Tuesday Schedule 10:00 am BALL Club 5:30 pm Read & Feed - FH 6:00 pm Upward Practice - FLC Wednesday Schedule 6:30 pm Adult Bible Study - FH

6:30 pm Pack Parade Bags - C.Rm.

6:30 pm Mission Friends

6:30 pm RA’s and GA’s - FLC

6:30 pm YAK 360

7:15 pm Children’s Choir Practice - FLC 7:30 pm Worship Choir Practice Thursday Schedule 7:00 pm Properties Committee Mtg - C.Rm. Friday Schedule 5:00 pm FLC Reserved Saturday Schedule 9:00 am Upward Games - FLC 2:00 pm Knightdale Christmas Parade 3:00 pm FLC Reserved

Weekly Calendar Reminders

Next Sunday’s Schedule Second Sunday of Advent 9:15 am Koffee Before Church

9:45 am Bible Study

11:00 am Worship Service

11:30 am Faith Expressions Practice

12:15 pm Youth Caroling

6:30 pm Snack-n-YAK


Welcome Guests! Please fill out the following to let us know how we may

be of service to you. Please place in the offering plate

or give to an usher.





Address ____________________________

City __________________ State________

Zip _____________ Phone _____________

Email ______________________________

□ Current Church Membership & City



□ A Student at ______________________

□ Single □ Married

Adult Age Group Please Circle

18-25 26-35 36-45

46-50 51-59 60+

School Grade of Each Child Please Circle

K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12

Age of Preschooler(s) Please Circle

Infant 1 2 3 4 5

I learned of Knightdale Baptist Church





Children’s Time for: 12/07/14: James Lucas 12/14/14: Jamie Rosehart

Children’s Worship Leaders Today ...

Crib Babies: Melissa Abshire, Susan Sauls Toddlers/2-3 yr.: Claudia and Courtney Glover,

Margaret Humphries, Cindy Russell

Children’s Church: James Lucas Assistants: David and Beverly Hinton

Next Sunday’s Leaders ...

Crib Babies: Cheryl and Rachel Jackson Toddlers/2-3 yr.: Volunteers Needed

Mike and Angie Wallis

Children’s Church: James Lucas Assistants: Kristin and Tim Poirier

Nursery Coordinator for November: DeAnne Talley (919) 217-8076

Please note: If for some reason you are not available to help on the day that you volunteered to work, we ask that you please don’t forget to find a replacement for yourself so there is adequate coverage during the worship service. Also, if you have a change in the schedule for the children’s nursery or children’s church, please contact the monthly coordinator so that the change can be made prior to the printing of the worship bulletin. However, any permanent changes in the schedule should continue to be handled by the lead coordinator.

Thank you for all your help.

Attention KBC Parents: If you have a child participating in children’s worship, please make sure they are picked up at the end of the church service by a parent or adult. The children’s worship leaders will only allow children to be picked up by a parent or adult from the nursery, toddler, 2-3 year old, 4-5 year old, or 6-7 year old classrooms. We love our children at KBC and want to ensure their safety!

Thank you


Name _____________________________



Phone _____________________________

Email _____________________________

I am interested in...

□ Becoming a Christian

□ Becoming a member

□ Being baptized

□ Preschool/Children’s Ministries

□ Youth Ministries

□ College Ministries

□ Singles Ministries

□ Adult Bible Study

□ Music Ministries

□ Missions Organizations

□ Wednesday Evening Activities

□ Receiving the KBC Newsletter

_____ by mail _____ by email

(please list name, address, or email address above)

Sign up for the Wednesday Night Fellowship


Number Attending: ______ Adult

______ Children 4-9

______ Children 3 and Under

Members and Guests:

Please use this space for prayer requests...


Rev. Trent Sessoms ....................... (919) 604-2950 ...........................Senior Pastor

Rev. Hal Roach ............................... (919) 217-1764 ..................Minister of Worship

Rev. Joe Johnston .......................... (252) 531-6812 ............................Youth Pastor

Rev. George W. Pullium, Jr. ............................................................. Pastor Emeritus

Mrs. Dana Coleman .................................................................................Keyboardist

Mrs. Ann Coleman ........................................................................................ Organist

Mrs. Patty Jones .................................................................. Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Christi Boggs.........................................................................Preschool Director

Knightdale Baptist Church • 15 Main Street, Knightdale, NC 27545 (919) 266-2471 • fax (919) 266-0984 • www.knightdalebaptist.org

2015 2016 2017

Christie Hatch Sam Maise Robin Farrington

David Hinton (Chair) Carolyn Martinson Terry Johnson Monique Mackey Jeff Maynard “Pete” Harrell

Bill Scanlon Marsha Spivey Stephen Tew

KBC Mission Statement The Mission of Knightdale Baptist Church, as a loving, unified body, is to worship God and share Christ through various Christian ministries, teaching, service, prayer and fellowship.

Budget Report for 11/23/2014:

YTD Budget Requirement: $371,798.24 YTD Budget Giving Received: $312,237.36 Restore the Money Market: $30,000.00 YTD Non-Budget Giving Received: $24,131.36

YTD Total Giving: $366,368.72

Contributions this week were in memory of : Charlie White

And in honor of: Faye Phillips and Mr. & Mrs. John B. Parrish

Attendance: Morning Worship 127 Sunday School 83

Flower Ministry

Please enjoy the beautiful flowers in the sanctuary this Christmas Season! A new flower calendar is up for you to sign up for your special day in 2014.

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