hand made mother’s day gifts

Post on 25-Mar-2016






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The first word a child learns to speak is the word “MOM”. The most happiest day of the life of a mother is when you say the word “Mom” for the first time and since then she does so much for us and we as children forget to thank them or appreciate their hard work.


Hand made Mother’s Day Gifts

By : http://www.mothersday2014s.com

The first word a child learns to speak is the word “MOM”. The most happiest day of the life of a mother is when you say the word “Mom” for the first time and since then she does so much for us and we as children forget to thank them or appreciate their hard work.

Mother’s Day is the day on which you can express your love and show your appreciation for all the hard work she does for you.

Througout the world every year Mother’s day is celeberated to thank mothers and appreciate their hard work they do.

There are many ways to thank your mother, you can buy them a beautiful gift, you can take your mother for lunch or dinner, you can send her a greeting card.

send her a text message or send her a Mother’s Day quote on facebook when is mothers day 2014?.

You can also think of making a gift from the things available at your home or from the local store.

Home made gifts always make good gifts and the best way to show your love for your mother.

Start her day by serving her breakfast prepared by you. Make her a scrumbled egg, sausages and a bread toast along with tea or coffee.

When you serve the breakfast will make your mother happy.

I am sure you would have flower pots in your house

The flower pot and decorate the flower pot and keep the flower pot visible where your mother can see.

Tell your mother you have done it for you(mother).

Sented and colored candels would also make great gifts. Why not make a colored andcented candle at home and gift it to your mother.

Why not make a greeting card and gift her. If you are good at drawing designes and colors, then make a beautiful greeting card and gift it to your visit mothersday2014s.com.

Handprint tshirt. You can make hand prints of your hands on a t shirt, may be also write a beautiful quote on t shirt and you can gift your mother.

You can also make Handprint aprons, it is simple as well, make beautiful hand prints on apron and gift it to your mother.

You can make paper flower from colored papers and gift to your mother.

You can also make a vase for the unused jars you find In the kitchen. Decorate the jar andput paper flowers in it and present it to your mother.

These are few ideas for home made gifts you can use to gift your mother.

As you have made this gifts I am sure your mother is going to love it.

For mothers everything that is given by her childrens are precious and pricelss and especially if you have made it and gift, then these gifts will surely make your mother’s Mother’s day special.

Thank you

CREDIT : http://www.mothersday2014s.com

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