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2017 December Script Shores Hampstead United Methodist Church

I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :
















Skip’s Scoop

Saturday Betsy and I went shopping, trying to get a

head start on our Christmas presents. As we entered one

of the many department stores in Wilmington, I overheard

a woman praying as she hauled gift bags out to her car. At

least, I THINK she was praying, about some situation in

her life-- her words were “LORD! I’m glad THAT ordeal is

over!” Then I realized her comments were aimed at the

conclusion of her Christmas shopping! Of all the blessings

she might have gotten from giving, I’m sad to say, I think

she may have missed the spirit of it all!

There are great blessings going on here at HUMC!

Right now, at this very moment, I’m witnessing a bunch of

our members gathering in the narthex to hand out

Thanksgiving food bags (CHAP Program) to the needy folks

in our community. Actually, I’m not “witnessing” them –

I’m hearing them! What a raucous bunch they are! Having

a great time, telling stories, teasing each other, and every

now and then stopping to share in God’s blessings!

I wonder if they know how much they would have

missed if they hadn’t come here today?! If they hadn’t

made themselves available to serve those less fortunate

than themselves?! God put together this ministry to help

folks with food, no doubt – but He also came up with

CHAP so some of us could fellowship, laugh, give and re-

joice together! It seems a shame that Christmas follows

Thanksgiving so closely-- for that reason we’re tempted

to run right by Thanksgiving to get to the strain (uhh, I

mean the joy) of the Nativity!

They’re very similar, the two seasons are. They’re

both expressions of deep and spiritual appreciation for

the things God has done and is doing for our nation and

2017 December Script Shores Page 2

Skip’s Scoop Continued...

for our faith. But there is one major difference in the two seasons-- Christmas also has an ele-

ment of anticipation; it adds a flavor of the future. We give thanks at Christmas, and we sing

carols of praise for our merciful and loving God. But we also celebrate the challenges that God

brings to us, as we share our Baby, our Lord, our Christ!

Jesus is not a Christmas present, in terms of our experience with presents! He IS a gift,

and THE Gift that gives for ever! There is joy in receiving Him, growing closer to Him and

treasuring Him. But He is the most wonderful “RE-Gift” in all God’s creation! This may be hard

to grasp, but God gave us His Son so we could “RE-GIFT” with Him-- accept Him for ourselves,

then send Him on to others, for they need Him just as much as we do!

I certainly hope you have a merry Christmas! But I also hope that you will do every-

thing necessary to HAVE a happy and merry Christmas—get with God’s people; pray; share

stories; laugh together; maybe even share tears of forgiveness and joy! And give! Then you

AND Christ will have fulfilled God’s purpose for this holy season!

Merry Christmas! Skip

Alternative Gift Market

Visit the Alternative Gift Market following each service on December 3rd. The Market is located in

Room #3, the Library. You can select from six outreach missions of HUMC and give a donation "In

Honor" of the recipient of your gift. You will be given a Christmas Card with an insert describing the

mission. Please fill out the "Shopping List" (green insert) available in your bulletin or the narthex.

Donations maybe given to:

The Appalachia Service Project (ASP) funding HUMC 2018 team

Leap of Faith – at HUMC Anonymous food Pantry at HUMC

MUNCH- Meals Until No Child Hungers- Eastern Pender Elementary

& Middle Schools

Four C's Food Pantry

Upward Soccer – at HUMC

WARM—Wilmington Area Rebuilding Ministry—Repairing, upgrading

homes in Pender County

Thank you to all who supported the “CHAP” Community Holiday Assistance Pro-

gram right here in Hampstead. The fifty families were blessed at Thanksgiving with

your special meal and will enjoy a more blessed Christmas with your donations.

—Peggy Harris, Missions Chair

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By order of his Royal Majesty, the Emperor, it is decreed that all

the world should be counted and taxed. Therefore, let each

person and family come for

“A Night in Bethlehem”

Donkeys must be tied on the north side of the building and all

should enter through the proper gate to be counted.

Do not plan on spending the night as you may find the Inn

to be full.

This event will be held outdoors, weather permitting, so dress

appropriately. If there is a chance of rain, all can be counted the

following day.

All taxing will take place on the date and time shown in the lower

corner. Those found disobeying this law to appear will be sen-

tenced to a holiday season without the true spirit of Christmas.

So let it be written, so let it be done.

Caesar Augustus

Date: December 15, rain date, December 16

Time: 6:00—9:00pm

Place: Hampstead United Methodist Church,

15395 Hwy 17

Hampstead, NC

Page 4 2017 December Script Shores

Holiday Worship Services


Normal Worship Service, 10:00 AM

Candlelight Christmas Eve Services, 5:00 PM & 7:00 PM

Holy Communion will be served at all three services.

Candles will be lit during singing of “Silent Night.”

Invite your family & friends!

A nursery is provided (except for 10:00 AM).


Lessons & Carols

(One Service Only, 10:00 AM)

We at HUMC have been blessed with a very loyal, loving and

dedicated Staff. Please join us as we gather a love offering between

now and December 17th. Place your gift in the offering plate marked

“Staff Christmas” or see a member of SPRC. This love offering will be

shared among all our staff members as a token of our thanks and best

wishes for a Happy Holiday season. Thank you all for being such a loving, caring


—Staff Parish Relations Committee

Staff Love Offering

Lovely Ladies Luncheon

The Lovely Ladies will not be meeting during the month of December. Merry Christmas to you all.

We’ll meet in January. Thank you all for your wonderful suggestions for our lunches. We’ve had a

fun year. Stay well during the holidays and all during the coming year.

—Sharolyn Schwiesow & Glen Pettygrove

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Music Notes

It’s getting cold outside, so you know what that means!

It’s time to enjoy the Christmas Season with all we have

to offer at HUMC! And I believe we have a HUMdinger

of a Cantata for you this year! The Cantata Choir and

Orchestra will proudly present to you, “Tapestry of

Light: A Celtic Christmas Celebration.” This

Cantata is a joining of traditional carols, primarily from

the British Isles, with scripture reading, creating a

glorious fabric of melody and truth, sure to warm the

cockles of your heart!

A Candlelight Cantata service w ill be presented on Saturday, Dec. 9th and Sunday, Dec.

10th at 7 PM. Please note: There is only ONE service on Sunday morning, Dec.10th at

10AM, and that w ill be designated for our morning presentation of the Cantata! The

Cantata Choir and Orchestra have, once again, been working innumerable hours on this exciting,

musical adventure, and we hope you will find it most uplifting! With three opportunities to come

experience this unique blending of familiar carols with alternate tunes, it is my hope that you will

invite everyone you know to attend one of these special services with you. (Nursery will be provided

during all three services.) Whom will you ask to come share this glorious event?!

The Cantata Choir will sing throughout the month of December, including Christmas Eve, at the

ONE SERVICE at 10AM, as well as both the 5:00 and 7:00PM services! If you have not had the op-

portunity to attend a Christmas Eve service, or even if you have attended every year, I invite you to

join your church family and guests, as the light of our candles fills the sanctuary, illuminating the

face of each person who comes to welcome Jesus into our hearts that night!

As this calendar year races to an end… (And they are getting faster with each passing year! Hey! I’m

still wondering where SUMMER went!!)… Let me thank all my “musical people” for their dedication

to His service. And to the congregation, I thank you for the loving support you offer throughout the

year, to our musical groups, to Kevin Kolb, and to me. May each and every one of you have a blessed


Yours in Song,


Preschool News “For unto us a child is born.” Isaiah 9:6

December brings our favorite unit of study: Christmas! Our devotion

is the Nativity story. Compassion is our character trait and the postman is

our community helper.

There’s nothing like the Christmas season. Children become so excited they can’t

contain themselves. Teachers help them to channel their energy into fun and creativity.

Parents work tirelessly to make their children’s Christmas dreams come true. All of us know

the Santa part of Christmas. At preschool we also believe in the importance of teaching

children the Jesus part of Christmas.

Thank you to Cindy Klempay for being our visiting reader during November. The

children really enjoyed listening to you read to them.

We will collect items for the Pender County Headstart Gift Bag Program until Monday,

December 11th. Help us help others and share your Christmas spirit with children. A list of

items needed follows.

Merry Christmas!

Peace and prayers,

Judy Lane

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Please Help with the Preschool Christmas Gift Bag Program!

The following is a list of suggested donations. All items must be in by Monday, December 11th.

Large gift bags Board books Coloring books Paint books

Story books Crayons, Markers Stuffed animals Pencils and Sharpeners

Clothes (size 3-5) Coats/Jackets Hats, gloves, mittens Socks/Underwear

Hairbrushes/Combs Toothbrushes/Toothpaste Kids soaps/shampoos

Cereal bars Packaged snacks Small toys

Share the Good News!

Bold, red Advent Invitations, detailing special events in the life of our church

in December, are available in the narthex. These are invitations for ourselves

and also your friends and neighbors, to invite them to come too! Take a

number of these cards, and extend that invitation to many!

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Hampstead OWLS Older, Wiser, Lively Seniors

The OWLS will meet Thursday, December 14th at 11 o’clock in room 5/6. We will have our

annual cookie exchange and will play a game or two. Soooo... dust off your favorite recipe

or start testing the samples at your favorite grocery or bakery. You don’t want to miss this fun filled

event! If you have any questions please give me a call (508-4777)

—Shirleen Spencer

HUMC Altar Flower Guild

We are gearing up for a glorious Advent season! Poinsettias will be placed in the

sanctuary on December 9th in time for the Cantata.

Just a reminder, if you have placed an order for a Poinsettia and would like to pick it

up at the church, please wait until after the last service on Christmas Eve.

We are still welcoming new members to our Guild. If you have any interest or would like to know

more about our ministry, please let me know. No experience is needed.

We are also looking for people who can deliver small vases of flowers to those in need on Monday

mornings. If you can help us out, please contact Debbie Gouge at candle12lady@yahoo.com. Thank you for

your consideration.

—Marilyn Flanders, Flower Guild Chairperson

marilyn.wayne@yahoo.com, 270-1091

Give the Gift of LIFE!

Searching for the perfect gift to give? At no cost and just an hour or so of your time, you can give the

gift of life! Donating blood can save up to three lives. Our HUMC blood drive is Monday, December 4th

from 1:30 to 6:00 PM in our sanctuary. To schedule an appointment, call 910-254-4483.

Many thanks to all who responded to my request for volunteers to assist with our blood

drives. For the December 4th drive, I thank Molly Johnson and her crew of youth who will help

with the greeting of donors and at the canteen. Any questions or concerns, contact Nancy

McKelvey at 910-264-9405.

Intercessory Prayer Group

Intercessory Prayer meeting is held each Tuesday at 9:00 in the "chapel" for lack of a better way to describe our meeting room. We invite any and all to join us in an informal hour of prayer. If you would like to pray with us, that is fine. If you would like to receive prayer for yourself or another, please let us know. We are a small group of church members welcoming any and all for this hour of time in meditation, prayer, song, or any form of worship you may choose. You do not have to have special gifts or talents just a desire to commune with our Lord. You do not have to actively pray "out loud" in a group setting. You can sit still listening for His word and experiencing His presence. We would love to meet you.

—Dottie Webb

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Greetings from Queenie the Church Mouse!

Here we are, getting ready to celebrate the Christmas Season at Hampstead UMC. So

unbelievable that this will be my sixth Christmas with all of you this year. It seems like only

yesterday that I stepped out on faith and managed to slide into one of the lady’s purses at

Duke University Chapel, that hot July day. Some of you may remember that day that you

came to visit Pastor Trudy and to attend the service at the Chapel. Several of you were talking about a place

called Hampstead, so I gathered up my nerve, packed a small suitcase, said goodbye to my rather large family

and off we went. Like I explained many years ago, I had to find a church of my own where I could grow in

ministry and be of some use. I come from a very prominent, prestigious line of Church Mice, dating back to

helping Charles Wesley pen his hymns, such as “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing,” published in 1739.

I will admit I prayed a lot that hot July day that I was doing the right thing and that I would not be dis-

covered and tossed out of a moving church van! I was sure that there were no other church mice at Hampstead

UMC, as I overheard someone say, “Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a church mouse.” Anyway, not to take up

the whole page on what happened so long ago. Let me just say, “Thank You to all of you for allowing me to be

your humble church mouse.” I have been blessed, and I hope my presence has blessed some of you!

So, here we are celebrating the Christmas season 2017! The sanctuary has been transformed into a place of

anticipation. The Chrismon tree, with its twinkling white lights and beautiful white and gold ornaments, faith-

fully stands tall. Each white and gold ornament has a part in telling all God’s people the reason for the season,

our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Advent wreath, with its candles of purple and pink, surrounding the white candle of Christ, antici-

pates the coming of the newborn babe wrapped in swaddling clothes. The green wreath, encircling the candles,

reminds us that there is no beginning or end of Christ’s love. As a wee little mouse, I remember our family

coming together to light each candle and hearing the scriptures read and singing hymns like “O Come, O

Come, Emmanuel” or “O Little Town of Bethlehem.”

I look forward to returning to Bethlehem as volunteers from the congregation travel back in time, open-

ing shops, walking the streets as shepherds, angels, and even the dreaded tax collectors and lepers! And then

visitors get to witness Jesus lying in a manger. It makes my whiskers wiggle when I hear the children tell their

parents that they saw Baby Jesus lying in the manger! I am also thankful that the many tunnels to travel by are

still in place. The field mice did an exceptional job. I was concerned a bit this year, as a lot of preparation has

taken place in preparation for the proposed fellowship hall. But, all is well! Bless those field mice!

So, my friends, I invite you to share in my anticipation during this Advent and Christmas Season.

Savor each day, spend time with family and friends, spread the Christmas message with another, perhaps a

stranger that becomes a friend through your reaching out to them.

Until next time, I lovingly remain your Church Mouse,

Queenie the Church Mouse

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Laity Notes

Advent is a time of preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ. A United Methodist

pastor wrote a special prayer which is easy for individuals, churches, or families to use

during this season of anticipation.

“Advent Devotion”

by the Rev. Jerry Chism

Oh Immanuel, God with us, truly in this Advent season we celebrate that you are not

hidden in some faraway cloud, but you chose to be with us in the blur and mystery of our


In the midst of lists and rush, you are with us as a song that echoes in our minds, as the light of a can-

dle, as a card from a friend. They are signs of your presence. We turn to you this season and pray that you

would birth joy and healing, blessing and hope in us. Let something wonderful begin in us — something

surprising and holy. May your hand be upon us. Let your love fill us. Let your joy overwhelm us.

Let our longing for you be met on a coming holy night. Immanuel with us once again. Amen.

Have a blessed and very Merry Christmas !

—Steve Calarco, Lay Leader

Year End Reminder From Your Finance Committee

As the year draws to a close, the last Sunday to place a 2017 contribution in the collection plate is December

31, 2017. If you are planning to mail a contribution, it must be postmarked by January 2, 2018. Because

December 31, is a Sunday, if you are making a contribution on that date, please note on your check if your

contribution is for 2017 or 2018, so that we can credit you for the proper year.

If you are planning to donate stock or mutual funds for 2017, please make sure your broker understands the

transaction must be completed in time for our brokerage account to liquidate the funds before December 31, to

credit your 2017 giving—please contact Betsy Williams, Financial Secretary, for a form to give to your broker,

listing our brokerage account information. If you are donating funds directly from an IRA, please contact your

tax advisor for rules regarding that type of donation. We should also have those funds in our account by

December 31.

We are trying some new things this year and will be printing an ‘interim’ financial statement at the end of

November, so that you will have an opportunity to view your giving before year-end. Please pick up your

interim statement Sunday, December 3, to avoid postage for the church. At that time, you may also pick up a

packet of offering envelopes to begin using January 1, 2018! Anyone may request a packet of envelopes, and

there are envelopes in the booklet for each Sunday (if you wish to defray the cost of the booklet--which is

$2.00, the ‘initial’ envelope in the booklet may be used for that purpose).

If you have any questions regarding your pledge status or other year-end items, please contact Betsy Williams,

Financial Secretary (910) 270-4648, ext 101.

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United Methodist Men

Recent news: Low Country Boil event has passed with some success (just wait until next year folks)!

Talk has raised a possible early 2018 event (we will see…). Also, we will have our December Meeting on

Saturday the 2nd at 8AM. Several post breakfast projects are slated. ALL men 16 and older are welcome!!

As we enter into the Advent Season and we find ourselves out and about and surrounded by people, some of

whom are less than happy; please remember that our attitude, our words, even our body language can have an

effect on those around us. I want to share with you a passage from Chuck Swindol’s book ‘ATTITUDE’:

‘The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than

education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than success, than what other people think or say or

do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company… a church… a

home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we embrace for that day. We

cannot change our past… we cannot change the fact that people act in a certain way. We cannot change the

inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude… I am

convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you… we are in

charge of our ATTITUDES.’

May this season of celebrating God’s gift to humankind bring each of us a renewed sense of our importance to

ALL of those around us. May we be the example Christ showed us to be and, in turn, make God smile.

—Al Smith

MUNCH—BackPack Meals Program

Our numbers have increased. We are now doing 95 backpacks each weekend for the children in the middle and the

three elementary schools here in Hampstead. As always, the need for food items and monetary donations are

essential to keep this program moving forward. For our highlighted item this month, let’s do pancake/waffle mix

and syrup. Our most needed items are listed below:

Pasta Sauce (24 oz. can)

Pasta 1lb box

Spaghetti O’s or store brand equivalent


Canned chicken and tuna

Tuna and Chicken “Helpers”

Granola Bars, Peanut Butter Crackers

Pancake/Waffle Mix and Syrup

(“Reduced Sugar” and “Lower Sodium” are best! Please, NO glass containers please.)

If you prefer to do a monetary donation, we are pleased to receive it. Just write a check to HUMC and put

“MUNCH” in the memo field. That’s all it takes! Again, thank you for your generous support of MUNCH!

—Chip Davis, HUMC MUNCH BackPack Program Coordinator

2017 December Script Shores Page 11

Dear HUMW,

Yesterday Nov.19 was an exciting day in our church. The Church members who attended the presenta-

tion of new church plans voted to continue with proposed plans. If you have questions ask Chairman

Hiram Williams, other members of the committee or yesterday’s attendees.

Busy December is here. Please attend all activities that you can. You will be spiritually richer for it.

Listed below are our upcoming activities:

Dec 2nd we will hold our UMW Christmas Luncheon open to ALL women of the Church from 11:30-1:00

p.m. Hope Circle will hostess

Dec. 4th the Friendship Circle will meet at Loretta’s for supper

Dec.4th the Spirit Circle will dine out at chosen restaurant

Dec. 12th The Hope Circle will dine out for lunch

Jan. 8th The Friendship and Spirit Circles will meet at HUMC, Rm. 9 and the library respectively

Jan. 9th the Hope Circle will meet at 9:45 in Rm.2

Jan. 11th the HUMW Executive Meeting will take place at 6 p.m. in the Library

Jan. 27th ALOTS & Cluster Meeting will take place in Wallace UMC in Wallace

Feb, 5th Friendship and Spirit Circles will meet at HUMC Rm. 9 and the Library respectively

Feb. 11th HUMW Annual Candy and Bake Sale after each service

Feb. 13th Hope Circle in Rm. 2 at 9:45

Feb.24th HD Social Action Event-Faith Harbor UMC, Surf City


HUMW wishes you an enriching and joyous Christmas holiday!

Kay Williams

United Methodist Women

To Our Hampstead Family,

Thank you for your cards, your flowers, your kind words and specially your prayers as we adjust to life without my Mom’s presence. One can never be fully prepared in the loss of a family member and to have the support of our family here at HUMC is invaluable. May the grace of God be with you always!

In Christ,

Al & Karen Smith

Cards & Letters...

2017 December Script Shores Page 12


Altar Flowers

Anniversaries... Name Date

Mike & Linda Tedder December 08

Terry & Terrie Tracy December 11

Jerry & Sheila Rodney December 14

Bill & Cheryle Shaffer December 19

Bill & Helen Rogers December 20

Dale & Angie Bolin December 22

Larry & Vicki Crane December 22

Bob & Ginger Wells December 22

Carson & Dottie Webb December 24

Hiram & Kathy Williams December 27

Bill & Carolyn Justice December 31

Date Dedication

December 3 Mike & Linda Tedder. . .

“In celebration of our 50th wedding anniversary.”

December 3 Nancy Davis. . .

“In loving memory of my father Axel Skoland.”

December 10 Judy Harrelson. . .

“In loving memory of my daughter Melissa Britt and

in loving memory of my husband Truett Harrelson.”

December 10 Ken Sheaffer. . .

“In celebration of Ruth’s birthday.”

December 17 Janet Toedt. . .

“In loving memory of Lynn Toedt.”

Name Date

Maggie Parrish December 01

Skippy Redinger December 01

Joy Smoots December 01

Donna Cook December 02

Jean Loughlin December 02

John Cockrum December 03

Matt Thomas December 03

Claudette Brown December 04

Anthony Snyder December 05

Ronan McGuire December 06

Brenda Batson December 08

Allison Rooks December 08

Helen Rooks December 08

Ruth Sheaffer December 09

Ute Wolf December 09

Shania Eckhardt December 10

Tara Eckhardt December 10

Trish Allen December 12

John Biles December 12

Lucy Deaton December 12

Jim Godwin December 12

Maddie McLeod December 12

Karen Saari December 14

Rose Southerland December 14

Frank Gibson December 15

Spencer Dunthorn December 16

Hope Gibson December 16

Fran Kestner December 18

Cheryle Shaffer December 18

Pat Frankenberger December 19

Bill Shaffer December 19

Rhys Woodfill December 19

Henry Batton December 23

Jim McLeod December 23

Mike Richardson December 23

Rachael Rodney December 24

Melissa Hedelius December 25

Ric Nipper December 26

Madeline Gibson December 27

Mary McLamb December 27

John Wolfenbarger December 28

Pat Davis December 29

Kathleen David December 30

Colleen Humphrey December 31

Sheila Rodney December 31

Sean Walker December 31

Hampstead United Methodist Church

15395 Highway 17

Hampstead, NC 28443

Website: hampsteadumc.org

E-Mail: office@hampsteadumc.org

(910) 270-4648

HUMC Staff

Rev. Samuel “Skip” Williams, Pastor


Patti Rouse, Director of Music


Judy Lane, Director of Preschool


Melody Doyle, Director of Children

& Youth Ministries


Lacy Quehl, Administrative Assistant


Financial Secretary


Kim Zampitella, Child Care Provider

Kevin Kolb, Accompanist

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