hadoop and hdfs overview -...

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Hadoop and HDFS OverviewMadhu Ankam

Why Hadoop

• We are gathering more data than ever

• Examples of data :• Server logs

• Web logs

• Financial transactions

• Analytics

• Emails and text messages

• Social media like Facebook, twitter etc.

• Data is value and we must process that to extract the value.

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Data Accessibility

• How can we process all that information

• There are actually two problems• Large-scale data storage

• Large-scale data analysis

• Although we can process data more quickly (because of faster processors), accessing is slow (this is true for both reads and writes).

• For example, reading a single disk for terabytes of data take hours, so we cannot process the data until we have read it and we are limited by the speed of the single disk.

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Data Accessibility

• Traditional computation is processor-bound, bigger and powerful machines. But they are highly costly and limited scalability.

• So the solution is distributed computing across machines using powerful compute nodes, data storage and fast network to connect.

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HDFS: The Hadoop Distributed File System

• Based on Google’s GFS (Google File System)

• Provides redundant storage for massive amounts of data (Using Industry-standard hardware)

• At load time, data is distributed across all nodes, provides for efficient processing.

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HDFS Features

• It is suitable for the distributed storage and processing.

• Hadoop provides a command interface to interact with HDFS.

• The built-in servers of namenode and datanode help users to easily check the status of cluster.

• Streaming access to file system data.

• HDFS provides file permissions and authentication.

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HDFS Design Assumptions

• High component failure rates – inexpensive components fail all the time

• Files are write-once

• Large streaming reads, not random access

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HDFS Blocks

• Generally the user data is stored in the files of HDFS.

• The file in a file system will be divided into one or more segments and/or stored in individual data nodes. These file segments are called as blocks.

• In other words, the minimum amount of data that HDFS can read or write is called a Block.

• The default block size is 64MB, but it can be increased as per the need to change in HDFS configuration.

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HDFS Blocks

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HDFS Replications

• These blocks are replicated to nodes throughout the cluster, based on the replication factor (default is three).

• Replication increases reliability and performance.

• Reliability: data can tolerate loss of all but one replica

• Performance : more opportunities for data locality.

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HDFS Replications

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HDFS without High Availability

• We can deploy HDFS with or without high availability

• Without high availability, there are three daemons

1. Namenode (master)

2. Secondary Namenode (master)

3. Datanode (slave)

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• The namenode is the commodity hardware that contains the GNU/Linux operating system and the namenode software. It is a software that can be run on commodity hardware. The system having the namenode acts as the master server and it does the following tasks:

• Manages the file system namespace.

• Regulates client’s access to files.

• It also executes file system operations such as renaming, closing, and opening files and directories.

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• The datanode is a commodity hardware having the GNU/Linux operating system and datanode software. For every node (Commodity hardware/System) in a cluster, there will be a datanode. These nodes manage the data storage of their system.

• Datanodes perform read-write operations on the file systems, as per client request.

• They also perform operations such as block creation, deletion, and replication according to the instructions of the namenode.

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Secondary Namenode

• The secondary namenode is not a failover namenode.

• It performs memory-intensive administrative functions for the namenode.

• Namenode keeps information about files and blocks (the metadata) in memory.

• Namenode writes metadata changes to an edit log

• Secondary namenode periodically combines a prior snapshot of the file sytem metadata and edit log into a new snapshot.

• New snapshot is transmitted back to the namenode.

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HDFS with High Availability

• We can deploy HDFS with high availability to eliminate the namenodeSingle Point of Failure.

• Two Namenodes: one active and one standby.

• Standby namenode takes over when active namenode fails.

• Standby namenode also does checkpointing (secondary namenode no longer needed).

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HDFS with High Availability

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File Write

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File Write Process

• Client connects to the namenode, name node places n entry for the file in its metadata, returns name and list of datanodes to the client.

• Client connects to the first datanode and starts sending data.

• As data is received by the first datanode, it connects to the second and starts sending data, second one connects to the third.

• Acknowledgement packets from the pipeline are sent back to the client.

• Client reports to the namenode when the block is written.

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File Write Process

• If a Datanode in the pipeline fails, the pipeline is closed. A new pipeline is opened with the two good nodes.

• The data continues to be written to the two good nodes in the pipeline.

• The namenode will realize that the block is under-replicated, and will re-replicate it to another Datanode.

• As blocks of data are written, the client calculates a checksum for each block.

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Rack Awareness

• Hadoop understands the concept of rack awareness

• The idea of where nodes are located, relative to one another

• Helps the resource manager allocate processing resources on nodes closest to the data

• Helps the namenode determine the closest block to a client during reads.

• HDFS replicates data blocks on nodes on different racks, provides extra data security in case of catastrophic hardware failure.

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HDFS block replication strategy

• First copy of the block is placed on the same node as the client, if the client is not part of the cluster, the first block is placed on a random node.

• Second copy of the block is placed on a node residing on a different rack.

• Third copy of the block is placed on different node in the same rack as the second copy.

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Anatomy of a File Read

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• Client connects to the namenode.

• Namenode returns the name and locations of the first few blocks of the file, block locations are returned closest-first.

• Client connects to the first of the datanodes, and reads the block.

• If the datanode fails during the read, the client will seamlessly connects to the next one in the list to read the block.

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Dealing with Data corruption

• When a client reading the block, it also verifies the checksum, if they differ, the client reads from the next datanode in the list.

• The datanode also verifies the checksums for blocks on a regular basis to avoid corruption of data. Default is every three weeks after the block was created.

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Dealing with data

• The data never travels via a Namenode, for writes, or reads or during the re-replication.

• Datanodes send heartbeats to the namenode every three seconds

• After a period without any heartbeats, a datanode is assumed to be lost. Then namenode finds another datanodes to replicate the data.

• A datanode can rejoin a cluster after being down for a period of time.

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HDFS File Permissions

• Files in HDFS have an owner, a group and others permissions very similar to Unix/Linux file permissions.

• File permissions are read (r), write (w) and execute (x) for each owner, group and others.

• X is ignored for files by default, for directories, x means that its children can be accessed.

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