growth & development. areas of human development four key components to human development are:

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Growth & Development

Areas of Human DevelopmentAreas of Human DevelopmentFour key components to human development are:

• Physical Development –

• Cognitive Development –

• Social Development –

• Motor Skills Development –

Age and Physical DevelopmentAge and Physical Development

• Chronological age

• Skeletal age

• Developmental age

The American Athlete - Aged 101. What is unique about the Home Run Baseball Camp?2. Explain the psyche of the average 10 year old.3. Why do kids lose the capability to engage in magical

thinking after 10?4. What is the beehive effect?5. What is wrong with specialization in sports at age 10?

Give a sports injury caused by early specialization.6. What do adults emphasize when they engage in sport?

If left alone to play what would 10 year olds emphasize?7. Analyze the ‘travel team coach’ for 10 year olds.

(hockey, baseball, basketball, etc.)8. Why has skateboarding boomed?9. Comment on the tips provided by Cal Ripken for youth

sports. How do they conflict with the fact that the league that bears his name sponsors regional and national 9 & 10 year old tournaments?

Phases of MovementPhases of MovementReflexive movement (birth to 4 months)– Humans show controlled motor development

Rudimentary movement (birth to 2 years)– Locomotor activity (manipulation & stability)

Fundamental movement (two to seven years)– Basic movement skills

Sport-Related Movement (seven years to adulthood)– Three phases

• General, Specific & Specialized

Sport Related Movement Specific Stage 11 – 13 Years Old

Sport Related Movement Specialized Stage

14 + Years Old

Social Skill Attributes ChecklistSocial Skill Attributes Checklist• The child who is socially adept will usually:

– Approach others positively– Express wishes and preferences clearly– Assert own rights and needs appropriately– Is not easily intimidated by bullies– Express frustrations and anger effectively– Make relevant contributions to ongoing activities– Take turns fairly – Show an interest in others– Negotiate and compromise appropriately– Does not draw inappropriate attention to self– Accepts peers and adults of ethnic groups other than own– Interact non-verbally with other children (e.g., smiles, waves, nods)

Factors Affecting Physical GrowthFactors Affecting Physical Growth• Glandular/Hormonal Activity

– Hormones affect metabolism– Glands can suffer from diseases

• Heredity– Parents genes influence size & somatotype

• Nutrition/Diet– Inadequate/unbalanced diet can lead to physical

development issues• Physical Activity

– Lack of activity harmful/excess also negative– Balance is key

• Socio Economic Statis / Class Factors– Depends on opportunity/values, diet, sleep

Basic Principles – Motor LearningBasic Principles – Motor Learning

• Motor learning

• Root of any motor activity lies in the sensory and nervous systems

• Motor learning divided into to basic concepts– Automatic motor activity– Controlled motor activity

• Principle of Individual Differences

Stages of Motor LearningStages of Motor Learning• Fitts and Posner’s stages-of-learning model

– Cognitive stage

– Associative Stage

– Autonomous Stage

Factors Affecting Skill DevelopmentFactors Affecting Skill Development• Incorrect understanding of

the movement• Poor physical abilities• Poor condition of movement• Incorrect application of

power• Lack of concentration• Inappropriate equipment,

clothing, or footwear• External factors

– Weather conditions


Teaching and Learning a SkillTeaching and Learning a Skill

Anxiety & Surroundings Lab

• Betty Botter Memorization (retention & learning environments)

• What interferes with learning?• What promotes learning?

Teaching and Learning a SkillTeaching and Learning a Skill

Short Term Memory Lab

• # Letters Retained

• How should information be delivered?• When in a practice should key

information be introduced?

Teaching and Learning a SkillTeaching and Learning a Skill

Selective Attention Lab

• Little Jack Horner (filtering info)

• How can a coach get key points across?

Teaching and Learning a SkillTeaching and Learning a Skill• Five-step method of skills teaching

– Readying• Preparatory (work to attain ideal mental and emotional

state)– Imaging

• Develop “picture” in mind of correct skill execution– Focusing

• “zero” in on skill– Executing

• Learner attempts skill after completing first three stages– Evaluating

• Assess which aspects of skill were successful and which needed improvement

Teaching and Learning a SkillTeaching and Learning a Skill

Conditioned Response Lab

• Color Speed Test (patterning)

• How do you get students / athletes to rid themselves of patterns they have engrained in their minds?

• “that’s not the way I was taught…”

Teaching and Learning a SkillTeaching and Learning a Skill

Feedback Lab

• Fitt’s Law - Target Size & Feedback

1. Rate the difficulty of each task and discuss proper feedback.

2. Suggest methods of coaching that improve performance through use of positive feedback.

The Role of EvaluationThe Role of Evaluation

• Feedback provides the learner with information on progress when learning to perform a skill– Can assist in performance improvement

• Two types of feedback:– KR feedback

– KP feedback

Classifying SkillsClassifying Skills

• Open skill

• Closed skill

Adapting Skill DevelopmentAdapting Skill Development• Shaping

• Chaining

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