growing herbs in harvesting and storing herbs north...

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Growing Herbs in North Texas



• About growing herbs

• Harvesting and storing herbs

• Identify this herb?

• Details on 20 herbs for North Texas gardens with a few favorite recipes

• Plant leaves used for flavoring food, as a medicine, or to add fragrance to perfumes. Herbs originate in temperate climates like North Texas.

• Although the term, “spice” is sometimes used interchangeably with “herb”, spices are harvested from portions of the plant other than leaves including roots, flowers, fruits, seeds or bark. Spices are native to tropical climates and can be woody or herbaceous plants. Spices often have a stronger flavored than herbs and are typically used in smaller amounts.*


What is an Herb?

“Herbs vs. Spices”, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Services

Preferred Growing Conditions

• Sunny location—morning sun best. Some herbs tolerate partial or even full shade.

• Sufficient water but not too much—1 inch per week. • Well drained soil—consider raised beds or containers for

picky and aggressive herbs. Amend heavy clay soils with organic material and expanded shale.

• Apply a balanced fertilizer according to product directions.• Add mulch to retain moisture, moderate soil temperature

and discourage weeds.• Herbs are generally insect and disease resistant.


Consider growing herbs among your landscape plants

• Herb plants can be interspersed with landscape plants adding color and texture.

• Be sure to group your landscape herb plants with plants that have similar water and sun requirements.

• Texas Senate Bill 198, “property owners ’ association may not unreasonably deny or withhold approval of a proposed installation of drought-resistant landscaping or water-conserving natural turf under Subsection (d)(8) or unreasonably determine that the proposed installation is aesthetically incompatible with other landscaping in the subdivision.” (passed Texas Senate in March 2013 and Texas House May 2013)


Herbs in the Landscape


Italian parsley

Onion chives

Variegated sage

Italian parsley

Purple sage



Herbs in the Landscape


Photo: Flickr







Herbs in the Landscape


Spiral Herb Gardens

Keyhole Herb Garden


First made popular in Africa, keyhole gardens are catching on in Texas and other hot, dry places. Keyhole gardens hold moisture and nutrients due to an active compost pile placed in the center of a round bed.

Growing Herbs in Containers

• Many types of containers may be used to grow herbs as long as:– There is a drain hole to keep roots from setting in water

– The depth and width is sufficient for plant roots to spread

• Choose a good potting mix or supplement soil with 50% composted organic matter.

• Group plants by their need for sun and water.

• Plan on adding supplemental water as containers dry out more quickly than the soil.

• Fertilize early if the potting mix does not have added fertilizer and then monthly during the growing season.

• Add compost to provide plants with trace nutrients


Fairy Garden with Herbs


A Fairy Garden is a miniature garden complete with structures and actual living plants.• Fun to make with your children and

grandchildren.• Re-purpose bits of pottery, doll-house

furniture, holiday decorations.• Hardscape pieces can be ordered on-line

or purchased at craft stores.• But it is fun to check out your “stuff” or

sail garage sales.• Choose herbs with a very small footprint

such as: • Elfin thyme• Creeping rosemary• Oregano


Growing Herbs in Containers




Growing Herbs in Containers Growing Herbs in Containers


Pretty but wrong…

• These plants need different amounts of sun and water.

• Basil will be a large plant and needs much more space.

• Mint is aggressive and will take all the water and nutrients

• Cilantro and parsley are cool weather herbs while basil likes hot weather

• Rosemary becomes a large shrub and would need all of this space.

• Begin harvesting an herb when the plant has enough foliage to maintain growth. Up to 75% of the current season's growth can be harvested at one time.*

• Harvest warm season annuals before first frost.

• Harvest cool season annuals before weather gets hot.

• Herbs are most flavorful when picked in the morning just after the dew has dried from the leaves. Stop harvesting perennial herbs about one month before the first frost date.

*(NCSU Cooperative Extension Service)



Harvesting Herbs Using Fresh or Dried Herbs in Recipes

• Fresh herbs are generally preferred for cooking and salad dressings.

• Common herbs, such as rosemary, thyme and oregano are available from the garden almost all year.

• If recipe calls for dried herbs, use 3 times the amount when using fresh herbs.

• Delicate leafy herbs should be added at the end of cooking to maintain their flavor (e.g., basil, parsley, cilantro, mint, tarragon).

• Store dried herbs in an airtight container in a cool, dark space to retain flavor and fragrance.

• Dried herbs maintain some flavor for about 1 year.*


“Harvesting and Preserving Herbs for the Home Gardener”, Department of Horticultural Science, North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University


Preparing Herbs for Cooking or Storage

• Remove leaves from stems. Wash and pat dry. For herbs on woody stems, grab the top of the stem with one hand and with the other hand move down the stem opposite the direction of growth to remove leaves.

• Leaves from soft stem herbs, like basil and cilantro, can be removed with scissors or by pulling against the stem in the direction of growth.

Sweet Basil

Note: Herbs may be sanitized in a mild bleach solution using 1 teaspoon household bleach per 6 cups of water. After dipping, rinse thoroughly under cold water and pat dry. (Colorado State University Extension Service).


How to prepare herbs for freezing in water

• Wash herbs and pat dry. Chop into small pieces either by hand or with a food processor.

• Fill ice cube tray with chopped herbs, add water to fill in the gaps and freeze. Once solid, place the frozen cubes in a storage bag and keep in the freezer.

• Label bag and the date.

Note: Some herbs when frozen change color and their texture becomes soft.

Good Herbs for freezing:

basil, chives, dill, lemon balm, lemongrass, mint, oregano, sage, savory,

tarragon, thyme



• Wash herbs removing damaged leaves and stems. Spin in a salad spinner or pat dry with paper towels.

• Place herbs in a food processor with 1/3 cup of oil for every 2 cups of leaves – or ½ cup unsalted butter per 2 to 4 tablespoons of leaves. Do not add cheese or nuts at this time.

• For butters add small amounts of citrus rind, ginger or garlic for extra flavor.

• Process, occasionally scraping the sides of the bowl, until a chunky paste is achieved with all leaves.

• Package 1 cup of herb oil or ½ cup of buttered herb in a 1-quart zip top bag and press to a thin layer. Seal and freeze up to 6 months.


According to “Organic Gardening” magazine (Nov 2012), this method is preferred for preserving flavor and texture.

How to preserve fresh herbs in oil or butter


• Herbs dry best out of direct sunlight

• If using a dehydrator, dry herbs separately from fruits or vegetables.

• Temperatures around 95°F work well for drying herbs. Do not heat at temperatures above 110°F because herbs will burn rather than dry.

Drying Herbs


• Microwave: Lay the herb leaves in a single layer on a paper towel in the microwave. Cover the leaves with another paper towel. Microwave on high for 1 minute. Check herbs. If they are still soft, keep testing at 20–30 second intervals.

• Dehydrator: Be sure herbs are completely dry. Space leaves so they are not touching. Heat at no more than 95° until crisp enough to crumble. (Preserve It Naturally The Complete Guide to Food Dehydration, Reston Publishing, 1983, page 65.)

• Oven: Spread the herbs on a cookie sheet and dry at the lowest temperature setting possible until crisp enough to crumble.

• Air drying: Tie stems together using string or raffia and hang in a dry location away from light.

• Store in sealable plastic bag or dark glass jars. Remove air and label. Keep dried herbs stored away from heat and light.

Herb drying methods

10 minute break

Can you identify this herb?

Hint: It helps to rub the leaves gently to release some of the fragrant oils.


Herbs the grow well in North Texas


Basil Bay Laurel Chives

Cilantro Dill Epazote

Fennel Garlic Lavender

Lemon balm Lemon verbena Marjoram

Mexican mint


Mexican oregano Mint

Oregano Parsley Rosemary

Sage Thyme

• Available types including Genovese, sweet, cinnamon, lime, spicy globe, lemon, Thai and many more

• Plant after danger of frost has passed.

• Start from seed or transplants.• Place in full sun in well-drained. soil,

add mulch to moderate soil temperature and moisture.

• Prune or harvest frequently.• Remove flowers to maintain tasty

leaves. Or leave flowers to attract bees and other pollinators.


Sweet basil

Cinnamon basil

Red Osmin Basil

Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

Warm Season Annual



Classic Basil Pesto


2 cups fresh basil leaves

2 large cloves of garlic

½ cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese

2 tbsp. freshly grated Pecorino Romano cheese

¼ cup pine nuts or walnuts

½ cup olive oil

salt and pepper to taste


Photo credit: DCMGA

1. Combine basil, garlic, cheeses and nuts in food processor or blender and process to mix.2. With machine running, slowly add olive oil.3. Season with salt and pepper. Let stand 5 minutes before serving.

• Plant may be grown as small tree or large shrub.

• Somewhat cold sensitive—protect if temperature below 25°F.

• Can be grown in large pot.

• Leaves are used in stews, soups, and broth to enhance flavor of dish.

• Remove leaf before serving.


Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis)


Chicken (or turkey) stock1. Save and freeze chicken or turkey bones. Whole stewing chicken may be


2. In a large stock pot add bones, celery, carrots, onions, garlic and other surplus vegetables.

3. Add herbs and spices such as: parsley, thyme, bay leaves, rosemary, peppercorns and salt.

4. Fill pot with water and bring to a boil.

5. Simmer for several hours.

6. Allow to cool, then remove solid ingredients using a skimmer. Pour the liquid through a colander into a large bowl or container to remove remaining pieces until only broth remains.

7. Ladle broth into storage containers. Label containers and freeze or put into refrigerator for use within a couple days.

8. Note: if using glass jars for freezing, be sure to leave an inch of space for expansion.

9. Use broth to add flavor and nutrition when preparing vegetables, rice, meats or soup. 27

• Onion chives are a more desirable plant than garlic chives.

• Garlic chives are invasive and spread prolifically from seeds and are hard to eliminate in garden.

• Plant in full sun. Requires little supplemental water or fertilizer.

• Harvest by cutting a handful of chives close to the ground

• Chopped chives can be used to flavor butter, salad dressing, omelets and baked potatoes.



Chinese and garlic chives have white flowers, onions have lavender-colored flowers.

Chives (Onion and Garlic)Perennial

Allium schoenoprasum (onion)Allium tuberosum (garlic)

Green Chive Dip


8 oz. cream cheese¼ cup yogurt2-4 cloves garlic¼ cup chopped chives¼ cup chopped parsleyPepper to tasteAdd bits of crisp bacon (optional)

Place all ingredients in blender or food processor. Process until smooth and chill for several hours. Top with a few chopped chives. Serve with crackers, chips, raw vegetables, baked potato or add to scrambled eggs.

Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum)

Cool Season Annual

• Start from seed or purchase plant at garden center. Plant in early spring or early fall.

• Also called Chinese parsley. Seeds from the cilantro plant are the spice, coriander. Prefers cooler weather. Produces small, white flowers prior to going to seed, which may reproduce.

• Morning sun/afternoon shade. May be grown in containers. Frost tolerant.

• Leaves and stems are used in Mexican cooking for salsas, salad dressings, guacamole, casseroles and soups.

• Also used in Asian and Indian recipes.


“A genetic variant near olfactory receptor genesinfluences cilantro preference.” Causing some people to experience an unpleasant soapy taste. (BioMed Central, 2012)





2 or 3 garlic cloves2 or 3 ripe avocados1 tsp. ground cumin1 tsp. salt1 tbsp. lemon or lime juice1 bunch (handful) of cilantro finely choppedChopped jalapeno to taste

Press cleaned garlic cloves into mortar using pestle (or mince in a food processor). Disgard. Add remaining ingredients and process until smooth.Add chopped tomatoes, if desired.Chill briefly and serve.

Dill (Anethum graveolens)

Cool season annual


• Plant in full sun with protection from strong winds.

• Sow seeds or place transplants in early spring or fall. Dill tolerates a frost, but not a hard freeze.

• Tolerant of most soil types, but prefers slightly acidic, well-draining soil.

• Sow seeds every 2 to 3 weeks for a continuous harvest until temperatures become too hot or too cold.

• May self-seed.• Dill attracts swallowtail caterpillars.

Dill produces small yellow flowers that become seeds which may be harvested for use in pickling or bread making.



The swallowtail caterpillar enjoys fennel, dill and parsley. Many gardeners grow extras of these plants just for them.

Dill Mustard Sauce


Combine the mustards, sugar, and vinegar in a small bowl. Slowly whisk in the oil until creamy. Stir in the chopped dill. Serve over fish, chicken or vegetables.

Ingredients:1/4 cup Dijon-style mustard1 tsp. ground dry mustard3 tbsp. sugar2 tbsp. white wine vinegar1/3 cup olive oil3 tbsp. chopped fresh dill

Epazote (Chenopodium Ambrosioides)

• Considered by some people to be a weed.• Likes full sun.• Spreads prolifically from seeds, which

bloom the following year.• Used in Mexican cooking, especially bean

dishes and casseroles.• Enhances flavor and is believed to reduce

the flatulence associated with bean dishes.

• Add 1 to 2 tsp. dried or 1 tbsp. fresh to soup, bean or chili pot.


Fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare)

Short-lived perennial

• Available in green or bronze.

• Native to the Mediterranean region.

• Grows about five feet tall with dark green, feathery leaves, which appear similar to dill. The tall stalk looks like celery and is often consumed as a vegetable, while the leaves and seeds are used to flavor foods.

• Fennel is related to caraway.

• Available as direct seed or transplants.

• Full sun with afternoon shade.

• Not picky about soil, but requires good drainage.




Roasted Pork with Fennel


Ingredients:6 tbsp. softened butter4 tbsp. finely chopped fennelPork roast approximately 4 lbs.Pepper to taste

Mix butter, fennel and pepper together. Spread thinly over pork roast. Bake at 325° for 2 ½ to 3 hours until internal temperature reaches 170 °. If desired, make a pan gravy with the drippings.

Garlic (Allium sativum)


• There are over 50 types of garlic available through on-line merchants. Soft-necked types and elephant garlic (actually a member of the leek family) grow successfully in North Texas.

• Plant in the fall — usually in early October.

• Prepare bed by turning top 3 to 4 inches of soil and work in organic matter. Break bulbs into individual cloves and soak overnight in water containing one heaping tablespoon of baking soda and liquid seaweed per gallon to protect them from fungus.

• Dip cloves in rubbing alcohol for about 3 minutes before planting.

• Plant pointy end up about 2 to 3 inches deep and 4 to 6 inches apart. Pat soil to firm around clove. After garlic leaves emerge, add mulch to help retain soil moisture and prevent weeds. Occasional watering may be necessary depending on rainfall.

• Stop watering when garlic leaves begin to turn brown. Harvest in early summer. Dry plants for 2 to 3 days before placing in storage.


• Attractive very fragrant plant. Popular with bees.

• Member of the mint family.• Blooms in the spring in North Texas.• Full sun or a couple of hours of

afternoon shade.• Common varieties include French,

Spanish and English.• Dried flowers can be used in various

recipes including ice cream, lemonade, iced tea and cookies. Also used in sachets.

• Is included among herbs in Herbs de Provence.

• Drought tolerant. 39

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)


Do not overwater—hates wet feet.

Lavender Jelly


1. Heat water in sauce pan to just boiling. Remove from heat and add lavender. Steep 20 minutes. Strain out lavender flowers.

2. Put lavender water into sauce pan. Add lemon juice and pectin. Stir until pectin is dissolved. Bring to a boil and add sugar. Stir while boiling for about 4 minutes.

3. Perform your favorite ready-to-jell test. (add another teaspoon of pectin if not jelled to your liking). Place in jelly jars and process in boiling water-bath for 10 minutes.

Ingredients: 3 1/2 cups water1/2 cup dried lavender flowersjuice of 1 lemon 1 box powdered (1.75 oz.) or 1 pouch liquid pectin 4 cups granulated sugar

Sparkling Lavender Lemonade

1. Combine honey, water and lavender. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat and steep for 10 minutes.

2. Strain lavender flowers and let mixture cool.

3. Add lemon juice. Place liquid in a pitcher and add sparkling water.

4. Serve over ice with a spring of lavender or a slice of lemon.


Ingredients: 2 cups water1 cup honey 2 tbsp. culinary lavender 1 cup fresh lemon juice 2 cups sparkling water

• Easy to grow lemon scented member of the mint family.

• Prefers partial shade and regular watering.

• Aromatic, cosmetic, culinary, and medicinal uses.

• The dried leaves scent potpourris.

• It also is used in teas, beers, and wine and with fish, mushrooms, and soft cheeses. Fresh leaves are used in salads, marinades for vegetables, chicken salad, and poultry stuffing.

• Grows well in containers. 42

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)

Tender Perennial



Strawberry Lemon Balm Sconesfrom Gardener’s Community Cookbook


Ingredients: 3 cups flour3 tbsp. sugar5 tsp. baking powder1 ¼ sticks butter cut into bits½ cup sliced fresh strawberries tossed in a little flour2 to 3 tbsp. chopped lemon balm2 large eggs1 cup buttermilk

1. Preheat over to 400°F. Lightly grease baking sheet.

2. Blend flour, sugar and baking powder. Add butter and mix until crumbly.

3. Add strawberries and lemon balm. Stir briefly until mixed.

4. In another bowl, whisk eggs and buttermilk. Add all but 1 tbsp. to the flour mixture. Stir.

5. Transfer to a floured surface and kneed for 4 to 6 turns. Cut dough in half and pat each half into an oval. Cut lengthwise and then crosswise to make 8 triangle-shaped scones.

6. Place on baking sheet, brush with remaining buttermilk mixture. Bake 12 to 13 minutes.

Sprinkle with sugar or drizzle glaze, if desired.

Lemon VerbenaAloysia triphylla (previously Lippia citratus) Tender perennial


• Can be planted from transplants, seeds or cuttings. Transplants are the most reliable.

• Plant in loose well-drained soil. Grows well in containers or in the ground. Protect in winter with mulch or frost covering or move indoors.

• Plant in full morning sun with afternoon shade or in partial sun. Blooms in late summer. Can become leggy if planted in too much shade.

• Heavy feeder. Fertilize monthly during the growing season and harden off by withholding water prior to winter dormancy.

Lemon verbena can be used in

place of lemon zest to add

flavor to roasting meats, fish,

salad dressing, tea, jellies and

baked goods.

Lemon Verbena Sweet Glaze


Ingredients: 3 tbsp. butter3 tbsp. honey4 tbsp. lemon juice½ tsp lemon zest2 tbsp. run or brandy or 1 tsp flavoring1 to 2 tbsp. finely chopped lemon verbena

1. Melt butter in small sauce pan.2. Add honey, lemon juice and zest.3. Bring to a gentle boil. Remove from

heat.4. Stir in brandy or rum and lemon

verbena.5. Drizzle over donuts, coffee cake or

pound cake.

• Plant in spring in rich soil that receives afternoon shade.

• Protect with mulch in winter.

• After establishing, the plant requires only a little supplemental water during summer’s heat.

• Can be grown in containers. Harvest by cutting a stem close to the ground. Can be dried, but does not retain flavor well.

• Used in many Italian dishes with a flavor slightly milder and sweeter than oregano. Provides a wonderful complement to stews and roasted meats.


Marjoram (Origanum x marjoricum)

Tender perennial; related to oregano

Mushroom Barley Soup


Ingredients: ½ lb. fresh button or porcini mushrooms2 onions sliced4 tbsp. butter½ cup pearl barley3 tsp minced fresh marjoram2 quarts stock2 tbsp. flour1 cup light creamSalt and pepper to taste

1. Sauté mushrooms and onions in butter for about 5 minutes.2. Add barley, marjoram, and stock and simmer for 1 hour.3. Mix flour with cream. Stir in and heat through until thickened slightly — do

not boil.4. Add salt and pepper and serve.

• Also called oregano cimarrón, hierbadulce, and redbrush lippia.

• Not a true oregano – but has a similar flavor.

• Tender perennial.

• Prefers afternoon shade but can survive in full sun.

• Has tubular white, pink or lavender flowers.

• Drought tolerant.

• Leaves are used in chili, soups and as a seasoning for tomato-based enchilada or taco sauces.


Mexican Oregano (Lippia graveolens and Poliomintha longiflora)



Mexican Mint Marigold (Tagetes lucida)



• Also known as Texas Tarragon.• Has similar fragrance and flavor to

French tarragon (a plant that is very difficult to grow successfully in North Texas).

• Easy to grow. Plant after the last frost in full sun or in a location with afternoon shade. Prefers well-drained soil. Somewhat drought tolerant, but performs better if watered weekly.

• Well behaved with limited spreading. • Dies back in winter and dead branches

should be removed at ground level. Propagate by division.

• Leaves can be used to flavor many dishes including sauces, dressings and chicken salad.

Mexican Mint MarigoldYellow marigold-like blooms in the fall.

Green Goddess Salad Dressing


INGREDIENTS2 teaspoons anchovy paste or 2-4 canned anchovies1 small garlic clove, minced3/4 cup mayonnaise3/4 cup sour cream (buttermilk may be substituted)1/2 cup chopped parsley1/4 cup chopped tarragon (substitute Mexican Mint Marigold)3 Tbsp. chopped chives2 Tbsp. lemon juiceSalt and black pepper to taste

Put all of the ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend or pulse until evenly smooth, about 30-45 seconds. Serve immediately or store in refrigerator.

Mint (menta var.)


• Very easy to grow. Many varieties of mint are available including peppermint, spearmint, apple, cinnamon, lemon, lime, chocolate and orange.

• Upright growth habit reaching 2 to 3 feet.• Full sun to partial shade.• Leaves die off in freezing weather and plant

comes back from roots in early spring.• Place where plant can be contained as it has

a voracious spreading habit.• Leaves can be used to flavor drinks, sauces

and desserts.• Likes supplemental water more than most



Chocolate Mint


Oregano (Origanum vulgare)


• Easy to grow, likes afternoon shade.• Drought tolerant but wants some

supplemental water during hot, dry summer.

• Spreads horizontally and may be used as a ground cover.

• Several varieties of oregano are available in garden centers.

• Leaves can be used to flavor sauces, rubs, vegetable dishes, casseroles, herbed butter and salad dressings.



Greek Oregano

Italian Dressing


From cookbook of Morris Salerno, owner and chef at Bistecca Steak House in Highland Village

Ingredients:3 egg yolks1 tsp Dijon mustard1 tsp fresh basil chopped½ tsp fresh oregano chopped2 tsp sugar½ tsp salt¼ cup chopped green onion½ tsp pepper1 tsp finely minced garlic2 cups vegetable oil½ cup olive oil½ cup vinegar1 tsp grated Romano cheese

In a mixing bowl with a whisk or in a blender: mix mustard and egg yolks. Slowly add in olive oil and process until thickened. Add ½ of the vinegar and continue processing. The dressing should continue to be slightly thick. Remove from blender and whisk in the remaining ingredients.

Use extra virgin olive oil and white wine vinegar for a clean, smooth taste.

Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)

Cool Season Annual

• Slow to germinate from seed, but grows well from transplants.

• Curley and flat leaf (Italian) varieties. • Plant in cool weather into fertile, well-

drained soil with morning sun and afternoon shade. Harvest as needed by cutting stalks close to the ground.

• Parsley has a delicate favor that combines well with other herbs such as basil, chives, dill, garlic, marjoram, mint, oregano and thyme.


In Middle Eastern dishes, parsley is used fresh, while in European-style dishes, including soups and sauces, parsley is added at the end of cooking. Curly parsley is often used as a garnish.

Curley-leaf Parsley





This recipe is very general and quantities are approximate. I usually just continuing fussing until I like the taste. Serve as a salad or side dish.

1. ¾ to 1 cup bulgur wheat and twice the amount of water. Heat water in microwave oven for about 90 seconds, add wheat and then allow to sit until water is absorbed—usually about 30 minutes. Or follow instructions on bulgur wheat package.

2. Chop 1 cup of parsley or mint (or a combination). Add to wheat.

3. Add 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice. Add ¼ cup olive oil and salt. Taste and adjust to your preferences.

4. Chop 2 cucumbers and add.5. Chop and add tomatoes, if desired.

A staple in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean regions, bulgur, is made from whole grain hard red wheat that has been parboiled, dried and cracked.

Rosemary (Rosemary officinalis)


• Evergreen shrub. Upright and prostrate or trailing varieties are available. Upright variety is used more often for cooking. Shrubs can become 5 feet tall and 5 to 6 feet wide.

• Rosemary tolerates some shade. The upright type is more freeze tolerant than the spreading variety. Do not overwater. Harvest any time after plant is established.

• Small purple or light blue flowers in winter. • Tolerates freezing temperatures, heat, and

drought. May repels some insects.• Leaves are delicious in sauces, rubs, butters

and vegetable dishes. Chop leaves finely as they are a bit tough and hard to chew. Stems can be used as skewers for grilling meat and vegetables. 56

Over Roasted Potatoes with Rosemary


Ingredients:2 lbs. small yellow potatoes or fingerling potatoes, scrubbed1 teaspoon garlic powder1 teaspoon onion powder1 teaspoon sea salt½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper½ teaspoon crushed coriander½ teaspoon celery seed2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil2 teaspoons minced fresh rosemary

1. Prepare a medium size bowl with water and ice cubes. Quarter larger potatoes. Place in ice-water bath and set aside for 30 minutes.2. Combine the spices in a medium size bowl. Add olive oil and stir to combine. 3. Remove potatoes from ice bath and pat dry with paper towels. Add potatoes to bowl and gently toss to coat all over with spice/oil mixture.4. Spread the potatoes in a single layer onto an oiled baking sheet.6. Bake at 475°F for about 25 minutes, turning fries occasionally until golden brown.

From: Chris Schueur

• Hardy perennial; sun to partial shade. Many varieties available including purple, variegated, golden and tricolor.

• Starting sage from transplants or cuttings is easier than starting it from seed.

• Plant sage in spring or fall. Soil must be well-drained and allowed to dry out between watering.

• Plants should be pruned severely in late winter or early spring. Harvest leaves any time after the plant is well established.

• Adds pungent flavor to beans, stuffing, sausage, poultry and roasts. Because of its strong taste, use a light hand when adding sage.


Common Sage

Sage (Salvia officinalis)


Sage Stuffing


This sage dressing, prepared outside the bird, is one of my favorites for Thanksgiving.

Ingredients:2 loaves artisan bread cut into cubes and dried1 large minced white onion1 bunch minced celery2 sticks of butter5 tbsp. fresh, minced sage2 cups chicken stockSalt and pepper to taste

1. Sauté onion and celery in butter until soft.2. In a large bowl, combine all ingredients.3. Toss until well mixed.4. Place in a casserole dish and bake for 30

minutes covered and then remove cover and bake an additional 10 minutes.

Thyme (Thymus var.)



• Plant in spring. Can be used as ground cover or grown in a container. Many varieties available including lemon, variegated, French, German and English thyme.

• Sun to partial shade.• Small white flowers in spring.• Aromatic, strong flavor. Use a light hand when

adding to recipes.• Remove leaves from woody stem before

adding to soups or sauces. Thyme pairs well with lamb, poultry and tomato-based dishes in soups, stews, stocks and sauces. Add thyme near the end of cooking to maintain flavor.



Thyme Chicken


Ingredients:2 tbsp. olive oil5 tbsp. mined fresh thyme3-5 cloves minced garlic2 tsp lemon zestWhole chicken

1. Preheat oven to 450°F2. Combine oil, thyme and garlic.3. Pat chicken dry and rub with all but 1

tbsp. of the herbed oil.4. Quarter the lemon after zesting and

place in chicken cavity.5. Roast for 20 minutes. Reduce

temperature to 350°F and cook for 1 hour until thigh temperature reaches 180°F.

6. Cut chicken into serving pieces.

Thyme has a strong flavor and should be used with a light hand.

Recipe Books

The Herb Garden Cookbook, Lucinda Hutson, Gulf Publishing, 1998

Gardener’s Community Cookbook, Victoria Wise, Workman Publishing, 1999

The Lavender Gourmet, Jenifer Vasich, Moose Run Productions, 2009

Pestos!, Dorothy Rankin, The Crossing Press, 1985

Quick from Scratch Herbs and Spices, Food & Wine, 1998

Recipes from an American Herb Garden, Maggie Oster, McMillan, 1993

Herbal Soups, Ruth Bass, Story Communications, 1996


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