
Post on 14-Jun-2015






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Natural Park ofNatural Park of

Group 2

Farmers and Breeders

To start new cultivation we need to:Buy seeds of

Strawberries Oats Wheats Pepers Tomatoes Potatoes Lettuces Onions Carrots Cucumbers Aubergines Maize

But we don't use chemical products

As fertilizers, pesticides...

We use natural manure or organic refusal...

Plant vineyard and olive groves to sell oil and wine

Apiculture to produce honey, sell it and use bees as pollinators

Then we sell our products and use the proceeds to improve our

productives cycles

Use the lake for: Using the water for animals to drink; Watering the plants; Increasing fishing in the lake.

Involve the managing directors to build farm holidays and cooking our


Reafforestation of the land to : Make wood and coal; Facilitate the reproduction of animals

(birds,cattles, horse,rabbits, wild boars,lynx,deers,...);

On the basic of the territorial request we can plant:

Pine trees to make wood and sell the pine nuts for culinary use.

Fodders for the animals of the area

Making enclousures for cows, sheeps,chickens and sell the

products ( milk,meat,eggs,wool...)

Organize and promote the turism in the area

Build agricultural museum working with renewable energy

Making our project we think to assist and protect the natural environment

Made by

Luca (Italy) Calle( Spaiñ) Simon( Sweden) Diogo (Portugal) Sebastian (Austria) Nick (Holland) Bart(Holland)

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