greshamhs gd3 sp11 stickell

Post on 02-Mar-2016






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My portfolio


Lane Stickell

Gresham HS • Integrated Media Dept • Graphic Design • Mr. Cook


2 GD2 First Initial Last Name

L Stickell GD3


IllustratorVisually Enhanced Quotation p6Eyeball Illustration p9Portrait Illustration p10Ipod Illustration p11Acronym Logo p12Line Art Shoe Illustration p13

PhotoshopPhoto Manipulation p4Typographic Portrait p5Brand Name Literalism p7Corporate Logo p8

IndesignEarly Letter Form p14

Design Statement:This portfolio represents all of the work I have completed, and think is good over the course of graphic design 2 and 3. Using Illustrator, Photoshop, and Inde-sign to learn new things and create new effects and designs.

4 GD2 First Initial Last Name

Photo ManipulationD E S C R I P T I O N

The purpose of this exercise was to find and create our own piece of artwork that would appear to be real. I decided to give a shark some human teeth.ione es dolorrores essit

First Initial Last Name GD2 5

Typographic PortraitD E S C R I P T I O N

In this project we were exploring the possibilities of cre-ating a portrait utilizing only letters, numbers, symbols, or words. I used words to complete this portrait of Keira Knightley.

6 GD2 First Initial Last Name

Visually Enhanced QuotationD E S C R I P T I O N

In this assignment we selected a quotaion or poem that we liked and found a way to express the sentiment typogragpically. I chose a quotation that i felt pertains to my life. ne es dolorrores essit

First Initial Last Name GD2 7

Brand Name LiteralismD E S C R I P T I O N

Using photoshop we used images to create a piece of artwork that appeared to be real. I chose to use a baseball term: fly ball for my image. I gave the baseball wings to make it look like the balls were flying through the air.

8 GD2 First Initial Last Name

Corporate LogoD E S C R I P T I O N

In this project we created a logotype for a parent com-pany as the basis for the design. The parent company for my logo was Verizon Communications, and the remade company name was Horizon Communications. I used the same colors as the original company to try to create the connection between the two. es dolorrores essit

First Initial Last Name GD2 9

Eyeball IllustrationD E S C R I P T I O N

In this one we were assigned to create a realistic looking eyeball using clipping masks and blendings. The eyelash-es were a hurried add-on for me.e es dolorrores essit


Lane Stickelleyeball illustration


10 GD2 First Initial Last Name

Portrait IllustrationD E S C R I P T I O N

In this project we used illustrator to create a realistic looking face. For me the most challenging part was the es dolorrores essit


Lane StickellPortrait_Illustration

11/8/10Period 2

First Initial Last Name GD2 11

Ipod IllustrationD E S C R I P T I O N

In this one we used the pen tool and shapes to trace an ipod.

Lane StickellIPod



P l a li s st


r t i s st

SongsSe t t ingsAbout


12 GD2 First Initial Last Name

Acronym LogoD E S C R I P T I O N

In this assignment we used letters of our choice to cre-ate four logos ranging from conservative to experimen-tal. I decided to use my initials in this assignment. I tried different designs trying to make the letters work for eachother.e es dolorrores essit


Lane StickellAcronym Logo

2/10/11Period 6


wL s

First Initial Last Name GD2 13

Line Art Shoe IllustrationD E S C R I P T I O N

In this assignment we took a shoe from the internet and used the pen tool as well as others to create a realistic looking shoe. I felt that a baseball clete would be more challenging then a regular shoe so that is what i chose to es dolorrores essit


Lane StickellLine Art Shoe Illustration

10/11/10Period 2

14 GD2 First Initial Last Name

Early Letter FormD E S C R I P T I O N

The purpose of this assignment wsa to provide a com-prehensive overview of the design process, from copy writing to producing a final design. This project also encouraged explorations of multiple solutions to a given project. The symbol i chose for this project was delta.e es dolorrores essit

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