greek gods/goddesses

Post on 29-Jan-2016






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Greek gods/goddesses. Pictures, symbols, facts and more!. Achilles. Achilles. The only place Achilles could get a mortal wound was his ankle Achilles wasn’t a god, he was half mortal and half immortal because his mother was a goddess and his father was mortal. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Greek gods/goddesses

Pictures, symbols, facts and more!


• The only place Achilles could get a mortal wound was his ankle

• Achilles wasn’t a god, he was half mortal and half immortal because his mother was a goddess and his father was mortal.

• Achilles died from a poison arrow that hit the only part of Achilles that could cause death to him.(shot from Paris).


Achilles was the son of Thethis and she was foretold her son would die really young in a great battle.

Thetius dipped Achilles in the river of Styx This was supposed to make Achilles

immortal, and the only part Thetius didn’t was the ankle


Achilles first didn’t fight the war of troy but the death of his friend Menelaus, he was outraged and joining the war.

Achilles challenged Hector the heir of the thrown of Troy because he killed Menelaus.

Achilles defeated Hector and dragged his body by a carriage for (4 days!!!!).

The Spartans made a giant wooden horse so they could fit their warriors in it. In the morning the king of Troy saw this and let it in their castle. Then, the Spartans burst out of the horse when they were sleeping that night and took over Troy. This Achilles was killed during the battle by a poison arrow in the ankle.

War of Troy

Strong, intelligent, arrogant, agile. relative of thetius, son, wife, son, wife,

lover of meneiaus, wife, son, who feels passion angry, pain.

who needs friends, partner, to think before acting.

who fears death, who gives confidence, respect, who would like to see his mom, troy to fall, and

his dead friend resident of Greece



In the modern day Achilles is referenced by many things. they named the Achilles tendon after him, and some people might use it as a metaphor to show there weaknesses or flaws.

Modern reference


The gold staff is Tiresias’ symbol

Tiresias was known very well for his blindness

There is at least two myths about his eyesight being taken.

Tiresias could understand birds.

Tiresias became a blind prophet


The myth of Tiresias goes… He accidentally walked upon Athena bathing

so she took away his sight. Later on in life she felt bad so she wanted to give him his sight back but she couldn’t. In stead she gave him the gift of prophecy.

Myth of Tiresias

Tiresias Honest, Blind, Prophet, Ashamed

Relative of Chariclo Lover of his gift Who feels sorry Who needs fame

Who fears being hated Who gives hope to people

Who would like to see happiness

Tiresias’ Bio Poem


The Symbol of pandora is a girl with a box

She is the goddess of being good at everything.


She opened a jar and let evil out into the world.

Pandora has no weaknesses She married the little brother (Epimetheus)

of the man she was created to punish (Promethius)


Pandora’s MythPandora was the first and prettiest woman on Earth. She was created by Zeus to punish Promethius. Pandora eventually married Epimetheus, Promethius’ little brother. Zeus gave her a jar and told her not to open it, but she opened it anyway. It let evil into the world. Their was only one thing that did not escape and that was hope.

There is few modern day references. Pandora radio is related because it is a

database of all sorts of music and it relates to the jar of all evil.

She also relates to Pandora jewelry because she was the first woman and was given the talent of beauty.

Modern Day

King Midas

Symbol is a gold coin

He was the god of war

King Midas

Collecting gold was a hobby of his

Anything he touched turned into gold

The river water made the gold disappear

He was the king of his town

King Midas

King Midas was so obsessed with gold that he wish everything he touched turned into gold. He got his wish but soon it backfired. He touched his daughter and she turned into gold. She he begged for his power to go away. He was told that if he bathed in the river water his power would end and everything would go back to normal.

Midas’ Myth

Today Midas is a synonym for “rich man.”

Modern Reference

The Muses

The Muses were goddesses of anthropomorphic Symbols were: 1.Callope-wax tablet 2.Clio- scroll 3.Euterpe- Double flute 4.Melpomene-tragic mask, ivy wreath 5.Terpsichore-iyre

6.Erato-smaller lyre 7.Polyhymnia-depicted velled 8.Urania- celestial globe

The Muses

The muses did not have ha myth they were just important. And they were Zeus’ nine daughters

The Muses

Today Urania is the most commonly heard sister because it refers to the universe

Modern Reference


Narcissus was a Nymph


He was a player, with both genders. He had fell in love with his reflection in a

pond but with the empty feeling of not being loved back

Echo love him but he didn’t love her back Echo was the last one that had love for



He was a very handsome man and was a player. He had many affairs with both sexes. He was not searching for love at all and he didn’t want love to find him.

There was this one nymph (echo) who fell in love with him and he broke her heart’

Echo locked herself away from everyone. After that he was cursed to fall in love with his reflection and soon died because of the torment of not being able to fall in love with someone, ever.

Narcissus’ Myth

She was a nymph

Roman name- Echo


She was a nymph of the woods She amused Hera Hera put a curse on her to make her say rhe

last words of people.


She was a nymph of the woods and she fell in love with Narcissus. He didn’t love her back so she got very sad and locked her self away. She shriveled up and dried away but all that’s left of her is her voice.

Echo’s Myth

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