grandma’s apples. problem: which apple contains the most seeds?

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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Grandma’s Apples

Grandma’s ApplesProblem:

Which apple contains the most


Grandma’s ApplesHypothesis:

If we take 7 types of apples and core them, then we

think that the Red Delicious apple will have the most

seeds because we think that larger apples have more


Grandma’s ApplesHypothesis: The Vote

Lunch Room Apple:2

Gala Apple:7

Fuji Apple:1

Pacific Rose Apple:6

Ambrosia Apple:4

Red Delicious Apple:


Grandma’s ApplesMaterials:

NapkinSporkPaper plateDifferent type of apples•Gala•Fuji•Pacific Rose•Lunch Room•Red Delicious•Ambrosia•Pencil•Data Sheet

Grandma’s ApplesProcedure:

Step:1. Take an apple and

have an adult cut the apple in segments

2. Using a spork, core the apple to see the seeds

3. Count the seeds of the different type of apples

4. Tape seeds to sentence strip

5. Record data

Grandma’s ApplesProcedure:

Step:1. Take an apple and

have an adult cut the apple in segments

2. Using a spork, core the apple to see the seeds

3. Count the seeds of the different type of apples

4. Tape seeds to sentence strip

5. Record data

Grandma’s ApplesProcedure:

Step:1. Take an apple and

have an adult cut the apple in segments

2. Using a spork, core the apple to see the seeds

3. Count the seeds of the different type of apples

4. Tape seeds to sentence strip

5. Record data

Grandma’s ApplesResults:

Our data revealed that size does not matter when we finished the exploration activity. The Red Delicious apple was the largest of all the apples. However, it only had two seeds.

Grandma’s ApplesConclusion:

Our hypothesis was correct. The largest apple had the most seeds. However, we also concluded that size does not determine how many seeds an apple may have. In conclusion, we also noted that because many of the apples were relatively the same, size may not be a determining factor when counting seeds.

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