graduate writing evaluative and persuasive

Post on 07-Mar-2016






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  • Week 2 Application: Reference List

    For the two major essays in this course, you will need to familiarize yourself with a range of views on a

    social issue by reading research articles found in peer-reviewed journals. In this Application, you will find

    five articles to work with, and then draft proper citations for them.

    The articles will be used differently in each essay. Two of your five articles should represent opposing

    views on the social issue you have chosen as a topicthese will be the basis of your Evaluative

    Research Essay. Because your Persuasive Research Essay is a form of advocacy, you will need to find

    research that verifies or substantiates the stance you eventually take so that your argument is more

    persuasive and stronger. As a result, your ultimate goal is to have 4 articles in support of your stance and

    1 article that serves as a counterargument. Keep in mind that as you progress through the course and

    formulate your stance for your Persuasive Research Essay, you may need to replace some of your

    chosen articles with ones that better support your stance

    Questions about this assignment? Post them in the Ask the Instructor area under Course Home. That

    way, everyone in the class will see, and benefit from, the Instructor's response.

    To prepare for this Application:

    Review the articles "Introduction to the Walden University Library," "Searching and Retrieving

    Materials in the Research Databases," and "Identifying and Evaluating Online Sources."

    Review both the Evaluative Research Essay Guidelines and the Persuasive Research Essay

    Guidlines documents from Week 1.

    Review Chapters 6 and 7 in the APA Manual.

    Locate and read 5 peer-reviewed journal articles in the Walden University Library that address

    your topic.

    o Two of the sources should represent opposing views on your topic and should be used in

    your Evaluative Research Essay.

    As you conduct your research, examining a range of opinions, keep in mind that you will be

    required to have five sources for your Persuasive Research Essay and that they will be divided as


    o At least 4 sources should be in favor of your position on your chosen issue.

    o At least 1 source should provide a counterargument to your position.

    The assignment:

    After locating 5 articles that address your Evaluative and Persuasive Research Essay topic:

    o Cite your 5 research articles in a properly formatted APA reference list.

    Submit your Application to the Dropbox by Day 7. In order to receive full credit, all assignments are

    due on time. Should you encounter an unanticipated and uncontrollable life event that may prevent you

    from meeting an assignment deadline, contact the Instructor immediately to request an extension. Your

  • Instructor's contact information is in the Instructor area under Course Home. For a full description of the

    late policy, please refer to the "Policies on Late Assignments" section of your Syllabus.

    Save your Application as a ".doc" or ".rtf" file with the

    filename lastname_firstinitial_weeknumber_assignment. For example, Chris Smith's filename for this

    Application would be Smith_C_w2_ReferenceList.doc.

    Submit your Application to the Week 2: Reference List Dropbox basket. Directions for using the Dropbox

    are in the Course Information section under Course Home.

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