gospel choir surprise at britain's got talent · 2 that started with another judge, simon...

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Adventist Heritage

From: Victor Hulbert <VictorHulbert@adventist.org.uk>Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 2:46 PMTo: Adventist HeritageSubject: [Spam:****** SpamScore] Newsletter - Seventh-day Adventist Church #827 (3 May


Edition #827 (3 May 2013)

Email Newsletter of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the United Kingdom and Ireland For additional and updated news and a full listing of coming events visit our website: www.adventist.org.uk




Britain's Got Talent judge David Walliams confessed, "It was so good it made me want to go to church." He was talking to the ITV audience on Saturday evening, 13 April. All four judges were clearly moved by the audition


that started with another judge, Simon Cowell, being a bit skeptical as a solitary individual, Patrick George, entered the stage claiming to be an entire gospel choir.

However, as the music started and various choir members appeared on the right and left balconies and then bounced onto the stage the reaction to the Gospel Singers Incognito's audition was overwhelmingly positive with a standing ovation from the audience.

Seventh-day Adventist members from Luton and London make up half the choir, joined by others from a variety of churches. Co-director and co-founder Gail Windrass is overwhelmed by the reaction: "We can hardly take in all the positive feedback we have been getting, we are simply in awe over the entire experience."

The choir is used to 'singing gospel' in unusual venues. It formed seven years ago from a group of friends that would come together in Luton to do 'gospel in the pub' singing hymns, praise songs and gospel songs. So why not on Britain's Got Talent?

Gail explained that every year she would post on her Facebook status and tell her friends that "we should go up there and sing some gospel songs." This year the response was, "why not!" Recognizing that gospel choirs are an unusual act at talent shows, "We thought we would just go up there" she explained, "see what happens, and hope that someone would be inspired. Never in our wildest dreams did we imagine the response we got. As a choir we are simply in awe." She believes that this is possibly a first for Britain's Got Talent.

It took the choir some time to choose songs and think through their performance, wanting to be true to themselves and to what they believe in. From their previous experience of doing Flashmobs at the Natural History Museum, Luton's Arndale Shopping Centre, and weddings, Gail Windrass and Yvonne Sinclair thought it would be a good idea to add a different twist to the performance by starting in the balcony before moving onto the stage.

"It's great just to go on such a big arena and sing gospel", Gail shares enthusiastically. "It isn't going to happen very often, so we recognized it as a unique opportunity. Of course we were nervous" she continued, "but we were able to spend a time of worship and singing backstage before we went on. You cannot underestimate the power of singing songs of worship beforehand. It really made a difference."

The choir was not expecting the positive comments from the judging panel of how powerful, moving and soulful the performance was. "The choir was in awe at such a positive response to Gospel on a major TV show", Gail explains. "We are simply grateful that the judges saw something in us as a gospel choir because we know we are so different to other acts that audition."

The choir is now awaiting the next stage after receiving four 'yes' votes from the Britain's Got Talent judges.

Surprise singing from the balcony.


Social media has expanded the Gospel Singers Incognito's reach. The audition has been shared widely with more than 1 million views on Godvine and a further 320,000 on YouTube.

While Simon Cowell called them one of the best choirs ever to be seen on the show, Gail is simply grateful that people found it to be inspiring and uplifting. She states, "that is what we really want to do. We want to bring something different to people, as there is a lot of people hurting, and we as a gospel choir aim to bring hope into people's lives with our music."

To see the audition visit the choir's Facebook page or view it on <http://www.godvine.com/Simon-Cowell-Made-Fun-of-This-Gospel-Singer-Then-Everyone-is-Blown-Away-3177.html>.

[Kirsten Øster-Lundqvist [Photos: Thames TV]]


A last minute change of venues did little to detract Northern teenagers from travelling across the NEC to Stoke-on-Trent town hall. Coaches and minibuses from all the big cities in the North and many smaller towns

delivered 600 teens into a worship experience geared towards helping our teens in their journey and walk with the Lord.

Continuing the theme in the NEC Youth department this year of 'A People Prepared', the Sabbath, 20 April event added the line 'to make right decisions'. Teenagers have many challenges and decisions to make and so the focus of the day was on helping in this process. This included decisions in life such as where to study or what line of employment to seek and the biggest decision of all: to accept Jesus into their lives.

Pastor Phillip Sizemore from Missouri used his energetic style and deep biblical content which kept the teens' attention through both the morning and afternoon sessions – especially when he shared some of his personal testimony. The morning message, Holy Flesh, was a powerful new look at the gospel and the role that Jesus plays in our lives when we let Him. It was another reminder that He is God and is the only one able to clean us up.

Continuing with the emphasis on prayer that was noted at the recent NEC Youth Day, we opened a prayer room during the lunch break for anyone that wished to come in and pray. It provided a welcome retreat for many who wished to connect with God this way.


A highlight throughout the day was to see teens leading out in worship, whether that was the praise and worship, the sharing of testimonies or coordination of the whole day. Much of that was due to the excellent coordination of the NEC Youth Advisory both in putting the day together and, as young people, leading and mentoring other young people.

If you missed out or wish to see the messages again, both morning and afternoon messages can be seen online at http://www.necadventist.org/youth.

A selection of pictures from the day can be found in the Adventist Church's picture gallery.

[Adam Ramdin]


Twenty-five years after their first visit to London, the Adventist a cappella vocal group, Take 6, took London by storm. Saturday night, 27 April saw the Dominion Centre, Wood Green, filled up with an audience that, despite queuing in the rain, were enthusiastic about Take 6 being back in London for a concert to celebrate their 25th anniversary.

The concert was a joint venture between the South England Conference (SEC) Youth and Music

departments and the London Youth Federation (LYF). Rachel Cuffie, LYF President, explained that "the aim of the Take 6 concert, like all LYF events, is to capitalize God, engage, empower, equip and commission our youth in service to others around them. This concert brought young people together and into direct contact with the community, giving us the opportunity of being living sermons."

SEC's Music director Paul Lee, an outstanding singer himself, added that "we wanted to support the LYF in their outreach, helping them to extend themselves outside of their normal musical sphere, something that a concert with Take 6 clearly does."

Opening the concert were three equally outstanding music performances. The LYF's own worship team were followed by singer, songwriter Joel Duntin. Joel, a ministerial student at Newbold College admitted that he was "totally surprised and humbled to get the call to open for their concert." He added, "Listening to Take 6 growing up was where my love for harmonies began, and I still draw inspiration from their versatility and


complex harmonies."

Just prior to Take 6 going on stage, the popular and well-loved London Adventist Chorale raised the roof with their professional and inspiring performance.

It was then an energetic Take 6 that took the stage, performing a mix of old favourites and new songs to the delight of the audience. Joel Kibble from Take 6 recalled how they came to Milton Keynes 25 years ago, staying in people's homes. "We are not supposed to be up here," he said, "we could have packed it up a long time ago. But by the grace of God we come and stand here today and respond by singing Hallelujah."

Mike Johnson was responsible for bringing Take 6 to England back in 1988. Running Number Seven Promotions at the time, he recalls that when he first heard of Take 6, "No one had heard anything like it. So when I distributed the tapes to church promoters the interest was very strong from the start. They were able to present classic and contemporary songs in a fresh, exciting, and uplifting manner. People were in awe of their vocal ability."

Take 6's Claude McKnight explained to the audience how their music is deeply rooted in gospel, but mixed with a bit of jazz and R&B. They then took the audience on a musical journey sharing what artists and songs had inspired them, both gospel and secular.

It was clear that the old gospel songs were a favourite with many in the audience. Like other attendees, Sylvester Davis from Walthamstow couldn't stop reminiscing over the concert. "It took me right back to my youth", he said. "I especially liked when Take 6 performed their earlier numbers, but I must say Khristian Dentley's Michael Jackson impression really made me laugh."

Wendy Baptiste from Holloway and Hanworth Adventist church was so excited to be at the concert. Having followed Take 6 since she was ten, she relates: "I feel like they are my brothers, as I've grown up with their music and gone to all

their UK concerts. Every time they take me on a spiritual journey."

Pastor Steve Thomas, SEC Youth director and one of the organizers and sponsors, was thrilled at seeing so many raised hands during worship. The best part for him personally was the rendition of 'Lamb of God'. Pastor Thomas shared that "it was good to see that through advertising on Premier Radio, people who were not Seventh-day Adventists also came out for the concert."

The appeal of Take 6 wasn't limited by age. It was 13-year-old Foniah Thomas's first time at a Take 6 concert, and she was fascinated. "I can't believe they could do so many amazing


things with their voices", she said. "This was really a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me!"

In a world of social media, Mervi Kalmus summed up the evening with a Facebook comment: "Take 6 preached us a sermon by doing what they do and being who they are. A sermon about calling, endurance and the grace of God. And hey, I don't mind hearing a sermon with six-part harmony and a little moonwalk."

Selected photos from the evening are in the Adventist Church's picture gallery.

[Kirsten Øster-Lundqvist, Photos: Jadanna Huie]


76-year-old Headley was the oldest participant to race around Crystal Palace Park on Sunday, 28 April. It was 'Fun Run' time and he was determined to join in the fundraising for the 2013 Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Annual Appeal.

"I am feeling great!" enthused Headley. "I'm running because ADRA is doing a very good job and especially because it's their one-hundredth year; I'm very glad to take part in it!"

In celebration of 100 years of collecting for ADRA, over 350 people joined in the run, coordinated by the Personal Ministries department of the South England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Personal Ministries director, Pastor Kirk Thomas, and secretary, Mavis Bramble, were at Crystal Palace Park from the early hours of the morning, getting the course ready.

"Last year it was cold, wet and windy. It was miserable!" commented Pastor Thomas. "But this year it is already beautifully sunny; unfortunately I won't be able to join the runners today as I'm still coming off an ankle injury, but I might try to hop around a lap later in the day. I just pray no one gets injured and that we have a wonderful day together."

Participants of all ages and abilities ran, hopped, cycled or walked the 13 miles. The Chandler family from New Addington church, including pregnant mum Kris, dad, Charlie and 19-month-old, Ethan, made a family effort around the course.

"Our ADRA agent, Denise Mafolo, told us about the walk and we just wanted to get out and get some money", Kris explained. "The second lap was tough, but then people encouraged me to go around again and I just did my third lap. Three laps for ADRA ‒ but no closer to the baby arriving!"

Headley: 76 and smiling


Sporting his 1970s headband, SEC Treasurer, Earl Ramharacksingh, was primed to attack the course with his wife, Jackie. "I'm running alongside Jackie mainly because I wanted to wear my headband today. I haven't gotten it out since the 1970s, and also because there's just so many people that will benefit from the funds raised today."

Pastors Terry Messenger, Hamilton Williams and Jonathan Barrett completed their run, cheered on by church members. Alternately, some church members, participating in groups, were cheered on by their local pastors! Pastor Wilson Lagos was there to support his group running from the South Hispanic church, which included people from Argentina, Bolivia, Spain, Ecuador and Columbia.

Judy-Ann Green, from the Central London church, was the only runner to do 14 miles throughout the day. "Everyone who sponsored me last year gave me lots of money and I did 13.5 miles", said Judy-Ann. "So this year, I said I'll try to do 14 and so that's why I did it. I want them to be proud and sponsor me again next year!"

To see video clips of the day, please visit the South England Conference's Facebook page.

[Katie Ramharacksingh, Photos: Darren Allen]


A fun run is simply not enough for Leamington Spa church member, Nigel Clark. In an effort to raise funds for the Adventist Development and Relief Agency Annual Appeal, Nigel ran in the Shakespeare Stratford-on-Avon Marathon on Sunday, 28 April.

The build-up to the event started with a Pasta Party on the Saturday evening with several supportive members in readiness for the run the following day. It was a fine day and despite some strong winds Nigel managed a time of 3hrs:34minutes, coming in 138th out of 749 competitors.

Thanks to the support of the church members, friends and work colleagues a total of just over £600.00 has been raised so far.

Runners from the South London Hispanic church


Not so keen on running, train enthusiasts Kelvin Watson, John Wilson and David Vincent will be attempting the 2013 ADRA Tube Challenge on Wednesday 29 May. Celebrating the 150th anniversary of the London Underground Railway and the 100th anniversary of 'Ingathering' (which more recently became the ADRA Annual Appeal), they plan to travel by train to all 270 stations on the London Underground system in just one day! If you haven't yet contributed to this year's appeal then you can sponsor them on this challenge, and help raise vital funds for ADRA by visiting: www.justgiving.com/ADRA-Tube-Challenge-2013.

Musical children at Stanborough Park church raised almost £3,000 both for ADRA and the church's young musicians' fund on Saturday evening, 27 April. The money was raised both by sponsorship for music practice and by a collection on the night. Thirty-five children aged 6-14 took part.

[Victor Hulbert]


When NEC Communication director, Peter Jeynes, asked if any of his Journalism workshop participants have had their writing published before, he did not expect an eight-year-old and a twelve-year-old to be raising their hands.

Matipa Mashiri stunned the twenty-two participants when she revealed that her article on the importance of team work in tag rugby was published in her school

newsletter when she was only seven years old.

A second surprise came from Ethan Marata, who added that at the age of ten, his poem was published in the local newspaper, The Chronicle.

The discovery of the young writing talent set the tone for the rest of the Communication training workshop, held at Newcastle Seventh-day Adventist church on Sunday, 28 April 2013. In fact, over two-thirds of the participants were all young writing enthusiasts aged between 8 and 20 years, all of whom were eager to acquire or develop their news-writing skills.

The training was not all theoretical. Participants had opportunity to practice their writing skills by developing their own news story, based on information gathered from sources provided during the workshop. In fact, this article is a product of one of those very exercises. Amazingly, the young people produced some impressive draft stories. For instance, Liseli Samwinga, another eight-year-old participant, was so keen to share her draft story that she volunteered to


read it to the rest of the group.

Two other teenagers, Jan Andrada and Taonga Muchanagumbo, also received commendation from Pastor Jeynes, for asking the right questions and eventually developing very good stories.

Participants went away from the workshop having learnt how to identify and develop a newsworthy story by following the principles of the journalistic acronym TRUTHS, which stands for Topical, Relevant, Unusual, Trouble, Human interest, and Short. In addition, the training also emphasised the need for every story to capture the 5Ws and How (Who, What, Where, When and Why).

The workshop was testimony to the fact that one is never too young or too old to learn a new skill. Pastor Jeynes challenged the local communications leader, Victor Samwinga, to tap into and nurture the newly discovered young people's writing talents.

For more tips on news writing and communication please visit the Communication page of the Adventist Church website.

[Girlie Mae Andrada / Victor Samwinga]


The fast-growing, North London Luganda Adventist Fellowship celebrated their official church organisation, as part of the South England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (SEC), on Sabbath, 27 April, at the Ferry Lane Primary School in Tottenham.

Fifteen years ago, the tragic story of the death of an isolated, young, Ugandan woman became the beginning

of a journey that has led to the formation of a permanent, Adventist church that understand, speak and enjoy interacting and worshipping in Luganda, the major language of Uganda.

The group came together from an evangelistic campaign, organised and sponsored by the Ugandan Adventists in the UK (UAUK). It was conducted by Pastor Blessious Kalemeera. Through Bible classes, teaching and preaching, the fellowship has experienced a remarkable growth spiritually and in membership over the past five years. Members have been involved in intensive, evangelistic programmes to reach out to the Ugandan community and beyond, especially in North London.

"The inauguration was phenomenal, it was really exciting", enthused Pastor Kalemeera. "Everybody felt wonderful and we had around 400 non-Adventist visitors, mainly from within London, and were also joined by the Beckton Maranatha, Mitcham Luganda and Maranatha Hayes Adventist churches."

SEC President, Pastor Sam Davis, and Executive Secretary, Pastor Terry Messenger, were both


present with their wives, to welcome the new church. They oversaw as the 74 members signed their charter, officially confirming their organisation within the SEC.

"It was great to see the enthusiasm and the joy on the faces of the members", commented Pastor Davis. "This is something they've really worked hard towards. There's a strong concentration of the Luganda-speaking community in, and around, Tottenham, so that's why they've located to this area. They've seen tremendous baptismal growth in the three years since they've been here. It's the largest group I've organised in the last 5 years!"

Also joining the celebrations were Uganda High Commissioner, Sebulime Biruma, Rwanda High Commissioner, Williams Nkurunziza and Reverend Godfrey Kaziro, from the 'Okunsinza mu Luganda' Anglican Church. Each expressed how dignified the occasion was and how they thoroughly enjoyed spending the day with the newly organised church.

To find out more about the North London Luganda Seventh-day Adventist Fellowship, please visit their church website.

[Katie Ramharacksingh, with Blessious Kalemeera]


What better or safer place to have dinner than with your doctor. That was the vision for the Health Ministries team at Bournemouth Seventh-day Adventist church on Saturday evening, 27 April 2013.

Over fifty people 'came to dinner' as the church held the first of a series of health seminars under the title 'Dinner

with the Doctor'. The aim is to help increase the understanding amongst the general public of key health issues that may be impacting their lives and the lives of families and friends.

The first seminar 'Coping with depression and sadness' took an in-depth look at the differences between sadness, anxiety and depression and gave advice and guidance on how to deal with each. It was led by Dr Dina Borges, the Health Ministries team leader. She is a general physician with additional training in psychiatry and psychotherapy and was supported by other medically qualified personnel and health care practitioners from within the church. It included a thirty minute question and answer session following Dr Borges's presentation.

As well as local participants, some travelled over 40 miles to attend and were treated to a wholesome buffet prepared by the church's hospitality team prior to leaving.

The next 'Dinner with the Doctor' seminar entitled '7 steps to improve your health' will be held on Saturday 8 June at the Bournemouth Adventist church, 84 Alma Road, Winton, Bournemouth, BH9 1AN commencing at 6:00 pm. Booking is essential.

[Chris Harris]



"This is the best turnout we have had", enthused Jeremy Tremeer and David Rancić, pastors from Cardiff and Newport respectively, whose churches hosted the Family Ministries weekend 26-28 April under the theme 'Creating Great Relationships'.

The previous year, at the Family Ministries leadership training, the attendees expressed the need to have seminars on various aspects of family life. Pastor and Mrs Moore, Welsh Mission Family and Children's Ministries sponsors, team-

worked with Mrs Haworth at the BUC to find out what topics folk wanted by sending out a survey to the churches. They invited Dr and Mrs Sanches, their counterparts at the Trans-European Division, to respond to these felt needs by being the seminar presenters.

As children and youth are important family members they were included in the weekend events. So John and Clair Sanches, after a pizza supper, interacted with the Cardiff and Newport youth using video clips and discussion cards on the Friday evening. The young people enjoyed a lively discussion on making positive lifestyle decisions and intently listened to Dr Sanches as he challenged them to not to forget that God created them because He loves them, wants their fellowship as disciples and is with them as they minister to others and share their faith.

Mrs Moore creatively led out Sabbath afternoon and all day Sunday in the children's events where, through watching a DVD and craft work, they discovered how to become Jesus' friends and heroes. Heather Haworth ably assisted with the children. One little girl was so impressed that she turned to Mrs Moore and gave her a hug and said 'thank you'.

The Cardiff Sabbath School superintendent heartily welcomed those attending this Family Ministries Day of Fellowship.

Pastor Clyde Moore's soul-searching discussion questions provoked the listeners to consider how they could overcome in their lives the human failings of those living in the time of Amos. "This is how a lesson should be taught," commented Mrs Sanches, "it was so relevant to us and not dry Bible history." In the family worship service, the packed church was blessed by music from local Cardiff group Uplifted and then attendees were further stimulated by the preacher for the day, Dr Sanches. They were challenged during his sermon to reflect on their relationship growth with Christ and His earthly family. Sharing his life experiences as a pastor, department director as well as a practising clinical psychiatrist to troubled youth in prison, he engaged his listeners on a journey through the book of Ephesians. The illustration of the cherry tree and PowerPoint slides visually emphasised it is

Left to right: Heather Haworth, Clair Sanches, Anette Moore, Clyde Moore, John Sanches


only the power of the Holy Spirit that enables us to be grounded and rooted in the love of God so we can successfully develop loving relationships with others.

Lunch was served in the youth hall where the talented cooks of the Cardiff church met the physical need for food. Listening to the conversations around the dinner table it was apparent that the weekend was proving to be a success. "More days like this are needed", enthused Ian Matthews, Cardiff head deacon. After lunch Dr Sanches led out in the first of two afternoon seminars entitled, 'Communicating Successfully'. The church was packed and it was refreshing to see the staying power and commitment of the young people.

Fears that we would lose attendees during the break were totally unfounded as the church was still packed for the final seminar presented by Clair Sanches entitled Parenting Skills – the ABC of Parenting. At the end of the presentation the whole congregation joined hands whilst a prayer of commitment was given. To close the day Pastor Moore gave the vote of thanks to John and Clair Sanches and to Heather Haworth, but he reserved his warmest thanks for the attendees without whom the day would not have been a success.

Family Ministries took place in the evening for a special group of people; the Welsh Mission pastors Jeremy Tremeer, David and Duska Rancic, Clyde and Anette Moore. They spent wonderful evening of fellowship, eating and sharing with Dr and Mrs Sanches and Heather


On Sunday the venue changed to the Newport church with the emphasis on couples. The morning seminar was on Conflict Management between husband and wife. After a wonderful lunch, provided by the Newport ladies, the weekend was concluded with the final seminar on Marriage and Sexuality.

Many expressed a desire for another weekend like this, but more in-depth, so plans are now in place to have a residential weekend in April 2014.

[Clyde Moore and Heather Haworth]


Seventh-day Adventists are faithful people. Even as the economy has just missed a triple-dip recession, tithe figures are showing a slight upward mobility. With March tithe figures released this week, and after two months where giving appeared weak, it would seem that the trend for this year is currently at 2.3 percent

"We are marginally behind schedule on income, but within budget on expense", states Victor Pilmoor, Treasurer for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the UK and Ireland. "We continue to offer thanks to our members for their continued faithfulness, and to our Lord for His mercy."

Members of the Cardiff Congregation


Seventh-day Adventists are one of a number of Christian churches that value the biblical system of tithing – returning one tenth of income to God in order to enhance the mission of the Church. Tithe is used to support a network of ministers across the country and principally for evangelism and outreach.

[Victor Pilmoor]


Programme highlights for the coming week include:

On Revelation TV (Sky 581 or Freesat 692): The Journey, Thursday, 2 May, 8:30 pm, repeated Sunday lunchtime, 5 May at 1:00 pm. Victor Hulbert visits Portugal and discovers the foolishness of an empty camera, and that photography gives him lessons for

life. Next week, on Thursday 9 May, repeated Sunday 12, Victor reflects on the most moving interviews of his career as he takes a visit to Hiroshima, talks to atomic bomb survivors and learns a lesson in forgiveness.

For internet radio listeners: Fridays at 8:00 pm, 'My Song' with Mike Johnson, online at www.lightfm.net. Two hours of your favourite songs from across the decades. Send your requests/dedications to radio@lightfm.net.

On Hope TV you can watch a wide variety of programmes on the satellite and website. Next week's schedule includes the following UK produced programmes among its much larger international output:

Friday 3 May: 8:00 pm: The Journey: Masada, 8:30 pm: FaithTalks: Is science anti-Christian?, Midnight: The Journey: Masada Sabbath 4 May: 9:00 am & 7:00 pm: The Journey: Masada, 7:30 pm: FaithTalks: The problem of evil, 8:00 pm: Viewpoint: Christians and finance Monday 6 May: 12:30 pm: In Conversation: Richard de Lisser – From politics to pastor, 9:30 pm: Viewpoint: The Sabbath Wednesday 8 May: 8:00 am: Viewpoint: The Sabbath, 11:00 pm: In Conversation: Mervyn Weir – A look at his film, Fired Up Friday 10 May: 8:00 pm: The Journey: Empty Camera, 8:30 pm: FaithTalks: Is Jesus the only way to God?, Midnight: The Journey: Empty Camera Sabbath 11 May: 9:00 am & 7:00 pm: The Journey: Empty Camera, 7:30 pm: FaithTalks: Is Jesus the only way to God?, 8:00 pm: Viewpoint: Is violence ever acceptable?

[Victor Hulbert]



For a full listing of Coming Events please visit http://adventist.org.uk/events

This weekend: 'Go SEC' Urban Ministry Summit, Southern Asia Fellowship Day of Fellowship, Thames Valley Youth Federation: House of Praise, 'Signs of the Times' Plumstead Community Church Campaign, (LYF) London Youth Day of Felllowship, and Gospel According to Jazz.

For more details and a larger selection of events both this weekend and in the future please visit the Coming Events website where events are continuously updated online. Select your region for events nearest to you. You can also share events important to you on your Facebook or social media profile.



ROOM TO LET in the Waterloo area of London, long-term. For more information please phone 07529889505.

FOR SALE various books in Spanish from E G White. For more information please phone Sonia on 07529889505 or email colques@gmail.com.

2 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED, Stanborough Park church, Watford, starting 1 June 2013. Working with youth & teens and supporting the running of the Stanborough Centre. For more information visit the Job Vacancies page on the Adventist Church website.


BUC News is a weekly news bulletin produced by the British Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and edited by the Communication Department. Victor Hulbert, director; Mary Kapon, secretary. Items for inclusion should be sent to bucnews@adventist.org.uk and need to be received by 6.00 pm on Wednesday, preferably as simple email text or submitted online. All unattributed stories written by the editorial team. Coming Events should be kept short and preferably be submitted via the on-line form at: http://adventist.org.uk/events. Small ads should be sent by email. The editor reserves the right to modify articles received to make them suitable for inclusion. The views expressed by individuals cited in this bulletin do not necessarily reflect the views of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, though we try to ensure that they do. You are free to re-print any portion of this bulletin without the need for special permission. However, we kindly request that you identify BUC News or other sources whenever you publish these materials. Back issues are available on our archive website at http://www.adventistnews.org.uk.

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