goodman-elgar 2008a terraces

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  • 8/7/2019 Goodman-Elgar 2008a Terraces


    Evaluating soil resilience in long-term cultivation: a study of pre-Columbianterraces from the Paca Valley, Peru

    Melissa Goodman-Elgar*

    Department of Anthropology, Washington State University, College Hall, Pillman, WA 99164-4910, USA

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 14 February 2008

    Received in revised form 31 May 2008

    Accepted 4 June 2008





    Soil micromorphology



    a b s t r a c t

    This study evaluated the soil properties of pre-Hispanic stone-walled terraces by comparing soil quality

    along terraced catenas in the Paca Valley, a tributary of the Mantaro Valley, Peru. Micromorphological

    and bulk analyses of terrace soils revealed that despite terracing soil horizonation largely followed the

    catena. Upland terraced fields had deeper A-horizons with higher biotic activity than uncultivated

    controls, but less fine material and greater carbonate accumulation. Midslope fields were highly variable

    in depth and soil properties reflecting considerable substrate and anthropogenic variations in this

    growing zone. Silts and clay accumulated in valley bottom terraces where pedofeatures indicate an

    ongoing downhill movement of fine material. The distribution of soil separates down Paca hillsides

    demonstrates that terraces help moderate, rather than control, the erosion of key soil fractions required

    for long-term agricultural productivity. This study illustrates how the loss of fine material is partly

    mitigated by soil consolidation in dense topsoil peds, microaggregates and saprolite. These aggregates

    are retained by terraces and contribute to deep soil profiles. Nevertheless, many fields show signs of

    degradation, especially from insufficient organic matter amendment. In addition to farming itself, buried

    soils and associated artefacts in valley bottom fields indicate mass soil movement, a likely result of

    disruption caused by Inca road and terrace construction. The poor soil quality of many upland terraces

    also confirms that stone-walled terraces were constructed on mediocre substrates for farming, indicating

    a high labour investment for marginal agricultural returns in these areas. Overall, Paca Valley terracesimprove topsoil retention and promote deep soil profiles. However, these fields present quite varied

    growing substrates. It is also apparent that over the last millennium, soil depletion from cultivation has

    compromised soil quality through loss of fine material and organic matter. Shifts in farming practice

    away from pre-Hispanic practices such as long-fallow and middening appear to exacerbate this trend.

    2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Pre-Columbian Andean peoples developed an elaborate net-

    work of stone-walled terrace systems to facilitate intensive agri-

    culture in the mountainous uplands. These managed landscapes

    emerged as growing populations intensified their landuse practices

    and formalized their landholding systems. Early terrace systemswere established by at least 2000 B.C. (Denevan, 2001: p. 173) but

    their development is poorly understood. In the central highlands,

    agricultural intensification is found by the Early Horizon, 900200

    B.C. (Burger, 1992; Hastorf, 1993a; Whitehead, 1999). Highland

    terrace construction is associated with several Andean cultures

    notably the Huarpa (Leoni, 2006), Wari (Branch et al., 2007; Wil-

    liams, 2002) and the Inca (Branch et al., 2007; DAltroy, 2002;

    Denevan, 2001; Treacy, 1994). The arrival of the Spanish generally

    marks a hiatus in terrace construction until recent attempts to

    renovate terrace technology.

    This study addresses pre-Columbian terrace systems in a central

    Andean valley in order to assess the role of stone-walled terraces in

    soil conservation and their contribution to the long-term resilience

    of farming systems. Soil quality underlies the long-term success of

    agricultural strategies. In soil science, resilience concerns the ca-pacity of a soil to recover its functional andstructural integrity after

    a disturbance (Seybold et al., 1999: p. 225). Soil resilience is

    evaluated in terms of vulnerability to disturbance, the rate and the

    degree of potential recovery after disturbance. Mountain soils are

    particularly vulnerable to erosion disturbance. Agriculture presents

    a profounddisturbance to soil systems and often leads to regressive

    soil processes such as erosion and nutrient depletion (Park, 2006).

    Even under traditional Andean farming regimes (Denevan, 2001),

    the processes of hand tillage, weeding, cropping and harvest can

    degrade soils. Maintenance of soil quality is a dynamic between

    landuse management techniques and underlying natural condi-

    tions including soil type, climate, and natural vegetation (Herrick,* Tel.: 1 509 335 4807; fax: 1 509 335 3999.

    E-mail address:

    Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

    Journal of Archaeological Science

    j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : h t t p : / / w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / j a s

    0305-4403/$ see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.jas.2008.06.003

    Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (2008) 30723086

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    2000). Ideally, stable farming systems will balance soil and eco-

    system resilience thresholds with farming technologies that mini-

    mize disruption. Terraces are generally seen as a means to promote

    the progressive soil conditions that promote soil deepening and

    horizonation (e.g. FAO, 1989: pp. 2229), although terrace con-

    struction is also disruptive (Park, 2006: Fig. 2).

    This study aimed to evaluate the contribution of terraces to soil

    resilience through an assessment of soils quality indicators, par-

    ticularly plant nutrients and soil structure. Recent research into

    Andean farming systems has focused on coastal agriculture (e.g.

    Wilson et al., 2002; Huckleberry and Billman, 2003; Nordt et al.,

    2004) and the Andean highlands are beginning to see renewed

    interest (e.g. Branch et al., 2007). However, little research has been

    directed at assessing the role of terraces within the context of

    specific soil parameters. A case study was selected with pre-His-

    panic terraces that are currently cultivated in order to address

    features that contribute to long-term soil resilience. Most terraces

    were currently cultivated. This study addressedthe contributions to

    soil quality of both inherent soil properties and human land man-

    agement techniques.

    The movement of the fine fraction was a particular focus as silt

    and clay are associated retention of crop nutrients (Caravaca et al.,

    1999). The mobilization of fine particles by natural processes (e.g.freezethaw, extreme rainfall) and anthropogenic processes (e.g.

    clearance, burning, cultivation) is most visible in thin section (see

    Courty et al., 1989: pp.104137; FitzPatrick,1993: p.185). It has also

    been suggested that ploughing may also help retain silt and clay in

    the subsoil (e.g. Jongerius, 1983), particularly animal-drawn ard

    tillage (Lewis, 1998).

    Terrace soils frequently display deep profiles which are attrib-

    utedto the stabilizationprovided by terrace walls (e.g. Keeley, 1985;

    French and Whitelaw, 1999; Sandor, 1992). However, landuse and

    substrate differences impact terrace soil development, even in

    similar settings. For instance, although terrace soils in the US

    Southwest had deeper A-horizons than uncultivated areas, they

    were lighter in colour and lower in organic matter, phosphorus and

    nitrogen suggesting landuse impacts (Sandor et al., 1986). In the

    Grand Canyon, little difference was found between terrace and

    uncultivated Mollisols but terraced Aridisols had elevated pH, car-

    bonate and CEC values over uncultivated samples suggesting car-

    bonate accumulation (Sullivan, 2000).

    Research in Peru reveals dramatic substrate and anthropogenic

    differences between terrace systems. Rainfed pre-Inca terraces in

    the Cusichaca Valley, Peru were situated to take advantage of nat-

    ural features (e.g. alluvial fans) with limited soil modification

    whereas Inca terraces were elaborate constructions with heavily

    modified terrace fills (Keeley,1985). In theColca Canyonabandoned

    irrigated terrace soils varied between deep, poorly developed

    stratified A-horizons and well-developed profiles with prominent

    subsoil accumulations of clay, carbonate, and silica (Sandor, 1992;

    Sandor and Eash, 1991). The underlying geology is Miocene an-

    desite lava, tufa and volcanic breccia. Earthworms observed in the

    Ap-horizon did not penetrate subsoils and buried soils were com-

    mon. These terraces had high concentrations of organic carbon,

    nitrogen, and especially phosphorus reflecting long-term fertiliza-

    tion (Dick et al., 1994; Eash and Sandor, 1995; Sandor and Eash,

    1995). Colca Canyon terraces are irrigated making the role of ter-

    races difficult to isolate. This study controls for this by focusing on

    rainfed terraces.

    1.1. Case study

    Investigations were conducted in a tributary of the Mantaro

    Valley, the Paca Valley, in the central Peruvian Andes (Fig. 1). The

    topography of the Paca Valley is ruggedwith alluvial fans, scree and

    jagged cliff edges that attest to periodic mass movements. Steep,

    irregular topography leads to strong down-cutting and alluvial

    deposition along seasonal channels and streams. Terracing is

    present on the more stable parts of the hillsides, primarily on

    western valley walls.

    The dominant parent material in the Mantaro Valley is calcar-

    eous limestone. These deposits uplifted and deformed to create the

    Fig. 1. The Paca Valley, Peru showing transect areas (Base image Google Earth).

    M. Goodman-Elgar / Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (2008) 30723086 3073

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    WankayoJauja depression and subsequently formed Quaternary

    fluvioglacial deposits (Megard and Philip, 1976; Megard, 1987). The

    bulk of central Andean shortening concentrates in the Maranon

    Thrust and Fold Belt from about 7 to 12300 trending NW through

    the study area. In the Paca Valley, the western valley wall is a ridge

    formed by uplift of Jurassic limestone (Pucara Group) (Megard and

    Caldas, n.d. [1996], Paredes, 1970 [1994]). Chucllu and the Paca

    ridge are separated by a low saddle of Pleistocene conglomerate

    sands with subsurface drainage. The Paca ridge is bisected by sev-

    eral deep, intermittent streams that drain to Lake Paca. The valley

    floor is tilted upward towards the north and contains Recent

    Quaternary fluvioglacial terraces (Paredes, 1994). Lake Paca was

    formed either by a karst solution depression in the limestone

    (Hansen et al., 1994) or as an oxbow lake from the main Mantaro

    River to the south (Wright et al., 1989: p. 84). The lake drains by

    underground streams. The eastern valley wall is primarily Pre-

    cambrian metamorphic Maraizo-Huaytapallana gneiss. The north-

    east section is calcareous limestone intercalated with sandstone,

    claystone and sandy conglomerate lavas (Paredes, 1994), and agri-

    culture concentrates in this area.

    The Mantaro Valley has a semi-arid climate and recent annual

    rainfall averaged 730 mm/year, with 92% falling between Septem-

    ber andApril (Silva et al., 2007). Rains originate over the Amazon tothe east and rainshadow effects leave eastern valley walls drier

    than their western counterparts. Wind, elevation and good drain-

    age contribute to rapid drying out after rainfall and pronounced

    wetdry effects. Frost is frequent in the dry season, averaging 150

    days annually (Schwerdtfeger, 1976a,b). Strong El Nino-Southern

    Oscillation (ENSO) effects result in dramatic inter-annual climate

    variation making both drought and floods relatively frequent

    (Vuille et al., 2000). Native vegetation in uncultivated land includes

    a vast array of annuals, several perennial cacti (e.g. Opuntia), and

    rare shrubs and trees (Hastorf, 1993a).

    The primary indigenous food crops of the Paca Valley include

    tubers, beans, quinoa and Andean maize (Hastorf,1993a). The many

    varieties of Andean tubers prefer organic-rich, well-drained soils

    and have variable rooting depths. For instance, ulluco (Ullucustuberosus Loz.) produces many tubers which can be up to 15 cm

    long (NRC, 1989: p. 112). The nitrogen-fixing lupine tarwi (Lupinus

    mutabilis Sweet) tolerates poor soils and drought and is supported

    by a short tap root (NRC, 1989: pp. 188189). Quinoa (Chenopodium

    quinoa Willd.) is supported by a tap root with dense rootlets (20

    25 cm) andalso tolerates poor soilsand drought (NRC,1989: p.159).

    Andean maize (Zea mays L.) is adapted to a wider range of soils and

    is more cold tolerant than other varieties (Brandolini et al., 2000).

    However, local farmers report that maize is the most water and

    nutrient demanding of the common indigenous crops. Maize forms

    elaborate root systems first developing a single primary root with

    seminal roots followed by shoot-born roots as the plant develops

    (Hochholdinger et al., 2004). Most roots are found to 50 cmbs

    (Amos and Walters, 2006). Crop limits make planting rotations andfallow periods vary with elevation and these present characteristic

    growing zones (Hastorf, 1993a). However, climate variations in

    prehistory impacted the area available to specific crops, particularly

    maize (Seltzer and Hastorf, 1990).

    Andean paleoclimate reconstructions are limited by the wide

    distribution of studies, few absolute dates and lack of consensus

    between ice cores, glacial moraines and pollen cores. Glacial mo-

    raines on Mt. Huaytapallana, which overlooks the central Mantaro

    Valley, indicate warm conditions after deglaciation except for two

    colder periods around A.D. 710 and A.D. 1350 but moraines have

    coarse resolution (Seltzer, 1991). Pollen from Lake Paca indicates

    cooling with a ChenopodiaceaeAmaranthaceae increase and Aliso

    decline followed by a warming trend but this study had only

    a single basal date (5305

    90 SI-7001) (Hansen et al., 1994). Icecores on Mt. Quelccaya and Mt. Huascaran have very high

    resolution and show a series of dry periods or dust events between

    A.D. 540980 with wet periods A.D. 602635 and A.D. 7601050

    (see Thompson et al., 2000). However, these cores are well above

    agricultural lands and far from the study area. Despite low reso-

    lution palaeoclimatic data, the absence of irrigation features in the

    study area indicates sufficient rainfall for agriculture at the time of

    terrace construction. Pre-Columbian climate fluctuations impacted

    the land area available to differentcrops, particularly maize (Seltzer

    and Hastorf, 1990). However, cold and drought resistant crops such

    as tarwi and quinoa could have been cultivated during all major

    occupation periods. The range of conditions indicated by climate

    reconstructions would subject Paca soils to frequent wetdry and

    freezethaw cycles.

    The Mantaro Valley is an important agricultural centre but has

    no established soil sequence. Saleva et al. (1954) identify a Paca soil

    series adjacent to Lake Paca without scientific analyses. In the

    southern Mantaro Valley, fallow fields on limestone had neutral pH

    in the topsoil with relatively high K, total nitrogen and available

    phosphorus but low organic matter (Alegre et al., 1990). The Quil-

    casWankayo area of the southern Mantaro Valley has soils similar

    to the Paca region comprising moderately deep brown-grey gravely

    loams, shallow dark brown sandy loams and erodible deep reddish

    brown (clay) loams on limestone, claystone and sandstone (Kauff-man and Ramos, 1998).

    1.2. Cultural setting

    By 3000 B.C. incipient agriculturalists settled in the Paca Valley

    in small, dispersed settlements (Rick, 1988). Settlement increased

    during the Formative Period but population density remained low

    (Hastorf et al., 1989: p. 87). During the Early Intermediate Period

    (400 B.C.A.D. 500), the lakeside site of Pancan emerged and be-

    came a long-lived centre (Borges, 1988). Chenopod, maize, legumes

    and tubers were cultivated by early Pancan residents, possibly in

    raised fields adjacent to the lake (Hastorf, 1993a: pp. 167176). The

    Wanka emerged as a local cultural tradition in the Middle Horizon(A.D. 5001000) with five new communities in the Paca Valley

    (Borges, 1988: p. 45). Subsistence shifted to camelid pastoralism

    and valley bottom agriculture (Hastorf et al., 1989; Hastorf, 1990,

    1993b). The terrace systems adjacent to these sites may be con-

    temporaneous constructions but few diagnostic Wanka I artefacts

    were recovered from fields (Goodman-Elgar, 2003). In the sub-

    sequent Wanka II phase (A.D. 10001438), population increased

    and shifted dramatically to concentrate in defensive upland set-

    tlements in the Yanamarca Valley. Paca settlement appears reduced

    to Pancan and two small hillside settlements (Hastorf, 1993a).

    Yanamarca Valley farmers developed a small hydraulic network,

    terraces, lynchets and ridged fields (Hastorf, 1990, 1993a). These

    fields are now severely eroded and uncultivable. No irrigation

    features were found in the Paca Valley suggesting rainfed agricul-ture throughout the occupied periods.

    The Inca conquered the Mantaro Valley by 1450 A.D. and con-

    structed a footpath along the western ridge of the Paca Valley

    (DAltroy, 1992). The Inca restructured Wanka II communities to

    areas of agricultural productivity and developed terraces in the

    Paca uplands (Earle et al., 1987; Goodman-Elgar, 2003). Less than

    a century later, the Spanish overthrew the Inca and established

    their first colonial capital in Jauja (Fig. 1). The local population was

    decimated by disease and relocated to the valley bottom. Upland

    terraces may have been briefly abandoned but subsequently

    returned to use as population began to recover through the 19th

    century (Mallon, 1983). Residents reported that civil unrest in

    1980s promotedlarge-scale out-migration. Regional population has

    largely recovered and there are several agricultural communitieswithin the study area.

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    Changes in farming technology and landuse mirror these cul-

    tural trajectories. The main pre-Hispanic agricultural implements

    were the chaquitaclla (footplow) and rucana (hoe or mattock) made

    of wood and stone (Donkin, 1970; Poma de Ayala, 1987 [1584

    1615]). Stone hoes are widely distributed in Wanka sites ( Russell,

    1988) and frequently encountered on the surface of Paca fields

    (Goodman-Elgar, 2003). Animal traction was introduced by the

    Spanish and prompted terrace modification to enable access for

    animal teams (Morales, 1978). Upland fields are inaccessible to

    traction and continue to be hand-tilled. Mechanized ploughing is

    only used in a few valley bottom locations. Pre-Hispanic commu-

    nities had substantial camelid herds and a ready source of dung

    fertilizer (Sandefur, 2001). Camelid herding declined following

    Spanish colonization and the introduction of European animals.

    Contemporary farmers add a little organic matter through limited

    sheep grazing, middening and burning.

    Paca Valley terraces have stone-walled masonry constructed of

    unmodified or very roughly cut fieldstone, which is commonly

    double walled with gravel fill (Goodman-Elgar, 20 03). Walls gen-

    erally have larger, rectangular stones at the base (to ca. 1 m long by

    30 cm high) with smaller stones in upper courses (to ca. 25 cm by

    25 cm). Wall height decreases with elevation and soil depth aver-

    aging over 2 m at the footslope to under 1 m in the highest terraces.Field shape accommodates topography and drainages. Most are

    rectangular valley side, sloping field terraces with small sections of

    architecturally planned bench terraces at the footslope (Goodman-

    Elgar, 2003; see Denevan, 2001: pp. 175180 for terrace forms).

    Long walls are perpendicular to the slope. Many terraces are cur-

    rently in poor condition with damaged or missing masonry.

    2. Field and lab methods

    Field investigations in 19951996 concentrated on the western

    limestone ridge of the Paca Valley in three parallel eastwest

    transects, a northsouth transect in a saddle between Cerro Ushnu

    and Paca (Acolla), and two short transects in Chucllu (Fig. 1). Thewestern hillslope is almost entirely terraced whereas terracing on

    the eastern slope starts at midslope and is discontinuous. Test

    trenches were selected along transects that captured catena vari-

    ations in elevation, growing conditions and field practices (Fig. 1,

    Table 1). Triplicate parallel transects P1, P2 and P3 controlled for

    spatial variation between fields in the same growing zone (Good-

    man-Elgar, 2007). Trenches were excavated to the B/C horizon or

    3 m and profiles were described for Munsell colour, texture,

    structure and inclusions. A continuous column of parallel bulk and

    block samples was collected from each pit. This collection was

    subsampled and the results of 16 test pits from P1, P2, and P3

    transects are presented here. P1 transect crossed the valley bottom

    to account for both sides of the valley, whereas P2 and P3 are only

    on the western side of the valley. Archaeological studies of agri-cultural fields are generally controlled by comparison to un-

    cultivated contexts (e.g. Sullivan, 2000). However, in the Paca

    Valley essentially all arable land was under cultivation. Only two

    uncultivated profiles (N1and N2) were collected as controls from

    unenclosed land at 35503650 masl between P1 and P2 transects

    and no suitable controls were identified at lower elevations.

    Analyses concentrated on thin sections in order to assess the

    distribution of fine material. Bulk analyses were used to further

    characterize soil types and define horizons. A subset of 109 thin

    sections is summarized here. Thin sections were prepared by air

    drying followed by resin impregnation under vacuum. Most slides

    were mammoth (51 mm75 mm) hand-finished, thin sections

    made at the McBurney Laboratory, University of Cambridge. The

    remainder were large (27 mm46 mm) machine-finished thin

    sections prepared by Spectrum Petrographics (Vancouver, WA,

    USA). Thin sections were analyzed on Leica Wild and Leitz Laborlux

    microscopes (Bullock et al., 1985; Courty et al., 1989; FitzPatrick,

    1993) with digital image capture on Omninet Enterprise version 2.0

    software (Buehler, Lake Bluff, IL, USA; Goodman-Elgar, 2003: Ap-

    pendix J). Soils were characterized by microscopic analysis of soil

    fabric and structure with an emphasis on primary and secondary

    carbonates, silt and clay pedofeatures, and other indicators of soil

    quality. The microstructure, birefringence-fabric (b-fabric), texture

    and accumulation pedofeatures were used to assign soil fabrics.

    A subset of parallel bulk samples was analyzed for texture, or-

    ganic matter, carbonate, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus

    (Table 2). Bulk analyses were conducted at the Department of Ge-ography, University of Cambridge based on standard protocols

    (MAFF, 1986; SSSA, 1996). Soils were air-dried and stored before

    analysis, which may impact phosphate and nitrogen results (Hay-

    nes and Swift, 1985). Samples were lightly ground and the 2 mm

    fraction was used for all bulk analyses. Texture was determined by

    dry sieving followed by dispersion in sodium pyrophosphate and

    laser particle analysis (Malvern Mastersizer 200 0). Determinations

    of pH and electrical conductivity (EC) were determined on elec-

    trodes. Organic carbon and carbonate were determined by loss-

    on-ignition. Essential plant nutrients nitrogen, potassium and

    phosphorus (Soon, 1985; Elliott, 1996) were assayed on extracts in

    Olsens solution.

    Carbonized organic remains were collected from test pit exca-

    vations for radiocarbon dating. However, high levels of bio-turbation, buried modern artefacts (plastic, metal) and a lack of

    secure contexts under terrace walls conspired against a successful

    application of radiocarbon dating and this effort was discontinued.

    Terrace wall architecture and artefact distributionwere surveyed to

    estimate the cultural contexts of Paca terraces (Goodman-Elgar,

    2003). The cultural associations of Paca Valley fields are pre-

    dominantly Late Intermediate Period to Inca.

    3. Results

    Seven profiles were investigated in P1 transect, four along the

    western valley wall and three up the eastern wall (Table 3). Topsoils

    were generally deep while subsoils varied widely but were gener-ally less developed on the eastern valley wall. Five profiles were

    investigated in P2 transect andthese hadshallower topsoilsthan P2

    and again variable subsoils. P3 transect is represented by seven

    profiles and these profiles show the greatest variability in terms of

    Table 1

    Field characteristics of test trenches

    Growing Zonea Slope position (masl) Depth (cm) Landuse Test trenches

    Fertile Lowland Toeslope-valley 33803420 110310 Animal or mechanical till, maize, beans, dung, midden P1-2, P2-1, P3-1, P3-2

    Intensive Hillside I Toeslope-midslope 34153510 4788 Hand or animal till, short-term fallow, grains, maize, beans,

    tubers, rare surface treatment

    P1-1, P1-3, P1-5, P2-2,

    P2-3, P2-4, P3-3

    Intensive Hil lsid e I I M id sl op e 3 49 5 356 0 10 0 173 Han d or u ntil led, tub ers or n o c rop, no sur fac e treatment N 2, P3-4 , P3-6

    Extensive Hillside Midslope-Upland 35453595 2362 Hand or animal tilled, grain or tubers, P1-4, P1-6, P3-5

    High Elevation Upland 36503675 25130 Hand till, potato or no crop, Some dung N1, P1-7, P2-5, P3-7

    a Adapted from Hastorf (1993a).

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    soil depth and horizonation. The boundaries between soil horizons

    were gradual in the field with considerable evidence for root and

    soil faunal bioturbation. Overall, profile position was not a good

    indicator of soil depth except for lowest profiles. Buried artefacts,

    charcoal and ash suggested buried soils in several low-elevation

    fields (Table 3).

    Control sample N1 was located on a natural uplift adjacent

    a deep dry watercourse at 3650 masl. The surface was cemented

    with sparse vegetation, predominantly lichen. The top 30 cm was

    consolidated with fine material, a massive structure, very sparseroot, 30% subangular to subrounded pea gravel and Munsell colour

    7.5 YR 3/4 (wet). An ice pick was required to excavate it. These

    properties suggested an exposed Btk horizon after topsoil loss. This

    soil continues to 50 cm but the structure is less compact and pea

    gravel increases to 20%. From 50 to 65 cm, there was a shift to

    a siltier, more friable soil with gravel 10%. Below 65 cm there is

    a dramatic increase in crumbling subangular rock and saprolite

    suggesting the B/C horizon.

    N2 profile was situated at midslope between two deep drain-

    ages in precipitous terrain at 3550 masl. The topsoil supported

    sparse drought tolerant plants and large lichens. The topsoil from

    0 to 20 cm was compact with low porosity, 20% subangular to

    subrounded gravel, fine root, and wet Munsell colour 7.5 YR 4/4

    (Fig. 2A). The dense, consolidated texture suggested an A/B-horizonwith the suggestion of topsoil loss. From 21 to 38 cm root and

    porosity decreased to a massive structure. After 39 cm there was

    a sharp transition to a cemented Bk with a drop in gravel to 5% and

    wet Munsell colour 7.5 YR 4/6 (Fig. 2E).

    P1-7 is in a comparable slope position and profile depth to N1

    but is characterized by carbonate accumulation, which was also

    found in several cultivated fields (P1-6, P2-4, P3-3, P2-1). Terraced

    upland and midslope fields have significantly deeper topsoils than

    the two controls. The controls also had higher clay and silt accu-

    mulations in the subsoil, which are only found in lower elevation

    positions in cultivated fields. P1-6, P2-4 and P3-5 are all compa-

    rable in elevation to control sample N2 but were significantly

    shallower and had less silt in the B-horizon. In the case of P1-6, the

    subsoil was leached with significant carbonate.No uncultivated land was identified at lower elevations. The

    depths and horizonation of excavated fields at these elevations

    were highly varied. Topsoils were all adequate to support Andean

    crops while subsoils varied widely. Eastern Paca Valley fields P1-2,

    P1-2 and P1-4 had notably poorer, leached soils with poor profile


    3.1. Thin sections

    Representative topsoil and subsoils thin sections from controls,

    upland, midslope and toeslope fields are found in Fig. 2. The sur-

    face soils of both natural profiles had subsoil properties making

    them poor controls for cultivated topsoils. Topsoil fabrics also

    follow the catena such that upland fields have little fine material(Fig. 3A, B) and many accumulated carbonate (Fig. 3B, C). Midslope

    fields are highly variable but generally have loamy topsoils (Fig. 3E,

    F) whereas silt and clay accumulate in lower elevation fields

    (Fig. 3G, H).

    Paca fields display dramatic differences in pedofeatures, par-

    ticularly accumulations of clay, carbonate and silt as well as evi-

    dence for soil fauna (Fig. 4). Clay in Paca soils was largely

    encountered as coats, infillings or nodules (Fig. 4AC) with rare

    domains of high clay integration into the groundmass (Fig. 3G, H).

    Clay increased downslope where clay-rich subsoil pedofeatures

    covered 10% or more of the thin section in P1-3 transects. Larger

    clay accumulations have silt and sesquioxide laminations, which in

    an extreme case numbered over 100. Surface rounding, sharp

    boundaries with the groundmass, and random orientation of some

    clay pedofeatures indicate movement as aggregates (Boggs, 2001:

    pp. 7480; FitzPatrick, 1993: pp. 178182). These clay-rich horizons

    display Vertisol features and low biological activity due to re-

    stricted pore space. Compound infillings cemented domains in

    several B-horizons (Fig. 4I).

    Carbonates were common in cultivated upland topsoils and in

    deep subsoils. Two mechanisms for carbonate accumulation were

    observed in thin section: primary limestone weathering and sec-

    ondary carbonate accumulation. Primary weathering of carbonate

    rock was observed as carbonate pendants, porous internal struc-tures and crystals deformed by dissolution and transformation

    (Fig. 4D; Bullock et al., 1985: pp. 5865, FitzPatrick, 1993: pp. 206

    217). Inherited carbonate features include altered limestone and

    inclusions such as shell. Saprolitic limestone was often riddled with

    small pores filledwith clay whose limpidityand colour suggested in

    situ formation from limestone dissolution (Fig. 4E, F; Carroll, 1970;

    Atkinson and Smith, 1976). Secondary carbonates were found to

    penetrate the parent material as carbonate infillings, hypocoats and

    intercalations (Fig. 4GI; Bal, 1975a,b; Courty et al., 1989: pp. 169

    179; Gile et al., 1965, 1966; Scoffin, 1987). Secondary carbonates

    represented both the terminal phase of limestone alteration and

    precipitation from carbonate saturated waters.

    Fine fraction translocation was observed in silt and clay accu-

    mulation in the groundmass and in pedofeatures. Silt pedofeatureswere identified in valley bottom Ap-horizons (Fig. 4J) and as dis-

    crete subsoil horizons. Silt accumulation suggests downhill turbu-

    lent water flow strong enough to dislodge and transport silt

    particles (Nettleton et al., 1994). Both control samples have signif-

    icant silt in the subsoils but not in nearby upland fields. Silt

    pedofeatures were characteristic of P3 transect. Laminated silt

    pedofeatures suggested periodic translocation of silt (Fig. 4K, L).

    Bioturbation was identified in all cultivated contexts except

    cemented B-horizons (e.g. Btk horizons) by features such as fresh

    and mineral-replaced root, cylindrical channels, mite droppings,

    partially sorted groundmass, crescentic and vermiform excrement

    pedofeatures, biospheriods and preserved fauna (Fig. 4MO; e.g.

    Bal,1975b; Becze-Deak et al., 1997; Bullock et al., 1985: pp.133137;

    Courty et al., 1989: pp. 142146; FitzPatrick, 1993: pp. 133, 136142). Faunal bioturbation was much higher in cultivated than

    control samples. Roots frequently extended well into the subsoil

    where they are commonly carbonate- or sesquioxide-replaced.

    3.2. Physical and chemical results

    Bulk soil analyses aimed to substantiate and augment thin

    section observations. Texture determination was intended to bridge

    two- and three-dimensional differences in soil fraction represen-

    tation (Bullock et al., 1985). Particle size analysis indicated a sandy

    texture (Table 3, Table 4). In comparison to thin section observa-

    tions, bulk texture determinations under-represented the fine

    fraction beyond expected differences between two- and three-di-

    mensional results. This indicates that the protocol followed heredid not effectively disperse aggregates to defluocculate clays

    Table 2

    Summary of bulk soil analyses

    Analysis No. Method

    Organic, inorganic carbon 95 Loss-on-ignition (LOI)

    Electrical conductivity 47 Electrode, 1:1 aqueous slurry

    Nitrogen-nitrate 66 Electrode, extract in Olsens solution

    Phosphorus (total) 32 Spectrophotometry, extract in Olsens solution

    pH 47 Electrode, 1:1 aqueous slurry

    Potassi um 6 8 Flame p hotometry, extra ct i n n itra te solu ti onPartic le size (coar se) 8 9 Dr y sieve

    Particle size (fine) 86 Malvern Laser Mastersizer, suspend in

    sodium pyrophosphate

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    (van Wambeke, 1974; Gee and Bauder, 1996) demonstrating the

    relative stability of aggregates.

    Field determinations of topsoil pH ranged from 6.7 to 8.6 and

    laboratory pH determinations ranged from 5.2 to 8.8, and averaged

    7.9. Outliers clustered in the same profiles. Electrical conductivity

    determinations ranged from 8 to 124 mS/cm, with slightly higher

    average EC in the topsoil (62mS/cm) than the subsoil (55 mS/cm). To

    test for ion release 18 parallel samples were suspended 3 h in

    aqueous slurry and EC increased by an average of 9 mS/cm. Electrical

    conductivity and pH do not covary with elevation or growing zone.

    EC distribution is more variable than pH but low EC corresponds to

    low pH (Fig. 5). Overall, the Paca soils are calcareous with a lowfree

    ion concentration regardless of elevation.

    The carbonate concentration ranged between 1.5 and 52.4%

    making averages of limited use. The distribution of carbonate var-

    ied widely both between profiles and within individual profiles.

    Although the uncultivated N1 andN2 profiles and upland fields had

    carbonate accumulations,the range was tighter in the controls than

    in cultivated fields. Upland fields had significantly more carbonate

    than lowland fields, especially in topsoil.

    Paca soils had low to moderate organic matter (OM) with

    a range of 2.57.1%. Topsoil OM averaged 5.4% and the B-horizon

    averaged 4.6%. Valley bottom maize fields hadlower organic matterconcentrations than upland tuber potatoes fields. Again the range

    of OM was narrower in uncultivated controls than in the cultivated

    fields. The nutrient indicators nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

    did not covary tightly with OM, elevation or clay as observed in thin

    section. Nitrogen concentrated in topsoil across all Paca transects as

    seen in the elevated A-horizon average (487 mg/L) compared to the

    B-horizon average (310 mg/L). However, there were also significant

    fluctuations in nitrogen distribution between horizons within

    profiles, particularly in P3 transect and N1. The cultivated fields had

    a higher range, with a few highly fields having very high values.

    The average concentration of potassium (K) was 307.25 mg/L

    from a range of 61600 mg/L (where 600 mg/L was the maximum

    detectable). Wide fluctuations within certain profiles demonstrate

    K mobility. The lowest topsoil K was in fallowfield P3-7 (90.9 mg/L)which had a subsoil average of 386.37 mg/L. Conversely, fallow P3-

    4 had 247.6 mg/L K in topsoil but the soil immediately underlying

    had a K concentration of 92.6 mg/L.

    A subset of samples was assayed for phosphorus-phosphate (P)

    from P3 transect and the controls. The phosphorus range of 2.9

    318.3 mg/L spans both high and low extremes of limits for agri-

    culture (MAFF, 1986). The average of 63.3 mg/L is skewed by rare

    high values. P concentrated in the valley bottom fields of P3 tran-

    sect. Soil profile designations were determined by comparing thin

    section analysis to bulk analyses results (Table 3; Douglas and

    Thompson, 1985). Mass soil movementis suggested in N1 profileby

    a pronounced lack of topsoil. Clay and silt accumulated densely

    lower in the profile. N2 profile displayed weak topsoil development

    also suggesting topsoil loss. Subsoils of both natural profiles hadlow porosity from concentrated infillings.

    The parallel transects show comparable field conditions in the

    uplands but increasingly variable soil properties moving down-

    slope. In P1 transect, carbonate accumulated in the western up-

    lands with little profile development. Clay accumulation is seen in

    western midslope profile subsoils whereas valley bottom profiles

    are well developed with significant subsoil accumulations and

    relatively higher clay and silt throughout the profile. Dense Wanka

    II artefact finds in P1-1 subsoil indicate a buried A-horizon and

    suggest mass soil movement. The eastern fields had significant

    depletion features not identified elsewhere.

    The P2 uplands are characterized by carbonate accumulation

    and little profile development but clay accumulation appears at

    3550 masl. Midslope fields do not have significant silt or clay ac-cumulation in the subsoils and P2-2 is dominated by carbonates.P3-5








































































































































































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    The valley bottom field P2-1 was significantly deeper than in P1transect and demonstrated carbonate accumulation in the subsoil

    and buried Wanka II artefacts.

    In P3, the uppermost field demonstrated topsoil carbonate ac-

    cumulation but clay also accumulated in the subsoil. Below this

    level the subsoils accumulate silt and clay. The depth of midslope

    profiles is highly variable suggesting karst substrate undulations.

    The basal sample of shallow profile P3-3 had abundant soil faunal

    features suggestive of a buried A-horizon. The valley bottom pro-

    files are well developed with considerable clay accumulation in the

    subsoil. Clusters of artefacts in the subsoil of P3-1 also suggest

    buried soil. Soil depth and horizonation in P2 and P3 undulated

    along the catena and did not mirror slope position. These un-

    dulations suggest substrate variations, such as limestone dissolu-

    tion, and cannot be directly related to anthropogenic causes.

    3.3. Discussion

    These results suggest that both inherent and anthropogenic

    processes contribute to the soil patterns in the Paca Valley. These

    include mass soil movement and its stabilization, topsoil depletion,

    clay and silt translocation, aggregate formation, bioturbation and

    carbonate accumulation. The two uncultivated samples both show

    evidence of topsoil loss whereas all terraces samples had com-

    paratively deep A-horizons, confirming the stabilizing effects of

    terraces. However, soil depth alone does not indicate fertility. Many

    topsoils had low levels of OM and fine material suggesting poor

    growing conditions and some were abandoned at the time of thisstudy.

    The analyses performed here confirm that the terraced fieldsin the Paca Valley represent a mosaic of different growing envi-

    ronments as noted elsewhere in the Andean highlands (Zim-

    merer, 1999). The pH and EC data indicate that most soils are

    alkaline and have moderate total nutrient status. Peaks in pH,

    carbonate and EC covary suggesting that the majority of free

    cations are calcium. The upper and lower pH of this range are

    limiting to agriculture (Wild, 1993: p. 178). Paca pH is generally

    higher than in the southern Mantaro Valley (range: 6.97.3;

    Alegre et al., 1990) and considerably higher than in other Andean

    regions suggesting important landuse and substrate influences

    (e.g. Eash and Sandor, 1995; Pestalozzi, 2000; Sandor and Eash,

    1995; Sarmiento, 2000). EC averages are low and compare well

    with fallow soils in Bolivia (average 47.9 23.0 mS/cm; Pestalozzi,

    2000).Carbonates in upland soils reflect proximity to exposed lime-

    stone bedrock above the terraces, poor soil formation and poor

    retention of fines. Clay and silts accumulate in subsoils from mid-

    slope and increase moving down valley from P1 to P3 transect,

    which suggests the ongoing translocation of fines in the valley

    system. Comparison of control to cultivated upland fields suggests

    loss of fine material suggesting anthropogenic influence from ter-

    race walls, tillage and possibly amendment. However, the high silt

    and clay concentrations in the controls indicate that the parent soil

    had more silt and clay in the upper elevations than in cultivated

    fields suggesting loss of fine material. Silt and clay pedofeatures in

    low-elevation fields probably reflect natural fine particle trans-

    location that has been augmented by agriculture. Laminated silt

    pedofeatures suggest periodic disruption, which is likely from till-age and harvesting of tubers. This is further suggested by

    Fig. 2. Thin sections of representative topsoil and subsoils from control, upland, midslope and toeslope fields. (A) Control profile topsoil (N2A), (B) upland field topsoil (P3-7A), (C)

    midelevation field topsoil (P1-5A), (D) toeslope field topsoil (P2-1A), (E) control profile subsoil (N2G), (F) upslope field subsoil (P3-7D), (G) midslope subsoil (P1-5E), (H) toeslope

    subsoil (P2-1I).

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    comparing cultivated upland tuber fields to the controls, which

    indicates silt loss from cultivated fields.

    Potential buried soils were identified in the field by buried ar-

    tefacts andchanges in soil structure. Buriedsoil is suggested in P1-1

    by concentrations of pre-Columbian ceramics, bone, ash and char-coal. Increased OM between 69 and 83 cm further suggests a buried

    soil, although microstructure and pedofeatures indicate B-horizon

    formation. Field finds for P1-2 include charcoal and ceramics and

    soil chemistry revealed an increase in OM over the topsoil. In

    contrast, artefacts in P2-1 and P3-1 are widely distributed through

    the subsoils and soil data do not provide strong A-horizon evi-dence. Microstructure and b-fabric changes in P3-3 suggest

    Fig. 3. Topsoil microfabrics. (A, B) Upland topsoil b-fabric with little fine material (P1-5A) (ppl, xpl), (C, D) upland carbonate topsoil b-fabric (P3-5A) (ppl, xpl), (E, F) midslope loamy

    topsoil b-fabric (P2-3A) (ppl, xpl), (G, H) toeslope topsoil b-fabric (P1-1A) xpl, ppl.

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    Fig. 4. Characteristic pedofeatures. Clay features: (A) laminated silty clay topsoil infilling (P1-1A) (ppl), (B) laminated clay nodule with rounded edges (pseudosand) (P2-4C) (ppl),

    (C) rounded clay nodules showing laminations in disturbed orientations (pseudosands) (P3-8E) (ppl). Primary carbonate weathering: (D) limestone dissolution and alteration

    showing the incorporation of adjacent groundmass peds within thick calcite infillings (P3-1A) (xpl), (E, F) saprolitic rock with clay accumulation in pores (P1-1A) (ppl, xpl).

    Secondary carbonate formation: (G) bladed calcite coat (N1A) (xpl), (H) Calcite hypocoat (P2-5B) (xpl), (I) complex infillings with carbonate over clay cementing peds (N1-Jb) (xpl).

    Silt pedofeatures: (J) thin silty accumulations in upper subsoil (P2-1C) (ppl), (K, L) size sorted silt accumulations in lower subsoil (P2-1I) (ppl, ppl). Faunal bioturbation features: (M)

    organic-enriched excrement pedofeaures (P3-5B) (ppl), (N) Biospheriod carbonate excrement pedofeature (P3-5B) (xpl), (O) partly sorted groundmass (P2-3D) (ppl).

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    a possible buried soil but this is not indicated by OM or artefacts.Overall, artefacts are stronglysuggestive of buried soils in the lower

    elevations. Thin sections and geochemistry indicate preserved A-

    horizon properties to support artefactual evidence in P1 transect

    and suggest an additional buried soil at P3-3 which was not visible

    in the field.

    The concentration of OM and plant nutrients was relatively low

    by international standards (i.e. MAFF, 1986; Landon, 1991). Low OM

    suggests that cultivation losses are not counterbalanced by ade-

    quate inputs leading to depletion. Nitrogen was variable but suffi-

    cient in topsoil not to regularly limit agriculture. Potassium was

    distributed more irregularly with evidence of poor retention.

    Phosphorus distribution was highly irregular in the limited assays

    performed here but may be limiting for agriculture in several

    contexts (e.g. P2-2, P3-7). In deep profiles, cemented B-horizonsretain higher nutrient concentrations indicating a nutrient pool

    below the root zone. In several instances peaks of nitrogen, po-

    tassium or phosphorus in the absence of high OM suggest the in-

    expert use of chemical fertilizers. This represents a shift from

    traditional long-fallow practices. Elevation differences in nutrient

    concentration may also reflect demands of different crops, maize in

    the valleys and potatoes in the uplands.

    Gradual horizon boundaries suggest colluviation and bio-

    turbation. In contrast to the Colca Canyon where undisturbed

    subsoils were common (Eash and Sandor, 1995; Sandor and Eash,

    1995), in Paca bioturbation limits the depth of cemented horizons

    by aerating soils, mixing sediment and digesting soil components.

    This provides a mechanism for the exchange of nutrients in these

    soils, which contributes to their vitality.

    The effects of terraces on controlling fine fraction movement are

    less clear from this study. Little clay was identifiedin high elevation

    topsoils but increases downslope where subsoil accumulations are

    also common suggesting decalcification followed by clay eluviation

    (MacKeague, 1983). Silty laminations in subsoil infillings (Fig. 6)

    may suggest tillage effects (see Macphail et al., 1990) but such as-

    sociations can be problematic (Carter and Davidson, 1998) and

    there are no experimental results for the Andes to support this. If

    these do represent tillage pedofeatures, they may have been aug-

    mented by animal traction over the last 500 years as footplows

    generate large clods and minimal structural disruption (Schjel-

    lerup, 1986). In contrast, in situ laminated clay pedofeatures in

    valley bottom ploughzones indicate continuous translocation of

    fine material downslope. The accumulation of clay in subsoil pro-vides a moisture retention mechanism in these rainfed fields

    (Buytaert et al., 2002; Sandor et al.,1990: p. 74) and probably active

    soil fauna.

    Stable microaggregates (pseudosands) and saprolite protect

    some fine material from erosion in the Paca Valley. Stable soil

    aggregates may be bound by ferrous compounds (van Wambeke,

    1974), salts (Aubert, 1983), clays and organic matter (Six et al.,

    2000). Carbonates and clay were most visible in thin section.

    Upland topsoil peds were generally smaller, denser and less ac-

    commodated than peds at lower elevation probably as a result of

    more frequent freezethaw cycles and low clay concentration. The

    presence of microaggregates demonstrates that Paca soils have

    a capacity to sequester nutrients, which promotes soil resilience.

    Clay in saprolitic rock provides a continual source of cationbuffering as limestone weathers rapidly at high elevation pro-

    ducing residual clay (Fig. 4H, I; Atkinson and Smith, 1976). Dense

    peds, stable microaggregates and saprolite appear to act as nu-

    trient sinks which are released slowly through weathering and

    low-intensity ploughing. Microaggregate formation appears to be

    multicausal from anthropogenic and natural practices and cannot

    be directly attributed to terracing. However, terraces clearly sta-

    bilize the aggregates themselves and prevent their downhill


    Carbonate accumulation represents a limiting factor for agri-

    cultural productivity in many Paca soils, which was often noted by

    contemporary residents. Carbonate accumulationwas derived from

    in situ limestone dissolution and pedogenic carbonate accumula-

    tion. These carbonate sources were eventually drawn into the

    parent material and diluted it to make carbonate soil.

    4. Conclusions

    This study focused on soil quality of rainfed pre-Hispanic ter-

    races that arein activeuse to assessthe role of terracesin long-term

    agriculture. Compared to uncultivated lands, Paca terraces stabilize

    sands and aggregates which preserve topsoil and contribute to soil

    resilience. Yet, buried artefacts and soils also show dramatic

    changes to the Paca landscape. Buried Wanka II ceramics in valley

    bottom positions indicate mass soil movement during the late pre-

    Columbian periods. The most likely cause is the documented ex-

    pansion of Inca agriculture and road building (DAltroy, 1992;

    Goodman-Elgar, 2003). These buried soils demonstrate the detri-mental short-term impacts of terrace construction despite their

    potential long-term contributions to soil resilience (Park, 2006).

    The construction of footpaths has also been shown to augment

    erosion in the Andes (e.g. Harden, 1993).

    The low organic matter, moderate plant nutrients and little

    available clay in upland fields compared to controls indicate that

    they are poor agricultural substrates. Many showed no sign of re-

    cent cultivation and appear abandoned. These fields are highly

    vulnerable to degradation and clearly show the impacts of overuse.

    Local farmers indicate that precipitated fallow times has been

    shortened by several years, which limits the soils ability to recover

    after cultivation. A dearth of OM in the uplands was also apparent

    from this study. These terraces therefore appear situated on poor

    agricultural substrates that require high maintenance to remainproductive. The juxtaposition of these terraces along an Inca road

    Table 4

    Bulk particle size fraction ranges

    Sand Silt Clay

    Fraction V. coarse (12000mm) Coarse (5001000mm) Medium (250500 mm) Fine (125250 mm) V. fine (63125mm) All (2 63 mm) All (

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    Fig. 6. Horizonation of Paca transects (elevation is scaled, the distance between sample points is not representative).

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    indicates that agricultural productivity was not necessarily the

    driving force for their construction. Constructing these fields re-

    quired high labour investment in difficult terrain for marginal ag-

    ricultural returns. The Inka had access to labourers from conquered

    territories and a grand surplus of goods enabling this kind of dis-

    play (see DAltroy, 2002) and such practices may have formed part

    of their territorial conquest strategy.

    Midslope fields also show signs of overuse, particularly through

    relatively low OM and plant nutrients. The erratic distribution of N,

    K and P demonstrate that contemporary efforts to use chemical

    fertilizers are not adequately compensating for nutrient losses

    through overuse and erosion. Little organic fertilizer is currently

    applied to fields resulting in a loss of soil quality and the potential

    for progressive degradation. In pre-Hispanic times, soil depletion

    was probably offset to a greater degree by grazing camelids on crop

    stubble (Denevan, 2001: pp. 3536) and middening household

    waste, which is suggested by artefact scatters within the Paca field

    systems (Goodman-Elgar, 2003). The long-fallow and organic re-

    placement practices typical of traditional Andean agriculture

    combine to favour a dynamic of soil quality maintenance whereas

    contemporary practices are pushing this soil system towards


    Inherent soil properties also contribute to soil resilience in thePaca Valley. These soils are prone to stable aggregate and saprolite

    formation which sequesters nutrients in larger aggregates that re-

    sist erosion. Terraces stabilize these aggregates and enhance topsoil

    retention contributing to soil quality. However, these mechanisms

    provide soil replenishment at a slow rate as nutrient release is

    derived from slow aggregate weathering. Under contemporary

    farming practices, this slow release cannot compensate for nutrient

    losses through cultivation resulting in depletion of some fields.

    Another inherent quality of importance for agriculture is the

    presence of well-developed Bt horizons. Subsoil clay accumulation

    contributes to water retention and contributes to plant and soil

    fauna growth in this semi-arid environment.

    Overall, both inherent soil conditions and terracing contribute

    to the resilience of rainfed agriculture in the Paca Valley. The longfarming history in this region indicates that soils and farming

    practices are relatively resilient. However, this resilience is fragile

    and represents a balance between management and overuse. The

    disused upland fields in the Paca Valley, and the larger abandoned

    agricultural systems in the neighbouring Yanamarca Valley, attri-

    bute to the long-term outcomes of mismanagement in the Andes.

    Evidence for large-scale landscape disruption and construction on

    poor substrates in Inca times also suggests that pre-Hispanic ter-

    racing has a wide range of impacts, some of which may be un-

    intentional. The role of terraces in soil stabilization provides an

    important advantage to upland farming in the Andes but cannot

    compensate for poor substrates and farming practices making even

    terraced fields vulnerable to overuse.


    Fieldwork was conducted under permissions from the Instituto

    Nacional de Cultura, Peru. Andres Moya Castro and colleagues

    provided field assistance. Dr. Charles A.I. French and Dr. Steve

    Boreham provided technical support. Julie Boreham (McBurney

    Laboratory, Cambridge) and Spectrum Petrographics (Vancouver,

    WA) manufactured thin sections. Funding was provided in part by

    the McBurney Laboratory, Jesus College Cambridge, British Feder-

    ation of Women Graduates, University of Cambridge Board of

    Graduate Studies, American Friends of Cambridge University and

    the Anthony Wilkin Fund. Many thanks are offered to these in-

    dividuals and institutions for their support. This paper benefitted

    from the helpful comments of four anonymous reviewers.Remaining errors are the responsibility of the author.


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