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The start of the school year is upon us.

Teachers are returning to classroom to prepare for their students. School

activities and sports are starting up for the school year. Many of our

church activities naturally follow the school calendar year as well as our

own liturgical calendar.

With that in mind I want to invite all of you to join us to the kick-off of

our own fall program.

Join us Sunday, September 13 for Rally Day.

We will have one service at 10:00 am. in the Sanctuary followed by a

potluck lunch in Mission Hall. (See page 2 for more information.)

At the lunch we will be introducing our theme for ministry this year at

Providence. I look forward to seeing all of you there as we kick-off the

fall program year.


Mick The Rev. Dr. Michael P. Burns, Pastor

Inside this issue:

Trip Reflections 2

Rally Day / Ministries 4

Mission 6

Upward Basketball 7

Men of the Church 8

Earth Care Corner 9

Prayer for … 10

More at Providence 10

Kid’s Page 11


Providence Presbyterian Church

Good News

Page 2 Good News

Mission Trip

West Virginia Mission Trip:

A Personal Reflection on a Transformational Moment In late June my wife and I were part of a 19 member intergenerational group from Provi-

dence that participated in a mission trip in Webster Springs, WV.

Our group divided into two teams and my team worked on refurbishing an 80-year old

house. It had once featured proud hardwood floors, but in the kitchen the floor had been

overlaid with plywood and linoleum that had worn through many years ago; in fact there

were gaping holes in the floor. The bathroom, once paneled in beautiful Maplewood, also

suffered from severe water damage and the plumbing did not work. The house had been

unoccupied for several years and it looked it.

Wikipedia defines “transformation” as: “To change greatly the appearance or form of.”

Our job then was to “transform” this remnant of what had been someone’s home into

something that could be lived in again.

The life story of the woman who owned the house seemed to parallel the story of the

house itself. She had divorced one husband and had lost a boyfriend to illness. She

herself had fallen into the hell-world of drug addiction. Like her house she probably once

had life’s version of beautiful hardwood floors and a shiny-faced family, but her life had

fallen into disrepair. The local site supervisor told us that the only way she could qualify

for the assistance we were providing was by turning her life around. The person we saw

was drug-free and had a job! Transformed!

We also learned that as a youth she had participated in a mission trip to help fix up

people’s homes. Was that where God first planted his mustard seed of faith, hope, and

love in her life? One wonders how and why that seed had fallen among the thorns of

poor life choices for so many years and how it came to be, well, resurrected. On our last

day on the job, for lunch, she brought chilidogs for us. It was her special way of thanking

us for all the work we had done on her house. We had learned that chilidogs were a local

delicacy! Were chilidogs the sacrament de jour that day? Transforming!

Then I think of my work partners at the house, particularly the youth. Some were hesitant

and fearful, but willing; others bold and brash. As we all pitched in, the hesitant became

emboldened, operating noisy (and downright scary!) power equipment and achieving

more than they ever thought they could. Transforming!

Page 3

The bold pushed the limits of their abilities and blew us all away with their energy and

courage! I sure won’t go under the house with all those big spiders! Transformation!

By the last day, we had installed a new floor in the kitchen and bathroom, new handrails

outside the house, a new door next to the kitchen, and new plumbing throughout the

house. Transformation!

But there is another meaning of the word “transformation” that had also taken place in

others and in me: “To change in nature, disposition, heart, character, etc.; to convert.”

Ah yes, a change of the heart!

So on that last morning, I could not help but sing to myself some of the words of The

Battle Hymn of the Republic (OK, stick with me here!)

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord,

He is trampling out the vineyards where the grapes of wrath are stored…

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,

With a glory in his bosom that transfigures you and me!

What I saw that week was the glory of the

coming of the Lord in every lovingly offered

chilidog, every caring act, every compassionate

word. Christ had transfigured us all!

At week’s end, I was tired, really tired of the

food, in need of a shower and a shave, and,

and … and Blessed!!


David Kepley

The Session did not meet in July and August. The next Session meeting is scheduled

for September 8.

Page 4 Good News

Rally Day On September 13, there will be one worship service at 10:00 am, with a potluck lunch to follow in Mission Hall. Please contact Cynthia Hartman at to RSVP. You can also let her know if you are will-ing to bring — for 8 to 10 people — a baked meatless ziti (she will pro-vide you a recipe), a side dish or dessert. She is also taking names of those

willing to help with set-up and/or clean-up.

Children’s Ministry There will be no Sunday School or Godly Play on Rally Day, September 13. Rooms in Upper Williamson will be open if parents and children want to see where classes will be. We will also be unveiling our new nursery!

Sunday School and Godly Play start September 20. The children will be following the Whirl curriculum for Sunday School which is after A Time for Children at the 10:00 am service. Godly Play takes place after A Time for Children at the 11:15 am service. We look forward to seeing your bright, shiny faces!

New Year’s Resolution Time! I don’t know about you, but January doesn’t really feel like the biggest “new year” moment of the year. The real, big deal NEW YEAR in my mind is always the start of school. This is the real moment of change, improvement, and goal setting. My new year resolutions are much more serious in September (probably because I’ve been thinking about them since around February) and for that reason I do everything I can to stack the deck for success. So here are some of my goals for the new school year and a few for you to consider for your own family.

1. I will strive to be organized. That means I’ll be done with prep work before the first youth shows up so I can give them my full attention. That also means that I and the Youth Ministry Committee will have a stellar group of adult volunteers prayed for, identified, and ready to go once the program year begins.

2. I will do my best to encourage your passions and listen to your ideas. This is partly a commitment to flexibility (we left wiggle room in this year’s schedule for anything awesome you come up with), and partly an acknowledgement that God is at work in many places, not just at Providence, and not just at Sunday school and PYF. Tell me about where you’re partnering with God to make a difference in the world and I’ll pray and support your efforts however I can!

3. I will pray for you, for me, for us, for our community and anything else you point me to. Our fabulous Sunday school teacher for the past several years, Kevin Burel, always asks: How can I pray for you this week? Things said on busy Sundays some-times can go in one ear and out the other, but I am committed to remembering who asked for prayers (even if I don’t remember what the prayers were for, specifically!) and praying for them through the week.

Page 5

So what goals might you have this new school year? I have some ideas …

1. Balance. Life is about to get super busy with 150% of your time accounted for on urgent business that needed to happen yesterday. Remember that sleep is your ally, quiet time is not wasted time, and not everything in life has to be something to go on your resume or college application. Keep the creation story in your head as you plan out your days. If God can rest, so can you.

2. Invest in your family. Pick a tradition and run with it: board games once a week, family dinner, early morning devotions, Game of the Week family creative but find ways to spend time and have fun with your family! *Parents, remem-ber that you are the primary influence of faith formation on your children. Proceed accordingly!*

3. Memorize a Bible verse. This one is SO EASY, how could you not do it?! Life is full of seasons. Find a verse that speaks to you at this season of your life. Memorize it and keep it near the top of the pile in your brain for easy access in moments of boredom, confusion, fear, and peace. When it feels like another season is upon you, find another verse. Whether it’s next week, next month, or next year, when your life season feels different, go find a different verse. After awhile you’ll have a bunch of verses in your memory savings account that you can grab for whatever the occasion demands.

Whatever your goals, I pray that you will have a wonderful school year, full of moments you can look back and be proud of!

Mary Ellen Moss

PS: Fall dates to remember… Sept. 13: Rally Day (see previous page) and Parent Kickoff BBQ from 5:00-7:00 pm Sept. 20: Sunday school begins at 10:00 am, Confirmation Info Meeting at 10:00 am,

Volunteer training from 5:00-7:00 pm Sept. 27: Confirmation begins at 10 am, PYF Begins from 5:30-7:30 pm

Adult Ministry

Monday Evening Bible Study Adult Ministry is offering a special study of a special gospel: Good News for All, the Gospel of Luke. This Bible study will meet Monday nights at 7:15 pm in the Parlor, run-ning for 14 weeks beginning September 14. Luke’s message involves all peoples—and its relevance for today shines through in terms of faith, spirituality and action!

Contact David Kepley or Judy Woodburn to reserve a book ($20 each, if you can). There is no prerequisite of previous studies.

Donation of Books The Adult Library received a donation of several books related to Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and caregiving. Please contact Martie Martin if you would like more infor-mation about these books.

Page 6 Good News

Spotlight on Mission Step Up to Mission!! The Providence Mission Committee invites you to join in planning for the remainder of this year and the beginning of next year. Meetings are held at 7:30 pm (usually in the Parlor) on the fourth Wednesday of the month. No reservations necessary! Just come and be part of this effort to make Mission come alive at Providence.

Looking ahead at the remainder of the year: there will be opportunities to minister to homeless persons by preparing food, donating outerwear and being involved with the “End Homelessness in Ten Years” initiative.

Holiday time will bring the shoebox ministry (see article on next page) and the Adopt-a-Family program at Thanksgiving and Christmas. (Details to come!)

Don’t forget to continue to bring food for those seeking assistance from the Provi-dence Food Pantry on Communion Care Sundays throughout the year. Food is now the most requested assistance being noted by the Fairfax County Coordinated Service Planning social workers. The Providence Food Pantry continues to need your help.

Be sure to mark your calendar for the next Stop Hunger Now event being held after the 11:15 am service on Sunday, November 1, 2015.

Providence is fortunate to have the services of Britt Rosenberry and Whitney Reitz to serve as board members for the Fairfax FISH organization. This is one of the commu-nity faith-based organizations responding to emergency needs in the Burke and Fair-fax areas. Britt and Whitney need a team of volunteers to support their work. The task would be “working the phone at your home” receiving requests for services from the County’s Coordinated Service Planning workers. With a team of ten people, your half day waiting for a phone call would come around only two or three times a year. Call them at 571-359-5601 or send your email to Training will be provided prior to your taking the request calls.

Saturday mornings on a rotating basis, Providence has a crew working with the ACCA Furniture Ministry. Donations of gently-used furniture are picked up and de-livered to families in the ACCA service area. Many are coming from a period of homelessness or perhaps a refugee family has just arrived and has no furniture in their living space. Want to witness transformation in progress? Contact Dave Lawhead to join the furniture team.

These ministries are just a sample of what is happening at Providence. We strive to be in ministry to our hurting neighbors. Be part of the Gospel message…STEP UP TO MISSION!!!

You Can Save a Life ... Providence’s next blood drive will be Tuesday, September 15 in Taylor Hall. Reserva-tions will begin at 2:30 pm and will be scheduled at 15-minute intervals until 7:30 pm. Sign up in the Commons Area on Sundays September 13. Questions or advanced res-ervations contact Elden Wright.

Thank you for your continuing support!

Page 7

Operation Christmas Child Now is the time to begin thinking about Operation Christmas Child. This very special opportunity to participate in this wonderful outreach ministry sponsored by Samaritan’s Purse has become an annual tradi-tion at Providence. All church members and friends are encouraged to pack a shoebox with small gifts such as school supplies, toys, personal care items, t-shirts, etc. These gifts will be delivered to children in desperate situations all over the world. This is a great way for us to share our blessings and the Good News of God’s love in a special way that will bring joy and hope to needy children and their families. It is a wonderful way for families, small groups or individuals to show concern for those who are less fortunate.

Look for the Operation Christmas Child display in the Gathering Area starting in mid-October. Pick up an instructional brochure and an empty shoebox (or use one of your own), have fun shopping for small gifts and return the filled box. Last year we packed about 85 boxes. Each of those special gifts had an impact greater than we can imagine. Let’s start now and see if we can top that number in 2015. Many thanks to all previ-ous and prospective participants.

Please contact Sarah Davis with any questions.

Upward Basketball – Registration Now Open By Peter McClintock

Providence enters its eighth year of Upward basketball with registration beginning September 1. We again expect more than 300 children will register by the end of September. Once filled, we run a wait list.

Upward Basketball is much more than basketball — it is a program to introduce children to Jesus; teach them valuable life virtues and skills; allow them opportunities to partici-pate in an organized sport in a calm, positive environment; and have some fun as they learn a few basketball skills.

Athletic ability is not the major focus of Upward — it gives many children, who may otherwise be intimidated in a more competitive sports environment, an opportunity to play. In late September and early October, we will evaluate players’ skill levels. Teams are formed in November and practice begins in December. Games are played in January and February and the season ends with a Sunday afternoon “celebration”.

If you have a child interested in playing Upward, please register early as the program fills up quickly. If you are interested in helping, there are many opportunities, to include 1) coaching, 2) refereeing, 3) “greeting” (i.e., direct families around the church), 4) presenting mid-game devotions, 5) announcing players at the beginning of each game, 6) keeping time, 7) evaluating players’ skill levels, and 8) setting up on game mornings and cleaning-up on game evenings.

If you would like to know more about Upward Basketball, please speak to Jim Durbin, Rob Moss, Todd Withington, or Pete or Bertha McClintock.

Page 8 Good News

Men of the Church Men’s Group to meet September 12th The Men of the Church will begin its fall season with its monthly breakfast meeting on Saturday, September 12, 8:00 – 9:30 a.m. Besides fellowship at breakfast, we will conduct a short business meeting and have a discussion of the second section of Eugene Peterson’s book, Subversive Spirituality, which follows breakfast. All the men of Providence are welcome.

For those who are not familiar with the MOC, we conduct fellowship, Christian education, and service activities. The group generally meets on the first Saturday of the month (on holiday weekends we meet the 2nd Saturday) at 8:00 a.m. for breakfast, immediately followed by a Christian education lesson and discussion. Breakfast costs $5 and excess proceeds go to the MOC treasury. Our past education activities have involved studying a particular book of the Bible, or reading and discussing a relevant book on Christianity.

The Men of the Church participate in various community service activities, as well as an annual MOC trip/retreat/or mission trip. The MOC conduct various fund-raising activities to pay our pledge toward debt reduction and other church activities. This year, we plan to: a) sell White House Christmas ornaments, b) conduct our Fall and Spring peanut sale, and c) sell oranges and grapefruit (crop permitting) in the Spring. We also sponsor the annual Easter brunch; participate in the Annandale Christian Community for Action (ACCA) furniture delivery program 5 or 6 times a year; and participate in church’s general clean-up and maintenance activities.

The Men of the Church activities are open to all men. We cordially invite each of you to come to breakfast and join in the fellowship, education and Christian service activi-ties. If you have any questions, please contact Peter McClintock.

2015 White House Christmas Ornaments The Men of the Church are taking orders until October 25 for the 2015 White House Christmas ornament for delivery on November 1. The cost is:

1 - 24 ornaments: $19 each; 25 or more: $17.50 each

Please look for the sign-up poster in the Gathering and Commons areas, or e-mail your order to: or call him at 703-273-8752. Proceeds benefit Providence activities.

The 2015 White House Christmas ornament honors the administration of Calvin Coolidge, who served as the thirtieth president of the United States from 1923 to 1929. A depiction of the first National Christmas tree crafted from shiny brass plated with nickel and 24k gold is illuminated from within and hung with ornaments representing the events of Coolidge’s unique life and presidency.

For the first time, the ornament includes an illuminating feature with an LED light incorporated into the design.

The Men of the Church thank you for your support!!

Page 9

Earth Care Corner Providence Completes its “Power to Change” Grant In an effort to care for God’s creation and to aspire to live carbon neutral lives, PC(USA) has a grant program to provide matching funds up to $2,000 per congrega-tion to reduce the carbon dioxide output of National Capital Presbytery churches. Funds may be used for energy conservation measures, such as improving building insulation, or installing energy saving equipment such as sensors, programmable thermostats, LED lights, or alternative energy systems. Providence received a $2,000 matching grant to replace incandescent light bulbs with more energy efficient bulbs, and to install motion detector light switches to reduce energy consumption and relat-ed CO2 emissions.

With the $2,000, we replaced 155 incandescent bulbs (about two-thirds were in the Sanctuary) with LED and CFL (compact fluorescent lamp) bulbs, which should reduce energy consumption for that lighting by 75% - 90%. Also, we installed motion detec-tion light switches in the restrooms. Lastly, we were able to replace parking lot bulbs and some older classroom/hallway fluorescent bulbs not identified in the “power to change” application, which will further reduce electricity usage. At this point, Providence is virtually incandescent light bulb free.

While LED and CFL bulbs use significantly less electricity, they respond to dimming in ways different incandescent bulbs. CFL bulbs cannot be dimmed and LED bulbs are very sensitive to dimming. A few of the dimmers in the Sanctuary are labeled to not use the dimmers, as the bulbs will flicker and will burn out quickly.

Of course, while we are using significantly less electricity when our lights are on, the best conservation measure is to only turn on necessary lights and remember to turn off lights when exiting a room or the building.

We appreciated receiving the grant and the opportunity to reduce Providence’s carbon footprint!

Page 10 Good News

There are many ways to be involved and to stay connected through Providence. Here are just a few of those ways. For more information, please visit our website at

CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER What if God speaks to our hearts in ways that our intel-lect can never understand or explain? But if our minds are so busy with all the details of life, business, worship, family, when will we ever be aware of or open to God’s qui-et stirrings? This is a focused quiet time when we strive to let go of all concerns, thoughts, and ideas for the purpose of simply being open to the presence and love of God. (Third Mondays at 7:30 pm, Parlor)

LYDIA CIRCLE The Women of Providence meet from September through June for Bible study, fellowship and refreshments. This group offers a time of spiritual renew-al, learning, and friendship during the week. (Third Wednesdays at 9:00 am, Parlor)

PROVIDENCE SINGERS God’s gift of music is too good NOT to be shared! The Providence Singers sing through all those great old musical, and stage, and vaudeville, and Top 40′s tunes from the early 1900s onward. (No memorization re-quired.) We then take our “show” to local nursing homes and assisted living facilities once a month. You simply cannot appreciate the positive impact we have on each and every one of our audiences, until you see happy eyes and smiles as wide as the build-ing looking back at you as you sing. (Rehearsals, every Thursday, 7:00 pm, Parlor)

More at Providence …

Prayers For …

Deployed Overseas Kevin Burel, USN

LT Andrew Tom, USN, nephew of Roger & Laura Baker

Dean Salpini, USAID1, in Pakistan, husband of Joy Salpini

1 US Agency for International Development

1Lt Jon Conway, USA, family friend of Bill & Jane Millward

LTC Christopher Beasley, USMC, nephew of David & Brenda Kepley

Rachel Jankowski, Peace Corps, daughter of Ron & Lynn Jankowski

LT Eric Reddig, USN, son of Jane Reddig

Continuing Care Jack Owens,

friend of David & Brenda Kepley

Bob Johnston, friend of Clint Hall

Nancy Evans, sister of Sara Bennett

Garnet McCall, mother of Bruce McCall

Bill Sapp, brother of Walter Sapp

Kitty Snead, mother of Ned Snead

Shirley Strang

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Providence Presbyterian Church

9019 Little River Turnpike

Fairfax, VA 22031

September 2015

Wor sh i p

Com mun ion : Sep temb er 6 Trad i t i ona l , 1 0 :00 am, Sanc t ua ry

Con t empo ra ry , 11 :15 a m, Tay l o r Ha l l

Ral ly Day : Sep temb er 13 One wo rsh ip ser v ice , 10 :00 am

fo l l owed by a l unc heo n (No S und ay Sch ool o r Godly P lay )

Sun day Sch ool & God l y P l ay beg i n Sep temb er 20

The Ch urc h Of f ic e w i l l be c los ed

Sep t ember 7 , Lab o r Da y

( for up-to-date information see

P ro v i d e n c e P re s b y t e r i a n C h u rc h

9 0 1 9 L i t t l e R i v e r T u rn p i k e

F a i r f a x , V A 2 2 0 3 1

7 0 3 - 9 7 8 - 3 9 3 4 O f f i c e

w w w . p r o v i d e n c e c h u rc h . o rg

The Rev. Dr. Michael P. Burns, Pastor

The Rev. Mary E. Rodgers, Associate Pastor

Mary El len Moss, Director of Youth Ministry

Shannon Somers, Director of Chi ldren’s Ministry

Lee Faber, Faci l i t ies Manager

Joe Moss, F inancia l Manager

Kathy Knorr , Communicat ions Coordinator

Terry Stoneberg, Director of Music

Jane Kaye, Organist

Rick Thiele, Music Leader & Tech. Coordinator

Gene Kaye, Director of Providence Singers

Car los Guzman, Sexton

Good News Edi tor : Kathy Knorr


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