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AUGUST 2019Lisa London Books

for author girlbossesfor author girlbosses

goal setting worksheet

AUGUST 2019Lisa London Books

goal setting worksheet

2 © 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

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3© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

These Rockstar August Goals Belong To

Today’s Date

Today is important because today is the 1st day of the rest of your #AuthorLife as a #GirlBoss.

4 © 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

how to printFirst, I’m going to assume you prefer a 2-page layout that you plan to 3-hole punch in a binder like below.

Print this as a 2-sided document. You will need a printer that has the ability to duplex print, meaning that it can automatically print on each side in sequential order. This means page one [the cover] will be on the front and page 2 [this page you’re reading right now] will be on the back.

F o r D u p l e x P r i n t e r s

Print only odd-numbered pages: 1, 3, 5, 7, etc.Refeed these originals into your printer blank page cartridge holder with the pages usually facing down and upside down but check your printer to be sure as it varies. And then print the even-numbered pages: 2, 4, 6, 8.This may take some trial and error and if all else fails, simply print the entire thing and manually face the pages in the right direction and use the blank pages on the back sides for notes.

F o r S i n g l e - S i d e O n l y P r i n t e r s

5© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

Welcome to Micro-Planning

So I’ve changed things up a bit in this month’s planner workbook for writers. Based on past practices and what has and hasn’t been working for me, I’ve created Micro-Planning, aka being your own CEO.

Why Micro?

• Huge, annual goals have a higher overwhelm factor, leading to confusion + frustration

• Setting unrealistic expectations doesn’t actually inspire action but iinstead sets you up for failure

• So here’s to an entire month dedicated to lots of micromanaging yourself to be the most productive you there is

This Goal Setting Workbook will help you to

• Get your thoughts on paper• Organize your dreams into an actionable plan• Set yourself up for author success• Plan for the unexpected• Prioritize what matters

Are you ready?

Let’s go!

Lisa LondonPlanner Boss & Romance Author

6 © 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently

that which should not be done at all

- peter drucker

7© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

how to use the micro-planning methodStep 1 | Choose your one thingStep 2 | Block out your monthly obligationsStep 3 | Time Block out your weekStep 4 | Create Writing Goals by M/W/D/HStep 5 | Create a Daily To Do List

1 | M




8 © 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

Tomorrow becomes neverNo matter how small the task

take the first step now

-tim ferriss

watch today’s video on theYouTube Channel

9© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

Step 1 | Choose Your One ThingMultitaskingOur brains are designed to focus on one thing at a time, and bombarding them with information only slows them down.

SingletaskingStarve your distractions


Negative Impact of Multitasking1. Slows you down - i.e. it will take you longer to reach your destination while talking on the phone2. Causes you to make more mistakes - Task Switching creates a 40% loss in productivity3. Stresses you out - increased blood pressure, heart rate + cortisol levels4. Ruins your memory - brain health and function decreases5. Hurst your relationships - even having a cell phone nearby causes communication breakdowns + distrust6. Makes you fat - you ignore fullness cues until your TV show or movie is over7. KILLS YOUR CREATIVITY - the working memory requirements used by your brain during

multitasking, kill your ability to daydream + eliminates any possibility of having an aha moment

I could keep going but honestly, #7 was what did it for me.

A major lightbulb went off for me - Multitasking was stealing the MOST IMPORTANT brainpower skills I needed as a writer and redirecting them to worthless tasks that have nothing to do with finishing my next book.

This reason alone is why I’ve switched things around in my life to focus on Singletasking + Batching All Activities

If you’re still not sure what to write about

Watch the Story Decision Video + Download the worksheet at https://youtu.be/IpKSzhz_xNU

10 © 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

1. Enter all appointments + obligations2. Enter all hard deadlines3. Enter all soft deadlines

Step 1 | Choose Your One Thing

Write 85K words for my next novel

your turn


Step 2 | Block out your monthly obligations

11© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

YOU MAY NOT BE THERE YETbut you're closer than you were yesterday

Sunday Monday TueSday WedneSday ThurSday Friday SaTurday

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31


GREEN Writers ConferencesBLUE Holidays

Romancing the Capital

Ottawa CAN


Nat’l Ice Cream Sandwich Day

Williamette Writers ConfPortland, OR


Writers Digest Conf

New York, NY


Heather Graham’s

Writers of NolaNew Orleans, LA


12 © 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

Use Google Calendar or a Paper Based System to Block out all major tasks + activities to create a more realistic expectation of your workflow

Step 3 | Timeblock out your week

Step 4 | Create Writing + Word Count Goals

exampleMonth: Finish entire first draft

Week 1: Outline CompleteWeek 2: 20K Word CountWeek 3: 20K Word CountWeek 4: 20K Word CountWeek 5: 20K Word Count

Daily: I will write 5 days/week M-F until I hit 4K words - Sat + Sun will be buffer days in case I fall behind

13© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books


eek 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5


your turn

14 © 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

1. Create a Daily To Do List2. You can start it the night before by adding in all that day’s tasks that were incomplete but still important3. Add more in the AM after reading your email, checking VM, etc4. Add more as the day goes on so that you can set that task aside while you complete your current task. In other words,

the To Do List is there to ensure you don’t multitask5. Rinse + repeat this sheet each day

Step 5 | Create a Daily To Do List

15© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

how to use the habit trackerStep 1 | Choose 2 habits you’d like to startStep 2 | Label each page with that habitStep 3 | Color in each day you complete that habitStep 4 | Reward yourself

2 | H

abit T



16 © 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

book recommendationYOUTUBE HIATUS: AUGUST + SEPTEMBER The monthly Ice Cream Social + Tea Talks on hold for the month of August + September during my YouTube Hiatus.

DONALD MAASS, AGENTI’ll also be using these 2 months to re-read these favorites from my bookshelf. If you haven’t picked up a copy of BOTH the book and the workbook, I highly recommend you do! They’re writing craft solid gold.

“How many novels have moved you to tears, rage and a resolution to live life differently.” -donald maass

17© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

Top 1-2 Habits

How will you REMIND yourself to start this new habit

recommendation NEW HABITS

What action will you take to make it part of your ROUTINE

What REWARDS will you see from adopting this new habit

exampleFor 2019, I chose 2 new habits I wanted to incorporate into my day:1. Workout everyday2. Write everyday

• For both, I hung an accountability calendar tracker on the fridge since I know for sure, I’ll visit that area without fail.

• I give myself a gold star sticker for each day I perform my new habit

• I time block it out on my Google Calendar• I add it to my daily to do list• I leave my gym bag on the kitchen island which I pass by

everyday, multiple times/day• I have a writing device [laptop, iPad, notebook] in every


• I have an alarm that goes off on my phone everyday at noon to make sure I’ve completed both habits

• Daily workouts help me to have more energy and feel better

• Daily writing helps me to get more books published

18 © 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

be a lifelong studentthe more your learn

the more you earn $$ - ancient chinese proverbcoming fall 2019

author #girlboss workbookshttps:/lisalondonbooks.com

19© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

Top 1-2 Habits

How will you REMIND yourself to start this new habit


What action will you take to make it part of your ROUTINE

What REWARDS will you see from adopting this new habit

your turnYour NEW HABITS

20 © 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books













HABIT #1-->>How to use this sheet

Declare your new habit aboveEach hexagon corresponds to one day in the month Each day you successfully complete your new habit, color that hexagon date in with highlighter, marker, pen, pencilSpecify an Incentive Reward for yourself at the bottom

week 1

week 2

week 3

week 4 18



week 5





21© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books


<<--HABIT #2How to use this sheet

Declare your new habit aboveEach hexagon corresponds to one day in the month

Each day you successfully complete your new habit, color that hexagon date in with highlighter, marker, pen, pencilSpecify an Incentive Reward for yourself at the bottom

















week 1

week 2

week 3

week 4

week 5



22 © 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

the starting pointof all achievement

is desire - napoleon hill

subscribe new videos every Monday


23© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

how to use the word count trackersStep 1 | Declare your Word Count GoalsStep 2 | Enter Actual Word CountStep 3 | Use the Daily Sheet - rinse + repeat style like the To Do List

3 | W

ord C




24 © 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

Date Day Starting WC Words Written Ending WC

8/1 Th

8/2 Fri

8/3 Sat

8/4 Sun

8/5 Mon

8/6 Tues

8/7 Wed

8/8 Th

8/9 Fri

8/10 Sat

8/11 Sun

8/12 Mon

8/13 Tues

8/14 Wed

8/15 Th

8/16 Fri

8/17 Sat

8/18 Sun

8/19 Mon

8/20 Tues

8/21 Wed

8/22 Th

8/23 Fri

8/24 Sat

8/25 Sun

8/26 Mon

8/27 Tues

8/28 Wed

8/29 Th

8/30 Fri

8/31 Sat

Total Words -->


d C




25© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

hour 1

hour 2

hour 3

hour 4

hour 5

hour 6

hour 7

hour 8


100 words

200 words

300 words

400 words

500 words

600 words

700 words

800 words

4000 words

Set a timer for 25 minutes | Write for 25 minutes, no distractions | Rest for 5 minutes| Rinse + Repeat

Pomodoro Method

26 © 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

Pie INSTRUCTIONS 1. Heat chocolate and 1/4 cup cream on low heat, stirring, until chocolate is melted and mixture

is smooth. Let ganache cool slightly, then scrape into pie crust + spread evenly over bottom. Let sit until set, 30–45 minutes.

2. Preheat oven to 300°. Mix brown sugar, cornmeal, salt, + butter in a bowl. In another bowl, whisk eggs, milk, vanilla, + remaining 2/3 cup cream. Using a whisk, mix 2 bowls together + pour filling into crust + bake 60 minutes. Let cool 12 hours (do not refrigerate)

Topping INSTRUCTIONS 1. Make Marshmallow Fluff: Mix corn syrup, 1 egg white, + 1/4 tsp. salt in a bowl. Then add

powdered sugar. Then add vanilla. Set aside 3/4 cup marshmallow fluff in a small bowl for later2. Meringue: Heat granulated sugar, cream of tartar, + remaining 2 egg whites on low heat + beat3. Add reserved marshmallow fluff to meringue. Dollop marshmallow topping over top of

cooled pie filling and use a spatula to spread, creating decorative peaks and swirls. Use a kitchen torch to toast marshmallow topping, if desired. Decorate with chocolate chips.

Sometimes I just want to make pretty desserts - things that will impress my guests or simply be instagram worthy.

Pie INGREDIENTS2 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped1/4 cup plus 2/3 heavy cream1 frozen Pie Crust, cooked + cooled1 1/4 cups (packed) dark brown sugar1/4 cup fine-grind yellow cornmeal1/4 teaspoon kosher salt1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, melted3 large eggs, room temperature3 tablespoons whole milk1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Toasted Marshmallow Butterscotch Pie

Topping INGREDIENTS2/3 cup light corn syrup3 large egg whites, room temperature1/4 teaspoon kosher salt2/3 cup powdered sugar1 teaspoon vanilla extract2/3 cup plus 1 tablespoon granulated sugar1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar3 tablespoons semisweet chocolate chips

27© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

INSTRUCTIONS You can use 9 mini croissants instead of the full-size ones if you want1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. 2. Coat a 9-inch x 9-inch baking dish with non-stick cooking spray and set aside3. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, milk, cream, sugar, vanilla, salt, and

nutmeg4. Add croissant pieces to the bowl and use a wooden spoon to stir everything together. Make

sure all of the bread pieces are moistened. Add almost all of the chocolate chips to the mixing bowl and stir to combine.

5. Pour the bread pudding mixture into your prepared baking dish. Sprinkle the top of the bread pudding with the remaining chocolate chips.

6. Bake for 50 to 55 minutes or until the pudding has set and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. (If the bread starts to brown too much, loosely cover the baking dish with foil.)

7. Serve warm or at room temperature. This bread pudding is really good with a little Crème Anglaise or vanilla ice cream on top too.

Chocolate Chips hidden in a croissant!

Ingredients6 egg yolks1 1/2 cups milk, 2% or whole1/2 cup heavy cream1 cup sugar1 teaspoon vanilla1/2 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg6 croissants, torn into 1-inch pieces3/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

Chocolate Croissant Bread Pudding

28 © 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

free course

fast-track your ideasnail your story in 5 days

h t t p s : / / p r o g r a m s . l i s a l o n d o n b o o k s . c o m / p l o t - y o u r - 1 s t - r o m a n c e - b o o k

29© 2019 Pretty Pages | Lisa London Books

Workbook #1 in the #AuthorLife Series

coming fall 2019

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