give up a gift challenge

Post on 06-May-2015



Economy & Finance



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This holiday season, we are challenging you to ask ONE friend or loved one to give you a different kind of holiday gift - a gift that will help end Extreme Poverty. All you have to do is sign up as an individual, a team, a group or a school and then your family and friends can log on and give you a gift through your profile.



uend: has a challenge for U

This holiday season…

Ask for a different kind of gift

A gift to end extreme poverty

Extreme poverty is defined by the United

Nations as…

living on under $1 a day

You can’t even buy a cup of coffee for that in Canada.

That’s misleading…

They aren’t living…

…they are actually dying every day from

preventable causes…

…from poverty

No guilt, just facts:

1.2 Billion (1 in 5) people live like that in

the world

In our world

In my world

In your world

No guilt, just facts:

½ the people in our world live on under

$2 per day

More than 3 Billion people

$1/ day

No guilt, just facts:

Over 22,000 people will die from

poverty today…

…and tomorrow, and every day

And it is preventable

No guilt, just facts:

•$1 trillion spent on holiday retail

& wholesale in North America

•$750,000 thrown away daily on

disposable paper cups

•$40 billion is spent annually on

video games


How much money would

end extreme poverty?

according to the World Bank

$50 billion annually

for 15 years

if spent properly

That’s 5% of what we spend during the holiday season in

North America

1 out of 20 gifts

So how can U make a difference?


It’s mind boggling!


If we all asked to receive

just one gift differently this holiday season…


If Canadians alone committed to

just one $20 gift, we would raise


U have

the power

to choose.

Do you need another

‘coolest pair of jeans in the world’?


…an education so she can feed her family for years to come?

Do you need that new super-cool

tech thing-a-ma-jiggy?


…clean water for him for a Year?

Image by C. Bolin

We can put an end to poverty in our lifetime.

Would U

Give up a Gift this holiday


…if it meant putting an

END to poverty?

Ask your friends,

ask your family,

ask everyone…

To give U a different kind of gift this holiday


Take the challenge

Give up a Gift


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