github by nyros developer

Post on 06-May-2015



Self Improvement



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A popular distributed version control system designed to handle very large projects with speed and efficiency.



Global Information Tracking


What is GIT? Why GIT? Normal Work flow? Branching / Merging? Why branching with GIT is awesome? Local and Remote operations Work flow with commandsSample screens

What is GIT?

A popular distributed version control system designed to handle very large projects with speed and efficiency.

Why GIT?

• Open source

• Easy to use and share your code efficiently

• Extremely fast, even with large projects

• Unlimited Repositories

• Unlimited branches

• Community

Staging files

. git add [file names]

• add all changed files to the staging area:

git add .

• these changes are NOT committed yet

GIT staging area

• git has a concept of a ‘staging area’

• you first stage all of the changes that you

are happy with

• then you can commit the changes using commit command


git commit -m “commit message”

Here commit message is used to track the cause for modifications in future.

Branching / Merging


git branch

git branch [new branch name]

git checkout [new branch name]


git checkout [target branch]

git merge [other branch]

Why branching and merging awesome?

Git will allow you to have multiple branches for each repository that can be entirely independent of each other and the creation, merging and deletion of those lines of development take seconds. Git makes this process incredibly easy and it changes the way most developers work when they learn it.

Merging and Branching usage

$ git checkout -b test

$ git commit -am "Adding cutoff method to String"

$ git checkout master

Switched to branch "master"

$ git merge test

Remote operations

git push [repository] [repository branch]

git pull [repository] [repository branch]

Working with GIT?

First we have to create an account in

Login to github with your account details.

Create repository:

Goto Dashboard

New Repository

Give project name,description,homepageurl

Click on create repository.

To Manage(Add,Modify,Remove files) in repository we need to have private,public keys.

Now check the keys in your system.

Open Git Bash

Type cd ~/.ssh

If you get dir not found error then you have to generate the keys.

Type ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""

Now your public key has been saved in /home/venkat/.ssh/

Next steps

Global setup:

1. Download and install Git software

2. git config --global "venkat"

3. git config --global


id_rsa is the private key and id_rsa_pub is the public key.

Goto Account settings -> SSH Public Keys -> Add another public key.

Enter title and key and press Add key.

Test whether it is correctly configured or not

$ ssh

Hi venkatadapa! You've successfully authenticated,

Local → Remote Submition

mkdir Appname

cd Appname

git init

touch README

git add README

git commit -m 'first commit'

git remote add origin

git push origin master

git add .

git commit -m “full application submitted”

git push origin master

Now all files in your application was submitted to remote repository

Remote → Local →Remote

Git clone gitrepo_url [local_dirname]

Cd local_dirname

Change some files and add new files

Git add [filesnames]

add the modified files to repository

Git commit -m “cause for modifications”

Git push origin master

TrackingGit –help

Git stash

No local changes to save

Git diff

will show you all modifications made on each file

Gti status

will show you any changes need to update into server

Git log

Will show you all commit messages and commiters


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