gite x technolog y week...te ra cti ve cl assrooms and me dical treatm ent s. Òone of the mo st ast...

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■ In 2001, it would have taken over a day to download a

full HDmovie to your 3G phone. But in 2019, you can do

it in under aminute using a 5G phone. As 5G networks

spread in the UAE,we look at what they can deliver. And

what the !ne print is.

Sunday,October 6, 2019 POWERED BY#GNTECH

GITEXTECHNOLOGYWEEKOnline: Instagram:@GNTechAE Snapchat: GNTechAE

It has been hyped as atechnology that willprofoundly change theworld and help usher in

the Fourth Industrial Rev-olution. Some have com-pared its potential impactto that of electricity andthe automobile, trans-forming not only homes,but almost every indus-try out there. And oh, thistechwill let you downloadmovies in mere seconds.5G is currently spread-ing across the UAE, withEtisalat and du announc-ing aggressive expansionplans. But is it really thatbig a deal? Or is it morelike Hollywood superstarswho appear uber-glam-ourous on the posters but,when you bump into themin real life, they tend tolook just like the girls andguys next doors?

5G: FIRST,THECAVEATA big claim to fame for

5G is the mind-boggling-ly fast speed it can deliv-er, sans wires — forgetabout 4K, instead imaginestreaming a futuristic 8Kmovie straight to yourphone without even a hintof stuttering or buffer-ing. Or playing a graph-ically-intensive game,straight from the cloud.Or immersing yourself inrich 360-degree virtualreality experiences.But unfortunately, this

is where real life intrudes

and creates a wide gulfbetween what 5G can doin theory versus what itcan actually deliver af-ter dealing with all thosepesky technological chal-lenges and limitations.Indeed, someday in thefuture, you might be ableto enjoy peak speeds inexcess of 10Gbps, but fornow, you will have to set-tle for speeds fluctuatingfrom 100Mbps to 1Gbps,depending on your lo-cation and myriad oth-er factors. Though on theflipside, even these speedsare super-impressive and10 to 20 times faster thanwhat youwould get on 4G.

WHAT5GCANDOAccording to Chris Sun

Baigong, President ofHONOR Middle East andAfrica, 5G can open up anew world of experienc-es that will change howwe live, work and play.“For example, downloadswill be faster and videostreams will start instant-ly. Other applicationsthat previously couldn’trun on smartphones dueto large amounts of datatransfer, such as VirtualReality, will become moreaccessible,” he says.But what makes 5G so

attractive is not just thespeed, but also the prom-ise of reliability and fastreaction times — performan action in Dubai, andyou could instantly see itsoutcome 140 kilometresaway in Abu Dhabi. 5Gpromises a low latency

of 1-10ms compared to50-100ms of 4G, and thiscreates brand new oppor-tunities for remotelyman-aging — without any lagwhatsoever — everythingfromassembly-line robotsand connected cars to in-teractive classrooms andmedical treatments. “Oneof the most astonishingapplications will be vehi-cle-to-vehicle communi-cation in self-driving cars— where cars exchangetheir location, speed, ac-celeration and direction,steering faster than wecan blink. This could bea life-saving technology,and we see the UAE as acountry that will pioneerthis new world, havingalready begun the prepa-ration for large scale rollout,” says Baigong.


aging Director, EquinixMENA, points out that theworld’s first successfulremote surgery was per-formed earlier this yearin China, using 5G tech-nology. That was possiblebecause the data trans-mission time between thephysician’s control deviceand the robot in the op-erating room was just 0.1seconds. Also, currently,professionals in health-care use 4G to accesstests and records, such asX-rays.


D ,

Special to #GNTECH

an IoT- and AI-connect-ed world. “However, fi-bre-like speeds and theability to handle verylow-latency applicationswon’t come easily. En-terprises and service pro-viders alike will need tore-architect and rebuildexisting mobile networks,which is a huge undertak-ing,” he says.Ed agrees, noting that

5G is still maturing as atechnology and the eco-system is also under de-

velopment. Currently,the availability and af-fordability of 5G devicesare major issues and heexpects this to be resolvedover the next couple ofyears.“If we see from an op-

erators’ point of view,the immediate challengefor 5G deployment is theavailability of spectrum.However, there have beena lot of initiatives by var-ious regulatory author-ities of GCC countries to

allocate the 5G spectrumin time,” he says, add-ing that most operators inthe Middle East who havebeen early adopters nowhave sufficient spectrumfor 5G, which has helpedthem get a head start forpioneering 5G deploy-ments in 2019.

5G: FUTUREPERFECT?The Ericsson Mobility

Report June 2019 editionestimates there will be 10


Sunday, October 6, 2019 | Gulf News

ITAand themostpromisingItalianunicorns atGitex

In conversationwithGiuseppeMerenda, FDI Desk Director, Italian Trade Agency Dubai O!ce

1. What is the Italian TradeAgency’s main aim?The Italian Trade Agency

(ITA) is a government agencythat promotes the globalisationof Italian firms and attractsforeign direct investmentunder the aegis of the Ministryof Economic Development,in collaboration with theMinistry of Foreign Affairs.ITA helps to develop, facilitateand promote Italian economicand trade relations withforeign countries, focusingon the needs of SMEs, theirassociations and partnerships.The Foreign Investments

Attraction Department (FDI),a dedicated unit of ITA,facilitates the establishmentand development of foreigncompanies in Italy, promotingbusinessopportunities,helpingforeign investors to establishor expand their operations,supporting investorsthroughout the investment lifecycle and offering high-leveltutoring services for existingstrategic investments.ITA works closely with

the Italian Regions, thenetwork of Italian Chambersof Commerce, businessorganisations and other publicand private entities.

2. What is the ITA’s role atGITEX Future Stars?The Italian economy is

developing a strong anddiversified technology sector,fostering start-ups andsupporting young innovatorswho are developing highlyspecialised solutions to addressthe world’s major challenges.

The UAE Ministry ofEconomy recently signedan MoU with the ItalianGovernment to promotestart-up ecosystems in bothcountries through crossfertilisation and networking.We are inviting investors in

the UAE and the Middle East tocheck out our range of brilliantopportunities and realisehow valuable and smoothinvesting in Italy could be (theworld’s 9th largest economy),taking advantage of disruptivetechnology, the top-classhigh-tech environment andprofiting from the numerousfinancial incentives offered forR&D and innovation.AtGITEX, ITA is representing

20 pioneering start-ups topresent their solutions andmeet with investors andclients, nine of which aresupported by Apulia RegionalDevelopment Agency.

3. Which are the Italian start-ups attending the TechnologyWeek this year?The Italian start-ups at the

Italian Trade Agency’s Pavilion(Stand A20, Zabeel Hall 4),during the five-day eventinclude ShareMyBag, theAirbnb for fashion where userscan rent and borrow fashionitems and make money;Chimpa, a technology for fastand easy-to-learn tools forpupils; Airgloss, an energy-saving smart air-quality-control device manufacturer;ValidActor, provider oftools and services to fightcounterfeiting, protectingproducts and brands andprofile customers’ spendinghabits; NTP Nano Tech

Projects, providing solutionsfor optical detection in thebiomedical field, reducingcosts in Molecular Diagnosticsapplications;, a fast and innovativetechnology to create a chatbot;LittleSea, transforming dataand insights into highlydynamic and communicativevideos; Modefinance, thefirst Fintech Credit RatingAgency in Europe, developingsolutions for the assessmentand management of creditrisk; Orwell VR, a VR/AR production companydeveloping video gamessuch as virtual reality soccergames for fan engagementand retailtainment; Nemesis,a blockchain-based platform,set to change the world ofgaming and entertainment,and weAR, an augmented andmixed-reality platform fortraining on maintenance andrepair operations.



Jeroen Schlosser

Managing Director

Equinix MENA

Aji Ed

Chief Technology Officer

Nokia MENA

Chris Sung Baigong


Honor MEA

5GANDYOU“But with the arrival

of 5G, physicians will beable to remotely moni-tor patients and collectreal-time data using IoTdevices, improving per-sonalised and preven-tive care,” he says, whilepredicting that retail andindustrial will be the firstsectors to take advantageof 5G-powered IoT, fol-lowed by healthcare andfinancial services.Similarly, Aji Ed, Chief

Technology Officer, NokiaMEA, asserts that sectorssuch as energy, health-care, education, transportand entertainment willimmensely benefit fromvarious IoT usage casesenabled by 5G. He also an-ticipates new applicationsand business opportunitiesemerging in virtual reality,augmented reality and ar-tificial intelligence.Specific examples in-

clude low-latency, con-nected cars that are ex-pected to be developed inDubai; 5G fully replacingfibre to the home (FTTH)with equal or better fixedwireless connectivity;digital top-quality ed-ucation across the Mid-dle East with interactiveclassroom experiencesfor remote schools; andfully automating, moni-toring and controlling ofshipping and containerports via high bandwidth,highly secure, low-laten-cy 5G networks.


as the key to endless pos-sibilities for digital trans-formation, especially in

million 5G subscriptionsworldwide, by the endof 2019. More substantialvolumes of 5G devicesare expected to be avail-able from 2020 onwardsand, by the end of 2024,5G subscriptions wouldhave zipped to 1.9 billionworldwide — covering 65per cent of the global pop-ulation.Meanwhile, the GSM

Association (GSMA), ina report on 5G in MENA,observes that 15 countriesplan to launch 5G mobileservices in the region, by2025. This will result inaround 50million 5G con-nections, with around 20million of those comingfrom the GCC. No doubtthe UAE, which currentlyhas the region’s highestmobile subscriber pen-etration of 84 per cent,will lead the upcoming5G charge. Moreover, ac-cording to Ericsson, tele-com operators in the UAEcould realise incrementalrevenue of $3.3 billion by2026 from the digitisationof industries through 5G.Ed asserts that 5G in the

UAE will be a long cyclespanning over the next10-12 years, with growthlikely to peak by 2025.The industry’s immediatefocus, though, will pre-dominantly be on net-work infrastructure forearly 5G use cases such asenhanced broadband andfixed wireless access. Be-yond that, the focus willshift to advanced use casesfor various sectors and in-dustry which, in turn, willbring about the Fourth In-dustrial Revolution.But, in the meantime,

we could always sit backand stream a boatload of4K movies to our shinynew 5G phones.


● Giuseppe Merenda, FDI Desk

Director, Italian Trade Agency Dubai

O!ce / UAE, Oman and Pakistan

The 39th GITEXTechnologyWeekis on fromOct6 to 10,2019

Over a 100,000 peoplefrommore than 140 countries visit

GITEXTechWeek, gaining access to over4,500

exhibitions from around the world.

This year the exhibition will also host the

first ever GITEXAwards.Apart from this there will be over 290hours of

content from over 26 technology sectors including

5G, Future Mobility, Artificial Intelligence, Lifestyle

Tech, Smart cities and somuchmore.

Investors will also enjoy this year’s

GITEX Future Starswith 750+ start-ups from 75 countries,

representing over 19 tech sectors

Download the

GITEX 2019 appto increase your networking opportunities

at the show. You can plan your agenda, follow and

meet exhibitors and people, scan badges and

download the floor plan. The app is available on

iOSaswell asAndroid



GN Archives

Gulf News | Sunday, October 6, 2019


ForFocusSo!netAI is thebiggest change for its customers

Whatdoesdigital transformation reallymean?

KritaCoelho talks to Ali Hyder, CEO of Focus So!net, on how theAI platform ismaking

day-to-day tasks for various business segments easier

■ UAE-based tech gurus discuss howAI, blockchain and hybrid cloud services are fundamentally changing the customer journey

What made Focus Softnetjump onto the AI bandwagon?Focus Softnet has

been providing businessapplications for more than25 years. With the advent ofArtificial IntelIigence (AI) weare offering our customersAI-enabled applications. Notonly for our applications, butfor other business applicationsas well. When we look atAI as a platform, we takeinto consideration differentelements such as speechrecognition, face recognition,and optical recognition orOCR technology, whichallows Robotic ProcessAutomation (RPA).

Can you give us some usedcases for this?The whole platform and

the different elements of AIare used in various businesssegments. AI was firstimplemented in the bankingsector to respond to customercalls automatically. Nowmost of the banking calls areanswered by automated voicesystems. Similarly in the retailindustry, face recognition willlet youknowhowoften you getcustomers returning to yourstore, how many turn backwithout buying anything, andthe reason for their behaviour.The third aspect of AI is

completing routine tasks suchas opening an applicationand entering data manually,or sending an SMS, printoutor fax. Routine tasks can beautomated using RPA.We are trying to come up

with a few new things for

business segments such as anHR attendance system, whichrecords attendance based onface recognition. We are alsointo creating voice assistantsfor people on the move, soeven if you’re driving you cancommand and get a task done.

If you have to compare themto other similar platforms,what sets these apart?Focus Softnet is known

for being providers of goodquality, reliable, mid-rangeenterprise resource planning(ERP) systems for small- andmedium-sized enterprises(SMEs). This hasn’t been in

this market for so long, andweare the first and foremost inproviding this.

Do you have any newproducts and services thatyou have launched? And anysignificant achievements?The platform of AI is

our biggest launch for thisyear. We are looking todouble our revenues forAI-enabled applications inthe last quarter of this yearcompared to previous yearsbecause everyone using somesort of business applicationwould want to add on the AIcomponent.

What are your plans for thefuture?We are looking at creating

plug-ins for a lot of standardproducts, so that people canjust plug in to our AI platformwith whatever applicationthey are using without havingto change it. We are planningto release this in the comingmonths.n

Going digital.It’s a term mostmid-level employ-ees and manag-

ers are familiar with, andone that’s been bandiedabout for years now. At lastweek’s IBM Think Sum-mit, the people responsiblefor driving this change atsome of theUAE’smost in-fluential companies cametogether to explain howandwhere the transforma-tion will take place in theirindustries — and what itmeans for customers.


a global model forGovernment 2.0,” saysZeina Al Kaissi, ChiefDigital Director at SmartDubai. She’s referring toservices for UAE residentsbeing offered on a one-stop shop paperless digitalplatform. “It’s about time.The 2019 user of todaygets their food optionsin one place (UberEats),flight bookings in oneplace (Expedia) and hotelsin one place ( How many apps dothey have for governmentservices? More than 120.”Smart Dubai’s Dubai

Now app is already playinga role in the organisation’sambition for Government2.0, which Al Kaissibelieves should be“invisible and seamless”to UAE residents. The iOS

and Android app lets yousign rental agreements,issue your Ejari, activateelectricity and waterservices, digitally signa sales agreement for avehicle, get car insuranceand more.Blockchain plays a role

in Dubai Now, with thetechnology powering theinstant reconciliation ofpayments made throughthe app — something AlKaissi says used to take 40days when done manually.Meanwhile, the AI-drivenRashid City Conciergeservice, based on IBMWatson, uses naturallanguage processing andcognitive computing toprovide information toExpo 2020 visitors.In the capital, the

Abu Dhabi DigitalAuthority (ADDA) has atransformation strategy

supported by four mainpillars: data management,cybersecurity,governmentsolutions and governmentservices, the last of whichis led by Saeed Al Mulla,Executive Director —Government Affairs andPartnership Managementat ADDA.“We are trying to solve

customer pain points,understanding theirjourney and they stepsthey need to go throughto deliver them a seamlessservice.” For Al Mulla,technology is a means,not an end — “It’s thecustomer that matters”.“We don’t want to

make customer journeys[someone’s entire, end-to-end experience witha company or brand] forthe sake of it. It’s our roleand mandate to make thepublic’s life easier.”

RETAILOne of the most heavily

disrupted sectors overthe past decade, in theUAE and worldwide, isretail. That’s what makesdigital transformationa little more urgent forshopping mall operators.At the Majid Al Futtaim(MAF) Group, which ownsand operates 25 mallsacross the region, thereare three core customerjourneys: the asset (thephysical mall), customer(the shops, or tenants,renting space there) andthe consumer (shoppervisiting the mall). “Allthings intertwine betweenthese three,” explainsAndre Melo, Director, IT— Shopping Malls at MAF.Melo likens a shoppingmall to a grandparent.“Grandparents lovetheir children, love their

grandkids and know whatthey’re doing. However,the final product iscontrolled by the parents.Similarly, a shopping mallneeds to cater amazingexperiences for shoppers,but their final product isdelivered by the retailer.”Real-time data allowed

Mall of the Emirates(MoE), a MAF property, todramatically reduce entryand exit times for mallvisitors — adding up to

significant amount whenyou consider five millioncars enter and exit themall every year.Melo is also aware that

the increased flow of dataavailable to retailers hasmeant a reworking ofKPIs — “Now, we are ableto expose [problems],improve and optimisewith a new set of KPIs werun every day.”

AVIATIONFrom the moment

you Google flight ticketsto checking in onlineand arranging hotelaccommodation, theaviation industry has beenimpacted by technologicalchange at a faster pacethan most industries.“We wanted to ensure thedigital journey matchesthe experience you havewhen you step into one ofour planes anywhere inthe world,” says TakhliqHanif, Chief Architectand Head of GroupEnterprise Architectureat Etihad Aviation Group— Technology and DigitalInnovation.One of the ways Etihad

is striving to transformits flyers’ digital journeyis hyper-personalisation.“Canwe tell the differencewhen you’re flying withyour family, visiting toplay golf or to watch theF1? I think data plays abig role in understandingwho your customer is, in apositive way.”One of the reasons

digital transformationmay

be a trickier proposition inaviation is because airlineshave both legacy systems,such as GDS, workingalongside modern ones.Hanif feels that a hybridcloud solution may helpfor building a consolidateddata platform that playswell with both typesof system.

HEALTHCAREA number of underlying

technologies are alsochanging the customerjourney for medicalpatients. “Cloud andAI arekey enablers transformingthe way the massivevolumes of patient datathrough medical researchand electronic medicalrecords are captured,stored and analysed,thereby making newforms of medical researchpossible and improvingpatient outcomes,”explains Yasser Zeineldin,CEO of eHosting DataFort.He adds that the cloudhas simplified the sharingof patient data betweendoctors and other stafffromanyof their branches.“Also, data from large

files such as those fromX-rays and MRIs canbe saved easily on thecloud. With patientstaking active interest intheir healthcare data,they can also access theirelectronicmedical recordsstored in the cloud, whichhelps streamline theinformation betweenthe doctors and theirpatients.” n



● From le!: Jyoti Lalchandani, Group Vice-President and Regional MD, IDC MEA; Takhliq Hanif, Chief Architect and Head of Group Enterprise

Architecture at Etihad Aviation Group – Technology and Digital Innovation; Zeina El Kaissi, Chief Digital Director, Smart Dubai; Saeed Al Mulla,

Executive Director – Government Affairs and Partnership Management, ADDA; and Andre Melo, Director, IT – Shopping Malls, Majid Al Futtaim

● Ali Hyder, CEO, Focus So!net

● Yasser Zeineldin,

CEO, eHosting DataFort


Sunday, October 6, 2019 | Gulf News


A D V E R T I S E R ’ S C O N T E N T

A D V E R T I S E R ’ S C O N T E N T

Enabling DigitalTransformation


Finesse, a global digital transformationcompany and one of the most trust-ed software system integrators in the

region, is participating at GITEX Technol-ogyWeek for the eighth consecutive year.Finesse assists more than 250 enterprise

clients in the region, including 80% of thebanks in UAE with their digital transfor-mation journey. Established in 2010, it hasover 400 people representing 18+ nation-alities.The company has won around 40 inter-

national awards and accolades under itsname and has established its lead over theyears.Their referenceable clientele spreads

across Banking, Finance & Insurance,Education, Energy, Healthcare, Telco,Transportation & Logistics, Public Sectorand Enterprises. More than 70% of theirbusiness comes from the existing clients,reinstating their name as trusted advisorsand strategic partners.Finesse’ digital solution portfolio in-

cludes for AI based Chatbots, BI & Analyt-ics, Blockchain, CRM/CEM, Robotic Pro-cess Automation, and many more.• Finesse’ AI based Chatbot solution is a

software that can simulate a real humanconversation with real-time responses tousers based on reinforced learning.• BI and Analytics are data managementsolutions implemented to collect datawhilst using statistics and software foranalysis and quality insights.• CEM/CRM solutions use an ap-proach to enhance company’s inter-action with existing and potentialcustomers which helps improve customerengagement and increase sales.• Robotic Process Automation uses spe-cialized computer programs, known assoftware robots, to automate and stand-ardize repetitive and mundane tasks.• Infra Management services include im-plementation, control, and managementof facilities. It also includes cloud migra-tion to support an organization’s digitaltransformation journey.Finesse’ team of evangelists look for-

ward to meet curious minds to discussmore about emerging technologies at GI-TEX 2019.Meet them at Booth no. 09 in Hall no.

07 to get insights on how businesses canleverage technology innovation.


Home security solution perfectfor apartments,!ats, townhouses

and rentals launched

Home Security! Everyone is lookingfor it. But what about forthose living in apartments,

flats, townhouses and rentals?Ring’s fifth smart doorbell is de-signed to take advantage of a fea-ture every home probably alreadyhas: a peephole in the door.Ring, whose mission is to

make neighborhoods safer, justlaunched the innovative RingDoor View Cam, in the UAEwhich is easily installed in placeof an existing peephole and doesnot require drilling or permanentmodifications to your home ordoor – transforming a traditionaldoor viewer into a smart securitydevice.Ring Door View Cam features

motion detection, two-way talk,1080p HD video, a removable,rechargeable battery, knock de-tection, privacy zones, and nightvision, making it perfect for any homewith a door viewer - especially apartmentsand rentals. To use, simply install the DoorViewCam in place of the existing peepholeon each side of the door, then pop in therechargeable battery and removable cover.With that, you will have transformed yourold door viewer into a smart security cam-era.Designed by the same team who rein-

vented the traditional doorbell, Door ViewCam enhances the features of a door view-er we all are familiar with to deliver af-fordable and effective home security. Tak-ing the learnings from the original RingVideo Doorbell, Ring built Door View Camfrom the ground up while taking into ac-

count the fact that peopleinteract with doors anddoorbells at apartmentbuildings and rentals dif-ferently than they do atsingle-family homes. Theresult is a one-of-a-kindsecurity device that en-ables apartment dwellers

to easily add desired security features totheir homes in a way they were not able tobefore.Now you never need to miss a visitor

with Ring Door View Cam, which enablesusers to monitor, secure, and answer theirdoors from anywhere.• Easy Installation – Ring Door View Cameasily installs in place of a door viewer,without the need for drilling or permanentmodifications.•HDVideo – Customers can view live vid-eo and recordings of their front door withthe same experience and video quality asRing’s other video doorbells.• Knock Detection – If visitors don’t press

the doorbell button, Door View Cam fea-tures a sensor that lets you know whenvisitors interact with your door, such as ifthey knock.• Battery Powered – Door View Cam usesa removable, rechargeable battery locatedon the inside of the door, so you don’t haveto run wires.• Traditional Door Viewer Functionality– Door View Cam includes a glass viewer,so the functionality of a traditional doorviewer is not lost.• Privacy Zones -- Allows you to blockrecording of certain zones in front of thedoorbell, as well as turn off audio record-ing, to ensure you only receive the notifi-cations that matter to you.

Pricing andAvailabilityRing Door View Cam is available in the

UAE for AED 699 at, DubaiDuty Free, Jumbo, Sharaf DG, and VirginMegastore.Come check out the Ring Door View

Cam at Zabeel Hall Z3-C12.

GITEX is one of themost important ITevents in theMiddle East that focuseson the ever changing tech landscape

and emerging trends. It has helped us connectwith decisionmakers and industry experts inMiddle East and look forward tomeeting newercustomers and educating visitors about theneed for digital transformation.Wewill beaddressing a range of topics such as cybersecurity and 5G among other technologytrends.”Maged Eid,

Area Vice President- META, Nexthink

Finesse is exhibiting at GITEXnow for the 8th consecutive year.GITEX gives us an opportunity topresent themost innovative

technologies & solutions from around theworld to our clients and partners. Inaddition,we are also able to share oursuccessful customer stories withinnovation andROI.”Raju Ramesh,



Finessewill be showcasing our digitalportfolio of solutions including AIbased Chatbots, Blockchain, BI &

Analytics, CRM / CEM,Robotic Process

Automation amongothers. Qlik, the global

leader in the BI &Analytics domainwill also

bewith Finesse,presenting their DataAnalytics Solutionswith their theme ‘Leadwith Data’.”

Sunil Paul,

Co-Founder, Finesse

GITEXTechnologyWeekis really importantfor companies likeRing in developing

markets as it allows us tomeetwith key decisionmakers and to inform themarket on the areaswefocus on. As always,safety and security arevitally important toeveryone. In recentyears, in theMiddle

East, and like elsewhere in theworld,people are no longer depending onjust others to provide safety totheir homes, families, andneighbourhoods. They are takinghome security into their own hands

to help protect and securetheir family and property.

Homeowners havealso realised theconvenience thathome security alwaysprovides by being

able to communicate andmonitortheir family’s well-being, fromanywhere in theworld. GITEX o!ersan opportunity for Ring to conductlive demos and o!er customersthe opportunity to touch and feelthe product and understand howe!ective and easy-to-use Ring’ssolutions for home security are.”


Vice President of Business Development –

Middle East and Africa at Ring

The Gitex Techweek is the timewhen Focus uses the platformto launch its newer additions tothe suite of solutions o!ered by

the house of Focus. The GITEX techweekis not just an opportunity to showcase

the newer solutions but alsointeract with industry players inknowingmore aboutwhere thesolutionsworld is heading to.”Ali Hyder,

CEO, Focus Softnet

GROWINGWITHGITEXTECHWEEKParticipants tell us why GITEX TechnologyWeekis important to their businesses as well as to

industry growth in the UAE

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