gilded age to roaring ’20’s. the gilded age "waving the bloody shirt“ greenbacks ...

Post on 16-Jan-2016






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Gilded Age to Roaring ’20’s

The Gilded Age "Waving the bloody shirt“ Greenbacks Pendleton Civil Service Act "Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion“ High tariffs and Government surplus

The Gilded Age

Laissez-faire / Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations

Union Pacific Railroad, Central Pacific RailroadCredit Moblier scandal

Robber Barons John Rockefeller and Standard Oil

The Gilded Age

Horizontal and vertical integration Monopolies Thomas Edison Alexander Graham Bell Andrew Carnegie and The Gospel of

Wealth Bessemer Process and U.S. Steel

The Gilded Age

Pools, rebates, holding companies, long and short hauls and trust

Swift and Armour James Duke Knights of Labor AFL Boycotts, strikes and closed shops

Labor Unrest Black list and Yellow Dog contracts Great Railroad Strike – 1877 Haymarket Square Riot Homestead Strike Pinkertons Pullman Strike, 1894 and Eugene


Political Corruption

The Whiskey Ring Tammany Hall Boss Tweed Thomas Nast George Washington Plunkitt “Honest Graft”


Old and New immigration Tenements Jane Addams and Hull House

(settlement houses) Chinese Exclusion Law 1882

Social Change

Edward Bellamy, Looking Backwards, 2000-1887

Henry George, Progress and Poverty Social Darwinism Social Gospel Anglo-Saxonism (Josiah Strong)

Women’s Suffrage Susan B. Anthony Elizabeth Cady Stanton Carrie Chapman Catt Alice Paul WCTU – Frances Willard and Carrie


African Americans Jim Crow Laws Civil Rights Act of 1875 – unconstitutional Lynching Booker T. Washington and the Atlantic

Compromise and Tuskeegee W.E.B. DuBois – talented 10th, Niagara

movement, NAACP, The Crisis Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) "Separate but


The New South Bourbons / Redeemers "New South," Henry Grady - the South

wanted to grow, embrace industry, and eliminate racism and Confederate separatist feelings

Grandfather clause and Disenfranchisement

The West The Morrill Act Oliver H. Kelley and the Granger Movement Barbed wire, Joseph Glidden The Rain Follows the Plow Frederick Jackson Turner, Frontier Thesis Indian Wars – Chivington Massacre, Battle of Little Big Horn, Chief Joseph, and Wounded

Knee Helen Hunt Jackson Dawes Severalty Act, 1887

Free Silver and Populist

Depression of 1893 Coxey's army Farmer's Alliance and Ocala Demands Populism in the South Mary Ellen Lease Williams Jenning Bryan and the cross

of gold speech

Influential Print "Yellow journalism” – William Hearst

and Joseph Pulitzer The Influence of Sea Power upon

History Stephen Crane and The Red Badge of

Courage Mark Twain Joel Chandler Harris

Imperialism Queen Liliuokalani Reconcentration Policy The DeLome Letter The Battleship Maine Rough Riders, San Juan Hill Treaty of Paris - Philippines, Guam, Puerto

Rico, Cuba Yellow Fever- Walter Reed Panama Canal

Imperialism Insular cases Teller Amendment Platt Amendment Emilio Aguinaldo Open Door notes Boxer Rebellion Big Stick Diplomacy – Roosevelt Corollary Great White Fleet "Dollar Diplomacy"

Muckrakers Thorstien Velben, The Theory of the Leisure

Class Jacob Riis, How the Other Half Lives Lincoln Steffens The Shame of the Cities Frank Norris The Octopus Ida Tarbell History of the Standard Oil Company John Spargo, The Bitter Cry of the Children Upton Sinclair The Jungle

Progressives Margaret Sanger Initiative, referendum, recall Direct Primary 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th Amendments Scientific Management, Frederick W. Taylor Wisconsin, "Laboratory of Democracy"

and Robert Lafollette Bull Moose Party

TR Trustbuster Square Deal Anthracite Coal Strike, 1902 Elkins Act, 1903, rebates Hepburn Act, 1906 Northern Securities Company case Meat Inspection Act Pure Food and Drug Act Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy

1912 Election

Woodrow Wilson, New Freedom Theodore Roosevelt, New Nationalism Taft Republican Eugene Debs Socialist

Wilson IWW, Wobblies, "Big Bull" Haywood Federal Reserve Act Underwood-Simmons Tariff Income tax Clayton Antitrust Act Mexican Revolution, Diaz, Huerta, Carranza Pancho Villa, General Pershing

US and WWI Triple Entente; Allies and Triple Alliance; Central Powers Lusitania, Sussex Pledge and unrestricted Submarine warfare Zimmerman note Russian Revolutions, 1917, March and Bolshevik "Make the world safe for democracy“ 1917-1918 Creel Committee War Industries Board – Bernard Baruch Herbert Hoover, Food Administration Espionage Act, 1917; Sedition Act, 1918 Selective service 1917 Black migration to northern cities Treaty of Versailles and Fourteen Points

1919 The Treaty of Versailles Debate

Allies imposed punitive reparations on Germany.

Big Four: Wilson, George, Clemenceau, Orlando

League of Nations - Collective Security Self-determination Red Scare, Palmer raids Influenza Strikes Sacco and Vanzetti case

The 20’s Harding

Normalcy Harding scandals: Secretary of the

Interior Fall and the Teapot Dome Harding's Death

The 20’s Bruce Barton, The Man Nobody Knows "The Lost Generation“ F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby Sinclair Lewis, Main Street, Babbit Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms

The 20’s KDKA, Pittsburgh Prohibition, Volstead Act, Al Capone Ku Klux Klan in the 1920's Nativism and immigration quotas Billy Sunday Scopes trial, Clarence Darrow, William Jennings

Bryan Henry Ford, the Model T

The 20’s New Woman, Flappers Harlem Renaissance, Langston Hughes,

Marcus Garvey, Jazz, Apollo Club Charles Lindbergh, Babe Ruth, Jack

Dempsey Dawes Plan Kellogg-Briand Pact, 1928

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