getting stronger with saturn

Post on 11-Jan-2022






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SaturnTime and Mastery

Getting Stronger with

MODULE 2 with Julija Simas



Saturn Glyph



Saturn associations


In Ancient Greece the average age was 30 years old

Jupiter and Saturn









Michael Maier's alchemical text, Atalanta fugiens (1618), Saturn (the prima materia or raw substance) being transformed through the calcinatio,

the process of burning away dross and black bile.

How heavy is your Saturn? Self mastery, autonomy, discipline, responsibility, limits, reality

constant purging, cutting away fears, restrictions, bounds

Saturn would float in water


"Saturn is a gas giant made up mostly of hydrogen and helium. Saturn is big enough to hold more than 760 Earths, and is more massive than any other planet except Jupiter, roughly 95 times Earth's mass. However, Saturn has the lowest density of all the planets, and is the only one less dense than water — if there were a bathtub big enough to hold it, Saturn would float.”



The Lord of Time, wise old man, the grim reaper, master of reality, work, autonomy,

structure, form, restriction

Autonomy, Autonomous

! Self - governing! Independence! Self-rule! Home rule! Sovereignty! Self determination! Freedom! Self - sufficiency! Individualism


! Kairos (καιρός) is an Ancient Greek word meaning the right, critical or opportune moment.

! The ancient Greeks had two words for time: chronos and kairos.


Master of your universe!


Karma - the role you need

to play out in this lifetime

The best you can be without, guilt, shame, fear

It is TIME for Maturity, reality, grow up, get real

What I am made for, good at, can and will master

I am here to do this job!







Timing Cycle and Saturn

• Saturn cycle 29.50 years to move around an astrological chart • Saturn returns occur during 28-30 years • The important times of the cycle are when Saturn Returns

at 29.5 years, at age 59, at 88 years

• First Saturn wax square to natal position at age 7.5 • First Saturn opposition at 14 - 15 years old • Saturn waning square 21-22 - Uranus square • The second wax square at approximately 45 years and the


! Will have 1st square in CAP - 7.25 yearsopposition in ARIES - 14.5 yrswaning square in CAN - 22 yearsReturn - LIBRA - 29 plus


Natal Saturn! Our foundation

! Conditioning

! Support, security in the world

! Father, role models

! As a twig is bent so a tree will grow

! Perceptions acquired before the age of six become the fundamental subconscious programs that shape the character of an individual’s life.

! Jesuits- recognise that if they can have the first seven years of a child’s life, that is all they need to insure a lifelong influence -

“Give me the child until it is seven years old and I will give you the man.”


Saturn Time

First 7 years - we get the programNext 7 -14 years - we live the programNext 14 - 21 years - we rebel against the programNext 21 - 29 years - we Re- program!

As we mature, uncover subconscious drives, built up fears, emotions, explore our psyche, we are continually reprogramming, through Saturn transit and squares


Opening square - Age 7 plus average

! What was my family atmosphere?! What do you remember the most about this time! Its the time we break out into world, the innocence of childhood begins

to dissipate, there is no Easter bunny of Father Xmas, our skulls finally close, fairytale ends

! We get our permanent teeth! We may develop inground phobias, fears - scary uncle, granny,

teacher, man next door, bullies at school! TV, video games etc for modern day kids! By 7 we have a solid sense of time. School time, bed time, seconds,

minutes hours, weeks, months, years! Have preference in learning style,- quite worker, neat or messy,

independent, dependant ! Can solve simple problems - one issue at a time


Oppositions - 14.5 average! We get a good look at our natal Saturn -! Another view point! Conscious! Self criticism, keeping up with the gang, - clothes, trends, styles! Push past, or die! Find limits, restrictions, physical, mental, emotional! Limited power, boundaries of parental control, societal control, school! Want to be older - 18-21! Heavy going,! Braces, sex is awkward, partners others opinions ! First jobs, experience of bosses! Work experience, bottom of chain! Hard work is rewarded! What are your skills! Earlier Jupiter return, ! Explore relationships, or introverted! Shame, fear, guilt, jealous


Waning square - 21-22 years

! Personal choice take on more development

! Studies , jobs, friends relationships

! Own place, own money

! Co-operate, knowing others needs and vulnerability

! Begin to respond to external world pressure, paying bills

! It’s inevitable, give in, let go, begin to accept

! Not parents problem anymore


Saturn squares/oppositions - Modality

! Saturn in Cardinal signsAries / Cancer/Libra/ Capricorn eg native born with SATURN in LIBWaxing/opening square in CAP - 7.25 yearsOpposition in ARIES - 14.5 yrsWaning/closing square in CAN - 21- 22 yearsSaturn return - LIBRA - 29 years plus

! Saturn in Fixed signsTaurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

! Saturn in Mutable SignsGemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces



Saturn in Cardinal signs

! Changing of seasons - equinoxes and solstices, beginning point, zero cardinal, new energy

! new energy, initiation, rebalance, taking action, independence, enthusiasm, ambition, , energy that got full on the peters out

! Instigators, direct, forthright, leaders, quick insatiable, concerned with moving and directing energy

! Shadow - domineering, no stamina to follow through, thoughtless, angrySaturn lessons for cardinal signs are - take the initiative and lead, learn form others, take responsibility for what you want to do,



Saturn in Fixed signs - lessons

! The middle of seasons- fixed modes are solidly established in each season, not much change

! Stability, peak, accomplishment that needs holding, honoured, establishes, constant and stable

! Fixed anergy is proud, determined, persevering, accumulative, immovable, slow, and steady, concerned with keeping and hold, what is mine, what is yours

! Shadow - doesn’t give, in, egotistical, obstinate, firm

! To value myself and what I do for work and for others, sharing my special gifts and skills in the world, learning to give and receive, let go and take, stand up for what you want.



Saturn in Mutable signs

! Mutable signs, depict the end of a season, when things are about to change

! Time of harvest, completion, sharing the bounty, Learning to share and serve, time to look to the future and what is next

! Represent change, movement, sharing, making energy go where it needs t go, adapting, flowing, shape shifting, concepts, ideas,

! Mutable energy is adaptable, versatile, changeable, subtle, intuitive, educated, concerned, knowledgeable, giving, collecting distributing

! Shadow side- unreliable, fickle, deceptive, disruptive, lost, nervous, disseminating information, spreading news




Natal Saturn 1°25’ CAP

Wax SQ = 1°25’ ARIES OPP = 1°25’ CANCER

WAN SQ = 1°25’ LIBRA

Born May 1988


Natal Saturn 1°25’ CAP

1st Square 1996-97 Wax SQ = 1°25’ ARIES

3 passes

2003 OPP = 1°25’ CANCER1 x pass

2009-10 WAN SQ = 1°25’ LIBRA 3 x passes

Born May 1988


Natal Saturn 1°25’ CAP rx APRIL 1996 -1997

Wax SQ = 1°25’ ARIES

1st pass APRIL 1996

2nd pass RX

NOV 1996

Direct JAN 1997

1 Year

Born May 1988






Natal Saturn 1°25’ CAP rx

Opposition 1°25’ Cancer

June 2003 one pass

at 15 years

Born May 1988



Find Dates degrees in Ephemeris


! When was Saturn within 1 degree of orb - before - applying|- after - seperating

! Applying aspect - brings conscious awareness to the issue Retrograde - re-working, re-doing, re-adjusting to re-work, integrate something new Last pass - re-adjusted into system



SaturnBirth/NatalConjunction - Square waxing - 7.5Trine - 10Opposition - 14-15Trine - 20Square waning - 22Return 29.5

Ongoing squares

! The Return, - all previous experience lived through Saturn integrated

! Step to maturity, understanding your Saturn, security needs responsibilities for self and others

! Every 7 years, we need to adjust, top up, mature, incorporate next growing pain and lesson

! Every 7 years, our skin and cells are regenerated

! Children, job responsibilities, bosses, partners, parents

! Health update!



! Natal - bio, primal, karmic, impulsive, reactive

! Waxing/opening square - crisis in action, struggle of the will, new fields, barriers to be broken, building new, forceful, motivation to improve, push, past

! Opposition - having a good look, view from others, do I like what I see, better fix that, shape up, evaluate, mental, social,

! Waning/closing square - crisis in consciousness, accept, work with what you have, letting go, acceptance,


AT these TIMES

! I see my Saturn working at its best, worst, most challenging

! We are confronted at these times to give it our best, to push past the hurdles, barriers, restrictions, with can do, won’t do or admission, of can’t do

! Life lessons, that make us stronger, what doesn’t KILL us, only makes us stronger

! It is Time for!


What am I good at


! Saturn transits demand, structure, form, mastery, pay attention, building

! Saturn ask us us to cull what is no longer necessary in our lives, superficial, superfluous,anything that is not working,

! Face reality

! Strengthen self, confidence, can do

! It’s TIME for,

! You reap what you sow, rewards come slowly

! Can be heavy, stuck, depressed, life is too hard, money problems, control issues with partners, family

! Asked to stand up for ourselves, take responsibility for your own life, money

! Be autonomous, live by own standards and rules

! Conformity, responsibility, leadership role

! What do you want, prepared to work for and how you get it

! Losses, letting go, sadness,

! Saturn teaches us who we really are, bare bones,

Get to know Saturn

! Natal Saturn Sign House Aspect

! Do your HomeworkThe 7 Year cycle

! What have I learnt so far- strengths, weaknesses, shadow, and light

! Learn to love his lessons

! Know it gets better with Age, strength, maturity



Recommended Reading

! Books! Saturn the Old Devil - Liz Greene! Growing Pains - Alex Trenoweth! Planets in Transit - Rob Hand

! Astrology App- ASTROGOLD - $62 -

! ASTRO GOLD for MAC IOS - $149

! Solar Fire -$400 , say Julija Simas sent you for a discount 10%


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