georgia tech interdisciplinary bioengineering …...for students enrolled in georgia tech’s...

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3.2.4 BGA: Bioengineering Graduate Association . . . . 12 3.2.5 Institute Graduate Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13


1 Introduction 4

2 DeadlinesandTimelines2.1 Ph.D.StudentTimeline Summary-MajorMilestones
















2.2 Ph.D.Student . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.2.1 Deadlines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.2.2 Every Semester. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.3 M.S.Student . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.3.1 Deadlines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.3.2 Every Semester. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Administrative Issues 11

3.1 ProgramManagement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113.2 Committees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3.2.1 GeneralFaculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123.2.2 GraduateStudiesCommittee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123.2.3 FacultyAdvisory Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3.3 HomeSchool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133.4 FinancialSupport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143.5 Student Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153.6 ComputerAccountsandEmail Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153.7 CounselingCenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153.8 CorrespondenceandForms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163.9 CourseRegistration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3.9.1 GeneralGuidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3.9.2 CrossEnrollment atOtherAtlantaUniversities. . . . . . . . . . . . . 173.10 ThesisAdvisor Selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.10.1 Selection Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.10.2ChangeofAdvisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183.11 ChangeofclassificationfromM.S.toPh.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183.12 Transferring into theBioengineering GraduateProgram. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18


3.13ChangeofHomeSchool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.14Obtaining aM.S.During Ph.D.Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

4 RequirementsforallDegrees 20 4.1 GPA andGeneralCourseRequirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.2 ProgramofStudy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

4.2.1 Engineering Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214.2.2 BiologicalSciences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224.2.3 EngineeringMathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224.2.4 Bioengineering/Electives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224.2.5 CoherentMinor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224.2.6 Approval Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4.3 GraduateCoursework FromOtherUniversities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234.4 HonorCode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244.5 Policy onOpenPublication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

5 Ph.D.DegreeRequirements 25

5.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255.2 Coursework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255.3 QualifyingExam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

5.3.1 Eligibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265.3.2 ExamPhilosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265.3.3 ExamCommittee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275.3.4 ExamChairSelection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275.3.5 ProceduresPrior totheExam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275.3.6 ProcedurestheDayoftheExam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285.3.7 OralExamVote. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285.3.8 RetakeExams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295.3.9 ExamConditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295.3.10 AppealsofSecondExamFailures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295.3.11 NotificationofOutcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

5.4 TeachingPracticum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305.5 Ph.D.CommitteeFormation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315.6 GeneralGuidelinesforPh.D.-Level Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325.7 Ph.D. ResearchProposal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

5.7.1 Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 5.7.2 Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

5.7.3 ProcedureforPh.D.ProposalPresentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355.8 ResearchProgress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365.9 Ph.D.Defense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

5.9.1 ProcedureforPh.D.DefensePresentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36


6 M.S. DegreeRequirements(ThesisOption) 386.1 Coursework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386.2 M.S.CommitteeFormation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396.3 ProcedureforCommitttee Formation andTopic Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . 396.4 ProcedureforM.S.Defense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

7 M.S. DegreeRequirements(Non-thesisOption) 42

7.1 Coursework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

8 Annual BioengineeringAwards 44

A FacultyMembershipInformation 45

B FacultyCommitteeMembership 46B.1 GeneralFaculty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47B.2 GraduateStudiesCommittee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47B.3 FacultyAdvisory Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

C BioengineeringGraduateAssociation 49

C.1 Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49C.2 Bylaws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

D CoursesPreviouslyApproved forProgramsofStudy 50

D.1 CourseListings byCategory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50D.2 CourseListings bySchool/Dept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56D.3 CourseListings byNumber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61


Chapter 1


Welcome!Thishandbook is intended tooutline the policies, procedures, and degreerequirementsforstudentsenrolled inGeorgiaTech’s InterdisciplinaryBioengineering GraduateProgram(IBGP).

While this handbook is intended to answer most questions about program policies and degreerequirements, therearealways circumstances that may not beclearly coveredwithinthishandbook.Information abou t the program is also available on the IBGP website, located at information mayappeartoexist,thishandbookisassumedtotakeprecedenceover thewebsite.

Ultimately, if something isnotclear, ask!Pleasedirect allquestions tothe IBGPoffice(describedinProgramManagement).

Please note: ALL ACADEMIC FORMS - Programs ofStudy, Thesis Committees, Topic Approvals,Candidacy andThesisCompletion MUSTBETYPEWRITTEN -NOEXCEPTIONS.




Moststudents reading thishandbook are usually tryingtodetermine “how todosomething” atsome pointin theiracademic journeyt ow a r d s a graduate degree.Thissection describesdeadlinesand a typicaltimelinefor a Ph.D. and M.S.student with links to theappropriatesectionofthehandbook.


Time/Years Milestone Instructions1.5 QualifyingExam Scheduled bytheBioengineering Office

2.0 FormationofPh.D.Committee SeeGuidelines3.0 Proposalapproval andpresentation SeeGuidelines

4.5-5.5 Thesisapproval Mustoccur6monthsprior todefense5-6 ThesisDefense Approvalform signedby committee

must besubmitted totheBioengineeringGraduateOffice

Continuous YearlyUpdates ScheduledbytheStudent



2.2 Ph.D. Student

2.2.1 Deadlines

When What SectionLinkFirstweek Registerforcoursesandpayfees CourseRegistrationFirst6weeks Find aResearchAdvisor ThesisAdvisor Selection

Firstsemester SubmitProgramofStudyProgramofStudyCategoriesPh.D.CourseworkRequirements

3rdsemester Submit researchprofileformtotakequalifying exam

Form emailedtostudents byProgramOffice.

End of 3rdsemester

Oralqualifyingexam QualifyingExam

Post-qualexam Satisfyteachingpracticum TeachingPracticumWithin6monthsofqualifyingexam

FormPh.D.Committee Ph.D.Committeeformation


AnnouncePh.D.Proposal Ph.D.ProposalAnnouncement

Within 12monthsofqualifyingexam

Ph.D. Proposal - BringAdmis-sion toCandidacyformandevaluationforms.


DayofProposal BringAdmission toCandidacyform andEvaluation forms.

Submitallforms to BioengineeringGraduateofficewithcommittee signa-tures

Every12months Meet withand updatePh.D.Committee


6 monthsprior todefense

Approval toschedule defensemeetingwiththesiscommittee


Semester priortosemesterintendingtodefendPh.D.

PetitiontoGraduate Ph.D.PetitiontoGraduate


Beenrolledorcompleteenroll-ment waiver to defend by waiverdeadline and graduate but notpayfeesforthatsemester


At least sixweekspriortodefense

SchedulePh.D. Defenseandprovide Preliminary Draft toPh.D.Committee


At least twoweekspriortodefense

FinalDrafttoPh.D.Committeeandconfirm defensedate/time


At least twoweekspriortodefense

Public announcementofdefense PublicAnnouncement

Dayofdefense Bring ThesisApprovalCertifi-cateandEvaluation Forms


Post-defense Submit signedapprovalformandelectronic submissionofdis-sertation



2.2.2 Every Semester

When What How1stweek Ensure you are registered for 21

hours of full-time course workandresearchhours


1stweek Payfees Student Feesmid-semester deadlineforcross-enrollmentat

otherAtlantauniversitiesCross Enrollment atOtherAt-lantaUniversities

mid-semester DROPDAY allsemester 1stand2ndyearUSstudents:

applyfor domestic fellowships(NSF,NDSEG,DOE,etc)


allsemester 3rdand4thyearUSstudents:apply for NIH-NRSA, AHA, andother ‘senior graduate student’fellowships

Please note: ALL ACADEMIC FORMS - Programs of Study, Thesis Committees, Topic Approvals, Candidacy and Thesis Completion MUST BE TYPEWRITTEN – NO EXCEPTIONS.


2.3 M.S. Student

2.3.1 Deadlines

When What Section Link Firstweek Registerforcoursesandpayfees CourseRegistrationFirst6weeks Find aResearchAdvisor ThesisAdvisor Selection

Firstsemester SubmitProgramofStudyProgramofStudyCategoriesM.S.CourseworkRequirements

Before graduatingsemester

Graduate officesubmits MinorApprovalform

Youwill becontacted ifinfoisneeded.

Semester priortosemester intendingto defend M.S. andprior to submittingpetitiontograduate

FormM.S.Committee andsubmitRequestforApprovalofThesisTopicform


Semester priortosemesterintendingtodefendM.S.

PetitiontoGraduate M.S.PetitiontoGraduate


Be enrolled or completeenrollment waiver to defend bywaiverdeadlineandgraduatebutnotpayfeesforthatsemester


At least sixweekspriortodefense

ScheduleM.S. defenseandpro-videPreliminaryDraft toM.S.Committee


At least twoweekspriortodefense

FinalDraft toM.S.Committeeandconfirm defensedate/time


At least twoweekspriortodefense

Public announcementofdefense PublicAnnouncement

Dayofdefense Bring ThesisApprovalCertificateandEvaluation Forms


Post-defense Submit signedapprovalformandelectronic submissionofdis-sertation



2.3.2 Every Semester

When What How 1stweek Ensure you are registered for 21

hours of full-time course workandresearchhours


1stweek Payfees Student Feesmid-semester deadlineforcross-enrollmentat

otherAtlantauniversitiesCross Enrollment atOtherAt-lantaUniversities

mid-semester DROPDAY

Please note: ALL ACADEMIC FORMS - Programs of Study, Thesis Committees, Topic Approvals, Candidacy and Thesis Completion MUST BE TYPEWRITTEN - NO EXCEP- TIONS.

Chapter 3

Administrative Issues

3.1 Program Management

HangLu,PhD,istheDirectoroftheBioEProgramandManuPlatt,PhD,istheDeputyDirector.The officeismanagedbyLauraPaige.Ms.Paige handlesmostroutine administrative aspectsoftheprogram (such as anything involving submitt ing a form or requesting approval) and coordinatesadmissionswiththeHomeSchools.Dr.Luisresponsibleforoverall programadministration andpolicydirections.

Anyprogram-related inquiries shouldbemadetoMs.Paige.

Dr. Lu holds regular officehours and is free tomeet with any student given appropriate notice;contactMs.Paigetoscheduleanappointment. Pleaseemail first–many issuescanberesolvedquicklythisway.






The following committees govern the operation of the Bioengineering Program. Theirmem-bershipsarelisted inFacultyCommitteeMembershipappendix.

3.2.1 GeneralFaculty

This isthe entire facultywho participate in the IBGP. They approve all general policies andmeetregularlyeachsemester. Faculty meetings haveaquorum requirement forvoting:aquorumisdefinedas33% ofthenumberoffacultyactively advising oneormorePh.D. studentsintheIBGP.


3.2.2 GraduateStudiesCommittee

The Graduate Studies Committee oversees the operation of the IBGP. The committee has re-sponsibilityforallgraduate-level degreerequirements, approval ofM.S.andPh.D. ProgramsofStudyforms in which transfer credit from another institution is requested and oversight of the Ph.D.Qualifying Exam inat ions . A student may petition the Graduate Studies Committee regardingacademic issuesbysubmittingapetition detailing his/herrequesttotheBioengineeringProgramChair.The committee meetsmonthly during theacademicyear.Membersofthiscommittee areappointedbytheIBGP ProgramChair,whochairsthecommittee. Thecommitteeroster islistedintheAppendix.Submissiondeadlinesforpetitions arelisted onthewebsite.

3.2.3 FacultyAdvisoryCommittee

The Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) acts as an advisory body to the Program Director on allmatters concerning the welfare of the Program. Additional r e spons ib i l i t i e s of the FacultyAdvisoryCommittee include review ofprogram deliveryandrequirements.The FACmeetsregularlyduring theacademicyear.TheFAC hasthreememberswho servethreeyearterms,withstaggeredtermssuch that twomembers areelected eachyear. Membership inthe FACisvotedupon by theProgramFaculty. TheFAC electsachair fortheyearfrom amongitsmembers.Thecommittee rosterislistedintheAppendix.

3.2.4 BGA: BioengineeringGraduateAssociation

TheBGA isacommitteeofIBGP graduatestudentsandrepresentsthe interestsofthe students totheProgram Chair, aswellasworkingw ith theProgramChaironissuesthat havethe


In some cases the Home School may constrain a student’s options within what is permissibile

potential to improve interactions among graduate students, faculty, and administration. Mem-bership is by election from a pool of eligible students nominated from the IBGP student pop-ulation. The committee meets with the Program Chair at least once a semester and organizesstudent-wide meetings and activities. The bylaws and membership of the BGA are listed in theAppendix. The BGA website is located at

3.2.5 InstituteGraduateCommittee

Thisisa committee o f the Georgia Tech Academic Faculty.The Institute GraduateCommittee hasresponsibility f o r all Institute-wide a c a d em i c policies and degree requirements atthe graduate-level. In addition, theInstitute Graduate Committee makes decisions regarding all Institute-levelg r a d u a t e student petitions.These petitions include, butare notlimited to, late withdrawals,changesingraduatestanding, gradedisputes,andre-admissions. StudentPetitionforms areavailable inRecordsOffice, locatedonthemainfloor oftheAdministration Building(TechTower).Studentsfilingsuch petitions must discuss the petition with the Bioengineering Program Chair. Additionalinformation about filing petitions to the Institute Graduate Committee can be found at

3.3Home School

The Interdisciplinary B ioeng ineer ing Graduate Program (IBGP) is one of Georgia Tech’s fewinterdisciplinary graduateprograms. It isindependentofany particular school ordepartmentand issupportedbytheCollege ofEngineering.Participating academicunits arecalledHomeSchools.

As of May 1st, 2011, the participating Home Schools in the IBGP include the Schools ofAerospace Engineering (AE), Biomedical Engineering (BME), Chemical and BiomolecularEngineering (ChBE), Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), Electrical and ComputerEngineering (ECE), Materials Scienceand Engineering (MSE), Mechanical Engineering (ME) and theCollege ofComputing(CoC).

Home Schoolsadmit studentstothe IBGP andsetadministrativepolicies forstudents inthatHomeSchool (such asstipend policies).Home Schoolsmay imposeservicerequirementsupon students(suchas teaching assistantship practicum po l ic ies ). For example, the IBGP has a Teaching Practicumr e q u i r em e n t foritsstudents; thisrequirement issatisfiedbythe internal requirements that somehomeschoolsimposeonallstudents, regardless ofmajor (theseschoolsinclude but arenot limitedtoMEandBME).

Home Schools do not administer degree requirements, such as qualifying e x am s , approval ofprogramsofstudy,andproceduresrelatedtodissertationcommittee selectionanddefense.


teed and require re-nomination each semester. In recent years, this option is rarely avail-

under theIBGP requirements – examples include make-up of Ph.D. committee membership andrequiring certain courses on a program of study. However, Home Schools cannot alter anyprogrammaticrequirements.

TheHomeSchoolofthe student, aswellasthe student’s researchadvisor (if adifferentHomeSchool),also setpoliciesregarding laboratoryandresearchinfrastructure:examples includeoffice space,mailboxes,FAXes, photocopying, travelrules,vacationpolicies, etc.

TheHomeSchoolisalsoresponsiblefortheadministration oftuitionwaivers.

Program facultymembership intheIBGP isindependentofHomeSchoolparticipation -anyfacultymemberatGeorgiaTechmayapply forIBGPmembership.ProgramfacultymayadviseIBGP studentsinanyhomeschool.

3.4 FinancialSupport

All issues of financial support are a matterbetween thehome school andthestudent. Pleasefollow yourHome School’s policies regarding forms anddeadlines toavoid anydiscontinuation ofsupport. This isespeciallyimportantifyour Home Schoolisnotthat ofyouradvisor.

Threetypesoffinancial aidareavailable toqualified graduatestudents:

1.GRA/GTAs (GraduateResearchAss istantsh ips/Graduate TeachingAssistantships).These areawarded onthe basisofacademicpotentialandperformance andnotonthebasis ofneed.They areawarded either atthe timeofyourofferofadmission orbyafacultymemberwishing tosupportyouintheir laboratoryasaGRA.

Pleasenote: If you werenotadmitted with financial support, the last day a student can beplaced ona GRAforthe semester isthe last day of the firstweek ofclasses. Afterthisdate,even ifaprofessor wishestofinancially supportastudent,thestudentcannotbe supportedasaGRA until the following semester. In thisinterim period, the studentmay besupported asanhourlyemployee, butwill notbeeligible foratuition waiver andwill havetopayallrelevantfeesandtuition.

2. ExternalFellowships . Studentsarehighlyencouragedtoapplyforexternalfellowshipssuch as

NSF, NDSEG, D e p a r tm en t of Energy, Department of Homeland Security, andNIH NRSAs.MostoftheseareonlyavailabletoUScitizens andpermanentresidents.Formore information,c ontact Leslie Sharp at A web page describing many of theseopportunities for graduate students is located at

3. Out-of-state Tuition Waivers. Waivers are only awarded to Ph.D. students based on a

nominationbythestudent’sHomeSchool. Out-of-stateTuitionWaivers arenotguaran-


able to students, and are typically reserved for students supported by internally fundedfellowships andtraininggrants.GRAsand GTAsdonotneed toobtainanoutofstatetuitionwaiver;tuitioniscoveredbyvirtue ofbeingaGRA/GTA.

Moststudents intheIBGPare supporteda s GRAs. Some Home Schools admitstudents asGRAs(GTAs)orwithoutanyguaranteeoffinancialsupport.

3.5 StudentFees

Tuition and Fees are listed on the web site of the Georgia Tech Bursar’s Office: h t tp : / /www.bursa r . ga tech .edu/ Students are required to pay all mandatory fees.Students on GTAs/GRAs havetheir tuition almost entirely paid for;thosewithout-of-state waiversmustpaypartialtuition.

3.6 ComputerAccountsandEmailPolicy

All students are provided a “GT Account” upon enrollment; information about student accounts isavailable onlineat Newstudents can activate their account at thefollowingwebpage:

The Bioengineering Program will use your GT Account for all official email communication. It isassumed that this account is read daily – Georgia Tech also uses this account for all officialcommunication with a student. This account has an email address that typically looks

Georgia Tech provides an alias service that allows any student to obta in a your-name@gatech.eduemail address. Youcan sett h i s alias bylogging ina t

IndividualHomeSchoolsandlaboratoriesmayprovide additional computerandemail accounts.

3.7 CounselingCenter

Graduate school isa life changing event, and thepath isnotalwayseasy. TheCounselingCenteratGeorgiaTechprovides individualandgroupcounseling,workshops onsuchtopicsasstressmanagementand study skills, career counseling and psychological testing. The Center is staffed by licensedpsychologists, counselors,andmarriage andfamilytherapists,aswellascounselors-in-training.

The Counseling Center can be reached at 404-894-2575, or you can learn more online at


3.8 Correspondence and Forms

All paper correspondence, including required forms, between students and the BioengineeringProgram,Chair, orCommittees shouldbeprovided toMs.LauraPaigewithout exceptions.Donotaskthe chair to sign somethingwithout running it by Ms. Paige first - The Bioengineering graduateoff ice needs to keep copies of ALL required forms. All required forms have well-publicizedu n c h a n g i n g deadlines,andstudentsarewellawareofthesedead-lines inadvance.Asummaryofformandprocedural deadlinesislistedinthishandbookforPh.D.studentsandM.S. students.


3.9.1 GeneralGuidelines

Allpreviouslye n r o l l e d BioengineeringP r o g r a m graduate students are requiredto registerfor Georgia Tech coursework during Phase I registration (pre-registration) for the followingsemester. PhaseIregistrationoccursmidway throughthecurrentsemester.

New graduatestudentswill register duringPhaseII/III fortheirfirstsemester.PhaseIII regis-tration,the last chancetoregister orchange courses, concludes at the end ofthe firstweekofclasses. Afterthefirstsemester,new graduatestudentswill beable toregister duringPhaseI.Informationregardingregistration canbefoundonline at

Studentsshouldregisterfor 21 hoursin the Fall/Springsemester,a n d 16 hoursin theSummersemester.After registering for coursework,remaininghours should beregisteredas XXX7000YYorXXX9000YY (forMSand PhD students, respectively,with XXX beingyour HomeSchool andYYbeingthe section for your research advisor). First semester Bioengineering s t u d e n t s shouldregisterfor a specifics e c t i o n underDr. Garcia for theirfirstsemester. Some schools may haveother required hours toregister forGRAs, GTAs,orrequirements suchasseminar seriesandteachingpracticums.

In rare cases,a student may be enrolledpart-time;h o w e v e r ,do not enroll part-timeu n l e s s youhaveconsultedwith theIBGPoffice,your Home School,and your researchadvisor.Itcould jeopardizeyour fundingand /or causeyoutopayadditional tuitionand feesoutofyourownpocket.

Pleasebeaware ofregistrationdeadlinesfortheupcomingsemester,especiallywhenstudentsareonlydoing researchand stillmustregisterforresearchhours. Registration dates are available o n l i n e at

Therei s noreprieveforforgetting toregister–youwillnotbeeligible tobepaidas aGRAandwillberesponsiblefor paying all tuitionand feesfor the followingsemester.The


registrarisstrictwithrespecttofeepaymentandregistration deadlines.

3.9.2 CrossEnrollmentatOtherAtlantaUniversities

Graduate students may cross-register for courses at other Atlanta-area un ive r s i t i e s , s u c h asEmory University and Georgia State University, via the Atlanta Regional Consortium for HigherEducation (ARCHE). Youmust be a full-time student in good academic standing at the time ofapplication in order to cross-enroll. The deadline for cross-enrollment is part-way through thepreceding semester of theintended enrollment s eme s t e r , so planahead. More information isavailableonline at

Youshould receiveanotificationb y emailif your cross-enrollment requestisapproved. Asofthetimeofthiswriting,thecontactpersonintheRegistrar’sOffice

Courses forMSstudentsmust be transferrable;PhD students can simplyapply such coursestotheirProgramofStudy subjecttoapprovaloftheGraduateCommittee. Howsuch coursesfactorintoGPAcalculationsisdescribedintheGPARequirementssection.

3.10ThesisAdvisor Selection

3.10.1 SelectionProcess

Duringthefirstsixweek of theFall Semester,first-yearBioengineeringPhDstudentsarematchedupwith theirresearchadvisors. Students are required tointerview uptosixfacultyinwhose labsthey areinterested inworking.Attheendofthisperiod, studentsandadvisorssubmit anorderedlistof their preferred labs. The director of the program, with assistance of the IBGP GraduateCommittee, will coordinate with the home schools to match students with advisors. Thefinal/approvedmatchismadebythehomeschools.

Allnewly admittedstudentsmust participate in the advisor selectionprocess,unlessyourofficial offerof admission letter specifically named a faculty member asyour advisor. This includes studentswithexternal support, such as NSF Fellowships. Exceptions to this pol- icy(typically a s so c ia ted withtraining grants) require permission of the program chair. The matching process utilizes thefollowing criteria in order of importance: student preference, faculty preference, priority forexternally fundedprojects,andcurrentdistributionofstudentsamongadvisors.

There are typically many more opportunities for PhD-level research than exist for MS-levelresearch. MS students are recommended to seek out an advisor asearly aspossible -while they canparticipate inthematching process,their opportunities will belimited.


NotethatifyouwereadmittedwithoutaGRA,placement with an advisor doesnotmeanyoucanbefunded asaGRAduringthatsemester,unlessanagreementwasreachedbetweenthestudentandadvisorpriortotheendofthefirstweekofclasses.SeetheFinancial Supportsectionformoreinformation.

3.10.2 ChangeofAdvisor

A student seeking achange ofadvisor must first discussthematter withhis/her current advisorandsatisfactorilyc om p l e t e allGRAand research obligations.TheProgram Chairmust beinvolved inthese discussions to ensure that all parties’ needs and obligations a r e met. Upon satisfactorycompletion of these obligations the current advisor will then “release” the student by signing a“Change-ofAdvisor”form. ThisformisthentakentoBioengineering Programforapproval.


Once a Master’s degree has been completed, a student may petition the Bioengineering GraduateCommittee to request approval to enter the Ph.D. degree program. This petition must beaccompanied bya letter from the M.S. Thesis reading committee assessing the student’s ability tosucceedinthePh.D.program. This lettermustbesignedbyallCommitteemembers.If thepetition isapproved,thestudentwill taketheBioengineering QualifyingExamprovided he/shefulfills theexamrequirementswithinsixmonthsofenteringthePh.D.program.

3.12TransferringintotheBioengineeringGraduate Program

QualifiedgraduatestudentsfromotherPhDprogramsmaybeeligibletotransfertotheBioEprogram.TheprogramrequiresaminimumGPAof3.2.StudentswhohavepassedqualifyingexamsintheircurrentprogrammaypetitiontheBioEGraduateCurriculumCommitteetobetransferredtotheBioEPhDProgramwithouttakingtheBioEqualifyingexam.TheGradCurriculumCommitteeshouldconsiderthephilosophy,format,content,andoutcomeofthepastqualifyingexaminconsultationwiththehomeschool.Thestudentwill thenbenotifiedifhe/shewill beallowed totransferintotheBioengineeringprogram.


3.13ChangeofHome School

TheIBGPallowsstudents in anyHome School topairwith advisors in anyHome School.Studentsarebound bythepolicies of the home school of the student. In some cases, a studentmaywish tohome school; themost common scenario istochange totheHome School oftheadvisor. ChangingHome School requires theconsentofthe student’s thesis advisor aswellasthegraduateoffice oftheHomeSchool beingchangedto.AChangeofMajorformisusedtofacilitatethischange.ContactMs.Paigeforadditionalinformation.


SomeIBGP studentsobtain aM.S. degreeintheprocessofobtaining fallintotwocategories:

1.Obtaining aM.S.(Thesis)intheprocessofpursuing Ph.D. studies.AstudentcategorizedasaPh.D.student may still obtain aM.S. (Thesis) in Bioengineering. This requires the consent of thePh.D. advisor. Contact the IBGP office formore information. Briefly, the student needs tosatisfy theM.S. aswellasPh.D. timelines.

2. Obtaining a M.S. (Non-Thesis) while pursuing Ph.D. studies. Some students opt to obtain a

coursework-basedM.S. during Ph.D. studies. This isusually anon-thesisM.S. inECEorME.Ingeneral, the IBGP program office will not approve a request for a M.S. (Non- Thesis) inBioengineering from aPh.D.studentintheIBGP.


RequirementsforallDegrees4.1 GPAandGeneralCourseRequirements

There areseveralGPA requirements forremaining inthe IBGPand course requirements forgraduatingfrom allIBGP degreeprograms.

• Graduate coursestaken atEmory University and Georgia State University arefactoredintothe GPA calculation for the purposes of qualifying exam eligibility and all other GPArequirements.

•Astudentmusthavea3.20GPA(rounded to2decimal places)tobeeligible to takequalifying

exams.Forthe purposesofeligibility to take qualifyingexams,thisGPAwill becalculatedonlyfrom courses on an approved P rogram of Study. Only courses taken atGeorgia Tech, EmoryUniversity, and Georgia StateUniversityw i l l factor into this calculation. If a student isnoteligible totakequalifyingexams,thestudentwill beremovedfrom thePh.D.program.

• A student must maintain a 3.00 GPA (rounded to 2 decimal places) to earn aM.S. in

Bioengineeringand 3.20 (rounded to2decimal places)foraPh.D. inBioengineering.ThisisaBioengineeringprogram requirement, although someHome Schools havesimilarrequirementsthat areconsistent withthis. If astudent’s GPA drops below theminimumGPA, he/shewillbe given twosemesters in residence to raise his/her GPA to regain good academic standing.Failure todosowill resultinthestudentbeingdroppedfrom theprogram.

• Coursesapplicable towards adegreemustbetaken for aletter grade,andthestudentmust have

received agradeofA,B,orC.Such coursesincludes allcourseson astudent’sProgramofStudy.CourseswithgradesofDorFdonotcounttowardssatisfyingastudent’s degreerequirements.



•Coursestaken pass/failwillnotcount towards adegree, other than research/thesishours andpass/fail courses explicitly required byeither the Bioengineering Program or ahome school.For example, several Home Schools haveaseminar requirement whosesatisfaction isindicatedbyapass/fail course.

• Special Problem c o u r s e s (directed s t u d y with a professor) may not count towards the

degree. (Special Topics courses offered to the general graduate student population a r e acceptable).

4.2Program ofStudy

A primary feature of the IBGP is the flexibility in required coursework, which allows a studentconsiderablelatitude inpursuing awide rangeofareas ofresearchwithinthe IBGP. TheProgramofStudy(PoS) isadocument that describes the courseworkthat astudent intends totaketosatisfy theirdegree requirements. The intent of the PoS is to promote sufficient depth and breadth in theacademiccoursework ofIBGP students.The categoriesoftheProgram ofStudyaredescribed below,along with guidelines or requirements of each. Students must also satisfy a coherent minorrequirement, alsodescribedbelow.

GPA and grade requirements are described in the GPA and General Course Requirements section.Required numbers of hours in each category for the MS and PhD degrees are described in theappropriate chaptersforMSCourserequirementsandPhDCourserequirements.

Commonly used courses routinely approved by the Graduate Studies Committee for each of thecategoriesbelow arelisted in theAppendix onPreviously Approved CoursesforProgram ofStudy.However, justbecause acourse isonthatlist does notmean it will be approved - the committeeconsidersrelevancetothestudent’sresearchandstudies.

Only courses onanAPPROVEDProgram of Study will apply towards degree requirements. AProgramofStudymustbesubmitted bytheendofthefirstsemesterofenrollment,andanytimethattheintendedProgram ofStudychanges.

ALWAYS submit aREVISEDprogram ofstudy forapprovalwhen you have changedANYcourseworkonyourAPPROVEDProgramofStudy.

4.2.1 EngineeringFundamentals

Engineering Fundamentals arecoursesthat apply arelatively smallset ofquantitativeprinciples to awide classofproblemsforthepurposesofdesignoranalysis. Thefocusshouldbeapplyingthesebasicprinciplesto complex problems.These coursesshould nothave abiologicalo r biomedicalfocus.


4.2.2 Biological Sciences

Biological Sciences are courses that enhance a student’s knowledge a n d skills in the biolog-ical/biomedical sciences. Engineeringc ou r se s involvingbiomedicalapplications almostalways donot count towards this requirement.Thefew exceptions are science-focused courses, primarilycoursesinphysiology andpathophysiologyoffered bytheSchoolofBiomed-ical Engineering. Studentstypically satisfy this requirement with courses offered by the Schools of Biology, Chemistry andBiochemistry, and Applied Physiology. Many students cross-enroll in courses offered bygraduateprogramsatEmory UniversityandGeorgia StateUniversity.

A Ph.D. student must take at least one Biological Foundations course prior to taking the Ph.D.qualifying exam. This list of courses is: APPH 6211, BIOL 7001, BMED6031, BMED6042, CHEM6501,IBS555,andIBS514.

4.2.3 EngineeringMathematics

The Engineering Mathematics requirement issatisfied bya single course taken fromthe followinglist: ChBE 6500, MATH 6643, ECE 6601, M A TH 6 2 6 7 , orPHYS 6268.Additional coursesmay beapproved bypetitioningtheBioengineering GraduateCommittee,whowill evaluate such requestsintermsofcourse rigorandapplicabilitytoengineeringproblems. Coursesatthe 4000-level,aswell ascoursesonthe topic ofstatistical analysis,areexplicitlynotallowed.

The Mathematics requirement for Ph.D. studentswhomatriculated priorto2006, as well asM.S.students,requires 6semester hours of coursework (notconstrained tothe above list),ofwhich atleast3semesterhours must beat the graduate level.Courses aresubject toapprovalbytheGraduateStudies Committee.It is recommended to consult with theProgram Chair regarding acceptablecoursesinthiscategoryprior tosubmittinga revisedPoS.

4.2.4 Bioengineering/Electives

Thesearecoursesfocused inthestudent’s chosenareaofresearchandshould bejustifiedin thenarrativesubmittedwithastudent’s Program ofStudy.

4.2.5 CoherentMinor

The CoherentMinor isa requirement demonstrating sufficientdepth inanotherconcentrationarea.Thisconsists ofseveral courses ina coherent researcharea. The course applicablet o w ards theminormay also count towards the other PoS categories; students often utilize their EngineeringFundamentalsorBiologicalSciences courses toalsosatisfy theirminorrequirements.


4.2.6 ApprovalProcess

TheGraduatestudiescommittee approvesalloriginal ProgramsofStudyinwhich astudent isseekingtransfer credit from aprevious institution. TheGraduatestudiescommittee alsoreviewsandapprovespetitions from studentstocount coursescurrentlyno t listed asapproved.

All otherProgramsofStudyarereviewed forapprovalbyDr.AndrésGarcia.

Submission d o e s notguarantee approval, a nd students are cautioned against enrolling i n coursesthat are not on approved PoS under an assumption that the course will be approved. The proposedcoursework is evaluated with regard to depth, breadth, relevance to research objectives, and theacademicrigoroftheproposedcourses.

Studentsshouldsubmit acompleted PoSform along with adocumentjustifying theselectionofcoursesand their relevance to the student’s research and academic goals. This material must be submittedbefore the end of the firstsemester and anytime thereafter when a student’s intended courseworkchanges. Revised PoS submissions should be accompanied byamemo describing and explaining thenatureoftherevision.The PoSmust besigned bythe student’s researchadvisor.

Failure to submit a PoS before required deadlines will result in a HOLD placed on a student’sregistrationforthefollowing semester.

Avoidcommon crises,suchas:

1. Takinga coursewithoutreceiving approval fromtheprogram director ortheGraduate

Committee (donot assumethat taking thecourseisgroundsforapproval)

2. Requesting a Program of Study change at the last minute (your desire to graduate is notsufficient groundstoapprove acourse)

3. Requesting course approval becauseyou areup against aregistrationdead l i n e andthereisnotanother Graduate Committee meeting before the start of classes (the submissionandmeetingscheduleforthesemesterispostedontheprogramwebsite).

The Graduate Committee does understand that some schools may change course offerings with shortnoticeandissympathetictosuchrequestswhensuchsituations occur.

A listofpreviouslyapproved coursesand the relevant categories forthe Program ofStudy islistedin the Appendix onCoursesPreviously Approved for Program of Study.AnycourseNOTLISTEDwillrequiretheapprovaloftheGraduateCommittee-Noexceptions.


Graduate level course work taken for a Master’s d e g r e e (even at another university) may beincluded inthePh.D. Program ofStudy providedthat agradeofBorbetter was earnedfor


these courses. The submitted PoS and course justification s h o u l d also include a copy of thestudent’s transcript andadetailedcoursedescription andsyllabus foreachcourseforwhichthestudentwishedtoreceivecredit.

Courses taken towardsaMSinBioengineering atGeorgia Techmaynotnecessarily beap-proved asapplicable towards thePh.D. inBioengineering.

Coursestaken atanotheruniversityt ow a r d s aMaster’sdegreemay notbeappliedtowards aM.S.ProgramofStudy.


All participants in theIBGPare expected to uphold theAcademic Honor Code atall times. TheHonor Codeisintendedtocontinuouslyremind studentsandfacultyoftheimportance ofhonestyandresponsible conduct intheir professionallives. Italso servestoincreaseawarenessonthe part ofbothstudentsandfacultyofthe rules regarding academic honesty and theprocess tobefollowedif theserules arebroken. Since graduate students are involved i n researchandscholarly activities which occuroutside the classroom, The Georgia Tech Academic Honor Code contains a Graduate Addendum t o address additional aspects of academic integrityassociated with such activities.Graduate studentsare also encouraged tobecome familiarwiththeInstitute Policy onScholarly Misconduct, locatedat

The complete text of the Georgia Tech Honor Code, student responsibilities, f a c u l t y re-sponsibilities, a n d enforcement are presented at totheGeorgia TechHonor Codeis located at AllstudentsareexpectedtobefamiliarwiththeHonorCode.


Georgia Institute of Technology policy states thatDoctoraland Master’s Thesesshould beopenlypublished. Upon the requestof the student and with the consent of the student’s ad-visor,theelectronic submission of the thesis can routinely b e withheld from circulation for one year.Research arrangements that would preclude publication for an extended time orpermanently forreasons of national security ora sponsor’s proprietary i n t e r e s t , however, are not appropriate fordissertations ortheses. It isanticipated that alldoctoralworkand a significantamountofmaster’sresearchwill bepublished intheopen,refereedliterature.

Thispolicyiscited verbatim from,as of the timeofwriting. Incaseofanyconflict, thecurrent institute policysupercedesthisone.



The degree ofDoctor of Philosophy recognizesproficiency andhigh achievement in research.Afteradequatepreparation, the candidate must complete a searching and authoritative in ve s t i g a t ion ofaspecial area inthe chosenfieldculminating inawrittenthesiscovering that investigation.The thesismust be either an addition to the fundamental knowledge of the field or a new and betterinterpretation of facts already known. It must demonstrate that the candidate possessespowers oforiginalthought, talent forresearch, andabilitytoorganize andpresentfindings.

Students in theBioengineering P h . D . Program are expected to developmultidisciplinary r e searchexpertise whileworking onan interdisciplinary b ioeng ineer ing research topic. The requirementsforeachstudent inthePh.D. program inBioengineering include thesatisfactorycompletionofa setofcore courses inbioscience, engineering fundamentals, advancedmathematics, andbioengineering,passingacomprehensivequalifyinge x am in a t i o n , aPh.D. thesisproposal examination,a n d a Ph.D.thesis defense.Each student must also complete aminorprogram.


The Program of Study categories are described elsewhere. In terms of those categories, thecourseworkrequirementsforaPh.D. are:

•Engineering Fundamentals:9semesterhours, withat least 6semesterhours atthegraduatelevel.

•BiologicalSciences: 9semesterhours, withatleast 6semesterhours atthegraduate



level. OnecoursemusrtbeanapprovedBiologicalFoundationscourse.

•EngineeringMathematics: 3semesterhours atthegraduatelevel, withspecific courserestrictions(seeEngineering Mathematics description).

•Bioengineering/Electives: 12semesterhours,withatleast9semesterhoursatthegrad-uatelevel.

•CoherentMinor:9semesterhours,whichmay include coursesfrom other categories.

•4000-level Courses:Nomorethan6hoursof4000-levelcoursesmayapply towards the


5.3.1 Eligibility

Each Bioengineering Ph.D. student entering with a B.S. degree is required to take the qualifyingexam attheendofthestudent’s thirdacademic semesterofstudy aslong asthestudentmaintains theGPA requirementsdescribedintheGPAsection.

Studentsentering withaM.S. degreemust take the exam after twoacademic semestersofresidency,butmaypetition theGraduateCommittee todefer asemesterif theneedforadditionalcourseworkisjustified. Totake the exam, eachstudent must have passedat least twobioscienceand twoengineeringfundamentals courses listed on the student’s approved Program of Study, including a BiologicalFoundationscourse.Summertermsdonotcountasacademic semestersofresidency.Astudentmaynotdefertaking thequalifying examduetoafailure tomaintainacademicrequirements.

5.3.2 ExamPhilosophy

The exam isstructured toassess: the student’sability for independentthinkinganddecisionmaking;knowledge and integration of engineering and biological concepts; and the application of thisknowledge to interdisciplinary b i o e n g i n e e r i n g problems. Although the exam will not becoursework specific, it will be tailored to the student’s background, graduate coursework andgeneral research area. The exam emphasizes the student’s ability to integrate bioscience andengineering concepts tosolvebioengineering problems. The committeewill evaluate thecorrectnessof the students’responses aswellasjudge the overall levelofbreadth, depth andintegrationofthestudents’ responses.Clarityandconcisenessofthepresentationofresponsesisveryimportant.


5.3.3 ExamCommittee

The exam will be an oral examination administered by a faculty committee consisting of threebioengineering Program faculty members with broad expertise in areas of traditional engineering,biological s c i e n c e s and bioengineering. The Program Chair will appoint the Qualifying ExamCommitteebased onthe student’s background,graduate courseworkand researcharea.The committeemembers should have adistributioni n rank, and should notconsist solely ofuntenuredfaculty.Uptoonenon-program facultymembermaybeused.

The thesis advisor is encouraged to attend the exam as an observer. He/she may not makecomments duringtheexam,unless requested todoso bya committeem e m b e r .Thethesisadvisorwill notbe present while the committee ismaking its final decision onthe student’s QualifyingExamperformance.

5.3.4 ExamChairSelection

A small subsetof theProgram facultywill chair theexam committeeseach year.All examChairswillmeetpriortoandafter theexamsareadministeredtoaddressissuesofexamuniformityandparity.

5.3.5 ProceduresPriortotheExam

1. TheBioengineering GraduateProgramChairwill askthe student toprovideaone-pagewrite-upofhis/her academic background and researchwork to-date, no lessthan 6weekspriortotheexam. This includes alistofcoursesenrolled intodate. This material andatranscriptwill beprovided tothecommittee.

2. The studentwill meetwiththeexamcommittee Chair todiscussthe philosophyoftheexam,

the mechanics of the exam and any other points the student or committee Chair deemappropriate. The studentmay alsomeet individuallywithhis/herother committeemembersprior totheexam.

3. Neither the chair nor the committee memberswill discuss specific exam questions with the


4. TheChairofthecommittee will request,viaemail,initialexamquestionsfrom thecommitteemembers.Itwill betheresponsibilityoftheChair toensurethat questions arefairandcovertheintent oftheexamdescribed intheExam Philosophy subsection. The chair should ensure thatthe questions are appropriate given the student’s research todate and coursework to date.Theseshould bedistributedtothecommittee membersbefore theexam.

5. The scheduling of a first-time qualifying exam date and time will be handled by the Bio-

engineeringProgramoffice. Ifanexammustberescheduled,theExamCommittee Chair


is responsible for finding a timewithin the exam period suitable to all other committeemembers, the student, and the advisor.TheBioengineering Programoff ice must benotifiedimmediately ofthenewexamtimeandlocation.

5.3.6 ProcedurestheDayoftheExam

1. It isthe student’s responsibilitytobringextenuating circumstances (such that the examshouldnotbeheld)tothechair’s attentionbeforetheexambegins.

2. Thecommitteewillmeetalonefor5minutestodiscusstheorderandscopeoftheexam.

Thechairwill remindthecommitteeofthestudent’s coursework andresearchtodate, aswellashow long thestudenthascurrentlybeen enrolled.

3. An exam will typically last 90 minutes, and sufficient time should be provided to each


4. During the exam, the chair hasthe responsibilityo f ensuring that the exam proceedson timeandwithinscope.

5. The advisor’s presenceissolelytoensurethat the student received afairexamination.

Theadvisor shouldnotvolunteer anyinformationnor askanyquestionsunlessitrelatesdirectlytotheconductoftheexam.

6. The vote topassor failthestudentwill bebasedonthestudent’s examperformanceonly.

7. There will be only one vote taken. This vote is binding and conducted by the Chair. Each

committee membermustmakeafinaldecisionpriortothevoting,astherewill not beasecondvote. The voting must takeplaceprior totheexamcommittee’s adjournment. Novotingwilltakeplaceaftertheadjournment, bye-mailorotherwise.

8. The Chair of the exam committee has the discretion to limit the length of the committee’s


9. Eachcommittee membermustcompleteanevaluation formwithappropriate commentsattheend of theexam. Theexam chairis expected to delivertheevaluations to the programoffice.The Program Chair usestheseevaluations toassess whether the student ismeeting theprogram objectives andtoprovide additional feedbacktothestudentandadvisorregardingtheexamperformance.

5.3.7 OralExamVote

If thevote is3/0or2/1(whereX/Y indicatesXvotetopassand Yvotetofail),thestudentpassesthe exam.

If thevoteis1/2or0/3and theexam isbeing conductedforthefirsttimeforthatstudent,thestudentmust retake theexam. Thecommitteewill summarize itsdecision anddetailed


recommendations inamemo totheBioengineering GraduateProgramChair withintwodaysoftheexam. The committee’s vote will notbe recorded, unless the committee unanimously wishes tomakeitsvoting anopenrecord.

If thevote is1/2or0/3andtheexam isaretake exam, the student fails. The appealprocess(describedbelow) istobefollowed.

5.3.8 RetakeExams

A studentmay retake the exam onlyonce.At the timeofthe exam retake, the studentmustmeettheGPA requirement andotherwise beingoodacademicstanding.

Aretakemayonlybescheduledeither 1)during aregularly scheduledexamperiod (typicallyJuneandJanuary)or2)withintwoweeksprior toascheduledBioengineeringP r o g r am facultymeeting.

Retake exams are encouraged tooccur as soon as possible (within1-2 months) unlesscourse-workrequirements merit asemesterdelay.

Retake studentsMUST meet withthe Program Chairas soon as possible following theexam. Thestudent’sadvisor isalsoencouragedtoattend.

5.3.9 ExamConditions

An exam committee’s decision (pass or fail) may be accompanied by recommended or requiredconditions. These conditions are based on the committee’s interpretation of the student’s examperformance relative to theExam Philosophy. The conditions imposedby thecommittee should bedirectly relevanttothestudent’sexamperformance. TheBioengineering GraduateProgramChairwillmonitor thecompletion ornon-completionoftheseconditions. If the student doesnotsatisfactorilycompleteallof the Exam Committee conditions, the studentcannotcontinue intheBioengineeringPh.D.Program.

5.3.10 AppealsofSecondExam Failures

TheQualifyingExam Committee determineswhether thestudentpassesor fails theexam.In thecase ofasecond exam failure, thestudent’scase isautomaticallyconsideredbytheBioengineeringProgram faculty atitsnextscheduledmeetingfollowing thestudent’squalifyingexam.At thismeetingeach student will be discussed, and thisdiscussion will be moderated by the Program Chair. TheChair will solicit comments from the student’s research advisor, qualifyingexam committee, andthefacultyas a whole.Anyprogram facultymembermayoffercommentsoraskquestions. Avoteistaken bysecretballot andtallied bytheProgramChairorhis designate. Apositive voteofgreaterthanorequalto2/3offacultyinattendance


isrequiredforastudent toremain inthe programasaPh.D. student. Thisvote issubjecttoBioengineeringProgramquorumrequirements.

A faculty meeting sha l l be scheduled as immediately as possible following a regularly scheduledqualifying examperiod.Thereisonlyoneopportunity forappeal.

5.3.11 NotificationofOutcome

Studentsare notified ofafinaloutcome only afterthenext faculty meeting, where anyappeals,ifany,arediscussed.Studentsarenottobetold oftheresultsofanexamvote,butonlytheoutcomeoftheentire processofexam andappeal (i.e. the student remains aPh.D. student orbecomesaM.S. studentandmust exittheprogram after satisfying M.S. degreerequirements).This alsorequires thatafacultymeetingisscheduledshortly aftersecondexamsaretaken.

TheBioengineering ProgramOffice will notifythestudentandthestudent’s advisor inwritingoftheexamoutcomeandanyadditional requirements. Faculty shouldnot report theoutcomeoforal examdecisionsdirectly tostudents.This allows forfairandtimelynotificationforallstudents.


Ph.D. studentsentering theBioengineeringProgram inFall2003 andsubsequent semestersarerequiredtotakepart inanapproved Teaching Practicum forone semester. Thisrequirementdoesnot apply tostudentswhomatriculated theBioengineering Programprior toFall2003.

Thepurposeofthepracticum istoprovide thestudentwithanall-encompassingexperience inteachingacourse. Itisnotmerely beingaTeachingAssistant (infact,just grading paperswillnotcount),norisitmerely giving afew lectures,norisitdumping theentireburdenofteachingthecourseupon you.Itisapartnership between you andacourse instructorwho will serve asyourmentortohelpyou learnalloftheaspectsofteachingacourse.Theteachingpracticumrequirementsinclude:

• therequirementwill notoccuruntilafter the student passesthe qualifyingexam;

• thethesisadvisormustapprovethepracticum assignment;

• thestudentwill workwithaBioEfacultymemberonallaspectsofteaching acourse,including:

– delivering lecturesormanaging discussion sessions

– holdingofficehours

– helpingtoprepareandgradeassignments


– theinstructing facultymembermustattendthestudent’s lecturesandprovide feed-back(i.e.this should not bejust anexcuseforyou covering theinstructor’slectureswhen theinstructor isoutoftown. Covering lecturesisOK,buttheywill notcounttowardsthoserequiring instructor feedback.)

– TeachingPracticumstudents are alsorequired tomeetas a group( 4-5timesa semester)with selected faculty members to discuss aspects of teaching, learning theories,teachingmethodsandtips.

The Program Chair and Graduate Studies Committee are responsible for approving all practicumexperiences. A form is available from the IBGP office to obtain initial approval for a practicumexperienceandcertificationofcompletionoftheproposedpracticum.

You arealso responsible foranyteachingrequirementsimposedby your specificHomeSchool.Thoserequirements may satisfy your BioE teaching practicum requirements if they conform to therequirements listed above.The Home School requirements may beaboveandbeyond orindependentof the IBGP requirements. At the time ofthiswritingthe Schools ofMEand BME have practicumrequirements that are consistent with the above expectations (though they may require additionalsemestersofservice).ConsultyourHomeSchoolformoreinformation.


All Ph.D. studentsmust submit alistofproposedThesisCommittee memberstotheBioengineeringProgram Office for approval by the Bioengineering Program Chair. Submission must take placewithin6monthsofpassingtheBioengineering Ph.D.QualifyingE xam ina t ion . Thestudent’s Thesisadvisor should provide a short justification f o r the selection of eachmember of the Ph.D. ThesisReading Committee. The studentandtheadvisor will benotified when thecommittee listhasbeenapproved or if any changesto the listare necessary. If aproposed member isneither aGeorgia Techfacultymember nor aBioengineering Program facultymember, a biographical sketch(NIH-style orsimilar Curriculum Vitae, 4page) of that proposed member must also accompany the request (thisrequirementmaybewaived forfacultythathaveregularinteractionwiththeprogram).

Thestudent’sPhDThesisCommitteewillconsistofatleast5membersconstrainedasfollows:• Atleast3members(includingtheadvisororco-advisor)mustbeBioEProgramFaculty

members.• Atleast1membermustbefromthestudent’shomeschool.• Atleast1ofthemembersmustbeoutsideofthestudentshomeschool.



1. The research should provide a useful educational experience for the student emphasizingcreativity, independentactionandlearning, researchmethodology,and scholarlyapproach.

2. Theresearchmustberelevant tothefieldinwhich thestudentispursuingadegree.

3. The contributions to knowledge must beoriginal and as such, should represent a substantialaddition tothe fundamental knowledge of the fieldora new and better interpretation offactsalready known. The researchmust demonstrate creativity. Thesisisbasedonwell-known principles,techniques,andmodelsapplied tosituationsonlysomewhat differentfrom previous applicationsarenotacceptable.

4. The dissertation should contain clear statementsabout (a) the relevanceandimportanceoftheproblem and(b) thesignificance, originality,and generality ofthe researchresults.Therelationshipoftheresearchtotheliterature ofthefieldshould bedescribed.

5. The research should possess the major characteristics of the scientific method, namely,objectivity and reproducibility. Assumptions should be clearly stated in both experimentalandtheoretical research.

6. Thedissertation should reflect alevel ofcompetenceindicativeofsignificantachievementbeyondthe master’s level. Thus, the research isexpected todrawdirectly uponadvanced learning inthestudent’smajorfieldanddemonstratemasteryofthatknowledge.

7. Thedissertationmustdemonstrateunderstandingofthetheory andmethodology relatedtoitsmainthrust. FurthertheThesisshouldreflectknowledgeoftheapplicationarea.

8. The researchshould result in at least one paper publishable ina suitable refereed journal ofbioengineeringorbiomedical scienceasappropriate.

9. Thedissertation should demonstrateahigh degreeofproficiency inwritten communicationofresearch results. It should conform to the Institute’s requirements as outlined in theOffice ofGraduate All members of your committee are encouraged to be present at the proposal ordefense. The BioE Program requires that at least 4 out of the 5members be present-eitherinperson,viaskypeorphone.



10.Thescope of theresearchshould besuch thatit requires atleast thetimeand effortequivalentofoneyearoffulltimegraduatestudy.

This section was c o p i e d verbatim fromh t t p : / / w w w . p o l i c y l i b r a r y . g a t e c h . e d u / s t u d e n t -a f f a i r s / p o l i c y - a d v i s e m e n t - a n d - a p p o i n t m e n t - t h e s i s -a d v i s o r y - c o m m i t t e e s . Inany caseofconflict, theinstitutepolicy supersedes.

5.7Ph.D. ResearchProposal

5.7.1 Overview

Thegoalsforthe thesisproposal areforthestudenttoprovidea cohesiveresearchplanad-dressingasignificantproblem andobtain input fromthe thesiscommitteeontheproposedresearchplan.

Approval of the thesis proposal by the committee must comprise competency on the followingintegratedelements.

1. criticalreviewoftherelevantliterature toidentifyasignificant problemforstudy;

2. cohesive setofspecific aims,hypothesis,andexpectedoutcomesaddressingthesistopic;

3. appropriate researchdesignandplan, includingp r o p o s e d experimentalapproaches,discussionofpotential limitationsandidentificationofalternativestrategies;

The thesisproposal should followthestyle andcontent ofanNIHproposalbut it isnotexpected toattain the samelevelofexperimental detail andsupporting preliminaryresults . The thesisproposalrepresents a"‘blueprint"’ forthe project but the aims and researchplan specifics canevolve astheproject progresses. The thesis proposal provides aformalvehicle forthe thesiscommitteetoprovideinput in the direction and implementation of the research strategy. The thesis proposal is notintendedtoserveasabindingc on t r a c t .

Recommended sections (10-15 pages,single-spaced, 11/12pt, 1"’)


•Background andSignificance (3pages)

•Preliminary Results(0-3pages)

•ResearchPlan(5-8 pages)


5.7.2 Format

Cover Sheet

The cover sheetfor the Ph.D. Proposal, RequestforAdmission toPh.D. Candidacy Form, isa formalstatement naming the student’s Thesis advisor and setting forth the Thesis topic selected for theinvestigation,anda200-word summaryoftheproposedThesis.


The title of the proposed Thesis topic should be brief, scientifically and technically valid, un-derstandabletoascientificallyo r technicallyliterate reader,andsuitable foruse inthepublicpress.


The 200-word summary of the proposed activity should be a self-contained descr ipt ion of theactivity. The summary should bewritten in the thirdperson and include a statement ofobjectives,methods to be employed, and the significance of the proposed activity to the advancement ofknowledge. It should be informative to other personsworking in the same or related fields and,insofar aspossible, understandable toascientificallyl i terate reader.

Table ofContents

Atableofcontentsisrequired andshouldshowthelocation ofeachsection ofthe Proposal aswellasmajor subdivisions of the project description, such asthe summary of previous work, andmethodsandprocedurestobeused.


Theproposalshouldbewritten intheformatofaNIHR01grantapplication (PHS398form).Themain

bodyoftheProposal should beaclear statement oftheworktobeundertaken andshouldinclude:

•objectivesfortheproposed researchandexpectedsignificance;

• relationtolonger-term goalsoftheinvestigator’s project; andrelation tothe present stateofknowledgeinthefield, towork inprogressbytheinvestigator underothersupport,andtoworkinprogresselsewhere; anda


• general plan ofworkincluding the broad designof activities tobe undertaken,an adequatedescription of methods and procedures, and, if appropriate, plans for preservation,documentation, andsharing ofdata,samples,physical collections,andother related re-searchproducts.

Specific formatting requirementsinclude:

•Theproject description mustnotexceed25pages.

• Visual materials, including charts, graphs,maps,photographs, andother pictorial presentationsARE INCLUDEDinthe25-pagelimit.

• Pagesshould beofstandard size (8.5”x11”;21.6cmx27.9cm) andwith2.5cmmarginsat the

top,bottom, andoneachside.

• The type sizemustbeclearandreadily legible, instandardsizeswhichare10 to 12points. (Nosmallerthan10point font sizeshouldbeused.)

•Thedocument should besingle spaced,butnot sotightastobedifficulttoread.

• Pursuant to the Metric Conversion Act of 1975, as amended by the Omnibus Trade and

CompetitivenessActof1988, the Proposal is required to usethemetric system ofweightsandmeasures,unlessimpracticalorinefficient.


Citations mustbecomplete(includingfullnameoftheauthors,titleandlocation intheliterature).ThereisnopagelimitationforthissectionoftheProposal.

5.7.3 ProcedureforPh.D.ProposalPresentation

1. The Ph.D. proposal presentation consists of (1) a proposal document a nd (2) an oralpresentation and examination evaluated by the Ph.D. Thesis committee. The proposaldocument mustbereceivedbythemembersofthe thesiscommittee at least2fullweekspriorto the oral presentation and examination. The student should (3) contact each committeemembertoarrangethedeliveryoftheproposal ineitherhard-copyorelectronicformat.

2. Scheduling the examination: Poll the committee and establish a date and time for the

presentation, reserve aroom andprepare anannouncement ofthepresentation. The studentisresponsibleforreserving theroom andobtaining thenecessaryaudio visual equipmentprior totheoral presentation.Somefacultyhaveextremely busyschedules,and thisstepshould bedoneatleast6weeksinadvancetoensurefaculty availability.


3. Emailtheannouncement to Laura Paige. Thisannouncement should include the nameofyourAdvisor as wellas the names ofyour Thesis/Reading committee members. The programrequiresthatthis stepbecompleted atleasttwo weeksbeforethepresentation sothat itcanbeposted. The subject lineontheannouncementshouldreadPh.D. ProposalPresentation.

4. Before your proposal presentation, obtain the forms necessary to be completed by the

committee thedaybeforeyourpresentation. Theseinclude anAdmissiontoCandidacyform andtheBioengineering Program’s Ph.D. Proposal Evaluationforms . ThesecanbedownloadedfromtheBioengineeringProgramwebsite.

5. All members of your committee are encouraged to be present at the proposal or



The student should meetwithhis/her Thesis/reading committee onatleast a yearlybasis toreviewresearch progress. In addition, effective Fall 2005, students are required to complete anannualprogress update thatisdue atthestart of each subsequent Fall semester orupongraduating.Thisform isavailableontheBioengineering Programwebsite.


Afteradequatepreparation, the candidatemust complete asearching andauthoritativein ve s t i g a t ion ofhis/her chosenfield,culminating inawrittenThesis covering that investigation. Anoral defensewill bescheduledonthesubjectmatterfortheThesisandthefield inwhichitlies.

Georgia Techmaintainsa Thesismanualw h i c h contains two important sections:“Whatyou haveto do to graduate” and “Documents a n d Forms.” The website for the Thesis Manual is ofit i s reflectedinthe BioengineeringProgramproceduresdescribedbelow, which mustbefollowed.

5.9.1 ProcedureforPh.D. DefensePresentation

1. Tocomplete itsrecords for eachPh.D. student the Registrar’s Office requires APetition forDegree. The degreepetition mustbesubmitted totheRegistrar’sOfficepriortotheendofthesemester preceding the student’s final semester. The exact date is listed in the OSCAR bysemester.The studentmust complete the form and it must be signed by the student and theadvisor. Then the form is submitted to the Bioengineering Program office for the chair’ssignature.

2. Thestudentmustberegisteredduring thesemesterinwhich thefinal presentationoccurs.

Astudentmust alsoberegistered thesemesterhe/sheplanstograduateunlessanenroll-


ment waiver is requested and approved. Anenrollment waiver willnot be approved if theThesishasnot beenacceptedbytheGraduate StudiesOfficebythepublisheddeadline.

3. Six weekspriortothe intended defensedate, pollthe committee toestablishadateandtimefor the presentation. Reserve a room and prepare an announcement of the presentation. Thestudentisresponsible forreserving the room andobtaining thenecessaryaudio visual equipmentprior to the oralpresentation. A meeting with the thesis committee granting APPROVAL toschedule the defense must take place PRIOR to the actual scheduling of the defense. TheBioengineering graduate officewill contact the committee forapproval prior to announcingthedefense.

4. The final presentation may be scheduled only after the members of the Thesis ReadingCommittee havereviewedthedraftwritten documentandconsidertheThesistobesatisfactory.

5. Two weeks prior to the intended defense date, a final draftmust be provided to thecommittee andthedefensedateconfirmed.

6. At least two weeks prior to the defense, Email the announcement to Laura Paige. Thisannouncementshouldincludethenameofyour AdvisoraswellasthenamesofyourThesis/Readingcommittee members. The subject line on the announcement should read Ph.D. DefensePresentation.Georgia Techrequiresatleast twoweekspublicityofyour defense,withoutexception.

7. Before your defense, obtain the forms necessarytobe completed byyour committeeatyourdefense. Theseinclude a ThesisApproval Certificate andBioengineering Program Ph.D. DefenseEvaluation Forms.These can bedownloaded fromtheBioengineeringProgramwebsite.

8. The signed Thesis Approval Certificate form is then given to Bioengineering ProgramChair tosign.

9. After successful public defense of the Thesis, the candidate prepares a final manuscriptincorporating the modifications required by the Thesis Reading Committee. After obtainingapproval signaturesfrom theThesisReadingCommittee andtheBioengineering ProgramChair, thecandidate should follow the electronic submission, printing and distribution as specified a t :

10. Submit theThesisApproval Certificate totheOffice ofGraduate Studies and Research,SavantBuilding.11. All members of your committee are encouraged to be present at the proposal ordefense. The BioE Program requires that at least 4 out of the 5members be present-eitherinperson,viaskypeorphone.

12. Theminimum timebetween a Proposal andDefense is 6months; however, 1 year isstronglyencouraged.PleasebesuretocheckwithyouHomeSchoolrulesaswell.


M.S.DegreeRequirements (ThesisOption)

ThepurposeoftheMaster’s Thesisistofurther theeducationaldevelopmentbyrequiringthestudenttoplan,conduct,andreportanorganizedandsystematicstudyofimportance.

InkeepingwiththeBioengineeringpolicy ofeducating both practicingand researchengineers,aThesiscan range from a design project toa fundamental research investigation. Although the student mayproposeaThesis topic andseekanadvisor, the usual procedure isforastudent toworkon aproblemsuggestedbyafacultymember. If thestudentisemployed on asponsoredresearchproject, theThesiswill usuallybederivedfrom thiswork.


The ProgramofStudy categories aredescribed elsewhere. Intermsofthose categories, thecourseworkrequirementsfortheM.S.(Thesis)are:

•EngineeringFundamentals: 3-6semesterhours, withatleast3semesterhours atthegraduatelevel.

•Biological Sciences:3-6semesterhours, withatleast3semesterhours atthegraduatelevel.

•EngineeringMathematics: 3semesterhours atthegraduatelevel, withspecific course

restrictions(seeEngineering Mathematics description).




• TOTAL Engineering Fundamentals+Biological Sciencesmust be at least 9 semester hours.Students must justify theirselection of courses and howthey complement their academicbackground with the justification text that is submitted with theProgram of Study. Ingeneral, a student with a B.S. in Engineering will be required to take 6 hours of biologicals c i e n c e s ,and astudentwithaB.S. inBiologicalScienceswill berequired totake6hoursofengineering fundamentals. Studentswitha B.S. in Biomedical Engineering will be evaluateddepending on the emphasis of their undergraduate curriculum. The decision regarding thenumber ofhours ineach category ismade by the GraduateChair in consultation withtheGraduate Committee, and are solely based onthe undergraduate transcript. If indoubt,pleasecheckbefore submitting aProgramofStudy.

Total degreehoursare21semesterhours,withatleast15atthegraduatelevel.6.2M.S.CommitteeFormation

The studentmust submit a listofThesisCommittee memberstotheBioengineering ProgramOfficeforapprovalbytheBioengineering ProgramChair.The committee must haveatleastthreemembers,subjecttotheconstraintsbelow.

1. Thestudent’sThesisadvisor shouldprovide ashortjustificationfortheselectionofeachmemberoftheMSThesisReadingCommittee.

2. Ifaproposed member isnotaGeorgia Techfacultymember,abiographicalsketch(NIH


3. Theadvisororoneoftheco-advisors mustbeaprogram facultymember.

4. Theremust beatleasttworegularmemberswho arenot advisors,onefrom thestudent’shomeschool andasecondwho isfrom outsidethehomeschool.

6.3ProcedureforCommittee Formation andTopicSelection

1. Once aThesis topic ischosen, aRequest forApproval ofThesis Topic needstobesignedbytheThesis advisor, Thesis committee members and submitted bythe student toBio-engineeringProgramoffice forthesignatureoftheChair.

2. The RequestforApproval ofThesis Topic should be submittedasearly aspossible, butnot later

thanthepetition fordegree.



MSThesis studentsmust give anoralpresentation of theThesis.Thispresentation isnota formaldefense;rather,theapprovaloftheThesisisbasedupon thewrittend o cumen t .

Georgia Techmaintains a Thesismanualwhichcontains two important sections:“Whatyou haveto do to graduate”and“DocumentsandForms.”The website for the Thesis Manual is of itisreflectedin theBioengineeringProgramproceduresdescribedbelow, which mustbefollowed.

1. Tocomplete its records for eachM.S. student the Registrar’s Officerequires APetition forDegree. The degreepetition mustbesubmitted totheRegistrar’sOfficepriortotheendofthesemester preceding the student’s final semester. The exact date is listed in the OSCAR bysemester. The student must complete the formand it must be signedbythestudentandtheadvisor. The form is the submitted to the Bioengineering Program Office for the chair’ssignature.

2. Thestudentmustberegisteredduring thesemesterinwhich thefinal presentationoccurs.

A student must also be registered the semesterhe/sheplans tograduate unless an enrollmentwaiver isrequestedandapproved. Anenrollmentwaiverwillnotbeapproved ifthe Thesishasnot beenacceptedbytheGraduate StudiesOfficebythepublisheddeadline.

3. Thecandidatemust providecopiesof thecompleted finaldraftof theThesis toeachmember

oftheThesis/Reading Committee. This must bedoneatleasttwoweeksbeforethefinalThesisPresentation.

4. Sixweekspriortothe intended defensedate, pollthecommittee toestablishadateandtimefor

thepresentation.Reservearoom andprepareanannouncement ofthepresentation.Thestudentisresponsibleforreserving the room andobtainingthenecessaryaudiovisual equipmentpriorto the oralpresentation. At thistime, a preliminary t h e s i s draft must be provided tothecommittee.

5. The final presentation may be scheduled only after the members of the Thesis Reading

Committee have reviewed the draft written document and consider the Thesis tobe satis-factory.

6. Two weeks prior to the intended defense date, a final draftmust be provided to the

committee andthedefensedateconfirmed.

7. At least two weeks prior to the defense, Email the announcement to Laura Paige. Thisannouncement should include the name of your Advisor a s well as the names of yourThesis/Readingcommitteemembers.The subject lineontheannouncement should readM.S.Defense Presentation.Georgia Techrequiresatleast two weekspublicityofyour defense,withoutexception.


8. Before your defense, obtain the forms necessarytobe completed byyour committeeatyourdefense.Theseinclude aThesisApproval Certificate andBioengineering ProgramM.S.DefenseEvaluationForms.These can bedownloaded fromtheBioengineeringProgramwebsite.

9. The signedThesisApproval Certificateformisthengiven toBioengineeringProgramChairtosign.

10. After successful public defense of the Thesis, the candidate prepares a final manuscript

incorporating themodifications required by the Thesis Reading Committee. Afterobtainingapproval signaturesfrom theThesisReadingCommittee andtheBioengineering ProgramChair,thecandidateshouldfollowtheelectronicsubmission,printing anddistributionasspecified at:

11. Submit theThesisApproval Certificate totheOffice ofGraduate Studies and Research, Savant




M.S.DegreeRequirements (Non-thesisOption)

The purposeoftheM.S. Degree(Non-Thesis) isprimarilytoallowaBioengineeringf o c u s forBS/MSstudents who have been enrolled at Georgia Tech asundergraduates and accepted bya participatingschoolintotheBS/MSprogram.

Atthetimeofthiswriting,only theSchoolsofECEandMEoffer thenon-thesisoption.


The ProgramofStudy categories aredescribed elsewhere. Intermsofthose categories, thecourseworkrequirementsfortheM.S.(Non-Thesis)are:

•EngineeringFundamentals: 6-9 semesterhours,withnomorethan3hoursatthe4000level.

•Biological Sciences:6-9 semesterhours,withnomorethan3semesterhoursatthe4000level.

• Engineering Mathematics: 3 semester hours at the graduate level, with specific courserestrictions(seeEngineering Mathematics description).

• Bioengineering/Electives: 12 semester hours, with at least 9semester hours at the graduatelevel.

• TOTAL Engineering Fundamentals+Biological Sciences must be at least 15 semester hours.

Students must justify theirselection of courses and howthey complement their academicbackground withthejustification textthatissubmittedwiththeProgramofStudy.


Total degreehoursare30semesterhours,withatleast24atthegraduatelevel.



Annual BioengineeringAwards

TheBioengineeringGraduateProgram annuallysolicitsnominations andawardsmonetaryprizesforthefollowingcategories:








Information onRights andResponsibilities forFaculty Membershipandproceduresforapplying forProgramMembershipandRenewal arecurrentlyemailed forinterested facultyuponrequest.



FacultyCommitteeMembershipB.1 GeneralFaculty

A listingoftheFaculty MembersoftheIBGPisonline: h t t p : / / b i o eng i nee r i n g . g a t e ch . edu / f a cu l t y

B.2 Graduate StudiesCommittee

TheGraduateStudiesCommitteeischaired bytheIBGPProgramChair. MembersareappointedbytheChair.Current committeemembership asoftheSpring2018 semesterare:

HangLu,Chair ChBEEdBotchwey BMEDStanislavEmelianov ECEOmerInan ECETonyKim MEValeriaMilam MSEManuPlatt BME MarkStyczynski ChBESusanThomas MELeviWood ME

B.3 FacultyAdvisoryCommittee

TheFacultyAdvisoryCommitteemembers,theirHomeSchool,andtheir startingtermsarelistedbelow. NewmembersareelectedfortermsstartingintheFall.


ToddSulchek ME Fall2015JulieChampion ChBE Fall2015ManuPlatt BME Fall2018




BioengineeringGraduate Association


C.1 Membership

MembersofBGA arelistedat

C.2 Bylaws

BylawsofBGA arelocated:



CoursesPreviouslyApproved forProgramsofStudy

Please see the Program of Study sections for more information. In the tables below, approvedcategories are indicatedbyM: Engineering Mathematics, E:Engineering Fundamentals, B:BiologicalSciences,BF:BiologicalFoundationscourse,T:Technical/BioengineeringElectivesand X: NotAllowed.Anycourse approved forM,B,orEwill also beapproved intheTcategory.

Whilethislistprovides guidanceoncoursesthathavebeenpreviouslyapprovedonprogramsofstudy,the appearance of a course on this list does not guarantee PoS approval. The Graduate Committeeconsiderstherelevanceofthecoursework tothestudent’s researchandeducationalinterests.However,theinformation onhislistwithregardtothecategoryofaparticularcourseshould beconsideredtobeunlikely tochange.

Courses notlistedare subjectto approval by theGraduate Committee.Appeals for listedcoursestobe considered foranother category notlistedwill usuallybe denied, asthislistiscompiled basedonyearsofpasthistory considering suchrequests.

D.1 CourseListingsbyCategory

Where School Number Title CategoryGT APPH 6211 SystemsPhysiology I:CellularMechanisms BFGT BIOL 7001 FoundationsofMolecular andCellular Biology BFGT BMED 6031 BiomedicalSciencesI BFGT BMED 6042 SystemsPhysiology BFGT CHEM 6501 BiochemistryI BFEmory IBS 514 Neuroanatomy andSystemsNeuroscience BFGT APPH 6212 SystemsPhysiology II:PhysiologyofNeuromotorTissues B


Where School Number Title CategoryGT APPH 6231 HumanMotorControl BSGT APPH 6232 LocomotionNeuromechanics BGT APPH 6600 Muscle StructandPlasticity BGT APPH 6213 SystemsPhysiology III: Integrated SystemsandAdaptation BGT BIOL 6418 MicrobialPhysiology BGT BIOL 6570 Immunology BGT BIOL 6600 Evolution BGT BIOL 6611 AdvancedMicrobial Physiology BGT BIOL 6626 PhysiologicalEcology BGT BIOL 6756 DiscoveryofSignalMolecules BGT BIOL 7668 EukaryoticMolecularGenetics BGT BMED 4752 IntroductoryNeuroscience BGT BMED 6032 BiomedicalSciencesII BGT BMED 6793 SystemsPathophysiology BGT CHEM 6183 OrganometallicChemistry BGT CHEM 6373 OrganicSynthesis BGT CHEM 6502 BiochemistryII BGT CHEM 6571 Enzymology BGT CHEM 6572 MacromolecularStructures BGT CHEM 6573 MolecularBiochemistry BGT CHEM 6582 BiophysicalChemistry BGT ME 6793 SystemsPathophysiology BEmory IBS 506 BasicsofNeurologicalDiseases BEmory IBS 518 HumanEmbryology BEmory IBS 519 FoundationsinDevelopmentalBiology BEmory IBS 524 CancerBiology BEmory IBS 526 Cellular andDevelopmentalNeuroscience BEmory IBS 527 CellBiologyandHistology BEmory IBS 531 PrinciplesofPharmacology BEmory IBS 536 DrugMetabolism andToxicology BEmory IBS 542 ConceptsofImmunology BEmory IBS 548 BiologyoftheEye BEmory IBS 600 Blood andWater BEmory IBS 761 CancerPharmacology BGT AE 6760 AcousticsI EGT AE 6762 AppliedAcoustics EGT AE 6766 Combustion EGT AE 6770 Energy: Elasticity andPlasticity EGT AE 7772 FundamentalsofFractureMechanics EGT CEE 6251 FluidMechanics EGT CEE 6504 FiniteElementMethods EGT CEE 7772 FundamentalsofFractureMechanics EGT CHBE 6100 Thermodynamics EGT CHBE 6200 TransportPhenomena E


Where School Number Title Category GT CHBE 6220 ComputationalFluidDyn EGT CHBE 6250 MassTransportThroughSolids EGT CHBE 6260 MassTransfer EGT CHBE 6300 Kinetic andReactorDesign EGT CHBE 6400 AdvProcessControl EGT CHBE 6768 Polymer StructureandProps EGT CHBE 7772 FundamentalsofFractureMechanics EGT CHEM 6751 PhysChem-Poly Solutions EGT CS 6230 High PerformanceParallelComputing: ToolsandApplications EGT CS 7641 MachineLearning EGT ECE 4270 FundamentalsofDSP EGT ECE 4580 ComputationalComputerVision EGT ECE 6130 AdvVLSISystems EGT ECE 6250 AdvancedDigSigProc EGT ECE 6254 StatDigitSigProcandMod EGT ECE 6255 DigitProc-SpeechSignal EGT ECE 6258 ImageProcessing EGT ECE 6273 PatternRecognition EGT ECE 6350 Electromagnetics EGT ECE 6360 MicrowaveDesign EGT ECE 6370 Electromagnetic Radiation andAntennas EGT ECE 6380 IntroComputationalEM EGT ECE 6412 AnalogIntegCircuitDgn EGT ECE 6414 Analog IntegrateSysDgn EGT ECE 6435 NeuroAnalogVLSICircuits EGT ECE 6442 ElectronicOscillators EGT ECE 6450 IntroductiontoMicroelectronicsTechnology EGT ECE 6451 IntroMicroelectronics EGT ECE 6453 TheoryElectronicDevice EGT ECE 6460 MicroelectromechanicalSystemFabrication EGT ECE 6500 Fourier TechandSignalAnaly EGT ECE 6501 FourierOptic andHolography EGT ECE 6520 IntegratedOptics EGT ECE 6522 NonlinearOptics EGT ECE 6542 OptoelectronicSystems EGT ECE 6550 LinearSystems EGT ECE 6552 NonlinearSystems EGT ECE 6553 OptimalControl EGT ECE 6554 AdaptiveControl EGT ECE 6556 IntelligentControl EGT ECE 6560 PDEsImageProcandVision EGT ECE 6605 InformationTheory EGT ECE 6606 CodingTheoryandAppl EGT ECE 6771 Optoelectronics E


Where School Number Title CategoryGT ECE 6779 ThermPkg-Micro/NanoSys EGT ECE 7252 Advanced Signal ProcessingTheory EGT ISyE 6215 ModelsofHumanMachineSystems EGT ISyE 6223 DecisionMaking EGT ISyE 6234 MeasurementandEvaluation ofHumanIntegratedSystems EGT ISYE 6650 ProbabilisticModelsandTheirApplications EGT ISyE 6669 DeterministicOptimization EGT ME 6124 Finite-ElementMethod EGT ME 6201 Principle-ContinuumMech EGT ME 6203 InelasticDeformSolids EGT ME 6204 Micromechanics-Materials EGT ME 6229 IntroductiontoMEMS EGT ME 6242 MechanicsofContact EGT ME 6301 ConductionHeatTransfer EGT ME 6302 ConvectionHeatTransfer EGT ME 6303 ThermalRadiationHeatTransfer EGT ME 6304 PrinciplesofThermodynamics EGT ME 6305 AppsofThermodynamics EGT ME 6401 LinearControlSystems EGT ME 6402 NonlinearControlSystem EGT ME 6403 DigitalControlSystems EGT ME 6405 IntrotoMechatronics EGT ME 6407 Robotics EGT ME 6441 Dynamics EGT ME 6442 Vibration-MechanicalSys EGT ME 6443 VariationalMethodsinEngineering EGT ME 6449 TransducersandSignals EGT ME 6452 WavePropagation-Solids EGT ME 6460 MEMsDevices TGT ME 6601 FluidMechanics EGT ME 6601 IntroductiontoFluidMechanics EGT ME 6602 ViscousFlow EGT ME 6622 ExperimentalMethods EGT ME 6760 AcousticsI EGT ME 6762 AppliedAcoustics EGT ME 6766 Combustion EGT ME 6768 Polymer StructureandProps EGT ME 6769 LinearElasticity EGT ME 6770 Energy: Elasticity andPlasticity EGT ME 6779 ThermPkg-Micro/NanoSys EGT ME 6796 Structure-propertyrelationshipsinmaterials EGT ME 7751 ComputationalFluidMechanics EGT ME 7771 MechanicsofPolymerSolids EGT ME 7772 FundamentalsofFractureMechanics EGT ME 7774 FatigueofMaterials andStructure EGT MSE 6130 SurfaceAnalysis EGT MSE 6310 ThermodynamicsandKinetics ofTransport EGT MSE 6751 PhysChem-Poly Solutions EGT MSE 6752 PolymerCharacterization E


Where School Number Title CategoryGT MSE 6768 Polymer StructureandProps EGT MSE 6796 Structure-propertyrelationshipsinmaterials EGT MSE 7772 FundamentalsofFractureMechanics EGT PTFE 6100 MechanicsofFibrousMaterials EGT PTFE 6751 PhysChem-Poly Solutions EGT PTFE 6768 Polymer StructureandProps EGT PTFE 6796 Structure-propertyrelationshipsinmaterials EGT MATH 6267 MultivariateStatisticalAnalysis MGT CHBE 6500 MathematicalModelingofChemical Processes MGT ECE 6601 Random Processes MGT MATH 6646 NumericalMethodsforODEs MGT MATH 6701 MathMethodsofAppliedSciencceI MGT ME 6643 NumericalLinearAlgebra M GT PHYS 6268 Nonlinear DynamicsandChaos MGT ECE 6200 BiomedicalApplicMEMs TGT AE 6230 DynamicsofMechanicalSystems TGT APPH 6202 ClinicalGaitAnalysis TGT APPH 6225 Biostatistics TGT BIOL 7015 CancerBiology TGT BIOL 7023 Bioinformatics TGT BMED 4750 DiagnosticImagingPhysics TGT BMED 4783 IntroMedical ImageProcessing TGT BMED 4784 EngineeringElectrophysiology TGT BMED 6700 Biostatistics TGT BMED 6720 Biotransprt TGT BMED 6739 MedicalRobotics TGT BMED 6743 TissueMechanics TGT BMED 6774 Biomaterials:StructureandFunction TGT BMED 6777 AdvancedBiomaterials TGT BMED 6780 Medical ImageProcessing TGT BMED 6782 CellularEngineering TGT BMED 6784 CardioVascularBiomechanics TGT BMED 6786 MedicalImagingSystems TGT BMED 6787 QuantitativeElectrophysiology TGT BMED 6794 TissueEngineering TGT BMED 7413 BiochemicalSystemsAnalysis TGT BMED 7610 QuantitativeNeuroscience TGT CEE 6345 SustainabilityEngineering TGT CHBE 6710 Microfluidics TGT CHBE 6752 PolymerCharacterization TGT CHBE 6765 DrugDesign,Development&Delivery TGT CHBE 6777 AdvancedBiomaterials TGT CHBE 6782 CellularEngineering TGT CHBE 6794 TissueEngineering TGT ChBE 8803 BioSurfaces TGT CHEM 6750 PrepandReactions-Polymers TGT ECE 4781 Bioinstrumentation TGT ECE 4782 BiosystemsAnalysis T


GT ECE 4783 IntroMedical ImageProcessing TGT ECE 4784 EngineeringElectrophysiology TGT ECE 6200 BiomedicalAppliedMEMs TGT ECE 6780 Medical ImageProcessing TGT ECE 6786 MedicalImagingSystems TGT ECE 6787 QuantitativeElectrophysiology T


Where School Number Title CategoryGT ISYE 6413 DsgnandAnaly-Experiments TGT ISYE 6414 RegressionAnalysis TGT ISYE 7406 DataMining&StatisticalLearning TGT ME 6743 TissueMechanics TGT ME 6746 RehabilitationEngineering TGT ME 6777 AdvancedBiomaterials TGT ME 6782 CellularEngineering TGT ME 6794 TissueEngineering TGT MP 4750 DiagnosticImagingPhysics TGT MSE 6600 AdvancedPolymerProcessing TGT MSE 6752 PolymerCharacterization TGT MSE 6777 AdvancedBiomaterials TGT NRE 4750 DiagnosticImagingPhysics TGT PHYS 6268 NonlinearDynamics TGT PTFE 6750 PrepandReactions-Polymers TEmory IBS 534 ComputationalNeuroscience TGT BMED 6022 BMEProblemSolving II X

D.2 CourseListingsbySchool/Dept

Where School Number Title Category

GT AE 6230 DynamicsofMechanicalSystems TGT AE 6760 AcousticsI EGT AE 6762 AppliedAcoustics EGT AE 6766 Combustion EGT AE 6770 Energy: Elasticity andPlasticity EGT AE 7772 FundamentalsofFractureMechanics EGT APPH 6211 SystemsPhysiology I:CellularMechanisms BFGT APPH 6212 SystemsPhysiology II:PhysiologyofNeuromotorTissues BGT APPH 6225 Biostatistics TGT APPH 6232 LocomotionNeuromechanics BGT APPH 6600 Muscle StructandPlasticity BGT APPH 6213 SystemsPhysiology III: Integrated SystemsandAdaptation BGT APPH 6225 Biostatistics TGT BIOL 6418 MicrobialPhysiology BGT BIOL 6570 Immunology BGT BIOL 6600 Evolution BGT BIOL 6611 AdvancedMicrobial Physiology BGT BIOL 6626 PhysiologicalEcology BGT BIOL 6756 DiscoveryofSignalMolecules BGT BIOL 7001 FoundationsofMolecular andCellular Biology BFGT BIOL 7015 CancerBiology TGT BIOL 7023 Bioinformatics T


Where School Number Title CategoryGT BIOL 7668 EukaryoticMolecularGenetics BGT BMED 4750 DiagnosticImagingPhysics TGT BMED 4752 IntroductoryNeuroscience BGT BMED 4783 IntroMedical ImageProcessing TGT BMED 4784 EngineeringElectrophysiology TGT BMED 6022 BMEProblemSolving II XGT BMED 6031 BiomedicalSciencesI BFGT BMED 6032 BiomedicalSciencesII B GT BMED 6042 SystemsPhysiology BFGT BMED 6720 Biotransport TGT BMED 6743 TissueMechanics TGT BMED 6774 Biomaterials:StructureandFunction TGT BMED 6777 AdvancedBiomaterials TGT BMED 6780 Medical ImageProcessing TGT BMED 6782 CellularEngineering TGT BMED 6786 MedicalImagingSystems TGT BMED 6787 QuantitativeElectrophysiology TGT BMED 6793 SystemsPathophysiology BGT BMED 6794 TissueEngineering TGT BMED 7610 QuantitativeNeuroscience TGT BMED 7013 IntegCoreExperiDesign TGT CEE 6251 FluidMechanics EGT CEE 6504 FiniteElementMethods EGT CEE 7772 FundamentalsofFractureMechanics EGT CHBE 6100 Thermodynamics EGT CHBE 6200 TransportPhenomena EGT CHBE 6220 ComputationalFluidDyn EGT CHBE 6250 MassTransportThroughSolids EGT CHBE 6260 MassTransfer EGT CHBE 6300 Kinetic andReactorDesign EGT CHBE 6400 AdvProcessControl EGT CHBE 6500 MathematicalModelingofChemical Processes MGT CHBE 6710 Microfluidics TGT CHBE 6751 PhysChem-Poly Solutions EGT CHBE 6752 PolymerCharacterization TGT CHBE 6768 Polymer StructureandProps EGT CHBE 6777 AdvancedBiomaterials TGT CHBE 6782 CellularEngineering TGT CHBE 6794 TissueEngineering TGT CHBE 7772 FundamentalsofFractureMechanics EGT CHEM 6183 OrganometallicChemistry BGT CHEM 6373 OrganicSynthesis BGT CHEM 6501 BiochemistryI BFGT CHEM 6502 BiochemistryII B


Where School Number Title CategoryGT CHEM 6571 Enzymology BGT CHEM 6572 MacromolecularStructures BGT CHEM 6573 MolecularBiochemistry BGT CHEM 6582 BiophysicalChemistry BGT CHEM 6750 PrepandReactions-Polymers TGT CHEM 6751 PhysChem-Poly Solutions EGT CS 6230 High PerformanceParallelComputing: ToolsandApplications EGT ECE 4270 FundamentalsofDSP EGT ECE 4580 ComputationalComputerVision EGT ECE 4781 Bioinstrumentation TGT ECE 4782 BiosystemsAnalysis TGT ECE 4783 IntroMedical ImageProcessing TGT ECE 4784 EngineeringElectrophysiology TGT ECE 6130 AdvVLSISystems EGT ECE 6250 AdvancedDigSigProc EGT ECE 6254 StatDigitSigProcandMod EGT ECE 6255 DigitProc-SpeechSignal EGT ECE 6258 ImageProcessing EGT ECE 6273 PatternRecognition EGT ECE 6350 Electromagnetics EGT ECE 6360 MicrowaveDesign EGT ECE 6370 Electromagnetic Radiation andAntennas EGT ECE 6380 IntroComputationalEM EGT ECE 6412 AnalogIntegCircuitDgn EGT ECE 6414 Analog IntegrateSysDgn EGT ECE 6435 NeuroAnalogVLSICircuits EGT ECE 6442 ElectronicOscillators EGT ECE 6450 IntroductiontoMicroelectronicsTechnology EGT ECE 6451 IntroMicroelectronics EGT ECE 6453 TheoryElectronicDevice EGT ECE 6460 MicroelectromechanicalSystemFabrication EGT ECE 6500 Fourier TechandSignalAnaly EGT ECE 6501 FourierOptic andHolography EGT ECE 6520 IntegratedOptics EGT ECE 6522 NonlinearOptics EGT ECE 6542 OptoelectronicSystems EGT ECE 6550 LinearSystems EGT ECE 6552 NonlinearSystems EGT ECE 6553 OptimalControl EGT ECE 6554 AdaptiveControl EGT ECE 6556 IntelligentControl EGT ECE 6560 PDEsImageProcandVision EGT ECE 6601 Random Processes M


Where School Number Title Category GT ECE 6605 InformationTheory EGT ECE 6606 CodingTheoryandAppl EGT ECE 6771 Optoelectronics EGT ECE 6779 ThermPkg-Micro/NanoSys EGT ECE 6780 Medical ImageProcessing TGT ECE 6786 MedicalImagingSystems TGT ECE 6787 QuantitativeElectrophysiology TGT ECE 7252 Advanced Signal ProcessingTheory EGT ISyE 6215 ModelsofHumanMachineSystems EGT ISyE 6223 DecisionMaking EGT ISyE 6234 MeasurementandEvaluation ofHumanIntegratedSystems EGT ISYE 6413 DsgnandAnaly-Experiments TGT ISYE 6414 RegressionAnalysis TGT ISyE 6669 DeterministicOptimization EGT MATH 6646 NumericalMethodsforODEs MGT MATH 6701 MathMethodsofAppliedSciI MGT MATH 6267 MultivariateStatisticalAnalysis MGT MATH ECE8843MathFoundationsofMachineLearning MGT ME 6124 Finite-ElementMethod EGT ME 6201 Principle-ContinuumMech EGT ME 6203 InelasticDeformSolids EGT ME 6204 Micromechanics-Materials EGT ME 6229 IntroductiontoMEMS EGT ME 6242 MechanicsofContact EGT ME 6301 ConductionHeatTransfer EGT ME 6302 ConvectionHeatTransfer EGT ME 6303 ThermalRadiationHeatTransfer EGT ME 6304 PrinciplesofThermodynamics EGT ME 6305 AppsofThermodynamics EGT ME 6401 LinearControlSystems EGT ME 6402 NonlinearControlSystem EGT ME 6403 DigitalControlSystems EGT ME 6405 IntrotoMechatronics EGT ME 6407 Robotics EGT ME 6441 Dynamics EGT ME 6442 Vibration-MechanicalSys EGT ME 6443 VariationalMethodsinEngineering EGT ME 6452 WavePropagation-Solids EGT ME 6601 FluidMechanics EGT ME 6601 IntroductiontoFluidMechanics EGT ME 6602 ViscousFlow EGT ME 6622 ExperimentalMethods EGT ME 6643 NumericalLinearAlgebra MGT ME 6743 TissueMechanics TGT ME 6746 RehabilitationEngineering-CrosslistedwithAPPH6746 T


Where School Number Title Category GT ME 6760 AcousticsI EGT ME 6762 AppliedAcoustics EGT ME 6766 Combustion EGT ME 6768 Polymer StructureandProps EGT ME 6770 Energy: Elasticity andPlasticity EGT ME 6777 AdvancedBiomaterials TGT ME 6779 ThermPkg-Micro/NanoSys EGT ME 6782 CellularEngineering TGT ME 6793 SystemsPathophysiology BGT ME 6794 TissueEngineering TGT ME 6796 Structure-propertyrelationshipsinmaterials EGT ME 7751 ComputationalFluidMechanics EGT ME 7772 FundamentalsofFractureMechanics EGT ME 7774 FatigueofMaterials andStructure EGT MP 4750 DiagnosticImagingPhysics TGT MSE 6130 SurfaceAnalysis EGT MSE 6310 ThermodynamicsandKinetics ofTransport EGT MSE 6751 PhysChem-Poly Solutions EGT MSE 6752 PolymerCharacterization TGT MSE 6768 Polymer StructureandProps EGT MSE 6777 AdvancedBiomaterials TGT MSE 6796 Structure-propertyrelationshipsinmaterials EGT MSE 7772 FundamentalsofFractureMechanics EGT NRE 4750 DiagnosticImagingPhysics TGT PHYS 6268 NonlinearDynamics TGT PHYS 6268 Nonlinear DynamicsandChaos MGT PTFE 6100 MechanicsofFibrousMaterials EGT PTFE 6750 PrepandReactions-Polymers TGT PTFE 6751 PhysChem-Poly Solutions EGT PTFE 6768 Polymer StructureandProps EGT PTFE 6796 Structure-propertyrelationshipsinmaterials EEmory IBS 506 BasicsofNeurologicalDiseases BEmory IBS 514 Neuroanatomy andSystemsNeuroscience BFEmory IBS 518 HumanEmbryology BEmory IBS 519 FoundationsinDevelopmentalBiology BEmory IBS 524 CancerBiology BEmory IBS 526 Cellular andDevelopmentalNeuroscience BEmory IBS 527 CellBiologyandHistology BEmory IBS 531 PrinciplesofPharmacology BEmory IBS 534 ComputationalNeuroscience TEmory IBS 536 DrugMetabolism andToxicology B


Where School Number Title CategoryEmory IBS 542 ConceptsofImmunology BEmory IBS 548 BiologyoftheEye BEmory IBS 600 Blood andWater BEmory IBS 760 InterfacingEngTech&Rehab TEmory IBS 761 CancerPharmacology B

D.3 CourseListingsbyNumber

Where School Number Title CategoryGT ECE 4270 FundamentalsofDSP EGT ECE 4580 ComputationalComputerVision EGT BMED 4750 DiagnosticImagingPhysics TGT MP 4750 DiagnosticImagingPhysics TGT NRE 4750 DiagnosticImagingPhysics TGT BMED 4752 IntroductoryNeuroscience BGT ECE 4781 Bioinstrumentation TGT ECE 4782 BiosystemsAnalysis TGT BMED 4783 IntroMedical ImageProcessing TGT ECE 4783 IntroMedical ImageProcessing TGT BMED 4784 EngineeringElectrophysiology TGT ECE 4784 EngineeringElectrophysiology TGT BMED 6022 BMEProblemSolving II XGT BMED 6031 BiomedicalSciencesI BFGT BMED 6032 BiomedicalSciencesII B GT BMED 6042 SystemsPhysiology BFGT CHBE 6100 Thermodynamics EGT PTFE 6100 MechanicsofFibrousMaterials EGT ME 6124 Finite-ElementMethod EGT ECE 6130 AdvVLSISystems EGT MSE 6130 SurfaceAnalysis EGT CHEM 6183 OrganometallicChemistry BGT CHBE 6200 TransportPhenomena EGT ME 6201 Principle-ContinuumMech EGT ME 6203 InelasticDeformSolids EGT ME 6204 Micromechanics-Materials EGT APPH 6211 SystemsPhysiology I:CellularMechanisms BFGT APPH 6212 SystemsPhysiology II:PhysiologyofNeuromotorTissues BGT APPH 6213 SystemsPhysiology III: Integrated SystemsandAdaptation BGT ISyE 6215 ModelsofHumanMachineSystems EGT CHBE 6220 ComputationalFluidDyn EGT ISyE 6223 DecisionMaking E


Where School Number Title CategoryGT APPH 6225 Biostatistics TGT APPH 6225 Biostatistics TGT ME 6229 IntroductiontoMEMS EGT AE 6230 DynamicsofMechanicalSystems TGT CS 6230 High PerformanceParallelComputing: ToolsandApplications EGT APPH 6232 LocomotionNeuromechanics BGT ISyE 6234 MeasurementandEvaluation ofHumanIntegratedSystems EGT ME 6242 MechanicsofContact EGT CHBE 6250 MassTransportThroughSolids EGT ECE 6250 AdvancedDigSigProc EGT CEE 6251 FluidMechanics EGT ECE 6254 StatDigitSigProcandMod EGT ECE 6255 DigitProc-SpeechSignal EGT ECE 6258 ImageProcessing EGT CHBE 6260 MassTransfer EGT PHYS 6268 NonlinearDynamics TGT PHYS 6268 Nonlinear DynamicsandChaos MGT ECE 6273 PatternRecognition EGT CHBE 6300 Kinetic andReactorDesign EGT ME 6301 ConductionHeatTransfer EGT ME 6302 ConvectionHeatTransfer EGT ME 6303 ThermalRadiationHeatTransfer EGT ME 6304 PrinciplesofThermodynamics EGT ME 6305 AppsofThermodynamics EGT MSE 6310 ThermodynamicsandKinetics ofTransport EGT ECE 6350 Electromagnetics EGT ECE 6360 MicrowaveDesign EGT ECE 6370 Electromagnetic Radiation andAntennas EGT CHEM 6373 OrganicSynthesis BGT ECE 6380 IntroComputationalEM EGT CHBE 6400 AdvProcessControl EGT ME 6401 LinearControlSystems EGT ME 6402 NonlinearControlSystem EGT ME 6403 DigitalControlSystems EGT ME 6405 IntrotoMechatronics EGT ME 6407 Robotics EGT ECE 6412 AnalogIntegCircuitDgn EGT ISYE 6413 DsgnandAnaly-Experiments TGT ECE 6414 Analog IntegrateSysDgn EGT ISYE 6414 RegressionAnalysis TGT BIOL 6418 MicrobialPhysiology BGT ECE 6435 NeuroAnalogVLSICircuits EGT ME 6441 Dynamics E


Where School Number Title CategoryGT ECE 6442 ElectronicOscillators EGT ME 6442 Vibration-MechanicalSys EGT ME 6443 VariationalMethodsinEngineering EGT ECE 6450 IntroductiontoMicroelectronicsTechnology EGT ECE 6451 IntroMicroelectronics EGT ME 6452 WavePropagation-Solids EGT ECE 6453 TheoryElectronicDevice EGT ECE 6460 MicroelectromechanicalSystemFabrication EGT CHBE 6500 MathematicalModelingofChemical Processes MGT ECE 6500 Fourier TechandSignalAnaly EGT CHEM 6501 BiochemistryI BFGT ECE 6501 FourierOptic andHolography EGT CHEM 6502 BiochemistryII BGT CEE 6504 FiniteElementMethods EGT ECE 6520 IntegratedOptics EGT ECE 6522 NonlinearOptics EGT ECE 6542 OptoelectronicSystems EGT ECE 6550 LinearSystems EGT ECE 6552 NonlinearSystems EGT ECE 6553 OptimalControl EGT ECE 6554 AdaptiveControl EGT ECE 6556 IntelligentControl EGT ECE 6560 PDEsImageProcandVision EGT BIOL 6570 Immunology BGT CHEM 6571 Enzymology BGT CHEM 6572 MacromolecularStructures BGT CHEM 6573 MolecularBiochemistry BGT CHEM 6582 BiophysicalChemistry BGT APPH 6600 Muscle StructandPlasticity BGT BIOL 6600 Evolution BGT ECE 6601 Random Processes MGT ME 6601 FluidMechanics EGT ME 6601 IntroductiontoFluidMechanics EGT ME 6602 ViscousFlow EGT ECE 6605 InformationTheory EGT ECE 6606 CodingTheoryandAppl EGT BIOL 6611 AdvancedMicrobial Physiology BGT ME 6622 ExperimentalMethods EGT BIOL 6626 PhysiologicalEcology BGT ME 6643 NumericalLinearAlgebra MGT MATH 6646 NumericalMethodsforODEs MGT ISyE 6669 DeterministicOptimization EGT BMED 6700 Biostatistics TGT MATH 6701 MathMethodsofAppliedSciI M


Where School Number Title CategoryGT CHBE 6710 Microfluidics TGT BMED 6720 Biotransport TGT BMED 6743 TissueMechanics TGT ME 6743 TissueMechanics TGT ME 6746 RehabilitationEngineering TGT CHEM 6750 PrepandReactions-Polymers TGT PTFE 6750 PrepandReactions-Polymers TGT CHEM 6751 PhysChem-Poly Solutions EGT MSE 6751 PhysChem-Poly Solutions EGT PTFE 6751 PhysChem-Poly Solutions EGT CHBE 6752 PolymerCharacterization TGT MSE 6752 PolymerCharacterization TGT BIOL 6756 DiscoveryofSignalMolecules B GT AE 6760 AcousticsI EGT ME 6760 AcousticsI EGT AE 6762 AppliedAcoustics EGT ME 6762 AppliedAcoustics EGT CHBE 6765 DrugDesign,Development&Delivery TGT AE 6766 Combustion EGT ME 6766 Combustion EGT CHBE 6768 Polymer StructureandProps EGT ME 6768 Polymer StructureandProps EGT MSE 6768 Polymer StructureandProps EGT PTFE 6768 Polymer StructureandProps EGT AE 6770 Energy: Elasticity andPlasticity EGT ME 6770 Energy: Elasticity andPlasticity EGT ECE 6771 Optoelectronics EGT BMED 6774 Biomaterials:StructureandFunction TGT MSE 6774 Biomaterials:StructureandFunction TGT BMED 6777 AdvancedBiomaterials TGT CHBE 6777 AdvancedBiomaterials TGT ME 6777 AdvancedBiomaterials TGT MSE 6777 AdvancedBiomaterials TGT ECE 6779 ThermPkg-Micro/NanoSys EGT ME 6779 ThermPkg-Micro/NanoSys EGT BMED 6780 Medical ImageProcessing TGT ECE 6780 Medical ImageProcessing TGT BMED 6782 CellularEngineering TGT CHBE 6782 CellularEngineering TGT ME 6782 CellularEngineering TGT BMED 6784 CardiovascularBiomechanics TGT BMED 6786 MedicalImagingSystems TGT ECE 6786 MedicalImagingSystems TGT BMED 6787 QuantitativeElectrophysiology TGT ECE 6787 QuantitativeElectrophysiology T


Where School Number Title CategoryGT BMED 6793 SystemsPathophysiology BGT ME 6793 SystemsPathophysiology BGT BMED 6794 TissueEngineering TGT CHBE 6794 TissueEngineering TGT ME 6794 TissueEngineering TGT ME 6796 Structure-propertyrelationshipsinmaterials EGT MSE 6796 Structure-propertyrelationshipsinmaterials EGT PTFE 6796 Structure-propertyrelationshipsinmaterials EGT BIOL 7001 FoundationsofMolecular andCellular Biology BFGT BIOL 7015 CancerBiology TGT BIOL 7023 Bioinformatics TGT ECE 7252 Advanced Signal ProcessingTheory EGT BMED 7610 QuantitativeNeuroscience TGT BIOL 7668 EukaryoticMolecularGenetics BGT ME 7751 ComputationalFluidMechanics EGT AE 7772 FundamentalsofFractureMechanics EGT CEE 7772 FundamentalsofFractureMechanics EGT CHBE 7772 FundamentalsofFractureMechanics EGT ME 7772 FundamentalsofFractureMechanics EGT MSE 7772 FundamentalsofFractureMechanics EGT ME 7774 FatigueofMaterials andStructure EEmory IBS 506 BasicsofNeurologicalDiseases BEmory IBS 514 Cellular,Developmental,&MolecularNeuroscience BEmory IBS 518 HumanEmbryology BEmory IBS 519 FoundationsinDevelopmentalBiology BEmory IBS 524 CancerBiology BEmory IBS 526 NeuroanatomyandSystemsNeuroscience BFEmory IBS 527 CellBiologyandHistology BEmory IBS 531 PrinciplesofPharmacology BEmory IBS 534 ComputationalNeuroscience TEmory IBS 536 DrugMetabolism andToxicology BEmory IBS 542 ConceptsofImmunology BEmory IBS 555 BasicBiomedicalandBiologicalSciencesI BEmory IBS 548 BiologyoftheEye BEmory IBS 600 Blood andWater BEmory IBS 761 CancerPharmacology B

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