geometry. the screen where you can see what happens when you play your game is called the stage. the...

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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The screen where you can see what happens when

you play your game is called the STAGE.

The SCRIPT BANK is where the types of instructions

are stored.

The SPRITES are where you store and select the STAGE and


SCRIPTS AREA is where you put your instructions

The SCRIPT BLOCKS are where the

instructions of what your

SPRITES can do!

Project 3 – Pong

What will we learn?

How to make a two player game

How to make a ball bounce off a bat

How to create a scoring zone

Use the operator block to create random numbers for the ball movement

Create two paddle sprites

Use sprite paint editor rectangle shape to draw a paddle sprite

Create a ball sprite

Use sprite paint editor circle shape to draw a ball sprite

Make the ball move

Set the ball off in a random direction.

Make the ball move

Set the ball off in a random direction.

Make the blue paddle move

Control the blue sprite with the w and s keys

Make the blue paddle move

Control the blue sprite with the w and s keys

Make the red paddle move

Control the red sprite with the up and down arrow keys

Make the red paddle move

Control the red sprite with the up and down arrow keys

Make the ball bounce off the red paddle

If the ball touches the red paddle pick a random direction away from the red paddle

Make the ball bounce off the red paddle

If the ball touches the red paddle pick a random direction away from the red paddle

Make the ball bounce off the blue paddle

If the ball touches the blue paddle pick a random direction away from the blue paddle

Make the ball bounce off the blue paddle

If the ball touches the blue paddle pick a random direction away from the blue paddle

What next?

We need to make a scoring system

How are the players going to score

Create 2 scoring zones

Draw a thin blue scoring line behind the blue paddle and a thin red scoring line behind the red paddle. Use different colours to the paddles.

Create 2 variables for the scores

Create the variables and move them to sensible positions

Create 2 variables for the scores

Create the variables and move them to sensible positions

Increment the scores

Increase the cores by one when the ball touches the score zone. You also need to move the ball back to the centre to start a new turn.

What next?

Reset the scores to zero at the start of each game.

End the game when a player has reached a certain score

Set the scores to zero at the start of the game

Set the scores to zero when the green flag is clicked.

Set the scores to zero at the start of the game

Set the scores to zero when the green flag is clicked.

End the game when a player has reached a certain score

Use the operator with a variable and a number of your choice to end the game.

End the game when a player has reached a certain score

Use the operator with a variable and a number of your choice to end the game.

Ideas for starters

Look at the game on the board/screens

Identify the things you will need to create to play the game

Identify what each thing needs to do

Find 5 examples of Sprites you could use for your game.

How do you plan to edit these sprites/make different costumes for them?

List 3 features of good game design

Identify an audience for your game

Ideas for plenaries

What alterations have you made already?

How would you make the game child friendly?

How would you make the game appeal more to adults?

What did you find easy about making the game?

What did you find challenging about making the game?

What advice would you give to a student just starting to make the game for the first time?

How could you improve your game?

Look at the scratch cards in the Scratch ideas folder. Create a scratch card for an action in scratch that you have learned today.

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