genre theory intro

Post on 25-May-2015






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G E N R Eand its different uses & functions

GENRE: Definition

•A genre is a series of pieces of art or media that can be categorised by their similarities in terms of conventions.

•Genre conventions are used by institutions and producers to show audiences what to expect.

•Conventions are used by audiences as signposts to figure out if they will enjoy the film, programme, game, magazine...

•Genres do not pre-exist- they are constructed as the same codes and conventions are used together, repeatedly

With your magazines and soap operas you need to

show how you used existing genre

conventions to create a new product that would

attract audiences.

GENRE: Theorist quotes

• Daniel Chandler: genres are built of a number of texts which repeat the same

conventions and motifs

•John Hartley: “the same text can belong to different genres”

•Steve Neale: “difference is essential to...genre.” constant

repetition would not attract an audience

GENRE: Definition

Which genre do these posters belong to? Find the similar conventions:

Archetypes•Character archetypes in soap exist as a

shorthand to let the audience know what their character will contribute to the programme.

•They are repeated across most soap operas and can be discussed under “uses and gratifications” as predictable pleasures.

•Archetypes you may have used include:

• The tart (with a heart)

• The gossip

• The villain

• Jack-The-Lad

• Fiesty Female

• The mother figure

Uses and GratificationsThis is the theory that audiences derive

certain pleasures from consuming a particular text or genre

•Recognition of familiar conventions and character types

•Being able to predict what will happen based on previous experience of the genre

•A twist- manipulation of what we understand to be part of the genre



Genre: repetition & difference

•producers re-use successful formulas, but with variations so the audience don’t get bored

•much of the pleasure of consuming a media text is in its variation from what is considered by the audience as the norm

•the conventions of genre are not fixed, but evolve over time, usually in line with changing audience attitudes and expectations

•for a genre to survive it must learn to change with the times

The creation of HYBRIDS•one of the ways in which genres renew

themselves is by combining with other genres

•genuine hybrids create something new such as “reality” and “melodrama” becoming “scripted reality”

•the rise of hybrids has made it increasingly difficult for audiences and critics to classify a text under one strict genre category

Genres provide ESCAPISM

•escapism = the ability to escape from everyday reality

•genres offer pleasure to the audience as they let us live out our fantasies

•mass entertainment has been described as being a form of capitalist propaganda because genres encourage audiences to escape from the asking the real questions

Genres REFLECT society?•Soap operas could be said to reflect working

class values and belief systems: job, family, house, friends, paying the bills

•But you could argue that they also reflect the audiences desire for conflict and catharsis

•Hollywood genre films tend to promote the American dream; they teach use that money and success are important values; that heterosexual romance, marriage and family are the proper social forms; that the state, police and legal system are legitimate sources of power and authority, and that American values are beneficial to society

Plan and answer the following question:

1b: apply theories of genre to ONE of your coursework


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