genealogical tables of the descendants of john hamilton of

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of the





BORN 1789 DIED 1825


Privately Printed, 1933



Foreword _ ix

Account of John and Elizabeth McNutt Hamilton_ 1

James Gilbreath Hamilton_ 9

Pedigree of Osborne Line_ 12

Pedigree of McCormick Line_ 15

Pedigree of Krebs Line_17

Pedigree of Smithson Line_ 19

Alexander McNutt Hamilton_21

Pedigree of Haas Line_23

Alphabetical list of deceased descendants of John

Hamilton with ages at time of decease_25

Alphabetical list of living descendants, with addresses_ 27

Chronological list by birth-date of living descendants_33

Concluding Note_36







John Hamilton

Locust Hill (norx

_Preceding Page 1

Kalofha”)_Preceding Page 7


• • Vll



Chicago in 1897 published a volume of

“Genealogies and Reminiscences” record¬

ing the lineage of her branch of the

Hamilton family and tracing it back to the

Irish Dukes of Abercorn. It has been

thought desirable to bring up-to-date the information col¬

lected by that saintly lady relative to the descendants of her

father, John Hamilton. The compiler wishes it had been

possible to include short biographical mention where desir¬

able of those not already noticed in Mrs. McCormick’s

volume, but many other claims on the available time have

prevented pursuit of the matter thus far.

The plan followed in presenting the data is the simplest

that could occur to the compiler. Five of the sheets repre¬

sent respectively the lines of descent from five of John

Hamilton’s seven children. The eldest child, James

Gilbreath Hamilton, had no issue. There are no living

descendants of the sixth child Alexander McNutt Hamilton,

for whose familv a short note has been deemed sufficient.

The making of this little work has been a labour of love.

The compiler must, perhaps, ask forgiveness for the manner

in which relatives, near and far, known and unknown, have

been called upon for what has amounted to, in some cases at

least, the revival of long-forgotten details. But it is felt

that many of the victims will be secretly pleased, since do


Log ^ Ii m notl ^ mr. I T





we not all appreciate being reminded occasionally that the

course of humanity is never-ending, that we ourselves

should not be here but for those who have gone before?

* * * * *

To “Cousin Minnie” (Mrs. John H.) Christian, of

Richmond, Virginia, I owe much gratitude for reinvigora¬

ting the compiler’s interest in the Hamilton descent, and the

appearance of this little work is thus entirely due to her.

And to “Cousin Kate” (Mrs. William H.) Beebe of

Chicago, would 1 offer my particular appreciation of her

assistance in the collection of family data.

Others to whom I would express my especially sincere

thanks for their cooperation are Cousin Tracy Hamilton

Clark, Cousin Mary Ellen Osborne, Cousin William H. Mortimer and Cousin Ruth Krebs.

While 1 trust that no inaccuracies in names or dates have

crept in, I shall be grateful to my kin for any corrections or

additions they may be in a position to make. It is proposed

to forward a bulletin of such final alterations to the recipients

of copies of this work after a lapse of a short period of time.

The somewhat lengthy delay in the appearance of the

work is due to the passing to the Great Beyond, on Novem¬

ber 20th, 1932, oi: my Mother.

* * * * *

“Sola Nobilitas Virtus”

“Virtue alone is Nobility”*

E. McC.-G.

*Motto of the Hamiltons of the Duke? of Abercorn



John Hamilton


^ Q:OHN HAMILTON, the youngest son of

James Hamilton, of Botetourt County,

Virginia, and grandson of James Hamilton

of Glennagoorland, County Tyrone, and

Winchester, Virginia, was born on June

9th, 1789, at the family home near

Buchanan. We read* that he was of “medium height (five

feet seven inches), had a fair complexion, light blue eyes, a

Roman nose and fine dark hair. He removed to Rockbridge

County when twenty-four years of age, and married

Elizabeth, daughter of Alexander and Rachel Grigsby

McNutt, on August 29, 1816. They were blessed with

seven children:

1. James Gilbreath

2. Rachel Grigsby

3. Henrietta Maria (named by her father for the wife

of Charles I.).

4. Margaret Jane

5. Martha Elizabeth

6. Alexander McNutt •n / . Isabella Rebecca

A few years after his marriage John Hamilton purchased

an estate five miles southeast of Lexington, on which he

lived the life of a typical Virginia planter for the remainder

of his days. A most interesting feature of plantation life in

that region in those days w'as the presence of faithful and

‘“Genealogies and Reminiscences” by Henrietta Hamilton McCormick. Chicago, Printed by the Author, 1897.

axiw srb to! i$&}& t&d bwufi •• : mB .t


devoted negro slaves, of whom John Hamilton owned a

limited number and some of whom lived in the family for

half a century. In 1825 he built a brick residence, “Locust Hill,” where

he brought up his family, and led a happy rural life, sur¬

rounded by orchards, vines and forest trees, and in full view of the Blue Ridge Mountains, four miles distant. He

planted the lawn with locust trees. The house, now known

as “Kalopha,” still remains in a good state of preservation,

although the interior was burned out in 1854 and afterward

restored plainly. John Hamilton was energetic and enterprising, and in

addition to his farming interests carried on a forwarding

business to Richmond via the James River for some years. He was public-spirited, and always took part in promoting

any movement brought forward for the public welfare.

He was an exceptionally genial and hospitable man, and was

beloved and respected greatly by a large circle of friends and acquaintances, over whom he exerted a wide influence,

as well as upon his children and servants.

When forty three years of age he united with the

Methodist Episcopal Church, and by his confession “was

born again,” August 21, 1832. His conversion wrought a

wonderful change in him, and his life thereafter was gov¬

erned by religious convictions. From that time until his

death—a period of forty years—he devoted himself to

religious works and charities mostly in connection with the

church of his choice. He was deeply interested in the Bible Society, in which he was a life member and an active worker.

John Hamilton was a lover of nature, delighting in the

beauties of the fair valley and the grandeur of the Blue

Ridge; and in his old age it was his pleasure to ride to the

Natural Bridge, twelve miles distant, and feast his eyes on







that marvel of Nature’s handiwork. He and his wife made

three visits to their children in Chicago at a period when it

required three or four days to make the journey. On their

first visit, in 1 852, he was impressed with the prospective

greatness of the young city,.£.ad.bought forty acres of land

in the southwestern quarter, which afterward became valu¬

able. Their second visit was in the autumn of 1856. At

that time he became enthusiastic over the growth and enter¬

prise of the place. Their third visit was made in 1859-60,

when they remained six months, returning home to undergo

the vicissitudes and privations of the Civil War, which broke

out the following spring. In politics, John Hamilton was a

Whig until over seventy years of age, and then only em¬

braced the Democratic or State’s Rights doctrines when

compelled to do so by the secession of the State of Virginia,

which up to that time he had opposed as vigorously as a

private citizen could. But he yielded at last, when invasion

was threatened, and gave his support to the cause of the

South. They were not molested at any time during the

great struggle. He lived seven years after the close of the

war, long enough to behold with dismay the desolation and

misery brought upon his beloved state and people. He was

a pall-bearer at the funeral of General Thomas J. Jackson


John Hamilton died in his eighty-fourth year, on August

7, 1872. At the moment of his departure he expressed

consciousness of the event by throwing out both hands, as if

to say, “Good-bye, good-bye,” to those around him, and

immediately expired in the hope of a blessed resurrection.

Thus ended a long life of great usefulness and happiness.

At a Quarterly Conference of Lexington Circuit, Meth¬

odist Episcopal Church, South, held at Wesley Chapel,

■! ir*<nt -'il: jv v> • u fom srr>.-::. i >ri an b )r !j

I ihrriv/ ,u;l.'. ' ■ adj io ‘ arfj

. r • , •



August 10, 1872, the following preamble and resolutions

were adopted:

Whereas Divine Providence has recently removed from

among us our late brother, John Hamilton, ripe in years,

and ready for his change;

And Whereas, in view of his long connection with this

Conference as a worthy servant of the Church, it is but

right that we should express our appreciation of his life,

and our sorrow at his death, therefore,

Resolved, That in the death of our venerable friend

and brother, John Hamilton, our Church loses the service

and example of one whom it can only afford to spare in

humble trust that the great Head of the Church will raise

up others to take the place thus made vacant.

Resolved, That we rejoice in that grace which so long

sustained our brother in the enjoyment of a Saviour’s love,

and at least so sweetly cheered him on to victory over his 4 4

last foe.

Resolved, That we tender to his sorrowing family and

friends our sympathy with their grief, and commend them

to Him who alone can comfort us in our tribulation,

humbly trusting that both they and ourselves may eventually

gain admittance into the “rest” remaining for “the people

of God,” theie to enjoy a part in the blessed re-union of


Resolved, That this minute be spread upon our journal

and that it be published in the church papers and the

papers of Lexington and copies be sent to the family.

J. E. Armstrong, President.

A. J. Hamilton, Secretary.

Elizabeth, wife of John Hamilton, and third child of

Alexander and Rachel Grigsby McNutt, was born in Rock¬

bridge County, Va., on March 23, 1794.

When seventeen years of age she was a pupil at Ann

Smith Academy, Lexington, where her daughters afterward

were educated.


Her wedding dress was of closely woven white twilled

silk, called “Levantine,” made demi-train, gored plain in

the front and sides, gathered in the back, the bodice short,

with low neck and short sleeves, and it was trimmed with a

quilling of white satin ribbon. She wore long white kid

gloves and white kid slippers. Her bridesmaid was her

first cousin, Hannah Ingram Grigsby, and Charles P.

Dorman, of Lexington, Va., acted as groomsman. After

the wedding the bride and groom made a tour to Winchester,

where the groom had relatives, amongst whom were an

uncle, John Hamilton, and an aunt, Jane Barton, his father’s

sister. They made the journey in a new gig, which was

considered very stylish and novel in those primitive days.

After enjoying the hospitality of their relatives they

returned to begin the journey of life together by laying the

foundation for a successful future. Their home in which

they lived happily together nearly half a century, though in

the midst of hills and removed from the world’s great

thoroughfares, was ever the dearest spot'to them.

Elizabeth McNutt Hamilton was a most hospitable

hostess to her numerous friends, who loved to visit in the

old Virginia style. As with all gentlewomen of the olden

time, her home was her sphere. Her sound principles and

her religious life, by her exemplary behavior and conversa¬

tion, were impressed, upon her children and on others with

whom she came in contact. She wTas a person of fine breed¬

ing and culture.

Elizabeth McNutt Hamilton died on Good Friday,

April 7, 1871, aged 77 years, and wras buried on Easter


She was five feet seven inches in height; her complexion

was very fair, her eyes were blue, and the lines of her face

w’ere classic in type.”

I*v1 itofvi RtelJn; v.r 9rfJ^cn, '{srflF ■;»*; J



I *




1 • • I


HE ELDEST child of John and Elizabeth

McNutt Hamilton was a son born on

October 18, 1817, and named James

Gilbreath Hamilton. In 1842 (the exact

date has unfortunately not been dis- #

covered), he married Martha Ann Smith

of Rockingham County, Virginia, born on May 12, 1824,

daughter of Abram and Martha Reid Smith and half-sister

of his younger brother Alexander McNutt Hamilton’s wife,

Virginia Burns Smith. James Gilbreath died on June 13,

1893; his wife having predeceased him ten years previously,

on November 18, 1 883. James Gilbreath and Martha Ann

are buried side by side in Graceland Cemetery, Chicago.

Their union was, unfortunately, not blessed w'ith children.

.ftpliimfr {


The words “First” “Second” “Third” “Fourth” Cousins

at the sides of the tables is intended to convey the relationship

of each generation of each table to the same generations of

the remaining tables.


860 ssi 90+

sWilliam H. Mortimer*

b. June 19, 1859

Mabeele Monighan Elsie Maud;

c. Aug. 2, 1881 b. May 20, 1884 m. (1) June 9, 1904

m. (2) Aug. 21, 1931 T

:(1) Charles Eugene Post

t>. Oct. 27, 1879 div. 1929 d. March 1, 19} >

'2) Charles Edward Dull:

b. Nov. 50, 1880


use Marie

. 3, 1915

Eleanor Virginias

b. Oct. 12, 1905 m. June 14, 1928

=Edv.aro Burton


b. July 27, 1902

Charles Nelson

b. Nov. 23, 1912

Nancy Edward Mortimer

b. Jan. 27, 1929 b. July 21, 1931









John Hamilton

b. March 8, 1843

d. May 17, 1928

Virginia Hamilton

b. Oct. 2ft, 184S

J. May IS, 1848

b. July 19, 1847 f*. Dec. 21, 1881 J. Oct. IS, 1921

Perry Hamii Jrene Chandler MaRIt Mablesss=w( 1) Jess Lynds=(2) Edward T. Webb William Earle= b. March 3, 1SS4 b. March 15, 1384 b. Julv !6, 1885 1. Julv 1, 1878 ' b. Dec. 30, 1871 b. Dec. 19, 18SS m. Jan. 1, 1908 (1) Srp . 10, 1902 D< v. Sept. 1, 1921

m. (2)jun 21, 1925 Jan. 10, 1912

Mary Ellen Perry Betty Irene Elilabet Osborn Gforgz H'.'sti ^=Lily Cleo Epps William b. Dec. 19, 1908 b. May 16, 1913 b. March 23, 1928 h. May 26, 1910 b. Ocl 17,1911 b. Sept. 20, 1916 b. Nov. ), 1912

John Wesley William Hamilton b. June 18. 1910 b. Nov. 6, 1926

d. July 14, 192S

■n. Acs. 13, 1932 Lau«; March

Nellie Simfson

b. May 24, 1390

Robert Hamiltun b. Aug. 1, 1917

KRISTINE 1?, 191 S


RACHEL GRIGSBY HAMILTON^ b. April 24, 1320 m. Aug. 4, 1836 d. Nov. 26, 1863

=Rev. JOHN WESLEY OSBORNE b. Nov. Ifl806

d. Aprilft^ 1881

Fr.'NK OlINs

b. Dec. 13, i?49 m. (1) M*> 10, 18"6 m. (2) A;i il 4, 1888

d. June S, ||931

s(l) Kate L. Smitk=(2) Eliz.abeth Bentley Smith

sGlady: Kramer

f. Feb. 16, 1896

b. Nov. 10, 18S4

d. Aug. 28, 1930

Harold Keith

b. Feb. 16, 1879 i.L June 14, 1879

b. before 1849

d. about 1920

Virginia Elizabeths

b. Feb. 8, 18SS m. April 28, 187 J

3eorge Ross

b. Nov. 28, 1846

Grace Iees

b. Aug. 22, l*£0 m. Oct. 13, ’ J. Feb. 29, i •

sWilliam H. Mortimer*

b. June 19, 1859

Rowena deKovens

b. Aug. 12. 1890 -r. Jan. 12, 1915

Lillian Bell=

b. Sept. 5, 1901 m. July 6, 1923


L. Oct. 27, 19-2

Rachelle==J. Parmly Paket

March 18, 1882 b. Oct. 3, 1870 . Nov. 25, 1931

:M. Lewis Smith

b. July 27, 1887

Rohert Hamilton = Florence Newcomb Danforth Arthlr O born„

b. Aug. 23. 1883 *>■ Oct. 16. 1882 * m. Ocl 11. 1905

b. April 13. 1879 Feb. 23, 1911


b. Julv 26, 1877 d. Sept. 11. 1877


e. Aug. 2, 1881

Elsie Mm=(l] Chasl. Ft-cssf Pwt Oct. 27. 1379

dm. 1929 a. Ma-.h 1. 197'

2) Charles Edward Dgte

b. Nov. 30, iSbO

.. May 20, 1834 n. (1) June 9, 1904

™. (2) Aug. 21. 1931

b. March 2, 1919 ijai

LoUl! Cat<'»3V 19. 1929

Donald Rcrt b. Sept. j}3922 b. March I--. 1932

March 22, 1932

Elizabeth Osborne Virginia Osborne b- Jan. 25, 1916 b. Jan. 12, 1919

Robert Dan'orth Virginia Stanleford b. Ocl 15, 1911 b. Aug. 10, 1913

Arthlr Osborne, Jr. b. May 9, 1909

Joseph b. X

jrried secondly Lilt -.-i »n, Nov. 26. 1911 b. Jan. 27. 1929 b. July i






! f


b. May 25, 1822 m. Oct. 22, 1845 d. Nov. 20, 1899



■LEANDER JAMES McCORMICK b. Feb. 8, 1819 J. Feb. 20, 1900

Robert Hall® b. Sept. 6, 1847

June I, 1871 d. March 17, 1917



Henrietta Hamilton (“Ettz b. Feb. 22, 1872 m. Sept. 15, 1906

l hird

=Xflson Buttkjck Williams Elizabeth Day (“Elsie”) b. July II, 1873

arah (“Daisy”) Lord Day b. June 4, 1S5I

d. March 16, 1922

Elizabeth Maria b. May 2, 18.«

d. March 31, XX53

Henrietta Laura (“Nettie”)2 b. April 22, iSS7 m. Nov. 14, iS85 d. Nov. 20, 1932

Robert Hall5 b. July 10, ! 8~8 m. Jan. 22, 1903

=E lea no r. Russell Morris b. Sept. 29, 1881

Phoebe Lord® b. Oct. 6, 1879 m. Oct. 30, 1910

f Cousins

Sarah Elizabeth5 b. Ocl 4, 1907

Oct. 3, 1931

=\'olney Foster Richter b. May 2, 1903

Eleanor Morris b. Ocl 1, 1910 .

—Walter Aver b. March 26, 1870

Mildred Day b. Sept. II, 1888

Leandf.r McCormick5 b. Aug. 10, 1«84 m. April 28, 1928

Helen Rutherford (“Pattie”) b. March 31, 1913

Robert Hall 3rd <>. July 3, 1914

Robert McCormick Janet b. Sept. 26, 1910 b. Dec. 12, 1912

sJanet Sherman Phillips b. June 2, 1909

=Frederick Emanuel Goodhart b. Jan. 5, 1854 d. Sept. 26, 1924

N. B. Lait name changed to McCormick- Goodhart Jan. 19, 1899.

l. eander Hamilton5

o. May 27, 1859 m. Feb. 14, 1887

5Consta\ce Pluv mer b. Jan. 19, 1865

Frederick Hamilton" b. Nov. 13, 1887 m. (1) Mar. 28, 1912 m. (2) June 3, 1929

Frederick Phillip: b. Dec. 5, 1929

Leandra Sherman b. July 1, 1932

=(1) Gladys Sylvani Smith3 b. Dec. 18, 1884

Patience Henrietta (“Patsy”) Leander Hamilton b. June 27, 1913 b. May 17, 1919

=(2) Anstiss Hunt DeVeau b. Oct. 9, 1896

Leander James®53 o. Jan. 6, 1J888 M. (1) Nov. 3, 1917

m. (2) July 12, 1933 =

sAlice Cudahy Edward Hamilton= b. Jan. 6, 1S95 o. Aug. 3, 1889 D.v. April 8, 1929 m. July 31, 1913

= Renee dk Fleukieu*

Phyllis Mary Samuel-on b. Sept. 5, 1391

Alister Hamilton5

b. Aug. 3, 1S91 Oct. 6. 1923

Anstiss Hunt b. May 31, 1931

Anthony Hamilton b. July 13, 1914

David Francis Hamilton b. July 3, 1915

Michael Hamilton b. Jas. 1925

*Mr$. McCormick wjs bera dc Fontarce

■Joan TSndai.e Stevens b. Jan. 8, 1995

Constance Tyndxle b J an. 10, 1927


MARGARET JANE HAMILTON=Rev. WILLIAM KREBS I r . n ion /. c-„, 1 1<I10 b. Sept. 16, 1S 24- s. r-.b. 24, 1848

S pt. 20, 1806

. Sept. .

. Sept. 26,



: h. c RAW FORD* b. March 26, 1849

r*. Jan. 11, 1S"5

d. Feb. 28, 1877

b. Nov. 4, 1810

d. July 28, 1898

K AT Ess

b. Oct. 5, 18 50

m Oct. 19, 1871

sWilliam Hempstead

b. Sept. 18, 1846

d. Sept. 18, 1927

John Hamilton's

b. March 9, IS 52 m. April 30, IS79

d. Feb. 2, 1897



Helen Hamilton

b. Oct. 25, 1875

sZeankette Jones

b. March 8, 1853

d. March S, 1929

William Samuel==(1) Carlotta Scattercood

b. Jan. 18, 1854 • 1864 m. (1) Dec. 20, 1882 d. 1883

m. (2) Dec. 14, 188 rs= Adelaide Si ms Batchelder

d. Mav 23, 1907 /•- May 9, 1852 Oct. 19, 1919

James Henrysb

b. Aiig. 19, 1856 m. June 26, 1886

d. July 18, 1909

sMartha Gray Holton Alexander McNutts

b. April 16, 1863 m. Nov. 10, 1897


b. July 15,

Arthur Kreps=

b. Feb. 28, 1877 m. April 25, 1928

=Sarah Waldron William=sss

b. Ocl 23, 18S0 b. Aug. 2^, 18*2

sHelen Rockwood

i. July 14, 1883

Margaret Hamilton's

t. June 28, 13’4 r.. June 28, 1906 d April 7, 1929

:Earl Bruce Mti.lar li

b. Aug. 24, 1872

Bettibei '.-iEpu ard Page

. Feb. 21, 1877 b. Sept. 7, 1

». Nov. 22, 1911


b. Dec. 18, !8“9

Florence Hamilton's

b. March 22, 1SS0

m. Aug. 7, 1899

sOliver Burton Garrett Robert Newtons

b. Nov. 2V1, 1880 b. May 16, 1893 m. April 23, 1916

d. Nov. 1 , 1922 d. April 23, 1930

=Ruth Anthony

b. June 3, 1898

William Sa"./el=

b. Nov. 28, I8S9 m.. Aug. 24, 1917

sMarcaret Bowen

b. May IS, 1890

Katherine Hamilton's

b. Sept. 11, 1898

m. Jan. 23, 1924 Will1 am

Tate Kearsley

b. Sept. 28, .S92

Charles Jordan

b. Ocl 10, 1899

William Whisner Alexander MiNl it, Jr.

b. jan. 30, 3901 » April 'J1903

Eva Jordan

b. Nov. 3, 1910

Margaret Lewis

b April 3, 1912




Earl Bruce Millar III

b. July 7, 1909

Walter Hamilton's

b. Aug. 29, 1900 »v. Sept. 20, 1922

sDollie Mae Divine

b. April 19, 1904

Oliver Burton Zeanxette Frances Hamilton Ruth Anthony (Betty) John Hamilton William Samuel, Jr.

b. March 29, 1904 b. Jan. 19, 1917 b. Aug. 1921 b. Oct. 24, 1922 b. Dec. 31, 1925 b. Sept. i4, 1924


b. Nov. 27, 1925

Walter Preston

b. Aug. J, 1925

tA d:»tan* *'C>Jiin

*Mr. Crawford had c-eea previously married.

jn Jordan"





LIAM 1 i. j.




Second Cousins

Walton c. 8, 1874







Walter Triplet

b. Nov. 23, 1848

d. Jan. 13, 1849

b. April 14, 1851

d. Jan. IS, 1853

b. Aug. 5, 1853

d. Dec. 12, 1853

Second Cousins

b. Nov. 8, 1855 m. Dec. 21, 1880 d. April 21, 1927

b. June 19, 1854 b. July 12, 1859 b. Nov. 2, 1865 m. Oct. 11, 1892

Martha Hamilton:

b. Dec. 22, 1881 >». June 27, 1922

jCurtis Walton b. Dec. 8, 1874

Charles b. Feb. 18, 1884

d. June 30, 1884

Howard Green Avery

b, Aug. 7, 1865

Howard Angus

b. Jan. 19, 1895

Hamilton Dodge

b. Oct. 31, 1905

*Mr. Paxton married a second time.




the sixth child and second son of John and

Elizabeth Hamilton, was born on February

24th, 1830. On November 25, 1857, he

married Virginia Burns Smith, daughter of

Abram Smith and his third wife, Charlotte

Gambill, of Rockingham County, Virginia. Three children

were born of this marriage. The eldest was Lenwood

Hamilton who was born on September 1 8, 1858. He never

married and died sometime after 1900 but it has been found

impossible to ascertain the precise date. The second child,

Henry Jewett Hamilton, born on July 6th, 1860, died in

infancy on May 4th, 1862. The third child, who was born

on November 15th, 1868, was named Alexander Burns and

was known to his family and friends as “Allie.” Alexander

Burns was twice married, on the first occasion, as the com¬

piler of these notes is reputably informed, to the daughter

of an Italian gentleman in the musical profession. Of his

second wife no record has been found. No children resulted

from either of these alliances. Alexander Burns died on

March 12, 1910.

An interesting account of Alexander McNutt Hamilton

is furnished in Mrs. McCormick’s book on pages 201-3.

There is also a portrait facing page 201.




\ / rtf t*H



mnrad Logan*

8/iy 16, 1864


March 20, 1901



v .


b fcsw lash 3 ad ah1© rnocf >iw

• a



t -'

■ ■:










Feb. 6, IBS) J. April 13. 1898

^CHARLES EDWIN HAAS b. May 26, 1829

d. Dec. 16, 1886

Elizabeth McNutt

b. Aup. 1, 1858

d. April 13, 1859

Mary Samuels*-;-John Hallam Christian

b. Feb. 20, I860 b. April 7, 1852 .890

d. Sept. 9, 1908

Arthur Hallam =

b. Sept. 12, 1892 878. Oct. 20, 1920

=Laura BiXBy Van Bibber

b July 5, 1896

Talfourd Noon*

b. Feb. 22, 1864 m. Feb. 15, 1900

John Hamilton®

b. July 29. 1894 «. June 5, 1920

Mary Whitten

b. March 22, 1921

John Hamilton, Jr.

b. Aug. 8, 1922

=Linda Locke Whitten

b. June 29, 1894

Muriel Dunscomb*

b. July 10, 1896 IT.. Nov. 12, 1914

=Jokn Pecram Johnson

b. June 11, 18S9

Howard Talford

b. Aug. 13, 1900


b. Aug. 13, 1900 m. June 4. 1921

“Joseph Stuart Hume

b. Nov. 1, 1889

3Betty Conrad Logan*

b. July 16, 1864

Nettie McCormick

b. March 24, 1869

d. Sept. 3, 1884

Harold Hamilton

b. Jan. 3, 1874

J. May 5, 1903


b. Dec. 11, 1900


b. Feb. 22, 1905 •». May 19, 1928

Stephen Lamar

b. April 17, 1926 Iris Duval

b. Aug. 20, 1915

■ Albert Strayer Kf.mper, Jr.

b. March 20, 1901

John Pecram, Jr.

b. Oct. 14, 1919

Muriel Christian

c. March 29, 1929

Jean Macon

b. May 2, 1922

Joseph Stuart, Jr.

b. March 21, 1925

Albert Strayer III

b. Aug. 19, 1931

•Mrv Haas was born Conrad.




Alphabetical List

Name Date of Decease Age

Clark, Ernest Lyle_ 1929 Clark, Mrs. James P._ 1887 Clark, Lyle Hamilton _ 1921 Crawford, Mrs. William H.- 1877 Cress, Mrs. John Graham_ 1914 Haas, Mrs. Charles Edwin_ 1898 Haas, Elizabeth McNutt_ 1859 Haas, Harold Hamilton_1903 Haas, Nettie McCormick_ 1884 Hamilton, Alexander Burns_ 1910 Hamilton, Alexander McNutt_1830 Hamilton, Henry Jewett_ 1862 Hamilton, James Gilbreath_ 1893 Hamilton Lenwood_After 1900 Krebs, James Henry_ 1909 Krebs, John Hamilton_ 1897 Krebs, Robert Newton_1930 Krebs, Mrs. William_1896 Krebs, William Samuel_ 1907 McCormick, Elizabeth Maria_185 3 McCormick, Mrs. Leander James_1899 McCormick, Robert Hall_ 1917 McCormick-Goodhart, Mrs. F. E._1932 Millar, Mrs. Earl Bruce, 2nd._1929 Mortimer, Mrs. William H._1904 Osborne, Elizabeth Anderson_ 1838 Osborne, Frank Olin_ 1931 Osborne, Harold Keith _1879 Osborne, John Hamilton _ 1928 Osborne, Mrs. John W._ 1863 Osborne, John VVeslev_ 1925 Osborne, Virginia Hamilton_1848 Osborne, William Yeatman_1921

61 46 29 27 75 64

8^2 mos. 29 15 41 50

1 vr. 10 mos. 75 *


53 44 36 72 53

2 yrs. 11 mos. 77 ' 69 75 54 43

1 yr. 4 mos. 81 *

4 mos. 85 43 15

2 yrs. 7 mos. 74


_ .




Name Datt? of Decease. Age

Paxton, Charles 1884 4x/2 mos.

Paxton, Mrs. Charles H. 1927 71

Ross, Irene 1877 1 Yi mos.

Smithson, Lelia McNutt 1853 1 yr. 9

Smithson, Walter Triplet 1849 2]/2 mos.

Smithson, William Hamilton . 1853 4 mos.

Smithson, Mrs. William T. 1896 69




Averv 4

Avery Avery

Ayer Aver


Ayer Beebe






Christian Christian

Christ ian Christian Clark



Cope Cope Cope Cope

Cope Cope


Christian and Maiden Names Address

Hamilton Dodge

Howard Angus

Margaret Smithson

(Mrs. Howard G.)


Phoebe McCormick

(Mrs. Walter)

Robert McCormick Kate Krebs

(Mrs. William H.) Krebs


Arthur Hallam

Harold Talfourd

John Hamilton

John Hamilton, Jr.

Mary (Minnie) Haas

(Mrs. John H.)

Mary Whitten

Stephen Lamar

Lvle Hamilton

Mary Jane

Dr. Tracv Hamilton 4

Dorothy Jane

Ida Mac

Rachel Anne

Rachel Grace Osborne

(Mrs. J. L.)


Wilbur J.

c/o Mrs. Howard G. Avery

c/o M rs. Howard G. Avery

61 5 WTestover Ave.

Norfolk, Va.

c/o Mrs. Waiter Ayer

232 East Walton Place

Chicago, Ill.

c/o Mrs. Walter Ayer

1 54 E. Superior St.


1 54 E. Superior St.


1043 Rush Street


3 1 Sixth Avenue

Huntington, W. Va.

8 1 7 Tenth Avenue

Huntington, W. Va.

329 Sixth Avenue Huntington, W. Va.

c/o John H. Christian

c/o Mrs. Pegram Johnson

c/o John H. Christian

c/o John H. Christian

124 W. 17th Ave.

Spokane, Wash.

124 W. 17th Ave.

Spokane, Wash.

4456 North Ashland Avenue

Chicago, 111.

c/o Mrs. J. L. Cope

c/o Mrs. J. L. Cope

c/o Mrs. J. L. Cope

Rich Hill, Bates Co., Mo.

R. F. D. 1

c/o Mrs. J. L. Cope

c/o Mrs. J. L. Cope




Surname Christian and Maiden Names

Crawford Arthur Krebs c/o Miss H. H. Crawford

Crawford Helen Hamilton Johns Hopkins Hospital

Baltimore, Md.

Dupee Elsie Maud Mortimer 1643 Francisco St.

Pasedena, Cal.

Garrett Florence Hamilton Krebs Box 362

(Mrs. O. B.) Buena Vista, Va.

Garrett Oliver Burton c/o Mrs. O. B. Garrett

Garrett Walter Hamilton Milwaukee, Wis.

Garrett Walter Preston c/o Walter H. Garrett

Haas Hamilton c/o Plon. T. N. Haas

Haas Hon. Talfourd Noon Harrisonburg, Va.

Hartel Lillian Bell Osborne Butler, Bates Co.

(Mrs. A. G.) Missouri

Heintz Josephine Brett Clark

(Mrs. H. B-)

c/o Dr. Tracy H. Clark

Hume Isabel Christian 1315 Brandon Avenue

(Mrs. J. S.) Norfolk, Va.

Hume Jean Macon c/o Mrs. J. S. Hume

Hume Joseph Stuart, Jr. c/o Mrs. J. S. Hume

Johnson Iris Duval c/o Mrs. Pegram Johnson

Johnson John Pegram, Jr. c/o Mrs. Pegram Johnson

Johnson Muriel Christian c/o Mrs. Pegram Johnson

Johnson Muriel D. Christian Rio Vista Rd., Westhampton

(Mrs Pegram) Richmond, Va.

Kearsley Katherine c/o Mrs. G. W. T. Kearslev Kearslev

4 Katherine H. Krebs 537 Washington Ave., S. W.

(Mrs. G. W. T-) Roanoke, Va. Kemper Albert Strayer, 3rd. c/o Mrs. A. S. Kemper, Jr. Kemper Elizabeth Haas Bluefield, Va.

(Mrs. A. S. Jr.) -

Krebs Alexander McNutt 324 Mountain Avenue

Roanoke, Va. Krebs Alexander McNutt, Jr. c/o Alexander McNutt Krebs

Krebs Ruth Anthony c/o Mrs. R. N. Krebs (Betty) Gambrills, Md.

Krebs Charles Jordan c/o Alexander McNutt Krebs Krebs Eva Jordan c/o Alexander McNutt Krebs Krebs Frances Hamilton c/o Mrs. R. N. Krebs

Gambrills, Md. Krebs John Hamilton c/o Mrs. R. N. Krebs

Gambrills, Md.

' •• .

. 1C if ■ itO







Surname Christian and Maiden Names

Krebs Margaret Lewis c/o Alexander McNutt Krebs

Krebs William Whisner c/o Alexander McNutt Krebs

Krebs Professor William Samuel 345 X. Grove Ave.

Webster Grove, Mo.

Krebs William Samuel, Jr. c/o Professor W. S. Krrb«, Sr.

Krebs Zeannette c/o Mrs. R. N. Krebs

Gambrills, Md.

Lvnds m

Elizabeth Osborne c/o Mrs. E. T. Webb

Lvnds 4

George Hustus c/o Mrs. E. T. Webb

Manning Edward Mortimer c/o Mrs. E. B- Manning

Manning Eleanor Virginia Post 72 Arlington St.

(Mrs. E. B.) Pasadena, Cal.

Manning Nancy c/o Mrs. E. B. Manning

McCormick Alister Hamilton “El Paraiso,” Knollwood Dm Santa Barbara, Cal.

McCormick Anthony Hamilton c/o E. H. McCormick

McCormick Constance Tvndale d

c/o A. H. McCormick

McCormick David Francis Hamilton c/o E. H. McCormick

McCormick Edward Hamilton “Shaws,” St. George’s Hill Weybridge, Surrey, Fr.glar.

McCormick Eleanor Morris 1 260 Astor Street

Chicago, Ill.

McCormick Elizabeth Dav 4

c/o L. J. McCormick Estate

McCormick Building

Chicago, Illinois

McCormick Helen Rutherford 1 260 Astor Street

Chicago, Illinois

McCormick Leander Hamilton c/o L. J. McCormick Estate

McCormick Building

Chicago, Illinois

McCormick Leander James “The Heronry,” Whitchurch

Hants, England

McCormick Michael Hamilton c/o A. H. McCormick

McCormick Mildred Dav 1035 Park Avenue New York City

McCormick Robert Hall c/o L. J. McCormick E*ute c

McCormick But id;ng

Chicago. Illinois

McCormick Robert Hall, 3rd. 1260 Astor Street Chicago. Illinois

McCormick- ■Goodhart c/o F. H. McCormick-Goodh Anstiss Hunt







Frederick Hamilton

McCormick-Goodhart Frederick Phillips

McCormick-Goodhart Leander

McCormick-Goodhart Leander Hamilton

McCormick-Goodhart Leandra Sherman

McCormick-Goodhart Patience Henrietta

Millar Earl Bruce, 3rd.

Mortimer Arthur Osborne

Mortimer Arthur Osborne, Jr.

Mortimer Josephine Marie

Osborne Barbara Hope

Osborne Bettv Irene 4

Osborne Donald Robert

Osborne Laura Christine

Osborne Llovd Perrv # *

Osborne Louise Faith

Osborne Mary Ellen

Osborne Paul Grigsby

Osborne Perrv Hamilton 4

Osborne Robert George

Osborne Robert Hamilton

Osborne Virginia Gladys

Osborne William Earle

Osborne William Hamilton

Osborne William Matthew

Paret Rachel le Osborne (Mrs. J. P.)

Post Charles Nelson

Pyle Eduard Godwin, Jr

1715 19th St., N. W. Washington, D. C.

c/o L. McCormick-Goodhart

“Langley Park” Silver Spring, Md.

c/o F. H. McCormick-Goodhart

c/o L. McCormick-Goodhart

1715 19th St., N. W. Washington, D. C.

1205 N. State St. Chicago, Ill.

721 Croft St. Los Angeles, Cal.

c/o A. O. Mortimer

c/o A. O. Mortimer

c/o R. G. Osborne

c/o P. H. Osborne

c/o R. G. Osborne c/o W. E. Osborne

c/o P. H. Osborne

c/o R. G. Osborne

c/o P. H. Osborne

c/o R. G. Osborne

Elk Falls, Kansas R. F. D. 1

744 Wdieeler Ave. St. Paul, Minn,

c/o W. E. Osborne

c/o R. G. Osborne

Butler, Bates Co. Mo. R. F. D. 6

c/o P. H. Osborne c/o W. E. Osborne Hillspoint Rd., R. F. D. 3

Westport, Conn. 72 Arlington St.

Pasadena, Cal. c/o Mrs. E. G. Pyle



-.aiT-noM <




















Grace Mortimer Clark

(Mrs. E. G.)

Josephine Ann

Sarah Elizabeth Williams

(Mrs. R. V.)

Robert Danforth

Robert Hamilton

Virginia Osborne

(Mrs. George)

Virginia Standeford

Bettibel Beebe

(Mrs. E. P.)

Elizabeth Osborne

Rowena Osborne

(Mrs. M. L.)

Virginia Osborne

Ella Marshall

Richard Hamilton

Virginia Hamilton Clari

(Mrs. E. M.)

Martha Paxton

(Mrs. Curtis)

Marv Osborne (Lvnds)

(Mrs. E. T.)

Henrietta Hamilton

McCormick (Mrs. N.

166 So. Citrus Avc. Los Angeles, Cal.

c/o Mrs. E. G. Pyle

Bedford Hills, N. Y.

c/o Robert H. Ross

“Indianola” Louisville, K.

Plaza Hotel, Chicago

c/o Robert H. Ross

322 Belden Ave.

Chicago, Ill.

c/o Mrs. M. Lewis Smith

Pelham Manor, N. Y.

c/o Mrs. M. Lewis Smith

615 Westover Ave. Norfolk

c/o Dr. Tracy H. Clark

c/o Dr. Tracv H. Clark / *

“Glencot,’, Sherwood Fores

Roanoke, Va.

420 E. 3rd St. Claremore, Okla.

“David’s Brook” Bedford Hills, N. Y.

' ■




Chronological List by Date of Birth

Year Month and Day Name

1850 October 5 Beebe, Mrs. William H.

1855 February 8 Ross, Mrs. George

1859 May 27 McCormick, Leander Hamilton

1859 July 12 Smithson, Ella Marshall

1860 February 20 Christian, Mrs. John H.

1863 April 16 Krebs, Alexander McNutt

1864 February 22 Haas, Talfourd Noon

1865 November 2 Avery, Mrs. Howard G.

1872 February 22 Williams, Mrs. Nelson B.

1872 August 29 Beebe, William

1872 December 1 8 Clark, Dr. Tracy Hamilton

1873 July 11 McCormick, Elizabeth Day

1875 October 25 Crawford, Helen Hamilton

1877 February 21 Smith, Mrs. Edward Page

1877 February 28 Crawford, Arthur Krebs

1878 July 10 McCormick, Robert Hall

1879 April 1 3 Ross, Robert Hamilton

1879 October 6 Ayer, Mrs* Walter 1879 December 1 8 Beebe, Krebs 1880 March 22 Garrett, Mrs. Oliver Burton

1881 December 22 Walton, Mrs. Curtis

1882 March 8 Paret, Mrs. J. Parmly

1882 October 16 Mortimer, Arthur Osborne

1884 March 3 Osborne, Perry Hamilton

1884 May 20 Dupee, Mrs. Charles Edward

1884 August 10 McCormick-Goodhart, Leander

1885 July 16 Webb, Mrs. Edward T. 1887 November 1 3 McCormick-Goodhart, Frederick Hamilton 1888 January 6 McCormick, Leander James

1888 September 1 1 McCormick, Mildred Dav

1888 December 19 Osborne, William Earle 1889 August 3 McCormick, Edward Hamilton 1889 November 28 Krebs, William Samuel 1890 August 12 Smith, Mrs. M. Lewis 1891 August 3 McCormick, Alister Hamilton 1891 November 24 Cope, Mrs. J. Logan 1892 September 12 Christian, Arthur Hallam 1894 July 29 Christian, John Hamilton 1894 September 20 Pyle, Mrs. Edward Godwin



- “ "


':'! I11



Year Month and Day Name

1895 January 19 Avery, Howard Angus 1895 July 20 Osborne, Robert George 1896 July 10 Johnson, Mrs. Pegram 1898 September 1 I Kearslev, Mrs. George William Tate 1899 October 10 Krebs, Charles Jordan 1900 August 1 3 Hume, Mrs- Joseph 1900 August 1 3 Christian, Harold Talford 1900 August 29 Garrett, Walter Hamilton 1900 December 1 1 Haas, Hamilton 1901 January 30 Krebs, William W'hisner 1901 September 1 5 Hartel, Mrs. Aubrey 1903 April 1 Krebs, Alexander McNutt 1904 March 29 Garrett, Oliver Burton 1905 February 22 Kemper. Mrs. Albert S., Jr. 1905 October 12 Manning, Mrs. Edward Burton 1905 October 3 1 Avery, Hamilton Dodge 1907 October 4 Righter, Mrs. Volney Foster 1908 December 19 Osborne, Man’ Ellen 1909 May 9 Mortimer, Arthur Osborne, Jr. 1909 May 27

4 Vaughn, Mrs. Emery Mikesell 1909 July 7 Millar, Earl Bruce, 3rd. 1910 May 26

4 Lvnds, Elizabeth Osborne 1910 September 26 Ayer, Robert McCormick 1910 October 1 McCormick, Eleanor Morris 1910 November 3 Krebs, Eva Jordan 1911 October 1 5 Ross, Robert Danforth 1911 October 1 7 Lvnds, George Hustus 1911 November 1 Heintz, Mrs. Hubert Philip 1912 April 3 Krebs, Margaret Lewis 1912 November 9 Osborne, William Matthew 1912 November 23 Post, Charles Nelson 1912 December 1 2 Ayer, Janet 1913 March 31 McCormick, Helen Rutherford 1913 May 16

4 Osborne, Lloyd Perry 1913 June 27 McCormick-Goodhart, Patience Henr 1913 August 1 0 Ross, Virginia Standeford 1914 July 3 McCormick, Robert Hall, 3rd. 1914 July 13 McCormick, Anthony Hamilton 1915 March 1 5 Osborne, Laura Christine 1915 July 3 McCormick, David Francis Hamilton 1915 August 20 Johnson, Iris Duval 1915 November 3 Mortimer, Josephine Marie 1916 January 25 Smith, Elizabeth Osborne 1916 November 21 Clark, Lyle Hamilton

-U if'


, i






Year Month and Day Name



Jan. 19

July 1 c£2rne 1598240 1917 August 1 Osborne, Robert Hamilton

1919 January 12 Smith, Virginia Osborne

1919 February 15 Cope, Dorothy Jane

1919 March 2 Osborne, Virginia Gladys

1919 May 17 McCormick-Goodhart, Leander Hamilton

1919 October 14 Johnson, John Pegram, Jr.

1920 September 2 Pyle, Edward Godwin, Jr.

1921 March 22 Christian, Mary Whitten

1921 August 8 Krebs, Frances Hamilton

1921 November 1 4 Clark, Man* Jane

1921 December 21 Cope, Ida Mae

1922 May 2 Hume, Jean Macon

1922 August 8 Christian, John Hamilton, Jr.

1922 September 6 Osborne, Donald Robert

1922 October 22 Krebs, Ruth Anthony (Betty)

1924 September 14 Krebs, William Samuel, Jr.

1925 Januarv 3 1 McCormick, Michael Hamilton

1925 March 21 Hume, Joseph Stuart, Jr.

1925 August 5 Garrett, Walter Preston

1925 November 27 Kearsley, Katharine 1925 December 3 1 Krebs, John Hamilton

1926 April 3 Pyle, Josephine Ann 1926 April 17 Christian, Stephen Lamar

1926 November 6 Osborne; William Hamilton 1927 January 10 McCormick, Constance Tyndale 1928 March 23 Osborne, Betty Irene 1928 May 22 Cope, Wilbur J. 1929 January 19 Osborne, Paul Grigsby 1929 January 27 Manning, Nancy 1929 March 29 Johnson, Muriel Christian 1929 December 5 McCormick-Goodhart, Frederick Phillips

1929 December 11 Cope, Rachel Anne 1930 August 19 Kemper, Albert Strayer, 3rd 1930 October 20 Vaughn, Richard Hamilton 1931 May 31 McCormick-Goodhart, Anstiss Hunt

1931 July 21 Manning, Edward Mortimer

1932 March 22 Osborne, Barbara Hope 1932 March 22 Osborne, Louise Faith 1932 July 1 McCormick-Goodhart, Leandra Shrrnus





Mrs. George (Cousin “Jennie”) Ross is senior living

descendant of John and Elizabeth McNutt Hamilton by

family precedence being the eighth child of Rachel Grigsby

Osborne, eldest daughter of John and Elizabeth McNutt.

Mrs. William H. Beebe (Cousin “Kate”), the senior living

descendant by age, is the second child of John and Elizabeth

McNutt’s third daughter, Margaret Jane Krebs. The

titular head of the family, according to the European man¬

ner of reckoning, is Lyle Hamilton Clark, born on

November 21, 1916, great-great-great-grandson of John

and Elizabeth McNutt Hamilton. It is a remarkable fact

that there is no living descendant with the Hamilton sur¬

name, i. e. there is no direct male descent. The total

number of living descendants (October 1st, 1932) is one

hundred and twenty-four, and of deceased, forty.

Zeannette Krebs is the last member of the family to have

been born at “Locust Hill,” the present “Kalopha,” on

January 19, 1917.

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