gef ip part 1 guidelines how to work with indigenous people.pdf

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1PrinciPles and guidelines or engagement with indigenous PeoPles

Principles and Guidelines or Engagement with

Iie Pepe

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1PrinciPles and guidelines or engagement with indigenous PeoPles

I. IntroductIon ........................ ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ................ 3

II. Background ..................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ .................... 7

Indigenous Peoples & GEF Engagement...................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ........ 7

Existing Policies, Programs and Processes ........................ ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ... 8

III. ExIstIng gEF PrIncIPlEs For EngagEmEnt oF IndIgEnous PEoPlEs ..................... ......................... ...... 13

IV. gEF guIdElInEs For EngagEmEnt wIth IndIgEnous PEoPlEs ...................... ......................... .................. 17

Planning and Development ....................... ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ .. 18

Participation, Rights and Governance ...................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ......................... .......... 18

Resettlement ....................... ........................ ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ .. 20

Traditional Knowledge and Benet Sharing ...................... ........................ ......................... ........................ ......................... .. 21

Gender equality ...................... ........................ ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ...................... 21

Accountability, Grievances, and Confict Resolution ........................ ......................... ........................ ......................... .......... 21

 V. mEchanIsms....................... ........................ ......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... .................. 23


GEF Policy on Agency Minimum Standards on Environmental and Social Saeguards

GEF Policy on Public Involvement in GEF Projects

Issues Paper: Final, submitted by the Indigenous Peoples Task Force

taBlE oF contEnts

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3PrinciPles and guidelines or engagement with indigenous PeoPles


t ge p



.t ge

u n c

b d (cbd),

un k c

c c (unccc),

un c c

d (unccd),

sk c P

o P (PoP),



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4 the global environment acility 

t ge p p p .ge , p p .

t p ge’ . r , p 80p p’ .1 i ,i Pp xp p p.2 

i Pp k ’ -p, k  

. , ge z p i Pp

1 GEF project document on Assessment and Recommendations onImproving Access of Indigenous Peoples to ConservationFunding, 2007.

2 Macchi, M. IUCN Issues Paper, Indigenous and Traditional Peoples and Climate Change, 2008.

ppp pj   p i Pp. h, ge k ppp i Pp.

i ge’ p p ; , ge p , p p p. tge p p p p i Pp ppp p ge- pj, GEF Policy onAgency Minimum Standards on Environmental and Social Safeguards 3 GEF Policy on Public Involvement in GEF Projects .4 

i Pp xp ge. i p q i Pp, ge pp Pp g  

3 Council document, GEF/C.41.10/Rev.01.

4 Council document, GEF/C.7/6.





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5PrinciPles and guidelines or engagement with indigenous PeoPles

e i Pp ge p k ppp p i Pp pp p pj.

t pp pp xge Pp i Pp, GEF Policy onAgency Minimum Standards on Environmental and Social Safeguards  ge P Pi ge Pj, p p pp p ge P a k ge- pj. t pp ge i Pp.5 

5 Note: A GEF Policy is a statement o principles that mandates orconstrains activities under taken to achieve the institutional goalso the GEF. GEF Procedures are a set o instructions or processthat must be ollowed to adhere to GEF Policy. A GEF Guidelineprovides additional inormation to explain or help implement GEFPolicy. The importance o GEF guidelines and their role inensuring participation o major groups and local communities,including Indigenous Peoples, is highlighted in the GEFInstrument. See the GEF’s Instrument or the Establishment o the Restructured Global Environmental Facility (or GEFInstrument), Oc tober 2011

t pp f xp i Pp  xp p i Pp ge- pj p.t pp z p

p ge ge P a i Pp.

t pp pp ge s p i Ppp p xp k.6 

6 Valuable inputs have been provided by: the Indigenous PeoplesTask Force to the GEF, GEF Partner Agencies, CBD, the GEF NGONetwork, CSO (e.g. Indian Law Resource Center, TEBTEBBA,World Wildlie Fund, The Nature Conservancy, ConservationInternational, Forest Peoples Program) and other experts.




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7PrinciPles and guidelines or engagement with indigenous PeoPles

Indigenous Peoples & GEFEngagement

, i

Pp q ge

p p

i Pp.

i Pp


p p

z p.



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8 the global environment acility 

i Pp xp   z, ge, p p p p p i Pp. o p p i Pp u n d r  i Pp (undriP).7 

i p q, ge p i Pp p  

q p k   ge iPp. a p p, i Pp’ tk (iPt)8 ge J 2011 p k ge s, p   pp  i Pp ge p.s kp k p   p.9

i n 2011, iPt p

pp ge s p pp. t iPt pp pp pp .10 

t iPt pp ge - p z pp i Pp. t ge p - pp z undriP, a c, i l 

7 United Nations Resolution adopted by the General Assembly,61/295. Declaration on the Rights o Indigenous People, 2007.

8 IPTF’s Indigenous Peoples representatives were designatedthrough a process o sel-selec tion by Indigenous Peoples.

9 The Swiss Government generously provided the inancial supportor the engagement process, as well as the development o thispaper and the IPTF issues paper.

10 See Indigenous Peoples Task Force, Issues Paper: Final,November 30, 2011, pages 2-3.

oz (ilo) c 169 pp .i Pp q ge iPp , p u n, p , , p (Pic), k, , pp ge p p. t iPt ge pp

p .11 

Existing Policies, Programsand Processes

t ge, , k p i Pp p gep, p p p, pj p, p p k

, p, p,, . t ge n 2010c ge/c.39/10/r.1, Enhancing theEngagement of Civil Society in the Operations of the GEF .12 

c, p i Pp p ge p. t k p p i Pp ge; p

ge’ pp .

11 Indigenous Peoples Task Force, Issues Paper: Final, November30, 2011.

12 Council Document GEF/C.39/10, Enhancing the Engagement of Civil Society Organizations in the Operation of the GEF .







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9PrinciPles and guidelines or engagement with indigenous PeoPles

t ge p i Pp p , GEF Policy on Agency MinimumStandards on Environmental and Social Safeguard , GEF Policy on Public Involvement in GEF Projects, Recommended Minimum Fiduciary Standards for GEF Implementing and ExecutingAgencies , ge p ge pj pj ge s.

t GEF Policy on Agency Minimum Standards on

Environmental and Social Safeguards , , i Pp. geP a p pj i Pp p ge Pj. tp p ge’ Pic. t p q pj i Pp , p i Pp, , p




t GEF Policy on Public Involvement in GEF Projects   i Pp ,p, p, ge- pj   p Pp. P, , p , k pp pj . t pk i

Pp p pj k, p z, ,  

13 See Council Document GEF/C.41/Rev.1,GEF Policy on Agency Minimum Standards on Environmental and Social Safeguards ,pages 17, 22-29.

.14 t p n 2010 c c.30/10, p p ge’ z(cso), i Pp, p.15 

i ge’ pj , p Pj i (Pi) p p p. i Pi, pj p  i Pp pj. t ge’

Pi Pp g pp xp ge p.16 a  k p p .17 t pj ge sq iPp , ppppp pj pp.18 

t ge’ Recommended Minimum Fiduciary Standards for GEF Implementing and Executing

Agencies  pp p q  ge P a pppj / ppp

14 See Council Documents GEF/C.7/6,Public Involvement in GEF Projects and C.6/Inf.5, Draft Outline of Policy Paper on Public Involvement in GEF-Financed Projects .

15 See Council Document GEF/C.39/10, Enhancing the Engagement of Civil Society Organizations in the Operation of the GEF .

16 The PIF Preparation Guidelines provide clariications aimed atacilitating the preparation o the PIF proposal using the PIFtemplate. Speciically related to Indigenous Peoples, theseGuidelines request the ollowing related to Section B.5.:“Relevant documents on Enhancing Civil Society Engagement and Partnership with the GEF and Public Involvement in GEF Projects provide inormation about the GEF policies andinitiatives in this area. Please provide inormation how thosepolicies will be ollowed in the proposed projec t.” See PIFPreparation Guidelines, November 2011.

17 See Council Document GEF/C.39/10, Enhancing the Engagement of Civil Society Organizations in the Operation of the GEF , page 5.

18 See the GEF’s Program Manager’s Review Checklist or ProjectProposal Documentation page 5: “For questions on GEF policyon involvement with Indigenous Peoples, [Program Manager]reer to Indigenous Communities and Biodiversity .”






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10 the global environment acility 

, , , ,, , /   , ge- , k j .19 

rz p iPp p p , ge iPp s oj. xp, p cbd , geb i Pp

k p j.u ge-5 b a s, ge k p pp p iPp , p,p,  pj, pp k i cc a (icca) - ppp. t ge-5 b a s pj pp p i Pp  

, pp p - .20 t ge-5i w a s pp pj p iPp , q, “ .”21 

m ge P a x k p p p p. s 10 ge P a pp, p

19 See Council Document, GEF/C.31/6,Recommended MinimumFiduciary Standards for GEF Implementing and ExecutingAgencies .

20 These measures include agreements that recognize the core ABSprinciples o Prior Inormed Consent ( PIC) and Mutually AgreedTerms (MAT). See Compilation of GEF-5 Focal Area Strategies , 2011.

21 See Compilation of GEF-5 Focal Area Strategies , 2011.

i Pp.22 i , ge P a i Pp p. o , ge P a q   x ,   ge p . ge P a x q / pp .

i Pp p ge s i

Pp p, s k ge- pj, ge s g P. t ges c .

t ge pp 160 z pj i Pp.23 t- pj x i Pp (   x z) p / -pj

i Pp.

t ge s g P (sgP)   p ge ge p pp p iPp . appx 15 p ge sgP pj iPp.24 t ge sgP

22 The seven institutions with policies and saeguards in place orIndigenous Peoples include: the World Bank, the United NationsDevelopment Program, the Inter-American Development Bank,the European Bank or Reconstruction and Development, theAsia Development Bank, the International Fund or AgriculturalDevelopment, and the Food and Agriculture Organization. Thethree institutions with no guidance are: the United NationsIndustrial Development Organization, the United NationsEnvironmental Programme (drat policy in process) and theArican Development Bank.

23 See also GEF document on Indigenous Communities and Biodiversity ,2008.

24 See GEF document on Indigenous Communities and Biodiversity ,2008.






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pp k i Pp, fx pj, fx , . t ge sgP p pp -, .

i Pp ge p p  pp p gengo nk. t i Pp

p c c   ge ngo nk. t ge ngo cm, ge c, k p i Pp p . i , p ge ngo nk, iPp p, pp ge c .i Pp pp ge p, exc wkp, p ge ngo


, p f ge- pj, 2007 geceo p p cf rc p p s. t ge Policy on Agency Minimum Standards on Environmental and Social Safeguards  p   . i p,ge P a q p p  p, p f


t x , ge i Pp p, pp i Pp p ge- pj.

25 See Council Document GEF/C.41/Rev.1,GEF Policy on Agency Minimum Standards on Environmental and Social Safeguards ,page 6.



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13PrinciPles and guidelines or engagement with indigenous PeoPles

t x ge



i Pp:

1) GEF Policy on Agency 

Minimum Standards on

Environmental and Social 

Safeguards ;

2) GEF Policy on Public 

Involvement in GEF Projects .

Exiting GEFPiniple foEngagement of Inigenou People


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14 the global environment acility 

a ge P pp k

ge. geP p ge P. a geg p xp p p ge P. t p  ge pp iPp ge i.26 

t Pp x x ge P:

() ge P a q

ge- pj p p i Pp’  ’ , , , q 1)

26 See the GEF’s Instrument or the Establishment o theRestructured Global Environmental Facility (or GEF Instrument),October 2011.

ppp ; 2)

p p.



() t pp iPp ,p, p, pj .rp p , , pj x  , pp ge P a. ge- pj , ppp, , i Pp

ge- pj.28


27 See Council Document GEF/C.41/Rev.1,GEF Policy on Agency Minimum Standards on Environmental and Social Safeguards ,page 24.

28 See Council Documents GEF/C.7/6, Public Involvement in GEF Projects and GEF/C.6/In.5, Drat Outline o Policy Paper onPublic Involvement in GEF-Financed Projects .



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15PrinciPles and guidelines or engagement with indigenous PeoPles

() t , p - . geP a pj , , p pjx pp. geP a k pj x pp pp -. ge P a pp

x : () p ,, k p; () - pj-p ,p - ; () p pp  i Pp pj, p .29 

() P , i Pp,

p p . , ge- pj - , p .30 

() t ge p , p ge- pj   Pic q

29 See Council Documents GEF/C.7/6, Public Involvement in GEFProjects and C.6/In.5, Drat Outline o Policy Paper on Public Involvement in GEF-Financed Projects .

30 See Council Documents GEF/C.7/6, Public Involvement in GEFProjects and C.6/In.5, Drat Outline o Policy Paper on Public Involvement in GEF-Financed Projects .

’ ilo c 169.31 w p Pic, pp pp, ge P a pj x: () p p pj pp () p . Pic q p xp . pj,32 ge

P a q   i Pp pp ge-p pp.33

, ge k gei Pp p , p GEF Policy on Agency Minimum Environmental and Social Safeguard Standards , , ge cfr c k i

Pp, ge P a gepp p p, p,  p ge p.34

31 Both ILO Convention 169 and UNDRIP are signi icant in that,among other things, they address the participation o IndigenousPeoples in matters that a ect them. ILO 169 reers to “ree andinormed consent”. UNDRIP reers, among other things, to “ree,prior and inormed consent (FPIC). FPIC is not only applicable instate signatories to ILO 169, but also where it is required bydomestic legislation or other applicable international obligations.See Council Document GEF/C.41/Rev.1, GEF Policy on Agency Minimum Standards on Environmental and Social Safeguards ,pages 6 and 17.

32 For the purposes o this paragraph, “Other projects” reer toGEF-inanced projects or which the relevant state has notratiied ILO Convention 169. See Council Document GEF/C.41/Rev.1, GEF Policy on Agency Minimum Standards onEnvironmental and Social Safeguards , page 17-18.

33 See Council Document GEF/C.41/Rev.1,GEF Policy on Agency Minimum Standards on Environmental and Social Safeguards ,page 18.

34 See Council Document GEF/C.41/Rev.1,GEF Policy on Agency Minimum Standards on Environmental and Social Safeguards ,page 18.


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16 the global environment acility 

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17PrinciPles and guidelines or engagement with indigenous PeoPles

t ge p


pz x ge

p ge’

p -

i Pp

GEF Guieline foEngagement with

Inigenou People32

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18 the global environment acility 

t p xp p p GEF Policy on Agency Minimum Standards on Environmental and Social Safeguards , GEF Policy on Public Involvement onGEF Projects , ge’ pp, pp i Pp pp.35 

i pp g pzx p i Pp, ge:

. k i Pp p

p ge p ;

. z i Pp k, p - p , ;

. xz pj q

, z, / p p;

. pp  i Pp pp ge’, p p p , k;

35 For GEF Partner Agencies working to establish and or strengthensaeguard requirements to meet the GEF’s Policy on Agency 

Minimum Standards on Environmental and Social Safeguards andthe GEF Policy on Public Involvement on GEF Projects , amongothers, the saeguard systems o the multilateral developmentbanks (MDBs) provide an example o policies and associatedguidance. Elements o these saeguard systems speciic toIndigenous Peoples include IFAD’s Policy on Engagement withIndigenous Peoples , FAO’s Policy on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples , the AsDB’s Principles and Appendix 3 on Indigenous Peoples , EBRD’s Performance Requirement 7 on Indigenous Peoples , the IDB’s Operational Policy on Indigenous Peoples , theIFC’s Performance Standard 7 on Indigenous Peoples and thecorresponding Guidance Note 7 , and the World Bank’sOperational Policy 4.10 on Indigenous Peoples .

. z i Pp p p  , , , k ;

. k p , , p , k ;

. k u n d r i Pp, pp z p

d, ge-pj p z pp d, / pp .

Planning and Development

ge- pj p i Pp, ge q

P a pp pppp.36 t p pp pj p p geg e i Pp pp 36 39 44 .t p ppp x iPp , , Picp, , pp , p , k, p.

36 See Council Document GEF/C.41/Rev.1,GEF Policy on Agency Minimum Standards on Environmental and Social Safeguards ,page 25.




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19PrinciPles and guidelines or engagement with indigenous PeoPles

Participation, Rights andGovernance

t ge , pp :

() pp37  i Pp ge p, p,p pj p   p , p  

. t  i Pp pp , , p . i Ppp pp pj , p,p, pj. t p pp i Pp ge pj, p, p pj i Pp

p, p p.

37 There is no universally accepted meaning o ‘ull and eectiveparticipation.’ For purposes o applying the GEF’s MinimumStandard 4, ull and eective participation should normallyinclude the ollowing elements: (i) begins early in the projectcycle and is carried out on an ongoing basis throughout theproject cycle; (ii ) provides prior and timely disclosure o relevantand adequate inormation that is understandable and readilyaccessible to aected people; (iii) is inclusive o those directlyaected, with particular attention to the needs o women andvulnerable and/or disadvantaged groups; (iv) i s ree o externalmanipulation, intererence, coercion or intimidation; (v) allows theclient to consider and respond to the views expressed, thereby

enabling the incorporation o relevant views o aected peopleand other stakeholders into decision-making as appropriate; and(vi) is commensurate with the potential impacts and risks. ‘Fulland eective participation’ does not require consent butemphasizes strong participation..For additional inormation, seethe Asian Development Bank’s Safeguard Policy Statement ,paragraph 54 and the International Financial Corporation’sPerformance Standard 1, paragraph 30, and the Convention onBiological Diversity’s publication, Contribution from theSecretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity to the Study on “Indigenous Peoples and the Right to Participate in Decision-making,” undertaken by the Expert Mechanism on the Rights o Indigenous Peoples, Submitted December 2009.

Pp i Pp gep, p, p, pj , as dp, cwkp, n P ex, sgP n s c, ge pj ( pj, p, p, ).

() -,  , p

, ppp, ge- pj. o iPp, , p , , p - p i Pp.38 

() i Pp,

p , , ge- pj. t ge pp p iPp’ p , ge- pj z , , .39

38 See, or example, UNDRIP, UNDG Guidelines on IndigenousPeoples’ Issues, Martinez Cobo Report’s working deinition, theArican Charter, ILO Convention no. 169, Mme. Erica-Irene Daes’identiication, as well as GEF Partner Agency deinitions includedin their saeguards and policy documents relevant to IndigenousPeoples.

39 For instance, Minimum Standard 4 o the GEF’sAgency MinimumStandards on Environmental and Social Safeguards requires thatGEF Partner Agencies “…ensure that aected IndigenousPeoples share equitably in beneits” rom parks and protectedareas in cases where access o Indigenous Peoples is restrictedrom such parks and protected areas.


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() pj p i Pp’ p , ,, , p, q k. t pp ppp , , p , p , .

() pp , p (Pic) ge- pj

ilo c169, pp 30 ) .40 

c d ge/c41/10/r1 Pic pp q pp .41

t ge z i Pp

Pic pp ge-

, p, , , un d r  i Pp, Pic p p.42 

40 The GEF’s Saeguard Policy notes that FPIC does not necessarilyrequire unanimity and may be achieved even when individuals orgroups within the community explicitly disagree. See CouncilDocument GEF/C.41/Rev.1, GEF Policy on Agency MinimumStandards on Environmental and Social Safeguards , page 18.

41 See Council Document GEF/C.41/Rev.1,GEF Policy on Agency Minimum Standards on Environmental and Social Safeguards ,page 6, paragraph 23.

42 See, or example, UNDG Guidelines and, REDD+ FPIC GuidelinesFree, Prior, and Informed Consent in REDD+, published byRECROFTC, February 2011 (http :// Also see IFCPerormance Standard 7 and Guidance Note 7, which describehow the IFC implements FPIC.

20 the global environment acility 



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21PrinciPles and guidelines or engagement with indigenous PeoPles


t ge  i Pp.43

Traditional Knowledge andBenet Sharing

t ge z p:

() p k, p -- i Pp, pp pp k, p.44 

() k ge- pj fx p  

p k, p ge- pj.

() p , , , k, p pp p xp ge pj , .

() p ppp , q ,

z k i Pp.

() x k ,

43 See Council Document GEF/C.41/Rev.1,GEF Policy on Agency Minimum Standards on Environmental and Social Safeguards oradditional inormation.

44 See, or example, Article 8j o the Convention on Biological Diversity

tk: c, ak: Kg, b nP. t ge ge- pj, ppp.

Gender Equality

t ge pp p, pp p

ge- pj p   p ge P Agency Minimum Standards on Environmental and Social Safeguards  Gender Mainstreaming.

Accountability, Grievances,and Confict Resolution

t ge i Pp

p p pj . ge P a q p, pj /  , p p i Pp.45 

t ge cf r c ge i Pp p p i Pp ge q , , ge

P a .

d p i Pp gei Pp p.

45 See Council Document GEF/C.41/Rev.1,GEF Policy on Agency Minimum Standards on Environmental and Social Safeguards .Further, use o the terms grievance, accountability, complianceand dispute resolutions may vary based on the GEF PartnerAgency or institution.








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23PrinciPles and guidelines or engagement with indigenous PeoPles

t p

p pp


ge’ g e

i Pp p -


g. a , ge




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24 the global environment acility 

() d i Pp p i Pp. t ppp ge s, i Pp ge P a ge’ Principles and Guidelines for Engagement with Indigenous Peoples  k i Ppa gp pp ). t i Pp p p g.

() e ge P a, ge s , iPp iPp a gp. t k   p p i Pp p pz Pp g pp, p ppp i Pp, ge P a, ge s p




() r ge k p ge P, P, g i Pp, iPp ge pj p, x ge r b mk ge a mrp.

() K p p  

i Pp pp pp ge p, pj p, a s dp, c

46 An important actor in Indigenous Peoples participation will besel-selected representation by the indigenous constituencies atthe regional and national level, where practical. See also UNDGGuidelines.

wkp, n P ex, ge sgP n sc.

() cp ge s, k p x ge x xp iPp.

() i

pp i Pp p x pj p, ge sgP c ePp .


r i: ge P a ms e s s47 

r ii: ge P P i ge Pj48

r iii: i Pp gei Pp tk 49

47 See Council Document GEF/C.41/Rev.1,GEF Policy on Agency Minimum Standards on Environmental and Social Safeguards ,pages 17, 22-29

48 See Council Documents GEF/C.7/6,Public Involvement in GEF Projects and C.6/In.5, Draft Outline of Policy Paper on Public Involvement in GEF-Financed Projects .

49 See Council Documents GEF/C.42/ In.03/Rev.1, Principles and Guidelines for Engagement with Indigenous Peoples . Annex A; orseparate publication on the paper

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25PrinciPles and guidelines or engagement with indigenous PeoPles

GEF SEcrEtariat tEam

Gustavo Alberto Fonseca Yoko Watanabe

Laura LedwithAziza AkhatovaMaria Del Pilar BarreraIan GrayAndrew Velthaus

indiGEnouS PEoPlES taSk ForcE to thE GEF

Joenia Batista de Carvalho, BrazilJohnson Cerda, EcuadorHerminia Degawan, PhilippinesFamarck Hlawching, BurmaEdna Kaptoyo, KenyaJadder Mendoza Lewis, NicaraguaHindou Oumarou Ibrahim, Chad

Saro Pyagbara, NigeriaJennier Rubis, Malaysia


ADB ADBEBRD FAOIADB IFADUNDP UNEPUNIDO World BankThe Nature Conservancy Conservation InternationalWorld Wildlie Fund Indian Law Resource CenterTebtebba GEF Small Grants ProgrammeForest Peoples Programme GEF NGO NetworkThe Convention on Biological Diversity


The GEF acknowledges the generous nancialcontribution provided by the Government o Switzerland or the development o this paper.


Production Date: o 2012

Design: P h.gpk d

Printer: P gp P c.

The Global Environmental Facility unites 182 member governments—

partnership with international institutions, nongovernmental

organizations, and the private sector—to address global environmen

issues. An independent nancial organization, the GEF provides gra

to developing countries and countries with economies in transition

projects related to biodiversity, climate change, international waters

degradation, the ozone layer, and persistent organic pollutants. Thes

projects benet the global environment, linking local, national, and

global environmental challenges and promoting sustainable liveliho

Established in 1991, the GEF is today the largest under o projects

improve the global environment. The GEF has allocated US$9.2 bil

supplemented by more than US$40 billion in co-nancing, or more

than 2,700 projects in more than 165 developing countries andcountries with economies in transition. Through its Small Grants

Programme, the GEF has also made more than 12,000 small grants

directly to nongovernmental and community organizations.

The GEF partnership includes 10 Agencies: the UN Development

Programme, the UN Environment Programme, the World Bank, the U

Food and Agriculture Organization, the UN Industrial Development

Organization, the Arican Development Bank, the Asian Development

Bank, the European Bank or Reconstruction and Development, the

Inter-American Development Bank, and the International Fund or

Agricultural Development. The Scientic and Technical Advisory Pane

provides technical and scientic advice on the GEF’s policies and proj



Cover Frans Lemmens, Corbis  Two girls, Sapa, Vietnam.

C2 Antonio V. Oquias / Shutterstock.comHapao rice terraces, North o Manila, Philippines

2 Andrushchenko Dmytro /  The Zaporozhye Cossacks

4–5 Pichugin Dmitry / Shutterstock.comArican marketplace by Bunyonyi Lake in Uganda

6 urosr /  Three Masai men walking through the savanna in Tanzania.

11 Paul Prescott /  A woman works in her felds carrying produce back to her ho

in Annapurna, Nepal.

12 Paul Prescott /  Traditional Gurung woman weaving textile on house terrace

Annapurna Circuit, Nepal 

14 Irina Igumnova / iStock

  Woman in national gown pets the dog Haska.

16 Lucian Coman /  Portrait o Arican woman with a basket sieve straining sorgh

19  Tree rog

20 Des Victoriano / GEF Collection

22 Domini Sansoni, / The World Bank Photo Library  Two men working on feld in Irrigated Agriculture Project in Sri L

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