gardenia resinifera

Post on 23-Jan-2017






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INTRODUCTION : Dikemali It is an important gum-resin

yielding plant. Family- Rubiaceae. Botanical name- Gardenia

resinifera. Common Name-Brilliant Gardenia,

Cambi Resin. Marathi- Dikamali, Dikemali.

It is a small deciduous tree or large shrub, 6-7.5 m high.

Gum exuding from apical buds. Leaves 6.3-20 cm long, Petioled, elliptic-

oblong, subacute. Flowers fragrant, axillary, solitary, from the

axils of the uppermost leaves near the ends of the branches; corolla large, white, soon turning yellow.

Fruit berries, ellipsoid or globose, 2-2.5 cm diam., smooth, marked with longitudinal lines.

PROPERTIES OF GUM-RESINGum has property of both gum & resin.Colour is light yellow.It dose not completely dissolve in water

& become sticky.It dissolve in organic solvent like spirit.It melts as like ‘Dhup’ when come in

contact of fire with smoky flame.

MEDICINAL USESGum is useful relieves pain of bronchitis.It increases appetite. It is effective against vomiting and

constipation.The gum of the tree melted in oil is applied to

the forehead to check headache.It helpful against teeth problems when gum is

rubbed on teeth.


It is mainly cultivated through semi hard wood cutting.

Sprouting percent is 35-40%.

Some time it is cultivated through seed.

PROBLEMSLimited distribution.

There is less awareness about its use.

No any adopted propagation technique.

No any specific treatment to increase the sprouting through cutting.

SOLUTION TO OVERCOME THE PROBLEMSThere is one propagation trial is being taken in nursery of College of Forestry, Dapoli.

To improve sprouting percent of Dikemali cuttings.

We are trying to spread awareness about Dikemali & its use.

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