galician mythology

Post on 10-Apr-2015






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GALICIAN MYTHOLOGYGalicia is considered to be a

country populated by fantastic beings and creatures of the afterlife that live among the

living Here we present you some of

the most famous, that you will see, no doubt, if you visit us:

The Magicians (Meigas)

Nobody believes in them, but everybody knows they exist.

With deep roots in he Galician mythology, the meiga is not only a woman with knowledge of magic and occult esciences but she is also a quack.

The difference with a witch is that this one always acts with maliciousness and wokship the debils

There is a big variety of them among which we can highlight

Sucker-Magician (Meiga-chuchona)

She sucks the children’s blood


She steals boys and makes them disappear

Medium ( vedoira)

She contacts with the other side to know if the people who died enjoy the heaven or suffer in the purgatory

Sorceress (feiticeira)

With her beautiful voice she attracts the boys to the river where they can drown


She reads the tarot and always is right in her predictions

The Lady of The Castro

She habits in the castros (celtic fortifications) and does favours to the humble people

The lycanthrope (lobishome)

Families who have seven male children without a female born in the middle, the last of them is turned into a lycanthrope

He must live in the forest for seven years.

The ripper (sacaúntos)

Character of terrible look, big and badly dressed who takes out the boys fat until he rips them to the bones to become strong and bigorous

The goblin or demon (trasno or diaño)

Invisible criature of nocturnal habits responsible for all type of franks.

It makes the crockery break, lose the keys…

The Urco

Animal that usually adopts the form of an enormous black or white dog with horns ang big ears and goes out of the sea dragging chains.

It is a sign of bad luck announcing death

The siren (serea)

Woman-bird who lives in the cliffs of the coasts and has the power to fly.

With her chants she seduces the sailors causing theirs death against the cliffs that surround the island.

Santa Procession (santa compaña or estadea)

Procession of dead people or lost souls that walk around all night.

It is usually headed by a living person that carries a cross in his hands.

This person only will remain free when he/she meets another person on the way to deliver the cross and take his place.

Santa compaña is a nocturnal vision very famous in Galicia, a lot of people have seen it, and expalin their experience with horror and shivers.

If on a foggy night, walking alone through the forest, you perceibe a smell of melted wax and see a glow between the denseness…


It is the estadea and if you across it…


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