
Post on 28-Jan-2015



Devices & Hardware



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These slides depict the description of gadgets,their types as well as some of the basic and latest gadgets available in the market.


Presented by:Bhawana

What Is A Gadget??

“A gadget is a small technological device or object that has a specific function.”

In simple words,'gadget' could be defined as a new,

unusual device, mostly used for entertainment; yet

also for household and security.

Classification of GadgetsThere are a few main categories, which can unite gadgets having the

samecharacteristic features.

1.The USB-based Gadgets

The USB enables the users attaching various devices to their computer

without having to shut it down or reboot.

Additionally, the power usage of USB-based gadgets is very low.

Developing and afterwards manufacturing USB-based devices has become a priority for many companies

2 . The Family of iPod Gadgets

• able to store up to 60 GB of music orother media files.

•small anti-pick-pocket locks with codes, to prevent youriPod from being stolen.

3. Spy gadgets

•very small but very functional at the same time.•They have combined a voice recorder with a pen•created button cameras, tracking devices and many other gadgets to help people reveal somebody's secrets.

Just because the technology has become so developed that they can now fit a mini computer into a usual watch.

Built in calculators, calendars, timers, alarms, stopwatch, Bluetooth technology, walkie-talkie , have equalizers built in, pictures music and video storing and playing functions and some with built in flash drives.

5.Cell phone gadgets

•There are many gadgets that can be connected to your cell phone from car charger to a hands free device.

•The Bluetooth technology and there are watches, hands free accessories and other cell phones compatible with this technology.

6.Health Gadgets- This class of gadget has been created not to entertain but to help people.

•For example: Home thermometers, infrared thermometers that can tell your temperature in seconds and other diagnostic gadgets, blood pressure, sugar level, temperature etc.

Lift your imagination off the page!!!!

3Doodler is the world’s first and only 3D Printing Pen. 3Doodler draws in the air or on surfaces.It utilizes plastic thread made of either acrylonitrile butadiene styrene ("ABS") or polylactic acid ("PLA") that is melted and then cooled through a patented process while moving through the pen, which can then be used to make 3D objects by hand.

The 3Doodler is a 3D printing pen developed by Peter Dilworth and Maxwell Bogue of WobbleWorks LLC. 3Doodler began funding in February 2013 on the crowd funding platform Kickstarter.

The pen: 

The Ink (i.e. ABS/PLA plastic): 

Wire Art by Bud Bullivant (


oWire Art by Ele McKay (

oWire Art by Nakisha(

Skinput Technology

As the skin taps on the skin; acoustic energies are formed.

Two forms of the waves are formed: 1. Transverse. 2. Longitudinal.

An acoustic detector to detect sound vibrations.

It uses a microchip-sized pico projector to display menu.

It needs bluetooth connection.

The projected interface can appear much larger than it ever could on a device’s screen.

Arm can be brought closer to face (or vise versa ) to see the display close up.

colour contrast can be adjusted by dimming the light so that a better picture will be visible if skin and the text are too similar in color during daylight.

It is a vehicle which can drive itself from one point to another without assistance from a driver; in other words with an autopilot system.It is capable of fulfilling the human transportation capabilities of a traditional car. It is capable of sensing its environment and navigation on its own.

The Google Driverless Car is like any car, but:  It can steer itself while looking out for obstacles. It can accelerate itself to the correct speed limit. It can stop and go itself based on any traffic condition.

The project is currently being led by: Sebastian Thrun

 Director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

The Google Driverless Car is a project by Google that involves technology for driverless car.

The person who is sitting inside the car can just have to give the name of the place where he/she wants to go.

Autonomous car uses radar , lidar, GPS and computer vision. Advance control system interprets the information to identify appropriate navigation paths as well as obstacles and relevant signage.

COMPONENTS:- Integrates Google Map with various hardware sensors and artificial intelligence software.

:Google Maps Provides the car with road information

Hardware Sensors Provides the car with real time environment conditions

Artificial Intelligence Provides the car with real time decisions


Google Map interacts with GPS and acts like a database.Speed Limits.

Upcoming intersections.

Traffic Report.

Nearby collisions.



Google Maps and the hardware sensors data are sent to the AI.

AI then determines:

=> how fast to accelerate=> when to slow down/stop=> when to steer the wheel

Goal of AI

The agent's goal is to take the passenger to its desired destination safely and legally

The hardware sensors gives real time environmental properties. Environment is dynamic so need real time results. Sensors attempt to create fully observable environment.


Advantages Disadvantages

=>Managing traffic flow to increase road capacity.=>Relieving vehicle occupants from driving allowing them to concentrate on other tasks or to rest during their journeys=>The current location of a vehicle can be determine through GPS.=>Increasing road capacity by reducing the distance between the cars.

=>If the vehicle is using internet having less security then from the hackers point of view in some cases the vehicle can be switched off on the roads(rare cases).Hackers can change the route which is plotted on the system.=>In case of failure of main sensor and backup sensors , the vehicle can create a chance of accident.Expensive software & current legislation.

So, these were some of the most popular gadgets of 2014, but there is always scope for improvement …

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