ga 2010 p_wright

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Peter Wright, FIA Institute Research Consultant05/11/2010


- What is sustainable motor sport

- How to make motor sport sustainable

- New technologies

- Environmental sound

- Sustainable facilities

- Carbon offsetting

- Institute support and programmes

What is sustainable motor sport


Sustainability can be defined as being able to continue one’s activities without interruption for the foreseeable future.

Sustainability focuses on possible threats to this future, such as financial, resource based, or political threats, each must be addressed for the long term success.

Sustainability applied to motor sportAs a result of these potential threats posed to motor sport, policy has been developed to address areas of concern.

The FIA Environmentally Sustainable Motor Sport Commission passed a policy paper on the subject of environmental sustainability. The FIA Institute has adopted these policies and is committed to taking them forward.

How to make motor sport sustainable

Develop new technologies

New technologies are a key component of motor sport and can help drive forward environmental technology in the wider vehicle market.

Environmental soundNoise is an integral part of the sport, but must be controlled and harmonious with the surroundings.

Sustainable facilitiesMotor sport venues must be managed and build in an environmentally friendly manner. The issue is also key in rallying where natural areas must be preserved.

Carbon offsetting

Unavoidable emissions in motor sport should be calculated and offset.

New technologies

Power train developments

A power train which allows the development of technologies which address the technological problems faced by the wider motoring community is key to the relevance of motor sport.

The Power Train Working Group has completed the review of the potential of power trains to contribute to improved environmental performance, and specific research into hybrids.

Fuel flow measurement

In order to radically change the way we go racing, motor sport must look toward competing on efficiency rather than power, this has led to further work by the Power Train Working Group on the specifications needed for a fuel flow measurement device, which would be able to achieve these objectives.

Environmental sound

Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is a problem on the rise in for motor sport. Local authorities are becoming increasingly strict in their regulation of the noise from motor sport facilities.

With no fixed international standards for noise measurement of noise levels, the sustainability of motor sport is being threatened through local rules and regulations impacting on their activity.

Institute project

Through the Environmental Noise Working Group the FIA Institute is working to develop a single type dynamic noise system which can be used to track noise levels in a consistent at facilities across the world.

Such a system would pave the way for self regulation of motor sport noise levels.

Sustainable facilities

Environmental Management

Environmental management of motor sport facilities plays an important role in reducing the impact of motor sport.

Environmental Build

Building standards are required to ensure that the correct environmental steps are taken not just during the construction, but the entire life cycle of the facility.

Institute Projects

The FIA Institute, is establishing a working group to define best practice in the field of environmental management, looking towards established global best practice frameworks for motor sport based on existing standards such as EMAS. On the built environment, the Institute intends to work with BRE to create a BREEAM standard and assessment tools for facilities.

Carbon Offsetting

Carbon Management

Carbon offsetting is not a solution to climate change, and should not be treated as such. Some carbon emissions are avoidable, offsetting should be reserved for those emissions which are not. Emissions assessments must be conducted at the highest possible standard.

Polluter Pays

A key component relating to offsetting is the polluter pays principle, each actor is accountable for their own emissions. In a typical event actors will include: promoters, teams, circuits, the regulator, and spectators.

Responsible offsetting

The UN recognises the potential of carbon offsetting to help tackle climate change. Though the voluntary carbon offset market does not follow a single standard, efforts should be made to ensure that programmes are of the highest quality.

Carbon OffsettingCase study: FIA Institute

Carbon neutral

Since 2008 the FIA Institute has been a Carbon Neutral organisation.


The FIA Institute uses the services of CAMCO and the Edinburgh Centre of Carbon Management to assess its carbon emissions.


Credits are retired using the Scolel Te programme based in Chiapas Mexico which supports the development of the local community.

Carbon management

Using the carbon assessment the institute has been able to closely monitor and work on reducing its overall emissions.


- In 2008 the FIA Institute produced 86 tonnes of CO2 for five full time workers 17.5t per worker.

- In 2009 the FIA Institute produced 96 tonnes of CO2 for eight full time workers 12t per workers.

Institute support and programmes

Institute’s planned projects

The Institute's projects are being reviewed with a goal to developing four key sustainability projects:

- Development of a universal noise measuring devise and method.

- Development of best practice criteria in circuit management.

- Development of a BREEAM standard for circuit construction.

- Creation of best practice and facilitation for carbon offsetting.

How ASNs sustainability work will be supported

The Institute will be looking towards funding the development of sustainability projects with ASNs as is the current case for safety related projects.

The Institute will also be aiming to develop a carbon offsetting programme facilitating the calculation and offsetting of ASN emissions.


- Sustainability is the ability to continue one’s activity unhindered for the foreseeable future.

- Sustainability in motor sport involves addressing:





- The Institute will develop its programme of work to support motor sport and ASNs achieve these goals.

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