g4 g s.t.e.m. european school mol

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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“S.T.E.M.”-eventG4G, Mol, European School

November 21st, 2015

Ingrid Biermans*, Isabel François *,, Marina Meeuwssen*, Johan Hendrix*, Piet Watté*,

* Philips Innovative Applications, Turnhout, België High Tech Campus, Eindhoven, Nederland

STEM you

Green light for girls and boys

• Philips Turnhout participated at the S.T.E.M.-event organised by the European school Mol

• S.T.E.M = encourage children to study S(cience) T(echnology) E(ngineering) & M(athematics)

• A team from the Global Technology Development department HID facilitated a workshop “Did you see the light?”

Isabel François and Johan Hendrix help students to build their own spectrometer using a card board box and a CD Rom. With this spectrometer they measured the spectral lines of light from different light sources (CFLi, LED, incandescent lamp, SOX and a living colour lamp)

Ingrid Biermans measures beam de-mixing when the arc of a HID lamp is not in the focal point of a reflector.

Marina Meeuwssen shows how by mixing the 3 basic fluorescence powders (blue, red and green) you can make a powder that lits up white under a UV lamp.

Piet Watté explains the theory behind dispersion or diffraction of light at a prism.

The students found it interesting matter ...

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