fsd programme directory - skills development network · 2018. 6. 7. · the annual fsd east...

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FSD Programme Directory




Welcome to our Finance Skills Development Directory for 2015/16 from our Deputy Director, Lyndsay Short

The Finance Skills Development [FSD] Directory for 2015/16 has been developed following consultation with FSD Leads and from the outcomes of a training needs analysis carried out in early 2015. There is no doubt that our finance teams have a key role in meeting the national priorities and strategy set out in the Five Year Forward View [FYFV] and in Future-Focused Finance [FFF] and so some of this year’s offer is dedicated to helping organisations and teams consider how finance contributes to the transformation agenda.

I am pleased to be able to work with our FSD steering group in the coming months and I am very excited by the possibilities that this next year holds.

New financial models that cross organisational boundaries will need to be established alongside new models of care. The implications for finance will be the need to influence other professionals in different ways, even in different organisations and sectors. Consequently training and development can no longer be just about collecting transactional technical skills. Although technical skill is still necessary, there are additional challenges facing the NHS over the next few years that mean we need to equip our people with the behaviours and skills needed to effect real, sustainable change that creates beneficial impact for our patients and carers experience.

I believe that our offer for the next 12 months starts to do that. More programmes and activities will be added throughout the year that will help our teams to understand the vision for the future and enable them to see their role in it.

I am pleased to be able to work with our FSD steering group in the coming months and am very excited by the possibilities that this next year holds.

Best wishes

Lyndsay Short Deputy Director, East Midlands Leadership Academy

Welcome from our FSD Steering Group Chair

A new development for 2015/16 is the creation of an East Midlands FSD Steering group. The purpose of this group is to support Finance Directors and Chief Finance Officers in discharging their responsibilities in respect of delivering excellent financial services to contribute to a safer, committed, compassionate and caring NHS that puts the patient first. The group will take the lead in being key advisors on future development of the FSD strategy to meet local needs and the emerging national expectations of initiatives such as Future-Focused Finance and I am delighted to have been asked to Chair this group.

I am very much looking forward to playing my part in these exciting opportunities as we lead finance staff into key operational and strategic roles that will ultimately assist in improving and transforming the NHS for the benefit of patients and service users.

The first meeting of the East Midlands FSD Steering Group took place in May, with an expectation of three meetings taking place each year.

We are opening up two places on the Steering Group as a development opportunity for finance staff. This will give interested parties exposure to a regional group and allow them the chance to have a real input into the agenda. These two places will be offered on a rotational basis with successful members attending up to three meetings before stepping down to allow others to take up the opportunity.

If you would like to express an interest in the above, please email:


Early challenges for the steering group are to respond to development needs throughout the year as the implications of the FYFV emerge and to also work in line with the Future-Focused Finance initiative to ensure we are preparing our teams for the future demands of transforming the NHS.

I am very much looking forward to playing my part in these exciting opportunities as we lead finance staff into key operational and strategic roles that will ultimately assist in improving and transforming the NHS for the benefit of patients and service users.

Dr Pete Cross Chair, East Midlands FSD Steering Group

We hope the range of events on offer meets your training requirements and look forward to your ongoing support and feedback

An Introduction from our FSD Programme Lead, Lynne Winfield

I am excited about the year ahead and proud of the programme of activity we are able to offer our finance community during 2015/16. It goes without saying that the NHS landscape will continue to change and through consultation with you, I feel that the offers available this year will help finance staff to navigate new challenges and enable them to play an active part in turning the Five Year Forward View into a reality.

Additional activity will become available throughout the year and I encourage you to visit our website www.fsdnetwork.com for the very latest information.

There are a number of new offers this year such as our Getting to the Point workshop – which will teach delegates how to write concise, robust reports and then equip them with the skills to turn them into a presentation. Also, responding to finance staff requests, we will be holding Outlook workshops which will give users tips and tricks on how to manage their email effectively and efficiently.

Later in the year we also hope to offer a workshop on assessing a business case which emerged as a training need following consultation with key stakeholders.

We will be holding a finance undergraduate student’s day in June – this will give our current students a chance to give feedback on the past year

and also look at life after graduation and their possible return to the NHS.

The annual FSD East Midlands conference is again taking place in November where finance staff will be able to network and gain insight into a number of topical issues.

A new Leadership Development Programme is being developed to fill the gap between the current Management Development Programme and Senior Leadership Development Programme. More information will be available on this soon.

We hope the range of events on offer meets your training requirements and look forward to your ongoing support and feedback.

Lynne Winfield FSD Programme Lead, East Midlands Leadership Academy

Cancellation Policy

When delegates cancel their place in the days leading up to events it has a major impact on the success of the event. Occasionally events have to be cancelled altogether or postponed. Whenever events run with fewer delegates it affects the breadth and value of learning for other delegates.

It is understood that cancelling places at short notice is sometimes unavoidable; however your commitment to attending events and programmes is crucial to the success and outcome of the events.

This cancellation policy has been updated as part of the East Midlands Leadership Academy’s (EMLA) aim to ensure value for money from members’ subscriptions and to maximise utilisation of programmes.

Clearly communicating our approach to cancellations will enable us to effectively manage non-attendance and will allow us to offer cancelled places to other individuals to ensure maximum utilisation benefit.

Cancellations should be made in the first instance by email at the first available opportunity.

This can be followed up with a phone call if necessary; however email will be considered as the formal notification in all circumstances. In return, confirmation of your cancellation will be sent by email.

If you are unable to attend your programme you can send a substitute delegate as long as they meet the

programme criteria for the event. Substitutions can be made up to and including the day of the event. Should it not be possible to provide a substitute the sponsoring organisation will be informed of the non-attendance.

If the participant has gone through a full application process to secure their place prior to cancelling, EMLA will endeavour with the sponsoring organisation to substitute their place with another applicant for that programme.

Should a participant only be able to attend less than half of a programme/event due to late arrival or early departure, (after 11am and before 3pm) this will be registered as non-attendance of the programme and the sponsoring organisation will be notified.

Where a programme requires full attendance over a series of workshops, attendance at all elements of these programmes is expected. Failure to attend all sessions will have an impact on both personal development and programme delivery and will impact on the individual’s opportunity to access any future development offers.

By booking onto an event individuals are agreeing to attend unless full notice along with a rationale for non-attendance has been provided.

Should an individual fail to attend 2 events the EMLA team will notify them that any further non-attendance will result in access to all EMLA offers being removed. Therefore, failure to attend 3 events will result in access to offers being removed and the sponsoring organisation being notified of the action.

Cancellation Timeframe

Charges incurred

More than 2 working weeks’ notice

No action

Less than 2 working weeks’ notice

Sponsoring organisation notified of individual’s non-attendance

Cancellation of 3 or more events made by the same individual

Removal of access to all future offers and sponsor organisation notified of action

EMLA reserves the right to cancel or postpone an event/programme should unexpected circumstances happen. EMLA will always endeavour to avoid such circumstance and will provide as much notice as permitted. Should an event need to be cancelled, the academy will not be held responsible for any travel or accommodation that has been pre booked by the attendee.

Substitutions can be made in writing at any time prior to the event start date subject to the substitute participant meeting the event/programme criteria.

Please contact East Midlands Leadership Academy on eastmidlands.leadershipacademy@nottshc.nhs.uk if you are unable to attend the event or would like to send a substitute.


Developing an Effective Business Case [1 day] ...................................................................................................................................1

East Midlands Finance Skills Development and Networking Conference [1 day] .................................................................................2

Excel Above and Beyond [1 day] ........................................................................................................................................................3

Excel Beyond the Basics [1 day] .........................................................................................................................................................4

Finance Undergraduate Student’s Day [1 day] ....................................................................................................................................5

Financial Forecasting [1 day] ..............................................................................................................................................................6

Getting to the Point - Writing and Presenting Succinct, Persuasive Reports [1 day] .............................................................................7

International Financial Reporting Standards Update [1 day] ...............................................................................................................8

Leadership Development Programmes ...............................................................................................................................................9

Managing Personal Resilience and Change [1 day] ..........................................................................................................................10

Mental Health Payment by Results Practical Training Day [1 day] ......................................................................................................11

Mentoring ......................................................................................................................................................................................12

Outlook [1 day] ...............................................................................................................................................................................13

Patient Level Information and Costing [1 day] .................................................................................................................................14

Payment by Results Practical Training Day [1 day] ............................................................................................................................15

Payment by Results The Challenges [1 day] .....................................................................................................................................16

Project Management [2 day] ...........................................................................................................................................................17

VAT Update [1/2 day] ......................................................................................................................................................................19

Finance Skills Development Network Website ..................................................................................................................................20

Other EMLA Offers

Coaching ........................................................................................................................................................................................26

The Healthcare Leadership Model ...................................................................................................................................................27

Professional Development Programmes ...........................................................................................................................................28

Visible Leaders ................................................................................................................................................................................31

Contents Sections

Finance Skills Development General ..................................................... 1 - 19 Finance Skills Development Network Website ..................................... 20 - 25 Other EMLA Offers .................................. 26 - 31

Developing anEffective Business Case [1 day]

A highly structured hands-on, practical, one-day course on creating NHS business cases with the maximum chance of gaining acceptance.

The workshop will cover:

• Planning – in theory and reality

• Analytical techniques

• Presenting a business case

• Options appraisal

• Non-financial benefit criteria

By the end of the course, participantswill be able to:

Use effective analytical techniques to present the need for change

List the main sections of any business case

List key business planning models and their applications

Understand business planning concepts and how they apply to the NHS

Provide all the information necessary to create a successful business case

The course is designed to be highly participative, combining presentation and group discussion with individual and group exercises

Aimed at:

Finance managers who would like to compose a compelling business case to maximise chances of the authorisation and successful initiation.

Capacity: 20


Tuesday 23rd February 2016 – Loughborough


East Midlands Finance Skills Development and Networking Conference [1 day]

This is a one day conference comprising of a variety of presentations covering topical NHS themes such as personal development and technical workshops.

The conference will also give delegates the chance to speak to accountancy bodies who will be in attendance, as well as providing the opportunity to network with colleagues from across the East Midlands.

Further details regarding the conference will be given once finalised.

Aimed at:

All levels of Finance Staff based in the East Midlands

Capacity: 100+


Tuesday 24th November 2015 – venue tbc


Excel Above and Beyond [1 day]

Aimed at high level users of Excel, this one day event will look at more advanced features. The session will include techniques for nesting formulae using a variety of functions and with a workshop feel to the session, allows delegates to experiment with their particular needs. The session will explore features in Conditional Formatting and What-If analysis tools, as well as managing workbooks more effectively.

The workshop will cover:

• Nesting functions

• More charting options

• Sharing workbooks

• Useful date and time functions

• Using solver

• Using goal seek

• Using scenarios

• Workbook management

• Importing data from access

• Conditional formatting

• Using array formula

Aimed at:

Finance staff with a high level of experience using Excel, preferably having attended the Beyond the Basics course. All delegates should have a sound knowledge of building formulae using various functions but who are required to further their skills by using more complex formulae building.

Capacity: 10


Wednesday 10th June 2015 – Lincoln/Sleaford

Tuesday 16th June 2015 – Nottingham

Wednesday 17th June 2015 – Leicester

Friday 9th October 2015 – Loughborough

Tuesday 15th March 2016 - Loughborough

East Midlands Finance Skills Development and Networking Conference [1 day]


Excel Beyond the Basics [1 day]

Aimed at regular users of Excel, this one day workshop will look at a wide range of features, functions and tricks to help you manage large and complex workloads, be more productive and save time.

The workshop will cover:

• Data consolidate function

• Tables

• Subtotalling and outlining

• Sorting and filtering

• Advanced filters

• Pivot tables and pivot charts

• Lookups

• Using match and offset functions

• Logical functions

• Trapping errors

• Standardising workbooks

• Text functions

• What If analysis

• Macros

• Quick tips and keyboard shortcut keys

Aimed at:

Finance staff with a high level of experience of using Excel. All delegates should have a sound knowledge of building formulae using operators and functions together with the use of range names. Delegates should be able to use absolute and relative referencing and be familiar with autofill techniques together with linking formulae across worksheets and workbooks

Capacity: 10


Thursday 14th May 2015 – Sleaford

Tuesday 19th May 2015 – Nottingham

Wednesday 20th May 2015 – Leicester

Tuesday 8th September 2015 – Nottingham

Friday 11th September 2015 – Leicester

Thursday 24th September 2015 – Lincoln/Sleaford

Wednesday 10th February 2016 – Nottingham

Thursday 11th February 2016 – Leicester

Thursday 25th February 2016 – Lincoln/Sleaford


Finance Undergraduate Student’s Day [1 day]

A day that will give undergraduate students the chance to reflect on their year in the NHS and to also learn more about the NHS Graduate Management Training Scheme.

The day will also look at life after graduation and the elements of an assessment centre covering how to construct responses to interview questions, getting your message across in a group presentation and hints and tips for completing psychometric and competency tests.

Aimed at:

Undergraduate finance students currently completing their placement year

Capacity: 15


Tuesday 30th June 2015 - Loughborough


Financial Forecasting [1 day]

This one day interactive workshop is the essential practical introduction to the skills and knowledge needed by finance staff to be able to forecast successfully and to create robust and reliable financial models. It covers alternative methods of forecasting in the NHS and best practice in developing financial models. It is designed for finance staff with responsibility for forecasting and financial modelling. Engaging practical exercises are backed-up by simple theory to ensure comprehensive coverage of the topics. This workshop covers all the forecasting methods available to accountants, the reason for poor forecasts and how to avoid them, as well as a best practice guide to spreadsheet modelling.

By the end of the workshop,participants will be able to:

• Forecast reliable income and expenditure positions within clinical and other directorates

• Build high quality financial models to carry out ‘what if?’ and scenario analysis

• Confidently exercise judgement and identify risks

• Document models and apply a rigorous approach to testing

Aimed at:

Finance staff who have responsibility for forecasting and financial modelling to enable them to be able to forecast successfully and create reliable financial models.

Capacity: 16


Thursday 10th September 2015 - Loughborough


Getting to the Point - Writing and Presenting Succinct, Persuasive Reports [1 day]

Whether writing a report or presenting an executive summary [briefing note] during a meeting, the ability to get to the heart of the matter quickly while offering credible solutions has never been more important. It’s important for the efficient running of a Trust, and it’s important for an individual’s confidence and career development.

Getting to the Point will teach you how to write and present concise, robust reports and briefing notes that busy executives can quickly digest. The course not only combines report writing and presentation theory with lots of practice, it will also equip you with a simple yet effective template for turning a report into a presentation. From thinking about the objective of your report to speaking about it with conviction, Getting to the Point will take you on a comprehensive reporting journey that’s practical, helpful and fun.

The workshop will cover:

• Knowing your readership/audience

• Understanding the components of a persuasive report

• Structuring a well-defined report with the executive summary right at the front

• Writing an executive summary that is clear, concise and a sound basis for decision making

• Evaluating and prioritising the findings

• Setting out the issues logically

• Providing realistic options

• Producing soundly stated conclusions and recommendations

• Writing in a confident, accessible style - with no grammatical shockers

• Crafting a report or executive summary into a presentation

• Making the presentation enjoyable for the audience

• Presenting well-argued conclusions

• Looking and sounding confident

• Using gestures, faces and voices to enhance the key messages

Aimed at: All finance staff

Capacity: 8


Monday 29th June 2015 – Nottingham

Tuesday 17th November 2015 – Lincoln/Sleaford

Tuesday 15th December 2015 – Leicester


International Financial Reporting Standards Update [1 day]

This workshop will cover thefollowing:

Overview of Government Reporting issues

• Financial Reporting Advisory Board [FRAB]

• Finance Reporting Manual [FReM] 2015/16

• Guidance from Department of Health / Monitor Whole of government accounts 2013/14

• Other reporting issues including remuneration disclosures, activities of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board and EU projects on public sector reporting

International Financial Reporting Standards update

• An overview of recent developments

International Finance Reporting Standards [IFRS]

• IFRS 11 [implemented in 2014/15] – relevance to Better Care Fund

• Other issues arising from standards implemented, adapted or interpreted in previous years

• Fair values [IFRS 13]

• Simplifying financial statements

Reinforcement and revision of earlier Standards

International Financial Reporting Standards – Beyond March 2016

• Financial instruments [IFRS 9] – comparison with IAS 39 and overview

• Revenue from contracts with customers [IFRS 15]

• Independent Scientific Advisory Board [ISAB]

• Other issues under consideration by FRAB

Statement of Recommended Practice [SORP]

• Implementation, transition issues and timings

Generally Accepted Accounting Principle [GAAP] is changing

• The new GAAP [FRS 100 – 105]

• Regulation update – overview of the recent developments in the UK and EU legislation and regulations

In addition the speaker, Charles Gubbins, will cover any other topics that the delegates request.

Aimed at:

Finance staff who would like to update their knowledge on this subject.

Capacity: 30


Thursday 19th November 2015


Leadership Development Programmes

Management Development Programme

The Management Development Programme is a tailor-made NHS programme which consists of 10 themed leadership workshops designed to provide managers with the essential leadership skills and core competencies needed in today’s busy and changing environment. The programme is accredited with the Institute of Leadership and Management [ILM] so delegates have the option to complete work-based assignments to gain a Level 4 Diploma or Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management.

Modules are as follows:

• Management and leadership

• Time management and personal effectiveness

• Self awareness and diversity in people

• Communication and presentation skills

• Performance improvement and management

• Coaching

• Influencing and negotiating skills

• Customer service and partnerships

• Managing change

• Continuous process improvement

Capacity: 14


September 2015 to June 2016

Senior Leadership Development Programmes

The Senior Leadership Development Programmes offer for 2015/16 is currently under development. Further information will be published later in the year.


Managing Personal Resilience and Change [1 day]

By the end of the workshop, participants will have analysed their own resilience and reactions to change and will have developed an action plan so that they can perform highly and have a positive impact at work - even when they are facing challenging or stressful situations.

The workshop will cover:

What is resilience? Analysing and developing personal resilience

• Self awareness and emotional intelligence

• The basic components of resilience [confidence, social support, adaptability, purposefulness]

• Analysing our own resilience – using a psychometric questionnaire

• What happens when people have less resilience? The impact of stress on individuals, teams and organisations

Building personal resilience

• Explaining resilience – the building blocks [taken from Professor Carey Cooper’s i-resilience model]

1] Informed and equipped 2] Balanced and workload 3] Collaborative relationships/support networks 4] In control 5] Sense of purpose 6] Well managed change

Why change is challenging and how personal resilience can help us to manage it more effectively

• Theories about change and why many of us find it so difficult [Kubler Ross, the change house, dilt’s logical levels]

• Practical exercise using the ‘where are you?’ change model

• Limiting beliefs – exploring our own constructs around change and using

NLP based techniques to challenge them and find new ways of thinking

Finding positive pathways through change – coming out on top

• Goal setting as a tonic to change

• 7 keys to personal change [the pathfinder, Nicholas Lore]

• Visualisation and affirmation exercises

Aimed at:

Finance staff who would like to build up their own personal resilience

Capacity: 12


Tuesday 19th January 2016 – Nottingham

Tuesday 26th January 2016 – Leicester


Mental Health Payment by ResultsPractical Training Day [1 day]

This workshop will cover thefollowing:

Setting the Scene

Where we are now and how we got here

The 19/20/21 Clusters

• Needs and provision of care for clusters

• Clustering patients by need rather than service

Needs Assessment

• Exploring the difficulty around mapping, and looking at the national algorithm [if available]

• The subjectivity of clustering

• Finalising the re-assessment process

Mental Health MDS

• Looking at the kind of data that a provider submits to a commissioner each month and how this can support MH PbR

• Costing/pricing MH PbR

• The four approaches to costing MH PbR Clusters and the supporting data they require and their advantages and disadvantages

• Re-basing and the options for achieving this

Putting it all together

• The scope of MH PbR and what is out of scope

• Developing and linking pathways to clusters

• The importance of discharge

• Quality and outcomes

• Benchmarking [and reference costs]

• Invoicing

• Validation

• “Lead provider”

• Non PbR services

Aimed at:

Finance staff involved with Mental Health Payment by Results and assumes no prior knowledge

Capacity: 30


Wednesday 30th September 2015




We have recently set up an FSD Mentoring network and have a database of Senior Finance Staff who are willing to act as Mentors, assisting individuals considering their careers or who are dealing with work based issues.

How to access a mentor:

Please email lynne.winfield@nottshc.nhs.uk

Aimed at:

All finance staff


Outlook [1 day]

This ½ day workshop is designed to give existing Outlook users tips and tricks on how to manage their email effectively, manage contacts, book appointments and use tasks.

It will cover the following:

The outlook workplace

Navigation pane, to do bar and reading pane

Using contacts

Adding/editing new contacts, extracting contact details from an email, the views, adding/editing contact groups, distribution lists, sharing contact folders

Using email

Using the address book, attachment options including outlook items & calendars, requesting delivery/read receipts, using voting buttons, delaying

delivery, re-routing replies, flag options within email, using multiple signatures

Making mail work for you

Managing your inbox effectively, using the search options, filtering emails, the mail folders, folder management, using flags, categorising emails, saving attachments, using rules & quickstep, using cleanup tools

Using the calendar

The outlook calendar window, the views, creating/editing an appointment, using events, reminders, recurring appointments, categorising appointments, adding an attachment or object to an appointment, using the search options, marking appointment as private, using the search options

Managing the calendars

Open other calendars, creating calendar groups, arranging meetings using the scheduler


The outlook tasks window, creating/editing a task, reminders, categorising options, adding an attachment or object to an appointment, recurring tasks, autocreating a task, the to do bar, task folder management, completing tasks

Aimed at:

Finance staff with some prior knowledge of Outlook

Capacity: 7


Wednesday 24th June 2015 [AM] – Loughborough

Wednesday 24th June 2015 [PM] – Loughborough


Patient Level Informationand Costing [1 day]

This workshop will cover thefollowing:

What are Patient Level Information and Costing Systems [PLICS]?

This session will provide delegates with an overview of patient level costing and why it is being promoted within the NHS including its links with service line reporting.

Practical project planning - issues for consideration

How good does data quality really need to be before considering implementation of PLICS? How do you convince the board and gain clinical/organisational buy in? How to go through the cycle of business case development, specification development, tendering, short listing and final selection. Possible PLICS ‘partners’ – what can they really offer your organisation?

Practical technical implementation issues for consideration

A discussion of what practical issues need to be considered that could arise once the project has been initiated including working through some real life practical examples.

Practical operational - issues for consideration

In this session we will review and discuss the process of moving from a PLICS project to making it operational and consider how to maintain stakeholder engagement, training issues and the impact it may have on existing processes [including discussing patient level reports with clinicians].

Using patient level information to drive organisational change

What useful information can be extracted from PLICS prior to full implementation and how might it be used to drive change across the organisation? Based on practical case studies.

The future of costing in the NHS

Considering some of the likely impacts of moving nationally towards a process of patient level costing, the impact on the reference cost submission requirements and the national tariff.

Aimed at:

Finance staff involved with patient level information and costing and assumes no prior knowledge

Capacity: 30


Wednesday 14th October 2015


Payment by Results Practical Training Day [1 day]

This workshop is for finance staff who have an involvement in Payment by Results and want to understand the whole of Payments by Results, some parts in overview, others in detail. By the end of the day attendees will be comfortable manually applying Payment by Results rules to a number of different scenarios. The day is a combination of theory with practical worked examples.

The workshop will cover:

• A&E admissions

• ‘Simple’ admitted patient care

• ‘Complex’ admitted patient care

• Outpatients

• Benchmarking and local pricing

Aimed at:

Finance staff involved with Payment by Results whether it be as part of invoice production/validation or as part of service redesign. It is predominantly an acute service related day although there are elements that briefly touch on Ambulance PbR, Mental Health PbR and some Community PbR [e.g. Post-Discharge tariffs]. The day is suited to anyone involved in some aspect of PbR but most likely all grades up to Assistant Director of Finance level.

Capacity: 30


Tuesday 29th September 2015


Payment by Results - The Challenges [1 day]

This workshop will cover thefollowing:

PbR Difficulties

• Emergency readmissions [with worked examples and enforcing it]

• 30% Marginal rate threshold setting [with suggested simplifications]

• Post discharge [max] tariffs [how to count, invoice, simplifications]

• Excluded drugs [excel file: drug exclusions, service exclusions, BNF]

• Activity categorisation [OP procedure, day case, overnight]

• Local pricing [actual cost vs benchmark]

• Best practice [mainstream vs alternative data source vs local]

• Best practice – measuring compliance

• Pathway issues [paed diabetes, post-discharge, cystic fibrosis]

• Chemotherapy

• Cherry picking and where applicable, and then how to implement it

• NHS number

• Identification rules [i.e. Specialised vs CCG]

• Unbundled diagnostics

• Non PbR items


• Exploring free resources and how they inform work plans and local priorities. Delegates will also look at a real case study and consider it to check co-morbidity reporting.

Code to Group and TOCE [Table of Coding Equivalents]

• Showing how to solve “what tariff applies to activity X” type queries as well as giving an insight to the changing world of HRG4 design.

Aimed at:

Finance staff involved with Payment by Results whether it be as part of invoice production/validation or as part of service redesign. It is predominantly an acute service related day although there are elements that briefly touch on Ambulance PbR, Mental Health PbR and some Community PbR [e.g. Post-Discharge tariffs]. The day is suited to anyone involved in some aspect with PbR but most likely all grades up to Assistant Director of Finance type level.

Capacity: 30


Tuesday 13th October 2015


Project Management [2 day]

The aim of this two day workshop is for delegates to develop effective project management skills.

In this programme delegates willlearn to:

• Distinguish a project from other types of work

• Identify the phases in managing a project

• Understand the roles and responsibilities of the project manager and other project stakeholders

• Identify and manage project stakeholders

• Scope the project and write an effective project specification

• Construct a detailed project plan

• Estimate accurate and reliable time scales for projects

• Understand how to establish dependencies between project tasks

• Create an activity network and carry out critical path analysis

• Estimate project costs

• Assess and manage risk in a project

• Allocate project work to contributors

• Monitor actual progress against planned progress

• Take timely and effective remedial action when a project deviates from plan

• Write regular project progress reports

• Apply effective change control in a project

• Ensure effective project termination, handover and sign-off

• Evaluate a project and write a project evaluation report

• Ensure sustained benefits realisation after project completion.

continued overleaf


The course is based on proven project management methodologies, including the PRINCE2 methodology. It provides practical tools and techniques that participants will be able to put into practice straight away, along with clear and comprehensive advice on meeting project objectives.

The course will contain a number of practical project management activities, along with input sessions containing clear and practical information. Every effort will be made to make the input sessions enjoyable, as well as informative and useful.

Please note that there is not a project management exam linked to this course.

Aimed at:

Finance staff who submit projects and/or are responsible for the delivery of projects.

Capacity: 12


Thursday 17th & Friday 18th September 2015 – Lincoln/Sleaford

Tuesday 20th & Wednesday 21st October 2015 – Nottingham

Tuesday 12th & Wednesday 13th January 2016 – Leicester

Project Management [2 day][continued]


VAT Update [1/2 day]

This VAT workshop will cover thefollowing:

• Basic VAT refresher

• NHS VAT refresher

• Contracted-out services

• Business activities/income generation – vat liability of critical areas

• Social enterprise companies and nhs transactions

• NHS structure – CCGs / GP transactions – latest guidance

• VAT penalty regime

• Salary sacrifice VAT – latest guidance

• Partial exemption

• Managed service contracts

• Purchases of goods and services from both EU and non EU countries

Aimed at:

Finance staff who would like to gain a better understanding and working knowledge of VAT.

Capacity: 25


Tuesday 15th September 2015 [AM] – Nottingham

Monday 21st September 2015 [AM] – Leicester


Finance SkillsDevelopment Network Website

The FSD network website supports the national finance strategy – Future-Focused Finance [FFF] - and is actively working alongside this to have a finance function that is future focused, entrepreneurial, embedded in the organisation, inclusive and patient centred. Below are just some of the ways we are supporting this new and exciting initiative.

Securing excellenceWe now have a new NHS Finance Competency Framework better enabling us to have a strategic and commercial focus.

NHS Finance Competencies

The NHS Finance Competency Framework is intended to help every member of the finance team, from band 1 to band 8d. Whether you have ambition to progress, or simply want to do a great job where you are, the framework is intended to help you plan your own development. As a manager it will also help you write job descriptions and person specifications and to recruit, appraise and develop your staff.

The technical competencies are supported by a series of appendices, which can all be downloaded at www.fsdnetwork.com

Appendix 1 Job Description and Person Specification

Appendix 2 Appraisal/Performance Management

Appendix 3 Competency Based Interviews

Appendix 4 Individual Training Needs Analysis/Personal Development Planning

Appendix 5 Mapping the KSF and the Finance Competencies


Knowing the businessFocusing on developing clinical and support staff in improving their contribution to high quality financial management performance and good governance through a suite of online learning solutions. Further details as follows:

Tools for transformational changeThis series of videos and exercises seeks to demystify the competencies required from professionals working in finance and to help you to understand what works well. The 10 x 15 minute modules are:

• Establishing credibility quickly

• Communicating persuasively

• Presenting persuasively

• Strategic planning in the NHS

• Lean in the NHS

• Business case writing

• Risk management

• Inspirational leadership

• Flexibility [change readiness]

• Team working

Aimed at:

Anyone working in finance who would like to refresh their knowledge and insight of the above modules.


Finance SkillsDevelopment Network Website

NHS Finance BasicsThis series provides a simple introduction to the basics of NHS finance for junior finance staff and those new to the NHS. The twelve 10 to 25 minute training videos are as follows:

• Introduction

• Income in the NHS

• Payroll

• Expenditure cycle

• Capital expenditure

• The control function

• Budgetary control

• Year end

• Audit

• Managing the business

• Basic book keeping part 1

• Basic book keeping part 2

Aimed at:

Junior finance staff in the NHS and those who are new to NHS finance and need a basic introduction to the finance function, what it does and what can go wrong.


Widening Finance SkillsWidening Finance Skills is a package designed as a clear and simple introduction to finance. It seeks to demystify the financial language and help delegates to understand how it works. This online learning consists of 20 to 30 minute videos which incorporate slides, multi-choice exercises and a final case study exercise.

The modules are as follows:

• Principles of accruals accounting in the NHS

• Balance sheets in the NHS part 1 and 2

• NHS income and expenditure and the budget report

• Introduction to service line reporting

• Further service line reporting

• Financial information overview

• Cashflow, liquidity and working capital

• Other financial terminology

• Understanding financial information

Aimed at:

Predominantly non-finance managers [I.E budget holders] but can also be beneficial to staff who are new to finance.


Fulfilling our Potential Increasing productivity through our coaching and mentoring guides we also offer a selection of top tips flyers:

Communicating Financial Information Effectively

Our latest top tips flyer will give you guidance on how to communicate your monthly finance reports and other financial information with clinicians and other partners.

Dealing with Change

Understanding the effects of change

Leading others through times of change

Dealing with uncertainty

Finance SkillsDevelopment Network Website

Increasing Productivity

Making the most of your time

Increasing productivity through delegation

Increasing productivity through coaching

Team Building

Building a new team

Energising an existing team to perform

Making Partnerships Work


Relationship building


Through the FSD network website we are also able to offer a whole host of other features including:

• National webinars in conjunction with professional institutes

• A section on Future-Focused Finance to keep all staff up to date on the latest developments regarding this initiative

• Easy and simple online booking for all FSD events

• A section on personal development covering such topics as people skills, finance skills and appraisals and PDPs.

• A section on organisational development covering such topics as creating a great place to work and finance for the non-finance community

• FSD blog – where finance staff can post about any topical issue or perhaps post a Q&A on any technical issues they may have

If you have not already registered please go to www.fsdnetwork.com where you will be able to gain access to all of the above and more.


Other EMLA OffersCoaching

As well as the wide range of FSD activities on offer, please find in this section some of the wider EMLA offers.

Coaching is an excellent way for senior leaders to develop and expand their skill set with a particular emphasis on developing self awareness, resilience and an understanding of the teams in which they work. Coaching can offer insights into our own strengths and areas for development and creates a space to think differently and more creatively in order to realise our potential.

EMLA holds a database of qualified coaches who have undertaken, or are undertaking an ILM Level 7 Certificate in Executive Coaching and Mentoring. They also complete regular supervision and CPD sessions.

All coaching is provided face to face and free of charge, and coaches will work across the East Midlands.

Who is this programme aimed at?

Coaching is available to NHS staff across the East Midlands at bands 7 and above.

Whilst we continue to build our database of qualified coaches, we ask that member organisations help us to control the demand for coaching by putting forward suitable coachees.

To find out more about how to access a coach please mail eastmidlandsleadershipacademy@ nottshc.nhs.uk


The Healthcare Leadership Model

The Healthcare Leadership Model:

The NHS Leadership Academy launched the Healthcare Leadership Model in April 2014 which had been developed to help staff who work in health and care to become better leaders. You don’t have to be in a clinical or service setting to use it and it doesn’t matter whether you work in a team of five or are responsible for 5,000, you can benefit by discovering and exploring your own leadership behaviours.

Who is it for?

The Healthcare Leadership Model is useful for everyone because it describes the things you can see leaders doing at work and demonstrates how you can develop as a leader – even if you’re not in a formal leadership role.

How does it work?

The model is made up of nine leadership dimensions, which you can explore in your own time, at your own pace. You’ll find brief descriptions of each dimension – why it is important and ‘what it is not’ – so that you can fully understand it in relation to your role.

Once you’ve explored the dimensions, you may want to undertake the free self assessment tool, which helps you to assess your leadership behaviours and more fully understand your leadership development. A 360 degree feedback tool is also available to help give you insight into other people’s perceptions of your leadership abilities and behaviour.

Further information can be found at: www.leadershipacademy.nhs.uk/resources/healthcare-leadership-model

The self assessment tool can be found at: www.leadershipacademy.nhs.uk/resources/healthcare-leadership-model/supporting-tools-resources/healthcare-leadership-model-self-assessment-tool

The 360 degree feedback tool can be found at: www.leadershipacademy.nhs.uk/resources/healthcare-leadership-model/supporting-tools-resources/healthcare-leadership-model-360-degree-feedback-tool

Aimed at:

All finance staff

Cost: Please note that there is a cost of £40 per person to access the 360 tool. Each 360 feedback will require facilitation from a qualified person as listed on the NHS Healthcare Leadership Framework database. Most of these facilitators offer this service free of charge but some may charge a small additional fee.


Professional Development Programmes

The most far-reaching and comprehensive leadership development portfolio the NHS has ever developed was launched on 1st May 2013 and is aimed at a wide range of NHS staff, including nurses, doctors, allied health professionals, support staff, scientists and managers, the programmes are set to change NHS culture with an across-the-board approach to leadership development. They will touch people at every level across the whole healthcare system.

Developed by the NHS Leadership Academy, the national programmes are the first to combine successful leadership strategies from international healthcare, private sector organisations and academic expertise. The focus of the programmes is to support leaders in creating an environment where staff feel supported and encouraged to focus on providing high-quality health care.

Designed for people from all backgrounds and with different experience levels, who want to create a more capable and compassionate healthcare system, the programmes focus on developing the skills, knowledge and behaviours to help deliver greater compassionate, high-quality, innovative and efficient health care for patients.

Working in partnership with high-profile universities, businesses and patient groups, these programmes have been designed to change the way we lead health for a generation. The programmes add to the Academy’s existing portfolio which includes the hugely-popular Top Leaders and NHS Graduate Training schemes, which all together provide a suite of support programmes for many levels of staff.

The programmes have been named after inspiring leaders who made a significant difference to health and patient care, and will be key to changing the leadership culture in the NHS:


The Edward Jenner Programme -Leadership Foundations

Edward Jenner was an English physician from Gloucester, who spent part of his career developing the smallpox vaccine. Leaders in the NHS have a key role to play in improving the health of their communities and contributing to maintaining health as well as preventing sickness. This breadth is well represented by Edward Jenner’s work.

The Edward Jenner Programme – Leadership Foundations is an open access online learning package designed to support anyone looking to gain essential leadership skills. Designed for newly-qualified clinicians, but open to all, this programme leads to an NHS Leadership Academy award in Leadership Foundations.

The Mary Seacole Programme –Leading Care I

Mary Seacole was a Jamaican-born woman who provided assistance to sick and military personnel in Jamaica and Central America, before and during the Crimean War. She embodied the care and compassion we look for in all our leaders and is a lasting example of the crucial role nurses continue to play in healthcare.

The Mary Seacole programme leads to an NHS Leadership Academy Award in Leading on the Frontline and a Post Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership. For those who want to take on their first [formal] leadership role, this one-year programme combines experiential and online learning, personal development delivered locally, leadership diagnostics, group learning and stretch assignments. It develops key leadership

skills, such as holding appraisals and giving feedback, staff engagement, communications, leading patient-centred services, patient safety and decision-making. The programme will be open to all those working in health [nominated by an individual’s place of work] regardless of professional or academic background.

The Elizabeth Garrett AndersonProgramme – Leading Care II

Elizabeth Garrett Anderson was an English Physician born in London, who became the first English woman to qualify as a Physician and Surgeon in Britain, as well as the first female Dean of a medical school. She represents the courage of all great leaders and demonstrates the enduring importance of inclusion in our health leader communities.


The Elizabeth Garrett Anderson programme leads to an NHS Leadership Academy Award in Senior Healthcare Leadership and an MSc in Healthcare Leadership. When leaders are approaching readiness to take on more senior leadership roles – leading multiple teams or services – they can apply for this programme. The Elizabeth Garrett Anderson programme provides personal development, online and classroom-based academic sessions, group working, assignments and mentoring/coaching. The programme is 18 months long, and available to all those working in the NHS or in NHS funded care, regardless of professional background.

The Nye Bevan Programme –Leading Care III

Aneurin “Nye” Bevan was Minister for Health in Clement Atlee’s post-WWII government. A champion of social justice, Bevan spearheaded the establishment of the National Health Service, seeking to create a health service free at point of care for all Britons. Great leaders have bold visions that serve the needs of their populations selflessly. Bevan is an inspiration to those who seek a senior role in health with the potential to lead radical and lasting improvements to the NHS.

The Nye Bevan Programme leads to an NHS Leadership Academy Award in Executive Healthcare Leadership. Working at an executive level in the NHS offers some very particular challenges, and this stretching programme is for those who are ready to apply for executive level roles. The Nye Bevan is centred on the needs of patients, and led by internationally-renowned academic and business leaders. It combines a significant element of personal and behavioural leadership development with the knowledge and skills needed to operate successfully at the most senior levels in NHS organisations.

For further details on how to apply for any of the above programmes please go to www.leadershipeastmidlands.nhs.uk/nhs-leadership-academy/core-programmes

Professional Development Programmes[continued]


Visible Leaders

The Visible Leaders Support Network [VLN] was launched in partnership with the NHS East Midlands Inclusion Directorate and the East Midlands Leadership Academy on the 21st July 2010.

It aims to offer a support network for NHS staff at pay bands 6, 7 and 8 from a black and minority ethnic background to address the gaps for staff progressing to senior level roles in the NHS.

To respond to the transformational changes within the NHS, the Visible Leaders Support Network and the Network Offers are currently being refreshed to reflect these transformational ambitions for delivery of healthcare.

What the Network Offers:

• Peer support networking

• Access to coaching and mentoring

• Topical masterclass sessions and workshops helping you to focus on you and your career

• Social media networking

• Action learning

• Regular notification of relevant Academy programmatic offers and events

Not a member but would like to join?

You can join if your organisation is based in the East Midlands and you are from a black and minority ethnic background working within the NHS at Agenda for Change bandings 6 to 8

If you meet this criteria, contact eastmidlands.leadershipacademy@nottshc.nhs.uk.

This is just a snapshot of the wider offer EMLA provides. For further details on any of the above and to see what else EMLA has to offer please visit www.leadershipeastmidlands.nhs.uk




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