from the road - may 2012

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APTA Newsletter



“If you bought it, a truck brought it”

May 2012



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Table of Content: APTA Updates……...1

Atlantic News…….....3

National News...……6


Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association Newsletter

Carriers Update

APTA Board of Directors supports the CTA Blue Ribbon Task Force on the Driver shortage in Trucking and accepts the recommendation to adopt a set of core values relating to driver qualifications.

• A minimum standard of entry level, apprenticeship or apprenticeship-like truck driver training should be mandatory; • Truck driving should be considered a skilled trade and be recognized as such by the various levels and branches of government, standards councils, etc., who certify such things; • There should be a program of mandatory ongoing training and/or recertification (e.g., TDG Act, pre-trip inspection, load securement, hours of service, etc.) throughout a driver’s career.

The Board also votes in favour of raising enforcement against carriers disabling environmental equipment, this also supports CTA’s position on the issue. LCV management software. APTA is in the final stages of their LCV project and will be ready to launch the new software for drivers and carriers August 1st. We will be sending out memos shortly regarding training for the software.

Meeting with Environment NB During a stakeholder meeting held recently, the province of NB is looking for ways to be more environmentally friendly and they heard from different sectors/industries on their initiatives and how much these would contribute to the environment by utilizing less fuel, power etc. The province is looking for ways to assist in these projects through either financial support or programs for the different sectors. Obviously, fuel efficient equipment such as side skirts etc, wide tires and natural gas trucks were discussed for the transportation sector and the province has a very positive response due to the low investments and high return. Some follow up meetings will be held in the next couple of months and hopefully we will have a program in place for NB carriers in the next year.

APTA Updates

New Product Now Available! Employee File with Forms (bilingual) – only $10.00 each Contains the following sections with related forms:

Job Agreement Other sections available: Drugs and Alcohol - Performance evaluation Acknowledgement & Discipline - Occupational Accident Personal Deductions - Road Accident Report

-Marginal Benefit Plans

Don’t wait, order yours today! Pre-order deadline extended to Friday, June 8th! Pre-Order Form (click on link)


Award was presented to Mr. Armour on May 16, 2012 See link for more information:

Thank you to all our sponsors, speakers and attendees!!

Congratulations to our Grand Prize Winner

Mike Dickie – Multiserve Petroleum Equipment

2012 Transport Technology & Maintenance Conference

In Loving Memory of Ray Gillis

1947 - 2012

Our sincere sympathy to the family and friends of Ray.

Nova Scotia Vehicle Compliance is holding its annual ROADCHECK in Amherst (Inbound Compliance Station) on June 5th, 6th and 7th. We appreciate everyone's busy schedule; however we welcome your attendance and appreciate your support. Starting at 6 am on June 5th we will be "blitzing" until 6 pm on June 7th.

Each year the event gains strength. It is an opportunity to build partnerships with Industry, the Industry Associations, Government, and the various Agencies participating Click here

New Brunswick & Quebec International Roadcheck, a 72-hour commercial vehicle inspection event, will take place June 5-7 at the eastbound scales at St-Jacques, N.B., and at the westbound scales in Cabano, Quebec. This is the first time the neighbouring provinces have partnered for this event.

International Roadchecks 2012 - June 5th to June 7th

Congratulations to Mr. Wes Armour on receiving the Builder of Youth

Lifetime Achievement Award from the Boys and Girls Club of Moncton.


Atlantic Canada News

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A special delivery for Perth-Andover victims 05/16/2012 - Former village residents, Woodstock trucking company work together to help flood victims Perth-Andover residents who lost household items in the flood that devastated the village at the end of March have received assistance from two former residents and a Woodstock trucking company. Katrina and Hugh Fournier were born and raised in Perth-Andover, but they have been living in Kitchener, Ontario for the last 13 years. Their extended families still live in Perth-Andover and when the couple learned of the impact flooding had on their former community, they knew they had to do something to help. The Fourniers collected living room furniture, small household appliances, bedding, clothing and other items from friends in Ayr, Kitchener and Cambridge, Ontario, and a high school friend of Katrina’s who lives in Hamilton brought up a utility trailer loaded with items. “Everything you can imagine is on a 42-foot trailer,” she said. “We went around and collected stuff for two and half to three weeks.” Once they had the items collected, the Fourniers needed a way to get everything to New Brunswick – that’s where AYR Motor Express Inc. comes in. Fournier said she contacted AYR Motor because she needed a trucking company that operated a terminal in the vicinity of Kitchener. “I figured I’d zap an email off to Joe Keenan and see what happens,” she said. AYR Motor operates a terminal in Mississauga. Director of operations Seth Keenan said the company donated the use of a truck and the driver’s time to ship the items to Perth-Andover. “For one thing, I’ve got family who live in Perth-Andover, so I sympathize with what they are going through,” he said. “We try to do as much as we can to support the community.” The donated items were delivered to the Perth-Andover Legion on Saturday, May 5 by AYR Motor driver Danny Pickard. From there, they will be dispersed to people in need. “It’s for people who are able to go back into their homes but who maybe are not able to afford to go right out and buy new furniture,” Fournier said. “They are still in a big shemozzle. People have not heard from the government (about compensation) and they are getting frustrated.” Fournier is a former truck driver and her husband still drives. They team drove up until six years ago. “We are very thankful (to AYR Motor),” she said. “I know it is not a cheap venture for them. I know what it costs to run one of those trucks.”

AYR Motor driver Danny Pickard unloads some of the donated items.

Scott Davenport unloads donated furniture at the Perth-Andover Legion.


Reclaimed Sunken Timber Lands at the Deanery Project Earlier this spring a generous donation of reclaimed timber was offered to the Centre for use in building upgrades and other projects. With financial resources stretched to find ways to transport the wood from Debert to Ship Harbour, APTA became involved when Derek Gillis of Clean Nova Scotia ( and the FleetWiser Program ( put out the call to see if any of the Association’s fleet members might be able to assist. Gord Peddle of ADTS, a division of The Warren Group, stepped forward and made it happen! The story of the wood and its future use is a fascinating one. Originally cut on the Eastern Shore not far from where it sits today, a significant portion of the timber that was harvested often became waterlogged and sank as a result of the early pioneer’s method of transporting logs to local sawmills. The cool water of the lakes preserved the logs and conditioned them perfectly for specialized value-added products like furniture and musical instruments. (For more information on “aqua timber” see the “Dirty Jobs” episode with Mike Rowe on the Discovery Channel One of the first projects the wood will be used for is to construct an affordable, low impact, multi-functional drying system that will be used to demonstrate a solar alternative for drying timber (solar kiln). Drying of timber consumes large amounts of energy and contributes significantly to global greenhouse gas emissions. One of the biggest costs in the overall timber manufacturing cycle is drying of the wood. In order to improve quality, yield, and value outcomes while reducing environmental impact, solar kilns have been recognized as an excellent drying technology solution, delivering a superior end product and energy efficiency. Energy costs typically account for 30% to 60% of the total drying process cost and up to 60% of the energy required to convert logs to dry sawn timber. Solar kilns don’t use boilers and wood-waste

Excitement was high mid May when an APTA-member truck landed at a new environmental education centre on Nova Scotia’s Eastern Shore carrying 10 pallets of reclaimed sunken timber. The Deanery Project ( is a non-profit cooperative focused on the environment, youth and community, natural building, and the arts. Located in Ship Harbour, (60 km. east of Halifax) the beautiful ocean front property provides learning, recreational and research opportunities related to our forests, fields, waters and rural living.

As resources for core and project work have been radically cut over the last few years, this kind of generosity from businesses means a great deal to hard-working, grassroots organizations committed to important community-based work. Finding creative solutions to support healthy rural economies and strengthen our communities is bringing together the corporate and non-profit worlds in interesting ways.

burners to provide heat, so there are less pollutants, environmental hazards and compliance costs. Another huge environmental benefit of solar kilns is that more usable timber product is produced out of the drying process; this results in significantly less waste wood and therefore fewer trees need be felled overall. This simple, energy efficient system will be an integral part of the Deanery Project’s educational programs with youth, woodlot owners and crafts people.

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Message for National Transportation Week (May 25, 2012) FREDERICTON (GNB) — The following message was issued by Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Claude Williams in recognition of National Transportation Week from May 29 to June 7: A safe and efficient transportation system contributes to the economic and social progress of our province. Whether urban or rural, large or small, north, south, east or west, communities prosper when transportation routes and services are available to create opportunities and enhance quality of life. In our province, the Atlantic Gateway is a major initiative destined to bolster international trade and travel. New investments in cruise infrastructure at the Port of Saint John and upgrades to runways at the Fredericton and Moncton airports will enhance our transportation network. We are also excited about improvements along the Route 1 corridor which will see the completion of a four-lane highway to connect New Brunswick and the rest of Atlantic Canada to the northeastern United States. This new highway will open no later than July 2013 and represents a $540 million federal/provincial investment. The Nashwaak/Marysville Bypass project near Fredericton involves the construction of a new, two-lane controlled access highway to bypass existing Route 8 and remove heavy trucks from residential areas in and around the capital city. This $124 million, federal/provincial project will be completed in the fall of 2013. On Route 11, a new two-lane, controlled access highway from Tracadie-Sheila to Six Roads has improved our road system in the northeast. Planning, design and preliminary work are also underway for a new Caraquet Bypass which when complete will remove through traffic from the main part of Route 11 that is currently routed through the Town of Caraquet. In the southeast, a new interchange on Route 15 at Scoudouc has provided direct access from the highway to the nearby industrial park, producing a shorter route for truck traffic and less truck traffic on the local road network and in residential areas. Other key projects include the twinning of Route 2 near the Quebec border to be completed by 2014 and continued construction work on the Welsford bypass on Route 7 near Saint John. We are also working on the replacement of the international bridge at Clair-Fort Kent, upgrades to the Hugh John Flemming Bridge near Hartland, and rehabilitation of the Centennial Bridge in Miramichi. These are some of the important projects we are undertaking as we invest in our transportation infrastructure to build a better and stronger province, while also living within our means. Our transportation network is a vital component of our society. That is why our government is committed to provide New Brunswickers with the most reliable, safe and efficient transportation system possible. Media Contact:

Judy Cole, Communications - Department of Transportation and Infrastructure


JOHNSON Home and Auto Insurance Plan for Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association members.

Call Johnson today for a no obligation quote 1.877.933.2269 or visit

Provide your Group ID Code: ZB


CTA, OSA Canada launch sleep apnea pilot program (May 28, 2012) OTTAWA, Ont. -- The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) and OSA Canada have launched what they’re describing as a “first of its kind” pilot project to deliver a full-service sleep apnea program to Canadian commercial truck drivers.

As part of the program, OSA Canada will visit fleets to screen, test and diagnose drivers and then equip and train drivers suffering from sleep apnea on the use of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) equipment. The entire process will take 72 hours or less, OSA Canada announced, and the program is available to fleets across the country.

OSA also offers ongoing monitoring of CPAP equipment usage to ensure driver comfort and compliance, the company says. It charges fleets a monthly fee for the service.

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MAY 2012

Canadian truckers drive home message on mandatory EOBRs

CTA's EOBRs support campaign continues

Smile! Supsected cargo thief caught on camera

N.A. surface trade urges 17.4% in February

Newly aligned department to focus on efficiency improvements

Truck freeway connector opens

FMCSA shares 2012-2016 strategy plan

US CBP pushing ahead with controversial tanker residue reporting requirements

National Industry News

More News Headlines


Upcoming Events, Seminars, Webinars and More …

Visit our website for daily updates


Thursday, August 23rd, 2012

Click HERE to register today!!

2012 Regional Driving Championships

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012 Commercial Safety College, Masstown, NS

Winners will qualify for the National Professional Truck Driving Championship hosted by the APTA in Moncton, NB – September 6th to 9th, 2012

Sponsorship Opportunity for Nationals




All proceeds from the golf tournament will go toward the

Nationals Professional Truck Driving Championships

Throughout the day activities:

- Putting contest - 50/50 Draw

- Longest drive contest - Lots of prizes to be won

- Closest to the pin contest

Only $100.00 per Player Includes:

1 green fee + Dinner (1 Lobster or 1 steak)

Lakeside Golf & Country Club – Moncton, NB


Upcoming Seminars/webinars: We are always planning new seminars and we want your input. Let us know what seminars and training you would like to see. Contact us at (506) 855-2782 or

Click Here for the full list of upcoming Seminars

Convoy for Hope Atlantic September 15, 2012

Click HERE to register

Sponsorship Information

June 2012

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

1 2 Regional Driving Championships –

Masstown, NS



5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 APTA Safety

Council Meeting – Truro, NS

27 7th Annual Charity Golf tournament –

Truro, NS

28 29 30

2012 National Transportation Week (NTW) Banquet Thursday, June 7th at

Crowne Plaza in Moncton,NB

For more information click HERE


The APTA Online Driver Training Service gives you unlimited use of a complete library of online training courses for one low monthly fee. Powered by CarriersEdge, includes more than 35 different training modules, in English and French. Members interested in trying this service can sign up for a free trial account.

Click here to start your free trial

For more information on this service visit

Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association

105 Englehart St. Suite 800 Dieppe, NB E1A 8K2

See us at: and follow us on Twitter APTA_Trucking

We’re on the Web!

PHONE: 1-866-866-1679 506-855-2782

FAX: 506-853-7424 E-MAIL:

Online Driver Training Service

Job Opportunities

Kingsco Transport Limited. - Owner Operators

For more job opportunities please visit our website under Careers & Training

New Member of the APTA The following company

has joined the APTA

Silver Hill Transport


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