from the great fathers · 17/11/2019  · 1039 in the presence of christ, who is truth itself, the...

Post on 26-Sep-2020






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November 17




From the Great Fathers A commentary of St Augustine on Psalm 95 Then all the trees of the forest will exult before the face of the Lord, for he has come, he has come to judge the earth. He has come the first time, and he will come again. At his first coming, his own voice declared in the gospel: Hereafter you shall see the Son of Man coming upon the clouds. What does he mean by hereafter? Does he not mean that the Lord will come at a future time when all the nations of the earth will be striking their breasts in grief? Previously he came through his preachers, and he filled the whole world. Let us not resist his first coming, so that we may not dread the second. What then should the Christian do? He ought to use the world, not become its slave. And what does this mean? It means having, as though not having. So says the Apostle: My brethren, the appointed time is short: from now on let those who have wives live as though they had none; and those who mourn as though they were not mourning; and those who rejoice as though they were not rejoic-ing; and those who buy as though they had no goods; and those who deal with this world as though they had no dealings with it. For the form of this world is passing away. But I wish you to be without anxiety. He who is without anxiety

Continued on page 7...

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church

6646 Addicks Satsuma Road Houston, TX 77084 281-463-7878

November 17


Mass Schedule Monday—Friday 6:30 a.m. English 9:00 a.m. English 7:00 p.m. English On Friday, the evening Mass Is in Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)

7:30 p.m. Miércoles en Español Saturday 9:00 a.m. English

Anticipated Masses 5:00 p.m. English 6:30 p.m. Español 8:00 p.m. Tiếng Việt

Sunday Masses 7:00 a.m. English 8:30 a.m. English 10:30 a.m. English 12:15 p.m. English 2:00 p.m. Español 5:30 p.m. English 7:30 p.m. Español

Confession Monday—Friday 7:10 a.m. Wednesday 5:45 p.m.—6:45 p.m. Friday 5:45 p.m.—6:45 p.m. Saturday 3:00 p.m.—4:30 p.m. First Friday 8:00 a.m.—8:45 a.m. 5:45 p.m.—6:45 p.m.

Altar Flowers Call Patti at 281-463-7878 to sponsor the altar flowers.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord: In the Gospel of the Mass this Sunday, we are given a glimpse into the end of the world. The Church always turns Her attention to this theme as the liturgical year comes to a close. As you know, the Church year concludes with next Sun-day’s Solemnity of Christ the King. So today, our attention is directed to the fu-ture, when the King of glory will return in majesty and bring His kingdom on earth to completion. We shouldn’t waste time trying to predict when the world will end. Many of the first Christians expected Christ’s return in their own lifetime. More recently, some falsely claimed that the year 2,000 would be the chosen time for Christ’s sec-ond coming. They were obviously mistaken. Three truths concerning this event are essential: 1. It will take place. Jesus speaks clearly about the fact and nature of His sec-

ond coming. His words are not metaphor. Today’s Gospel contains Christ’s prophecy of the signs that will precede his glorious return. When the ap-pointed time arrives, “they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory” (Luke 21:27).

2. The time is unknown. Jesus Himself says, “of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father on-ly” (Matthew 24:36). This saying simply indicates that it is not part of Christ’s earthly mission to reveal the time of His return.

3. We must be prepared. The end of the world for us will be the day that God calls us from this life. Be prepared, Christ tells us, for “you know neither the day nor the hour” (Matthew 25:13).

In a certain sense, Christ “returns” to earth every time that one of His disciples lives and loves as Jesus did. There is no better way to prepare for Christ’s return than to live a life that is faithful to the Gospel. Through the sacraments – espe-cially the Holy Eucharist and Confession – we are offered all the spiritual help we need in order to be prepared with the Lord returns. Let us take advantage of these gifts. Sincerely Yours in Christ,

YÜA fàxÑ{xÇ UA exçÇÉÄwá Rev. Stephen B. Reynolds, Pastor My Sunday homilies are on line at our parish website:

From the Pastor

This Week’s Bulletin Highlights Perpetual Adoration need new adorers…………………….. see page 10 KofC Nut sale is underway……………………………………… see page 5 Blood Drive is coming soon to SEAS…………………………… see page 11 Celebraciones Guadalupanas y de las Posadas………..… ve pagina 12

November 17


The Last Judgement

The Catechism of the Catholic Church gives a sum-mary of our belief in the Last Judgement of Christ, which will come at the end of the world. We profess our belief in this article of the faith when we recite the last line of the Creed: “I believe… in life everlasting.” “The Christian who unites his own death to that of Jesus views it as a step towards him and an entrance into everlasting life” (CCC no. 1020). The bold numbers indicate the paragraph numbers of the original text of the Catechism. 1038 The resurrection of all the dead, "of both the just and the unjust," will precede the Last Judgment. This will be "the hour when all who are in the tombs will hear [the Son of man's] voice and come forth, those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judg-ment." Then Christ will come "in his glory, and all the angels with him. . . . Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from an-other as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will place the sheep at his right hand, but the goats at the left. . . . And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eter-nal life." 1039 In the presence of Christ, who is Truth itself, the truth of each man's relationship with God will be laid bare. The Last Judgment will reveal even to its fur-thest consequences the good each person has done or failed to do during his earthly life:

All that the wicked do is recorded, and they do not know. When "our God comes, he does not keep si-lence.". . . he will turn towards those at his left hand: . . . "I placed my poor little ones on earth for you. I as their head was seated in heaven at the right hand of my Father - but on earth my members were suffering, my members on earth were in need. If you gave any-thing to my members, what you gave would reach their Head. Would that you had known that my little ones were in need when I placed them on earth for you and appointed them your stewards to bring your good works into my treasury. But you have placed nothing in their hands; therefore you have found noth-ing in my presence." (St. Augustine, Sermo 18, 4:PL 38,130-131; cf. Ps 50:3)

1040 The Last Judgment will come when Christ returns in glory. Only the Father knows the day and the hour; only he determines the moment of its coming. Then through his Son Jesus Christ he will pronounce the final word on all history. We shall know the ultimate meaning of the whole work of creation and of the entire economy of salvation and understand the marvelous ways by which his Providence led every-thing towards its final end. The Last Judgment will re-veal that God's justice triumphs over all the injustices committed by his creatures and that God's love is stronger than death. 1041 The message of the Last Judgment calls men to conversion while God is still giving them "the ac-ceptable time, . . . the day of salvation." It inspires a holy fear of God and commits them to the justice of the Kingdom of God. It proclaims the "blessed hope" of the Lord's return, when he will come "to be glorified in his saints, and to be marveled at in all who have believed." 1042 At the end of time, the Kingdom of God will come in its fullness. After the universal judgment, the righteous will reign for ever with Christ, glorified in body and soul. The universe itself will be renewed:

The Church . . . will receive her perfection only in the glory of heaven, when will come the time of the re-newal of all things. At that time, together with the hu-man race, the universe itself, which is so closely relat-ed to man and which attains its destiny through him, will be perfectly re-established in Christ. (Cf. Acts 3:21; Eph 1:10; Col 1:20)

1043 Sacred Scripture calls this mysterious renewal, which will transform humanity and the world, "new heavens and a new earth." It will be the definitive realization of God's plan to bring under a single head "all things in [Christ], things in heaven and things on earth." 1044 In this new universe, the heavenly Jerusalem, God will have his dwelling among men. "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away.

November 17


Knights of Columbus Council 8096 If you are a Catholic man and you are not a mem-ber of the Knights of Columbus, you are missing a wonderful opportunity to transform your life. As a Knight, you have the opportunity to support your par-ish, give back to your community, grow in your faith plus many more benefits. We meet the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 7:30pm, with a small meal at 7pm, in the Community Life Center (CLC). Contact Grand Knight Clint Porche or Membership Director, Mike Jackson @ Visit us @ Cursillo—Northwest Ultreya Cursillo is a Catholic lay movement that offers an op-portunity to meet Christ in a more intimate way. Cursillo provides a lifetime plan for following Christ through prayer, study and action, in friendship with others. Our monthly Ultreya brings us together to en-courage each other by witnessing to our life in Christ. We meet at 9:45 AM on the third Saturday of each month in the Family Life Center. Questions? Contact Duane King 281-615-8942 ¡De colores! Helping Hands Ministry We assist families in pre-planning for funerals. To schedule an appointment, please call Beth Wood at 281-413-9682. Bereavement support in the form of printed care notes specific to a family’s need is pro-vided at the time of a Funeral or Memorial Mass. Nursing Ministry The Parish Nursing ministry is comprised of health care professionals and others who have the health of our parishioners at heart. They are nurses, therapists, edu-cators, and experts in the fields of health promotion. Some work in home health, elderly assistance, aging, hospice, general medicine, surgery, oncology, ob-stetrics, domestic violence and intensive care. They work to coordinate care for parishioners in their time of need. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month. Please feel free to call Wyona (281-433-5365) or Kim (832-746-1135) for more information.

R.C.I.A. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is for people who are thinking about the possibility of be-coming Catholic. It is for the un- baptized, people of other faiths or people who have been baptized Catholic but did not complete the sacraments of Initiation. We explore the beliefs of the Catholic Church and discern, over a period of many months, if they desire to become Catholic. If you are inter-ested please call: Nadia Jara: 281- 463-7878 ext. 337 or at S.E.E.D.S. Pre-School St. Elizabeth Educational Day-Out Services (S.E.E.D.S), is a developmentally appropriate Catholic preschool program serving children 18 months to five years of age. We are accredited through NAEYC and have been serving this community for over 20 years. Our program provides a well-rounded education in a spirit of exploration and discovery along with special-ty classes: Fine Arts, Spanish and Science Enrichment Lab. We are open for registration for 2 day, 3 day and 5 day session options along with before and af-ter school care. Contact our office at 281-855-2503 or visit our website at We offer tours at your convenience. Struggling with Infertility? You are not alone! The Office of Pro-Life Activities is proud to announce a partnership with Loving Em-brace, a Catholic peer-to-peer support group for la-dies or couples struggling with infertility and/or mis-carriage. For more information contact Erin at Going out of town? Be sure to include the Holy Mass in your upcoming travels for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Go to the website for information about the Masses closest to your destination.

Par i sh Apostolates and Announcements

November 17


Par i sh Apostolates and Announcements

Respect Life Committee For information about upcoming pro-life activities, you are invited to contact James Pinedo at his personal e-mail: or by phone at 281-912-4342. See our announcements on p. 7. A.A. Meeting We meet in the temporary building, room T6 from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. each Tuesday. This is an open meeting of AA and all are welcome to attend. ¡Gratis! Clases de Ingles para Adultos Los Lunes, Comienza 9 de Sept., 9-11:00 am and 7-9:00pm (Puede empezar cualquier semana). Copperfield Church, 8350 Highway 6 North #C-8. Contacto: Jan Garza 832-443-4248 o Tiene que tener 18 años o más. No hay servicios de niñera. Free English class Mondays, Starting Sept.9, 9-11:00am and 7-9:00pm. Cop-perfield Church, 8350 Highway 6 North #C-8 . Contact-Jan Garza 832-443-4248, Must be 18 or older. (no baby-sitting provided). Join us any week! Open House at St. John XXIII high School Sunday, November 10, from 1:00 p.m.—3:00 p.m. You will have the opportunity to learn more about our col-lege preparatory curriculum, tour our campus, meet and speak to our distinguished faculty & administration, and meet our current students & parents. For more information visit our website at, call us at 281-693-1000 or email 1800 W. Grand Parkway N., Katy, Texas 77449. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Now that our construction is largely complete, the adora-tion chapel in the church is now in operation. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place after every weekday Mass, and continues throughout the day and night. You are welcome to stop in at any time and spend time in prayer. To sign up for an hour, contact Suzanne Porter at 832-654-0499 or

Proceeds benefit Foundation for Life. We will be selling a variety of nuts for your Thanksgiving and Christmas baking. Our members will be outside of the church on the following dates and times: Saturday: November 23, December 14 after 5:00 Mass,

& 6:30 Mass Sunday: November 24, December 8, December 15

after 7:00 Mass, 8:30 Mass, 10: 30 Mass, 12:15 Mass, & 2:00 Mass

Varieties and Prices Jumbo Pecan Halves $12.00/lb. Honey Toasted Pecans $12.00/lb. Praline Pecans $12.00/lb. Mixed Nuts $11.00/lb. Deluxe Cashews $11.00/lb. English Walnuts $10.00/lb. Whole Natural Almonds $ 9.00/lb. Honey Roasted Peanuts $ 7.00/lb. More information: Chuck Blumentritt 713-205-8819 or email: The Foundation for Life assists women in crisis pregnancies with spiritual and human support, health care, and material assistance. “Abortion is not a sign that women are free, but a sign that they are desperate.”

November 17


Lighthouse Talk of the Week Full of Grace by Vinny Flynn Vinny Flynn makes the angel’s message at the Annuncia-tion come alive with meaning and relevance by delving into Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the writings of St. John Paul II. Vinny helps listeners under-stand the deeper significance of the words of the Hail Mary prayer and the angel’s greeting. Parishioner Comments: “This talk led me to a greater un-derstanding and appreciation of how Mary’s ‘Yes’ at the Annunciation ushered in our own recreation and restora-tion in the fullness of grace!” Your generous donations to cover our cost will assure con-tinued availability of these wonderful resources!

Men’s faith and leadership formation program Wed. mornings 5:30AM - 7AM at SEAS in the CLC

Fall program underway now! Invest a little time in yourself to become a better husband, father and spiritual leader in your family! Coffee, juice, donuts & kolaches are served to jump start your morning. No cost, preparation or outside commitments!

Fall Program: The Fight of Faith This Week’s Program: The Battle for Your Own Marriage Speaker: John Sablan

A Story of Breaking Free ● Loved by Him ● Three Ways Satan Can Get Ahold of You ● There is No Fear In Love ● Even in Darkness, You Are Never Alone ● Surrendering To The Lord

Visit our website at and click on “Learn More,” or contact Carlos Alatorre 832-265-7708

Spir i tua l and Inte l lectual Format ion

Charismatic Prayer Group Looking for something to refresh your soul and re-energize your spirit after a long week? You are invited to stop by the Family Life Center (FLC) on Friday nights to worship in song, listen to God’s word, connect His word to your life and enjoy fellowship. The Charismatic Prayer Group meetings are held in the FLC Prayer Room from 7:30pm to 9pm. All, regardless of age, are welcome! For more information please contact: Samy Ghattas at or Joanna Porche at

Nov. 15: Praise and Worship

Nov. 22: His mercy endures forever

Nov. 29: No meeting African Charismatic Prayer Group You are invited to fellowship every Friday from 6pm-8pm in Room 1 of the Family Life Center. The Monthly Miracle Power Night Vigil at 9pm-12 midnight is held last Friday of the month in Trailer 6. For more information, please contact Tony at 562-612-9753, or Dr. Hyginus at 832-863-3794. Lay Carmelites We seek to live the Gospel in our daily lives. We study and meet together once a month. The Lay Carmelites are ac-cepting new candidates this spring to begin formation classes in the summer. For information, contact Yajaira Ayala at 832-330-6092 or Kathy Schutz at 936-203-7954. Empower Youth Group Empower is for high school teens who are looking for a community that will support them in being bold Catholic witnesses. Be empowered to pray, lead, serve, make new friends, and live joyfully the gospel message! When: Sun-days 6:30-8:30 pm in The Well (youth room in CLC). Please enter through the pavilion gate. Includes a light dinner, prayer, brief topic/speaker, discus-sion, and sports/games. Topics coming soon… For details contact:

Elizabeth Moreau @ 832-492-6457;

Lilly Flores@ 713-385-1503;

November 17


Pro-Life Apostolate

COOL-Bake The Catholic Organization Of Life – the COOL – will be hold-ing a bake sale on November 24th to raise money to send youth to Washington D.C. for the March for Life. The COOL is a diocesan wide pro-life youth group open to all teenage youth throughout the diocese. Every year hundreds of thou-sands of people – mostly youth – travel to Washington D.C. to witness for life. Call James Pinedo at 281-912-4342 for more information. Pro-Life Action Alert You may have read the story about the thousands of abort-ed children that were found in the home of a deceased abortionist. In response, the Dignity for Aborted Children Act has been introduced in Congress. This important legislation would require humane treatment and burial/disposition of fetal remains following abortion. Please click the link below and register your support with your representative/Senator for this important legislation.

Continued from front page... waits without fear until his Lord comes. For what sort of love of Christ is it to fear his coming? Brothers, do we not have to blush for shame? We love him, yet we fear his coming. Are we really certain that we love him? Or do we love our sins more? Therefore let us hate our sins and love him who will exact punishment for them. He will come whether we wish it or not. Do not think that because he is not coming just now, he will not come at all. He will come, you know not when; and provided he finds you prepared, your igno-rance of the time of his coming will not be held against you. All the trees of the forest will exult. He has come the first time, and he will come again to judge the earth; he will find those rejoicing who believed in his first coming, for he has come. He will judge the world with equity and the peoples in his truth. What are equity and truth? He will gather together with him for the judgement his chosen ones, but the others

Continued on page 13...

Project Gabriel helps women in crisis pregnancies and is excited to report that through the generosi-ty of parishioners Scott and Sandy Mott we now have a storage facility! That means

we can now start accepting gently used baby items! So far we have helped five mothers who have had 6 babies! Thank you, Sandy! With this storage facility, we hope to expand our outreach! SEAS Gabriel Project wishes to acknowledge and extend its appreciation to Scott and Sandy Mott for providing us with a storage unit. It will enable us to collect and secure items and to assist women in crisis pregnancies. We and they are unit-ed in the goal of helping address the needs of our client’s little ones. The Gabriel Project Team would like to also extend our appreciation to everyone who accepted a Baby Bottle in last week’s Fundraiser. We would appreciate receiving the filled bottles between now and preferably Thanksgiving. SEAS is truly blessed to have such kind and caring parishioners. Nuestro programa Gabriel Project de ayuda para mujeres con embarazos en crisis se complace muchísimo en reportar que gracias a la generosidad de los parroquianos Scott y Sandy Mott ¡ahora tenemos un depósito para nuestro uso! Esto significa que ahora podemos comenzar a aceptar artículos usados (en buen estado) para bebés. Hasta el momento, hemos ayudado a cinco madres con un total de 6 bebés. ¡Muchas gracias, Sandy y Scott! Con este depósito, ¡esperamos poder expandir nuestro programa de ayuda comunitaria! El equipo del programa Gabriel Project desea también extender su agradecimiento a todos los que aceptaron un bibe-rón durante la promoción de nuestra recaudación de fondos el fin de semana pasado. Desde ya agradecemos que de-vuelvan los biberones llenos en cualquier momento y preferentemente antes del Día de Acción de Gracias. Nuestra pa-rroquia SEAS es verdaderamente bendecida de contar con parroquianos tan bondadosos y humanitarios. Les deseamos muchas bendiciones a todos.

November 17


Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Católico – USA Federación Houston Santa Elizabeth

Ciclo 2019-2020

Inscripciones abiertas, Únete a las más de 120 familias de esta comunidad que han descubierto como mejorar

su vida familiar y de pareja

Pedro y Bertha Costilla Presidentes

Regístrate o pide informes Romualdo y Narce Sepulveda (832)368-5457

Estudio de la Biblia Se les invita cordialmente a participar en nuestros Estudio de la Biblia, tomando lugar todos los martes de 12:30-2:30, en el FLC cuarto A. Estudiamos las Sagradas Escrituras, estu-dios sobre nuestra Fe Católica, usando varios recursos in-cluyendo el Catecismo. Para más información, favor de mandar mensaje texto a Guadalupe Ortiz 281-620-8308. Gracias! Clases de Doctrina Los invitamos a inscribir a sus hijos en los programas diferen-tes que ofrecemos. También estamos recibiendo las formas para servir como catequistas o ayudantes. Para más infor-mación puede comunicarse con Lucia Rueda (281) 463-7878 Ext. 320 o al correo electrónico: Clases de Ingles Gratis Clases de inglés para adultos los lunes, el 10 de Septiembre – el 20 de Mayo, 9:00 A.M.-11:00 A.M. (Puede empezar cualquier semana). Copperfield Church, 8350 Highway 6 North #C-8 (detrás de Wings ‘N More). Contacto: Jan Garza 832-443-4248 o Tiene que tener 18 años o más. No hay servicios de niñera. Legión de María Formacion de Adultos Martes FLC #9 7:30 p.m.: PM Patty 281-861-9086 Martes FLC #10 7:00 p.m.: Liliana Diaz 281-723-2328 Martes FLC #14 7:00 p.m.: Marlene Rocha 832-410-5273

Formacion de Jovenes 10-18 Anos Viernes FLC #9 7:30 pm (ingles): Marlene Rocha 832-


Clases de Doctrina

Retiro de ACTS Contacto e información adicional: Mary Jove 713-855-9652. Un retiro de ACTS es un evento de parroquia que ofrece a los feligreses la oportunidad de sentir el amor de Jesucristo. Esto a su vez fomenta un deseo de discipulado. El Retiro de ACTS es dado por miembros de la parroquia para feligreses de la misma, y de esta manera, sirve para formar comunidad parroquial.

El Retiro de ACTS comienza el jueves por la tarde y termina con la misa dominical en la parroquia.

Retiro ACTS misión: Difundir el Evangelio de Jesucristo entre las comunidades católicas a través de ACTS

Durante el fin de semana, se les invita a considerar en oración cómo pueden responder a su amor entregán-dose espiritualmente a Jesús para tener una nueva vida con él.

Retiro de ACTS en Español para los Hombres Queridos hermanos en Cristo se les hace la cordial invita-ción a un encuentro Dios nuestro Padre. un fin de semana que sería el 21-24 de noviembre. Para mayor información se puede comunicar. Director Serafín Velasquez (602)380-9615. Co-Director Juan Lopez (713)319-8086. Co-Director Rogelio Lorenzana (713)560-2749 o en la oficina parroquial.

Los invitamos a inscribir a sus hijos en los programas diferentes que ofrecemos. Nuestro programa de CCE en español ofrece forma-ción en la fe Católica para niños y formación para los sacramentos de Primera Reconciliación y Prime-ra Comunión. Las clases se ofrecen en español con libros bilingües. También estamos recibiendo las formas para servir como catequistas o ayudantes. Días y Horarios Día sábado (Pre K- 3 a 5to. Grado) 5:00 PM a 6:15 PM Día miércoles (Pre K- 3 a 5to. Grado) 6:30PM – 8:00PM Para más información puede llamar a Lucia en la oficina parroquial al (281) 463-7878 ext. 320 , Correo electrónico:

November 17


Grupo de Jóvenes Adultos S.E.A.S. Pescador te Invita al todos los jóvenes adultos de (18-35) años de edad.

Misión Somos el grupo de jóvenes adultos católicos de 18 a 35 años. Con el propósito de crecer en nuestra fe para acer-car al joven a Dios con alegría, esperanza y hermandad siendo una familia en Cristo. Brindando la oportunidad de descubrir su propia vocación, desarrollar sus dones y caris-mas para el bien de la iglesia y la sociedad. Basado en el magisterio de la Iglesia (biblia, catecismo, compendio), formación, servicio, sacramentos.

Visión Guiados por 1 Timoteo 4:12 (que nadie te menosprecie por tu juventud) a ser pescadores de jóvenes adultos sien-do fuertes y valerosos no temas ni te acobardes por que el señor, tu Dios estará con nosotros a donde quiera que va-yamos (Josué 1,9). Nos Reunimos todos Martes en el Pra-yer Room (FLC) 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Para mas informa-ción: Edgar Ocegueda (832)496-3684 Carlos Cortes (713)454-9214.

Luchando con infertilidad? ¡No estas solo! La Oficina de Actividades Pro-Vida se enor-gullece en anunciar una asociación con Loving Embrace, un grupo de apoyo católico entre pares para mujeres o parejas que luchan con infertilidad y / o aborto involunta-rio. El grupo brinda apoyo para hacer frente a la infertili-dad y explora recursos, métodos y opciones que son mo-ralmente fieles a las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con Erin en o envíenos un mensaje electrónico a través de nuestro portal de Face-book Retiro de ACTS Adoración | Comunidad | Teología | Servicio Próximo Retiro ACTS para mujeres en español es del jueves 5 al Domingo 8 de marzo. La reunión de discernimiento para servir en equipo es lunes 11 de noviembre a las 7 PM en el FLC salón A y B. Para más información comuníquese con Griselda Álvarez 832- 512-3388. Talleres de Oración y Vida La oración será tu mejor arma para hacer frente a la vida y a los problemas con alegría, paz y determinación. Taller para adultos

Consta de 15 sesiones empezando Martes, 28 de Enero 2020 Hora: 7-9 pm, Salón FLC #1 Sta. Elizabeth Ann Seton

“Te esperamos junto a Cristo con los brazos abiertos” Contacto: Raquel Caylor 832-274-2178 o Mariana Vaca Guzmán 281-943-9013 .

November 17


St. Vincent dePaul Society Thank you for your continued support of the SEAS St. Vin-cent de Paul Ministry (SVdP). Volunteers, who are called Vincentians, are blessed to use your donations to support our local community’s needy. Vincentian’s duties are of-fice work- answering phone calls 1x/week on M-W-F and/or being a member of 2-person Home Visit team, who assess-es individuals/family’s needs. Additionally, SVdP hosts a monthly Food Drive at SEAS and partners with MESA Out-reach, who distributes the food. We invite you to join our mission. Please call our office at 281-463-4560 if you wish to volunteer. Sociedad de San Vicente dePaul Los voluntarios, que se llaman vicentinos, tienen la bendi-ción de usar sus donaciones para apoyar a los necesita-dos de nuestra comunidad local. Los deberes de los Vicen-tinos son trabajo en la oficina: contestar llamadas telefóni-cas 1 vez por semana los Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes, y/o ser miembro del equipo de visitas domiciliarias de 2 personas, que evalúa las necesidades de las personas / familias. Te invitamos a unirte a nuestra misión. Llame a nuestra oficina al 281-463-4560 si desea ser voluntario American Heritage Girls American Heritage Girls is a Christian ministry for girls that provides an alternative to traditional scouting programs. We are open to girls age 5-18. Girls earn badges, go camping, participate in service projects, learn servant leadership and have lots of time for fun all within a Christian framework. Email for specific loca-tion at SEAS or for more information. For more information on the American Heritage Girls organization, visit SEAS Ladies Auxiliary We assist the Knights of Columbus and promote fellowship among KC families. We may also provide support to the parish and to other organizations. Members must be fe-male (18 years or older), and a relative of a KC member, and/or a member of SEAS. We meet on the second Tues-day of the month. Please contact: Maria Chaffey, Presi-dent at 832-557-0426; Dolores Nevares, Membership Chair at 713-582-3100; Sandy Janda, Treasurer at 281-463-1819.


Prayer Blanket Ministry The Parish Nursing Prayer Blanket Ministry serves to bring comfort to those in need of support and prayer. Small lap-sized blankets are crocheted, sewn, or knitted. The blan-kets are blessed by a priest, and given to those in need: Children, adults, and elderly Individuals who are ill; Parishioners on our homebound ministry; High-risk pregnancy, miscarriage, or neonatal crisis; Individuals who are experiencing a crisis. How can I help? Crochet, knit, or sew a prayer blanket; Donate to help defray the cost of materials; Donate yarn or fleece for the blankets; Pray over the blankets with the team. For more information or to give or receive a prayer blanket, please contact Marian Salway at 2019-2020 SEAS Bowling League If you are interested in meeting fellow parishioners, having a good time, and like to bowl, we have the place for you. We bowl on Monday nights at Copperfield Bowl. Our league is certified by USBC. All adults (18 years or older) are welcome. We are also in need of substitutes. To join, or for more information, please call Sandy Janda at 281-463-1819 or send an e-mail to: Adorers Needed Jesus invites us to pray with Him: “So, could you not watch one hour with Me?” (Matthew 26:40). Perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a great blessing for our parish. We need adorers at the following hours: Monday 3:00am - 4:00am Tuesday 1:00am - 2:00am Thursday 8:00pm - 9:00pm Saturday 10:00pm - 11:00pm Sunday 10:00pm - 11:00pm We are also need substitute adorers from the hours of 12midnight - 6am Mon-Sun. If you would like to make a weekly commitment, or be a substitute, kindly contact Su-zanne Porter, 281-855-7235/ , Claudia Garcia (Spanish) 281-787-5128/ or Sophia Grooms ( for 12am-6am hours) at 346-317-3506/

November 17


November 17


Pasos básicos para confesarse

Entra al confesionario sin miedo, confiando en la misericordia de Jesús: Penitente: Ave María Purísima Sacerdote: Sin pecado concebida. Penitente: Bendígame padre porque he pe cado. Hace ... de mi última confesión. Mis pecados son los siguientes... Confiesa todos los pecados desde tu última con-fesión. No es necesario ilustrar detalles de lo ocurrido. Por ejemplo: "Ofendí gravemente a mis padres de palabra" en vez de: "Íbamos en el carro y pa-pa sacó una vieja conversación.... me habló de una novia... reaccioné....entonces..." Confiesa tus propios pecados y no los ajenos. El confesionario no es para desahogarse contando lo que nos han hecho otros. Sacerdote ofrece algún consejo e imparte la pe-nitencia. Penitente reza el Acto de Contrición, por ejemplo: Pésame Dios mío y me arrepiento de todo corazón de haberte ofendido. Pésame por el infierno que merecí y por el cielo que perdí; pero mucho mas me pesa porque pecando ofendí un Dios tan bueno y tan grande como vos; antes querría haber muerto que haberle ofendido, y propongo firmemente ayudado por tu divina gracia, no pecar mas y evitar las ocasiones próximas de pecado. Amen Sacerdote imparte la absolución con estas pala-bras: "Dios, Padre de misericordia..." y despide al penitente en paz.

November 17


Parish Vocations

There are seven members of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish who are in formation for the priesthood or religious life. Please pray for them!

Jeison Cortes is a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. He is a second-year theology student at the North American College in Rome.

Bro. Paul Ersan is a member of the Con-templatives of the Pierced Hearts, and is currently in religious formation in the Philippines. He is a religious brother.

Bro. Shadi Naim is a religious brother of the Institute of the Incarnate Word (IVE). He is a convert to the Catholic faith. Brother Shadi is in the IVE semi-nary in Washington, D.C.

Jean Carlo Mindiola is a seminarian of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. He is enrolled in the college seminary program at St. Joseph Seminary Col-lege in St. Benedict, LA.

Daniel Nevares is a member of the So-ciety of Jesus (Jesuits). He is involved in pastoral work prior to the study of theology in the seminary.

Sr. Cathryn Frassati Ivy Tran is a mem-ber of the Dominican Sisters of Mary Immaculate here in Houston. The apostolate of her community is teach-ing and religious formation.

This could be you! Is the Lord calling you to the religious life as a sister or brother? Perhaps to the priesthood of Jesus Christ?

Bro. Francis Godkin is a member of the Franciscans of Primitive Observance (FPO) in Roxbury, MA. His community strives to live according to the original rule of St. Francis.

Continued from page 7... he will set apart; for he will place some on his right, others on his left. What is more equitable, what more true than that they should not themselves expect mercy from the judge, who themselves were unwilling to show mercy before the judge’s coming. Those, however, who were willing to show mercy will be judged with mercy. For it will be said to those placed on his right: Come, blessed of my Father, take pos-session of the kingdom which has been prepared for you from the beginning of the world. And he reckons to their account their works of mercy: For I was hungry and you gave me food to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me drink. What is imputed to those placed on his left side? That they refused to show mercy. And where will they go? Depart into the everlasting fire. The hearing of this condemnation will cause much wailing. But what has another psalm said? The just man will be held in everlasting remembrance; he will not fear the evil report. What is the evil report? Depart into the everlasting fire, which was prepared for the devil and his angels. Whoever rejoices to hear the good report will not fear the bad. This is equity, this is truth. Or do you, because you are unjust, expect the judge not to be just? Or because you are a liar, will the truthful one not be true? Rather, if you wish to receive mercy, be merciful before he comes; forgive whatever has been done against you; give of your abundance. Of whose possessions do you give, if not from his? If you were to give of your own, it would be largesse; but since you give of his, it is restitu-tion. For what do you have, that you have not re-ceived? These are the sacrifices most pleasing to God: mer-cy, humility, praise, peace, charity. Such as these, then, let us bring and, free from fear, we shall await the coming of the judge who will judge the world in equity and the peo-ples in his truth.

November 17


Army Salvador E. Zapata, Christopher Porras, Kristin Baron, Juan Vega Jr. Jessie H. Treviño II, Jesse Sinfuentes, Henry García, Gilbert Álvarez, Michael Wright, Ray Banda, Manny Hernández, Jim Branson, Joshua A. Chavira, Richard Christie, Melissa Comiskey, David García, Antonio R. Delgado, Mike Fitzgerald, Ky V. Truong, John García, Jack Longmire, Chris Lawrence, Gabriel de la Garza, Juan Manuel, Matthew O’Dowd, Marc Maziarz, Joshua Salsgiver, Tim Woods, James Scherwitz, Matthew Soileau, Tony Thompson, Michael Carty, Jessie H. Treviño, Christian Urena, Danny Morales, Jerry Morales, Joshua A. Treviño, Michael Hori, Scott Pfirman, Timothy Soto, David Freeman, Cameron J, Saltus, Trevor Marshall, Daniel Pruitt, Joseph Nadasky, Roosevelt Harris, Christina González, Evan Adams, Janet González, Alberto Moreno, Victor Delgado, Luis Rosales, Sgt. Christopher Farías, Louis Hendershot, Jr. Rudy Banda III, Elvia Ayala, Manuel James López, Andy Huayamave, Sarah Campo,

Sgt. Epigmenio Gómez Jr., Chris Figeria, Alexis Roman, Hunter Thigpen, Marco Hernandez, Thomas Stovall, Jorge Rodolfo Cantu Darien Moore Sgt. Erich J. Frankiewicz Frank Gabriel Padilla Jr Andy Alvarado Michael McGeary Tristan Weston Alexander Fuentes Erika Jaramillo Navy Jessica López, Matthew Rodríguez, A.J. Edwards, Joe Vaughn, Christopher McMullin, Linsum Flores, Michael Fruggiero, Chris Rode, Stuart Marshall, Gabriela San Martin, Jason Rodríguez, Mark Riddle, Raymond J. Reyes, Cristian Shirl, Sean V. Saluzzi, Thomas Roche, Justin J. Trudeau, William Wilkerson, Paul Zielinski, Candy Flores, Jonathan Hyacinth, Alejandro Alatorre, Jonathan Young, Sean G. McBeth, Justin Ryan Keyser, Patricia Meehan. Donovan Angevine William Johnson Adrian Garganera Marines Brad Harless, Zachary Bond, Adam Garcia, Marvin Boruca, Kleber Villalva, Frank Campos, Omar García, Stefan Barcik, Steven E. Jiménez, Patrick Lambert, Stephen Mayeaux, Randall T. Schindler,

Jimy Perafan Peter Tate Jr., Vincent Flores, Albert García, Jason Wood, Joseph Mooney, Hunter W. Moffitt, Anetor Asibor, Albert García , Sergio Perez, Keith Breeckner, Ricky Isaac Hernández, Vinny Escobar, Ryan Foley, Victor Carrión-Martínez, Christopher Unger, Kidany Vaquero, Ryan DeKay, Codie M. Barnett, Sherry L. Sola, Kevin Flores, Matthew Araiza, Jakob Murray Lysias Jovian Maciel Nathan Durling Ryan Durling Michael Longpre Air Force Coy Daniel Incaprera, Christie Scherwitz, Phillip M. Doria, David Nordel, Vincent Becklund, David Harrison, Robert N. Lobit, Sean Huggins, Dennis J. Morosin, Don Sarmiento, Raphael Ashe, Kenzie O’Leary, Tsg.Srg. Don Park, Nathalie Rodríguez, David Anthony, Nathalie Huayamave, Nelvin Rodríguez, Maurice James Hardy II, Ricardo Villalva Jr. Daniel Araiza Gabriel Ramirez National Guard Camilo Orozco, Ed Dextraze, Tony Nies, Jerry Torres, Kevin Westlund, Cynthia Tobon Ashley Ayala

On the Cover: The Last Judgement, ca. 1435. Oil and gold leaf on oak panel. Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Cologne, Ger-many.

Monday, November 18 6:30 a.m. Yvonne McGrath 9:00 a.m.   Francisco Arellano 7:00 p.m. Yanez Carranza

Tuesday, November 19

6:30 a.m. Isabel Gaitan Orozco 9:00 a.m. Santa G. Pena 7:00 p.m. Frank Jr. & Josephine Coselli

Wednesday, November 20

6:30 a.m. Carlos Figueroa 9:00 a.m. Brenda Thomas 7:00 p.m. Roy Owen Yapo 7:30 p.m. Gladys Carmona

Thursday, November 21

6:30 a.m. Reine Yapo 9:00 a.m. Aaron & Madeline Porter 7:00 p.m. Salvador Lopez

Friday, November 22

6:30 a.m. Silvino Loredo Ruiz 9:00 a.m. Felomena de Souza 7:00 p.m. Fernando Penago

Saturday, November 23

7:30 a.m. Nilo Yu 5:00 p.m. Margaret Anders 6:30 p.m. Luis Ernesto Lozano Bolivar 8:00 p.m. Manuelito Vega

Sunday, November 24

7:00 a.m. Bernadette Vaclavek 8:30 a.m. Alejandro Albano

10:30 a.m. Pro Populo 12:15 a.m. Barbara Menges

2:00 p.m.   Enrique Zamudio Galvan 5:30 p.m. Claudia Galvan 7:30 p.m. Juan Cortez Medina

Mass Intentions

The Scripture readings for daily Mass are found at:

November 17


Let us Pray for God’s Healing for all the Sick (A) Luis Acosta, Rita Aguilar, Manuel Alvarez, Dave Anderson, Jan Arnold, Kathryn Arnst, Jack Aultman, Vicenta Avellaneda, Dezmond Allan, Anthony Anderson, Anna Anaweta and family, Lisa Adornetto, Louis Abshire, Helga Aguilar, William E. Armijo, Francisco Arellano (B) Mary Borelli, Don Barnes, Estefano Bermejo, Carmen Vazquez Blanco, Anita Blomberg, Laure Boconvi, Lin Boehlert, Maria Borrero, Anita Bernardo, Ashley Blevins, Benjamin, Tekaylah Bonds, Frances Babauta, Don Borelli, Mary & Eddie Booker, Sabrina Brooks, Catherine Bryant, Luis Bolano (C) Humberto Fabian Caballero, Fabian Cabrello, Carolina Cabrello, Cristian Neil Caballero, Juan Antonio Cabrera, Sarah Callans, Diane Calzado, Lucia Angela Carbone, Ricardo Castaneda III, Margarita Castano, Sally Castro, Yok Chang, Henry Chang, Maria Elena Chavez, Chavez-Vargas Family, Gilberto S. Cisneros, Elizabeth Cisne-ros, Victor H Cisneros, Kayson Clay, Maria Colon, Erin Conney, Mike and Julie Cook, Edward Costello Jr., Michael Alfred Crewell, Grant Cruise Family, Emmanuel Cubil-los, Remedios Cuevas, Omar Cabrera, Patricia Crim, Todd Carroll, Christopher Carrasco(D) Vuong (David) Minh Dao, Alex Diaz, Luis Enrique Diaz, John Doll, Dale Le Duc, Bobby Duenas, Marlin Dunlap, Debbie Dunn, Tony D’Alessandro, Maggie Debenedette, Josephine De la Garza, Jaime De la Garza, Rose Mary Diaz, Lisa Marie Diaz, Ricardo De Leon (E) Faye Edwards, Marisa Ehrig, Luis Madico Escudero, Isabel Escamilla, Anna & Meg Emembolu, Doris Cruz Escobar, Connie Erdeljac, Dany Erdeljac Jr., Jose Escalante (F) Sgt. Christopher Farias, Steve Flannery, Jonhy Francisco, Yorley Frias, Samuel Fuentes, AA Fuentes III, (G) Joseph Gallagher, Jo-nahs Galloway, Victoria Alana Garcia, Juan Alberto Garcia, Rosa Garcia, Lydia Ann Garcia, Elizabeth Gardner, Homer Garza, Gene Gessert, Kelly Gillespie, Mari-ana De Jesus Gonzalez, Nelly Abby Gonzalez, John A Guillespie, Roland Gusman, Mrs. Estera Guitierrez, Victoria Gomez, Jaxon Godkin, Claudia Galvan, Rudy Gal-van (H) Milton Hanas, Joyce Hennessy, Olivia Hernandez, Shirley Harris, Amy Diaz Hinojosa, Alison Hanst, Ray Hernandez, Sandy Heuser, Dora Isaac (J) Jessica Ja-cobson, Cecilia Jimenez, Dana Jones, Gene Juranka, Mario Jardin, John Jones, Alicia Jardin, Chris Johnson (K) Elih Kars, Megan Kelly, Sharon Kettner, Lane Kimble, Gene Kimble, Douglas K. (L) Netta Laird, Scott Laird, Jose Lara, Carlos Humberto Bolivar Lara, Christian Lebanc, Mike Leditin, Julio Lezama, Gary Lindig, Stanley Loziek, Mitchell Lyon, Zee Lee, Harper Lee, Jay LeDuc, Ruben Lozano, Robert Lem-on, Maria Lopez, Deanna Lopez, Evelia Lezama (M) Ines Madice, Agustin Madona, Gerardo Madrigal, Kevin Malanaphy, Adelaida Maldonado, Judy Mamaclay, Karen Berenice Margarito, Evelyn Marinas, Roy Martin, Bradley Martinez, David Martinez, Emily Martinez, Walter Mayko, Lia McLean, Noah Medlin & family, Nelson Mejia, Nenita Mendiola, Rudy Mendoza, Frank Meyer, Lilvon Michael, Byron Mi-chael, Manuela Alicia Ortiz Molina, Jose Manuel Monreal, Lamar Montalvo, Sergio Montoya, Margie Morales, Sandra Morales-Negron, Drake Motolet, Jeanne Marie Matthews, Lesley Marroquin, Jackie Mitchem, Lola Morris, Juanita Millender, Danny Mitchell, Luis Madico, Anthony Montenegro, Deisy Maines, Michael McGeary, Antonio Mendez Jr., Priscilla Myerscough, Mary Jane Morgan, Shaun McFarland (N) Ryan Naulty, Mary Neminach, Vicky Nevares, Andres Nevares, Alpha Newgene, Shirley Ngang, Gam Thi Nguyen, Janell Noeth, Rosa L. Nietes, John, Chidera, Chisom, Maurene and Tobe Ndub, Butin Ngim (O) Rodolfo Ocampo, Julie Ojonta, Leonor Orozco, Danna Paola Osollo, (P) Melanie Pearson, Julian Gregory Pearson, Maria Antonia Medina Perez, Robert D. Perez, Robert A. Perez, Lisa Peterson, Benjamin Poblete, Bobby Prize, Ofelia Padilla, Carlos Pena, Delores Petrich, Todd Parsons (Q) Jeannine Quintero, (R) Doris Ramirez, Robert Ramirez, Rodolfo E. Ramirez Jr., Chris Ramirez, Nery Randa, Jerrene Randall, Jack Randall, Valentin Rangel, Olga Sarahi Reyna, Joel Rivera, Lynette Roberts, Mark Rodriguez, Olefia Rodriguez, Marcela Ramirez Roldan, Jose Rosas, Familia Montes Ruiz, Robin-son Family, Michael Randall, Humberto Jose Rodriguez Serrano, Olivia Ramirez, Krista Richardson, Richard Rogalski, Kyle Ramirez (S) Gisela Sachs, Elizabeth Salas, Judge Deborah Sanchez, Jose Santistevan, Marie Sauceda, Lee A. Sauseda, Khris Scherwitz, Mary Jane Schillinger, Francis Schillinger, Evan Schuessler, Lupita Scotka, Tommy Sebesta, Daniel Shay, Mrs. D. Florence Sicola, Johnny Sicola, Amelia Soarces, Bob Sommers, Mariana Soto, Jo Stewart, Thomas Stovall, Hanna Stoval, Maverick Schwantzenlaug, Sandy Stephenson, Maria Isabel Saucedo, Dan Schuessler, Esther De la Garza Salazar, Abby Salas, Meleida Sierra, Linda Salvaggio, Robert Salinas, Dean Scontivarath, Stanley Stevens (T) Dolores Tallman, Verneta Thomas, Martha Toledo, Claude Tournay, John Trevino, David Turilli, Silvia Tellez, Fanny Triana, Mary Turner (U) Ignacio Urvina (V) Dioselvia Lozano de Vargas, Jose Vargas, Guadalupe Vasquez, Edith Vazquez, Linda Villanueva, Nemer Antonio Portccarrero Villagra Dang V. Vo, Mr. & Mrs. Vences, Mckenzie Valentine, Ashley Vleins, Angie Vazquez, Jesus David Vazquez, Juan Jose Vazquez (W) Jim Wade & Jamie Wade, Ashley Wade, Nancy Wannamaker, Claire Way, Bob Way, Irma Guadalupe Westry, Wilder Family, Marshall Williamson, Mike Wilson, Mary Wilson, Gale Winberley, Sabrina Way, Tristan Weston, Caleb Walton (Y)(Z) Gilberto Zamo-ra, Leticia Zarzoza, Leo Zerguche, Victoriano Zamudio, Nora Zetino, and all others who also need our prayers. If you know anyone who is sick or in need of prayer support, please call 281-463-7878. Comuníquese al teléfono anterior si conoce algún enfermo que necesita el apoyo de la oración de nuestra familia parroquial.

Stewardship Report

All new employees and volunteers will complete the Safe Haven online training program instead of VIRTUS PGC train-ing. The turnaround time for approval may be approxi-mately two weeks or less. All individuals must complete the training and complete a background check prior to the start of employment and/or volunteer service. The five-year anniversary date is still in place, individuals who recently attended VIRTUS will not be due to complete refresher trainings until they have met their five-year anni-versary date. As the five-year anniversary date is met, individuals will need to log into CMGConnect with their previous personal VIRTUS user id and 1234 as the password. Once the individ-ual logs into their CMGConnect account, they will be able to change their password. If they do not remember the user id, they may contact the following:

Daphne Woods at 800.228.6108 ext. 2375 or CMG at

The following individuals below will now be required to complete Safe Haven online training as well: Individuals who have never attended training. Individuals who are currently due for refresher training

and had not attended VIRTUS training. Individuals who are currently due and have not at-

tended VIRTUS training. Individuals who are out of compliance or past due.

Sunday, November 10, 2019 Sunday collection $ 32,282 Retired Priests’ Pension Fund $ 10,182

Diocesan Services Fund 2019 Parish Goal $ 270,000 Amount pledged $ 160,936 Number of participants 527

November 17


Parish Office 281-463-7878

Pastor Rev. Stephen B. Reynolds

Parochial Vicar Rev. Antonio Ortiz

Parochial Vicar Rev. Mark Hoa Le, C.M.C.

Parochial Vicar Rev. Alfonso Tran

Deacons Tom Jeffers Ed Gallagher German Godoy Peter Tuu Hoang

Gilbert Johnson Chuck Pennell Francisco Rendon Alfonso Sosa

Managerial Administrator Deacon German Godoy

Director of Finance Linh Nguyen

Director of Religious Education Becky Brumbaugh

Director of Spanish Ministries Lucia Rueda

Director of Vietnamese Ministries Deacon Peter Tuu Hoang

Director of Family Life Nadia Jara

Director of Adolescent Catechesis & Evangelization

Donna Worley

Youth Apostolate Andrew Schuelke

Parish Office 281-463-7878

FAX 281-463-4822

Parish E-Mail

Parish Website

School Office 281-463-1444

School Website

S.E.E.D.S. Office (pre-school) 281-855-2503

S.E.E.D.S. Website

Parish Office Hours Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m.

Saturday 8:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church 6646 Addicks-Satsuma Road Houston, Texas 77084-1599 281-463-7878

Bulletin Deadlines Submissions for the bulletin are due on Noon Monday, thirteen days in advance of publication date. Submit your information to Mrs. Patti Bergholtz at her e-mail: All submissions must be an MS Word document (no PDF files), us-ing Century Gothic font, size 9. Please do not use any other for-matting (i.e., all caps, bold, italics, underlining, colored text, highlight-ing, text boxes, etc...). Do not capitalize nouns unless they are the first word of a sentence or a proper name. Graphics and pho-tos are subject to editing. Submis-sions not following these guidelines may be rejected. Bulletin Date Deadline December 15 November 25 December 22 December 2 Special edition Christmas Season bulletin (three weekends: Dec. 29, Jan. 5 & Jan. 8) deadline Dec. 10.

281-463-7878 SeasOf f ice@SeasCathol ic .org

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November 17


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St. Andrew Dung Lac November 24 On June 19, 1988, Pope John Paul II canonized a group of 117 martyrs who died for the Ro-man Catholic Faith in Vietnam during the nineteenth century. The group was made up of ninety-six Vietnamese, eleven Spaniards, and ten French. Eight of the group were bishops, fifty were priests and fifty-nine were lay Catholics. Some of the priests were Dominicans, oth-ers were diocesan priests who belonged to the Paris Mission Society. One such diocesan priest was St. Theophane Venard. (His feast day is November 6.) St. Andrew Dung-Lac, who represents this group of heroes, was a Vietnamese diocesan priest. He came from a poor, non-Christian family and was taught by a Christian lay cate-chist. He worked in the missions with the priests of the Foreign Mission Society of Paris. He was imprisoned and repeatedly tortured during the persecutions of Minh-Meng, the emperor of Vietnam between 1820 and 1840 who was famed for his persecutions of the Christians. Among the many Vietnamese and international martyrs who died alongside St. Andrew Dung-Lac was Saint Peter Thi. This feast day, and the witnesses of the lives of the martyrs, give testament to the sufferings inflicted on the Vietnamese Church, which are among the most terrible in the long history of Christian martyrdom

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