from our president, kathy porter - amazon web services · it is that time of year again when the...

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To encourage, promote and preserve the art of quilt making.

Vol. MMXVI No. 6

July 2016

From Our President, Kathy Porter

Inside this issue:

President’s Message 1

UQG Board 2

Open Positions 3

Heart Challenge 3

Fabric Postcards 4

Hotel Rooms/QuiltFest 5

Springville Quilt Show 5

Ruby Jubilee 5

Quilt Days 6

Willing to Stand On… 6

Quilt Show Rules 7

Quilt Show Entry Form 9

Ugly Sweater Contest 10

Mini Quilts 10

Featherweight Winner 10

Quilts With Attitude 11

Christmas Stockings 11

Stop the Presses! 12

Area News 13

All About Aurifill 17

Happenings 20

Continued on Page 3

I’m not Sorry! My daughter in law told me the funni-

est story about one of her friends. They

were eating lunch along with several

other women. Andrea suddenly noticed

her friend very slowly and deliberately

buttering her roll. She buttered the

top, then the sides and carefully turned

it over and buttered the bottom. All

eyes were on her when she said, “Do

you know what I love?” Everyone

shouted out, “Butter?” Surprised, she

looked up and started laughing, not

realizing everyone had been watching

her. “Yes, Butter,” she laughed, “and

I’m not sorry, I’m really not sorry!”

I have not been able to stop thinking

about that. How often do we say

“Sorry” and don’t really mean it. We

often apologize for not being what we

think other people want us to be. For

instance, we were talking about our

favorite movies and TV shows the other

day. I feel like I have to lie when some-

one asks me that question, because my

favorite shows are highly questionable

and people might think I’m weird or

even not a good person. But I decided

to be honest and said “I love Zombie

Apocalypse Movies and TV shows”.

Everyone stopped talking and stared at

me a minute then burst out laughing. I

think they thought I was kidding, but I

soon convinced them. I’m not sure

what that says about me, but I’m not


I love hot and spicy food. What that

means is that for most of my life I have

eaten what I consider to be bland taste-

less food, because my husband and

most of my children do not like highly

flavored food. Now, when I go shopping,

I buy medium or hot salsa for me, and

sometimes mild for my husband. We

usually end up throwing half of each

away but I’m not sorry.

I love HARD licorice, the red and black

vines. I take it out of the package and

put it in a drawer and wait for it to get

hard. I like it when it shatters when I

bite it. Sorry…..not sorry.

I really like Modern quilts. I have lis-

tened to enough conversations to know

they are not popular among my age

group. I can’t help it, they feel clean and

mindful to me. I love the beautiful ma-

chine quilting spaces. I’m just not sorry

about that.

I really appreciate hand quilting, I’m

awestruck by it. I treasure it. I honor

those who do it. I even occasionally do it

myself. But I LOVE the artistry and big

in-your-faceness of machine quilting.

This could make me totally unpopular,

but, I’m not sorry.

I love technology. I want the latest best

phone and computer and I want to know

how to work Facebook and snapchat and

Instagram and Photoshop and whatever

else appears on the scene. I’m not too old

to learn new stuff if I can find someone

to teach me. I’m not ready to retire my

mind yet. Sometimes my kids get frus-

trated when I ask how to do something.

I’m not sorry.

Be very honest with yourself. What do

you love? Don’t apologize unless you’re a

serial killer or something dangerous. In

that case run to the nearest police sta-

tion and mention how not sorry you are.

Page 2 The Beeline Newsletter Utah Quilt Guild Board

Page 3 The Beeline Newsletter

Most of us are just individuals, different in lots of

ways from everyone else, but still good people. The

more we accept and honor each other’s differences,

the happier and more honest we can be. We don’t

have to lie to be loved. Be truthful, and don’t be sor-


You’re the Best! And I’m NOT SORRY that I know you!!

Kathy Porter

President’s Message Continued

Heart Challenge 2016

By Krisanne Watkins

Are you aware that heart disease is the number one

killer of women in the United States? Heart Disease

is normally thought of as a man’s disease, however

about the same number of deaths in the female popu-

lation is attributed to this silent killer each year. Ac-

cording to the CDC, 65% of women who die suddenly

of heart disease have not recognized any symptoms.

Our 2016 Heart Challenge blocks will focus upon rais-

ing awareness of this disease. The monies raised by

the challenge will go to heart disease research. While

we have not yet chosen the exact study we wish to

contribute toward, it is our goal to choose something

that will directly impact women of Utah, with all of

the funds staying in Utah.

How can you help with this fund raiser?

Purchase one of the fat quarters. We have two

different fabrics available for purchase from

your Area Representative. The fabrics are the

same design, but of different color ways

containing snowflakes.

Make a block, 12 ½ inches unfinished (12 inches

finished) containing either one of the snowflake

fabrics. The snowflake fabric should be the back-

ground or part of the background of your block.

Add other fabrics as desired.

The block theme is “Winter Wonderland.”

You may use any method to create your block:

pieced, appliqued, embroidered, etc.

Turn your completed block in to your Area Rep or

bring it to Quilt Fest in September.

Blocks will be displayed at Quilt Fest. There will be a

Viewer’s Choice award with a prize attached. The last

day of Quilt Fest, we will be combining about 12

blocks, and then drawing winners from those who cre-

ated the blocks.

For those lucky enough to win blocks, we are hopeful

that you will complete this quilt before Quilt Fest

2017. These quilts will be hung, voted upon, with a

Viewer’s Choice award granted.

Thank you for supporting Heart Challenge 2016!

It is that time of year again when the Utah Quilt

Guild needs fill the positions of President Elect

and Secretary.

The President Elect position is an agreement to

serve three years. During the first year of this office

you are the Co- Chair of the Quilt Fest, while learn-

ing the other volunteer jobs within the guild. The

second year you will serve as President, and you are

responsible for the day to day operations of the

guild. Your third year is the fun year with the

organization of Quilt Fest and all the activities.

The secretary position is such a important position

within the Guild. The secretary keeps us all in line

and on top of things. She takes and distributes

monthly minutes, maintains files and assist with

Quilt Fest.

At the current time we do have two individuals that

have volunteered for the President Elect position,

Davidene Zimmerman and Josephine Keasler. In

next month’s Beeline I will provide a bio on

both candidates so you can get to know them a little


If you are interested in running for either of these

positions please contact Cindy Hutchison 801-309-

6673, and I will have your name added to the voting


UQG Voluntary Positions for the Upcoming Year

By Cindy Hutchison

Page 4 The Beeline Newsletter

Has anyone else noticed that these mini quilts are get-

ting smaller and smaller? I don’t know what could be

smaller than a post card though. I’m going to have to

start going the other way!

Years ago I made a fabric postcard with tiny binding,

and a fabric back. I wrote on it and stamped it and

sent it through the mail. It arrived intact and I

thought it was super cool, but way too much work.

This is a much easier, faster method, and the post-

cards are tougher and more durable.


Fabric scraps

Your favorite fusible, mine is

Wonder Under

A post card sized piece of

Peltex which is a Pellon

product available at JoAnns. I

always use this when I make

bags, it is a very heavy inter-

facing. I get the kind that is

fusible on both sides. It is

pricey, so have your coupon


An index card. I used the 4 x 6 ones. Next time I plan

to try the 5x7 ones.


Cut your Peltex to the size of the index card. In this

case, 4x6 inches.

Apply fusible (Wonder Under) to any fabric you will be

using. I keep a small box of already fused scraps that

I have left over from other projects. Never throw

away a piece of fabric that has fusible on it!

For the house card, cut a back-

ground piece of fused fabric

slightly larger that 4x6.

Start drawing with your scraps.

You can put them on randomly

and make a modern art piece,

or you can make wonky houses

or stripes. There is no wrong

thing to do and there are no

ugly postcards. Just loosen up

and create!

When you are happy with

your design, fuse it to the

peltex and trim it to fit.

Quilt as desired. It needs

minimal quilting. I used gold

thread (It goes with every-

thing) and made a few lines of

quilting. On the striped one I

stitched each stripe. On the

house, I outlined the house

and stitched a vertical, curvy

line up each green plant, all the way to the top.

Stitch the index card to the back. Turn so the lines

don’t show. I just stitched close to the edge all the

way around. A decorative

stitch would look good also.


the address, write a note,

put a stamp on it, and off it

goes. Some like to take it to

the post office and have it

hand stamped. That is a

good idea.

This was so fast and fun!

You could have a Fabric

Postcard Party, invite

friends, throw out a bag of

scraps and challenge everyone to make a few cards

using the same scraps. I’m excited already!

Have Fun!

Fabric Postcards

By Kathy Porter

Page 5 The Beeline Newsletter

We are getting close to Quilt Festival and we’re so ex-

cited...taking great classes, all those vendors, and

most of all, meeting up with old friends. But please do

not lose sight of getting your Ruby Jubilee quilts

ready, especially if you are in charge of your group’s

quilt for the travelling show. Those quilts need to be

turned in to Barbara Walsh before the Saturday

luncheon. Barbara will be in the retreat area to collect

your quilts. You will need a sleeve and a label…

directions for both are on the website. Please go to

Events, then Ruby Jubilee. You will find an entry

form and directions for the sleeve. We need to have

entry forms for the chapter quilts for the travelling

show no later than September 1.

Right now we are getting the travelling show ready.

After Quilt Festival you will find more information

about the local/ individual shows…dates, locations,

entry forms, etc. But please keep working on them.

2017 will be “Quiltspacular!” and yes, I made that up.

Ruby Jubilee By Barbara Walsh

We have filled the Hilton Garden Inn with our

Quilt Fest reservations so if you need a hotel room I

have made arrangements and reserved a block of

rooms at the Hampton Inn. It is located just

around the corner to the Hilton Garden Inn and

you can come out of their back door and be next to

the Hilton Garden Inn. The Hampton Suites offers

a complimentary breakfast and a light dinner

which is included in the $99.00 per night charge.

So if you still need a reservation give them a call at

801-775-8800 and tell them you are with the Utah

Quilt Guild. Their address is 1700 Woodland Park

Drive, Layton, UT 84041.

Hotel Rooms for Quilt Fest By Cindy Hutchison

Springville Quilt Show By Shirley Olsen

The Springville Museum of Art Quilt Show is com-

ing up fast!. To enter, fill out the online entry

form, and then bring one or two of your quilts to

the museum on either July 15th or 16th between

10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Each quilt needs a special

hanging sleeve which is specific to this show. De-

tailed sleeve directions, full entry details, and re-

quirements are on the Springville Museum of Art

website: under upcoming exhibi-

tions. Awards will be announced on Saturday, July

23rd at 11:00 a.m. Refreshments will be served

that day until 1:00 p.m. Entrants and members of

the guild are invited to attend. The show will be

open to the public July 23rd - September 24th.

Be sure to put the Trunk Shows on your calendar.

The participants will be as follows: Wednesday,

August 3rd: 6:00 p.m., Gloria Hartley; 6:30 p.m.,

Kris Orton; 7:00 p.m., Karen Holt; 7:30 p.m., Crys-

tal North and The Donglettes (embroidery quilt-

ers); 8:00 p.m., Cheryl Elmer and Michelle

McNeill. Thursday, August 4th: 12:30 p.m., Cindy

Hutchison; 1:00 p.m., Machelle Preston and Kar-

lene Riggs; 1:30 p.m., Anny Opfar; 2:00 p.m.,

Michelle Hansen; 2:30 p.m., Marget Kunz. Quilts

will be available for pick up beginning September


Page 6 The Beeline Newsletter

Well, I’m willing to

offer up our Mr. Snow-

man standing on his

head anyway.

But, we do need your

quilts! Lots of quilts.

All of you have lovely

quilts. We’d love to be

able to exhibit them in

our show. You may

enter them for judging,

with cash prizes or for

“display only”.

Display only (non-

judged) entries are frreeee. So, if you like getting the

warm fuzzies of seeing your quilt hanging in the show

but are a little anxious about having your work judged,

just enter it into the display only/non-judged category.

Any quilt being submitted for hanging in the show

needs to be registered, please fill out the form on the web site and follow the in-

structions. This helps us keep track of your quilt while

in our safe keeping. See you at the “really big show”.

There are some super surprises in the making. Check

the Beeline next month for a few of them. They’re gon-

na be hum dingers! I just haven’t thought them up yet!

If you need further information call Quilt Show Chair-

person Josephine Keasler at 801-878-3397 or email me


Thanks in advance for your participation. Now for the


(See rules and entry form on the following pages)

Willing to Stand on Our Head By Josephine Keasler

Quilt Days & Holiday

Quilt Show and Auction By Judie Oler

Our next Technique Tips Class will be during

September Quilt Days. The subject will be held

on the best pressing techniques for quilts for

hand quilting.

We are going to

change over to sending

our monthly Quilts Day

notice by e-mail in the

coming months. If you do

not have e-mail we can

mail you a postcard.

Please let Judie Oler know at 801-234-9949 or if you need your notice

by postcard. Also please check your email in

the sign-in binder to make sure it is correct.

If your group is planning on submitting a quilt

for the 2017 Holiday Quilt Show and Auction,

Quilt Turn In Day we be held during Quilt

Days, September 26, 2017 and we will continue

to accept quilts until

October 10, 2017.

Unfortunately we

will not be able to

accept any quilts

after these dates.

We appreciate all of

you for your attend-

ance and help in making a great auction and a

fun quilt day each month. Summer is always

busy and we have projects you can take home to

work on in both quilting and sewing, so come

see what we have to send home. We always

look forward to seeing each on of you every

month at quilt days. It’s a Great Place to be on

the fourth Thursday of every month. July’s

quilt days will be held on July 26, 2016.

Sponsor of Quilt Fest 2016

The gifts that come from the heart, heals

the hearts of others.

Page 7 The Beeline Newsletter

Quilt Show Rules Utah Quilt Guild Annual Quilt Fest Quilt Show

The quilt show promotes the art of quilting by encouraging quilt makers of all levels to share their work.

Entry Category Definitions: Ribbons and or cash prizes may be awarded in each category listed below.

Pieced Large: Have a perimeter of 300” or more

Pieced Small: Have a perimeter of less than 300”

Embroidery: Needle work that consist of hand or machine embroidery that predominates the overall technique

or effect.

Art Innovative: Your original design reflecting innovative construction and design techniques, themes, or subject

matter and materials. No commercial patterns used.

Applique Machine: Machine Applique predominates over other techniques or in the effect.

Applique Hand: Hand Applique predominates over other techniques or in the effect.

Group Quilt: A quilt that has more than two persons involved in its completion. Involves all techniques as well as

quilting by a person other that the makers of the top.

Mixed Techniques/Wearables: A quilt where a fairly even amount of multiple techniques not including quilting,

or trapunto, is used to develop the design of the top. Any garment designed to be worn, including vests, jackets,

hats, etc.

Youth: Youth up to age of 15 AND youth age 16 to 18. Must be 15 and under as of 9/15/2016; OR must be 16 to

18 as of 9/15/2016.

Modern Quilt: Quilt may feature high contrasting colors, minimalism, improvisational piecing, expansive negative

space, and non traditional layouts.

Machine Quilting: Quilt is quilted on a home sewing push thru machine, a stationary machine or a track mounted


Ribbons and or cash prizes may be awarded in each category listed below.

Jean Christensen Founders Award for Hand Quilting

Viewer’s Choice Judge’s Choices Best Machine Quilting

Best Use of Color Best of Show

National Teachers’ Choices Best Theme

Quilt Show Rules

1. No tied or Tricot quilts will be accepted.

2. A quilt maker may submit two quilts and they must be clearly marked Entry #1 and Entry #2. If more entries are

received than can be displayed, all Entry #2 quilts will be juried for display.

3. Entrants are limited to one entry per category. Multiple quilts by the same quilt maker cannot be entered into

the same category.

4. Quilts must have been completed in the past three years and be in excellent condition.

5. Quilts that require special handling will not be accepted. Your quilt must be able to be stacked with other quilts.

The determination of whether a quilt does not meet these requirements is at the sole discretion of the Quilt

Show Coordinator, which may result in disqualification from competition. If this is the case the entry fee is non-


6. Entries without sleeves will not be displayed in the show. If a quilt is submitted without a sleeve, the quilt will

not be accepted and the entry fee is non-refundable.

7. There will be a charge of $10.00 for each entry for UQG members, limit of two entries per person. Youth entries

will be $5.00 per entry. Non-UQG members will be $15.00 per entry. If you would like to display your quilt but

not be judged, there is no charge for Display Only quilts.

Page 8 The Beeline Newsletter

8. Place each entry in its own roomy disposable bag (the bag will not be returned). NO black garbage bags please.

9. Your name and the name of the quilt must be clearly written on the outside of the bag and on each entry. Each

entry must have a fabric label sewn on stating your name and title of quilt

10. The UQG Quilt Show committee and judges reserve the right to change the category of the quilt if deemed nec-

essary for any reason.

11. Each quilt must have an entry form included. Please keep a copy to be used to pick up your quilt.

12. Only the person designated to pick up the quilt listed on the entry form or the owner will be able to pick up the

quilt after the show on Saturday, September 24, 2016. Pick up will begin at 3:30 PM. For security purposes,

only assigned quilt show volunteers will take down the quilts and distribute them.

ENTRY PAPER WORK: All entry paper work and a photograph of the quilt must reach the Quilt Show Coordinator

by August 15, 2016. The easiest way to enter is online at A picture of your entry will need

to be uploaded.

1. Log onto the site and then click on the quilt show link on the first page of the website. The entry form will pop


2. Fill it out, upload your quilt picture, type in your quilt story and click “Submit.” Your quilt will be entered in the

show. You will receive an email receipt. Be sure to follow the directions to pay by Credit Card, or you may mail

your check to: Josephine Keasler

1062 W. Grainery Cove,

Riverton, UT 84065

ENTRY DROP-OFF INSTRUCTIONS: Quilts must reach the Quilt Show Coordinator, Josephine Keasler , by August

29, 2016. If you need additional help contact your UQG Area Representative. Contact information is in the Beeline

and online at Your Area Representative may be able to help deliver your entry. Please call her

ahead of the deadline. You may mail your quilt to: Josephine Keasler , Quilt Show Entry, 1062 W. Grainery Cove,

Riverton, UT 84065.

AWARDS PRESENTATION: The awards will be presented at the Wednesday lecture/luncheon on September 21,

2016. Youth awards will be awarded Tuesday night, 6:00pm, before the holiday dinner.

ENTRY PICK-UP: The quilt show will end at 2:00 PM on Saturday, September 24, 2016. You may pick up your

quilt after 3:30 PM. To prove ownership, you must have a copy of your entry form.

ANY QUESTIONS? Josephine Keasler , Call 801-878-3397 or email

QuiltFest Quilt Drop Off Locations

Area Reps

Verify yours is available for

drop off

Brigham City

Village Dry Goods

96 S Main St.

Brigham City, UT 84302

(435) 723-1315


My Sister’s Quilts

12544 S Pasture Rd.

Riverton UT 84065

(801) 810-3999

St. George

Scrap Apple

144 W Brigham Rd #23

St. George UT 84790

(435) 628-8226


Crystal North

358 International Way

Alpine UT 84004

(801) 492-0123


K & H Quilt Shoppe

250 W 200 N #4

Kaysville UT 84037

(801) 444-4375



12538 S Doreen Dr.

Riverton UT 84065

(801) 446-7958


Quilters Attic

2155 S Orchard Dr #102

Bountiful UT 84010

(801) 292-1710



78 S Fairfield Road

Layton UT 84040

(801) 444-0203

Salt Lake City


4742 S 900 E

SLC UT 84117

(801) 262-6665

The Beeline Newsletter Page 9

Quilt Show Entry Form

This form is available online at:

USE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH ENTRY: Deadline for entries is August 15, 2016.

USE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH ENTRY: Deadline for entries is August 15, 2016.



City State Zip code

Phone Cell Phone Email address

Information about your Quilt: Place entry in a bag with a copy of this form (bag will not be returned).

Select one: Judged Display only

Name of Quilt

Eligible Categories Circle One: (only for Judged quilts)

Pieced Large Applique Machine Youth: up to and including age 15 Pieced Small Applique Hand Youth: age 16 to 18 Embroidery Group Quilt Modern Quilt Art Innovative Mixed Technique/Wearables Machine Quilted

Quilt Measurement: Width ___________ Length ______________

Pieced by

Quilted by

Entry (circle) #1 #2 Original design? (circle) yes no Design source

Is this quilt a kit? (circle) yes no Were fabrics chosen as part of kit or block of the month? (circle) yes no

Name of Person Picking Up the Quilt Cell phone:

Entry fee UQG member $10 (limit 2) Non-UQG member $15 Display Only $0

Check # __________ check made payable to Utah Quilt Guild. With an online entry you may pay by Credit Card.

VERY IMPORTANT: On a separate sheet of paper, please write about your quilt. (50 words or less) This in-formation will be hung with your quilt for viewers to read. Please include anything unusual or interesting in the process of making this quilt. Include a photograph of your quilt with the paperwork. If you have computer access,

please email your write up about the quilt to: Everything can be submitted online at

I have read the quilt show information and rules. I agree to abide by the quilt show rules. I verify that the information provided is accurate and complete. I give permission for my quilt to be photographed and some images will be available for viewing on the UQG website. I understand that I will be credited for the creation of my quilt but that there will be no financial compensation. I agree to abide by the Judges’ deci-

sions, which shall be final. Signed: Date:

Page 10 The Beeline Newsletter

Winner! By Kathy Porter

The winner of the Featherweight for 2016 is Karen

Coombs from Vernal Utah!

Karen has been seriously quilting for about 20 years

and belongs to the “Quilters on the Edge” group. She

is married and has three children and 8 grandchil-

dren. She is blessedly retired! I’m sure that means

she is busier than ever before. She loves sewing ma-

chines and has a collection that includes her Grand-

mother’s pedal machine. That is a very special honor.

She is thrilled to

death to add one




With Quiltfest getting closer and closer, be sure you

are working on your Ugly Christmas Sweater! This

will happen on WEDNESDAY evening 5:30-7:30pm.

Sign up to be a participant before 5pm. Winners

will be announced at 6:30. Can’t wait to see your


Ugly Sweater Contest and

Vendor Party By Kathy Porter

I just finished a couple of small quilts and decided

being in where it is cool right now is kind of nice.

Hope you have an idea in mind to make a mini quilt

for QF. It is coming up so fast and will be here be-

fore we know it. There have been some cute and fun

quilts turned in so far, but we need lots more. Let

me know if I can be of any help.

Sandra John – 801-775-0504

Mini Quilts By Sandra John

Page 11 The Beeline Newsletter

Glorious precision, flamboyant design, high-

impact color selection these are the hallmarks of

Deb's spectacular quilts! Step right this way to

the spikiest, most precise points ever. This dy-

namic half of the “Quilt Mavens” duo will show

you how. At Quilt Fest learn Deb's step-by-step

instructions for the most error-free foundation

paper piecing ever. The dynamic and complex-

looking designs are easily constructed. No 'Y'

seams, guaranteed. Deb Karasik, the Paper Piec-

ing Queen of the Quilt Mavens pair, is known for

her intricate, spikey designs and her method that

ensures ease and accuracy.

Check out the pictures of her Quilt Fest class,

#102, in red, white & blue colors for July. (There

is still space in her QF classes #102 and #302.)

Deb is always sharing her expertise in everything

quilty. She said, “As I travel around teaching, lec-

turing and judging quilts, I find the one common

component they all share is binding. I find that

many quilts could be improved with better bind-

ing techniques. So…. in an attempt to remedy the

situation, I’ve put together this little tutorial. I

hope it helps those who need it, and will help im-

prove bindings for all quilters out there who are

willing to take the extra time to do them. Not only

will it look fabulous, but your quilt will hang

straighter when bound this way.”

Go to

DebKarasik_Binding_1.0.pdf to see the complete


Thanks for sharing with us Deb!

Wow, I am starting to receive some of the cutest

Christmas Stockings that members have decorated.

The Christmas stockings will only be available until

August, so you still have time to get one or two to deco-

rate. Either hand it in at Quilt Fest or give it to your

Area Rep so we can enter your name into the drawing

for the sewing machine. Remember all of the Christ-

mas Stockings are going to the children at our local


Quilts with Attitude

Deb Karasik

Christmas Stockings By Cindy Hutchison

Area Reps Still Needed

Area Reps are still needed for

Davis South and the

Southeast Areas.

If you are interested in

serving (or know of someone

interested), please contact

Marie Haws at

The Beeline Newsletter Page 12

Sponsor of Quilt Fest 2016

The first of the hum dingers is that Ronda Lopez,

owner of Nuttall’s is generously giving everyone

who enters a quilt(s) into the Utah Quilt Guild

Quilt Fest Quilt Show, a $10 gift certificate.

That’s a free gift certificate that can be used to-

wards the purchase of any regular priced item at

any of the 4 Nuttall’s stores. You don’t have to

purchase anything more than $10 to use this cer-

tificate. One gift certificate, per person, submit-

ting a quilt(s). The certificate will be awarded

with the return of your quilt(s). This is a onetime

use certificate and will not have any cash back

value. If you’re submitting a group quilt, you will

receive one (1) gift certificate. This will defray

the cost of entering your quilt in the judged category.

Display only and youth quilts will also receive the $10

gift certificate.

Start spreading the news and looking for that quilt to

enter. Just wait until next month for the next “it’s too

good to be true!” gift.

If you need further information call Quilt Show Chair-

person, Josephine Keasler at 801-878-3397 or email me


Stop the Presses!! Start Spreading the News!! By Josephine Keasler

The Heber Valley Quilt Guild members will have some

of their quilts on display at the Wasatch County

Library, July 20-27. The address is 1200 South and

500 East in Heber City. The public is invited to come

and see what these quilters have made.

The Beeline Newsletter

Page 13 Area News

Bear River Area by Marlene Rapp

Heritage Quilt Guild: JULY: We will gather at one of

our members home for our annual Summer sewing. We

will be making a wool project taught by member Julie


AUGUST: We are having a 'Day Retreat' at My Girl-

friends Quilt Shoppe in Logan.

Meetings are held at the Boys and Girls Club at Bunder-

son School in Brigham City. We are an Open Guild and

would welcome new members. We meet the first Satur-

day of each month at 9 a.m.

Cache/Rich Area by Diane Wilkinson

All of the chapters in this area are wrapping their year

up at this time. It's luncheons, dinners, and show and

share for the end of the year.

Normal quilt guild times will resume in the fall.

Piece by Piece at the Hyde Park Civic Center, 113 East

Center, Hyde Park, UT 3rd Thursday at 10:00 a.m.

Mendon Quilt Toppers at Mendon LDS Stake Center,

460 South 100 East, Mendon UT, 1st Thur. at 6:30 p.m.

Sew Small at the Logan Library, 255 North Main Street,

Logan, UT 3rd Thursday at 6:30 p.m.

South Cache Quilters at the Nibley City Center, 455

West 3200 South Nibley, UT 3rd Tues at 10:00 a.m.

Davis-North/Weber Area by Sandra John

Piece of Mind guild will be meeting with Kalico Kut-

Ups for a picnic in August and to present their challenge

quilts (I Looked Out the Window and Saw…) This meet-

ing will be held at the Layton Park, 6:00 p.m. on the 2nd

Thursday of the month.

Syracuse Quilt Guild – August is time for their annual

picnic. Potluck will be served followed by bingo and other

games. Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday at 1:00

p.m. at the Syracuse Community Center.

Roy Pioneer Quilt Guild – They have planned a picnic

which will be held August 11 at Sunset Park beginning at

noon. Everyone is asked to bring three of anything small

(all of them the same) for the games to be played. It is a

potluck lunch. Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of the


Kalico Kut-Ups will meet at Layton Park for a picnic

with Piece of Mind club in August. The challenge for

Kalico Kut-Ups will be presented which are the center-

pieces for the tables at QuiltFest. The meeting will start

at 6:00 p.m. on the 2nd Thursday of the month.

Layton Quilt Guild is planning their annual pot-

luck picnic with fun and games to follow. Meet-

ings held at the North Davis Senior Center on the

3rd Thursday of the month at 1:00 p.m.

Ogden Quilt Guild is also have their annual Pot-

luck picnic held at Riverdale Park, 4300 S. Parker

Drive, Riverdale. The meet on the 2nd Wednesday

at 1:00 p.m.

Davis-South Area There is no current Area Rep for this area. If you

are interested in serving in this capacity, contact

Marie Haws at

Computerized Quilters—Nancy Haacke (801-


Crazy Quilters—Evelyn Brunson—(801) 573-


Main Street Quilters—Vicki Dimond—(801)


Quilt Addicts—Bernadine Sullivan—(405) 650-


Quilt Spinners—Dena Kofford—(801) 547-9295

SLC/Longarm Quilters—Cecilee Wilson—


East Central Area by Laurel Christensen

Sanpete Stitching Sisters Quilt Guild held

their closing social in May and wrapped up their

year with an amazing Quilt Show at the Ephraim

Co-op during the annual Scandinavian Days .This

year’s show was the biggest yet with 61 beautiful

quilts. Marcia Christensen was the chairman this

year as she has been for several years.

North Bend Quilt Guild met on June 7th in Fair-

view. The last of the quilts they made for Timpa-

nogos Hospital NICU were turned in and plans

were made to deliver them soon. Laurel Christen-

sen was their guest and presented a trunk show

and a demonstration on invisible machine ap-


Quilt Keeper’s June meeting was full of activity.

Three different classes in the morning were held

in the morning including: Zipper case taught by

Lara Elmer, Clothesline Bowls taught by Sylvia

Lewis, as well as a Pin cushion with attached

thread catcher by Charlotte Davis. They enjoyed a

Continued on Page 14

Page 14 The Beeline Newsletter Area News Continued from Page 13

celebrating "Christmas in July" with a panorama of

gifts to make for the holidays: bring any projects to

show, and instructions or patterns if availa-

ble. Keepsake Quilters meets the First and Third Fri-

days of the month at the Sandy Library Small Meet-

ing Room from 10:15 am to 1:15 pm. We are an open

group and welcome visitors and guests. For further

information please call 801-566-4321.

Southwest Area by Viola Bodrero

Canyon Country Quilt Guild

This beautiful quilt was selected as the 2015

Viewers’ Choice Quilt Show winner; Christine

Chedister (on left) with her “Aunt” Launa Spend-

love from Fredonia, AZ and member of Canyon

Country Quilt Guild in Kanab UT. The guild’s 2016

Quilt Show is August 25—27 in conjunction with

Kanab and Kane County’s Western Legends

Round-Up! This is one of the BEST Quilt shows in

Southern Utah!!! This 3-day event along with the

Round-Up has something for everyone! This FREE

Quilt Show is in the Old Middle School across the

street from the famous Parry Lodge. For more in-

formation of the Western Legends Round-Up go to

The Canyon Country Quilt Guild typically slows

down for June and July . . . but don’t we all? Sum-

mer finds us with family and vacations, so CCQG

takes it easy! Typically we head to the Panguitch

Quilt show up the road for the day! In July we are

going to discover the easy paper piecing process and

make a stained glass project! We have completed

36 black drapes to hang on our quilt racks. We

have completed 50 “Clothes Protectors” (bibs) for

salad picnic in the park before the afternoon meeting

which featured a trunk show by Cheryl Tuttle. They

finished their day with the Tip of the month, the last

block of the month, and show and tell. There will be

no meeting in July and they are looking forward to

their retreat to Brenda Bailey’s cabin in August.

White Hills Quilt Guild enjoyed a demonstration

by Dianna Hallam on how to make a one seam flying

geese block. Members enjoyed a great Show and Tell

of many beautiful quilts and some nice door prizes

and refreshments.

The Horseshoe Mountain Quilters are going the

Row by Row shop hop on June 22nd. They hope to get

their quilts done in time to win at some of the shops

as four members did last year. July they are hoping

for a sunny day so they can do sun-dyeing at their


Mountain Valley Quilt Guild has a demonstration

on quilt binding by Patty Westenskow planned for

their June meeting as well as show and tell. They

continue to work on their Valor Quilts for the Veter-

ans to be presented next year.

Eastern Idaho by Marsha Nipper

Snake River Valley—Connie Rafferty—(208) 521-


Stitch N Giggle—Teresa Callison (208) 681-8440

Salt Lake North Area by Leigh Weintraub

Quilters Holladay meets at the Holladay City Hall,

4580 S 2300 E, SLC on the 2nd Thursday at 6:30

p.m. President is Peggy Billingsley (469) 714-2758.

Square Corners Quilters meet at Wasatch Presbyter-

ian Church, 1700 E 1700 S, SLC on the 3rd Wednes-

day at 7:00 p.m. President Denish Smith (801) 599-


Salt Lake South Area by Jo Anne Hawks

Sandy Stitchers

Keepsake Quilters: We're starting out July on the

First, with a workshop and show-and-share format.

Our Block of the Month project is underway with

those who've opted to participate, so bring any blocks

finished to date you'd like to show (or save them for

an end-of-year quilt top reveal!) On July 15th we are Continued on Page 15

Page 15 The Beeline Newsletter Area News

the Beehive assisted living home. We are continuing

to make children’s blankets for the local Juvenile Jus-

tice Center. BUT, we are on our way to having an

Awesome Quilt Show during Western Legends August

25—27, and the show is FREE!!!

Raising Kane Quilt Guild: June was a great month

at the Raising Kane Guild Meeting. Along with our

normal meeting and business, we enjoyed the quilt

histories of two of our talented and long-time quilters,

Addie Lou Vaughn and Pamela Young. We love to see

the quilt treasures brought in each month and to hear

a little bit of quilt history to go along them. Raising

Kane Quilters welcomed yet another new member to

the guild in June—Cindy Romrell. We are so excited

that she and her talents are joining us.

The energy from our May meeting continued on into

June as we concluded our day with a demonstration on

paper piecing by Micky Robinson and a great tool bag

class taught by two of our talented and creative mem-

bers. They were all great teachers and we so appreci-

ate their preparation and work for our guild. Ten

quilters participated in the bag class and they came

with pre-purchased patterns and fabric cut and ready

to sew. We had a great time and many made great


We are so excited for our July meeting. We will enjoy

a lecture and lesson on antique quilt preservation and

restoration by Dianne Cram, a passionate advocate

and expert on the subject from Pennsylvania. We are

thrilled that she is willing to come share her

knowledge and love of quilts with our group. Last, but

certainly not least, we are in full swing preparing for

the Western Legends Quilt show on August 25-27,

2016. As always, there will be beautiful quilts on dis-

play for all to enjoy. Come and see the show!!!

Dixie Quilt Guild members enjoyed a trunk show

from Emily Bailey of Aunt Em’s Quilts. Emily’s quilts

were awesome! Following the trunk show, they en-

joyed a pot luck luncheon, which signifies the start of

the summer break from guild business. No meetings

are held in July and August. But members anxiously

await show-n-tell in September to see all the progress

made by quilters.

Save the date for the Dixie Quilt Guild Quilt Show and

Classes – April 12 to 14, 2017.

Summit Area by Barbara Murdock

The Heber Valley Quilters enjoyed having Davidene

Zimmerman come and show them many different ways

to make a square in a square block. A fun show and tell

and goodies were enjoyed by all. Barb Murdock ac-

quired many yards of lace at an estate sale and

shared the same with the members of all three guilds

in the Summit area. The Heber Valley Quilters will

be working on Quilts of Valor during their July meet-

ing. The quilts will then be donated to local service


The Kamas Quilt Guild met at the home of Pat

Lewis for a fun pot luck dinner in June. They will not

be meeting in July or August. They also enjoyed go-

ing through the hundreds of yards of lace and ribbon

that Barb Murdock shared with them.

The Midway Quilt Guild had a demo in June, by

Cindy Williams, on making stack and whack blocks

that will be used in making Quilts of Valor during

their July work meeting. The guild was the lucky

recipient of $1500.00 from the Midway Boosters and

the money will be used to buy fabric for these quilts

and also for the making of clothing protectors for the

local assisted living and rest homes.

Uintah Basin Area by Lori Fritzler

Quiltaholics meet at the Crossroads Senior Citizens

Center. President is RaSchelle Richins (435) 640-


Utah County North Area by Marilyn Steele

Basting Buddies Quilt Guild meets 4th Tues at

Lion's Club Building downstairs at 600 East Center

Street in Pleasant Grove. President is Autumn

Oleson, 801-400-0342,; Sec-

retarty is Nann Orme, 801-369-3822,

Dog Kennel Quilt Guild meets 2nd Tues. 10 a.m.

at different members homes. Closed group. Presi-

dent is Rae Ann Nilson, 801-492-9511,; Secretary is Cheryl Davis, 601-


The Donglettes meets 2nd & 4th Wed. 9:00 a.m. at

different members homes. Closed group.

President is Charlotte Petersen, 801-756-6419,; Secretary is Crystal North, 801-


Knotts Bee meets every Thurs. 10 a.m. at Pleasant

Grove Senior Center. Closed group. President is

Elise Larsen, 801-369-0607,;

Secretary is Brenda Sommers, 801-836-9563, bren-

Continued from Page 14

Continued on Page 16

New Friends Quilt Circle meets every Tuesday,

10:00 a.m. at the American Fork Senior Center. Presi-

dent is Lana Osmun, 801-701-0171,;

Secretary is Peggy Narhuminti, 801-785-1767, peg-

That Alpine Group meets last Tuesday of month at

8:00 p.m. at Mountainville Chapel 2nd N 1st E, Alpine,

UT. July’s meeting will be Sit & Stitch. President is

P a u l a M c K i n l a y , 8 0 1 - 7 5 6 - 0 1 6 3 , r u s -

Flora Gillman, 801-368-6175,

Utah County South Area by AnnaRae Mcallister

The Maple Mountain Quilters had their Day Camp

at the beginning of June and had a great time. They

will not be meeting during the summer.

Not Bound by Tradition is also not meeting this sum-


The Piecemakers had their June Retreat at the end of

June and it was a great success. They will be helping

with a quilt show during the Fiesta Days around the

24th of July. If you want to display a quilt you can con-

tact Karen Olsen at 801-362-1365. They will not have

any meetings during the rest of the summer.

The Strippers are also taking a break for the summer.

The Utah Valley Quilt Guild is keeping busy this

summer with their June Meeting which was on June

15, 2016. They had a trunk show by Denise Snyder and

her daughters who have helped design fabrics for Riley

Blake. The Annual July Quilt Fair will be on July 20 at

Wadley Farms Castle in Lindon. They will have a quilt

display outside in the vineyards by the castle. They are

looking for lap size, wall hanging size, or crib quilts. If

you would like to display one of your quilts contact Kim

McCLoskey at 801-319-5513. The submission deadline

is July 19.

Also the annual Springville Quilt Show at the

Springville Art Museum will be from July 23 - to

September 24. Entries are due on July 15th or 16th

at the museum. There are many prizes to be

awarded. Quilts cannot be made from a kit where

the pattern and fabric were sold together in one

package. There will be a trunk show on Wed. Au-

gust 3rd from 6:00 to 8:30 and on Thursday after-

noon, August 4th from 12:30 t 3:00 p.m. Hope eve-

ryone has a great summer filled with happy quilt-


West Central Area by Cindy Gardner

Piece in the Valley: Piece in the Valley quilt

guild's meetings are held the second Thursday at

7:00 at the Millard County School District Office.

All are welcome. At our June meeting, we were

treated to several different demos on disappearing

blocks- 4-patch, 9-patch, and pinwheels. Several

unique settings were shown and members were

asked to bring any quilts they had using these types

of blocks to share with the guild.

We also got the next two blocks in our guild quilt

along. Those that completed the previous months

blocks showed those and it was fun to see the differ-

ent fabric choices. This is a great project.

A big thanks to Peggy Overson! She has graciously

accepted the challenge of doing a paper pieced table

runner project and teaching our guild ladies how to

paper piece. We were instructed to bring 4 pieces of

fabric. Our first bit of homework is to cut pieces for

the entire project and complete 4 blocks for next


Next month we are doing an all machine binding

technique and a machine applique demonstration

for beginners. A make and take is also on the sched-

ule but more details are unknown at this time.

The Beeline Newsletter Area News Page 16 Continued from Page 15

Sponsor of Quilt Fest 2016

Sponsor of Quilt Fest 2016

The Beeline Newsletter Page 17

may fray and break – if it is too high, the resulting

liveliness in the thread may cause snarling,

looping, knots or spillage. After much research and

experimentation, Aurifil has found the best

processing to avoid these kinds of mishaps, to the

great satisfaction of quilters.

The Weight: The yarn count expresses the

thickness of the yarn. The yarn count number

indicates the length of yarn in relation to the

weight: “the finer the yarn, the higher the

number”. The yarn number for cotton yarns is

based on the number of 840-yard hanks in a

pound. The convention for indicating plies: two-

ply 50 will be 50/2 and will be twice the weight,

length for length of single ply 50 yarn.

Dye: Before dying any cotton, we need to

proceed to its mercerization. What is

mercerization: it is a treatment for thread

mostly used to give cotton a lustrous appearance.

. Mercerized cotton is a cotton thread that has

been treated with sodium hydroxide (NaOH).

The thread is given a caustic soda bath that is

then neutralized with an acid bath. This

treatment, after removing all impurities and

fuzz, increases luster, strength, affinity to dye,

gives resistance to mildew and also reduces lint.

Cotton with long staple fiber lengths respond

best to mercerization.

Why Aurifil threads do not tangle or break: Aurifil

is very careful with the twisting and finishing

process, which eliminates thread fraying and

tangling and we all know how important this is to


Re-printed with permission from Pat Sloan, Let’s

Go Sew,

How Do Aurifil Threads Meet Quilter's

Expectations? ... Very Carefully.

There are 4 very important criteria:

The Origin of the Raw Materials: The term

“Egyptian cotton” is usually applied to the extra

long staple cotton produced in Egypt and favored for

the luxury and upmarket brands worldwide. Cotton

was introduced to Egypt in the 19th century, where

the weather conditions and the rich soil enabled the

production of better long stapled cotton. Nowadays,

the Egyptian Mako cotton is recognized as the best

in the world. Cotton is currently cultivated in 20

countries around the world, but for our type of

product, we use the classified Egyptian thread and

particularly the extra long staple quality. For

Aurifil customers, the Cotton Mako philosophy is a

guarantee of the pursue of the best cotton harvest

grown annually in the world, taking into

consideration: - staple length - fiber thickness - good

maturity. Aurifil is constantly in touch with

producers, which enable them to select and

purchase the most excellent crop grown in the

world. It is very important to choose the cotton

seeds: they are usually chosen between the long

staple cotton (seed with different characteristics

originate different type of cotton) along with the

production area, as climate and soil all together

with humidity and heat, influence the development

of the harvest. The limited production of Extra Long

Staple cottons, particularly the ones suitable for

cotton Mako enhances its exclusivity.

The Twist: In spinning, separate fibers are twisted

together to bind hem into a stronger, long yarn.

Characteristics of the yarn vary, based on the material

used, fiber length and alignment, quantity of fiber

used and degree of twist. What does “twist” mean: The

direction in which the yarn is spun is called “twist”

and the yarns are characterized as Z-twist or S-twist

according to the direction of spinning. Tightness of

twist is measured in TPI (twists per inch or turns per

inch). 2 or more spun yarns may be twisted or plied to

form a thicker yarn. Generally, hand spun single plies

are spun with a Z-twist and plying is done with a S-

twist. Twist is the force that consolidates the fibers

and plies of thread. If the twist is too low the yarns

All About Aurifill Threads By Pat Sloan

Call for Entries

Quilters Heritage Festival in conjunction with

Richfield’s new Freedom Festival is issuing a call

for entries in their show. The show will include

trunk shows, classes and lectures as well as the

actual quilt show. It will not be a juried or judged

show. Lana Ogden is the organizing chairman

and can be reached at 435-979-6422.

Be sure to contact the Beeline editor with events for Happenings. Don’t assume she already knows! Send an email to:

Advertising Policies Ads MUST be submitted as .jpg, .tif, or .gif image file

attachments only via email to the email address below.

Please do not send word processor files or imbed the ad

in the body of your email. Ads may be in color.

Please enter “Beeline Ad” in the subject line of your


Keep in mind that the Beeline is emailed and mailed to

quilters throughout the Intermountain West. Please

include your area code and the city in which you are


All ads must be submitted by the 10th of the month

prior to publications.

Email and mailing is timed so that the Beeline arrives

around the first of each month, February to December.

The Beeline is emailed and mailed to approximately

1,000 members and affiliate guilds.

Questions about advertising in the Beeline should be

sent to the email address below.

Payment is due prior to publication.

Make checks payable to Utah Quilt Guild.

Payment should be sent to:

Utah Quilt Guild

c/o Eileen Truscott, Beeline Editor

2609 N 1125 E

Ogden UT 84414

Ad Sizes and Prices Per Issue

Full Page Ad (portrait orientation) $ 120

approx. 7.5” x 9.25”

1/2 Page Ad (landscape orientation) $ 60

approx. 7.5” x 4.5”

1/4 Page Ad (portrait orientation) $ 30

approx. 3” x 4.5”

1/8 Page Ad (landscape orientation) $ 15

approx. 3” x 2.25”

A full year of advertising, 11 issues, may be purchased at

a discounted rate of 20%.

Page 18 The Beeline Newsletter

Sponsor of Quilt Fest 2016

The Kamas Quilt Guild mem-

bers made a very pretty and

happy quilt that they are go-

ing to donate to the Kamas

Valley Fiesta Days event in

July. The money raised from

the auction of this quilt will

be donated to Primary Chil-

dren's Hospital. All of the

members made two or more

blocks, then they were put

together by Connie Nowling

and the quilt was quilted and

bound by Eve Schruhl.

Beeline Advertising Policies and Prices

The Beeline Newsletter Page 19

Sponsor of Quilt Fest 2016

Sponsor of Quilt Fest 2016

Classified Ads are free of charge to members of the Utah Quilt Guild and will run

for 2 issues unless you call to cancel or continue the ad. If you have something to

sell or are looking for something, send your ad, as you would like it to appear, to

Eileen Truscott at:

Bernina 380 Sewing Machine - 2 years "old".

$999 - Nuttall's will provide Customer Care

Course at no extra charge. This is my back up

duplicate Bernina 380 sewing machine. It's a

great travel machine. Josephine Keasler

Gammill Optimum Plus quilting machine with regu-

lated stitch and 14’ adjustable table. Zipper system on

leaders. Grid attached to back table. Swivel Casters

for easy maneuverability. Track system with Edge

Rider Wheels, florescent light fixture, dual control

handles, two station needle positioner, horizontal and

vertical channel lock, security/basting stitch, double

capacity bobbin, built on bobbin winder, laser and

small spool holder. Purchased new in 2002 and used

mostly for home use. Excellent condition. $7500.00

Contact: Debra Thacker

Phone: 801-889-5879

FABRIC SALE:: A huge fabric, notions and other quilting items for sale, Friday

and Saturday, August 19 and 20 from 8:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. Address is 769 Edge-

wood Drive, South Ogden Come early for best selection. For questions call Kay

Gruis- 801-479-9211


For Sale: Bernina 830 Limited Edition Sew-

ing/Embroidery Machine. 5 years old. All hoops, acces-

sories are included. Low hours, like new condition.

$5,000.00. Call Rene @ 801-380-8260.



DATED MATERIAL, please deliver by July 9, 2016

First Class Mail

Utah Quilt Guild PO Box 17032 SLC, UT 84117

About the Utah Quilt Guild

International Quilt Invitational Exhibition June 17-August 21, 2016, Brigham City Muse-um, 24 North 300 West. Brigham City, UT. Tuesday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 1 to 5 p.m. For more information, phone (435) 226-1439 or visit

UVQG Quilt Fair, July 20, 2016, 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Wadley Farms Castle, 35 E 400 N, Lindon UT

Springville Museum of Art Quilt Show, July 23-September 24, 2016, Springville Art Muse-um. Trunk Shows: August 3, 2016—6:00 to 8:30 p.m., August 4, 2016—12:30 to 3:00 p.m. American West Heritage Center Quilt Col-lection Display, July 23, 2016, Wellsville, UT Quilters Heritae Festival, September 9-10, 2016, Sevier Valley Center, 800 W 200 S, Richfield UT, Friday 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Quilt Fest 2016, September 20-24, 2017, Da-vis Conference Center.

Copyright 2016 Utah Quilt Guild. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.

The Utah Quilt Guild is a nonprofit organization

formed in 1977 to encourage, promote and pre-

serve the art of quilt making. The Utah Quilt Guild

works to foster appreciation for fine quilts, sponsor

and support quilting activities, teach quilt making,

and preserve the history of quilts and quilt makers.

Organization The Utah Quilt Guild is divided into geographic

Areas, and the Areas into Chapters.

Most Chapters meet regularly each month. A list

of open Chapters is published regularly in the

Beeline, or may be obtained online at or by contacting your Area

Representative. Areas and their representatives

are listed online or in the Beeline.

An annual meeting of the Guild is held each fall

and includes a judged quilt show, merchants’ mall,

and classes and lectures featuring both local and

national teachers.

Attendance at Chapter, Area, or Annual meetings

is completely optional, but is strongly encouraged!

Interaction with other quilters is one of the great

benefits of Guild membership.

Membership Membership benefits include use of the UQG

library, the Beeline newsletter, discounted class

and entrance fees at Guild sponsored events,

fabric discounts at participating quilt stores, and

the incalculable benefits derived from the company

of diverse creative quilters of all ages.

Newsletter The Beeline is published eleven times yearly

(February to December) and is available to mem-

bers around the first of each month.

Members are encouraged to submit articles for

publication! Please contact the editor if you have


Beeline advertising is available for quilting related

products or services. Ads may be sent on disk or

by email as .JPG or .TIF image file attachments, or

camera ready hard copy may be mailed. Note that

color may not reproduce well.

Submissions must be received no later than the

10th of the previous month. Ads must be accom-

panied by payment in full. Checks should be

made out to Utah Quilt Guild.

The Editor reserves the right to refuse ads which

do not meet the size requirements, or which are

not related to quilting. Submitted articles may be

edited for content or length. Submit Beeline arti-

cles and ads to:

Eileen Truscott, Beeline Editor

Utah Quilt Guild Online

Web Site: Blog:

For more quilting fun visit our web site, blog,

or like us on Facebook!

Sponsor of Quilt Fest 2016

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