from compass to cellphone: a 4000 year journey

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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From Compass To Cellphoneby Compasswallahtwitter: @fadesingh

From Compass To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey The Shipwreck by Claude Joseph Vernet (1772)

From Compass To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey An ancient Chinese compass and a shakti Yantra for comparison. A magnetic “iron fish” may have Been mentioned by Kalidasa.

...De Magnete (1600) by William Gilbert.

From Compass To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey

From Compass To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey

Rene Descartes ( 1644)

From Compass To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey

A New and Correct Chart Shewing the Variations of the Compass in the Western & Southern Oceans as Observed in ye Year 1700 by . . . Edmund Halley

This is the time of Newton.

From Compass To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey ...Musschenbroek invents the Leyden Jar (1745-46).

...Luigi Galvani (1737-1798) experiments on frogs. His cousin on human cadavers and cows.

From Compass To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey

From Compass To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey

Benjamin Franklin drawing electricity from the Sky (June 1752), painting by Godefroy Mayer c. 1900He also tried to magnetize sewing needles Using a Leyden jar and succeeded. 1891 painting by Giuseppe Bertini (1825-1898) of Alessandro Volta demonstrating his battery (called the “Voltaic Pile”) to Napoleon in 1801From Compass

To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey

From Compass To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey ...Stephen Gray suspended a boy from the ceiling via Silk cords and then 'electrified' him with a charged glass tube. Spectators marvelled as feathers, metal shavingsAnd other materials defied gravity and ascended into the Childs hands.

From Compass To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey ...The Electric Kiss.

...Michael Faraday lecturing at the Royal InstitutionIn 1855...

From Compass To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey

...Michael Faraday in his lab. Known as a Physicist but he was versatile. From Compass

To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey

...Hans Christian Ørsted, 1820From Compass To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey

...Mosque on the Hooghly river near Calcutta(1846) painting By August Borget. The river Was electrified by William O'Shaughnessy to Function as a telegraph carrrier.

From Compass To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey

...Animal magnetism traveled from the salons of German Franz Mesmer to Calcutta with James Esdaile.

From Compass To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey

......laying the transatlantic cable, 1857

From Compass To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey

...James Clerk Maxwell, the great unification.. From Compass To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey

...Hertz experiment ( 1887)From Compass To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey

From Compass To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey ...Sir J.C. Bose with his microwave receiver and coherer at the Royal Institute, London in 1897.

From Compass To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey ...Cellphones, internet, algorithmic trading at the speed Of light.

From Compass To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year Journey...Earth's magnetosphere, and some unanswered questions.Why does the earth's magnetic field rotate with the planet?

From Compass To Cellphonea talk by Compasswallah

A 4000 Year JourneyPaleomagnetism and geomagnetic reversals, data from Age of Exploration ship logs is also important. The compassIs still teaching us new things about our planet.

Thank youfor coming...I'm @fadesingh on twitter

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