from association to college

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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From Association to College. Advancing our Profession. Objectives. To provide a summary of how the College concept was initiated. To explain the role of a College. To provide an update on the major changes to our Act. To outline the details of the professional development program. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


From Association to CollegeFrom Association to College

Advancing our ProfessionAdvancing our Profession


To provide a summary of how the College concept was initiated.

To explain the role of a College.

To provide an update on the major changes to our Act.

To outline the details of the professional development program.

To provide an explanation for a dues increase.

To discuss the future of the NSAMRT and CAMRT.

Where Did It All Start?Where Did It All Start?

The following motion was passed at the Annual General The following motion was passed at the Annual General Meeting of the Nova Scotia Association of Medical Radiation Meeting of the Nova Scotia Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (NSAMRT) in May 2007:Technologists (NSAMRT) in May 2007:

“To form a new Act and Bylaws Committee with the mandate to open and rewrite the NSAMRT Act & Bylaws.

This committee should stay in place until the mandate is completed”.

AGM 2008AGM 2008

Another motion was passed in regards to the formation of a Another motion was passed in regards to the formation of a College. It reads:College. It reads:

“The NSAMRT membership direct The Act Steering Committee to pursue the formation

of a professional College”.

What is a Professional College?What is a Professional College?

The regulatory body responsible for protecting the public by The regulatory body responsible for protecting the public by ensuring that members practice safely, competently and ensuring that members practice safely, competently and ethically. ethically.

Professions such as medicine, dentistry, physiotherapy, Professions such as medicine, dentistry, physiotherapy, engineering, and law are also self-regulating with theirengineering, and law are also self-regulating with their respective regulatory bodies.respective regulatory bodies.

Functions of a CollegeFunctions of a College

Sets standards for the educational preparation and Sets standards for the educational preparation and qualifications required to enter a profession.qualifications required to enter a profession.

Establishes and maintains the standards of practice.

Issues licenses to qualified applicants.

Investigates all complaints related to practice and takes appropriate disciplinary action when there is evidence of misconduct, incompetence, incapacity or conduct unbecoming the profession.

Professional Colleges Within NSProfessional Colleges Within NS



Medical Laboratory Technologists


Respiratory Therapists

Why Do We Need a College?Why Do We Need a College?

Recognition of our professionRecognition of our profession

NSAMRT Act is outdated

25 Bed Rule

MRI is not included in the existing Act

Protection of our professionProtection of our profession

What is the 25 Bed Rule?What is the 25 Bed Rule?

““Persons employed in a hospital with less than 25 Persons employed in a hospital with less than 25 beds, or in a hospital where, in the opinion of the Nova Scotia beds, or in a hospital where, in the opinion of the Nova Scotia Health Services and Insurance Commission, the nature and Health Services and Insurance Commission, the nature and amount of medical radiation technology performed is such as amount of medical radiation technology performed is such as not to warrant having a medical radiation technologist on not to warrant having a medical radiation technologist on staff”.staff”.

Aims of our CollegeAims of our College

To serve and protect the public interest.To serve and protect the public interest.

To preserve the integrity of the profession.

To maintain public confidence in the ability of the

profession to regulate itself.

Highlights of the New ActHighlights of the New Act

2. Name Change - College of Medical Radiation Technologists of NS.

3. Purpose - Former purpose focused on the members, College will focus on public interest.

1. Governance:

Act approved by GovernmentRegulations approved by Cabinet - easier to amendBy-laws approved by Members (previously approved by Cabinet)

4. Scopes of Practice - specific for each discipline - Old Act did not include MRI.

5. Composition of the Board - must have 2 - 3 public representatives.

Highlights - continuedHighlights - continued6. Registration - must recognize international applicants, Agreement on Internal Trade, Fair Registration Practices Act.

7. Complaints and Discipline Process - public representation on both committees.

8. Protection of Titles - only those that hold a license can use the title.

9. Grandparenting - permits current Association members to become College members.

10. Illegal Practice - utilizes the Summary Proceedings Act - detailed system of fines, daily fine for each day a non-member violates the Act.

Professional Development ProgramProfessional Development Program

Mandatory program which consists of 4 sections:

Work-Based Learning

Professional Activities

Self-Directed Learning

Non-Clinical Activities

Members must obtain 20 credits annually from any 3 of the 4 sections noted above.

Work-Based LearningWork-Based Learning

Rounds/Reporting - 1 hour = 1 credit

Lunch and Learn Sessions - 1 hour = 1 credit

In-service Training - 1 hour = 1 credit

Preceptorship - 35 hours = 2 credits (maximum 5 credits)

Hospital Committee = 2 credits (must be related to profession)

Workplace Safety Refresher Program = 1 credit

Professional ActivitiesProfessional Activities

Involvement in professional body:Board Member = 5 creditsCommittee Chair = 3 creditsCommittee Member = 2 credits

Lecturer/Conference speaker = 5 credits

Organizing a lecture/workshop/lunch and learn = 2 credits

Organizing a journal club = 2 credits Organizing a department open house = 2 credits

Promoting the profession to other groups - 1 hour = 1 credit

Attend a college meeting = 2 credits

Self-Directed LearningSelf-Directed Learning

Further education = 10 credits (needs further discussion) (i.e. CAMRT course, university course, etc)

Attending conferences/seminars - 1 hour = 1 credit

Writing articles or papers for publication = 10 credits

Distance learning - 1 hour = 1 credit

Journal article - 1 article = 1 credit Journal club attendance = 1 credit

Non-Clinical ActivitiesNon-Clinical Activities

Attend lecture - 1 hour = 1 credit

Journal Article - 1 hour = 1 credit

Includes such lectures/articles on Health Promotion, Patient Rights, Risk Management & Promoting Team Work.

Additional InformationAdditional Information

A member must work a minimum of A member must work a minimum of 1000 hours in 5 years in in order to be granted a license to practice in their specified order to be granted a license to practice in their specified discipline.discipline.

Temporary license for new grads.

Credits not used in one year can be carried over to the next year.

Grace period for Professional Development program - 1 year.

Request from NSSDMS.


Will the role of the NSAMRT still exist?Will the role of the NSAMRT still exist?

What will happen with our relationship with the CAMRT?

Alberta and Saskatchewan operate a joint Association and College.

All provinces use the CAMRT Certification exam as the gold standard as the entry-to-practice exam.


Benefits of belonging to CAMRT include:

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional Development Courses

Professional Journal

National Newsletter

Annual Conference

Excellent Networking Opportunities

Membership DuesMembership Dues

1. College Operational Fees

2. Legal Reserve Fund

3. Association Activities

3 Key Considerations:

The annual College dues will be in the range of $400.00 - $450.00.

Tentative TimelinesTentative Timelines

Spring 2010 - Act/Regulations introduced in legislature

- 3 readings - stakeholder input - legislative approval

Summer 2010 - Application process

January 2011 - College of Medical Radiation Technologists of Nova Scotia enacted

January 2011 - New dues structure starts

January 2010 - Special meeting of NSAMRT members

January 2012 - First audit of CPD Program (5%)


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