free bhatkal operation to intel hints at · aman...

Post on 21-May-2020






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MY OLD name was Tanushree Baishnab,now it is changed toTrisha Baishnab. Add: A-1, Amar Hou. Soc., Mak-arpura Rd, Vadodara -10

I HAVE changed myname from HarishabenNagjibhai Hirpara toNishaben JagdishbhaiSudani. D-104, Shantinik-etan-1 Nikol Ahmedabad

I HAVE changed myname from IshvarbhaiMotibhai Patel to Ish-warbhai Motibhai Patel.12, Manav Mandir Plotarea Borisana-8 Kalol

I CHANGED my namefrom M.Juber M.Nazir toShaikh MohammadJuber Mohammad Nazir.Add. B-203, Hillpark Resi.Naroda Vatwa Rd, A'bad.

THANK YOU St.Judefor favours granted From: Pooja Jadeja

I HAVE changed myname from JavidkhanHamidkhan Pathan toJaved Hamidkhan Khan.A-46 Tahura Park, oppTaef nagar, Tandaljaroad, Vadodara- 390020

I HAVE changed myname from NitakumariJosef Parmar to NitabenGrayesh Macwan. C/29,Upatyaka Society, Vatva,A’bad

I HAVE changed myname from Dharmish-thaben Natvarlal Mak-wana to DharmishthaBhupendrakumar Yadav.B-401, Ashirvad Resi-dency, Paldi, A’bad

I CHANGED my namefrom Milan RajeshkumarShah to Meena RajeshShah. Plot No. 286/13,Chirakut ApparmentSec: 28 Gandhinagar

I CHANGED my namefrom Patel Upeksha Pan-kajkumar to Patel UpexaHimansu C/8, AmarAppartment, Meghani-nagar, Ahmedabad.

I HAVE changed myname from Sikka Shers-ingh Ramswarup toSikka Mohit RamswaruoResi: Block no. 563/B ,Ja-wahar colony, Sardarna-gar, Ahmedabad

I HAVE changed myname from Sethi MamtaBabulal to Sikka RuchiMohit, Resi: Block no.563/B, Jawahar colony,Sardarnagar, A'bad



Ahmedabad: After central intelli-gence agencies intercepted callsmade from Hyderabad jail alleged-ly by Indian Mujahideen operativeYasin Bhatkal, the agency on 15 Ju-ly sounded an alert across severalstates including Gujarat that Bhat-kal could escape from jail or whilebeing taken for court productionwith the help of ISIS helpers.

Sources from Gujarat policeconfirm that they have received thesecurity inputs. “The alert saysthat information pertaining to per-sons connected with the ISIS aresomewhere in the country and mayhelp Bhatkal escape. We have putthe security detail in Gujarat onalert,” added a source from ATS.

Sunday is the seventh anniver-sary of the serial blasts which tookplace on 26thJuly 2008. “For that rea-son too we have requested Sabar-mati jail authorities to take extraprecautions with regard to securi-ty arrangements for IM suspectslodged in the jail,” said an official.

According to sources, Bhatkalallegedly told his wife over thephone that people from Damascusare helping him.

“However the input generatedby the agency claims that personsconnected to ISIS could already bein the country. Not only that, IMsuspects lodged in Bihar jail couldalso contact Bhatkal, hence securi-

ty arrangements around Bhatkalneed to be tightened and extra pre-cautions taken when he is beingtaken to court,” said a policesource.

Bhatkal and his associate Asa-dullah alias Haddi were trackeddown by the Central IB and NIA in ajoint operation from the Indo-Ne-pal border in October 2013. Bhatkalis accused of being involved in sev-eral serial bombings in the country.

“He is also an accused in the2008 Ahmedabad serial blasts inwhich more than 57 people werekilled and over 200 rendered in-jured,” said a senior police official.

More than 70 accused have beenarrested in the case while about 15Indian Mujahideen suspects arestill absconding.

Ahmedabad police had de-manded Bhatkal’s custody but theHyderabad police had denied it.

Ahmedabad: Anti-terroristsquad (ATS) sleuths spent thewhole night keeping a closewatch on a suspected drug ped-dler who was to arrive with aconsignment of charas nearCTM cross roads. The suspectdid arrive but there was nocharas consignment with him,according to ATS sources.

Surprisingly, this is the sec-ond raid in which the cops re-portedly had to return empty-handed. Earlier this week, El-lisbridge police conducted a

search operation in a hotel inthe area on suspicion of a drugmafiapresent there.

“Ellisbridge cops did findthe suspected drug mafia withhis girlfriend in the hotel butcould not find the drug con-signment” said a police official.

Senior police sources saidsomehow or the other, the raidshave not been successful.“Drug mafia seem to be a stepahead than the cops. We are al-so inquiring whether the raidinformation in the both thecases were leaked or not,” saidasenior police official.

2 raids on drug mafiayield zero result

Ahmedabad: The Riverfront (W)police arrested a 22-year-old youthon Thursday for the murder of aman on the platform of the zip lineride on the Sabarmati Riverfront onWednesday. Police said that the mur-der took place over a feud to collectcoconuts discarded into the river.

On Thursday, Piyush Parmar, anemployee of the zip line ride oper-ators, was checking the ropes in themorning when he found the body ofa man wrapped in a quilt on the firstlevel of the platform.

The victim had been bludgeonedto death. Police had identified thevictim as Azad alias Bihari, whoused to live on the banks of the riverand collected coconuts and coinsthrown into the river from thebridges.

“We have arrested Pravin Mak-

wana, 22, a footpath dweller in theJamalpur area, for the murder,” saidRV Desai, in-charge inspector of theRiverfront (W) police station. “Hewas in hiding in the city. A teamcaught him after receiving informa-tion about him. He has confessed tothe crime.” During questioning,Makwana said that he also collectedcoconuts. One gets up to Rs 3 for agood coconut and 30 to 40 coconutsare usually found below the bridges.Makwana had has altercations withAzad a few times

On Wednesday, Azad, high on li-quor, had confronted Makwana onthe Jamalpur Bridge with a coupleof other persons and had beaten himup for operating in the area. Makwa-na knew that Azad used to sleep onthe ride’s platform.

“He dropped a heavy stone onAzad’s face, not giving him any timeto react,” said Desai.

Riverfront murder:Police arrest youth

Ahmedabad: Around 30students were denied entryat three different examin-ation centres for the All In-dia Pre-Medical Test forturning up late only by afew minutes. This createdtension at the examinationhall as the parents citedheavy rains and delay oftrain as the reason of delay.

The students missedthe exam were those whohad come from nearbystates like Maharashtra,Rajasthan. Students evenfrom other parts of the

state missed the exam. Thestudents claimed that thearea was new to them andhence they could not locatethe centres.

However, the CentralBoard of Secondary Educa-tion officials on duty at cen-tres had made it clear thatno student will be allowedentry after 9.30 am. In orderto curb cheating, the boardhad selected only thoseschools which had CCTVcameras. In addition tothat, they also had video re-cordings at all the centres.

AIPMT: Latecomersdenied entry to centre

The admission for the bachelor of commerce, bachelor ofcomputer application, and bachelor of business adminis-tration began from Saturday. There are about 5,000 seatsvacant open to students who failed to secure admissionin the first and the second round. The diploma to degreeengineering had over 24,919 seats vacant. Against the38,527 seats which were available only 17,006 studentsapplied for admissions. The merit list was declared for16,195 students and of these only 13,608 students were allotted seats after the first round of admissions.


Admissions for bachelorcourses resume


Some of the students who could not make it in time


Intel hints at ISoperation tofree Bhatkal

Security has been tightened on the7th anniversary of Ahmedabad blasts

Ahmedabad: International expo-sure was the main attraction for2015-19 batch of B Tech studentsjoining Indian Institute of Technol-ogy, Gandhinagar (IIT-Gn) this year.

As 136 students from across thecountry joined the five-week-longFoundation Programme on Thurs-day, many said that they chose IIT-Gn for its good international expo-sure. The five-week-long Founda-

tion Programme aims to immersethe students into various qualitiesof life before they begin their engi-neering curriculum.

The batch received studentsfrom 17 states from across the na-tion. While there were 14 studentsfrom Gujarat, 27 came from Rajash-tan—the highest in number. Thebatch also had 22 students from UPand 17 from Maharashtra. TNN

Int’l exposure main draw at IIT-Gn

Product: TOIAhmedabadBS PubDate: 26-07-2015 Zone: AhmedabadCity Edition: 1 Page: TOIACP5 User: trishuls2107 Time: 07-25-2015 23:20 Color: CMYK

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