france in the age of absolutism. 1559: king henry ii (fr.) died 3 sons were incompetent catherine...

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France in the Age of Absolutism

1559: King Henry II (Fr.) died 3 sons were incompetent Catherine de Medici

1562-1598: religious wars betw. Catholics & Huguenots (Fr. Prots.)

I. Henry IV

1572: St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre Hug. nobles slaughtered at wedding in Paris

betw. Catherine’s daughter & Henry of Navarre (Hug. Prince)

1589: Prince Henry inherited throne (r. 1589-1610) Converted to Catholicism

“Paris is well worth a mass!”

1598: issued the Edict of Nantes Freedom of worship & political rights to Hugs.

Other major problems: 1. restore power to central govt. 2. rebuild infrastructure 3. France’s financial difficulties?

Inefficient, corrupt, unjust Tax farming Nobles & clergy did not pay the taille Duke of Sully = Finance Minister Treasury showed surplus (funds for trade & industry)

Henry = restored Fr. monarchy to a strong position

1610: stabbed by fanatical monk

II. Cardinal Richelieu’s Program for France

Louis XIII succeeded Henry (8 yrs. Old) Marie de Medici (mother) became regent Poor health & concentration Cardinal Richelieu (chief minister—ran govt.

from 1624-1642)

Goal: make king supreme in Fr., & Fr. supreme in Euro. 1. destroy power of nobles & independence of

Hugs. 2. strengthen Fr. economically (trade &

industry) 3. reduce power of Spanish & Austrian


A. Huguenots Protestantism served as an excuse for

political conspiracies against the Catholic king

Hug. cities = fortified 1627: attacked fortified Hug. towns 1628: Hugs. asked for peace Forbade walls around Prot. cities Prots. could still worship freely & hold


B. Nobles

Rich. ordered destruction of fortified castles (nobles)

Reduced nobles’ political power Appointed governors of provinces who

favored a strong monarchy Strengthened regional administrators

(intendants) –middle-class

III. The French Intellectual Movement

Fr. thinkers were shocked by wars Skepticism = the idea that nothing can ever be

known for certain Questioned the Church First step to the truth = DOUBT OLD IDEAS

Michel de Montaigne Developed the “essay” New ideas replaced old ones

Humans could never have absolute knowledge of the truth

Rene’ Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy

Influenced modern thinkers (scientific method)

IV. The Sun King Louis XIV (r. 1643-1715)

He and the state were one L’etat, c’est moi (“I am the state!”)

Cardinal Mazarin (succeeded Richelieu) Very hated (raised taxes, strengthened govt.) 1648-1653: anti-Mazarin riots (The Fronde)

Led by nobles w/peasants Nobles = revive their power Louis was determined to become so strong that

the nobility could never threaten him again

Frondeurs failed b/c… 1. leaders distrusted one another 2. Fr. govt. was oppressive 3. peasants grew tired of fighting

People accepted laws of the absolute king 1661: Mazarin died, Louis took control

Wanted economic, political, & cultural greatness

Jean-Baptiste Colbert (finance expert) Policy of autarky (keep $ in Fr.) Expanded manufacturing (govt $ & tax benefits) Raised tariffs on imports Colonies (raw materials & market potential)

Religious disunity? 1685: revoked Edict of Nantes

>200,000 productive Prots. fled

A. Versailles

Louis’s palace outside Paris New home of Fr. govt. Proof of absolute power

Cost $2.5 billion 36,000 laborers, 6,000 horses 5,000 acres (gardens, lawns, woods) 1,400 fountains Hall of Mirrors (most beautiful room?)

B. Louis Controls the Nobility

Nobles had to live at Versailles Acted as Louis’s personal servants

Increased royal authority: 1. nobility was dependent on Louis 2. gave power to intendants

Louis…too extravagant? Louis & Versailles = ideal of Euro. royalty Personal emblem = The Sun

C. Patronage of the Arts

Versailles = center of the arts Opera & ballet

Purpose of art: Middle Ages = glorify god Renaissance = glorify human potential Now = glorify the king!

V. The Wars of Louis XIV Fr. was most powerful in Euro.

1660 = pop. was 20 mill. w/400,000 in army Louis fought 4 wars (1667-1713) 1667—invaded Spanish Netherlands 1672—invaded Dutch Netherlands

Treaty of Nijmegen (several towns & Franche-Courte’)

Other Euro. countries united Balance of power

Wars strained Fr. resources Louis raised taxes Additional suffering = poor harvests

A. War of Spanish Succession Louis’s last war Who should succeed the Spanish throne?

Throne promised to Philip of Anjou (Louis’s grandson)

Greatest Euro. powers ruled by Fr. Bourbons? 1701: other Euros. united 1714: Treaty of Utrecht

1. King Philip V = Spain 2. Fr. & Spanish crowns NEVER unite!

Winner = G.B.

G.B. = Gibraltar, N. Amer. Territories Austrian Hapsburgs = Spanish

Netherlands & parts of Italy

B. Legacy of Louis XIV Wars cost a lot of $, exhausted the people

Deep debt (wars & Palace) Resentment of taxes

Fr. was largest, richest, & most influential Art & literature Military leader

Nobles eventually win back powers Louis XV = successor Revolution was brewing

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