fourth edition of fitag times

Post on 08-Mar-2016






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www.fitag.inTuesday Ahmedabad, Gujarat

15 11 2013Vol. 1, Issue No. 4, Pages 8

Monthly Edition



- Editorial

Dear Fitagians,

Avery happy & prosper-

ous new year to all of


As per the Hindu calender

we are beginning our new

year 2070. India's cultural

diversities are of eccentric

proportions - just imagine

people in different part of the

country using 30 different

date systems! With so many

different calendars, one might

land up having a couple of

new year celebrations every


The current national cal-

endar of India was set up in

1957 by the Calendar Reform

Committee that formalized a

lunisolar calendar in which

leap years coincide with those

of the Gregorian calendar,

and the months are

n a m e d

after the


al Indian

months .

T h i s


I n d i a n


began with Saka Era, Chaitra

1, 1879, which corresponds to

March 22, 1957. But the most

popular epoch is the Vikram

era that is believed to have

begun with the coronation of

King Vikramaditya. The year

2013 AD corresponds to 2070

Vikram Samvat in this sys-


How may all these relates

to IT? As our cover page arti-

cle hi-lights the paradigm

shift in the emerging tech-

nologies, changing from vari-

ous epoch of Hindu calender

to one standard national cal-

ender was also a same para-

digm shift. Our world is

changing very rapidly and we

must adopt the change or else

be ready to face the conse-


I am sure every FITA-

GIAN will look forward for a

brighter future in the new

year 2070. Once again wish-

ing you a very happy & pros-

perous new year and enjoy

4th edition of FITAG Times.

Mr. Kaushik PandyaEditor

With best compliment

One has to know where to

look; to actively seek out this

information in order to find

it. Thus, in an effort to raise

awareness to the ever-grow-

ing plethora of emerging

technologies, featured below

are just some paraphrased

examples of prominent devel-

opers, and the significantly

impacting technologies they

are hastily bringing into the


Cyber Warfare

The Pentagon recently

announced that it has been

working on a program to sim-

plify cyberwarfare in order to

make it feasible for greater

amounts of military personnel

to operate. Headed by the

Defense Advanced Research

Projects Agency (DARPA), the

program, ominously named

“Plan X”, is aimed at rendering

the frontier of cyberwarfare into a quasi-video game for-

mat. As it stands now, cyber-

warfare is usually the result of

top-government approval for

groups of hackers to arduously

plan and later carry out a given

attack, or the work of vigilante

groups like Anonymous.

DARPA’s plan is to revolu-

tionize the current, exceeding-

ly complex realm of hacking

by creating an infrastructure

Emerging Technologies andthe Paradigm Shifts Therein

Contined on page 2...

The frequency of technological advancement,

in nearly all fields, is increasing at a daunting-

ly rapid rate. Almost every other week, an

article is featured on a prominent news web-

site like Digg or Reddit, which details exotic,

new, and potentially revolutionary tech-

nologies. And just as soon as these

articles are featured, they are

forgotten, often overshadowed

by consumer-related tech-

nologies, such as the next

iPhone, Google Glass, or

simply unnoticed altogether.

Say you’re playing

World of Warcraft, and

you’ve got this type of

sword, +5 or whatever. You

don’t necessarily know what

spells were used to create that

sword, right? You just know it

has these attributes and it helps

you in this way. It’s the same

type of concept. You don’t need

the technical details.

– Dan Roelker

Fitag Times reaches to 21,000 retailers / dealers across Gujarat

X-47B Drone on the USS George

HW Bush Aircraft Carrier

President’s MessageDear members,

Wish you and your family a very happy Diwali & prosper-

ous new year, May God fulfill all your wishes in wealth, health

& happiness in your life. May this year be as bright as ever. May

this year bring you the utmost in peace and prosperity. May

lights triumph over darkness.



FITAG has been an old idea, which is now flourished within an interest and

initiative taken by many people who have been the leaders of the fraternity in

Gujarat. In fact, there is no such umbrella body on regional level existing across

India. All the cities across Gujarat as well as India has their associations and most

of their problems are also common but, this is the first of its kind of body in India

to address motivational activities, common issues, sharing information, publish

LOCAL ASSOCIATION activities on common platform & try to achieve objec-

tives in nutshell as five point agenda through CONVENTION, LEADERSHIP





Flourish - To flourish and co-exist by being united and supportive to each other

Knowledge - To share the knowledge available by all means

Networking - To increase awareness by extensive networking with each other

Strength - To stay united and utilize the strength

Protection - To protect common interest

I would like to thank all angel persons without whom we can not publish our

own E-MAGAZINE (FITAG-TIMES). I would like to specially thank all ven-

dors for their continuous advertisement support & also request to other vendors

for their supports.

I would like to request all the FITAG members to view this e-magazine &

share it among their contacts in their area's non registered IT members. I also

request all the local association presidents to give their VALUABLE REVIEW

& send your local activity details with photograph to general secretary - FITAG

before every first week of month.

Federation Of Information Technology Associations Of Gujarat is taking

right step in their direction by publishing FITAG-TIMES. On this divine festival

I promise you to establish the unbreakable bridge which would facilitate two way

flow of Information, Networking, & business development.

I firmly believe that FITAG is doing a commendable work in collaborating

with All Local IT Associations and voicing their concern and issues at an appro-

priate level for expeditious resolutions.


that would circumvent the

vast topology of global com-

puter networks. In other words,

they want to create a digital

battlefield where cyber func-

tions and effects are given a

simplified representation,

allowing a military operator to

know exactly what weapons

they are using, how to use

them, and what effects they

will have.

Tapping into the most

prominent design companies of

the Silicon Valley, DARPA

finally settled with Frog

Design. Using a Samsung

SUR40 Touch Table, Frog

Design created a prototype

interface which effectively

maps out the aforementioned

vast global network topologies.

Based on the detailed account

of the prototype, Plan X really

is nothing short of a video

game-esque rendering of

cyberwarfare. A mission or

objective is provided (in this

case “botnet take-down”), and

upon the Samsung tablet, a tar-

get node appears amid the net-

work topology, which is said to

look like a map of stars. Then,

the user is given a selection of

weapons, accompanied by a

number (projected to eventual-

ly represent the cost of cyber

attacks), and battle units in the

form of icons, to pre-plan an

attack on the target node. Much

of the specifics of the system

are still undisclosed, but if this

interface is as successful and

accessible as it seems, cyber-

warfare, and the world for that

matter, will truly experience a

paradigm shift.

Printable Bionic Upgrades

Most, if not all supporters

of trans-humanism and the sin-

gularity have long waited for

the day when they can begin to

upgrade their physiology with

biotechnology. Lucky for

them, that day is quickly

approaching. The subheading

of this article reads like some-

thing right out of an Isaac

Asimov article: “Scientists

have created a 3D-printed car-

tilage ear with an antenna that

extends far beyond the normal

human range.”

Using hydrogel, silver

nano-particles, calf cells, and

other readily available 3D

printing tools, scientists at

Princeton University overcame

the staggering challenge of rec-

onciling soft 3D printed mate-

rial, such as tissue, with hard

material, such as electronics, to

create the bionic ear in the

image below. The successful

creation of the ear has led sci-

entists to lend further credence

to the idea of not just 3D-print-

ing organs for repair and

replacement, but also potential-

ly creating organs with capabil-

ities that would not otherwise

be available naturally. The

implications of the latter are

stunning, to say the least.

Google [X]

Robot workers, driver-less

cars, internet-connected refrig-

erators, and space elevators are

just a few examples on the list

of ideas at the Google [X] Lab.

While it has only released

brief, tentative ideas, Google

[x] will undoubtedly be the

harbinger for much of the

world’s future technologies,

and the amount of secrecy sur-

rounding it only bolsters the

latter prediction. Likened by

one familiarized engineer as

functioning similar to the CIA,

Google [X] is run primarily by

two offices – one vaguely

described as being for logistics,

the other, in a secret location

unbeknownst to most Google

employees, specifically for


With AI researchers, roboti-

cists, electrical engineers from

Microsoft to MIT, and Johnny

Chung Lee donning the title of

“rapid evaluator”, Google [X]

has all the ingredients for a

mad science lab.

Unfortunately, it is still too

new and secretive to say much

more than the aforementioned,

but in an effort to pique the

reader’s interest, two employ-

ees briefed on a project have

said that there will be a product

released at the end of this year,

though they were not allowed

to comment on any details


Drones: Military and


Drone technology is one

that is burgeoning, and is espe-

cially important for the public

to keep tabs on. Simply speak-

ing, drones are one of the most

integral aspects of future socie-

ty. The implications for their

integration into not only mili-

tary, but civilian life are noth-

ing short of overwhelming…

and terrifying. Most of the gen-

eral public is aware that the use

of drones in the military is

already increasing, since not a

month goes by where a high-

value terrorist target is taken

out by the infamous predator

drone. On top of that, the

United States Navy has recent-

ly confirmed the successful

launching and landing of an X-

47B on an aircraft carrier, the

first drone to ever accomplish

such a feat (pictured above).

However, military drones seem

to be overshadowing the rapid

growth of the civilian side of

drone technology, a potentially

invasive and rapidly growing

trend. It is important for the

reader to realize that this part

of the article doesn’t even

cover the tip of the ice berg of

what is out there in terms of

drone technology (e.g. DARPA

has already successfully turned

a living beetle into a remote-

controllable flying cyborg-


Universal Air recently far

surpassed its Kickstarter cam-

paign goal of $15,000, earning

a whopping $220,000 to fund

their R10 Quadrotor System

drone. UAir’s success was a

clear sign that there is a hunger

for personal UAVs. While the

initial purpose of the R10 is to

act as an unmanned version of

a GoPro camera for extreme

sports enthusiasts, the implica-

tions for having such a drone

sparks the imagination. While

it is currently reliant on WiFi-

internet connection, UAir’s

next project, expected to be

released somewhere in 2014, is

said to have the capability to be

fully autonomous and maintain

connectivity with its user via

WiFi connection to the user’s

phone, regardless of internet

connection. Extreme sports

enthusiasts will surely be satis-

fied, but UAir also expects

their autonomous drones to

find their way into the industri-

al world with upgradable sen-

sor-packages for mining and

construction jobs.

The drones from UAir seem

to add a fun, lighter side to the

realm of drone technology, but

what about drones that can’t be

distinguished from tiny insects,

no larger than a penny? It

seems that the most appropriate

reaction to Harvard

University’s “Robobees” would

be fear of invasion of privacy.

Rest assured (or not), this pro-

gram’s purpose is, or at least

was to study insect flight, but

after announcing its success at

hovering and then following a

preset flight path, it would be

naive to think the military

would not be interested.

Contined on page 1...


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Certificate of Authenticity ("COA") - Salient Features, Do's & Don'ts Dear Reader,

Microsoft believes in

trustworthy computing

experience for our cus-

tomers and an honest chan-

nel reseller business envi-

ronment. This communica-

tion is in continuation to our

commitment to educate and

spread awareness among the

channel partners about rele-

vant anti-piracy informa-

tion, and this particular mes-

sage is around the distribu-

tion and usage of COA


What is Certificate of

Authenticity ("COA")?:A

Certificate of Authenticity

(COA) is a label that helps

one identify legal and gen-

uine Microsoft software. A

COA is one of the condi-

tions of the software license,

and primarily, it is a visual

identifier that assists in

determining whether or not

the Microsoft software is

legal and genuine. COA is

never distributed independ-

ently and always accompa-

nies our OEM and Retail

Software. However, without

it, one will have difficulty in

proving usage of legal and

genuine Microsoft software


Our Current Market

Findings: Through our mar-

ket intelligence, we are

noticing an increase in dis-

tribution and selling of inde-


COAs, which is an illegal

activity. Please pay close

attention to the important

points below that will help

you and your customers not

fall victim to illegal and

non-genuine COAs:


COAS: If you receive offers

for COAs as stand-alone

items, be aware that these

are illegal offers, could be

fakes/duplicates, inviting

civil and criminal liabilities.

If you fall victim to stand-

alone COAs, you would

have wasted your money

and your act would cause

your customers to be illegal

and non-genuine. Write to

Microsoft Product

I d e n t i f i c a t i o n


om if you encounter any

instance of loose or stand-

alone COAs.Further, please

note that Microsoft will

take strict action against

partners found trading or

reselling stripped down


< Each COA labelincludes advanced anti-

counterfeitingfeatures to

help verify the software's

authenticity. The COA

label is included with each

individual software license.

< For preinstalled MSWindows operating sys-

tems, the COA label must

be affixed by the system

builder to the PC chassis.

The COA label also

includes the product key,

which will be needed in the

event the operating system

needs to be reinstalled.

< COA labels must be dis-tributed as part of the full

System Builder software

license, which also includes

the hologram CD and docu-


< A COA should never bepurchased, sold, or distrib-

uted by itself without the

software license it authenti-


< Protect your customersand your company:

Purchase software licenses

through a Microsoft author-

ized OEM distributor, an

assured source of legal and

genuine Microsoft soft-


We need your coopera-

tion in preventing COAs

from being misused and

abused. Please write to Mr.

Satish Pokhriyal

( if

you need further clarifica-

tion. The following sites

are also relevant:


logram.aspx - Deeper

understanding on MS


< - To report an

instance of piracy/counter-

feit MS software

< - To know more on

MS genuine Windows and



Surveillance - Moving from analog to digitalArise in the instances

of terrorism has

prompted organizations,

authorities and individu-

als to devise effective

response mechanisms.

Physical security has

become essential for

enterprises looking at

solutions to address

everything from pilferage

to theft and terrorism.

This has led to an

increased demand for

solutions like video sur-

veillance in sectors like

public transport, hospital-

ity, airports, BFSI and

education, prompting

organizations to increas-

ingly incorporate net-

work video into their

enterprise IT security


While surveillance

requirements of corporate

environments are gener-

ally driven by the need to

protect employee and

company assets, they

help achieve other busi-

ness objectives also.

Retail outlets for example

use network surveillance

for footfall measurement.

In airports, an intelligent

video system measures

the queue time between

entering and exiting a

check-in point helping

direct staff and minimiz-

ing waiting time for trav-

elers. In banks, remote

surveillance and monitor-

ing can help prevent

theft, fraud and facilitate


Market opportunity:Gartner estimates a CAGR of 16.4% for the

Indian security market between 2008 and


According to ASSOCHAM, corporates

are likely to increase their security

budgets by 35-40%. The demand for secu-

rity equipment has increased by 10-15%

and the private security industry in India is

expected to touch Rs. 50,000 crore by

2012 (125% growth as opposed to the 25%

that's been the norm for the past five

years). The Indian surveillance market,

which is about 30% of the security indus-

try, is seeing a shift from analog to IP-

based surveillance. Currently IP-based

surveillance market in India is valued at

about $50-60 million and is expected to

grow at 45% YoY for the next four to five


While the global market for analog

video surveillance equipment was flat in

2009, the growth rate of global IP video

surveillance equipment exceeded 15%.

According to the 2009 IMS Research

report, the global growth of network video

products will be approximately 30% over

the next five years.

According a report by International

Fire and Security Exhibition and

Conference (IFSEC), physical security in

India is likely to grow into a $3.5 billion

market; this is expected to grow by up to

30% YoY. Growth is expected from vari-

ous sectors including urban security, pub-

lic transport, hospitality, airport security,

BFSI and education. The government

remains the biggest spender on physical

security/ surveillance solutions and is

expected to spend $10bn on the nation's

homeland security requirements, over the

next two to three years.

Following the 26/11 Mumbai attacks,

there has been an increase in investment

for installing, as well as upgrading, exist-

ing security infrastructure within the coun-

try. This has provided a boost to the Indian

security and surveillance systems industry,

which grows at 20-30% annually.

What thefuture holds:

As the awareness

of the benefits

of IP-Based systems

spreads, features and

complexities of sur-

veillance products

will increase, and

costs will go down.

According to indus-

try experts, IP sur-

veillance in India

has enhanced its

reach into verticals

such as government,

SMBs and SOHOs.

This market will

continue to grow as

organizations and

authorities under-

stand the advantages

that IP-based sur-

veillance brings with

it. Additionally, with

IT equipment prices

likely to fall faster

than analog CCTV

equipment, the

scales will increas-

ingly tilt in favor of

IP-based systems.

At the end of the

day, the security of

the country contin-

ues to be a key con-

cern for the govern-

ment and its various

stakeholders, who

are working to bring

together the best

security solutions

and create a wide-

area security net, so

that both the nation's

assets as well as its

people remain safe

and secure.

Advantages of digital surveillance:

IP-based video surveillance touted as the future of

surveillance systems, has replaced closed circuit

analog systems, which traditionally dominated the

security market. IP surveillance technology allows

video to be transferred over the IP infrastructure mak-

ing it accessible from anywhere in the world. An effec-

tive and integrated security system provides operator

control, more usable data, and faster response time, at

a reduced cost.

By moving on to an IP-based network, building

systems operators get better response control. Since

IP-based surveillance provides the ability to access

footage from any remote location over the internet,

security or other authorized personnel need not be in

the building or campus to access the data. They can

remotely access the network and the cameras online.

This technology also helps individuals who need to

monitor their homes from anywhere in the world while

they are away. Today's IP-based surveillance cameras

can handle motion detection and tampering detection.

They have in-built intelligence that enables them to

alert security personnel or to activate recording if an

event takes place in a camera's surveillance area.

Network video facilitates proactive monitoring.

Digital or IP-based cameras can also add to busi-

ness intelligence. In retail outlets, camera footage can

help to analyze the customer footfall and patterns,

reduce shrinkage, enhance marketing and optimize

staffing. Network video helps retailers manage the

inventory lifecycle more efficiently.

Other benefits of bringing physical security infra-

structure onto the IP network include reduced total cost

of ownership, better image quality, increased storage

capacity, enhanced features, greater interoperability,

and faster access to relevant information during emer-

gency. Compared to traditional CCTV cameras, the

digital infrastructure is scalable and there is no limit to

the number of devices that can be added to the net-

work. The ability to interconnect security cameras with

the other security systems with open standards is

another advantage of IP-based surveillance. IP- based

surveillance solutions provide an open platform to

build more collaborative and integrated physical secu-

rity systems, while preserving their existing invest-

ments in analog-based technology.

Simply put, the users can enable their analog

devices to 'talk' to other devices on the network, or to

the central control system.


The tide has turned. The

employers no longer

can tell employees, "Like it

or leave it." In today's

business, attracting and

retaining good employees

is a top priority in both

large and small organiza-

tions. In fact, it is the

biggest concern of today's

businessmen. Today's

workers expect fair pay

and competitive benefits.

But they also are interested

in job security. A study by

the Hay Group (1998)

reports that out of fifty

retention factors pay is the

least important to one-half

million employees from

over three hundred compa-

nies. Surprising....Isn't it?

Managers, supervisors,

team leaders, and project

leaders-who lead and inter-

act directly with employ-

ees-have the greatest

impact on employees' satis-

faction or dissatisfaction

with their jobs.

In short, "problems with

the boss" is the primary

reason that employees seek

work elsewhere.

Four key factors....the

primary factors that con-

tribute to retention & that

create loyalty on the part of

high-performing, senior &

effective employees can be

placed in four categories:

(1) having an efficient

boss, (2) the sense of being

part of a group or team,

(3)challenging and mean-

ingful work, and (4) oppor-

tunities to learn and grow.

These factors drive

employee satisfaction and


Tips to Retain High Performance,

"Senior", EffectiveEmployees

An Efficient Boss The Sense of Being The Part of a Group or Team

Challenging and Meaningful Work

"An Efficient Boss does not.....

< Fail to solicit and listen to employ-ee inputs

< Fail to recognize employees'accomplishments

< Withhold praise

< Give only negative feedback

< Take credit for others' accomplish-ments or ideas

< Blame others for one's own mis-takes

< Betray trusts or confidences

< Manage up rather than down

"An Efficient Boss.....

< Pays Attention to and Communicateswith their employees

< Provides frequent, honest feedbackto employees about their perform-


< Helps to make the right job fit interms of an employee's skills and

personal interests.

< Takes the time to listen and respondin a way that shows that they care.

< Is Trustworthy and Supportive.

< Is concerned about his employees'family concerns and work-life bal-


< Helps to Create a Sense of Purposein the Work by providing coaching

& mentoring.

< Encourages Employee Growth andCareer Development through cre-

ativity & innovation.

< Asks questions to the obvious andgo beyond.

< Working with great people, being part of a team, and having fun on

the job are some other important factors in job satisfaction.

< A department, section, or division can feel like a "team" if....

< The manager and employees treat one another with courtesy

and respect.

< They listen to one another's ideas.

< They recognize and celebrate one another's accomplishments.

< They work toward common goals.

< They Provide the team members with the tools and resources

to work together.

< They provide training in the areas in consensus decision

making, planning & conflict resolution.

Exciting and challenging work and meaningful work that makes a di

ference or a contribution to society were cited as some of the most

important factors in job satisfaction.

< Provide a sense that he/she is going to spend a great deal of one's

life doing something.

< Allow them to have some say in how the work is done.

< The need for connection extends both from the work and to the


< Recognize their suggestions of improvement suggest improvements

in work assignments, processes, schedules, and measurements.

< Let them have autonomy and a sense of control over their work .

< Delegate work to them and lat them be responsible for their own


< Let them Perceive and meet the challenges on the job such that the

work exciting and full of pride

< Create an environment such that they keep up with knowledge and

technology in the field.

Opportunities to Learn and GrowCareer growth, learning, and development are three of the top reasons

that people stay in their current jobs.

< Provide opportunities on the job that match the employees' abilities

& and aspirations.

< Encourages employees to improve the work itself as well as their


< Motivate them to keep up with latest developments in their fields.

Providing formal training and development opportunities is only

one means of helping employees to learn and grow.

< Provide informal learning opportunities on the job can be done reg-


< Encourage them to "network," and learn from Coaching, mentor-


< Make them read publications related to their lines of work.

"If we do not do All These and Lose employees then?

Some businessmen may think that they don't have time to do all these things.Consider ...


[A.] Investment in the current employee

< The time (and costs) required to recruit, interview and hire an employ-


< The time and cost invested to assess, train, and integrate them to

replace the ones who have left.

< Hard costs like advertising, travel, selection, orientation, and sign-on


< Other costs of the work that is put on hold while this is done; the

effects on productivity, morale, and customer satisfaction


[B.] There are some unseen costs also.

< The benefits to the competitor of hiring the lost employee.

< The possible influence of this employee on other employees (to leave).

< New hires tend to demand 20 to 40 percent more in pay than the

employees they replace.

< High-tech workers, professionals, and managers cost twice as much as

other employees to replace.

< Primary job responsibilities should be the retention of high-perform-

ing employees.

"The punch line is..."We need high performance, senior, effective employees. It is the

truth and it will remain the truth."

In business, guarantee no dips. If we use these tips.

FITAG Wi-Mentor MantraMentor Mantra 5FITAG Wi-5



Worldwide Server SalesDecline in Q2

THE SERVER busines

continued to slide in

the second quarter with

world wide revenue and

unit sales down, IDC said.

Revenue was down 6.2

per cent to $11.9 billion

(about Rs 77,280 crore) in

the second consecutive

quarter of year over - year

decline, as demand for

servers continued to soften

in most geographic

regions, the research firm

said. Unit shipments were

also down 1.2 percent to 2

million, after also falling in

the previous two quarters.

The highest fall in rev-

enue was in mid-range sys-

tems, which dipped by

about 22 percent year-

over-year, while volume

systems had a 2.4 percent

revenue decline and rev-

enue from high - end sys-

tems dipped 9.5 percent in

the quarter ended June.

The slowing demand is

a combination of factors

including consolidation,

virtualization, and migra-

tion initiatives by main-

stream small and medium

businesses and enterprise

customers, and dampening

demand for new IT proj-

ects in difficult economic

conditions. Top server ven-

dors tried to offset weak

demand for highermargin

Unix and blade servers

with lower-margin rack

and density optimized

servers, IDC said.

IBM held the number

one position in the server

market with a 27.9 percent

share of revenue, but

its share was down from

over 29 percent last year.

The company’s server rev-

enue fell in the quarter by

10percent year -over-year

because of low demand for

System x and Power

Systems. IBM’s System z

mainframe running z/OS,

however, had a third con-

secutiv quarter of growth,

with revenue up by 9.9

Percent year - over - year

to $1.2 billion (about Rs

6,000 crore). The main-

frame accounted for 9.8

percent of server revenue

in the quarter.

HP held the number two

position with a smaller

market share of close to 26

percent, after a year - on-

year decline in revenue of

17.5 percent as a result of

poor demand for x86-

based Pro- Liant servers

and continued decline in

demand for HP Integrity


Dell fared better, grow-

ing its server market share

to 18.8 percent, its highest

ever in any quarter, from

16 percent last year, to

retain the third spot. Dell’s

server revenue grew 10.3

percent in the quarter.

Rival Oracle held the

fourth position with 6 per-

cent market share followed

by Cisco Systems at num-

ber five with 4.5 percent

share after a close to 43

percent growth in revenue.

Cisco had a statistical tie

with Fujitsu

in the last



from density

o p t i m i z e d

servers, used

in large

h y p e r s c a l e


surged 26.6

percent year

- on - year.

-john Ribeiro

6.2%is the server


decline for the

second con-

secutive quar-

ter year-over-


Google has unveiled its

new Chromebook lap-

top, which has features simi-

lar to high-end laptops but is

priced at only US$ 279. Built

by Hewlett-Packard (HP),

the HP Chromebook 11 has

features that are usually seen

in laptops worth US$ 1,000.

In fact, the new device that

has the Chrome OS sports

many features from other

laptops running Google’s

Chrome OS, like the

Chromebook Pixel, which

costs US$ 1,299.

The newly unveiled

Chromebook 11 laptop has a

plastic frame with no sharp

edges or corners. In fact,

even screw holes are miss-

ing, which gives it a very

sleek look. Further, the

device’s speakers are placed

under its keyboard, which

means that the sound is

directed towards the user.

The 29.26-cm (11.6-inch)

laptop weiths only 1.04 kg

(2.3lb) and is apparently

based on the Chromebook

Pixel, which was designed

by Google itself. But the two

companies did have to make

a few sacrifices in order to

keep the price as low as US$

279. For one, the device does

not have a touchscreen dis-

play and neither is the dis-

play as sharp as the

Chromebook Pixel. Further,

the metal frame is replaced

by plastic and the laptop has

only 16 GB of storage in the

basic model.

Interestingly, the

Chromebook 11 is charged

via a micro - USB port,

Which is the same as those

used in smartphones and


Google’s Chromebook 11


Now play the ‘Modi Run’ game

on your Android for free!

The Narendra Modi fever is catch-

ing on! Among the list of your

favourites like Temple Run, Super

Mario and Subway Surfers, you can

now also make Modi run to see him

win over India.

The game called Modi Run has

been developed by Dexati, a mobile

application and gaming company

based in the US. It is a free game and

can be downloaded on any Android

device. In the game, politician Modi is

seen running through all the states to

win the election and become the

Prime Minister of India.

The details of the game read,

“Help Modi through all the states and

gather the votes to win the election

and become PM of India.” It is purely

for entertainment and not endorsed by

either Modi or the BJP, says the




Publisher : Gaurang Vyas, President, Fitag Editor : Kaushik Pandya Assistant Editor : Sejal Patel Designer : Hardik Pancholi

Address : B/302, Rudra Arcade, Nr. Helmet Circle, Memnagar, Ahmedabad-380015. All rights reserved. No part of this publication

can be reproduced without the prior permission from the publisher.

What you can do with “Google”What you can do with “Google”Calendar software can be quite useful. Busy executives might refer to a calendar program as they

navigate from one business meeting to another. Popular socialites use them as they book parties and

other events. And the perpetually disorganized depend on calendar software to avoid missing

important appointments. There are several calendar programs on the market. One such application

that's growing in popularity is the Google Calendar.

Created by the multi-billion

dollar corporation Google,

the Google Calendar application

allows users to create personal or

public calendars after signing up

for a Google account. The

accounts are free, and Google

stores the calendars within its

cloud computing system. That

means that the company stores the

application and user information

on its own servers. The user does-

n't have to download special soft-

ware to access the calendar -- all

access is through a Web browser.

With traditional desktop soft-

ware, users store information to

their own computers' hard drives

or other storage devices. That

means if they want to access their

information, they always have to

use the same computer. Since the

information in Google Calendars

exists on the Web, users can view

and make changes to calendars

from any computer connected to

the Internet. Storing calendars on

the Internet also means that it's

easier to share information with

other users. In turn, scheduling

events and creating invitations

becomes easier. Want to know if a

fellow Google Calendar owner is

free this weekend? If the owner

opts to share his or her calendar

with you, you'll be able to see if

there are any scheduled events

that might interfere with your

plans. If there are conflicts, you

may be able to adjust your plans.

Like all tools, Google

Calendar is only helpful when

people use it. It doesn't magically

organize your life, but it can make

the task much easier for you.

What are some of Google

Calendar's basic features? Find

out in the next section.

Google Calendar's Features

Google Calendar Software and Hardware

Advanced Google Calendar Features

The Google Calendar layout is

fairly simple. A miniature

view of the calendar appears in a

column on the left side of the

screen. It displays the current

month and highlights the current

day. A larger viewing area takes

up most of the rest of the screen.

The Google Calendar has multiple

viewing options. You can choose

to view the calendar by day, week,

month or a view that presents just

the next four days. You can also

choose an "agenda" view, which

presents all scheduled events as a

list rather than as a calendar view.

No matter which view you're in,

you can block out time on the cal-

endar. In most views, Google

Calendar allows you to schedule

appointments or events with a

simple click-and-drag interface.

In the day, week and next four

days views, you can block out

time in half-hour increments by

clicking and dragging down the

appropriate day. Google Calendar

then prompts you to fill in details

about the appointment.

In the month view, you can

block out time for multiple days.

This is particularly useful if you

need to set aside time for trips and


You can keep appointments

simple with just a subject header,

or you can choose to add more

details. You can include a location

for the appointment and a short

description. You can also use the

"repeat" function for events that

occur regularly, such as a weekly

meeting or annual event like


Most of these functions are

similar to the features of other cal-

endar software products on the

market. As part of an effort to dif-

ferentiate Google Calendar from

its competitors, Google incorpo-

rates other features that take

advantage of Google's capabili-

ties. Perhaps the most notable

Google offering is its search func-

tion. In Google Calendar, you can

use Google's search technology to

search not only your own calen-

dars, but also any public calendar

on Google's system.

Let's say you're going to a

conference. The administrators of

the conference have made the

event's schedule available online

through Google Calendar. You

can use the search function to find

the event's calendar and synchro-

nize it with your own. Google

Calendar returns a search engine

results page (SERP) specifically

formatted to show calendar

results. You can select the appro-

priate entry in the SERP and

Google Calendar takes care of the

rest. Now you've got the detailed

schedule imported into your own

calendar. Perhaps you own multi-

ple calendars, some of which are

public and others that aren't. You

can use the search function to

look for specific events within

your calendars. Google Calendar

returns a SERP showing you

where specific scheduled events

fall on each of your calendars.

These features are just the tip

of the iceberg for Google

Calendar. Want to learn about

more advanced features? Head on

over to the next section.

Many of Google Calendar's

advanced functions rely on

the fact that it's a Web service.

With most other calendar soft-

ware, you'd either access the pro-

gram from your own computer's

hard drive or you'd store the appli-

cation on a local area network

(LAN). With Google Calendar,

the entire application and all its

contents are on the Web.

One of the Web services

Google takes advantage of is short

message service (SMS) support.

This is the format cell phones use

to send text messages. Users can

allow Google Calendar to send

reminders via SMS to their cell

phones. As a scheduled event

draws near, Google Calendar

sends an alert via SMS to a phone

number registered by the respec-

tive user. While Google offers this

as a free service, users may have

to pay their cell phone service

providers if they go over their

monthly text message limits.

Google fosters a growing

community of developers who use

Google's application program-

ming interface (API) to build new

programs based off Google tech-

nology. Google calls the resulting

applications Google gadgets.

Many developers design gadgets

to work with existing applica-

tions, including Google Calendar.

Gadgets allow users to insert spe-

cial events into a calendar. The

options are practically limitless.

Examples can include everything

from inserting a relevant photo-

graph to attaching a Google Map

showing the location of the event.

Google Calendar makes it

pretty easy to send invitations to

other people. First, you create an

event in your own calendar and

fill out the details. Then, you can

click on the "add guests" option.

This opens up a field in which you

can type e-mail addresses. Once

you save the event, Google

Calendar sends e-mails to the

invite list. As guests respond to

the invite, Google Calendar dis-

plays the results within the event

listing on your calendar.

If a user chooses to share or

publish a calendar, other users can

leave comments on event entries.

This allows people to discuss

upcoming appointments or

debrief after a meeting. The event

page becomes a forum for guests

and calendar viewers.

What does Google use to keep

the Google Calendar system up

and running? Find out in the next


If you're familiar with Google,

you probably know that they're

secretive when it comes to their

operations. There's not a lot of

information available on the sys-

tem Google Calendar uses. Still,

there are some aspects of Google's

operations that are public knowl-

edge. As for the rest, we can make

a few assumptions on what's

going on behind the scenes.

It helps to imagine the Google

Calendar system as a client/server

system. A client is an entity that

requests a service. The server is

the part of the system that pro-

vides a service. Both the client

and the server may have special

software allowing them to interact

with one another. What's more, it's

possible for a single computer to

act as both a client and a server.

On the server side of Google

Calendar, Google uses the Java

programming language to build

applications. Sun Microsystems

developed Java as an object-ori-

ented computer programming lan-

guage. Programs created with

Java can exist independently of

other programs. It's the Java

applications that handle all the

data on the back end of Google


Google Calendar users see the

client side of the system. This

consists of a Web page enhanced

by Javascript. Javascript and Java

aren't the same thing. The Java

language allows programmers to

build programs ranging from full

applications to smaller applets.

Developers use Javascript to beef

up Web services. They can't use it

to build programs that work out-

side of a Web browser experience.

That about wraps up everything

Google outsiders know about the

Google Calendar system. But we

can make a few guesses about

other details:

Google tends to use relatively

cheap hardware for its systems.

Instead of investing in cutting

edge technology that can handle

terabytes of data, Google purchas-

es inexpensive hardware that inte-

grates with existing networks

seamlessly. While the hardware

doesn't have all the bells and

whistles of more expensive equip-

ment, it serves its purpose. Since

it's cheap, it doesn't cost much to

add more capacity to the system,

which means it's scalable.

One possible arrangement of

hardware would include applica-

tion servers and database servers.

The application server would

process the programs that make

Google Calendar possible,

including integration with other

Google applications. The data-

base servers act as storage.

Google may also use a control or

administrative server that acts as

a gatekeeper.

Google CalendarGoogle Calendar



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