forney exgllijeeb.dfg compjuity

Post on 02-Aug-2022






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C. lAWlt Hoffner LCIQMCour,•et

August 10. 1983

Registered Mail-Return Recepit

U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Superfund Branch 1201 Elm Street, 28th Floor Dallas, ix i527O

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Attention: Mr. Larry Thomas. 6AW•SE

REverence: Bio Ecology Sy~tems Disposal Site. Mr. Whittington's Letter of 7-11-83

Dear Mr. Thomas:

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This letter is our response to th~t portion of Mr. Whittington's letter requesting certain infonnation pursuant to Section 104 cf CERCLA. For ease of classification of our response, the soecific questi0ns are repeated with answers following.

1. What is the generic name and chemical character of ttie hazardou5 substances as defined under Section 101(14) of CERCLA, generated by your company and disposed at the site?

A. Cher.;ica1 Waste

Because the waste consisted largely of spent or contaminated chei:iicais, no analysis was ever made. Certainly the composition wou1d have varied from drum to drum of the waste. At best, we can anly name the raw materials chemicals us~d in our processes and assume these would hav~ been in th~ waste in unknown concent­rations.

Chr~mic acid, copper pyrophosphate, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, f11..0boric acid, alllJTlonium r:ersulfate, sodium hydro:dde, copper phosphate and ar.u10nium sulfate.

T~e acids namaa are all quite toxic and corrosive and causa burns on skin conta~t. Nitric acid may give off toxic fumes. ~hile sodium hydroxide is J corrosive, it probably jid not app:Jr in the waste because of its tendency to react with the acids. A11 the other chernica1s would be poisonous if ingested and would be ex­pected ta cause skin irritation or burns ori. r.ontact.

Gt.1r i,1anufac:. .. ring ;;ror,,;esses produced various coI,1pounds as reaction products which would also have been in ~ne waste in unknry1n con­centrations..

i".O. l!Oll '189 • .i.QOlSON. TEXAS 75801- ueA • T"fJL...!2141-4!iMlClft .. TEU:.C 1Ji4lmli ' : . ~ . . .

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Lead, ~ir, and ;:opper cr.romates; lead, tin and copper oyrophosphates; 1ead. ~~n 1nd copper sulfates; lead, tin and copoer oersu1fates; ~ead, :ir and copper f1uoborates; liad, tin and copper phosphates.

Tnese are a1 i ~aisorious if ingested and 1,·ould oe irritants upon contact with the skin.

B. Cuttino Oil

The c:..tting oil is a corrmercially fonnclated chemical emulsion. We havP contacted the rrianufacturer with deta~ls of our problem and enc1o'ie CO['l~es of two 1etters and ether data from its Manager - Health, Safety and Environ-­menta1 Afflirs. These letters should be self exp,anatory.

We also received details of tests with this product being applied tc labor­atory anirna1s. In surrmary, these tests show that the cuttii1g uil is a skin and eye irritant before dilution for us~, a~J possibly harmful. though not fatal, if ingested. If you .,.,ould 1 ike coi:;ies of these rather volur.1inous tests, i:;lease 1et us know.

2. For edch hazardous substance identified above, please give the total volume, in g•11ons for 1iquids and in cubic yards for solids. which was ge~erated by your company and disposea at the site. Also list the date of disposal.

Our records exist only back through 1977, and we can be precise only for 1977 and 1976. rorney Eng1neering Company sent a total of forty three drums to the Bic Ecology site. The volume of these wastes, which were all liquids, is :isted by dates and voiume deliv~red.


3-10 3-21 4-18 6-10 7-27



l 977


200 gallons 165 ga 1i ans none none none



365 gallons


200 gallons 200 ga 1 lons 495 gallons 440 ga 11ons 605 ga 11or.s

155 ga 1 hms

2105 ga 11 ons

While no other volumetric records exist, our accounting ledger !hows that in tlle years 1975 and 1976 disbursements were made to Bio Ecohgy Systems in a s1ightly higher amount than those for 1977 and 1978. The lack of other records prevents us from identifying the volume and types of waste.


' - ... • . - • • - • - - • 1_ --- • •• •

August 10, 1983 Page J

3. Provide the name and address (previous and current) of any transporters utilized by your finn to transoort hazardous substances tJ the site, specifying the mode of shipment {buik, tank truck, drums, etc.).

All waste materials were in drums9 mostly the 55 gallon size. bt,t with a few five gallon drums on one occasion. We nave no records available by which we could identify the transporter. A few of our employees re­call tnat the material was picked up by truck, but none can recall the f1nn name.

All documents from which the foregoing information was derived are located at this address. They consist of routine records such as purchase order copies and ledger entries. Please consider the writer as their custodian.

We believe the contents of this letter. and our 1etter to you of July 15. 1983. is in full ~ornpliance with the requirer.i~nts stated in Mr. Whittingtor.'s letter. Should this not be the case, or should y0u have any inquiries. please contact the writer.


cc: Ed Giirf1cm, Chief Executive Officer Andy CeStena, President Mike Deo, Vice President

Very truly 1ours.

C · ~.-1., }/t<-//iit, C. Lewis Hoffner

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OleffllcaL conaoranon 501 weST aounoarv. BOX Z20 .-errvsaurc.. OHIO 43551 t4I9) 874·7902

August 5, 1983

!u. C. Lewis Hoffner 1 Legal Counsel FORNEY ENGINEElU!lG COMPANY P O Box 189 Addison, TY 75001

Dear ~r. Hoffner:

Thank you for your letter of August 4 to !Ir. fillton Hoff, our Laboratory Di~ector, requesting information on TRI}!® SOL cutting and grinding fluid conce~trate. ~lt has referred your letter to me for re$ponse. Enclosed for your review are a mate;.-ial safety data sheet, Data & Infonnation Sheet and toxicity data for TRIMe SOL.

TRIM SOL is a heavy duty, chlorinated, water soluble emulsion concentrate. over 90% of the product is cooiposed of oil or oil-like materials: petroleum oil, petroleum sulfona.te, and chlorinated paraffin ~ax. !he remaining ingredients incluJe nonionic surfactants, propylene glycol, phenolic e~ulsion stabilizer. propylene glycol ether, blue/g~eE:n vegetable dye, silicone defoamer, tertiary amine.; and water.

Please keep in mind that TRD1S SOL ls a concentrate designed to be diluted to between 3%-10% in water. The most coounon dilution ratio is 20 parts water to one p3rt TRIM® SOL (5%).

~!r. Hoffner, I trust this lnformatioa. is sufficient for your needs. S~ould you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to contact us at your earliest conveniance.

Sincerely, /

::::'1-t1:#! ~nager-Hea.lth, Safety and Environmental Affairs



THe cooLanT manac.emenr commrrv"" You prnfit from our l?'CperiertCe!

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master atemlCaL mrPOranon SOI weST aounoan. BOX 220 Perr'VseurG. OHIO 43551 (419) 874·7902

Mr. c. Lewis Hoffner FORNEY E~GINEERI:,c COllP.1-'H PO Box 189


Dear Mr. Hoffner:

August: 5, 1933

Thank you for your i:1quiry regarding TlUM® SOL cutting and grinding fluid concentrate with reference to the Resource, Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste regulations. These regulations were publi5hed by the Enviroruaental Protection Agency (EPA) in the aonday, ~:ay i9, 198') Federal aegister, Volu,-ne 45, :lumber 98, Book 2, Page 33063-33285.

No TRl!1® product is currently considered a hazardous vaste in itself. Keep in t:lind, however, that certain contalllination oi the fluid during use may classify the spent fluid as a hazardous waste (i.e., greater than or equal to 5 ppm lead).

Also, independeut of chemical compogj_tion, EPA intends to designate waste lubricating and waste hydraulic and cutting oils as hazardous wast 1.e (please refer to .. Appendix B - Scheduled Fa.:.1 Promulgation"• lter,1 17, Page 33118). It is anticipated that all cutting and grinding flt.ids, chemical ( synthetic) and emulsion type products as well as straight oHs, ~ill be included in this designation •

The RCRA regulations are qtdt~ cooplex and I would suggest that you obtain a copy of the complete regulations as cited above and study them c.aref ully in relation to your company's specific situation. Copies of the RCRA regulations may be obtained from the Industry Assistance Office. Their toll-free number is 800/424-9065.

Due to the i::i.plementation of these regulations, the recyclit1g of cuttiP.g fluids has o•~come evt.:u ll'lOte economically advantageous. In addition to the economic ince.ntive to recycle fluids, there is a tremendous reductir;.n in paperwork and liabil.ity associated t,1ith the disposal ,)f hazardous wastes.

Enclosed is a brief synopsis ~four XYBEX~ Recycling System. If you would be interested ia more i~fc-rmation on this concept, please contact Ralph Wheat, our Service Engineer for your area, Production Tool ~ale~, Dallas. Texas our Distributor for your aree, or Maater Chemical Corporation direct.

You pro6t from our e•p«Pience!

N c­o (\J

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:u. c. Lewis Hoffner FORNEY ENGINEElUNC COXP~'i Y Page 2 August 5 , 19 83

l tnist th1s information is sufficient for your needs. Should you have any questions, require furr.her infoniation or care to discuss these regulations in raore detail, please ~o not hesitate to contact us.

Sincerely, /

~:~f.!:17 ~nager-Health, Safety and Environaental Affairs

/ llb



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U.S. CEPAATMENT OF LABOR Oct:u,atianat Safety and H•aldl Admininrlflon

MATERIAL SAFETY DAiA SHEET fll'Qultta unciar USC I.. S;at• tY IIICI HqUII FteguilCIOftS ta, Sl\10 RIQall'"'I,

Shioauddift(J, and ShiGDl'HKI~ i29 CF~ 1915. 191~. 1917l

l'an11 ....,...., OM.-. U.AUll

---------------------------------------------SECTION l

MilUfUjll'a.:T\J•&•"'S NAMII

MASTER CREMICAL CORPORATION I IMC11tG&11otcv ,..,,..1111i.o,., .. a.


SECT10N U • HAZARDOUS lNGREOIENTS I % I TLV I i TLV PAINTS. Pt!U!Slf!tVATtVts. I. SOLV(NTS ALL.0V1 AN0 Ml'TM.I.IC COAT!NCS l '4 ' ' 'lli,111) ' IU1utsl . lo ! I IA$& uc-r Al. ol JIIIGMl:N':"S ! :

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VU•IICU 10 I I M£TA&.I.JC: COATINCiS I o ! I --SOI. V'Uc":'$ lo ' I •11..1.JER o111e:-r.Jo:.. ; o; •\.US C:QA"l'ING Q• l':0t1( -'!..UX i

' ~ .. A001TIVU lo I I OTMCRS I O' I ' ro I I I

I 01'Mt:JtS I

HA.%.ARCOU~ MIX"NA&S Ofl. 0T"4'iJl LIO\JIOS. SOt.lCS. OR GASU i " I n.v


TR.IM®SOL is a nonhazardous mixture of ~etrcleum oil. non~ionic surf ~ct ants i chlorinated paraffin wax, petroleum sulfonate, odora.nts, silicone defoanih, ! oye and water. I I I


SECTION 111 • PHYSICAL DAT .. I •ou.11,j(: PCIINT ,.,.. I I 260°F j Sll'itC:11,,c:: GAAv,,·v c1-11o•t1 0.99 7 VAIIIO" ••USUAi: •""'"' ..... 1 I N.A. I IJC"1CU .. T, VOI..A1"1U Nil l IV VOL.1JM£ !"',l

\IJl,~ft C0-,Sl1'Y IAIJih S 1 I N.A. 111:v.11.IIQWION AA1'C Nil I ( . •ti

S01,.U81LJ'TV IN WATER I 100% ! i A#CAAANCt A.NO 000CI Dark green. viscous liquid with mild, pleasant odor I


'FLA.SH IIOINT \M•tNIO ""'ll3Q50F(CQC) None (TCC) , ,~MM.dill..£ l..lMl'r5 I ... , '-'-'

t::W:TINGUISHING illlCC,I.,_ CO?, Dry Chemical, Water - .. ..

5JlllCtA&., ,ruu, ,,a ... TING •A0Ci!.0UIIIU None -

IJf,fUSUA&.. ftUl& .ll'l:0 ~;.cp1,,.C.,S10H HA,lJUIOS None ··-·. ... -· ..

-- . ---



Heme established by ACGIH or OSHA

None Known

INGESTION: Pump stomach, DO NOT induce vomiting due to petroleum content





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• SPILL OR LS:AK PROCEDURES STE" TO &&: TAK(.~ IN ~.A$& )AATER1.a.1,o ;$ AEUA.S£0 oq SP•;..,..;;::,

Mop up spills or use dry absorbent.

WA.$Tl Q1SP05AI.. ..i!':,-MOO


Add-Alum snlit Refer to Data & In format ion Sheet_f or r;uaaested nrocedure


None V£N1'11..ATl0N

; ._Qc_,..., [.XHAo.,S, I SPE:=:A1,.

I Sot not1nally requi_Ied, ·- I


MltCMAN1c.A;.. ,'C1n1,-:11 j OTW£/:I , r..,._ne..--=il R.-,,-,,... V.,...,,--1,~,--f.-,.-, ~hm11~ be sufficient ... _

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S1:CTION IX • S?EClAI.. PREC;,UTIONS lilllltG.a.~TICNS TQ H: TA.<l;N ~ANOl.;"H~ ANO 51"0A1NG

Rl!l:fer to cont::dner labels and/or

OTHg,a IIIACC.:1.U1'10,._S

PACE i2l ••• t!J.1.llt

None -

Pata & Information


Fflrm OSHA-2~ ...... .,,,.

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