forgery and murder for wealth and power by kirumira …

Post on 27-Dec-2021






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Godfrey Kirumira, His son Gideon Kirumira Running a Web of Forgeries for BCD

As the saying goes that the Baganda have been used as WheelBarrow Pushers for the Bahima

Century Dynasty[BCD]; the evidence is bliss.

Semi-literate Godfrey Kirumira Kalule also known to be the Chairman of Kwagalana Group is

the beacon of forgery of all times in the history of Uganda. This coldblooded killer came in the

limelight in the early 2000s and worked closely with property mogul Sudhir Rupalleria who

accelerated his rise into the wealthy class of Ugandans.

This goon manipulated the then mayors Late John Ssebaana Kizito and later Nasser Ntege

Ssebaggala to grab plots in Kampala from their lease holders two to four years before the leases

would expire. This enabled Kirumira to get tens of plots in the central business district, Kololo,

Old Kampala, Nakawa, Muyenga, Makindye, Lubaga, Mengo, etc…

When Godfrey Kirumira came closer to Salim Saleh, Patrick Bitature, Sam Kahamba Kutesa,

and Odrek Rwabwogo, his mafia resonance elevated to grab and kill his victim in possession of

anything of value to him. Kirumira has a series of victims killed in cold blood and some poisoned

while others have passed on in stage managed accidents.

Among Kirumira’s victims is Albert Baguma Abwooli who was killed in Fort Portal to take 783

hectares of land, Kabajumba Justine Amooti killed in Hoima to acquire 812 acres of land,

Mbiro Vincent killed to acquire 342 acres in Mubende, Mbewooze Octavia killed to acquire

951acres in Kiboga, etc…

When his son Gideon Kirumara was closer to finishing school, his father brought him closer to

his operation projects in which he trained him to become a cat in the world of mice. Gideon who

studied with the late Nsenga’s children was always welcome inside Nsenga’s home. Within in a

short walk of time, Nsenga’s wife was close to Gideon and his father Godfrey Kirumira. The plot

to end Nsenga’s life was orchestrated by Kirumira who also had a secret affair with Nsenga’s

wife now a convict in Luzira prison. Today, Kirumira grabbed at least 60% of Nsenga’s wealth

Another incident is when Kasiwukira was murdered by Kirumira but the late’s wife Nabikolo

was framed via circumstantial evidence. Kasiwukira’s brawl with Kirumira started when the

former blew the whistle to KCCA that Kirumira’s building Royal Complex on Market Street

adjacent to the Old Taxi Park was shoddy and that occupying it would lead to the death of

hundreds of innocent people. This was a period when collapsing buildings was the talk of the

town. KCCA moved in and banned Kirumira from completing the building and actually ordered

for the demolition of the building which has over 9 floors counting from the basement.

Kirumira insisted and used Sudhir to reach out to Salim Saleh who pleaded for him and KCCA

granted him permission to finish the two basements, the ground floor and the first floor. He defied

the order and finished even the second and third floor. This prompted Kasiwukira to blow the

whistle again. This time, the order was enforced and building equipments were confiscated by

KCCA. Kirumira telephoned Kasiwukira and promised to interfere with his businesses and

accompanied the promise with death threats.

Kasiwukira intimated the threats to the then IGP Kale Kayihura who called both parties for

reconciliation. Kirumira went on to connive with URA to suppress Kasiwukira’s businesses.

Gideon, Kirumira’s son went on to peddle rumors to Kasiwukira’s wife about Kasiwukira’s extra-

marital affair with her young sister.

Nabikolo’s sister later became so close to Kirumira with whom a love affair ensued. Kirumira

manipulated her and she started to steal business documents from Kasiwukira. Much emphasis

was put on land titles and several titles were acquired three for land in Muyenga, others for land

in Ndeeba and Najanankumbi, four titles for land in Akright in Bwebajja, two in Lubowa estates

and other two in Katabi Entebbe. Kirumira forged sales agreements between him and Kasiwukira

without Kasiwukira’s knowledge.

Kirumira contacted Moses Kabwogere who mobilized two other men to track Kasiwukira and

the trio took advantage of his early morning roadwork exercise. This is how Ugx150m ended the

life of a billionaire and currently, Kirumira took over the said properties mentioned above with

forged agreements. The more Kasiwukira’s wife tried to challenge the authenticity of the

agreements, the more the husband’s murder case allegations pounded on her head and shoulders.

She is now powerless.

After knowledge of this, Ephraim Ntaganda and Sudhir Rupalleria started to distance themselves

from Kirumira. Kirumira started to shift to the BCD for company and protection. He then became

the conduit for government officials to steal money from government including ministries of

Energy, Works, Bank of Uganda, Ministry of Finance, URA, KCCA, Health and Education.

Several thieves use him to steal funds from government. His business empire survives on forgery

and the family fellowship has expanded to include his wife, son Kirumira and daughter Nalule.


Godfrey Kirumira’s death list has; 1. Deox Tibeingana

2. Namukasa Zulaikah

3. Gladys Kiweewa

4. James Kibuuka Mulowooza

5. Mohan Kiwanuka

6. Gerald Kissansa

After the closure of Crane Bank, Kirumira became the top money lender to the rich in town.

Unfortunately, unsuspecting victims never knew that losing their staked security is ever the end

of the deal and relationship. Kirumira and his family have doubled their wealth between 2014

and 2019 from the money lending business and grabbing of land and commercial property.

Deox Tibeingana This story is fresh in the media in Uganda so we are not going to detail it. The only weak link in

the story is that nothing is talked about the death threats Deox receives every day. There is a plot

to either knockdown Deox in an accident or use poison to eliminate him. We are yet to expose

the puppets involved.

Namukasa Zulaikah This lady is fighting for her land in Kayabwe after Gideon Kirumira presented forged titles to

take over her land. We shall give you details after court decides in November but the shocking

details in the background is that Kirumura’s henchmen plan to kill this 56year old resident of

Kayabwe and his son who resides in Kabowa.

Gladys Kiweewa

This London based resident had his husband killed with poison. Kiweewa Christopher, a former

resident of Bunga Kalungu road was killed in with poison. This came after Gideon Kirumira, the

loan provider through his father gave Kiweewa a loan amounting to Ugx1.5bn in November

2017. He provided the Kirumiras three titles one for a bungalow in Bunga and two titles for two

commercial buildings one in Kitintale and the other in Luzira each with four floors.

Kiweewa serviced the loan but he was killed on 23rd July 2019 with a loan balance of Ugx193m.

Shortly after burial of Kiweewa, Kirumira family went ahead and forged sales agreement for the

three properties. The wife of the deceased Gladys Kiweewa learned of this information when her

tenants from Luzira and Kitintale were being evicted and management offices closed by court


On 3rd September 2019, when Gladys returned from London to rescue her late husband’s

property, Kirumira presented forged sales agreements to her which she noticed that her late

husband’s signature on them was forged. She threatened Gideon to open criminal charges against

him but Gideon shrugged off with the threats calling them empty.

She was attacked that same night by thugs but she escaped with minor injuries. She reported the

incident at Kansanga Police Station but the file went missing the following day. She ran back to

London for her safety.

All her attempts to return to Uganda have been countered with constant death threats and she has

missed all court seating ever since. All her lawyers have been compromised and her sons and

daughter ran to Nairobi after escaping several death traps.

James Kibuuka Mulowooza

This business mogul sold land in Namwabula to the Ministry of Energy at a sum of over

Ugx30bn. The mafias learned of this juicy deal and intimated Kirumira Godfrey who went ahead

to forge a similar title to claim ownership of the same land through his son Kirumira Gideon.

This battle has lasted for close to two years in and out of court.

All government institutions confirmed that Kirumira’s title is faked but he tries so hard to use

influence and craft to invalidate the authentic title and replace it with his own faked title. At this

stage, his son Gideon bounces into the picture and claims to be the owner, at times presents his

sister as the owner and sometimes he presents himself as a broker who brought on board the

Ministry of Energy and demanding to bag 20% of the Ugx30bn.

The tide being too high for him to climb, he has resorted to the method he understands best.

Murder! His henchmen are already trailing on James Mulowooza, Sam Simbwa and their

associates. Unfortunately for him, TPA intelligence is watching over him 24/7.

Mohan Kiwanuka

You are all aware of the ongoing battle between Mohan and his step-son Jovan Ssebuliba over

property. The force behind Jovan is Godfrey Kirumira who is eyeing seven properties: four

located in Kololo on Aki Bua road and Prince Charles drive respectively and three others one in

Namuwongo and two in Bugolobi along Mulwana road.

Jovan acquired loans on behalf of Mohan staking titles to Godfrey Kirumira without Mohan’s

knowledge. Whatever the confusion, irrational as the debate looks, a semi-literate Kirumira is the

architect. The more Mohan gains ground to defeat the diabolic fellowship, the more his life gets

closer to the extinction line.

Kirumira plots to poison him either through food or medicine but Maria Kiwanuka is the

stumbling block in the way. Maria Kiwanuka is targeted for assassination to clear way for the

grand mission.

Gerald Kissansa His land in Bujuuko is the reason his is going to be killed. This old man had his four daughters’

and two sons’ desire to go to the Middle East for jobs. He needed a loan of Ugx35m to facilitate

the process. Someone led him to Gideon Kirumira who saw it as an opportunity to grab over 290

acres. Gerald asked for one year to repay the money which Gideon agreed to as long as Gerald

could pay Ugx5m every month for a full year.

Upon making the agreement, desperate Gerald through trickery signed on a sales agreement

rather than a loan agreement. After one month, Gerald called Gideon to pay the first installment

of the loan with Ugx5m but he turned down the offer claiming that he was not demanding him

any penny.

A week later, Gideon and four trucks full of laborers invaded the property with poles and barbed

wire to fence off the entire 290 acres. That was the beginning of the battle. Within just days,

Gerald ran to Mityana for safety after surviving three assassination attempts. Now this land is on

sale by Godfrey Kirumira and each acre goes for Ugx65m.

There are several such cases as we are going to reveal in the subsequent publications.

Gideon Kirumira


We intimated to you of the 550 recruits in SFC taken for training. Kainesatani Muhoozi has

selected another 50 recruits and taken to Israel from where they are to receive special training for

special operations. These 50 are nothing else but assassins. They are to become experts in

assassination and clean their footprints by constructing suicide or homicide scenes after

destroying their targets.

This project by the dictator and his inept son is meant to destroy the financial muscle holding up

the Rwabwogo fellowship to seize power. Targets are wealthy government officials and city

tycoons subservient to the Rwabwogo wing. It should be noted that most of their wealth is from

corruption, graft, theft and grabbing from the vulnerable. Kirumira is on top of the list as a

primary target from the private sector.

We have the full list but we deliberately let the dogs eat each other for the sake of national


Our Christmas gift for Ugandans is on the way this November and Ugandans seeking liberation

should buy black outfits with possibly red stripes to celebrate Christmas in November.

One Ghanaian Prophet has already confirmed to end of the Dictator. He has to choose between

ending like Bashir or Gaddafi but it is more likely to be a blitz blackout. The good news is that

he has had a one on one dialogue with the prophet.

The Revolution is Ripe! The Junta is Falling!!!!



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