forests forever: spring newsletter 2013

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  • 7/28/2019 Forests Forever: Spring Newsletter 2013


    hoto: Sebasan Africano

    The newsleer of Trees, Water & People

    Forests Forever



    Connued on page 2

    By Sebasan Africano, Internaonal Director

    Eighteen months ago, Trees, Water & People (TWP) launched aprogram to sell photovoltaic lighng systems in Honduras under a grantprovided by the U.S. Department of States Energy and Climate Partnership ofthe Americas. This program has been so successful that we will be expanding

    to other Central American countries under the name Lucirnaga (rey inSpanish). By ulizing our 15 year old partnerships in the region, we can reachpeople that have no access to electricity, helping them modernize, bring jobsto the countrys rural areas, and also importantly, care for their natural world.

    Our focus is on two types of solar lighng and cell phone chargingsystems a strong, waterproof, portable LED lantern, and a wall-mounted,lighng system with four LED bulbs that can be placed throughout the house.Both products are inexpensive, but sll provide high-quality lighng that canreplace the dirty kerosene lamps and candles that light every room in thehome.

    Lucirnaga Brings Clean Energy to Thousands Whats InsideFrom the Board

    Page 3

    Partner Update: Hai

    Page 4

    Wishes from El Salvad

    Page 5

    Energy Independence

    Page 6

    Naonal Program Aw

    Page 7

    Evergreen Circle

    Page 7

    Newest Team Membe

    Page 8

  • 7/28/2019 Forests Forever: Spring Newsletter 2013


    By Jaime Klein, Trees, Water & People Board Member

    Im a widget kind of guy. I like widgets small and large. If you dont know whata widget is, it is dened somewhat as: a small mechanical device or control; a gadget.

    Roughly ten years ago, on a bright and sunny Saturday aernoon, my wifeand I were invited to the home of a Boulder County couple to aend a gatheringof people involved in an organizaon that we only knew as Trees, Water & People(TWP). We were invited to aend by good friends Jon Becker and Lynn Israel, withwhom we had recently spent some me in Costa Rica.

    The presentaon to those gathered was directed toward TWPs reforestaonandclean cookstove projects in Central America, and the benets that those projectsbring to the communies involved, namely the drascally improved health of theforests, watersheds, and people in those communies. Hence, Trees, Water & Peoplehad struck a cord. By examining the root of a mulfaceted problem - inecientcookstoves - they found a soluon.

    I was hooked. Here was a group offolks who were not sased with simplycricizing the status quo, but were insteadfocused on seeking and implemenngreal world soluons for the benet of notonly those in the immediately aectedcommunies, but for all the world. Ratherthan focusing on the past, TWP focuseson the future. What new technology is available to us to improve the environmentin which we all live? Their soluons are overtly simple, yet eecve: Improve thewidget by making it ecient, inexpensive, and environmentally sound.

    Now, as a member of the Board, I am constantly amazed at the number,simplicity, and global impact of the projects in which Trees, Water & People is involved.From clean cookstove, solar lighng, dry composng latrines, and reforestaonprojects throughout Central America and Hai,to the Food Security and Tribal RenewableEnergy programs thriving on the Pine RidgeReservaon in South Dakota, to the High ParkRestoraon Coalion here in Colorado, Trees,

    Water, & People is making a global impact.I am proud to associate myself with like-

    minded widget lovers. I am honored to call themfriends and collaborators in protecng the planetwe all love. But most of all, I feel privileged to bea part of such an organizaon.

    From the Board

    Rural families in the region oen group together into small agriculturalcooperaves organizaons made up of dozens to thousands of small farmers thatcombine their coee, cacao, grain, mber, sugarcane, and other crops before theytake it to the market. Cooperave members also use the organizaon as a bank they take credit from the co-op before planng season, and pay it back when theysell their produce.

    In places without banking services, cooperaves are a lifeline for rural families,and a natural t as a retailer for our solarlighng products. Since Trees, Water &People sells the lights and chargers to thecooperaves on consignment, there islile risk for the members and productscan be purchased aordably on a paymentplan. This distribuon model allows us tooer quality lighng and cell phone charging products to unlit homes at aordable

    prices, improving the health and environment of these communies.

    The Lucirnaga project is another great example of how TWP is illuminangopportunity and homes in Central America. However, we couldnt do this withoutour donors, as your support has truly brought posive change to the lives of thepeople in these communies.

    Lucirnaga Brings Clean Energy Connued...

    The Lucirnaga project is

    another great example of how

    TWP is illuminang opportunity

    and homes in Central America.

    I am constantly amazed at

    the number, simplicity, and

    global impact of the projects in

    which Trees, Water & People is


    e Cover:

    ly res up theirean cookstovevo Todoss near Escuintla,mala.


    CommunithroughouAmerica bTWPs envsound solu


    Internaonal Director, Sebasan Africano, discusses the benets of solarlighng with a member of the Lenca Womens Ceramics Cooperave in ruralLa Paz, Honduras.

    en you donateTrees, Water &

    ple you can befdent that your

    earned moneysed responsibly

    ring about real,ainable change.
  • 7/28/2019 Forests Forever: Spring Newsletter 2013


    Partner Update: Growing Trees of Hope in HaiBy Leah Nevada, Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL)

    Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods, or SOIL, is an organizaon that

    Trees, Water & People partners with to plant trees in Hai. Here, Leah Nevada

    provides an update of the 10,000 Trees for Hai campaign that donors helped us

    fund at the end of 2012.

    In February, SOIL worked with the Scouts of Hai to plant 800 trees in thenorthern Haian community of Madeline.Addionally, we worked with 35 membersfrom seven local community organizaonsin Trou du Nord in the NordEst region ofHai to plant almost 900 trees. We striveto ensure trees are not only planted,but also kept alive and healthy. At everyplanng event, SOIL provides training onhow oen the seedlings should be watered and how to ensure healthy tree growth.

    Follow-up visits to the planted seedlings showed posive results, but also afew trees in need of more care. SOIL is now working with the Scouts on an aconplan to make sure that all trees are well taken care of and SOIL agronomists havebeen meeng with tree growers to promote farmers cooperaves and farm-basedbusinesses designed to improve rural incomes.

    Out of the remaining trees le at the SOIL nursery, jointly funded with Trees,Water & People 1,500 seedlings, including many rare and nave species - are beingtransplanted at our beauful orchard and more tests are being done on the opmalamount of EcoSan compost (humanure) or urine (an important source of nitrogen!)to use. We are currently planning which types of seedlings to plant in order to reachthe 10,000 tree goal.

    Trees in Hai are more than just a seedin the ground they provide nutrious fruitfor families and they prevent soil erosionand ooding. People work hard to keepthese trees growing in the face of droughtand grazing animals, and when the treesreach the age of bearing fruit, its cause forcelebraon!

    Warm Wishes From El SalvadorBy Armando Hernandez Juarez, Translated by Sebasan Africano

    We recently received this leer from Armando Hernandez Juarez, our long-me partner in El Salvador and Director of Arboles y Agua para el Pueblo. Armandois a leader in environmental conservaon in Central America and we are honored towork with him. His words meant so much to all of us here at Trees, Water & Peoplethat we thought we would share them with you too!

    Dear Richard Fox and our family at Trees, Water & People,

    My sincere congratulaons on celebrang 15 years of achievements,

    contribuon to the environment and thus to this land that gives us life, food, and


    What beer way to celebrate 15

    years of TWP than with the sasfacon we

    get from raising the dignity of the people

    whom we support with your projects,

    and with the reless eort and human

    sensivity with which the TWP family does

    its work.

    On this occasion I also take another

    opportunity to warmly greet the pioneers

    of this work. I refer to Mr. Stuart Conway, a

    great benefactor and visionary. His eorts

    have led to concrete works in our country

    El Salvador, beneng a large number

    of families and communies through

    the establishment and producon of

    countless trees that have protected groundwater resources, climate and forest

    recovery in general, as well as the provision of stoves that have actually contributed

    to improving the socioeconomic condions of families that have beneted from this


    I do not want it to go unnoced that the uncondional eorts of the TWP family

    have also helped reduce polluon levels and t herefore prevent infecous diseases in

    families and communies who have been given latrines.

    It is grafying that our work in El Salvador through TWP leaves a trail of impact

    in communies and even public and private instuons and service organizaons

    such as the Peace Corps, who use our support to develop projects that benet the

    target populaon of their programs.

    Trees, Water & People Family, may the 15 years that we celebrate on this

    occasion be mulplied connually. Respecully, if you will allow me, receive my

    thanks for being part of TWP.


    Armando Hernandez Juarez

    Trees in Hai are more than

    just a seed in the ground they

    provide nutrious fruit for

    families and they prevent soil

    erosion and ooding.


    Local Haian boys parcipated in atree planng day with SOIL, learningabout the benets of planng trees andcaring for the environment.

    oin TWP

    nline and


    pdates on

    ews and



    Sebasan A(L) and ArmHernandezwith a cleabeneciaryarea of El S
  • 7/28/2019 Forests Forever: Spring Newsletter 2013


    ByMegan Maiolo-Heath, Markeng & Communicaons Manager

    Earlier this year, Naonal Director, LaceyGaechter, was awarded a fellowship to theCenterfor Collaborave Conservaon at ColoradoState University! Through this fellowship, Laceyis helping create green livelihoods on NaveAmerican reservaons in the United States,where there is oen lile hope for otheremployment, especially those that honorMother Earth.

    With the help of Colorado StateUniversitys College of Business, Lacey willassist tribal trainees in starng their own greenbusinesses.

    I am honored to be a part of thisphenomenal program and group of talentedfellows, but I am most excited by what thismeans for TWPs Tribal Renewable Energy Program and our Nave Americanstudents. said Lacey.

    Naonal Program Receives Presgious Award

    By Lacey Gaechter, Naonal Director

    The past couple of months have been nothing short of inspiring! The TribalRenewable Energy Program team has been working relessly to plan high-qualitygreen job training for Nave Americans who are the future of energy independenceon tribal lands. We take this work seriously, and to see so many people come togetherto make these workshops possible is truly humbling for us all.

    So many excing elements cametogether at our February Baery-TiedPV 101 Training that its hard to knowwhere to begin. Aer such high demandfor our Grid-Tied Solar Electric Training,a collaboraon with guest instructorJe Tobe of Solar Energy Internaonal,we hosted our second Trainer-in-Residence course this February. Thisme, we worked with Stephen Kane ofKane Solar and Steve Carroll ofNamasteSolar. All these guest instructors havedonated their me to our program, andhave earned our undying gratude.

    Our trainers inspire us to never stoplearning, and our trainees remind us thatknowledge really is power! Percival Le

    Hand Bull aended our February training, along with two other Rosebud Sioux Tribemembers, on a scholarship funded by TWP supporters like you. In his scholarshipapplicaon, Perci (as he likes to be called) told us that he hoped he could aendthe training to become a part of a big thing in renewable energy, of the future. Hehopes to gain employment with the skills acquired at the training.

    As an unusual part of the training, TWP oered a drawing to all the studentsfor a chance to win a solar outdoorlighng system, idencal to the systemused in the solar electric training. Perciis a very so-spoken person, and I didntsee very much of his hidden personality

    unl we drew his name as the winnerof the lighng system. His usually stoicface lit with excitement. He immediately set about hugging everyone in the room,especially Henry and me. This is the moment that really got me, and I was happy toknow the system will be used to light his outhouse.

    The Future of Energy Independence

    Join the Evergreen Circle

    ByHeather Herrell, Development Director

    One of the many ways to support Trees, Water & People (TWP), is by becominga member of our Evergreen Circle. This easy and eco-friendly electronic monthlygiving opon provides TWP with a reliable income stream, allowing us to focus moreon helping communies around the globe protect, conserve, and manage theirprecious natural resources.

    Trees, Water & People is a small group of great people with integrity, doing

    honorable work on Nave American reservaons. Through the Tribal Renewable

    Energy Program, they are using the natural resource of the sun to decrease

    poverty. - Bill Brown, Jr., Evergreen Circle Member

    The Honduras Work Tour was an experience of a lifeme. To speak my broken

    Spanish with TWP partners in Honduras, and to plant trees and build fuel-

    ecient cookstoves made me feel like a part of the soluon vis-a-vis global

    climate change. Paul Conway, Evergreen Circle Member

    If you would like to join the Evergreen Circle or want more informaon, pleasecontact Heather Herrell, Development Director at heather@treeswaterpeople.orgor (970) 484-3678, ext. 15.

    Our trainers inspire us to

    never stop learning, and

    our trainees remind us that

    knowledge really is power!


    Lacey Gaecaspiring IndRenewablebusiness oKale MeanJe King (RNorthern CTribe. PhotofMark AnPhotograph


    al Le Hand Bullnew green jobhanks to a donor-d scholarship.courtesy of

    Andrew Boyergraphy.
  • 7/28/2019 Forests Forever: Spring Newsletter 2013


    Printed on recycled paper and 100% Replanted. To nd out how you can be 100% Replanted, please

    Forests Foreveris published by Trees, Water & People. If you know someone who cares about people and the planet and should be

    added to our mailing list, please contact us at 877-606-4TWP or email us

    Program Partnersrboles Y Agua para El Pueblo (AAP), El SalvadorUtz Ch, GuatemalaAnanda Marga Universal Relief Team (AMURT), HaiSustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL), HaiAsociacin Hondurea para El Desarrollo (AHDESA), HondurasPROLEA, NicaraguaPowerMundo, PeruWildlands Restoraon Volunteers (WRV), ColoradoLakota Solar Enterprises (LSE), South Dakota

    InternsKate Fenton, Internaonal Development InternKelly McNab, Naonal Development Intern

    Sherry Moldenhauer, Naonal Development InternLeah Norman, Naonal Development InternGenia ODell Hughes, Naonal InternSierra Palmer, Tribal InternMaya Robinson Naonal Development InternCate Stone, Naonal InternJaide Stover, Markeng InternJecka Walker, Internaonal Development Intern

    Board of DirectorsJon Becker, PresidentJenny Bramhall, Vice PresidentStuart Conway, TreasurerAdele Dinsmore, SecretaryTim Carney, Kathy Cosgrove Green, Patrick Flynn, Jeremy Foster,Kathryn Higgins, Je Hargis, Sco Johnson, Jaimie Klein, PaulThayer, Jim Volpa

    StaRichard Fox, Execuve DirectorLacey Gaechter, Naonal DirectorClaire Burne, Naonal AssistantSebasan Africano, Internaonal Director

    Anibal Benjamin Osorto, Internaonal Regional CoordinatorDiane Vella, Finance DirectorHeather Herrell, Development DirectorKelsey Ashmore, Oce ManagerAmanda Haggerty,Data & IT ManagerMegan Maiolo-Heath, Markeng & Communicaons Manager

    Trees, Water & People633 Remington Street Fort Collins, CO 80524 877-606-4TWP

    By Lacey Gaechter, Naonal Director

    In February, Trees, Water & Peoples Food Security Programwelcomed Ferlin Curs Hopkins as our new Garden Coordinator. We arethrilled to have such a skilled and knowledgeable horculturalist joining theTWP Team! With a fascinang past, which is worth menoning, Ferlin spenthis childhood between California, Guam, and the Pine Ridge Reservaon,

    learning tradional Lakota ways from his maternal grandmother. Fresh othe plane from Guam, Ferlin is home on the reservaon now and workinghard to get Solar Warrior Farm prepped for the summer growing season.

    At Solar Warrior Farm, Ferlin hit the ground running in a way thatHenry Red Cloud, our Tribal Program partner, has described as a liledust storm coming from the garden. Recently, I had the pleasure tosee some of the fruits of his reless labor. Ferlin has already eradicatedevery weed that dares glance in the direcon of Solar Warrior Farm,rebuilt a greenhouse for starng seeds, dug and mulched furrows, laiddrip irrigaon lines, and brought local school children to the farm to get their hands dirty!

    In addion to being charged with the horcultural success of Solar Warrior Farm, Ferlin will also be an instrucpaired with Solar Energy Internaonal employees, at TWPs June solar water pump and drip irrigaon trainWelcome, Ferlin!

    Meet the Newest Member of the TWP Team

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