for heart-centered entrepreneurs, coaches, …...if you are a coach, speaker, author, spiritual...

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6- Figure Soul + Success Toolkit TM

For Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Speakers, Authors and Transformational Leaders

The Proven 5 Ingredients to Create a 6-Figure Business,So You Can Accelerate Your Income and Impact,

And Shine Your Brilliance in the World

© Rebecca Massoud, 2015. All rights reserved. 1

If you are a coach, speaker, author, spiritual entrepreneur or transformational leader who is struggling to consistently attract new ideal clients and increase your income each month, then I have great news for you.

This toolkit will give you the 5 key ingredients—plus money, marketing and mindset tips—you need to get off the dreaded “money rollercoaster” and get on the very fun and exhilarating “income-acceleration ride”…

…so you can finally create a thriving, highly profitable business that shines your brilliance and fulfills the mission of making your impact in the world!

I’m Rebecca Massoud, a business success coach and marketing mentor.

My specialty is in mentoring heart-centered entrepreneurs like YOU who struggle with marketing their business to attract, win and WOW high-paying dream clients, so you can create a thriving, profitable business doing what you love.

For more than 25 years, I’ve been working with entrepreneurs and diverse organizations, such as multinational software firm, Autodesk, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and 7-Eleven Stores.

During the early years, I had a blast and learned a ton helping companies and nonprofits exponentially grow their leads, communicate their authentic message and achieve their revenue goals through marketing, PR and branding.


and Welcome!

© Rebecca Massoud, 2015. All rights reserved. 2

But something critical was missing for me…I longed to bring ALL of me to my work, and not check my values or my soulful spirit at the door.

So starting in 2001, I began the journey to merge my longtime passion for personal growth and spiritual transformation into my marketing career.

It was then that I became a founding team member for one of the world’s first MBA programs in sustainable business, which gave my work the meaning I was longing for. Soon thereafter, I became the organization’s first marketing director.

After six years, I then went on to serve as marketing director for another pioneering start-up company, where I developed online marketing messaging and strategies for top transformational leaders such as don Miguel Ruiz, Gary Zukav, Gay & Katie Hendricks, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marcia Wieder, and many others.

One day, I had an epiphany. For years, I knew I was meant to have my own business. And I realized that it was my time now to step out from “hiding” and shine my brilliance in a bigger and bolder way!

It was my time to fulfill my dream of being an entrepreneur—and create what I had been longing for: a freedom lifestyle and financial success on my own terms.

So I made the decision to go for this big dream, backed that decision up with immediate and consistent action, and invested in myself through training, coaching and mentoring.

And voila. Through faith, perseverance and consistently putting into action everything I was learning, I manifested my dream business of coaching and mentoring clients to have the business and life of THEIR dreams.

I’ve now dedicated my life’s work to the mission of helping coaches, speakers, authors, spiritual entrepreneurs and transformational leaders—people like YOU—get their gifts and message out to wider audiences, so they can grow their income, impact, and influence in the world.

In this free toolkit that I’ve specifically designed for you, you’re going to discover the 5 key ingredients you need to create a 6-figure business with soul and success, plus tips on how to get into action right away.

And once you have all five elements and start to master them, you’ll begin to feel amazing about your business, because you’ll be achieving the results you want!

Best of all, you’ll be helping more people, while you share your gifts and knowledge in a way that evokes authenticity, passion and commitment to your clients’ success.

Here are those 5 key ingredients, using the acronym SHINE.

¶ Stand Out and Confidently Shine Your Unique Brilliance to Effortlessly Attract Your Ideal Clients

¶ Have HOT High-End Programs and Packages

¶ Invite your Ideal Clients into Irresistible Heart-Based Sales Conversations

¶ Nourish the Nuts & Bolts of Your Business to Build Your Solid 6-Figure Foundation

¶ Expand Your Capacity to Make Fabulous Money with Extraordinary Ease, Energy and Enthusiasm

Ok, let’s get started!

© Rebecca Massoud, 2015. All rights reserved. 3

Ingredient #1: STAND OUT and Confidently Shine Your Unique Brilliance

The first ingredient is about you confidently shining your one-of-a-kind genius, so that you get seen, get heard, and get paid fabulously for being who YOU are.

So many highly creative and gifted entrepreneurs hide or downplay their unique gifts and brilliance because they doubt themselves and lack the confidence to really own their value.

I see women entrepreneurs in particular asking themselves, “Oh, what’s so special about me?”

And when you go down this path of self-doubt, you end up undervaluing what you do and charging far less than what you are worth.

So, if you’re truly serious about creating a 6-figure business, you’ll want your branding and marketing to clearly convey your unique brilliance and one-of-a-kind story that says who you are and what you stand for.

This is your opportunity to capture the heart of your ideal client, and create that bond.

To apply for your complimentary 30-minute “6-Figure Soul + Success” Breakthrough Session, submit your answers to a brief questionnaire at:

Or email us at and put in the subject line “I want a free session.”

© Rebecca Massoud, 2015. All rights reserved. 4

Success TipAll great brands clearly answer these 3 questions:

Who am I?

What do I stand for?

What am I expert in?

You’ll want to answer these questions in the context of telling relevant stories to your ideal clients. This is how you get seen and heard and get

PAID for what you do.

Stories move people. They create an emotional link to everything you are.

Share your authentic stories on your blog, website, Facebook page, and you start creating fans that turn into paying clients.

Soul Tip:Let go of the notion that you

have any competition.

When you are uniquely and authentically who YOU are,

you can never compete with anyone.

ExampleMy client Tom struggled to integrate his 30-year career as a financial advisor with his longtime passion for teaching meditation and mindfulness.

Through our coaching together, he got crystal clear that his purpose is to bring forth BOTH aspects—the material and the spiritual—into his work.

He shared his vision (story) with a forward-thinking business incubator. As a result, Tom was supported in a big way to create the Mindful Money Institute, a nonprofit focused on helping money managers incorporate mindfulness and meditation to promote business growth and inner peace.

And, oh yes, our coaching sessions also helped him get refocused on his business priorities and he increased his revenue by 33%!

How do you do that?

© Rebecca Massoud, 2015. All rights reserved. 5

ExampleWhen I was just getting started as a coach, I offered a 90-day “dreambuilder” program where I helped my clients get clear on the most inspiring vision they could create for their lives. I then coached them through the 10 steps of dreambuilding, resulting in my clients beginning to manifest some of their big dreams in areas of career, relationships, health and money.

One client Christy left an unfulfilling, low-paying job to start her dream business—a boutique wedding design and coordination company.

Why is This?

The main reason is they’re stuck in a “dollars for hours” business model that doesn’t give them the freedom, flexibility and leverage they need to grow to 6 figures and beyond.

The Solution?

Stop charging by the hour. And instead, create high-end packages or programs that are focused on the results you help your clients get.

Having a high-end or premium package locks in clients for a longer period of time, which makes it possible for you to create better outcomes with your clients and evens out your cash flow.

This is one of the best ways to create lasting transformation for your clients.

Plus, it’s a lot more fun, fulfilling and lucrative when you work with highly committed clients for longer periods of time.

Soul Tip:You are an agent of change. For you to make the difference you are here to make, you

deserve to be able to make a great living doing what you love.

And creating a high-end program, where you charge a premium for your amazing service, will cause you to show up more powerfully in the world, offer your best work,

make a difference, and uplevel your relationship with money and success.

Success Tip:To get started with creating your first “hot”

high-end package:

Start simple by creating a 90-day success package that helps your clients get a “quick win”

or achieve a short-term result they’re wanting.

Ingredient #2: Have HOT High-End Programs and Packages

Many coaches, consultants, therapists, holistic practitioners and other service-based business owners never get to experience the lifestyle and financial freedom they long for, which is often the reason they got into business for themselves in the first place!

© Rebecca Massoud, 2015. All rights reserved. 6

Where do you meet your ideal clients?

Go Where They Go Networking events are the perfect venue to learn about your ideal clients’ goals and pain points, and build a genuine relationship with them.

When you meet your ideal clients, get curious with what they are struggling with and become invested in what they are wanting to achieve. Your audience will then naturally be more open to hearing about what you do!

Another excellent strategy to attract new clients is through speaking.

Speaking is the easiest way to demonstrate the value you can add to someone’s life and position yourself as an expert.

During your speaking engagement or as you complete your networking conversation, your goal is to set up a discovery session with your potential clients.

Ingredient #3: INVITE your Ideal Clients into Irresistible Heart-Based “Sales” Conversations

The next ingredient to creating a 6-figure business with soul and success is to inspire and invite your ideal clients into having a conversation with you.

The purpose of this conversation is to help you understand exactly what your potential client wants to achieve, and assist them in making the decision to invest in themselves through your program or service.

Success TipThe next time someone asks you “What do you do?” at a networking event, party or standing in the line at Starbucks, skip saying your title, such as “I’m a wellness coach, esthetician, marketing consultant or financial advisor.”

Instead, say “I specialize...,” and then name the type of people you serve and the “pain point” you help them solve, ending with a tangible result you help them get.

Here’s a simple structure you can follow:

“I specialize in helping/coaching/mentoring (name the type of people you serve) who are struggling to (name your ideal client’s primary painpoint) to (name the problem you solve), so they can (the juicy, tangible results you help your clients get.”

For example, here’s mine:

I specialize in mentoring heart-centered entrepreneurs who struggle with marketing their business to attract, win and WOW high-paying dream clients, so they can create a 6-figure business doing what they love.

© Rebecca Massoud, 2015. All rights reserved. 7

Soul Tip:When you confidently position yourself as a specialized expert and clearly communicate your niche and the problem you help them solve, your ideal clients’ ears WILL perk up.

Don’t be surprised when they start running over to talk with you!

Then, bingo.

Here’s your chance to briefly connect with your ideal client, create rapport, AND invite them to continue the conversation by phone in a complimentary discovery session with you.

BUT... when you hold back and don’t invite them into a conversation with you, you’re actually doing them a disservice.

Remember, you have amazing gifts to give and offering to help solve your prospective client’s problem—with passionate detachment—is your gift to the world!

You may be eligible for a complimentary 30-minute “6-Figure Soul + Success” Breakthrough Session, just submit your answers to a brief questionnaire at:

Or email us at and put in the subject line “I want a free session.”

Now, draft your version here:

Bonus Tip: Practice your “elevator speech” as many times as needed so that it sounds natural and authentically like you. Use the structure above to help you get started. And then play with it, and make it your own!

© Rebecca Massoud, 2015. All rights reserved. 8

Ingredient #4: NOURISH the Nuts & Bolts of Your Business to Build a Solid 6-Figure Foundation

Many spiritual entrepreneurs and service-based business owners are highly creative, nurturer types and spend most of their work hours focused on tending to the needs of their clients.

Is this true for you? Do you spend most of your time working in your business, and not ON it?

Working on your business—which includes putting systems, structure and team in place—is one of the keys to building a solid 6-figure foundation.

But you may resist spending time on these nuts and bolts aspects of your business, as you don’t want to be “boxed in.”

In truth, as one of my mentors is known for saying, systems liberate you.

And when you learn to maximize your time and productivity daily and create the systems, team and environment that support your unique brilliance and preferred lifestyle, you’ll actually increase your fun, your freedom -- and your profits!

Success Tip: Spend a minimum of 30 minutes each

workday making outreach calls to potential clients.

This one simple action has made a HUGE difference in the growth of my business. Use this 30-minute block of time to make calls, send emails and follow up with former, current and prospective clients for setting appointments and booking NEW business.

Important: Add this daily 30-minute outreach to your calendar (Monday-Friday if you work five days a week).

Treat it like you would a client appointment, meaning you show up

with a smile and do what you say you’re going to.

Bonus Tip: Set a 30-minute timer to keep you focused on your outreach calls and minimize the many distractions that will want to creep in, especially if you work from home like I do.

Soul Tip: Set aside time daily for spiritual

nourishment and renewal.

Chaos and overwhelm can feel normal for an entrepreneur.

But cultivating daily quiet time will strengthen your inner wellbeing, especially when things are topsy-turvy on the outside.

Another benefit? It will give you the relaxed focus you need to accomplish more, making you highly productive—a key ingredient to building a solid (and soulful) 6-figure business foundation.

Action: Set aside 30 minutes to 1 hour each day to promote a calm, clear and productive mind and a feeling of being centered and grounded—something you definitely want to be when you’re marketing your business and tracking your money!

For example:

I’m a morning person so I like to get up before my family does to have a dedicated 1-hour-plus time for meditation, visioning, journaling and reading material that contributes to my spiritual, personal—and business—growth.

© Rebecca Massoud, 2015. All rights reserved. 9

Ingredient #5: EXPAND Your Capacity to Make Fabulous Money and Make a Difference with Extraordinary Ease, Energy and Enthusiasm

Many entrepreneurs and service-based business owners say they REALLY want to create a successful 6-figure business, yet they don’t take the time to daily cultivate a relationship with money and pay attention to the inflow and outflow, or their revenue and expenses.

Money loves attention. And when you put your attention on it consistently, money flows and GROWS!

Success Tip: Track your numbers every single day to the penny.

Tracking the inflow and outflow of your money is an amazing practice that keeps you mindful and on track with your money goals.

It also empowers you to take the necessary action steps to increase what’s coming in and be conscious of what’s going out.

For many women entrepreneurs, it can become all too easy to ignore your finances, or to go to the other extreme and be obsessive-compulsive about your numbers.

Action: Set a recurring appointment time on your calendar at the end of each day to track everything that has come in that day and everything that has gone out.

For example, I do my tracking everyday at 2:30pm before I head out to pick up my son from school. (And I set a Google calendar pop up to remind me.)

Bonus Tip: Set a weekly “Money Date” for bill paying and handling other financial matters, and schedule it as a recurring appointment on your calendar. I have my weekly “Money Date” on Fridays at 10 a.m.

Soul Tip: Use your daily money tracking time and weekly

“Money Date” to also express appreciation for the inflow and outflow of money, and the value and meaning that

expression has for you.

Gratitude and appreciation lead to generosity and abundance.

Being thankful and grateful is my #1 practice to increasing the flow of goodness and success into your life.

© Rebecca Massoud, 2015. All rights reserved. 10

A Final Thought:The Truth is we live in an abundant and friendly Universe. And it’s your birthright to create soul and success in all you do.

And my belief is that you can have a thriving business where you get paid fabulously to support clients you love, doing work you love.

You can do this! And I believe in YOU.

What’s Your Next Step?

If you’re still here reading this, then I KNOW you have a message, a big gift to share, and, a big bright light to shine. You’re here to inspire, touch and transform others into their greatest, highest versions of themselves.

It’s my mission to help you monetize your gifts and get your work out there in a bigger, bolder way, in a way that inspires your ideal clients to say, “YES, I want to work with you, and I can’t wait to get started!”

Wouldn’t that be amazing?

It would be my honor to help you take a look at what YOU need to take your business to 6 figures or that next level, so that you create a life of success and significance, in a way that’s truly soul-satisfying to you.

So if you would like my personalized help...You are invited to apply for a COMPLIMENTARY “6-Figure Soul + Success” Breakthrough Session with me

(30 minutes by phone or Skype).

In this session you will:

¶ Get crystal clear on the kind of business you would really love to have

¶ Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your success

¶ Discover the most important step you can take to take your business to the next level

¶ Leave the session inspired and clear—and ready to get into action right away!

Each month I open my calendar for a limited number of these sessions, and these complimentary sessions go FAST.

While I can’t guarantee there’s space available, the best thing to do is head on over right now to and apply for your free 30-minute

“6-Figure Soul + Success” Breakthrough Session.

OR, you can schedule your no-obligation, totally free Breakthrough Session today by emailing me at: and put in the subject line “I want a free session.”

Remember, taking action quickly is one of the keys to building momentum and creating a thriving, profitable business.

I’m thrilled you have taken this crucial step to learn what it takes to create YOUR thriving 6-figure business where you are making fabulous money and making a difference, with soul and success.

It’s my joy to serve you, and I look forward to connecting with you soon.

In the meantime, keep shining your brilliant light!

With love & abundance,

© Rebecca Massoud, 2015. All rights reserved. 11

Rebecca Massoud, founder of SHINE, is an award-winning business success coach and marketing mentor.

She specializes in helping visionary, heart-centered entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants attract, win, and WOW ideal, high-paying clients, so they can make an abundant income and make a difference doing what they love.

For more than 25 years, Rebecca has helped entrepreneurs and organizations achieve their goals through marketing and branding—exponentially growing their leads and maximizing their revenue.

Rebecca has served as Marketing Director at The Shift Network, a start-up company offering online transformational courses to inspire a global shift to peace, prosperity, health and sustainability for all, and the Presidio Graduate School in San Francisco, a global pioneer in the field of sustainable business education.

Prior to that she was marketing manager at the multinational software firm, Autodesk. Earlier, she worked as a PR writer for the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and 7-Eleven Stores, and coordinated political fundraisers for the Democrats in her hometown of Dallas.

Rebecca is a Certified Money, Marketing and Soul Coach® and Certified Sacred Money Archetypes® through the International Association of Women in Coaching as well as a Certified Dreambuilder Coach® through the Life Mastery Institute.

Her passions include yoga, spiritual & personal growth, beauty & design, and helping her clients and those in her community live their most magnificent heartfelt dreams. Rebecca is grateful to be living her dream near the San Diego beaches with her adoring husband and spirited, curly-haired son.

About Rebecca Massoud

Again, to get your complimentary 30-minute “6-Figure Soul + Success” Breakthrough Session, submit your answers to a brief questionnaire at:

Or email us at and put in the subject line “I want a free session.”

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