foot reflexology

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Foot Reflexology By Juan Bernardo Pena Romero

Nationally Board Certified Reflexologist

New York, 2015

Definition: “Is a non-invasive, complementary modality involving thumb and finger techniques so apply alternating pressure to reflex maps of the body located on the feet, hands, and outer ears.” (1)

“Foot reflexology is based on the premise that there are zones and reflex areas in the feet and hands which correspond all body parts” (2)

“Reflexologist do not treat, diagnose or prognosticate any specific illness. The most the reflexologist can do is to help the client’s body return to a state of balance through the relaxation process.” (3)

A brief history of North America Foot


ZONE THERAPY: Dr. William FitzGerald (1872-1942) divides the body into ten zones. Five of each side of the sagital plane.

ZONE MARKINS: Dr. Joe Shelby Riley (1856-1947) developed zone therapy by adding eight horizontal divisions to the zones of the feet and hands. Reflexes found on the feet and hands that follow the anatomy of the body.

Eunice Ingham (1889-1972) her highest contribution was to working with the reflexes alternating pressure, and rather than having a numbing effect, stimulating recovery. She wrote three books.

Three differences between Reflexology and


1) Reflexology is the application of alternating pressures to the reflex points on the hands, feet and ears.2) The scope of practice: the ears and the extremities. From the ankles and wrists distally to the tips of the toes and fingers.3) Application: Hands, feet, ears and face. Only shoes and socks removed. Cream or powder used during session.

1) Massage is the systematic and scientific manipulation of the soft tissues of the body.2) The scope of practice: the entire body.

3) Application: To the entire body. Client undresses. Use oil, lotion, and /or creams.

Links between Foot

Reflexology and


“ Both are considered meridian therapies as they propose that energy lines link the hands and feet to various body parts.“ This enables the whole body to be treated by working on the reflex áreas.“ These meridians are pathways through the energy of the universe circulate throughout the body organs and keeps the universe and the body in harmony. “ The acupuncturist believes that illness or pain occurs when the pathways become blocked, disrupting the energy flow and breaking the body’s harmony.“ Reflexologist also work on acupuncture and acupressure points only those found in the feet. (4)

“ A premise of the meridian theory is that vital life force exists in the body and that optimum health is achieved and maintained when energy flows in balance. Reflexologists work reflexes and vertical zones to encourage the body’s innate healing wisdom to reestablish balance and health.(5)

Three theories on how Foot Reflexology works

• This theory states that the rhythmic and compressive techniques of reflexology work the neurolymphatic points producing Lymphatic movement, which release the body of toxins, debris, and other unneeded products.(6)

Lymphatic Theory

• The premise is that the 7200 Nerve endings in each foot, communicate with the nerves in the spine, and from there, with the brain. The pressure applied to the reflex area in the feet or hands is transmitted to the brain, which produces an immediate reaction. (7)

Nerve Theory

• This theory organizes the body longitudinally, including the feet and hands, into ten equal, vertical imaginary segments called zones, plus transverse body zones. In zone therapy, pressure applied in a zone affects the entire area.(8)

Zone Theory

Three primary benefits of Foot


1) Reflexology stimulate balance and normalization of the body naturally. Finally It promotes the body's homeostasis;

2) Reflexology reduces stress and brings about relaxation; and

3) Reflexology improves circulation and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells

Foot Reflexology and pain

Stimulation of Reflexology zones is also thought to encourages the brain to produce more endorphins, chemicals on the body that relieve pain and create a feeling of well-being.

The interruption of the pain cycle, eases suffering and help the body to relax and feel comfortable.

Reflexology effects on cancer pain and anxiety. 2007 School of Nursing, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, USA. Reflexology decrease in pain intensity and anxiety.

Reflexology for symptom relief in patients with cancer. 2008 Department of Mental Health Sciences, Royal Free and University College Medical School, The Hampstead Campus, London, England. Patient-reported levels of physical and psychological indices of symptom distress and

quality of life.

The effect of foot reflexology on pain in patients with metastatic cancer. 2003 East Carolina School of Nursing, Greenville, NC 27858-4353, USA. Foot reflexology was found

to have a positive immediate effect for patients with metastatic cancer who report pain.

Evaluation of the Effect of Reflexology on Pain Control and Analgesic Consumption After Appendectomy. 2015 Department of Complementary and Chinese Medicine,

School of Persian and Complementary Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences , Mashhad, Iran . Was a notable difference in pain intensity between the intervention and other

groups after reflexology therapy

Foot Reflexology and palliative


“ Soft tissue massage ( foot reflexology) generated feelings of

existential respite with perceptions of being released from illness

for a while. Two categories constituted the basis of the

experiences: (1) "an experience of thoughtful attention" and (2) "a

sensation of complete tranquility" resulting in the overarching

theme "A time of existential respite.“ (9)

The effect of foot reflexology on pain in patients with metastatic cancer.• 2003 1East Carolina School

of Nursing, Greenville, NC• Foot reflexology was found to

have a positive immediate effect for patients with metastatic cancer who report pain

Comparing the effects of reflexology and relaxation on fatigue in women with multiple sclerosis• 2015 1Isfahan Neurosciences

Research Center, Faculty Member, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.

• It seems that both interventions were effective in reducing fatigue, but the effects of reflexology on reducing fatigue were more than those of relaxation

Immediate effects of a five-minute foot massage on patients in critical care.• 1999 University of

Hertfordshire, Centre for Research in Primary and Community Care, Hatfield, UK.

• Results indicated foot massage had the potential effect of increasing relaxation as evidenced by physiological changes during the brief intervention administered to critically ill patients in intensive care

Foot Reflexology and Stress

Stress affects different people in distinct ways. One person may exhibit cardiovascular difficulties, other intestinal complications. Others suffer headaches, palpitation, migraine or general pain. Abnormal tension causes tightening of the muscles of the spine; thus nerves are affected and resulting in pain. Finally, people are suffering for many bad health conditions.

By foot reflexology it is achieved that the body returns to a state of homeostasis. The general balance achieved, all the muscles relax and the effect is seen throughout the body. Intestinal complications and cardiovascular difficulties may become less frequent and eventually disappear. Decreased stress is achieved regain the sleep state, improve appetite and change harmful behaviors

When not to apply Foot Reflexology

Include, but are not limited to, working directly of the following:

“ 1) Varicose veins, which are dilated, knotty and irregular- shaped veins with incompetent valves.

“ 2) Severe edema.

“ 3) Current fractures, recent surgeries, severe sprains, or gout.

“ 4) Contagious or infectious diseases.

“ 5) Lacerations, open wounds and / or sores found on the feet that are oozing fluids.

“ 6) After and organ trasplant until a release is obteined from the physician.

“ 7) During the early stages of induced labor until a release is obtained from the physician.” (10)

References and Bibliography

1. American Reflexology Certification Board, 2013. Foot Certification Study Guide, p.202. Ibid, p 203. Ibid, p 21 Dr. Frederic Vinyes, 1998. La respuesta está en los pies. Barcelona, Integral.4. Dwight C. Byers and Nancy S. Byers, 1994. Anatomy & Reflexology Helper Areas. Florida, Ingham Publishing, p.14 Hanne Marquardt, 1994. Manual Práctico de la Terapia de las Zonas Reflejas de los pies. Barcelona, Ediciones Urano. Inge Dougans and Suzanne Ellis, 1992. The art of Reflexology. N.Y. Barnes & Noble Lilian Tibshraeny, 2008. Reflexology and Meridian Therapy. Seminole, Florida, JLM Publishing5. Paula S. Stone, 2011. Therapeutic Reflexology. New Jersey, Pearson, p.176. Ibid, p 177. Ibid, p 188. Ibid, p 199. Department of Oncology-Pathology, 2009. The existential experiences of receiving soft tissue massage in palliative home care and intervention. Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

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