food for soul magazine

Post on 07-Apr-2016






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Valentine's Issue






Carla McDougal

Gives insight into the

impact of prayer

All You Need is


Pg. 5

Why Pray?

Pg. 8-12



Pg. 14-15

Day Dreaming

Pg. 16-18

Stitched Together

Pg. 19

Oh How He Loves

Pg. 21-24

In Their Shoes

Pg. 25-26

We love because He first loved us.

-I John 4:19 (HCSB)

No. 4


Is a menu of inspirational articles, and information to encourage a deliberate lifestyle physically,

emotionally, but most important spiritually. Food For Soul serves up recipes for the kitchen, as well

as for life! The contributing writers come from all different backgrounds, professions, and

experiences that contribute much inspiration! We currently have over 15,000 viewers via internet.

The magazine is a ministry tool to raise funds both globally and locally for causes such as, WATER FOR


AMERICA, 4PAWS (non-kill) PET SHELTERS, and T.E.A.M.

We sponsor advertising for these organizations to encourage giving, and inspire communities to get

involved as we spread the message of Jesus Christ.

Our goal is to one day open up a crisis center that provides training, and resources for women of

domestic abuse. It will be staffed with professionals to teach skills for a variety of jobs so that these

women can support themselves and their children and be free from welfare and being forced to live

in dangerous conditions and lifestyles. The center will include volunteer counselors for both the

women and children to help mend from abuse. There will be regular Bible study classes offered to

encourage a continued walk in Christ to enable them to in turn help others. We pray to have a huge

selection of professional clothing to give these women starting out in their job search. The center

will also include, a food pantry, and help for utilities, rent, and transportation while they work to get

on their feet.

We pray that you will join us on this mission to mend and to help enable a community broken to

become bold and bring out the beauty from ashes by sponsoring an ad in this magazine.

Isaiah 61:3 (NIV)

…to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and

a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a

planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.

Along with your sponsorship, we match the same ad space for your organization, and or company,

which runs for 30 days. We feature a link that would easily with one click bring customers to you!

To find out more please call: 281-906-1597 or email:

You can sponsor by visiting our website or mailing check to:

P.O. BOX 304 TOMBALL, TX 77377


A Word from the Editor

Greetings and a warm welcome to our fourth issue of Food for

Soul Magazine! We couldn’t be more excited to have the

opportunity to bring to our reading audience pages of awe-

inspiring articles, information, and recipes. Please take some

time to get to know the layout of our magazine. You will notice

each page is filled with material to enhance, encourage, and

provide practical ways to grow spiritually, mentally, and


You can look at one category at a time, or examine the articles

page by page to choose which to read first. Just as with any

paper magazine, you can choose to sit and read the whole thing

at once, or come back to this issue several times to digest the

articles more leisurely.

We established this on-line magazine to promote a strong

deliberate life-style. What you will find in the pages of Food for

Soul Magazine, is a collection of inspiring, educational articles

written by actual, honest, down-to-earth folks who work hard

to live deliberately, but who are not afraid to admit the struggles

that we often sometimes experience.

We are honored to share the work of committed people who

live their lives with a purpose and a plan to promote a work that

will help many lives. Feel free to leave comments and share your

thoughts or ask the authors a question.

We appreciate your support and are so pleased to have you as

a reader of Food for Soul Magazine.

With warmest thanks,

Brenda Graff

(Texas Tornado) as some have called me

reside in, Texas with my Hubby, Kirby and

our two youngest, Amanda and Cody.

Being a former news reporter sparked a

great desire in me to continue writing and

researching, but with a purpose to help

others. Being a wife, and mom of six has

had its challenges, but it has taught me

much along the journey. I utilize the

experience to coach others to ignite a

passion for positive change. I spend much

time on projects to boost morale, and a lot

of time in the kitchen creating new dishes.

Currently, I am a busy homeschooler, and

Grandmother of two, and when I’m not

wrapped up with family or

community…spend many hours working on

my God-given passion, which is pen to

paper with a purpose!

Seeking contributing writers

Send comments, recipes, photos, articles, or poems to: INSPIREME@FOODFORSOULMAGAZINE.COM


Brenda A. Graff


Food For Soul Magazine



By: Nancy McDade

In just a few weeks millions of people will be flooding the stores in search of the perfect Valentine card and gift. The shelves are already stocked with chocolates, stuffed animals, tee shirts, and all the other items that say the perfect words: "I love you." Every year thousands are spent on dating websites in hopes of finding the perfect mate. Don't get me wrong, I am not knocking online match-making. I actually met my husband on eHarmony® nine years ago. And, yes, he is all that and a bag of chips! I am truly blessed with a great husband.

As I pondered Valentine's Day, I began thinking about a prayer that I prayed years ago and sometimes pray even now. That prayer is: "Lord please help me to love you with all my heart, mind, and soul and to love my neighbor as myself." After praying this prayer years ago, God spoke to my heart and said: "Nancy, if you want to love Me with all your heart, mind, and soul, the first thing you must do is to get to know Me."

Over the last three years God has revealed some things to me about Himself. Our family has endured some very difficult days between the years 2011-2013. Through all the trials, sickness, pain, financial stress, and fear, God has proven Himself faithful. He is the lover of my soul, the faithful one who sticks closer than a brother. He is the still small voice who whispers in the night, "It will be ok." He is the voice at the doctor's office who says: "You will live and not die." He is the one you can count on when you feel all alone and nobody understands or has time to just sit with you. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Oh to love like He loves is the prayer of my heart. He is all that really matters in this world and HE IS LOVE. I will say it again, God Is Love.

So if God is love, why is this world so full of hate? As Christians, it is our responsibility to show the world what love really is. Thinking back as a child and even as an adult, I have often heard people Say: "I don't go to church because of all the hypocrites there." If I am completely honest, I have even had that thought myself from time to time. In response to this statement I have heard church members say: "That's no excuse, come to church and join us hypocrites". Although, I understand that what they are saying is that "Christians are not perfect" it is the prayer of my heart not to be a hypocrite. By hypocrite, I mean a Pharisee. In the Bible, a Pharisee was a member of the ancient Jewish sect who strictly followed traditional and written laws and who often considered himself superior to others. Laws without love equal hypocrisy. Self-righteousness can send people running in the opposite direction from the church. God hates hypocrisy. His Son, alone, is righteous. His sacrifice is the ultimate act of love.

Did you know that the very greatest command that God gave was to love? Wow, He must really think that love is important. God mentions love 310 times in the King James Version of the Bible. So what is love? I can start by saying God is love. God is love to the point that I am unsure we can fully comprehend how much He loves. When I think of what Jesus went through to save me, it is truly amazing. He walked a lonely path to the cross that nobody understood except for God alone. The times when He longed to share His heart with a friend and to have them “too busy” to listen must have been heart breaking for Him. Jesus knew from day one that He was going to the cross. As other people went about their day, I wonder if He felt alone and scared, knowing He was going to die? Oh friends, THAT IS LOVE. Selah. (Think about that for a moment)

In order to love God, we must know what is in His heart, we must know Him.


We must spend time with Him. We must read His

word and learn what is important to Him. How

can we love someone who we do not know? Just

like in any relationship, words are cheap if actions

do not follow. It would be like trying to have a

friend and yet never talking to them. How can we

love them if we know nothing about them?

People can see through the fronts that we all put


The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 13:8 that "love never fails". One day each of us will face death. It is something that most people do not like to think about. It is something that I never seriously thought about until about two years ago. I can say, with all certainty, that when faced with the possibility of dying, love is all that matters. Do my children know I love them? How about my husband? Do my parents know I love them? Do my brothers and sisters know I love them? I promise you, love is ALL that matters. Money will not matter, vacation will not matter, jobs and job titles will not matter, and who said what about so and so will not matter. All that matters in this world is to love God with all your heart and allow Him to teach you to love others the way that He loves. That is the prayer of my heart. So, having said all of that, John Lennon really did get that part right years ago in a song that he titled "All You Need Is Love." As you shop for the perfect Valentine gift this year, ask God to perfect you in His love. God's son is the perfect gift, not only on Valentine's Day, but every day.

Nancy McDade is a wife and mother of two

boys, ages 7 and 3. She has been a

registered nurse for 21 years and has worked

in various areas including orthopedics,

general medical, home healthcare, and

pulmonary specialty. She enjoys writing,

reading, camping, and spending time with


But he answered and said, It is written, Man

shall not live by bread alone, but by

every word that proceedeth out of the

mouth of God. -Matthew 4:4



WHY PRAY? By Carla McDougal

Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

—Psalm 25:4-5

The power of prayer. Really? Does prayer have power? If so, how?

Why do we pray if God knows all the answers? Why do we communicate with Him if He is in control of everything in heaven and on earth? Why do we pray in Jesus' name?

My Prayer Chair focuses on God’s call for an intimate relationship with His children. Believers in Jesus need to breathe, walk, and live in constant communication with the One who gives us eternal life. Frequent conversations with Him focus our hearts, minds, and souls on Him.

Meditate on this quote from Jennifer Kennedy Dean, "Prayer releases the will of God bringing His will out of the spiritual realm and causing it to take effect in the material realm. Prayer opens the way for God to do what He longs to do. When God wants to change the course events will take on their own, He calls out an intercessor."

In many cases, God waits for us to pray, praise His Holy name, stand in

the gap, call out to Him, listen to the groaning of the Holy Spirit, and

intercede for others. He is actively working to bring His will to fruition.

As a result, after we lay our requests at His feet, we trust He is actively

at work bringing His will into motion. Ephesians 3:20-21 provides a

powerful message to God’s children, Now to Him who is able to do

Jennifer Kennedy Dean. Live a Praying Life. (New Hope Publishers, 2004), 25-26.


immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

In my Bible study, Reflecting Him: Living for Jesus and Loving It, I share how prayer changed my life. Please read this excerpt from Week 1, Reflections In Life: Images in the Mirror...

God, help! What is wrong with me? Why do I feel this way? On the outside everything appeared in order—spiritual life, marriage, children, friends, health. Yet inside, the feeling of death simmered... not a physical death, but a living death. My joy slowly faded into the darkness. But I am a Christian. I love Jesus. How can I have these thoughts? No one knew. I put on a facemask as part of my daily attire. That superficial smile looked very real on this thirty-three-year-old woman!

Can’t he see what he is doing to me? He needs to be more sensitive!

My marriage teetered back and forth. Laughter withered away. To my way of thinking, our problems existed because of my husband. I thought we needed marriage counseling.

It is two a.m. These clothes must be folded. The dishes need washing. Look at these toys all over the floor. I can’t go to sleep until everything is done! I can’t halt my life! I must keep going. Mothering four young children required love, discipline, and steadfastness. I knew they needed me. I turned off the light and curled up in the corner of the playroom. Tears poured. God, help! This is all I prayed and all God wanted—my surrendered heart.


Depression? Are you sure? I don’t even take naps during the day. In fact, I hardly sleep at all. Christians don’t have depression problems. Joy is part of our job description!

Yes, I believed the lie that Christians couldn’t be depressed. Are you ready for this? I believed a Christian who struggled with depression just needed a stronger relationship with Jesus. There wasn’t a book or a lecture that could change my opinion. Little did I know, God needed to teach me a thing or two about humility and compassion! So in His tender way, He allowed me to experience firsthand this dreaded thing called depression. He walked me through each step, teaching me to trust Him. In time, I realized I couldn’t blame anyone for my condition— not my family, not God. The Lord used the doctors and medicines to bring physical healing. In turn, this healing allowed me to grow deeper in my walk with the Lord. As a result, I come before you a humbled woman. I thank God for bringing me through my depression. Knowing where I used to be in my life and where I am today brings tears to my eyes. As I reflect on this experience, I realize God embedded His promise in my heart. Deuteronomy 31:6 states, He will never leave you nor forsake you. Amen.

With a shout of joy I can say God rescued me from the pit of depression when I was thirty-five. I asked the Lord to use my past for His glory. I desired to be a light in the darkness for others experiencing this same hopelessness. I prayed for the Holy Spirit to reveal to me those who needed prayer. I found the more I prayed, the more I reflected Jesus. I craved to know Him, read His word, praise His name, and worship Him!

Never in a million years did I think God would use me to serve Him. No

way, not me! I mean, look at my past. However, about five years after

my battle with depression, I experienced a stirring within my heart. In

my quiet times with God, I sensed Him telling me to share my story—

not with one woman, but groups of women.


For about a year I didn’t share this with anyone, not even my husband. Why? Fear gripped me. Over and over I talked with God about this pull on my heart. I shared my weaknesses with Him, as if He didn’t know them already. I heard Him whisper, “When you are weak, I am strong.” Then I reminded Him of my past experiences. He answered, “All for My glory.” Finally, I knew this next question would change His mind: “God, what about my dyslexia? I can’t read the Bible in front of people.” His response, “I know. I will do it for you, just as I helped Moses speak to crowds of people.” In that moment I realized when God says, “Surrender it all!” He means everything. And we need to expect the unexpected.

With my body trembling, I finally shared all these thoughts and prayers

with my man. I honestly believed he would advise me against moving

forward. But to my surprise, he supported God’s call for me to minister

to women. Still doubting, however, I pleaded with God to give me an

outward sign. You know, like a burning bush! A couple of weeks later I

mentioned my need for prayer to some of my girlfriends. Before I could

explain why, one of them said she knew the request. These words

flowed from her lips, “Carla, God is calling you to be a Christian

women’s speaker!” I almost fell out of my chair as I said, “How did you

know?” My sweet friend next to her said, “For the past five years, I

prayed God would call you into this ministry.” The Holy Spirit’s sweet

and tender presence immediately penetrated each of our souls. A shared

memory—the power of God—a moment to behold! At that point, in the

quiet of my heart, I realized God has a plan for each of us. He writes the

pages of our life stories, all for His glory. All He asks is for us to give

Him access to do His will. Doubt flooded my mind as fear emerged.

Again, these same


words flowed from my mouth: “God, help!” This is all I prayed and all God wanted—my surrendered heart.

God, you have to be joking! Write a Bible study? Not me! Again, I resisted God’s call. I shared with Him why, in my opinion, He needed a different vessel for this project. I am not a writer. You must mean someone else. Remember my reading disability? I started debating with God again. Then one day I read a verse that opened the curtain to a play in my heart. Before me on stage, God sang these words through 2 Corinthians 3:18, And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever- increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. Applauding, I shouted, “God, help!” This is all I prayed and all God wanted—my surrendered heart.

With hands lifted high and shouts of praise in my heart, I am committed to reflecting Him! I desire to live my life sold out to Jesus. It humbles me to think of all He has done, is doing, and will do. He rescued me from the pit of despair and saved me from the trenches of darkness. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! I am so excited about Living for Jesus and Loving It!


Open your heart to all the Holy Spirit wants to teach you through My Prayer Chair. Ask the Lord to give you a heart of understanding and a desire to seek Him fully. Watch for ways to grow in your walk with Jesus. Never forget to thank Him along the way.

Listening for God, while you are praying, opens the door for Him to accomplish His purposes in your life—all for His glory.


Carla McDougal

Award-winning author and speaker, Carla McDougal, founded Reflective Life Ministries in

2008. Her true passion is her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It humbles her to realize His love,

grace, and mercy go beyond her understanding. She truly believes laughter is medicine from

the Lord that breaks down walls and removes the masks in our lives. As a result, God has taken

her around the world to encourage others to live every day for Him. Her latest book, My Prayer

Chair, won multiple awards in 2013 and is now available in Spanish. Carla and her husband,

Fred, live in the Houston, TX area and have three sons, one daughter, and two daughters-in-

"love." She smiles to think of the experiences God has allowed in her life to teach and remind

her “He is in control.

Founder of Reflective Life Ministries

Author of My Prayer Chair & Reflecting Him

Speaker for Reflective Life Ministries

Coach for Women's Ministry organizations

BA in Marketing from Texas A&M University

As oxygen is to the blood, so is the Holy Spirit to your spiritual walk. – Carla McDougal


Celebrate V-Day Anyway!

Valentine’s is probably one of the most dreaded

holidays of the year. Whether you are married,

divorced, single, in a long distant relationship (spouse

deployed overseas), or dealing with an ailing

partner…this occasion, I think gets to the heart of

everyone experiencing a season of loneliness. It is

especially difficult for those in unloving relationships.

The month of February on just about every corner is

stocked with the constant reminders of love gone

badly for some. It shouts regret, a broken heart, and

singling out the haves and have-nots. Most feel

unloved not able to celebrate this day with a partner.

Some may receive the same obligatory gifts from their

spouses each year, leaving them to feel unappreciated.

Valentine’s was never created to cause such issues. In

all actuality, if everyone knew the truth of its origin,

you wouldn’t feel so lonely after all. I will leave the

research on the topic up to you. However, for those

seriously disappointed on V-Day, here are some tips to

celebrate in your own way.

Visit shut-ins, i.e. nursing home, and hospitals with

something special in hand.

Philippians 2:1-4

If then there is any encouragement in Christ, if any

consolation of love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if

any affection and mercy, 2 fulfill my joy by thinking the

same way, having the same love, sharing the same

feelings, focusing on one goal. 3 Do nothing out of

rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as

more important than yourselves. 4 Everyone should

look out not only for his own interests, but also for the

interests of others.

Pay-it-forward to a struggling co-worker, store

clerk, single parent, or widow.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Therefore encourage one another and build

each other up as you are already doing.

Galatians 6:2

Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you

will fulfill the law of Christ.

Take yourself to lunch at your favorite spot and

write a list of things you’re grateful for.

Colossians 3:17

And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do

everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving

thanks to God the Father through Him.

Psalms 118:24

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice

and be glad in it.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will

for you in Christ Jesus.

Plant flowers, a garden, or tree in someone’s

memory (a symbol of life)

Job 14:7

There is hope for a tree: If it is cut down, it will

sprout again, and its shoots will not die.

Buy yourself some flowers and prepare a special

dinner as God as your partner, Husband, lover,

and friend.

Isaiah 54:5

Indeed, your husband is your Maker—His name

is Yahweh of Hosts—

2 Corinthians 11:2

For I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy,

because I have promised you in marriage to one

husband—to present a pure virgin to Christ.


Hosea 2:14-17

Therefore, I am going to persuade

her, lead her to the wilderness, and

speak tenderly to her. 15 There I will

give her vineyards back to her and

make the Valley of Achor into a

gateway of hope. There she will

respond as she did in the days of

her youth, as in the day she came

out of the land of Egypt. 16 In that

day—this is the Lord’s

declaration—you will call Me, “My

husband,” and no longer call Me,

“My Baal.” 17 For I will remove the

names of the Baals from her mouth;

they will no longer be remembered

by their names.

Deuteronomy 12:7

You will eat there in the presence of

the Lord your God and rejoice with

your household in everything you

do, because the Lord your God has

blessed you.

Light scented candles of jasmine

and open up God’s word and bask

in his love.

Psalm 23:5

You prepare a table before me in

the presence of my enemies; You

anoint my head with oil; my cup



Sticks and stones aren’t for breaking bones, or

calling names, if you're a penguin. They're

symbols of love. Sticks adorn the nests where

they raise their children, and stones serve as

heartfelt gifts from one bird to another.

Different breeds of penguins meet and mate in

wildly different climates around the world, but

they all share the same relationship goal:

making more penguins.

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Food for Soul assumes no responsibility for the relevance, accuracy, completeness or quality of information provided in this magazine or on the website. Liability claims against Food for

Soul which refer to damage of a material or immaterial nature caused by use or disuse of the provided information, or the use of incorrect and incomplete information, are excluded

unless Food for soul is at fault through intention or negligence. All tips, and offers through advertisement and or articles and content provided by contributing writers are subject to

change and are non-binding. Food for Soul reserves the right to change, add to, delete and temporarily or permanently alter and or edit articles, commentaries, and content in part or in

its entirety without prior notice.


Are You Just Day


-By Tracey Doctor

After surviving a stroke I realized there is no

time to waste. God saved me for a reason, and

I am no longer waiting until everything is

perfect. Now is the time to share my message

and this is the moment. I want to encourage

women to stop procrastinating, let gratitude

fill your heart, understanding that every day is

a gift. Begin new adventures this year by

practicing self-love by taking care of yourself in

all areas of your life. Women have a tendency

to take on everyone else’s problems, drama,

and care trying to nurture and run to the

rescue. What usually happens is that woman

who is now spending hours taking care of

others, does not usually take time for herself

to rest, rejuvenate, relax, or spend necessary

time in God’s word to rebuild. She feels the joy

of life sucked out of her.

Take deliberate action, and enjoy quality

time. Make special opportunities to take

care of YOU. De- stress your life in every

way that you can. You cannot help others

effectively, if you’re run down, discouraged,

or depressed. Exhaustion can greatly affect

your moods, emotions, and even your


Being centered, healthy, and happy is

comforting and confidence is very

attractive. Get rid of guilt, procrastination,

and realize that learning to really love

yourself is essential to thriving and a sure

way to explore the many facets of your life

as you encourage others to do the same.

Realize that God designed you to be a

princess, you are a daughter of the King, and

should be treated as such, even if that

treatment only comes from you. Think

positively! Be decisive by stepping into your

power, the power that God has given you

through His Holy Spirit. Take steps to begin

healing your body, mind, and spirit. You

have value. Shake off negative self-talk.

Embrace the wonderfully exciting things you

have experienced that God used to shape

you into the women you are now.

Take deliberate

steps to create

balance in your



Always have gratitude for the blessings you have

experienced and for what you have right now. Let

go of the things that no longer serve you. Get ready

to attract many more opportunities. Surround

yourself with people who respect and celebrate you

and who you are. You want to be around others

who are passionate about God’s purposes, and His


Distance yourself from people who try to

discourage you distracting you from your destiny.

Accept the truth, and realize that people really do

consistently show you who they really are.

If they quack like a duck, then they’re a duck! Don’t

be blind-sided.

Bring your dreams and desires to life. What has God

put in your heart to do? Continually pursue your

passions. Don't fear success; you are truly a

beautiful amazing woman, and the star you were

meant to be. Start shinning, know your worth.

Nurture what really inspires you. Spend time in

God’s word every day to learn of His ways, and what

He desires for you to do so that He can direct your

paths. Everything may not turn out just exactly as

you pictured it would, but explore the possibilities.

God uses situations and others we would never

imagine sometimes to work out His plan in us.

There is nothing impossible through God.

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is

impossible, but with God all things are possible." -

Matthew 19:26

Do not compare yourself to anyone else -

remember that you are unique and original. God

had a special design in mind when He knit you in

your mother’s womb. (Jeremiah 1:5)

Cultivate that beauty inside you. Relish the fact that

you have an inner guidance, the Holy Spirit directing

you to a wonderful fulfilling life. A life that God

wants you to live abundantly! (John 10:10)

Take deliberate steps to create balance in your life.

Be enthusiastic about your business intent, with

God in mind and His will pursue a vibrant plan that

will thrive. Then you will see success in everything

you do! (Deuteronomy 28:7)

Make your personal approach in life a happy and

healthier one. Continue on your path and surround

yourself with people who get you. Welcome and

appreciate the inspiration and encouragement you

receive along the way.


Stay confident that God is creating a great future for

you! He has plans to prosper those He has called

according to His purpose. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Consistency is the key. Remain diligent and

focused. Enjoy the process and the journey.

Three Steps to Enjoy an Amazing Life:

1) Love God first! - For He first loved you. He

sacrificed His son who shed His blood to redeem

you, so that you may live. And He wants you to live

and live life ABUNDANTLY!

2) Love others! - It is impossible to live a life with joy

and success without the love of Christ in you to love


3) Love yourself - Schedule some quality "me” time.

You deserve time to unwind. De-stress and enjoy

doing what rejuvenates you. God wants you to

have peaceful moments. Even Jesus had to leave

the shore on a boat to get away from the crowds to

rest and pray. (Mark 6:31)

4) Choose Joy – Encourage an atmosphere of

praise, enjoy the moments that come. Don’t be

distracted by the noise of drama that pursues to

disrupt your thoughts. The joy of the Lord is our

strength! (Nehemiah 8-9)

5) Take Action – Spend time doing the things you

put off or neglected, procrastination brings

desolation and destroys dreams.

6) Live with gratitude in the Now - What are you

waiting for? This is the time; today is the day. Begin

sharing your God given unique gifts. Visualize your

goals as though it's already happened. Write them

down. (Habakkuk 2:2)

7) LIVE - Live the life God intended for you, whether

in the mix of moments of pain or pleasure. When

you take action to deliberately grow and keep

moving forward despite the detours and

destruction this life often brings, it propels you to a

determination that can make dreams come true!

Tracey has over 15 years of experience in holistic life

coaching. Her passion and goal is to educate, support

and empower women from all walks of life. She is

truly committed to helping women fully realize their

potential and God given talents. She desires to strive

for their excellence in whatever they desire to fulfill by

creating emotional balance and exploring various

natural ways to reduce and limit stress so they remain

focused and empowered.

Stop dreaming, and make it



Stitched Together Last summer I ran into a new friend from ChristBridge Fellowship, Linda Keltgen, at Joann’s Fabric. We talked

about our shared love of sewing and creating for others and the conversation turned to a mutual desire to start a

sewing group (to also include knitting and crocheting) for the women of our church body. The idea blossomed

into Stitched Together Ministry.

The name of our ministry conveys so much and was, Linda and I believe, the name GOD chose for our group.

We are “stitched together” as individuals by GOD, our Creator. We are “stitched together” as a body of women

by our common sewing bond. And the works of our hands are “stitched together” with much love. Amazingly,

many women of our church body were interested in participating and Linda and I got to work putting together our

first quarterly “sew in.”

On January 17, 2015, a multigenerational group of women met to sew crib sheets for the Tomball Pregnancy

Center. The day began with a short devotional by Linda and was followed by a short presentation by Kelly

Bursmith, the Executive Director of the Center. After that the sewing machines began to buzz and whirl! We had

a blast making 19 crib sheets and some other items. We laughed; we learned from each other; we ate; we

bonded…we truly became “stitched together.” And there is more to come!

We’ll be gathering again on April 25, from 9 – 2, to sew nursing covers for the Center. We are also working to put

together a Saturday in July to offer basic sewing instructions in a workshop type setting. For the fall we are

developing ideas for ornaments to be made and given out during the Tomball Christmas Festival. For next year

we will continue to sew for the Tomball Pregnancy Center but also plan to expand by making pillowcase dresses

for Little Dresses for Africa.

How can you help? Currently, we are in need of lightweight fabrics (minimum 1-1/4 yard lengths) for the nursing

covers. This would include quilting cotton, seersucker, and pique. We welcome women of the Tomball area to

join us, too…becoming “stitched together” as a community.

If you have questions or are interested in getting “stitched together” with us, please contact Linda Keltgen via:

-Shirley Utz


Adopting a pet makes a huge difference in our community. Life is better when we make a difference

for the good of our community! Go to now to find your furry family friend! Put in

your zip code and any biographical information and let the digits find you a loving, furry family


For more information visit:

Save a Life by Donating


It's easy and secure to give at our website! You can even tell us how to use your money.

Sponsor a dog or cat, 100 feet of fencing, medical care, or donate to the Angel Memorial Parvo Puppy

Fund, food fund, bedding, and equipment, etc.

Become a regular monthly giver and help us to take care of these precious gifts from God.


4 Paws Farm is an all-volunteer group of pet

rescuers! Every penny goes to either food, medical

expenses or equipment!

God said, “You don’t have to worry about love, as long as I’m existing, you will always be loved”.

– Abba

I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore

I have continued my faithfulness to you.

-Jeremiah 31:3


Oh How He Loves…

One of the first verses I had ever learned in the Bible was:

John 3:16 - For God loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone

who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.

This verse has been repeatedly used for decades on teaching salvation and the concept of

God's love. Yet with the history of this verse so widely spread, we still manage to

misunderstand or not get at all the concept of God’s love.

I know I am still learning how much God loves me. Yet, what is there to learn? He simply

loved us SO! As I was speaking with my husband, one night, he asked me why God would

have to send His son to die on the cross and suffer for our sins. Why did He create man if

He knew we were going to mess up? And why was there so much suffering?

Whew! I knew that I better get the answers right if I were to answer at all. It was a true

test of not only head knowledge of scripture, but most importantly, what was the truth of

the matter according to God? I simply responded first with, “You know, God was regretful

for creating mankind".

Genesis 6:6 The Lord regretted that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in

His heart.

It reminds me of how there are parents that grieve over the wickedness of a child birthed,

despite being raised in a loving home. Parents question, "Where did I go wrong? How could

this have happened?" We love our child (SO) much we would go to the moon and back for

them. If there were a way to solve the issue, we would do whatever it would take. Even, if

it meant laying down our lives for them. Yet, the question still stands…If God knew we were

going to be so sinful then why did He create us?

I have to picture this answer in light of the fact that we are created in his image according


Genesis 1:26–27 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.

They will rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock, all the earth, and the

creatures that crawl on the earth.” 27 So God created man in His own image; He created him

in the image of God; He created them male and female.

I believe this image also includes his character traits, i.e. emotions. When couples set out

to have a child they sometimes recognize their child may act up in some fashion

someday, at least those living in the reality of our imperfect


Of course, there are those that truly believe they will raise the epitome of perfection,

which sorry to disappoint you, but not in this lifetime...not ever...perfection can never

be reached until we are no longer living in our imperfect state on earth.

This knowledge of our child possibly going wayward doesn’t keep us from conception.

We look forward to the glory and experience of birth, stepping stones, building blocks,

and hearing those precious words, “Momma or Da Da” for the first time. We wonder

will he or she be like me. Will they be a doctor someday? Will they find the cure for


The risk of raising a child far out-weigh the knowledge that they could futuristically fall.

The desire to love and be loved is stronger than the fear of rejection and will prompt

some to desperately try to conceive.

If everyone refused to procreate on the simple fact that mankind is messed up, then our

world would be nothing but an empty, lifeless, uneventful, lonely, dark place. We

wouldn’t have the Mozarts, Benjamin Franklins, Abraham Lincolns, Apostle Pauls, King

Davids, Gideons, Ruths, Abigails, or Sarahs. Our world would have never experienced

the tears and triumphs or expression of God’s love without the act of sin. How could He

prove His love or send His Son to lay down His life for us, if there was no reason to

sacrifice? God simply allowed the free will of man, which became sin so He could

demonstrate the utmost act of love.

John 15:13 No one has greater love than this, that someone would lay down his life for

his friends.

His plans allowed for a rebellious nature to occur, simply on the basis that He has given

free will. Would you as a parent, want your child to be forced to say, “I love you”,

knowing they can’t stand the very sight of you? Would you want to be married to

someone who demanded your love and respect?

No! Not in the least…therefore, God doesn’t force us to love Him. Yet, He loves us (SO)

much that He desires for us to be with Him always. This is where the eternity speaks

volumes compared to the temporary messed up selves we have here on earth.

HE loves us (SO) much HE gave HIS only begotten SON to die on the cross for OUR sins

(so that we would hopefully, desire to believe and spend eternity with Him, our ABBA



I researched the meaning of the word (SO) to find the significance in the scripture. This is

the definition according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

1. so (adverb): to a great degree, very or extremely, without any doubt, most certainly,

indeed, most decidedly, surely

My thoughts and many others: (He (SO) measurelessly LOVED us!)

2. so (conjunction): for that reason : and therefore, used to say the reason for something

The reason! Because He LOVED us (SO) much!

3. so (adjective): agreeing with actual facts, conforming with actual facts, true

It is what it is! It’s factual! Oh how He LOVES us (SO)!

There are words associated with the word (SO) that cannot even begin to touch the surface

of God’s vast perfect and unconditional love for us all!

Synonyms: Accurate, dead-on, exact, good, on-target, precise, proper, right, correct, spot-

on, true, veracious, legitimate, valid, errorless, faultless, flawless, impeccable, inerrant,


I felt there was no scholar, no dictionary, or thesaurus that could describe what we cannot

seem to comprehend, that infallible love God has for us. However, when I looked up the

Hebrew and Greek meanings of (SO) it only confirmed what I already was beginning to

unwrap in my mind, and that is that His love could only be shown sacrificially to a world

dying in sin. Otherwise, we would never know the magnitude of His love for us. How could

we appreciate the love of another without the comprehension of how unlovable we are at


If we were perfect and self-reliant, then we would have no need for His love. We would

feel so infallible that through loving ourselves, it would be enough. Unfortunately, there is

a generation of folk who bask in their own glow, believing they are their own God and

profess they do not need the love of a Savior. They boast of their own works, success, or

money earned. Some brag of the beauty they personally have created without realizing it

was because of God they have the talent, skills, job, and money, and a seed of LOVE planted

in them. Yet, inside, they are nothing but an empty soul of soot still in need of the love of

God. These translations below clearly point out a cause and effect of the word (SO).

Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon:

‘amen aw-mane’; sure; abstract, faithfulness; adverb, truly:--Amen, so be it, truth.

Do you see that? Because God is faithful! Amen! Truth! IT IS (SO)!


Strong’s Greek Lexicon:

Apokatallasso ap-ok-at-al-las’-so; to reconcile fully

And there it is!!!!! The redemption! The effect of His love! Because He loved us (SO)!

He reconciled our wrongs through His only beloved son! He didn’t leave one stone

unturned, not one crevice uncovered. The blood was shed and sacrificed to reconcile

us fully because He loves us (SO)!

Galatians 2:20 - and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the

body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

Ephesians 5:2 - And walk in love, as the Messiah also loved us and gave Himself for

us, a sacrificial and fragrant offering to God.

Psalms 107:2 - Let the redeemed of the LORD say [so], whom he hath redeemed from

the hand of the enemy.

Let the redeemed say (SO)!

“Yes, Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me (SO)!”

-Brenda Graff

For God So loved the world That He gave His Only begotten son so that whoever believes in Him shall have everlasting



Try Wearing Their Shoes

for a Change

What if you developed a different approach to

conversations, especially those where conflict

exists? What if, instead of having to agree or

disagree, like or dislike, we learn to understand and

be understood? What if we learned to just listen?

Studies show that the average person will listen to

someone 3-9 seconds before they react and begin

to form a response. We would have better

relationships if we learned to extend this time

frame and make an attempt to see things from the

other person’s perspective.

A good example of this comes from Jeremy Cowart.

Jeremy is an artist and works through painting and

photography. He has been named “The most

influential photographer on the web.”

After the 2010 Haitian earthquake he watched, as

you and I did, the pictures and statistics of the

devastation and death in the aftermath of that

catastrophic event. He wondered, “How were the

people feeling?” He had heard the reports from

strangers that descended on Haiti to cover the

news. But he had not heard anything from the


So he decided to go to Port-Au-Prince and ask them

himself. You can see his work at . His question was “What do

you have to say about all this?” He just listened and

took pictures to reveal the answers of the people.

He quickly discovered the Haitian people were tired

of reporters and photographers already. But when

they heard that he wanted to hear their opinion they

were appreciative. They respected him for listening

to them and giving them a platform to speak. What

he heard was telling.

•“God showed me the path of hope.”

•“Work is freedom and we have what it takes.”

•“A lot of hands make the load lighter. Let’s rebuild

Haiti together.”

•One man, not too pleased with living in the tent city,

said, “Home Sweet Home.”

•Others had asked Jeremy why he was talking to the

children, that they had nothing to say. One child said

this: “I hope this never happens again. Too many

people died.”

•Another couple had planned to be married in a

church building that was destroyed by the

earthquake. After the quake they got married in

front of the rubble and said, “Love conquers all.”

Cowart’s work was used at a gathering of world

leaders at the UN building in NYC. Ten Billion Dollars

were pledged in their meeting to help re-construct

Haiti. It could be that someone listened.

What happened to him needs to happen to all of us.

Walk for a while in the other person’s shoes. We

spend most of our time thinking about our view or

opinion and looking for ways to justify, defend, or

explain them. Sometimes we merely report facts and

statistics. We spend little time attempting to listen

deeply to someone else.


You don’t have to go to the lengths Cowart did and

make a photographic journal of your findings to

understand the people in your circles, but there are

some steps you can take to become a deeper listener.

•Change the point of conversation from

“agree/disagree” to “understanding.” It’s a win-win

when understanding happens.

•Be comfortable with the idea that understanding

doesn’t mean you agree. And that’s OK.

•Use phrases like “this is what I hear you saying” and

see if they agree. If not…

•Ask clarifying questions like, “When you say

_______________ do you mean ______________?”

If they say “no” then keep asking. Come at it from

other angles. Or ask them to rephrase what they are

trying to help you understand. Don’t just assume

because they spoke some words you are interpreting

those words through their filter. Your filter may be


•Manage your own anxiety while paying attention to

theirs. If they are getting anxious help them calm.

You can ask: “You sound a little ________________.

Is that how you are feeling?”

Or simply as a question like “What do you have to say

about all this?” In other words, “Everyone should be

quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become

angry.” You can take steps to walk in someone else’s

shoes today. When you listen you may not agree. But

you will understand.

And that makes for better conversation.

-Rick Brown

Rick Brown is the author of two books:

ME Addiction: Having it my way isn’t so great after all and

X-Odus Files: Following God in an Alien World.

Rick is the Pastor of ChristBridge Fellowship in Tomball, TX,

and has served on a City Council. He spends much time

writing, speaking, and coaching others. He is married and

has two grown sons and one daughter-in-law.



3 avocados ¼ cup chopped cilantro ¼ cup diced tomato 2 crushed garlic cloves ½ Tsp lime juice ¼ Tsp Pink Himalayan Sea Salt


Wash avocados on outside and dry with paper towel before cutting. Run knife alongside avocado seed to a

complete circle, and pull apart. Holding avocado half in one hand use knife with other to sharply pierce seed as

if to cut in half (this should be brisk tap, yet gentle to not pierce hand) the seed should attach to knife as you

pull it out. Save one seed. Take halves and run knife inside shell making several rows of cuts and crisscross, this

makes for easier removal with spoon, and easier to mash.

Mash in separate bowl, adding seasoning, and lime juice.

Using blade of knife side-ways, smash peeled garlic cloves (this releases the healing components) Garlic is a

source of a group phytochemical compounds known as allyl sulfides. These compounds may be able to prevent

cancer development by helping your body eliminate potentially cancerous substances, by inhibiting tumor

growth and by causing cancerous cells to die. Allyl sulfides might also support health and immune system


Prepare cilantro and tomato by washing thoroughly, and dicing.

Toss all ingredients together and mix well. Place remaining seed in mixture (this helps prevent browning), cover

and refrigerate for chilled or serve immediately.

Nutrition Facts *approximately Serving Size (1 cup) Calorie 284 Calories from Fat 184 Saturated Fat 3g Trans Fat 0% Cholesterol 0 mg Sodium 582 mg

Total Carbohydrate 25g

Dietary Fiber 11g

Sugars 2g

Protein 6g

Guacamole may improve your heart health and reduce

the risk of developing cancer. The combination of fats,

fiber and antioxidants found in guacamole may lower

cholesterol and reduce risk of heart attack and stroke.

Guacamole also helps you feel full between meals and

may aid in weight loss when eaten in moderation. Be

mindful of your portion size as it's easy to overeat this

dip, and mindful of how many tortilla chips ingested or

better off make your own.


Do you have something inspiring to share? An experience that has changed your life?

We would love to publish it!

Send to:

Or mail to:


P.O. Box 304

Tomball, Texas 77377

We are a forgetful people.

We need storytellers.

We need someone to lay the drama of God’s love before us.

We need to be reminded of the uncommon grace of God.

-William R. White




But He answered, “It is written: Man must not

live on bread alone but on every word that

comes from the mouth of God.” - Matthew 4:4 (HCSB)

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