focus group

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Focus Group

Front Cover

-What is your first impressions of these magazines?-Do you reconise the genre straight away?-Which layout do you prefer?-What do you look for in a magazine?

Contents Page

-What do you notice first on the contents page?-What do you think of the photography on the contents page, is it different to the front cover?-Is there a variation of content in the magazine?

Double Page Spread

-What do you think of the content of the magazine as indicated on the contents page?- Who do you think the article is aimed at?- What type of artice do you prefer? Why?-Is it an appealing page?

Laura Betts• I can tell which genre it is straight away from the front cover, but I don't like the

layout much because it seems very crowded. I like a clear view of what's in the magazine, so I can find the part that I'm looking for easily, that's why I prefer the ATL front cover. For the contents page I notice The Pretty Reckless part first, there's a good range in the magazine and the photography on the inside is much more "theatrical" and dramatic than the photography on the front. I think the double page spread is aimed at long term Blink 182 fans (probably older teenagers), rather than music fans in general as there is a lot of detail and text about them. I prefer this type of article as there is a nice balance of photo's (that I would use as posters) and text, that is why I think it's an appealing page.

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