f..ltra no. tellt @ujarat ~obernment @a~ette · 2019. 1. 25. · part jv i...

Post on 09-Nov-2020






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F..ltra No. J

© .... ~ .... tEllt @ujarat ~obernment @a~ette


Scpar:aie: pagina Is i:ivcn l<1 t ttis Pal"l f'n order th:at ii n1ay b~ filed :u; 11 St!pa.r:.te Co1npl121IC>n.


Acts of Gujarat Legislatun and Ordinances promulg.ated and Re_gulu1ions made by the Go\'crnor.

The foUO\\'ing Aet of thl! Gujarat l..c:gif)fnturc:. having been B!'Jicntcd to by thc-(io1v·emor on the 26"' fcbn1ary, 2018 is hereby 1•1blishcd for general infonnllli01L ,

K. ~1. l.d\ • ~1\ , Sccn;t.aryto 1.be GovcrnnN.'nl of Gujnrai.

l.eg.~h~tivi:: und P.acliomcn10JY Affairs ~po.nmettl.


(Firsl puh1ishc:d, ~Iler having receiv~d Lhe tissent of the Governor, in the "G11}Cfrt11 Gol~rumenr 01,U.Q.1te1

', on llle 271h Febnwry, 20 18).


to provide for the llonslitution of a Road Safety Authori1y for thi:

l1t1plem.entntion of rolld ~afcty progrrunmes in the Statt ond 10 act a~ a

lead ag..,ncy for road sa;fcty: for lhc-cstablishmenl of ru::id safety rvnd

and foT matters connected th.ere\\•itl' and incidental LhC'rcto.

II is hrnby ~nacted in the Sixty·n1nth Y~r or tbe Republic of

fndio 3S folJ<.l\"5:·

I . (1) 1 his 1\ct may Ix cnllc:d the GllJ:u'nt Rood Safety Sl1ort tillc • nd

Authority A<~ 2018. commtntt1nenl

(2) It llhn11 he deemed to have C0111e. inlQ force on the 3flf Oclobcr.



(I) In thi.s Act, unless ll1c conlC:<l otherwise requires, +

(a) "'<;l~id t:nf' means nlly Lucidenl v,:bcre111 un bl:Ulunt of the

use of a moLor vehicle on a public n>::id. death. b<.Jdily

injury or dnnmg.c is caused lO any peGon ar1Jrupcrty. a5

lhe ca$C 1na)'tle~

(b} ... Autharity" mcru~s the G·uJaro1 Road Safety_ A\.llhority

constilllted UJ)der S&:;tion 3:

(c) "'Chl'.!innun"· ml!a.ns the Ch.airm.ao of the Aulhoril)• tJr of

!he Executive: Commi1tcc·. as the- case may be~

(d) "EnCorcen1e:nt officer" 111call'J 1he Enfo~cmcnt Officer

appointed under th.is Act a1td include~ the- Chief

Enforcemcnl Ortic.er or, iL!i th..: <.-ase 1nay be. the Deputy

or Jtegional Enforccmenl Officer~

(e) "E.xeeutive Comn1ittcc"' means 1h;;: R:xcculive Conunittce

oftl)e Authority constj1utcd undef section R; •

(fl '"Funu~ means 1he Gujarat Road Safety full<I oonstlnucd

under i;cccion IO;

(g) "'Local au1hority" mea~+

(i) a Municip::1I Corpor.i.tion constituted untl~r Ll1e

Gujarat Provincial MunicipnJ Corpo:ro!i6ns A-01.


(ii) o. Municipality oonstrwted under the O\Jjnrat

ti.1unic."ipalities Act, 1963;

(ili} n Pancha)'nt conl>'1ituted -under tbc Gujarat

Ponch&yals Ac~ 1993;

(h) ·'public road" shoJJ ineJude ruiy r.oarl to 'vhich public ha\'C

nceess; .and oJso tbe traffic isltind median§ and !OOtp:llh;

{i) .. prescribed'• means prescribed by rules made under this


0) ••reg11Jotton~1 · 111c1u·d lf~e regulntions Ollldc under section


R11m. t.IX 4d 19.a?.

Cuj. J.e or l96".

Guj. 18 er 199l.

PART JV I GUJARATGOVERNMfil'.'1' GAllITTE. IP(. 27-02-2018

(k) .. Road Satf!ty Commissioner'" mc(IDS an)' officer

nppoiu!Cd h} lhc State Govcmn1c.n1 to pcrfonn the

funclions or the Corrunissioncr of Ro..ct Safe-1y undc:r 1hL-o;.

Act and Lhe rules nutdc lhcreundcr .o.nd includes a Joinl

Road Safety CommiSSiooer and the Ocpu1y Road SGfcty


(I) .. State. Oi:,1rict or Cily Road Safety Committ~e .. me::u\s

the St.ate. DistfiL1 or, as lhtt CMC-.illDj' bu. lhe City RoaJ

SatCty Council or Comminec constitutt.-d under section

"•'"""· 215 o-rllle Motor V<h(clcsA<~ 1988:

(m) "vehicle'· 1nerois vehicles ur roowr vehicl~ as defined in

s9 •f Jl18S.. I.he Motot VeJ1icles Act, 1988 and includes any device

used ur capable of being used fot the carriage or mf>\'ement ofh\Jman beiogs:. animals or gqods:

~' ot 19JI&.

(n) .. victim" means a ... ietim of an accide:i11.

(2) WortlS and expressions: used but nol defined in lhis Act Sha.II ha\'c

meanings res-peotively A$sii;.ncdco lh~m in I.ht Mot!1r Vehiclt'SAt:I,, 1988

SiJm. t....\'.V er and the Gujarat ~fotor Vehicles Tax Act. 1958. lf!ll.

J. (t) ·rhe State Oo\'cmment may. by notilication in the Official

Gaztsr~, coostirute. with effect frOm such d-ate as 1n.ay bt specified

lherein. an nuthorily co be caJled ";he Gujar.st Road Sttfe-ty Authority


(2) 1'hc Authority shall be n body corporate by r.he onme as

afon:s;.1jd. hnvins perpecunJ succession and a cqrnmon seal. whb l)O\\ers

subject to the proVisions uf thiJ Act1 lQ ~uire, hold and Jjspos1: or property. both ml)v.tblc and 1m,movablc sud 10 oontr•ci and sh.all, by the:

said nnma-. sue and be sued,

(J) 11le Alllhority .shlill consi~t qf lh~ follo,ving mcnlbt.>rS, namely:-

(i} the f\lfinistcr j(lr Transport. who :sMU be the

Chainnnn of 1he Auth6rity;


COnJtlt\lllo" ofCuJti.rat l~ad Surt'Y A11lbority.

I 1



<ii) thr ~.:tetar) lo 1hc (Hl"cmmcn1 u( GujMlll.

Tr>DSpO<t ~1. "ho ,1u11 be 1h< \"l«­

cb:Unnan of the 1-\u1hont) ~

(iii) the ~ lO the (jo,·cmmc:n1 01 GuJ:ir-Jt.

Jlome Dtpartmcn1;

(iv) I.ht- Sccrc1a:ry kl the (jo\cmmcnl uf Guj~

f Jealth and 1-'amdy \\1clf~r~ L>cp.:111111~1•1.

(v) Lhe S«:retary to 1hc <Ju"~nu1w:n1 ol (iujarJt,

Education Dc1>.1J11ncnt.

(vi) lhc Sccrct.,cy tu lh.: <Jo,•..:rrtrncnl ur Gujarat.

Roads and Buildiu,gs Dep11rtmcnt,

('ii> the Oi:rcc:tof General ur PcJlie<. tiuJa.r .. 1 St.Uc;

(\·iii) I.be ~tanaging Om..~tur. Ciuiw1 Sutc Rood

r1-Corpo<"""° lG~R re~

(1x) lht \lunic:tpal Corna:ni.w.••tl'llCT" or .·\hmcJ.1tu1

Muni<ipll CO!pCl1111JOcl;

tx) 1h< auer Engineer. s.1ional Hit:h"•l Au1hon1y

of India (NHAl):

(M) the Chainnan. We)t1,..,-n lnJ1• t\utomobile

Association l \VLMJ:

(xii) the Conurussioner orTrian~port. UUJl)t'ill s1~1e;

(!tiii) tv.'O pctsons ,.,.ht• 4~ tjtpi!rta in 1hc flehl of road

safe.i}'. 10 be nonllnatcd by tJ)c State Go"·cnune1i1;

(lli\I) I.he: Chief Enfotttm~nt Officer, y,hu <1hall be lhc

Member-Secretory of~>c Authonty

(~l lb: Chief Rood Safet) Commw•oncr .i..11 he th< Chi<f

f•«:"1i\e Ofli<<r of lhe Awhonl} 111<1 lhrn:b) he >h.ill llC! the had of

lhc AJfr or I.he Aulhonl)


n.tm~l) ;.

(a) 10 act a!i a lead a~cncy of Lhc Stale for KoJd ~.'l.f~Ly:


(b) to nd'fise the Shue GQ\'crnment on road safery 1>0lieies;

(-c) to imp!e.meru the t:ational Road Safety P<1 lit.~· and the

Gujruat Road Safety Policy;

(d) lO \VUrk as.a sccretarioJ for the Staie Road S<tfC1y Council,

arrange meetings ot lhe Council issue iB .. \.finutcs a11d

1nollitor the impl'cmc·ntall()n bf the decision of the

t'O\Ulcil b)' the c:onoc:mcd Departments. ttf I.he Stotc.

(e) to co~ordin;ite \Yith the c:onc.cmt:d l)ep~~nts of 1hc

State Govenllnein to ensure implcmi.:ntallon Qf lhc

directionS issued from lime 10 tin1c by 1hc Supreme Coun

CQrrlD'.lhtcc on Ro~d SalCty and fumis-h co1npliance roporl

in a lime bound rnanntr;

(f) to impl-cmcnt the directions and re<:-OmmencLations is..ltued

from dn1c 10 time by the Ccntrpl Oovcmmc:nt. Si.ale

Govenuuen1, Bon "blc courts OJ the \A"torld He1thh

Organlzn1ioo regarding Road Safety;

(g) t9 nottfy annual uuget~ for reduc1ion of accidents nnd

f4lalities as fixed by the St:lte and d.ra\\' 11p iln AnnUtlJ

Ac:tion Pinn to acbjl!\'C tJU! taJ1ets and olonitor its


(h) to rollcct nn 11 reg:ul11r ba~s data. on road i.ceiden~ ~nd

anaJyze the ddta lO ide.ntify iUtflS I road Slrelched and

categories of aceidc.'tlt victims;..

(i) to direct the Government OepartmenLS. State Road

Safety Council, District und Cit)' Road Safd.)' Commhlce

3ttd o ther per$C)ni reg-ardin_g road safety;

(j) to i.mplcnte:nt tht: directions of the SupreulC Courc

Co.111mJltee 6n Road Safety~

(k) to co-ordina1c with lhc Rood Safety Conuniucc:

(I) to co-ordinate lhe CaSie$ relaiing to pnn1;1iplc of' no fu~h:

(m) 10 pteSC:riba .tnd enfi>rce road !;afcty s1;and.ard<i and


1-G f PAl\T IV

(n) to ltirmulatc schemes, p~iects ond progr.amrr~c::t. rclui.ing

10 road -s3J~y;

{o) 10 co.ordinate the \\'Orie relating, f.(> road safCty \"\'ilb all

public ot pri\'OlC institutions, NOOs., ronecr11ed t1_gcncics

and dcparlJ)1enLS;.

(p) m f•<llitlic implcmcntotion of l\)Od safety pr01t"'mm<'1<

by vo.rious means or media:

(q) .tu admjni~tcr th~ 1:und and cnsun: that 1hc Fund l<i

cffccl1vcly u1th;r,cd;

{r) 'o 1al::e ~ppropriatc decisions lbr eftlclenl udministraliun

and management of the Authority. 11nd Lo ronnula1e

pt>liCi~ lbr lht code of conduct, discipJinaJ)· actlons.

grievance rcdrc~sal mcthanisro and all other required

policies and gu1dclinC$ for the day 10 day sinooth

·v1orking. for I.he road safety;

(s) to pro,•lde m1d atraoge (or 1ro1n.ing proivantmes ttnd (()

organize c:tinrcrences, Se.inin:trS. \\'C>rkshops. ceh:braljon

activities and ~I 1)u1.:h ulhtr activhie!i f('r the purpose of

copacity :11,.1gmcntaiinn of the- mnripo\\'CT '''Orking in the

field or road safety•

(t) Ul publish t1.nd finance specific .reseateh in relevant lields

and LO publish relevar.ll papers, repons, books; Journals,

periodicals and nc\\$letctrs coverin~ lhc activities of 1hc


( u) to e:ntcr in lo :ll:,'TccrnQ1t 'vi1h re.search

agenciesliilSl:itu1cs/univctShics <"ngagcd in 'he fie.Id or

road .safecJ 01 intcntational/natianal level Cir like

lnsli1wions in !ipecialized areas pertai1liug to1he activities.

of" nuthority far c:xcbnng:c: Of pl'Oressit'lnllls. :.1lld)' ..(ijUt~,

training_ semin.iu:~ and \YOrkshops. c6nducting joint

projl!Cts, te1.:hnlcal asflstuncc in 1hc field pf mad .sn(el)1•

(v) lo co-op.:rate or eollaboratc \vilh other institutions having

ohjc.'Cl$ simil11.r 10 die Autbority1

Pl\KI IV I GUJl\RI\ T GOV~l\~MENT OM.ErrP. liX 27·02-ZOIS

(w) to cstablt..'>h and m:nntain • l1hrtl')'. f"O\ridc ttading..

rdctaJC< aod ....... h ratiloll<S and < .. tr "' Ill< needs of

Slud<us. p!Xtillon<n and mean:i.:.. paru<W..ly U1 the

fi<kl of rood ..Utt)~

(x) co rtceive. man:i,gc and disbi.Jr;se 1hc: funds .and nwnLUn

l.M- ncoouo.13 for '11C runJ3 ttCCi\'cd•

{y) lo uloil.kt regulauons for conduc1 and m.:uiottcmcn1 ol the

aff"airS or I.he Au1hority .i.nd h> ,iJJ. ,;unc:nJ, ''llf}' or

rc$C1nd them from time 10 un1e~

(z) lo sanction expt:nditur.: (or lht: iln1>l~n\~l\llllJOri Uf RlaJ

safety schemes und prugramme11;

(13) to sanction expenditure ror road .. r<t) rro)Wi und for

pwchasc and 1nsu.llat1on of cquirments .and dcv1cC$

co..-..1 "ith road uftt);

(z.b) lO S3DCQOD fl113J11Cia1 ·~su.ncc 10 OfJJl\1~100S and

i.nstttuhoas working i:n mt field Of ttllld t11fcty,

(lC) to sanction e~pcnd1nire tOr &hr Ci.Jndta::t of sl\ldies.

projcc:ts and rcsc!l1Cb on m.·11tcrs rcl;n1na to road safety~

(zd) to extend assistance to 1he vichms of w..-ciJcnts.:

(7C) to sanction expenditure for lr.1um:t>-ca1c prog.rommcs or


(zf) lt)Sanclinn odminis:1rativ1: txpc_ndilUYC OflhC Aulhorily;

(1;g) 10 sanction expenditure on mancfS conncc:icd v"iU) road

safety measures;

(J.h) to O-\'erSet: the implem!!ntmion of all laws R"lat1ng co road

safety Slll'b as h<lm<1, S<a1 be!~ etC ,

(zi) to o\·ersee the action to pc'C'\·rnt the '\Chicle.~ &om bcin@

cki\-.o on lhe roGld wilhoul thud pony imum>«;

(zj) "'dis<baige soch olhtt fWl<t1ono. u may be pmmbed.

bavingregard.o WobjecL~flftht~ "'''"

(2) flic Authority shall be empo¥iettd to pa"" n«~'-'fY onkrs to ensure

the tumpliance nr®ovc .mtruioaed function ur f\&nc;Uflrl.'\.



''~11n.p-or Aathnrhy.

c-mplo1 eo llr AuU:ioriiy.

GUIA~TGOVERNMfuVI GAZJ>i11!, [X. 27-02-2018 l J'l'IR1 IV

.5. 11) The Authority shall n1oet at such time nncl pLJcc aad

sttan fvllPY. such rules cif procedure 10r trau~llUn of hu:i.incss of the

mcclJng ss the Chaimlru11:tla)1 decide.

(2) Bvery meeting or th< Authority sh11ll be im;siocd O''Cr by 1loe

Ch3im1an or in his absence. hy 1he Vice-Chainnun.

(3) The quorum for a meeting of tile Aulhority sho.11 be li ve.

(4) ·rhe mc:etlne. nf the Authority 1nny be held ot lettst once in six


(>) Evtty maner w be deciJed by the 1\ulhorlty sha.11 be coni;i(i~rod

cu1d diS-po~d or al the rnt'elln~ or lhe Authority in lll'.t'ordon~ \Vith the

dccisiun c,\f th.c majority of the n1embcrs prc.,<;.:nt. llic: Chl\irmao or the

presiding Vic:e-Ch::unnan shatJ have the casting vulc~

CG) No nc1 or procccdingS of 1hc 1\uthority shall be q11estiout:d t>r

slla.U be 1.n ... 'nlid.ated n1erely on the ground of c.xlstencc of any vacancy or

dcfcc1 Ui Lht eoiutitu:tion oftheAutliorlty.

The St.!tu: GovenunenL shall, (OT the purpose or tan)'ing in10 the

cfft:cL the pruvi.O;ions of this A<:.L, pn1vidc LO lhe Aulhori1y., auch numhcr

of officer$ Qod employees as roay be necessary rar Lhc: cffi.cicn1

pcrl'onnance- of 1he functions .;>f the Authorit)' undc:r 1h'is Act as

ex:pedjtiously as possible :lnd the 1cnns Dnd conditlons or service of

oJlicm and e:mploy<es sbAll be ruch as may be proscribed by the Staie


$11laries and 7. The salaries and allo"'anccs poyable lQ the non-.olllcl:\1

men1berS O[ the AulhOrity and OOJuinistratJvc C,'(pcDse.<i iooluding the

saJariC!i- and aJJov.·un.:es payable 10 I.he officers and olhcr ct11ployces

shall Ix paid in the manner ttS mny be prescribed by ll1e State

G!lVQ"rrut1t:11t (ti.JI ofthcs,r"dnts made to lhe Authority under tills Act:

Provided l)lat the Autlulrity shall be cmpowerc<I to Jc1cnnuw

s~dnrics and allo\\'aoces a.~ wen as service conditions. eligibilit)

con.ditions iJ1 ~c or cnntrnclWll t:mplo)CCS with the upp.rovil1 af the

Gu\1t rrul,cnt fron1 lilnc to 1lrnC':


rrovid«I further that 1hc Authority shnll follow cmploymcnl

rec.~uitment procedure f.truntd by 11 n.nd 11;1>proved by lhc State

Govc:m1ntnl fh)m t1m.: to time,

8. (l) There shiJJI be an Exei:urivt Cvmmiucc for lhc Authority

CUJ'ISiStiJlg of1be l'ollo"'ing n1c.'.'mbers. namcly:-

(a) tl1e Secretary 10 the ('J()vcm111cnJ of OuJamt, ·rmnspon

Department, \vho shu.IJ be the Cbairm3n;

(b) the 1·ransport Commissioner. ''rho shall be Ult Vice­


(c) the Commissioner of 1-<Jealth. Gltj"amt State:

(d) the Co1nmissioncr of Pnm:.uy Education. Gujarat State:

(e) !he lnsp«ior Gcnoral of Police (rraffic);

(I) lhc Chief Engineer (Road$ and Bridges);

(g) lhe Chi<fEogineer (National His)lways);

(h) lhe Joiut Co1nmissiotter of Traffic. AlunedBhsd city;

(i) the 01:_puty Municjpal Commissioner. Ahmcdabad

~funitip:il Cotporation;

Gl lhe Regional Tmnsport Officer, Ahm«iab<1d:

(k) the Joint Director, 1.he Commission~ or 'l'ranspon or. as the

ease may be. the Officer cm Spcc.ial Ou1.y;

(I) lhe Deputy -~nforcenient Ot'l'iccr. who sha!J be the ~tcnlber·


(n1) 1v.·o exparts from the field of road safuty education nnd

em~cncy-care, fl..'> n1ay be nominated b)! lhc: Authorlty

(2} Subjc:c1 10 such restrictions, condition~ and llmit::uion~ ~ ma) be

imposed by 1hc Aulhorit)•, the Executive ComJJ1iuce shaJI exac;se such


t-:ll.ct.ullvc C::1t1mmifttt.

1· 10

~1ceting$ of Exttuih·,


E.'flllbli!l1nu1n1 11r r11nd.


pt:l\'>'Cr.i und dischnrge such funtli0:ns of the Authority as may be delc:gatc:d W 1t by lhc Authority.

(3) rho F..xcc:utiv( Cqmm•ttoe shall be responsible for imp1c:men1i:og 1hc

dccisio.n:s of tile Authorily.

!i. (I) The f..xctu11vc Cornolittee shall meet at .such time :mJ iuth

plact a.~ the l;h:iinnan uf lh.: ~tcuti' c: Commiu~ may decide aqd

shall oh~l'\·e such rult:S 11f proccdW"C in rc-latioo IQ trrulS3lcti-0n of lts

bt.tSlness a1 tJ1e meetings. as may be mode by the resollJtion.

(2) every nltcting of 1hc £~ccutive Commi1h1e shnll be pres.idOO ovt:r b)

lhe Ch.ainnan or j11 his .absence. by Lhe Vi«-..Chairman.

(3) The Executive Committee lnay met-t a:t least once ul nw mor).lhs Ot

sooner. as may be decided by the Chairman oflhe Executive Committee.

(4) The quo.ruin for meeting Or Executive Coirunittce sh.all-be five.

(5) Ever)' matter to be d'Xided by the Ex~utl,~e Conunittee sh;;tJI be

considered and disposed Of at I.he ntl.o.eting of the Executive Committee

lll accordanci;: \Vjth 1he decision of lht: majority 1.>f the-mc::-n:ibers _prestnl

and voting. 1'hc Chainnan shall h.a\'c the casting vole.

(6) N'o ac1 or proct"edings of the Executive Committee shaJI be

queStioned or shnJI be invalidated mm:ly on 1hc grouod of cxi:;;tcuc.c or

nn_,y vacancy or defect in the constitt1tion of1hc Executive Co1nm1ttec.

10. (1) As soon 1CJ ma)' be nfltr 1he.constitutiun of the Authority.

1.here s.hall be eslablishcd a Pund to be caUed the "Goja.r.it Ro:.d Safet'y


(2J There "1>>11 l>eere.Hied10 !he l'uml, •

(9) grruns by 'v:lY of shnre af compoundini; fe'l!S ree!lv1'red

for lta11ic violations under the Molor Vehu:Le!i Act, l988 st or J98lt

u.r ror violations under-1.hl:t 1\ct~


(b) any ot.hcr grants a.I\ niay bei fixed by ll1~ State

Govenuncni J'ron1 time \o time:

(c) loaia or advances n1ade by the S1ati: Oovt.mn!Cnt:

(d) gr.u1ts--. Joans or adv"'1lccs made by tl)e Go~enl cf


(e<J conlribut10n!i from pubhc or pn>«Ue Uis.ti tut.ions ur


lO by .auctioning of the confiscated vehicle.

11. (I) The Fund shall vest In and be admimster<d by th.e l\uthorily

under this ACL

(2) rt:ie Authority shall administer the fund vested In it in suoh manner,

as ..may be detc.nnin\Cd by lhc Authority \Vhh the approval of the Slate

Goverruuent from lime 10 tin1e.

{3) ... \ II moneys fonnin_g part o f the F"und $hall be deposited in any

Nt'ltionati~..ed BW1k, a~ may be decided by the Authority and! the tltcl.'tunt

.shall be openlled by the Chie.f Enforct'.me.ot OOic:er: o( lhe Authority in

such mnnner? as the Authority m1)' deeide.

12. 'l'he fund shall be u11li7..e<I for. au or any of the functions of the

Authority menlioncd in section 4.

J3. (I) NotY.'ithstanding anylhing cont.ained in any other law for 1he

time bcjng in force, vwhere the Enrorce:ment Oflicer is s1u isfied, on s

repOrt by any person or otbetYoise, that·

(i) structure o r materials incJuding !:'~hes, banners,

d isplay boards, hoardings., tents. pandals-, poles,

pl.adOnns~ slalues, monuments ur any other

structures, On a. public road;

(ii) I.he condition or any parking area. tree. structure or

building $i1uatcd in the vicinity of a public rood~ or

I · 11

Vtslfll'' llBd

Adn1mistrt1ion vr Fun.d,

UllliUUon Of


R~tt1 i1v1111

orc:auset ., •c.eickols.

1·12 GUJr-\RA'I' G0\1ERNMF..NT GA7£n'L, l!X. 27-02-2018 I l'ARJ IV

(1iil lhC cn1ry OI' exil of an_)1 building or prC111i.sc in lhe

vicinity of rs public mad, is likely t~ ca\IS() an acc,idcnl

or causci1- an obslru<:llon lo the free flO\'-' ttf l.mflic Pr

distr.i£1 the ottcn1ion nr oJ;:istruct the 'w'isi4n o( 1hc

dri\'cr of nny vehicle.

the EnfoT(emcnl omccr may, after (eoordlng rcasous thereof. direct the

person cc.lncl1med. chhcr by n gt'ncrul or a sp~M order, tu 14kc such

ntc!l.Surcs os it considers necessary nnd such pe-rSOn shall be bound IC

comply with I.he dirt..-ctiou within .such time. ;s.s may be spc:cillcd by 1he

lhe Enforcement olli.cer.

(2) Not\\'ithstandin~ anylh1n~ conta.inOO 1n sub-$cc1ion f l ), 1n case of

urgency. the Chief Road Sl:lfety C6mn1issi6ocr or the Joint ltood Sai'ety

CcmmJSsioner may tak~ such action as may be necessary IQ prcvcof

act:idcnt or Obstruction, a.<t 1hc case may be, and recover 1hc cost 1bc:rcor

from the ptn;(ln respon~fbte~ in i.1Jch munnc:r a:; may be p~~n'bed.

Jlowe.r to l.t (I) Notv.i1hstandirig anything. contained in any other Jaw for the

' 'cl!leln. time ~ing 1n force, where Ille C:.nfortcmenl Officer or any officers cf

Police nol bclu\v the rank of ;\ssisuJnl lnspcc1or of Jlolicc or a1ly officer

of the Motor Vehicles Department 001 bclo\v tJ1e tank or Assistant

lnspector of Motor Vehicles or any otTiccr o( 1hc State Govcn1mcnt

tiUlhorized in 1his behaJr is satisfied. on a rcpon by an)' person. or

oth(':f'. ... 'ise, th3t the plact!m~11 Or positioning of any vehicle, on a publit

n)nd nr 1he- movement or vehicles on a public road is likely 10 cuuse

occident (If calL-;c ob:i;:lruction U> Lhd free Oo\.\-' Of lr'.iffic or distr11c1 lhi.t

ottcniiOn, or obsll\mt 1he vision or the driver o f Orly vehic I~ l1r vehicle

used 'vltbotn the 1bird party lnsumnce ur carrying ()f goods inn mnnoi::r

dangerous to public ot OJIIl)ing overload g,oods: in suc:h o. ""'>' lO crtBlc

ur likely lo crea1c danger 'o public sof~ly on rurul, he muy-

(1) sdzc the yi:hlclc. in tl1e prescribed m.ann~r .md fu r 1h.i!

purpose tllkc or cuu,.'k to be 1aken sueh SI¢~ <tti; he trul)'

cons.ider proper tor 1hc: Lempurdl)' i.:afe elL"tody uf the

\'Chicle: os-


(ii) instead of seizing Lhc veluclc. sci7.e the oort.ilicate of

registnJdon or S\5e:b Vehicle !ind ~hall isSue an

acknowledgement in rcs~ct thereof

(2) \\'here a motor vehicle ha$ been sei1.t.'tl under sub-scci.ton (I). 1hc

0\\1\Cr or person in-c;h;irge <>ftho tnQlor vehicle mny apply to t11e otlii'Cr

a:} referred to an sub-section (1), aJong,vith the ft'fc:vant dL-cumtnl~ and

:ruch fees .as mo}' be specified by the St:Jlt (iQvcrnmt"flt by notifietttion in

Official Guzctte· fof dle release of such vebic1e- and such -0ffic;cr niny.

alter verilicalion of such docwnents, by making -an order,. rclea.c;c- the

vehicle .subject to such conditions, as he m::i:y deem n«esS.'U)' to inlpose:

-rrov1dcd lhat the diffcn:n1 fees muy bo spccitied for different

vehicles and dlfttrcn:t purposes.

(3) Not\\.'iths1ru1ding. anything contained in this· soction, it iwy vehicle

se12ed under Sl.•b·scc.tion (1) sbolJ lie with 1hc ;iutbority ror more: lhun

l\\'O months due 10 non-..'lttC'.Lllpt or lhe releasing such vcb.ielc ur no one

applies 10 release sucb vehicle, or, lf any vehicle seized tlu'ee tlmes­

under sub-sec;Oon (I), the officer as rererrcd 10 in sub-sect ion ( 1) ..- may

tQrfcit 1bc vehicle: in tb.c name: of the: Slate (iovcm1nc.ot atlcr giving an

opportunity of being hi:ard to lhe Q\vnc,r or a per!ion in p<J~session or

control of such .,·chicle.

( 4) , be-vehicle so rorfcitc\i nmy be-auctioned by the: forfeiting. officer

as may be dctennincd by the Authority.

(S) The income generated from the au:~doo sbaU be deposlte<l inlhe fund

of the J\uthorit)'.

15. ( l) The Aulhority or !he Stntc Roa<! Sal<:ty C<>IDlnlltce or

Oisuict or City Road Safety Committees n1ay -by ordt.r give dmction m

atl)' ofiicer of the Goveruinent depurtmen1 or public authori1y or local

au1twrity or any pct$0n of pubU(, public ur priva1e-1n'>titutinns to ooL lbr

1hc purpose of Rood S•lety.

l · 1 J

Ptll'l't'.r to

ordi:r "'nrfu. at1d civf' dlm:dllaf..


{'2} Nci1,,·i1hswnding anything. conrair.ed in sub-Sttccian (I) or rulY othtr

Ill\\ for the time being in force, i1 s:hruJ be la,,1llt fur the Chief Road

Safety C1>1n1nissionor or the Join1 Road Softt)' Co1nmlssiQncr 10 pass

following orders or gi\'C direction LO ensure Road Safety, namely:-

{i) to fulflll any \\'Ork or iinprO'vement on o publio road. ilS ii

nla)' consider ll~ssary,

( ii) I<) ensure l1uplement.at1on or aJI fO\WI relatlog 10 Road

Safl!!LY .such as helmet st.al bl!'lt, etc.,

( iii) 10 implement 1he declsion..4l of the State Road Safc1y


(1v) LO unplttnent tJte d irection given by the State

Government under section 33:

(>.rovided thnt no order under 1his !llub-section shall bi: i~~ued by

ony otlicer of the GO\'.C:tllment depan.ment or public .aulbority or- local

outhority ot nny perso:n of public, public or prlvote inslitut~ons 'vithou1

prior \vritli:n nonce and upportun.i1y of belng heard. rr ~uc:h officer of

the Govcmmen1 dcpanmcnl or public-authority or JocaJ aulltarity at i.lnY

pc:rSQn of public, public or privnu: insri1u1ioos f~ls. 10 res.pond or reply

•o lhc: satlsfaction of the ( '.bic:r Road S::tfcty Comn1i'islomcr or Joint

Road SaJCt) Couun.issioner. a re3Soncd order sha.U be issued ru1d sai:ne

s:lt.nll be binding On any offic:tt or the Go\•t1:mmcn1 departmcn1 or public

authority or local authority or any person of public.. public or- private


(3) Bva). offittr uf the Govt'mntCRL dcpanmc:nl or pubHt: nu1hori1)' or

Jocol autl1ority or any person of public. public or private insritutions

!Oh.ill be hound «• du:ry (Jut such \\'Orks ar .Lttprtlvemcnt ur camp1iance

of Lhc orders: or directi-0ns passed under su~S<."Ction (1) or C2J \vilhin

)'Uch time, u:i ma) be "1-pccified by Lht Authority:

f>ART IVJ GUJ.•\M T GO\'ERN~tEN'f GA7..ETfE. EX. 21-02-20 I$

(4) IL ~h.lll be tl1e duly of any offic:tr of the Goycmrncnt dcp:u1men1 or

public authority or looat a\lthori1y or 3ny person of public. public:. or

private insLiwlion~ LO net id a.id of tha Authority in c:l\(orcing under sub­

~ectio11 (I) Bttd sub-section (2).

(5) 1r any officer of tl1c Cloycmmcnt dcpartrnenl ur publit uuthorltY or

local nulhority or any petson of public, public or pnvatc 1n:):lilULions tc.>

whom '1 \\lrinen order Is :;ervc:d -undcr sub.section (2} rcfu."c:.$ or fails to

comply \\•ith the order \>.'il1\in the time limit sel out by Ole 1\uthonty. lhc

C'hitif Ruttd Safety Coo1u1issioncr or the Joint ~oad Safety

Commissioner may o.fter g,iviog opponunity of being heard impose a

fine up to ' 1.00,000 (rupees ortc lakh onl.}') in person or recommend

the disciplinary action upon s~.c:l1 officer or person under the senicc Jay.•

11pplicable. to hlm ruld may also take !IUC:b action as to pre\rent danger

and ensltre safety to the pUblic and may recover lhe cos1 'hereof from

such officer of 1bc Govcmmc:nl depa.rtmcnl or public authority or 1~1

~uthorit)' Or any person of pub Ji~. publfc Of private institut'iol\S:

l!nJvidt.d lhlll the fine 1mp0sell shall be rccovc::rab)e from the:

salnry of such officer of the Government d~partment or public uuthority

or lo<:.al authority or uny pe;son of public, public 01 private inl>'titulions

and tbe dta\ving and disbursing oDicer of thm officer shall be liabh: to

deduct and deposit .ltjn the account_of the Aull1ori1y.

1-1 s

16. Any nmouol due to lhc Au1horhy or the Road Safety A1nc111nb rtcovtnbJt

Commis~dooc:r ·or the Enforccmcnl Officer under this Act shall, ~vithout •t 11rrc:ars

prejudice to any other mode of rccovcry, bo rcco\it,rable hl the sa.cne: ortn1ul

maruicr-as an arrear of public re\·~ue due on land.

17. Where the Authority or the Road Safety Commlss.-ionc; or. as.

the eusto muy b1:., the Enforccmcn1 Officer is or the opinion 1h.11 an)'

oniccr ur the C'JOvernmcn1 dcprui1neni or public -authority nr local

authority or nny ~rSon of pub)ic, public or _private irullitulions rcfusc.'i

or fQ.ils. to co111ply .,.,·ith 11ny ,.,·fiucn order or dlreciion of lhe Authority or

Road Safety Ot Enforcement officer or uny order passed under thi'i Act

f'tRlty for­raitun to 4'011!11)1J


l- 16 GUJARA l OOV!iRNMENr GAZETl'E. [)(, 27-02-2i>l8 ( P/\RT IV

~xccpl under ~1Jb~scclion (2) of section J 5, it sltall i1nJ)Osc t1. penalty

b.y r.::a.soncd ocder of U\'C' hundrl.'d rupt't:S each day tiJI the o>mphancc

1>f lhe on:let ur i.lir«liOn uf tht Road Safety C6mmiss-oner or the

Enforcement (~fficcr~ so h<l\~-cvcr. the rutal umount of '.iUth penalty slllill

nol exceed t\\'cnty .. five thous.i.i1d ru~

Pn'>\'ided th~t .any of1iccr cif the- Government department ur

public author,\)' or local authority or nny person of· publit. 1wbhc or

private in:.litution.s, as Lhc case mtiy be. shatJ be glvcn ti rcasoMble

opportunlty ofbc:ing heard hcfC,re llllY penal.Ly lmpoS<.-d on Wm:

Pn>vicled further tltitt Lb~ burden or proVing. lha1 he ncted

n:asort.1b1y and diligently shall he on such officer of the Oovcmmc-nl

depa;uncnt or pt1blic aull>oriiy or local authority or an)' person of public.

public bl' privote institutions. as the case n1.1ty be.

18. The acc.ounts ottht fund WU be m;iintaincd by the ACCQunts

officer under che overaU supervision .and control of lhc Chief

tr,i.forcemcnt Officer- in such manrt.:r. as Jllii.)' be resolved -from 1i111c 10

time by the 1\ulhon1y.

St1bt11is1ion 19. E-vccy Disttiel or City Rood Safety CQ1:t'U\1fttee sh.all subn1it such or reports.

repans and rctum.c; and furnish such infotni.ation to the Authority. ns

ml'ty be required from time to time.

Aunullt 20. (I) ·rhe Aulh<Jrity shall. during each fina.ocial year. prepare i11

rt"ptlr•. ·such fonn and al such time- 1;1s may be prescribed, rul arutual repon

giving a lrllC and fu ll account of its 'Dt.1ivitics in lhe previous year .and

submil sttch n..']lart to the State Govcmmcot before s:ucl'I date as the

State Oc-vcmment may by ordro1.r specify.

<2) ['he Ciuvrnunenl sball C3'llSC every .such report to be laid betbcc the

State LcgisJaturc. ~~nus may b<. after 1hc rcccip1 uf 1he somc.

PARl IV I UUJAAA I' (JOVFllNMl •N'f 0A7fTr~. P.X. 21·02·2018

21. ( I) rh~ actounl~ of 1hc Aulhon1)' lilu11I be oudi1ed annuall)'.

(2) l'hc AutOOnty "'ia) al>O wr)' out 1n1crruil iwd1t lnctuchng co.oamcru

audit uf the accuunl.J c\~r) )·W by smh ofticial1 or b)' Ute Clwtncd

1\e1;ouni.ant &$ 1t ckcmi lit.

(1) Elle ~~ountt ar the: Authont) • .is ccrt1ficd b)' the '1lidi1ot, iog.ether

"llh thc oudtt ~ ih<""'1 >iwll be $Uhm1Ucd to the Stat< Go\'<aml<11t

al""i "ith the mn.rb thmon b) thr AIKhl!nty a1'd Ibo Sl'11£

C,o,""C1Jlmcn1 tball cawc the s.amt 10 be la.id before lhe Su~ Legislature.

(4) The Aulbonty ""111 W.< ""'h CO<r<CU\e S1q>s as""'> be ordered b)

the S\.ide Oo' c:mm...'nt an pu.n.uan..:c of I.be rcpon.


Aodl1 nr A~u:nt..t.

ll. The Authority m.y. wi1h the pt\'\'ioos IJ'P!O"•I of the Staie Odog•'""'·

(jo\'t'mmrnt. Oclc8'1t 10 lhe J~'l(ccut1\-c ('ommi1tce "r 1hc Ro:xl Safety

C'ommJ!'<ilOncr e>r 1hc (lucl 1·:nf<'Jrccment offic" or the 01s1ric:1 c-r Ci.Jy

Ro3d Safe!)· Ct'mmincc or 10 Oil) ~1htr officer llf the authority OT 10 any

Gazc.ucd olli«-r of lhc Oovcmmcnt by gc-ntr.11 or special order, subject

ll, ~uch rc~ri'1iQns tt<t ii deem~ 111 mch of Its PO~'er'i and functions. .u it n11:1y con!lidcr ncccss.:vy. rot 1he cnecii\'C implementation of th~ rood

sofct)' prugrru1unt.1 111c l)is1ric1 or Ci1y RQ1d Safely Commi11ee ~'hall

bxcrolsc .such PC>'''crs nnd pcrfonn sue.I' fut1Clions. as lhe Authority may

tl~legcuc frtl1n li1nc to 1l111C'.

23. NOt\vithStnnd1na anytluna oont.ftinOO in k>Ctinn IS or section 17· Offtllttt •ad

(I) whoever. lnchkllne ihc public ~crvau1, refuses or f-ajls 10 comply

'''ith any wnttcn-Ordt'I' nr direcuan of 1hc Road Soic1y Commis.iioner or

l:.nlorcerncnc Offi.:cr. or wiy olhcr officer under $1Ccilon 22 shall be

punishabJc. "·ith impn:ownment for It term ot three mot1ths or ,.,.ith fine

Y.hJch m3)' t~kn<.I to live thous:md rupee! or .._.,th boch

(2) ta the C.nC' Of i.l COR11nu1na OfTtru.:~. D fine o( nne thousand t\lpt.'U

shall be Unpo'ICJ tor C'Xh lob)' l'or v.hic:h W otTcncc contUt"UCS

(l> • JuJ1c•al \1.lci•lr>l< of ft"' C'w« •hall tr) .m olT<n<'• p•mshable

under tht> Act

(j\J)AJ\A I GQVERNMbNT GAZErrn, EX. 17·1'2·2013 l PART JV

Compoandinu: 2~. Any offence punJshable under- 1h.i:s Acl JlUlY eitlK>t before or or offtnc,n..

11ficr the ins1itu1lo11 of prose,u1ion, llC co-inpoundcd by such officers or

aulhoritil"S tmd ror such nmnuo.1 as ll)e: State Govemmenl may, by

notilication in lhe OJ)iclnl Gn::eit<!, spec1fy iiL this behoJ[

OffC"nc~ by 25. { l) Where an affencrc undtr lhll AC.I hai been Gt.'lmmhh:d by tl Companies.

c:ontpany, every peison who. at t1Je time lhe ()ffcncc \\'as C(lmmutcd. \va5

ln ttl1J.tge of anti \vas respun~i~c to the company for 1he conduct or the

busincs..11 or 1hc compan)'. '1..:i v.-cn as !he company. shall be deem~d to be

guilty or 1hc offence und shaU be liable. tc> be proceeded again::.t nnd

punished a<:cordingly:

Prt:>vided that. nc:ithing contained in this suh-scctiQh shnlJ render

aoy !fuch person liable to any puoishmcn1, if he proves that the offeoce

Vt'BS con1m1tled wit.bout his kno,vJc:dgo or th.at be bad e:o-:e.rclsed all I.he:

due diligeitce to pre,'tilt 1hc: commission or suc:b otTence.

(2) Not\ .. ithst~miling M)'lluug c.onroine-d in .sub-secti9n (IJ, , .. ·here·nny

oft'Cncie untlcr this 1\cl has been com1nitted by a con1pany and it is

1>rovc<l thal the o(fcncc has been w o101ilted \vith the conse1;1t or

connivance or, or- is 111tclbutoble to any ncg]ect oo the pan or, 11ny

direc1or, Jnan.ager, secretary or other officer or the oo.in:pruly, such

director, lllSOllger. $0(..Tel.ary OT blli~ Officer ShaJI be del:med tn be- guihy

o( that offence end .s.hlllJ be I fable to b\! pr0<."CCdcd against .and punished


Explailation.- for the pu.rposcs of this section~

(a) *Compan)'• mean.~ anybody c:orporalc nnd includes a ti.an or other

as:soc1alion c>f individuals~ and

(b) ''diXoCtor'' rn relalion to a finn. means a plltlner in the iltru.

,\pp"'!. 26. (I) Any Jl<.'JSOP oggricvc~ by llJ1 ordor pa<.<ed by uny oflicer or

the AUlltOril}' under thi-s !\cl L\Ul)', \vithin .sixty days. Of Lht t.l.a!e 1>f tJ1.a1

order, appeal tt> t~Jninl Ruad Safety Cuntruissioner.

PAl\T IV I OUJARATGOVERNMl!NT<l,\ZBTTE, EX 27--02-2018 1-19

XI.\! of Ul6ft.

(2) Ever~1 appeal preferred under sub- sc·ction ()J shMI be a:cco1l1panied

by fees of rupees {ive lhousand.

(J) t\Jler the re""ipt of nn)' nppeal under sub-section (1). Llw Appellate

Authority $boll~ nf\er gi\'1ng the appellan1 un opportunity o.r being heard

In the matter, dispose of 1hc appeal :l.S c;."<pcditiomly os possible.

27. The ChierRoad Safety Cotrutti.ssioner ntoy. suQ .. rnatu or on A.cvt~iu•.

application n1adr 10 it by the ag.grlcvtd perSOn, calf for lbe rooords of

an)' cnsc in whicib nn order ur.J.er section 13. 14. 15 or 26 ~ been

passed by any !;uhordina.lc officer of the:-A\Jlht>rlty llnd if i1 upperus to

•he Ch1cf Rood Safety Commi$_Siontr th::it 1he order is improper or

illegal, he may pass such order as he deems tit

28. All the memberS ttnd en1p1oyees of the Aulhority "'bile acting or

purp0rting to act 1n purSt1ance of lhe prov1siorts of th.Ls- Aci Qr the ruJes

1iu.de thereundec. bC. liee1ned to- be a pubJ1c servant \vitbln the mew.ting

oL,..tlon 21 oflbe lndian Penal Code.

1"1t11:1twr,,_ offictrs and cmployrrs IQ be p1tbli< Mrv•nli.

'29. No suit, pro:iecu~ion or 01hcr lcgnl proceedings shal I lie against l'nJlcdion

11tc 011\•c::mmc:n1 or Au1hority or any officer of the Govcrnrncnt or 3.ll)'

1ncmbcr or olhcr employees or the Aud1ority ror anything. 'vbic.h is

dooc: in good failh or intended tu be done undc:r lb.i!l. Act .()[ 1hc rules

mnde then.""Ul'lder.

30. N<> c:c.>un shall take cogniz.1J1ce of any offence punis-Jlable under

1hi.s Act except on • report in writing or Lhc rac1s constituting. !.UCb

6ITenee .submiued \vith th·c prior permission of the Authority or. as lhe

case may be. I.he Executive Contl)llttcc or lhc Ch.ic( Euforeemcnl


or ae1i11n u~ken in l?Qod C1ll1Jt.

31. No civil cQu;rt sJ1all have.Jurisdiction 10 settle, decide or dc.:d 6ur or

\vith any question or to dotcnnine My matter ,-.,b.iCl1 is by OT und.c:r thi~

Act Ur Lhe rul<!:!i mode 1hc~undcr reqµml'd lO be: setl!ed.,, dec:itlt.iJ or dcall

\Vith or to be determined by I.be State Government l>r the A·uth9rity or

auy ofticer authorized by lbe State Govemmcntot lheAuthu-rily.

j 11nsdlrllo11 Of ch ii courb.-

A<t M'l I• d.noplkltt 1111)

••Ti."' fortk faM bitiq •• ......

lOI JJAl\11 TGOVl:.Rl\MENI CUILETI I , f .X 27-0l-l018 I PART 1\

J2 The! pnl\i'lioos: of this 1\tl 5}i.ail ~ in aJJitiPn h.J. IUki not i.n

J4;rupt1.0n uf im)· of the pro,1Sioru: of lhf: ~Mor \'ch1cfc .. /\"9 l981 or

.in) c>1hcr la'" ftw the ti.me being in fOC'cc

ro.-r1 e1r J.l . ~-1 (!

G1>,rr11mr111 IQ lJ' e

d1rtt1Wn' Qr 1h1s 1\cl or uny other l;n\' letr 1.hc 1i1nc lx1n~ 1n lt.1rtc to

contm111nd rcgulu.1c the ro.id 1r11i'fii:.

(C) the dt.-s1rability o r pre\'Cn llng the rood acc.1dents.

(d) the desirability <tf pmc:ntini the dcttri(')r.lti0on en the road

mJ)'. from time 10 llmC. by notification in lM (J/Jic1Q/ C'1a::t11,., iS'SUC­

Jim.1Wns to lhe Authorit)·.-

(i) reµrding cont.roJ of the purcha.w of k.~nd \Chi~lt.

(ii) regarding prcvcntlon and rcaulatJon of ll)C U>C or tl1c

vehicles Jli()Jt lhnn ago of l S years und sn.anncr ft>r the scrap


(iii) regarding fixing time of the """ or prohibltlns u.'IC: of 1he of

the "ehicfe on the public; rood tD the $pcttlic area or area

c•v) regan:bng the- appointment of Jn) publir: or pri\·;&tc agcnc;y

alltr following<lue pnlC""' by the Authority, for the rur!IOSC

ot road s:aict) llJC2-"WC in !>pec:tflc wn or .-e;i_.. co rcmo\c

tr.iffic ouisaratt. detect traffic ~ITrnc::c. ICCC'f'C composition

ftt, reco\~r fine or pc:u.Jt1C$. ~'1\-cf' COM nr \t)c d$mage

c.;..iuscd b~ traffic nuisaDcc. rc,ut11n.rc An) c•1her mea:"1It'C

rclatt.od to road safet)' lD t.hc bcnefil C'lf pulihc 1.\1 • hargc,

PART JV 1 OllMRA I C11JVl·K'<M11' I OAlP.1 ff, FX 27-02-2018

(V) rcgord1n1111x1n11 ul !lcl"\·•cc thar~e a.'i ma} be le'toied by such


C\·i) any other direi.:tion a• the Slate <.rovmw1cn1 m.::ay deem lit tu

~i-..t 1u c:ru;urt road ufci> ·

Pro\ldtd lho1 lh< razc or coinpoundmg lees, pc.Wt= or fine

WJJ be s.pecificJ unJc:r the t'Of'e'b\C IJl~·s llf Nlcs made tbrrtundcr:

Pro"Jcd 1111\hcr thal <-..mpuundu11 fee>. ponalties. fioc 0t cost

<h>ll be ckpos11Cd an lhc Ci<"<mrn<nt 1tt....,, b) ,w:11 a,,~

flO"-C'\Cf, 1UCh agencies m:&} tic cntulal t0 rcl.:aan ~-Kc charfc "'ilh


£.q>lanotfon.- Ftlf lhe purpose ot clause (1). "'Xcood \Chicle- means lhc

S<CC<ld n<imbcr or '<hicl< pui<h&!ed by the prnon who owned one



34., (J) fhc Sl:'ltt O<>\t.'mmcnl n~.l)'. subjeci lo the cond1uon of Po•tt lo

prcvi.ctus puhhcauon. f.:.r the period as the- Sl:tle <Jo,·cmmet1t mlY deem

fit, make tulc.s for c.arrtinQ out the purposc.'S o(th.is Act.

(2) In parli,ular, and w11hou1 PfCJUdicc 10 the gcneca.lity or the

forcliJnlng provision. 1hc Sl31c oo ... ·crnn1cnt moy ml'lke rules for all or Wl)

of1he rullowing mnuer. namtl)\·

(tl) runctiCll15 IC'! ho pcrfu)'1TI.;d by lJlC 1\ulbOril)' io oddition lO

lhe f\Jnc:tion'I prov1dcd tn section 4:

(b) 1hc dcsili!lllllion. ll\Clhod or appc:nn11ncn1 and otlier

t'(lndili(lnS ol '$ttvice of 1he ofliccrs and staff of the


(c) the f<'lrm ond the tlme JOt prcparntion of annual report

under 'i<Colon 20;

td) any othc1 manC"r "'hich &J required co be. or may be.


( 3) The contra\ m11oin nt 3:n) '"' the rtu\<il>iom '' h1ch arc specified in

such rule sh.111 bi: ruru\hah1c wilh liJK". ''hi.ch may C"\tend 1n ooe

lhousand IUJ><n.


l'owtr to m• kC


l>owc-r to rc.mo,·c


llcpcal and _$!1vll'lfl$.

GVJ,\Jl1\ T GOVERNMl;NT GAZEnC. EX. 2.7·0:?·lCl I g f PART IV

(4) AU rules nmde under 1.hi:t sccti(ln shllll be published lo 1hc <Wicla/ (]Qzel.te.

(S) All rules made uodcr lids section sball be laid fQr ""' '""• 1hoo 1hiny dnys before tl1c .State Lcgislatw-e as soon as possible atler lhey :ire m:.ule. and sh.all be subJcCI tQ r~ciss1on by tht: Stn10 l..egisltHUl'C or 10 such mndifitJlli6ns a..c; the: State I .egisbfurc may mrskc:1 during the

scssi(.ln in \vhic:h they Ure so Jni<l or Lht: session i1nmediately fo)J(lv.ing.

(6) Al.t)' rt"SCissh)n Ot 111odiJj~1llon so 111ade by the State Leg,isJalun: slllllJ be-published nl tJie 0.1/FcJaJ Gu:er1e and shaU thereupon take eITecL

35. The Authoru.y 1nay n1ake rcg\1h1t1ons in respect of the procedure 1t'l be adopted by the Aulhctrity. Lhe Excculive Comrnincc ttnd ofliccrs of

the .4.ulhority for meetings; find di~sal of 1natte1s coining up before the AULh-OtiLy ur 1he ExecuJj\'c CommitLCI!" or lhc oruc.crs. 11s ·1.bc (."BSC may


36~ (I) 1(-any difficully Mi!iL'$ in giving effect ID the ~1rovisf<.>n.s Qf

thjs 1\e~ lhe Stale Oovemn1e111 may, by general or special ·Order

published in lhe Offit·ial Gazette. 1)1.ake such provisioJlS no1 inconsistent with the provisions of this A<:L as it appears to it to be ncccssnry or expediCnl for lhe purposes ofremo,•ing tJ1e difficulty:

Provided lb.al no ruch order shnll be rnnde aJler the-e·~pity of l\l/Q )'Cars from the C'o1n1nc:ncc-ult:'nl bf this Ac1_

(2) E\'C•Y order made und<:r sub~scction ( J} .shall be laid. as S<!On as may be. after It is 1oad-o. l:J.¢f0re the St-ate Uogislnture.

37. (I) The Gujaml Road Safety J\utllodty Ordinoooc. 2017 ;,

hcrcb)' repealed.

{2} Nop."·ithstanding s.l!cb rcpeul, rutything done or any action taken

under Ille roid C)rditw1Gc. shall be deeined tQ have been done or taken under this 1\ci,

C"J, Ord.! ., 11117.

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