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Post on 16-Feb-2017



Health & Medicine



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WhatThe Bible says about Good


The Greatness of Our God

We have not appreciated our God enough for the great things He has provided for us in His mercy and wisdom.

Because of our limited understanding we have failed to see and understand how the Lord has prepared the earth for us (Ps.115:16), and in it given all things that we need for our well-being (Ps.104:24).

Understanding the Ways of the Lord

If we read the Bible in the manner we ought to read it, we will be able to easily understand that God has provided abundantly for us all good and precious things. But His secrets are revealed to those who “are wise and observe these things” (Ps.107:43).

God wants us to seek out and search His works.

“The works of God are great and sought out of all them that have pleasure therein.” (Ps.111:2)

The Works of God

God wants us to remember His works.“He hath made His wonderful works to be

remembered” - Ps.111:4David in his weakness, strengthens himself

by saying, “I will remember the works of the Lord; surely I will remember thy wonders of old. I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings.” Ps.77:11-12)

Jehovah Jireh & Jehovah El Shaddai

God has appointed seasons for us.God has appointed the rising of the sun and its

setting, the revolutions of the earth and the rotations of it around the sun, on the path which He determined millions of years ago. He did all this millions of years ago, as the scripture says, A thousand years in His sight are like a day or like a watch in the night!

Gen.8:22 – While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

The Loving Kindness of the Lord

Jehovah sends rain for us and He has established the entire hydrological cycle on the planet, which includes the evaporation of water, the formation of clouds, the movements of the clouds towards the land, the flow of the winds, to temperatures so that the clouds drop rain differently in different areas, so that a variety of trees and animals may flourish in the particular places and climates.

Ps.33:5 – The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord; Ps.65:9 – Thou visitest the earth, and waterest it; thou greatly

enrichest it with the river of God, which is full of water; thou preparest them corn, when thou hast so provided for it.,

Ps. 72:6 – He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass: as showers that water the earth;

Ps.147:8 – Who covereth the heaven with clouds, who prepareth rain for the earth, who maketh grass to grow upon the mountain;

Ps.104 Full;

The Fall Brought Depravity and Sin

The first sin by Adam and Eve was in EATING! They ate what God had forbidden. Being led by the lust of the flesh (the woman saw that the tree was good for food), the lust of the eyes (that it was pleasant to the eyes) and the pride of life (And a tree to be desired to make one wise), Eve took the fruit and ate, and gave to her husband and he did eat also. (Gen.3:6)

And as man grew more and more fleshly, he craved only the things that taste good and that which is easily available. Often we have no idea what it is that we are eating; where it came from, and whether it is good for us or not!

Today in so-called developed nations people are eating things which are absolutely condemned by the Lord; live squids, brains of monkeys and human foetuses are being served in fancy restaurants as delicacies!

His Excellent Mercies

Sin brought sickness and death, but God has provided better things for us.

One of the things God has provided for the children of men in every part of the world are plants and herbs for a healthy and long life. (Ps.104:14,15)

If we look to the Lord we will see the excellent things He has provided; and if we partake of those good things we can avoid many sicknesses and infirmities which afflict us now.

You may ask, What! Is it really possible to avoid sickness and disease?

Yes, it is!

The Beginning

When God made the human body, He “formed it from the dust” and breathed life into it. (Gen.2:7)

After that, it says that God caused to grow “every tree that is pleasant to the eyes and good for food..”

Thus we see that God in His great wisdom and love for us, provided in the plants and trees all things that we would ever need for our health and our well-being.

God’s Plan for Our Good Health

Our heavenly Father who is also called Jehovah Jireh – God our Provider, has already provided all the needs of our body within the plants and vegetables which He caused to grow in the earth.

Miracles of healing were not God’s intended way because they were needed only after sin entered the world; because sickness followed as a consequence of sin, leading eventually to death. (Gen.2:17)

Although God does heal miraculously even today, yet His plan for us is that we should follow His Word to abide in good health.

God’s Plan for Our Good Health

The first thing, of course, is that we should love God with all our heart, all our soul and all our mind(Deut.6:4,5), and walk in His ways.

Secondly, we should love our neighbour, as we love ourselves. Having a heart full of love and ready to forgive can be a real fountain of life. Prov.4:23 says, “Out of it (the heart) are the issues (fountain) of life.”

God has not forbidden us from taking medicines or visiting a doctor when we are sick, but He does require us to TRUST God Himself for our healing and cure. (2 Chr.16:12)

Also God wants us to partake of foods which He made for us, not merely those which men have devised with their brains and skills, egs., Burgers, pizzas, etc.

The Food Which God Provided

The Bible says in 1 Tim.4:4, that all things which God created are good for food, if they are taken with a grateful heart and in faith.

Amongst the foods which God created and provided for man, there are some which are extremely beneficial, more than others.

He provided them to all men in different parts of the earth in herbs, plants and trees.

What are these?

The Foods Which God Provided

Some of the plants and herbs given by God are more special than others and offer more health benefits.

In His wisdom, the Lord has filled these foods with all the vitamins, minerals, proteins and elements that our human body needs.

The nutrients are in the state and composition that are best suited for our digestive system and can deliver hugely beneficial results if we consume them in the manner intended and planned by God.

Some of the BEST are…

Aloe Vera

Numbers 24:5, “How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob, and thy tabernacles, O Israel!

6:As the valleys are they spread forth, as gardens by the river's side, as the trees of lign aloes which the LORD hath planted.

Very rarely will you find such a scripture in the Bible which specifically states that God planted a particular tree!

The other trees which, to my knowledge, the Bible states God Himself planted are the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Aloe Vera

Today, science is able to confirm why the Aloe Vera plant is so special; it has wonderful benefits for the human body.

Aloe Vera contains 20 of the 22 amino acids which form the basic structure of the human body.

It also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, E, K, choline and folic acid.

It contains lignins and saponins, which enable the penetrating and cleansing action of aloe vera.

It contains the minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, chromium, manganese, iron, zinc, sodium besides others in traces.

Aloe Vera

It also contains anthroquinones which are antibacterial, antifungal and analgesic (painkillers).

The various contents of aloe vera work together in total harmony providing a synergy so that the combined benefit is far greater than the sum of the individual benefits.

Aloe Vera is one of the few plants which has to be cut open to access its goodness. Most other plants offer benefits through their fruits, roots or leaves.

Pouring out from within is a Biblical principle of blessing!

Bee Products

The Bible states that the “Word of God is sweeter than honey and the honeycomb” (Psalm 19:10, Jeremiah 3:3).

John the Baptist ate only locusts and wild honey. Which means he took the beehive and ate it whole with the honey in it.

Samson, in Judges 14:8,9 although being a Nazarite who was supposed to abstain from any unclean thing, reaches into the carcass of a lion and eats the honeycomb from it!

Bee Products

Isaiah 7:15 speaking prophetically about the Lord Jesus Christ says, “Butter and honey shall he eat , that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good”.

Isaiah 7:22 says, “And it shall come to pass, for the abundance of milk that they shall give he shall eat butter: for butter and honey shall every one eat that is left in the land. “

God told Moses that He would bring Israel into the Promised Land, “a land flowing with milk and honey.”

Products of the Bee Hive

Bee Pollen has been proven to be of great benefit for physical health and is used by top Olympic athletes. They would not be able to perform at the level they do, without bee pollen.

Bee Propolis is the best natural antibiotic; research indicates that it can be a powerful ally against cancer.

Royal Jelly is the key to rejuvenation and youthfulness. “He renews my youth”

How to Obtain Good Health Supplements?

After having personally tried and tested the various products and supplements being offered by different companies, on pure merit alone, we have come to the conclusion that Forever Living Products offers the BEST NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS in a manner that is BEST SUITED FOR OUR NEEDS.

We recognize and acknowledge the liberty of each person to decide and judge for himself/herself which products and company he would like, but we, with a pure and clear conscience, heartily recommend Forever Living Products only.

Let me share the reasons…


Forever Living Products (FLP) is a company based in Arizona, USA, that operates in over 144 countries, and has been profit-making and debt free since it was founded 35 years ago. Its turnover is over Rs.11,500 crore.

FLP specializes in aloe vera and bee products, contributing over 80% of the global production of aloe vera products and 75% of the global production of bee products.

FLP’s products are tried and tested in all the geographies where it operates, i.e., in 144 countries and is trusted completely by customers.


It is a completely vertically integrated company, which means it has its own farms where aloe vera is grown organically; its own processing and manufacturing facilities; its own packaging and transport; and its own marketing.

This ensures total quality control and demonstrates the company’s commitment to quality.

FLP owns over 7500 acres of aloe vera fields in Arizona and the Dominican Republic; it owns bee farms in the Sonora desert and in the mountain of Spain. All honey and bee products are cold-pressed and processed with special equipment that ensures that the maximum nutritive qualities are retained.

Bee Products

FLP has 4 incredible bee products – Forever Bee Honey, Forever Bee Pollen, Forever Bee Propolis and Royal Jelly. (Details are attached)

Forever Bee Honey is made and hygienically harvested in FLP’s bee farms in the Sonoran desert and in the Spanish mountains, in clear and pollution free environments. Its exquisite taste and rich content of vitamins, minerals and proteins is excellent for the body.

Bee Products

Forever Bee Pollen contains proteins, vitamins and minerals and supplies high energy in a natural way. It is used extensively by athletes competing on the highest international level.

Forever Bee Propolis is a natural antibiotic which has none of the bad side-effects of normal antibiotics prescribed by doctors, yet immensely effective in combating infections.

Forever Royal Jelly is the food that the worker bees prepare for the Queen Bee; it is so potent that the Queen Bee lives up to 6 years, whereas the worker bees’ life-span is only 4-6 weeks!

Other Forever Products

Forever health and nutritional supplements help the body to be fortified naturally using an assortment of specially selected herbs and plants from all around the world, such as Gingko Biloba, Ginseng, Reishi Mushrooms, Schizandra, Licorice, Lysium, Fo-ti, Garlic, Alfa Alfa, Thyme, Garcinia, Wheat Germ, Sage, Cranberry, Passion Flower, etc.

These supplements help the body to fight against diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, tuberculosis, asthma, bronchitis, kidney failure, cirrhosis of the liver, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, etc.

Other Forever Products

There are supplements which offer numerous benefits to children, men and women of all ages, and for a huge variety of illnesses and ailments.

There are skin care and personal care products based on aloe vera which radically change your looks and appearance while promoting good health.

FLP also has weight management products that help you to lose fat or gain muscular mass in a healthy way without side effects, unlike other products available in the market.


Health supplements and nutrition products are necessary for us in today’s polluted environment, where we are not sure what chemicals, pesticides or insecticides have been used to grow the fruits and vegetables consumed by us.

FLP provides the best quality supplements made from pure and unpolluted resources obtained from different parts of the world.

FLP has grown, not because of massive advertising and endorsements of celebrities such as filmstars or sportsmen who do it for huge amounts of money; It has grown because the products have been used, tried and tested, and trusted by millions around the globe in 144 countries.

Our Recommendation

We heartily recommend these products and suggest that you use them as per your need to obtain and sustain good health, always remembering that our trust is not in these but in the Lord our God, who made heaven and earth.

Contact the person who gave you this for more information, or contact us at :

Pastor Hemant Thorat, Mobile : 9545450297

Email: hemant@dunamiscapital.comJoin Online Here

Use code below for Sponsor910 000 317 977

Sponsor Name: Hemant D. Thorat

God bless you!

God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause thy face to shine upon us; that thy way may be known upon the earth, thy saving health among all nations.

Psalm 67:1,2Beloved, I wish above all things that thou

mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers.

3 John 1I am the Lord that healeth thee.

Exodus 15:26He satisfies my mouth with good things so

that my youth is renewed as the eagle’s.Ps.103:4

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