florence austral (see page 1).; photo by lasso …€¦ · melody, orchestration, and...

Post on 16-Aug-2018






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FLORENCE AUSTRAL (See page 1).; Photo by Lasso lie, London.


" His Master's Voice"

Double-Sided Records

1--Unless otherwise stated His Master's Voice" Records

should be hayed at a speed of 78. His Masters Voice" Instantaneous Speed Tester, shows

instantly whether your motor is runnint correctly.


10 in. Double-sided, 5/6.


12 in. Double-sided 5/6.

NURSERY Records-ORANGE Label (Serial Letters AS), 7-inch 1/6. Each series of 6 records in album, 12/6. Decorated Album-with linen pockets -separate, 3/6.)

PHYSICAL CULTURE Records.-Set complete in album, 12/-. Album and chart separate, 3/-.

Colour of Label. 10-inch LSerial etter 12-inch L


PLUM... ... ... 3/- B 4/6 C BLACK ... ... 4/6 E 6/6 D RED

... ... 6/- DA 8/6 DB

BUFF ... ... 7/- DJ 10/- DK PALE GREEN .. ... 11/6 DM PALE BLUE... ... ... ... 13/6 DO WHITE ... ... ... ... 16/- DQ


His Masier's Voice' Records


(with orchestral accompaniment) 10-inch double-sided Red Label.

Voyons que j'essaie (Card Song) ... Bizet

D.A. 733 (" Carmen") (Sung in French) Pres des remparts de Seville ... .. Bizet l

(Seguidille) ("Carmen") (Sung in French) THE; Seguidilla is an old Spanish dance that goes back, if we

may believe " Grove," at least as far as the time of Cervantes (the author of Don Quixote) ; possibly it was intro-

duced into the country by the Moors. Be that as it may, it has established itself all over Spain as one of the most popular of the national dances. This particular example must not, however, be regarded as typical ; Bizet for the purposes of his opera wisely declined to be bound by the strict rules of the Seguidilla, using the title merely as a guide to the general rhythm and feeling of the air. For the dramatic situation both here and in the Card Song we refer our readers to our publication Opera at Home (on sale at all our dealers). The two extracts are sung with an in- tectious verve by Jeanne Gordon, a new comer among our artists, and their effect is notably enhanced by the piquant orchestration.

FLORENCE AUSTRAL (Soprano) (with orchestral accompaniment)

12-inch double-sided Black Label.

Hear ye, Israel (" Elijah ") ... Wendelssohn

D.1032 From mighty kings he took the spoil Handel (' I Judas Maccabaeus ")

THESE two songs serve to illustrate once more the undeniable truth that in Oratorio music, at any rate, England is as rich as any country in thewo-ld. Judasllacca.breatswaswritten to

English words and for English audiences, and Handel, as we all know, lived most of his life in this country. The case of 111endels- sohn is even more remarkable : his home was in Germany and his language German ; yet it was for the English city of Binning- hani that lie wrote Elijah, his greatest work, himself supervising the translation of the original German libretto into our tongue for the occasion of the first production in 1846. A higher tribute to British choirs and British oratorio tradition we could hardly desire.To

assist readers better to appreciate Austral's superb rendering of the Handel song we append the two lines of which the air is a setting :-

From mighty kings he took the spoil; And with his acts made Judah smile.

This is proceeded by a brief recitative beginning, " 0 let eternal honours crown his name."

For prices see page 2 of cover.

"His MasteVs Voiee7 Records .. . ........... ........ . . . - -1---l- . .. .... ...


(wth orchestral accompaniment)

;0-inch double-sided Red label.

O sole mio (Sung in Italian) ...

E. di Capita

D.A. 729 (with pianoforte accompaniment)

(a) La Farfalletta (b) La Girometta ...Traditional (Sung in Italian)

O SOLE 17IO is a song that has attracted many of the world's greatest singers, including the immortal Caruso himself But Schipa can easily hold his own even among the illustrious

company in which he now finds himself ; not only is he the fortunate possessor of a voice and a technique that secure him a place apart even in a generation so rich in fine tenors as our own, but he has interpretative powers that may without exaggeration be described as unique. This is especially true in the matter of raythm, that first essential of musical art. We can see his skill in this direction, magnificently displayed in 0 Sole Mio, and it is the making of the two little songs on the other side of the disc. One does not need a dictionary to discover that La Farfalletta means " The Butterfly " ; the strange hesitations, the sudden darts, the characteristic movements of the most graceful of insects, all are suggested by Schipa's subtle rhythm,and the result is not only a marvel of artistry but a revelation of sparkling loveliness.


(with pianoforte accompaniment)

10-inch double-sided I'luin babel.

( Sigh no more, ladies ... ... ... Aiken I Spanish Gold

... ... ... Howard Fisher

SPANISH GOLD is a stirring ballad that is sure to become a universal favourite. George Baker obtains the effect that we want in the best way possible, by a strong emphasis

on the rhythm. In Sigh no more, Ladies, he adopts different means and gives us such an inspired piece of pure singing that he easily persuades us that this music of Aiken's to the famous poem is fully equal to that of the better known setting.

For prices see page 2 of cover.


FRITZ KREISLER (Violin) (with pianoforte accompaniment)

10-inch double-sided Red Label.

even a mediocre performance can f.11 us with admiration for a great symphony but it takes a Kreisler to secure the full value

beauty latent in apparently ordinary things. So it is with music ;

behind and one returns' to the common-place objects of everyday life then indeed one is grateful to the artist who can lay bare the

sufficiently obvious. But when the mountains are left

j Entr'acte ...... ... ... ... Kramer N J one requires a painter to reveal to him the sublimity of a

great chain of snow-clad mountains ; their grandeur is

D A 717 ( Chansonnette ... ... ... ... George Bass

from such dainty trifles as are contained on this record. Kreisler has a special gift for extracting the last ounce of beauty from the music he interprets and no picce is too short or too simple to be worthy of his attention, provided he finds in it the requisitequalities of fancy or imagination. A glance at our general catalogue affords ample evidence of this joy that he takes in little things, each of which he handles with the tender care of a curio-collector showing us his treasures. No delicate detail escapes his vigilant mind, and we can almost see his face light up with the fire of enthusiasm as he speaks, through his violin, of the things that are so near his heart.


12-inch double-sided Black Label

D. 1034 J " A Midsummer Night's Dream "- 11endelssohn Nocturne, Parts 1 and 2

IT is curious that Mendelssohn's music to A Midsummer Night's Dream is not better known than it is. The Overture indeed, that wonderful achievementof youthful genius, is familiar

enough ; but the rest of the music, which was written much later (in 1843, when Mendelssohn was at the height of bis powers) is terra incognita to most people. Yet it contains some of the com- poser's most inspired pages and shows admirably those gifts of melody, orchestration, and picturesqueness which are admitted to be his finest qualities. The production of the play with the music at Potsdam and Berlin in October 1843 brought some amusing criticisms. Here is what Grove says about it :-" Some disputed

whether Tieck or Shakespeare were the author (of the play) ; others believed that Shakespeare had translated it from German into English

. And a very distinguished personage ex-

pressed to Mendelssohn himself his regret that such lovely music had been wasted on so poor a play." All of which goes to show that the Kultur of the Berliners of that day had its limitations.

For prices see page 2 of cover.

"'His MasteiFs Voiee7' Records . ............................. - ---- - ------------------------ - - ---- -- ---- ---------" THE CO-OPTIMISTS "



(with pianoforte accompaniment) 10-inch double-sided Plum Label

(Till the Wheel comes off ... ...

Dielville Gideon: B.2133 (" The Co-Optimists ")

Roundabouts and Swings ... ... Catcheside ( k" The Co-Optimists ")


(accompanied by himself)

(Texas Love ("The Co-Optimists") ....Melville

Gideon B.2132 Love them all a little bit ... ... A7elville Gideon

(II The Co-Optimists ") IT would require very confirmed pessimism to enable anyone

to resist the charm of the " Co-Optimists." It does not matter whether you have seen them in their new show or

not, these records will fascinate you just the same, for in them is caught something of that air of gaiety which is a major factor in the " Co-Optimists " popularity The songs as here presented by two of the company are representative.

Melville Gideon appears as a singer, an accompanist and as a composer, and as he does all three on one record you will find it full measure ! No one can sing the sort of songs Gideon sings in quite the same whimsical manner, any more than Stanley Holloway can be approached in his own particular style.

These two records are brightly sung and are really tuneful fitting companions of that wonderful record of Melville Gideon's " You forgot to remember " (B.2119) issued a fortnight ago.

GRESHAM SINGERS (Male Quartet) (with pianoforte accompaniment)

10-inch double-sided Black I,abel.

(Lassie o' mine . ... ... ... E. J. Walt E.399 { (Unaccompanie t

`Piccaninny Lullaby Macy T HERE is nothing abstruse about these two part-songs, whose

titles give a fair indication of their contents. The uncompromising " high-brow " will pass then` by, but the

uncompromising " high-brow " is a very rare bird and those less haughty (but not necessarily less musical) will extract much pleasure from these simple settings of simple words and from

[Continued on page 5 For prices see page 2 of cover.

- - ------ ------- ýtý"GreatestArfisfs-finest Recording


(with pianoforte accompanimmut) 10-inch double-sled Plum Label

Bye and bye (I'm goin' to lay down dis weary load) (Negro Spiritual) (arr. H. T. Burleigh)

B. 2126 PAUL ROBESON (Bass) Were you there ? (When they crucified my Lord)

(Negro Spiritual) (arr. H. T. Bacrleigh)

T HOSE who saw Paul Robeson act in the title part of " Emperor Jones " will require no further introduction to these records. Robeson is one of the foremost negro actors

of the day and his fine bass voice, of exceptionally rich timbre, is heard to wonderful advantage in these two Negro Spirituals. The Negro Spiritual is really based on the African Negro folk songs, sophisticated by the American Negro and used in the white heat of his religious fervour as a vehicle to express his emotions. There is rhythm and melody in these two spirituals that Robeson has recorded which you will find particularly attractive I


(with Mandela and Guitar accompaniment)

10-inch double-sided Plum Label

(Hay, Hay, Farmer Gray (Took Leslie, Flynn and B. 2116 i another load away) Vincent

By the Light of the Stars Little, Sizemore and Shay

"[SAY, Hay, Farmer Gray " is very reminiscent of a little I-j nursery rhyme we used to sing, but it is none the less

attractive and has a decidedly catchy tune. On the other side is a more dreamy song with a peculiarly haunting melody-a melody which is the more haunting because of its accompaniment of mandola and guitar.

GRESHAM SINGERS (Male Quartet) -Continued from page 4.

the masterly singing. The way in which the melody of the Piccaninny Lullaby is thrown from one voice to another may perhaps he singled out as a particularly engaging feature of the rendering.For

prices see page 2 of cover.


jais Mastees Voice' Records .... . . ....LIGHT INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC


12-inch double-sided Plum Label.

(Petite Suite de Concert-No. 1 S. Coleridge-Taylor

C. 1218

[Petite Caprice de Nannette

j Petite Suite de Concert-No. 2 S. Coleridge-Taylor

. Demande et Reponse

T HIS very characteristic Suite is one of the many charming examples of light music from the pen of the composer of Hiawatha. De Groot's record of it adds another to the

list of his happy inspirations and the addition of the clarinet to his usual orchestral forces leads in particular to some delightful effects, notably the solo near the beginning of the second side. The conductor has most artistically subordinated his own playing to the general ensemble but the whole performance is redolent of his unmistakable personality even when the soaring strains of his instrument are momentarily subdued in order to obtain some subtle shade of colour.


(conducted by Lieut. R. G. EVANS)

12-inch double-sided Plum Label

C. 1217 Martial Moments-Parts 1 & 2 arr. Aubrev Winter

QNiä of the most remarkable facts that emerged as a result of the recent army manoeuvres was the magnificent marching powers of the troops engaged. Listening to this splendid

record we can easily understand it ; when a fine band plays with such tremendous rhythm as this it is hardly possible to keep still. Military readers and others will rejoice to know that their favourite airs have become available in such an easily accessible form as a gramophone record.

For prices see page 2 of cover.


-finest Recording!"



At the Savoy Hotel, Londor.

10-inch double-sided Plum Label

13.2134 Panama-Fox-Trot ... ... ... R. Kayscher IHong Kong Dream Girl ... H. Barris


10-inch double-sided Plum babel

B 2127 ( The Promenade Walk:.. Goodman, Rubens, Coots Cecilia-Fox-Trot .. D. Dreyer

H ERE are two exceptionally fine dance records. " Cecilia " is played by a dance band new to our lists and you will find it particularly pleasing. The Savoy Orpheans, in-

imitable band ! have got two jolly fox-trots on their record played with a suavity and finish which cannot be ignored.


I MISS MY SWISS!"The Song Hit of the Season,



Sung by the HAPPINESS BOYS on B. 2128 and played

as a Fox-Trot with a wonderful vocal obbligato, " yodelling

and all 'on B.2117byPAUL WHITEMAN'S


For prices see page 2 pf cover.

ý sý ý: - ----- ý _ _ - _ _ - -

is Masiees Voice' Records

10-inch double-sided Plum Label.

B.2112JSonya-Fox-Trot ::: ... Paul Whiteman

Foot loose-Fox-Trot and his Orchestra

(( Got no time-Fox-Trot ... ... Paul Whiteman and E3 Orchestra

B.2111(It you loved only me (What a world thin would be)-Fox-Trot (Intro : ll ' I want a lovable baby ") Paul Whiteman and his Orchestras

13.2118f Mercenary Mary-Fox-Trot (" Mercenary Mary ") ... Jack Hylton and You forgot to remember-Waltz .. his Orchestra

B.2123JLand of dreams come true-Waltz (" Dear Little Billie ") Jack Hylton 1 Some other day, some other girl-Fox-Trot and his Orchestra

B.2121 J Stamboul-Fox-Trot ... . ... ... ... Jack Hylton and 'L Chick, Chick Chicken-Fox-Trot his Orchestra

B.2124JI can't realise (You Love Me)-Fox-Trot .. Savov Orpheans Row, Row, Rosie-Fox-Trot (at the Savoy Hotel, London)

B.2125 f Wait'll its Moonlight-Fox-Trot ... ... ... ... Savoy Orpheans I want to see my Tennessee-Fox-Trot (at the Savoy Hotel, London) Siberia-Fox-Trot ...

Ted Weems and his Orchestra B.2122

{ I'm gonna Charleston back to Charleston-Fox-TrotCoon-Sanders

Original Night Hawk Orchestra

I MISS MY SWISS.:: ;: Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra

B.2117 (

(With vocal retrain and yodellin,) Vale Vanitti ..

Ruby IViedoefI (Saxophone)

10-inch double-sided Plum Label

((Yon forgot to remember (" The Co-optimists ") B 2119 { I've fallen in love with a voice (" The Co-optimists

Dfe'ville Gi leon ( Accompamted by himself)

B.2120 Joe Murgatroyd says ... ... ... . . John Henry 1 A curtain lecture ... ... ... ... John Henry and " Blossom"

B.2114 [Everything is Hotsy Totsy now .. ... Brooke Johns I Love 'em and leave 'em, Joe ... (:oith Banjo and Pianoforte Accomp.)

jJkulele Lady B.2115 What do I care, what do I care ? (My Sweetie turned me down) (with Ukulele

and Piano Accomp.) Frank Crunrit (with Violi a, Guitar and Ukulele Accompaniment)

Potpourri No. 1-Engiish as she is not spoken B.2113ýPotpourri No. 2-English as she is not spoken

Stanton Brothers ( Val and Ernie) (with Ukulele Accompaniment)

rI MISS MY SWISS (MY SWISS MISS MISSES ME) The Happiness Boys B 2125{ How's your folks and my folks ... ... Billy Jones and Ernest Hare

l (Down in Norfolk Town) (with Pianoforte Accomp.)

For prices see page 2 of cover.

"GreaiestArtisis-Finest Recording!"- ------------- - - --- --------------------- -- -- ------------------- ----------

F OR over 25 years "His Master's Voice" has been the

accepted standard of gramophone excellence. Indeed, the standard obtained had become so high that further

advance seemed impossible until certain problems had been overcome.THESE

PROBLEMS HAVE NOW BEEN SOLVED, AND THE NEW " HIS MASTER'S VOICE" INSTRUMENT EMBODIES ENTIRELY NEW DISCOVERIES RELATING TO SOUND AMPLIFICATION. Hitherto the reproduction of treble notes (high frequency vibrations) has been almost too prominent, while the bass register (low frequency vibrations) has been correspondingly weak, the result being lack of balance. To adjust this balance and give a reproduction in which both bass and treble have their true relation, as in the actual perform- ances, is the problem that has been dealt with so successfully by our Research Department. - Externally, and in manipulation, the New Gramophone is similar to the standard " His Master's Voice " Instrument. The secret of the amazing realism of its reproduction is the design of the special tone chamber, taper arm and a new type of soundbox. The New Gramophone not only gives equal prominence to all sec- tions of the scale from the low bass to the high treble, but it also reproduces details of orchestration that were formerly unheard. The tone is richer, rounder, and more true to the original than has ever before been heard from a Gramophone. Surface noise is practically eliminated. In quality and workmanship the New Gramophone upholds the high tradition of all products bearing " His Master's Voice " Trade Mark. It is " all-British," the entire work in connection with it being carried out at The Gramophone Company's factories at Hayes, Middlesex. You should take the earliest opportunity of hearing the New Gramophone, when you will agree that this great invention has to-day achieved the ideal of what a gramophone should be.

Listen for the Bass! Ten different models are available in Oak and Mahogany. Ask your dealer for demonstration and jriee list.

"His Master's Voice' Records

What Famous Musicians say OF THE NE IV

"His Master's Voice" Instrument:


"Without doubt the most important inven- tion in the history of the Gramophone."


"The most amazing tone of any Gramophone I have ever heard."

ALBERT COATES : Your New Gramophone is most remarkable

in its faithful reproduction."

EUGENE GOOSSENS: The New Instrument is a prodigious achieve-

ment in quality and volume ; it far surpasses any Gramophone I have ever heard."



`GreafesrtAriisfs -fmesi Recordinng !"




Light Double-sided 12-inch Records in Album,

Records D. 1025 to D. 1031 (Black Label) and D.B. 862. (Red Label).



12-inch double-sided Plum Lalyl "MERCENARY MARY "-" DEAR LITTLE BILLIE."

C.1222 f " Dear Little Billie " Selection... Savoy Orpheans Parts I. and II. at the Savoy Hotet, London

C.1221 f " Mercenary Mary," Selection, Pts. I. and II. Jack Hylton and his Orchestra

10-inch double-sided Plum babel

(I'm thinking of you (" Mercenary Mary "), Fox-Trot B.2144 I'm a little bit fonder of you (" Mercenary Mary ")

Fox-Trot Jsek4I,l>;onand. is Orcheatr_, When you and I were Seventeen, Waltz

B.2145 Where is that girl that was stolen from me, Fox-Trot Savoy Havana Band

Hylton Medley, Fox-Trot B.2143 Tie a string around your finger (" Mercenary -Mary ") Fox-Trot Jack Hylton and his Orchestra

BRILLIANT PIANO SOLOS-Made Specially for Dancing. B .2130 f All-of-a-Twist

... ... Billy Mayerl Eskimo Shivers (Solo Pianist to the

B.2131 fThe Jazz Master ... ...

a the S Savoyaoy H


The Jazz Mistress London. For prices see page 2 of cover.

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF RECORDS issued since January 1st, 19L5.

All Records in this list are double-sided.

For prices see page 2 of cover.

No. I. II No.I

m A tanto amor !-see " LA FA- VORITA"BAKER,

George (Baritone) (a) Damask Roses; (b) My life's' delightB196710

Abendlied (Schumann-Joachim)Fill a glass with golden wineB196710 Isolde MengesE 37310In Summertime on BredouB195710

Abide with me De Groot 's Orch.C119412Tcp of the Hill, TheB195710 Adios Triguena (Goodbye, myBallade in G Minor, Op. 23

darting) FletaDA57310(Chopin) A. CortotDB85312 Adjutant, The H. DearthE37710 AFRICANA (;l/eyerbcer)Banks of Suir, The L. WalshB207310 O Paradiso GigliUB10912Bantry Bay Ii. Thornton

BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA, 11D100312 After Thoughts E. Hastings

'C121112(Rossini)1euro at giogo indegno All I del""Largo of factotum GranforteDB83412

-seeNORSI AUna voce poco la Dal MonteOBS3012

Ali, je Buis seule--see "THAIS" Abavas Olom WoolfB209210BATTISTINI, Mattia (Baritone)

AIDA (Verdi.)A tauto amor ! (" La Favorifa ")

""0873612 Fu la some dell'armi Poli-Randacio,Non pill andrai (FigaroI Before my window)B73612

and H. Offers Pieta ti prenda Poli-Randacio,DB72812(Rachmaninoff)


and M. OffersDB72812Believe me, if all those endearing 'Cello) Snarpe young charms (E38310

Alabamy Bound A. StanleyB202210Benson Orchestra of Chicago- All alone De Groot's Orch.B1962tosee DANCE RECORDS All alone Sa'on Orcb.6193110Bessie fun Adess H. GoldsteinB209410 Allegro (J. H. Fiocco) I. MengesE 37310Billy Boy (Shanty) J. GossB199910

Bimba, non t'avvicinar Alleluia (A joyous Easter Hymn)(in Italian) FletaDA71410 (arr. G. O'Connor- :l/orru)-HempelDA676I)Birdling, why sing in the forest Amapola (in Spanish) FletaDA71410wild? F. HempelDB81412 Amore o grillo-see "OIADAMABirthday, A W. WiddopE39810 BUTTERFLY "Blacuoird, f'ile l,:aln N'auuB194710 Amour viens alder-seeBohemian Dance BackhausD99512 "SAMSON & DALILAH" And when I dieBORDONI, Irene (Comedienne) (Army Marching Song) J. GossB201810I won't say I willB201110 ANSSEAU, Fernand and HelenSo this is loveB201110

SADOVEN C'e=-t toi! C est moi I ("Carmen")DB78412BOR);S GODOUNOV Mais moi, Carmen je t'aime encore(Moussor.ashv) ("Carmen")DB78412Duet of Pimen and Gregory, Act I.,

Pts. I and 2 Smirnoff & KaidanolfDB76512 APOLLO CHOIROh, Tsarevitch, I implore thee As Torrents in SummerB204910Smirnoff and DavidoffOB75312 A-Roving (Shznty) J. GossB201810BOURNE, Una (Piano) As Torrents In SummerFinnish Rhythms (Palmgren)

Apollo ChoirB204910No. 1-Kareliau DanceB191110 At the end of the road C. NewtonB204010No. 2-MinuetB191110 Autumn Serenade, AnNo. 4-Minuet-WaltzB191110

De Groot's Orch.B199810Humoresque, Op. 10, No. 2 Ave Maria-see "OTI;LLO"(Tchaikovsky)B204210 Aye Waukin' o J. GossB201610Lyrische Stückchen, Op. 12 (Grieg) Back in Hackensack New JerseyNo. 2 Walzer ; No. 6 Norwegisch ;

C. NewtonB200010No. 5 Volksweise ; No. 4 ElfentanzC120012 BACKHAUS, Wilhelm (Piano)November (En Troika) (Tchaikov,ky)B191110 Bohemian DanceD995112Old English Dances (arr. Moffat) Caprice EspagnoleD9951121(Countess of Westmoreland's Variations on a Tlieme,Bk.1(Brahnu)D101912Delight) (Two Bourrees)B210710 Variations on aTheme, Bk.2(Brahms)D102012Waltz, Op. 40, No. 9 Bajadere-Selection, Pts. 1 & 2

Be Groot and Orth_i :1182I19(Tc.'wikovsky)Wrddino Da-. On. 65 (Grier)I B2042C1

00I10112LABELS-AS (Orange B and C (Plum)LS-AS (Orange B and C (Plum) D and E (Black) DA and DB (Red)

DJ and DK (Buff) DIM (Pale Green) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White)

No. NI m

"Boutique Fantasque, La" Sei., Pts. 1 and 2

R.A.H. Orch. (Cond. E. Goossens) D1018 12 BRITISH NATIONAL OPERA CO., CHOIR FROM CHORUS OF (Cond. Albert Coates) God is a Spirit E397 10 O Gladsome Light E397 10 Broadway Medley, Pts. I and 2 (Chariot's Revue) Lillie & Lawrence C1206 12 BUCHANAN, Jack and JUNE Garden of Lies B2005 10 This year, next year B2005 10 BURR, Henry (Tenor) Heaven is my Home B2062 10 Bushes and Briers (Essex Folk

Song) De Reszke Singers E376 10 "Caliph of Bagdad" (Overlure) Coldstream Guards Band C1176 12 Canclon del Olvido A. CrabbF DA694 10 Cancibn Montages A. Crabbe DA694 10 Can't you dance the Polka ? (Shanty) T. Gos_ B2018 10 Can't your friend find a friend for

me ? A. Stanley B2087 10 Caprice Espagnole Backhaus D995 12 Capriccio Valse Op. 7 (Wieniavs ky) E. Morini DB372 12 Cargoes Peter Dawson B 1930 10 CARMEN (Bizet) C'est toil c'est moil

Ansseau and Sadoven DB784 l2 Ilais moi, Carmen je t'aime

Ansseau and Sadoven DB784 12 Carnevale de Venezia, Pts. 1 and

2 (Benedict) Dal Monte DB821 12 CARNIVAL-Suite (Ring)

Coldstream Guards Band C1195 12 Carry me back to Old Virginny

Savoy Havana Band B2057 10 Caro nome-see "RIGOLbTTO"

CATTERALL QUARTET Quartet in r major, Op. 18, No. I D947 (Beethoven) to (Recorded in complete form on 4 D950 1212-inch records) Quartet in F major-Scherzo (Tchaikovsky)Quartet

in G Major, Op. 18, No. 2

Church of England Service-see MORNING PRAYER Cider Peter Dawson Cielo e mar i-see "I,A GIO


CLARK, Helen & Lewis JAMES I want to be happy Tea for Two

CODOLBAN, Nitza (Zimbalon) Dizzy Fingers " La Ce Leschena " Rumanian Gipsy Air Russian Gipsy Air


"Caliph of Bagdad," Overture Carnival "-Suite (Ring)

" Damnation of Faust "-Selections King's Guards' March La Voix des Cloches Lustspiel Overture (Kelcr Bela) Marche Slilitaire Suite " William Byrd " No. 1. The Earle of Oxford's Marche No. 5. Wolsey's Wilde No. 6. The Bells Third Battalion March

COLTHAM, Sydney (Tenor) DevotionFaithful

Heart, The Little green balcony l,oughareemaMy

Lady Sleeps My Lute Rose Alarie Song of Quietness, A Summer Afternoon, A What a wonderful world it would be When I'm home again Come d'aurato sogno-see " II,

TROVATORE " Come, let us join the Roundelay

Gresham Singers Come, Thou Almighty King

Trinity Choir Come when the world is sleeping

De Groot's Orch. Coming of a Dream, The P, Lett Concerto No. 1 in G Minor, Op.

25 (Mendelssohn)Moiseivitch & R.A.H. Orch.

Recorded in complete form on 3 12-in. records Concerto No. 4 in D (Mozart)

Kreisler & Orch. (Recorded in complete form on 4 12-in. records) Concerto in A minor, Op 54 (Schumann)(Recorded

in complete form on 4 12-inch Records)Cortot

and R.A.H. Orch. Concerto in D Minor Op. 22 (IVicniavsky) L-. Morin Concerto in E Major (Bach) (Reccrded in complete form on 3 12-inch records) Thibaud

(Beethoven) D997 (Recorded in complete for;n on 3 to 12-inch records) D999 12 Cautious Lover, The 1;. Hastings C1211 12CAVALLERiA RUSTICANA (Mascagni)Voi

lo sapete, o mamma Jeritza DA565 C'est i'histoire amoureuse-see "DSANON I,ESCAUT " C'est toi ! c'est moi ! - see "CAR\]EN" CHALIAPINE, Th. I. (Bass)Crazy-Headed John (In Russian) DB691 12 Last Voyage, Toe (In Russian) DB757 12 Moon is high in the sky, The ("Aleko") (In Russian) DB691 12 Nightingale (In Russian) DB757 lY Susanin's Aria-Recitative (" A Life for the Tzar") DB758 12 They guess the truth (" A Life fortI the Tzar") IDB758 12

For prices see page 2 of cover.







DB372 DB789toDB791


CCRTOT,3Al.red (Piano)- ee also SONATA (Cesar Franck) Ballade in G Minor, op. 23 (Chof'in) Cradle Song, 01). 49, No. 4 (Brah rs) Etude in A Flat Major (Chapin) Impromptu in F Sharp Major, Op. 36 (Chopin)CORTOT

and R.A.H. ORCH Concerto in A minor, Op. 54 (Schumann)(

Recorded in complete form on 4 12-inch Records) Countess of Westmoreland's De-

light (Old English Dance)U. Bourne

CRABBE, Armand (Baritone) Canciön Montaiies

(a) La Canciön del Olvido ; (b) Junto al puente de he Pena

Cradle Song, Op. 49, No. 4 (Brahnns) A. Cortot

CRAWFORD, Jesse (Pipe Organ) Dreamer of Dreams Dreams that never come true Sly wild Irish Rose Old Pal Rose Marie (" Rose Marie ") Serenade )Schuler!) Somewhere a voice is cailing When you and I were young, Maggie Crazy-Headed John (Sung in Russian) Chaliapine Credo in un Dio Crudel-see " OTELI.O " CROOKS, Richard (Tenor) Green Hills of Ireland, The In the wee little home I love Sacrament (Love Song) Cruiskeen Lawn, The D. Oldham CRUMIT, Frank (Humorous) Get yourself a broom Knock at the door





Cuddle up Brooke Jot B1929 DAL MONTE, Toll (Soprano)-se( also "IL BARBIERE DI SIVI- GI.IA " and "RIGOL,ETTO" Carnevale de Venezia, Pts. 1 an.1 2(Benedict)lieh

! vieni, non tardar(" Le Nozzd di Figaro ") DB831 Selva opaca (" Guglieluto Tell ") DB831 Damask Roses (.. Raker B1967 "DAMNATION OF FAUST,

The " (Berlioz) Serenade of Mephistopheles Radford E388 "Damnation of Faust"-Selection=

Coldstream Guards Band C1201 Dance of the Hours ("La Gioconda ")

R.A.H. Orch. (Cond. Sir Landon Ronald) D996


Adoringyou \Chiteman'sO. 31934 Ah-Ha ! Whiteman's Orch. B2055 Alabamy Bound Savoy Orpheans B1970 All aboard for Heaven-M. Davis B. B2039 All alone with you-Savoy Orpheanc B1934 Alone at last Hylton's Kit Cat Band 132100


At the end of the road-Sovov Or.; B2036 Back to Colorado Savoy Havana B1944 Bagdad Savoy Orphean;I B1932 Because of you Benson Orch. B2074 Big Tune Hylton's Orch.! B2010 Blue Evening Blues Savoy Or.I B2035 Bouquet Hylton's Orchestra B2030 By the bake Savoy Orpheanc B1933 Bye Bye Baby Savoy Orphean- B1955 Bygone Davs-Savov Havana Band B1997Can't your friend lind a friend for me

H_vlton's Kit at Band Charleston Savoy Orplieaus Collegiate Savoy Orplieans Come a little closer-Hyltoui s Or. Come on over Savoy Orpheans Copenhagen Savoy Orphean= Couldn't we keep on dancing

Hvlton's Orch. Desert Isle Mc$nelly s Orch. Did Tosti raise his bowler Hat ?

Savoy Havana Band Does my Sweetie do ?



1987 B1954

\Varing's Pennsylvanian' B2060 Don't bring Lulu Garber 's Orch. B2048 Doo Wacka Doo-Whiteman's Orch. B1937 Dream Maker of JapanSavov

Orphean,l B1934 Dreary Wcathcr Savoy Orpheans B1932 Dublinopa H_ylton's Orch. B2009 Eat more Fruit Hylton 's Or. B1959 Eliza `.Vhitenian's Orch. B1937Everybody loves my baby

Hylton's Orch. Feclin' kind o' blue-Hylton s Orch. Florida Savoy Orpheans Follow the Swallow-H vlton's Orch. From now on-Ilyltou's Kit-Cat Bd. Garden of Lies Hylton's Orch. Give me just a little tit of love

Ilvltoä s Orch. Gotta getta girl Whiteman's Or. Hard I earted Hannah - Savoy Or . Hay ! Hay ! Farmer Cray

Ilvltou's Orch. Heart Broken Rose Hylton's Or. Hello ! 'Tucky Savoy Orpheans Honey, I'm in love with you

Whiteman 's Orch. hoodoo 'flan A"hiteman's Orch. I can't stop babying you-Hylton's O. If you knew Susie Shilkret's Orch. I know that someone loves me

Hylton's Orch. I like you best of all-Savoy Havana I love dancing with you-Miami Syn. I loved, I lost Savoy Havana I want to be happy-Garber's Orch. I'll see you in my dreams




1944 B 1978

Whiteman's Oreh. B1982 I'll take her,back Hylton's Or. B1974 !n between tlfe showers-Hylton's O.' B1939 In Carolina Jack Hylton's Or. B1943 In love with Love-Whitemau'sOr. B2007 In the garden of to-morrow


10 l01010101010101010101010l0101010101019101010l01n10

Hvlto:i s Orch. B2110,10In the town where I was born

Hylton's Orch. B1980 1G Indian T)awn Svov nrnhrans B1963 10

LABELS-AS (Orange) B and C (Plum) D and E (Black) DA aad Db (Red) DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pale Green) DO (Pale B.u2) DQ (White)


Indian Love Call Whiteman's Or. Isn't she the sweetest thing ?

Hylton's Orch. l'vegot a feeling for-J. Hylton 's Or. Just a little drink-Whitemau's Or. Kashmiri Savoy Orpheaus Keep smiling at trouble

Waring's Pennsylvanians Kongo Kate Hylton's Or. Lady of the Nile Howard Lanin s Or. Leander Hylton's Orch. Let it rain International Novelty Or. Let it rain, let it pour

Meyer Davis' Ban:i Let me he the first Savoy Or. Let nie linger longer -%I'IUiteman's Or. Little old clock Savoy Orpheans Lonely little Melody-Whiteman's O. Look at those eyes

Waring's Pennsylvanians Love's Lottery Savov Havana Band Lucky Kentucky Whiteman's Or. Madeira Savoy Orpheans Mamie Garber's Orch. Mamma's gone Boston Orch. Mandy make up your mind

Whiteman's Orch. Maybe you willHylton

's Kit-Cat Braid Me and the boy friend-Savoy Orp. Me Neenyah Savoy Orpheans Mileuburg joys Hylton's K. C. Band Montmartre Rose Garber's Or. My best girt Savoy Orphean; My Fair Lady Savoy Havana Band My Kid Savoy Ornheans Dfy sugar Hylton's Kit-Cat Band Naila Savoy Havana Band No, No, Nanette-Savoy Orpheans Nobody knows what a Red Head

Mamma can do-Savoy Orpheans Nobody loves nie but me-Romaine O. Nola Boston Orch. No one knows what it's all about

Shilkret's Orch. No one to love Hylton's Orch. No wonder (that I love you)

Hvltcn's Orch. Oh, Darling, do say Yes!

Savoy Havana Band Oh, Flo ! Hylton's Orch. Oh! how I love my darling-Savoy H. Oh! how I miss you to-nightBenson

Orch. Oh, Katherina ! Inter. Novelty Or. Oh, Mabel ! Waring's Pennsylvan Oh that Sweet in Suite 16--Savoy or. Ogo Pogo Savoy Orpheaus Only, only one for me-Savoy Orph. Oriental Moon Savoy Orpheans Out of a million Savoy Orch. Pango Pango Maid Hylton's Orch. Peter Pan Savoy Orpheans Please Savoy Orpheans Poor little Rich Girl Savoy Or. Pozzo Whiteman s Orch. Red-hot Mamma Hylton's Orch. Remember Goldkette's Orch. Rose-Marie Savoy Orpheans


Savoy Orphean= B2002 10 Where has niy hubby gone Blues?

Savoy Orpheans B1979 10 Where's my sweetie hiding Savoy 0 B1973 10 Who ? Hylton's Orch B2056 10 Who takes care of the Caretaker's Daughter ? Kaufman's Serenaders B2061 10 Who told you ? Hylton's Orch. B2072 10 Whoa ! lellie ! Whiteman's Orch. B2054 10 Why couldn't it be poor little me

Savoy Orpheaus B2103 10 Why do I love you Savoy Orpheana B2053 10 Will you remember me ?-Hylton's O. 131990 10 Yearning Hylton's Orch. B2056.10

B19911101 Rose Marie Whiteman's Orch.I B1991I 10

B2064 10 111943 1`1 B2055 10 B2019,10--- Seminola Savoy Orphean 31 B2052 10 B1984I10 Shanghai Savoy Orpheansl B1981 10B1969 10 I She love= nie licitods Oreh. B1940I 10 B2038 10 She's driving nie wildIIylton's Or. B2088 l0 B200910 Show nie the way to go home B2037 i 10 Savoy I lavana Band B1997 10

132039 10 B1941 10 B2104 10 B1942 10 131953i10

B2060 10 B20141 10B2007B2032



Rose of the moonlight-Ilylton's or. B1959 10 Sally I,ou Saoov Orpheans B1942 10 Sau Franci=co-Savo_v Ilacana Band B2014 10 Save your sorrow O1sen's Orch. R2108 10

Slowin' down Blues-Navlor's Or. B2079 10 sontelwdy like you dear-\liami Svn. B1950 l0 Southern Rose Whiteman 's Orch. B2089 10 Steppin' in Society-R'hiternan s Or. B2104 10 Sun-Kist Cottage-Savov Orpheaus B1941 10 Swanee ButterlIv Savoy Orpheans B2102 10 Sweet Georgia Brown-Naylor's Or. B2078 10 Sweet little you Hylton's Orch. B1974 10 Take a little one-Step

International Novelty Orch. B2001 10 Tea for two Benson Orch. B1978 10 Tell all the world-Hylton's Orch. B2067 10 Tell nie dreantveyes-\Vhiteman's O. B1953 10 Tell me more Savoy Orpheans B2053110 Tell one, pretty Diaiden Savoy Or. B2028 10 Temple Bells Iylton's Orch. B2030 10

10 That's what I'll do-Savoy Orpheans B1972 10 10 Too tired Savoy Orpheans B1996 10 10 Totem Tom Toni Savoy Orpheans B2002 10 10 Toy Drum Major Savoy Orpheans B2031 10 to Two Eyes Savoy Orpheaus B2028 10 10 Ukulele Lady Whiteman 's Or. B2089 10 10 Unfortunate Blues Boston Orch. B1977 10 10 Waitin' for the Moon-Savoy Orph. B2076 10 10 Way down in my heart 10 Dornbergei s Orchestra B2046 10 10 We're back together again

Hylton 's Orch. B2067 10 10 What a funny little tune ! 10 Savoy Havana Band B2069 10 10 What a life Hyltons Orch. B2023 10

When I think of you-Savoy Or. B2031 10B2001 10 When my sugar walks down the B2059 10 street Savoy Havana Band B2013 10

When she's in Red Hylton's Or. B1956 10 B2064 10 When you and I were seventeen



10 10101010101010101nn10101010

B2054 10 B1969ý10B20371I0B2077


Yes, sir, that's my babyHylton's Orch. B2110

,10You can dance with any girl at all Savoy Orpheans

You're just a flower from an old bouquet Dornberger's Orclr. B204610 You're so near Hylton's Orch. B2059 ý 10


prices see page 2 of cover.


No. -' IINo.


Medley of Medleys-Savov Orpheatr'0118812Come when the world is sleeping8191010 Sea Songs Medley-Savoy OrpheansB2103 'i10Farewell my love, farewellB202010 Southern Melodies- avoy Orplteaus0118812" Frasquita " Selection, Pts. 1 and Stars and Stripes Medley -Savoy 0.B1972102 (Lehar)C118512 WALTZES-I know of two bright eyesB202510 Babette Hylton's Orch.B208810I love the Moon, WaltzB202510 Buenos AiresIn Shadowland8196210

International Novelty Orch.B204710"I,a Gran Via," Sel., I'ts. I and 2C120812 Dollar Princess Savoy HavanaB196510Lost Chord, TheC119412 Golden West Hylton's Orch.B193910MadrigaleB199810 Haunting Melody-Savoy OrpheansB195410PassioneB194810 I love the moon Savoy HavanaB1936101'recious wee one-I,ullabvB191010 In Shadowland Savoy HavanaB193510StorylandB202010 Kiss I can't forget-Inter. Nov. Or.B210810Thing of Dreams. AB194810 Listening Savoy OrpheansB201210 Love's Dream Savoy OrphemnsB201210DE RESZKE SINGERS Melody that made you mineBushes and BriersE37610

Savoy OrpheausB208510Studie; in Imitatioa (Hughes) Midnight Savoy Havana BandB206610J,ittle Jac], HornerD94112 ittoana Chimes-Hilo Hawaiian Or.B192810Little Tommy TuckerD94112 Pal of my cradle daysThere was a crooked mauD94112

Whiteman's Orch.B209910Winter is gone, TheE37610 Poem Savoy HavanaB197010Dear Old Southland Savoy Hav. B.B205710 RosenkavalierDearest Name-see "RIGO-

Neues Tonkünstler Orchester0120212LETTO " Rosenkavalier-Savoy Havana BandB206610 Serenade Savoy HavanaB193610DEARTH, Harry (Bass) Sometime Savoy HavanaB196510Adjutant, TheE37710 Somewhere a voice is callingI,ittle Miss Over-the-W'avF37710

Savoy Havana BandB198610Mcggie's WeddingE38410 Sumurfn Savoy Havana BandB198610Skipper of the " Mary Jane "E38410 When the one you love loves youDeath and the Maiden

Whiteman's Orch.B198210(Schubert) L. McganeE39610 Das Lied Im GrünenDeli I vieni, non tardar-sce "LE (Schubert) GerhardtDA70610NOZZE DI FIGARO" DAVIES, Ben (Tenor)Delaney's Drummers L. WalshB202710 Go to bed, Sweet MuseE36410DELYSIA, ALICE (Soprano) When Laura smilesE36410Sec " ON WITH 'I III; D_1NCE"

Devotion (Ha) tin II sail S. Cott hamB1912In DAVIES, Tudor (Tenor)-see alsoDevotion McCormackDA69210 under " I,OHENGRIN," "TOSCA"Die Greene Yente M. GoldsteinB209510 Hour, The (P. Kahn)E38910Die Lotosblume (Schumann) Lord, vouchsafe Thy loving kindnessE. MarshallE38010 (" Stabat Afater ")D97212Die Malnacht t Brahms) McCormackDA628IO On her contentment 1" Don Gio-Die Rommanischer Chasena vanni ")D95712M. GoldsteinB209810 Sound an alarmDio di giustizia-see "FEDORA" (" Judas Maccabaus ")D97212Dizzy Fingers N. CodolbanB210910 To her I love (" Don Giovanni")D95712Do you remember the Love Nest ? DAWSON, Peter (Bass-Baritone)C. NewtonB200010 -see also tinder RADFORD andDollar Princess-Sel. Mayfair Or.C118912 DAWSONDON GIOVANNI (,ifozarl) CargoesB1930I ,On her contentment Tudor DaviesD95712 CiderB191410To her I love Tudor DaviesD95712 Here's to the good old daysB194610 Kerry Dance, TheC121212DON SEBASTIANO (Donizetti) MountiesTheB2004100 Lisbona Gran torte'DB83412 , Some crimson roseB194610DORNBERGER, Charles and his Spirit Flower, A8198810ORCHESTRA-seeDANCE RECS. Summer Love Tale, AB198810Dovunque at mondo-see Tramp, TheB191410"MADAMA BCI-TE.RFI.V" Traveller, TheC121212Dream in the Twilight Wander Thirst (Landon Ronald)B1930lu(R. Strauss) L. MeganE39610 DE GROOT and the PICCA-Dreamer of Dreams J. CrawturdB199210

DILLY ORCHESTRADreams (Wagner) H. MarshallE38610 Abide with ateCI19412Dreams that never come true All aloneB196210J. CrawfordB200810 Autumn Serenade, An uf.J-R-. 11 C_1 L... D.- 1 A. nB1998e`I IM)10I1oDu

bist wie eine Blume rc.h,,..,nvu, P. Mnr-hall)F.390I0

LABELS-AS (Orange) B and C (Plum) D and E(Black) DA and DII (Red)DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pale Green) DO (Pale Blue) D(J (wnlte)

No.I izNo.I i m

Duets-see 11151,OP and GILLV,Four by the Clock (1fallinson) H O F F M A N and FELDMAN,Carmen H.11E37010 BEATRICE LILLIIE and G. LAW-Four jolly sallormen (E. German) RENCE, "LOIIENGIcIN," PINZARadfordE37910 and L'ALESSIO, RADFORD andFowls Alfred Lester(;117712 DAWSON, SMIRNOFF and KAID-Fragment, A "From the New ANOFF, "TOSCA;" VON DERWorld " (Sym. No. 5 in E minor) OSTEN and MINNIE NAST(Dvordk) Savov Symphonic Orch.C118612 Dus Schneiderel Singt Sich aFrancesca da Rimini (Tchaikovsky)

Liedele M. GoldsteinB209410Fts. 1 and 2D95112 Easter Flowers (Sanderson)Pts. 3 and 4 Symphony Orch.

Walter Glvnne8192710(Cos 1. by Albert Coates)D95212 El Perjuro (de Tejada) RuffoDA34710"Frasquita" Selection. Pt. 1 and "ELIZABETHAN LOVE2 (Franz Lehar)-De Groot's Or.C118512

SONGS " (arr. Keel)Fu is sorte dell'armi-see Go to bed, sweet Muse-Ben DaviesE36410 When Laura smiles lien DaviesE36410" AIDA Enchanted Forest Salon Orch.B198310GALLI-CURCI (Soprano) Etude in A Flat Major, Op. 25,Come d'aurato sogno ("I!

No. I (Chopin) A. CortotDA69110Trcvatore ")DB81312 Evening Gresham SnrgersE37110Pretty Mocking Bird (Bishop)1)879812 Everybody loves my babySi cariua (Slumber Sou,) (afeyerheer)DB79812

Aileen Stanle}B197610Timor di me ? (" It Trcvatore ")DB81312 Exits. Parts I and 2 Lawe"C118712 Fair House of Joy D. OldhamE38510GARBER, Jan and his ORCH. Faithful Heart, The ColtharnB204310-see DANCE RECORDS Farewell my love, farewellGarden of Daisies, The L. WalshB207310

De Groot's Orch.B202010Garden of Lies FAVORITA, La (Domzetit)J. Buchanan and JuneB200510 A tanto amor! Battistin.DB73612GERHARDT, Elena (Mezzo-Sop.) Non sai tu the d'un giusto PinzaDA56610Das Lied im Grünen (Schubert)DA70610 FEDORA (Giordano)Wohin, Op. 25, No. 2 (.Schubert)DA70610

Dio di giustizia M. JcritzaDA57910Get yourself a broom and sweep Son gerate risoluta M. JeritzaDA57910your troubles away CrumitB202110

FeldeinsamkeitGIGLI, Benlamino (1enor) (Brak"ns) McCormackDA63510Cielo e marl (" La Gioconda ")DA22010 FELDMAN, Joe (Tenor)-see alsoM'appari ttttt'amor (" Martha ")DB10912

HOFFMAN & FELDMAN0 Paradiso ("L' Africa na ")DBI0912 Shmendrik's Kalle (Shmendrik'sVesti la g'ubba ("Na;liac_i")DA220Is Bride)B209710GILBERT & SULLIVAN Fetes (Debussy) Pis. 1 and 2 R.A.H.OPERAS Orch. (Cond. Sir Landon Ronald)D100012Princess Ida (Recorded under the Fill a glass with golden winedir:ction of ' _ upert D'Oyly Carte)D977

G. BakerB196710(Complets in album of 10 12-inchto FINNISH RHYTHMS (Pabngren)records)D98612 No. 1-Karelian DanceGILLY, Dinh (Baritone)-see also No. 2-ltlinuettinder IIISLOP and GILLY, and No. 4-Minuet-Waltz-Una BourneB191110" PAGLIACCI " Fire Bird, The (Stravinsky)Fleurissait one rose (Pts. 1 & 2) Symphony Orch. (Albert Coates)D958(" Le Jongleur de Notre Dame ")DB69312 (Recorded in complete form on la.otoScorn liunte,"11 Tabarro")DA55910 12-in. records)D95912Vecchia zimarra j"La Bohdmi')DA55910

CIOCONDA, La (Ponchiclli) FLETA, Miguel (Tenor)Cielo a marl GigliDA22010 Adios Triguena (Sung in Spanish)DA573100 Monuntento ! Regia a Bolgia Amapola (in Spanish)DA71410Dogule ! GranlorteDB83512 Bimba, non t'avviciuarDA714toGipsy Laughing Chorus Ali Tierra (Sung in Spanish)DA57310Rhondda Welsh Glee SingersB205810 Fleurissait one rose (Pts. I & 2)Give me just a little (" Le Jongleur de Notre Dame ")A. StanleyB208710

GillyDB69312GLYNNE, Walter (Tenor) FLONZALEY QUARTETEaster Flowers (Sand. un)8192710 (Instrumental)Love Lily, TheB198910 Quartet in G Major, Op. 77, No. IOlt, let no star compareB191310 (Haydn) Ist and 3rd MovementsDB83712RosebudB 191310

Slighted Swain, TheB192710 Folre de SorotchintsniSo gently speaks m_v lady fairB198910 (Jfoussorgsky)Go to bed, sweet Muse Pourquoi non triste creur-S utir:oftDB75312Ben DaviesE36410 Folk Songs from SomersetIGod Is a Spirit Choir front B.N.O.C.E39710 lMarchl R_A.P BaudR194.5t0Golden Deus ('nine� 11i11R0Onto

For prices see page 2 of cover.

No.NmNo. IN

GOLDSTEIN, MorrisHAYWARD, Marjorie (Violin) Bessie fun OdessaB209410Romance (Love Song) (Friml)B192610' Die Greene Yente (Green-HornTambourin in DB202610 Wife)B209510Valse (d'Ambrosto)B192o10 Die Roumanischer ChasenaViennese MelodyB202610 (Roumanian Wedding)B209810Heartache Gresham SingersD100412 Das Schneiderei Singt Sich a LiedeleHeaven is my Home H. BurrB206210 (Song of the Tailor)B209410Hebrew Dance J. HeifetzDB83812 Ich ob moire far mein weib (I'mHEIFETZ, Jascha (Violin) afraid of my wife)B209810Habanera (Spanish Dance)DB83812

Hebrew DanceDB83812 GOSS, John (Baritone)Stimmung, Op. 32, No. IDA65910 Songs from the Week-end Book.Waltz in D Major (Godowsky)DA65910

And when I dieIIEMPEL, Frieda (Soprano) (Army Alarching Song)B201810Allchtia (A joyous Caster Hynin)-DA67610 A-Roving (Shanty)B201810Birdlin� why sing in the forest wild,DB81412 Aye Waukin' oh (Scottish Song)B201610Night Wind, TheDA634l0 Billy Boy (Shanty)8199910Oh, had I Jubal's Lyre (" Joshua")DA67610 Can't you dance the Polka (Shant),)B201810Should he upbraidDB81412 Hey Ho to the Greenwood (Byrd)B201610Wohin (Schubert)DA63410 Last Long Mile, TheHen wlad Fy Nhadau (Land of my (Army Marching Song)B201810Fathers) Lilliburlero (Old English Song)B201610Rhondda Welsh Glee Singe:sB204510 O good ale, thou art my darling (Old English Song)B201710Hence, away, begone ! W. WiddopE39810 O sweet fa's the eveHere's to the good old-DawsonB194610 (Norwegian Folk Song)B201710 Rio Grande (Shanty)B199910HERSHMAN, Mordechay (Tenor) Shenandoah (Shanty)B199910Havdolo (Sabbath Prayer)C121612 Sinner, please doan' let dis hares'R'zei Adonoi Elohanji (Grant us, pass (Negro Spiritual)B201710God, our prayers)C121612

Hey ho to the Greenwood GRANFORTE,Apollo (Baritone)(Byrd) J. GossB201610 Credo in un Dio Crudel ("Otello ")DB83512HILL, Carmen (Mezzo-Sop.) Largo al factotum(a) Four by the Clock (211allinson) (" It Barbiere di Siviglia ")DB83412(b) To an isle in the waterE37010 O Lisbona (" Don Sebastian ")DB83412Golden DaysE39010 O Monumento ! Regia e Bolgia0 that it were so (F. Bridge)E37010 Dogale ! (" La Gioconda "IDB83512She dwelt among the untrodden waysE37510 Green Hills of Ireland, TheWaitE37510

R. CrooksE39310When I think of the happy daysE39010 GRESHAM SINGERSHILLIARD, Kathlyn (Soprano) (Male Quartet)Indian Love CallC119812 Come, let us join the RoundelayE37110Totem Toni TomB200410 EveningE37110HILO HAWAIIAN ORCH -see HeartacheD100412DANCE RECORDS London TownD100412Hindoo Song C. MarshallD102212 O Peaceful NightE38210HISLOP, Joseph & DINH GILLY What Ho ! What Ho !E38210Amore o grub ("Madarna Butterfly")DB74312 "GUGLIELMO TELL"-seeDovunque at mondo ("Madama "GUILLAUME TELL "Bb!lcrfly ")DB74312 GUILLAUME TELL (Rossini)HOFFMAN, Anna and Selva opaca. Act 2 Dal MonteDB83112J. FELDMAN Habanera (Spanish Dance) HeifetzDB83812Tateniu 3lamcniu (Mother and HAMBOURG, Mark (Piano)Father)B209610 Sonatine, Pts. 1 and 2 (Ravel)D100112Hornpipe (Handel- Harty) HAMLET (A. Thomas)Isolde MengesD102312 Pray you listen (Ophelia's Ballad)Hour, The (P. Kahn) T. DaviesE38910

E. ScotneyD96812 Happy married man, A HastingsC119012How fair this spot, Op. 21, No. 7 Hark, Hark my Soul Trinity ChoirB204110(Rachmarrisoff) McCormackDA68010

Humoresque, Op. 10, No. 2 HASTINGS, Ernest (Humorous)(Tchaikovsky)B204210 After ThoughtsC121112Hungarian Dance (Brahms) (a) Cautious I,over, TheMagyari and Tzigane Orch.B208110 (h) 3fy old Dress SuitC121112Hungarian Folk Music Happy married man, AC119012Magyari and Tziganc Orch.B208210 Lord luv 'imC119012Hungarian Song (Bela) My FamilyC120912Magyari and Tzigane Orch.B208210 WirelessC120912HYLTON, Jack and OR.-see Hwvdnln Hershman0121612DANCE RECORDS

LABELS-AS (Orange) B and C (Plum) D and E (Black) DA and DB (Red) DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pale Green) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White)

No.Na.I N

Hylton's Kit-Cat Band, Jack-seeKAIDANOFF-see SMIRNOFF DANCE RECORDSand KAIDANOFF I ain't got nobody to love-StanleyB200610Katja the Dancer-Selections I know of two bright eyesMayfair OrchestraC119312

De Groot's Orch.B202510KAUF MAN'S ORIGINAL PENN- I look into your garden McCormackDA69310SYLVANIA SERENADERS, I love the Moon, WaltzWhitey-see DANCE RECORDS

Dc Groot's Orch.B202510Keep smiling at trouble NewtonB204410 I saw from the beach McCormackDA63610Kerry Dance DawsonC121212 I want a girl like Peggy O'NeilKesergo (Radics)

0. NewtonB2071.10Magyari and Tzigaue Orch.B208110 I want to be happy-see " NO,King's Guards' March NO, NANETTG"Coldstream Guards' BandB196610 I won't say I will I. BordoniB201110Knock at the door F. CrumitB202110 Ich hub for dir a Chusin J. JacobsB209710Itomm bald, Op. 97, No. 5 Ich ob moire far mein weib(Brahms) McCormackDA63510

M. GoldsteinB209810KREISLER, Fritz (Violin) If you hadn't gone away A. StanleyB210610Concerto No. 4 in D (Mozart)DB815 I'll see youinmydreamsC.NewtonB2071i0(Recorded in complete form on 4to "Impresario" Overture (Mozart)records)DB81812 Symphony Orch. (Albert Coates)D945l2KURZ, Selma (Soprano) Impromptu in B Flat Major,Marien Wiegenlied (Reger)DA63210

Op. 142, Pts. 1 and 2Ständchen (Strauss)DA63210 (Schubert) PaderewskiDB83312KWARTIN, Obercantor Sawel Impromptu in F Sharp Minor,(Tenor)

Op. 36 (Chopin) A. CortotDB85312Joschew BesiserB209310 Impromptu in F Sharp Major,LRwmucho JomarB209310

Op. 36, No. 2(Chopin)-PachmannDB85912W'schomruB209110 In Shadowland De Groot's Orch.B196210Zadik KatomorB209110 In Sheltered Vale R. RadfordE38810" La Ce Leschena " (Caucasian In Summertime on Bredon-BakerB195710Song) N. CodolbanB210910 In the Pirate days of old ;LanesC120412"La Gran Via" Selection, Pts. 1, In the wee little home I loveand 2 De Groot's Orch.C120812

R. CrooksE39210La Paloma Salon Orch.B203310 In Waldeseinsamkelt (L'rahms)McCormackDA62810LAMOND,

Frederic (Piano) Indian Love Call Salon Orch.B199310Sonata in E Flat, Op. 31-Scherzo Indian Love Call K. HilliardC119812(Beethoven)D96212 Insuring his life-A. Lester&F.RomeC117712Waldstein Sonata in C, Op. 53 INTERNATIONAL NOVELTY(Beethoven)D960

ORCH. see DANCE RECORDS(Recorded in complete form on 3 12-in.to Oh Katharina !B204710records)D96212 Intrada (G. A. Desplanes) ThibaudDB79112Largo al factotum-see " II, Invocation to the Sun God (inBARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA " Native Dialect) Os-ke-non-tonB208310Lass with the delicate air Ist ein Traum, kann nicht wirk-E. SuddabyE38110

lich sein, Act 3 ("Der Rosenkava-Last Long Mile, The J. GossB201810 lien ") Eva von der Osten & Al. NastD100212Last Voyage, The it ain't gonna rain no mo'-(Song in Russian) ChaliapineDB75712

Fantasie Savoy OrpheansB199410 It takes a good man to do thatLAWES, Ben (Humorous)

Brooke JohnsB192910Exits, Parts I and 2C118712 It was only a dream A. StanleyB202210In the Pirate days of oldC120412 Jackson's Morning Brush WalshB202710Our Musical Drama-Pts. I and 2C118412 JACOBS, Jacob (Humorous)When the Romans conquered BritainC120412 Ich hub for dir a Chusin (I have aLawn Tennis S. LengienB206810 sweetheart for you)B209710LENGLEN, Suzanne Mein Veib is busyB209510Lawn Tennis, Pts. 1 and 2B206810 Nit bei Motien (The Clever MotialB209610 Japanese Sunset Salon Orch.13198310LESTER, Alfred (Humorous) JERITZA, Maria (Soprano)-seeFowlsC117712 " FEDORA "LolitaC120312 Vissi d'arte, vissid'amore (" Tosca ")DA56510Stop me if you've heard itC120312 Voi lo sapete, o mammaLESTER, Alfred and Fred ROME (" Cavalleria Rusticana ")DA56510Insuring his lifeC117712

LETT, Phyllis (Contralto) JOHNS, Brooke (Humorous)Coming of a Dream, TheE38710 Cuddle upB192910Prayer to Our Lady, AE38710 It takes a good man to do thatB192910LEWIS, Mary (Soprano) Joschew Besiser KwartinB209310Ah, je suis seule ("Thais")DBS1012 Junto al mrente de. la Pena-(`rahb,tTIA6od(nTesnuvient-il ("Thais") (Massenet)DB81012

For prices see page 2 of cover. 19

No. iNINo.= LIFE FOR THE TZAR, A (Glinka)MARSHALL, Eric (Baritone) Recitative and Finale of Susanin's(Die Lotoshlunie (Schimann)E3501J Aria ChaliapineDB75812Dreams (Wagner)E38610 They guess the truth ChaliapineDB75812Du fist wie eine Blume (Schumann)E38011 Light of Life, The (Meditation),IHindooSongD102212

Op. 29 (Eigar) R.A.H. Orch.Nur wer die Sehnsucht kenntE386It, (Cond. Sir E. Elgar, O.M.)D101712Wanderer, TheD102212

MARTHA (Flotow) LIGHT OPERA COMPANYM'appari tutt'amor GigliDB10912 "No, No, Nanette," Gems fromC120512Massa's in de cold, cold ground " Rose-Marie," Gems fromC120512Savoy Havana BandB205710 LILLIE, Beatrice & GertrudcMAYFAIR ORCHESTRA LAWRENCE" Dollar Princess," SelectionC118912 Broadway Medley, Pts. I and 2" Katja the Dancer"-SelectionsCl 19212 (Chariot's Revue)C120612"No, No, Nanette," Sel., Pts. I & 2C119112 Lilliburlero T. GossB201610" Patricia " SelectionC118'.12 Little green balcony, The-ColthamB203410"Rose Marie " SelectionsC119712 Little Miss Over-the-Way"Sumurun "-Sei., Pts. I & 2Cl I9.12

H. DeartlE37710" Tell me more," Sel., Pts. I and 2C121412 LOHENGRIN (IVagner)Mazurka in A Flat, Op. 59, No.: Intro : Act 3 Symphony Orch(Chopin) P:iderewskiDA63310

(Cond. A. CoatesD93712Mazurka in A Flat Major, Op. 50, Love Duet (Pts. I and 2), Act 3No. 2 (Chopin) PachmannDB86112

Austral, Davies and OrchD93112Mazurka in B Flat Minor, Op. 24, Wedding Procession, Act 2No. 4 (Chopin) PachmannDB86112 Symphony Orch. (Con.). A. CoatesD93712Mazurka in F Sharp Minor, Op. Lolita A. LesterC12031259, No. 3 (Chopin) PadcrewskiDA63310 London Town Gresham SingersD100412 Lord is a Man of War, TheMcCORMACK (Tenor) (" Israel in Egypt ") (Handel)Before my window, Op. 26, No. 10

Itadford and DawsonD96712(Rachmaninoff)DA64410 Lord luv 'im E. Hastin_sC119012DevotionDA69210 Lord, vouchsafe Thy lovingDie 2lainacht (Brahms)DA628I

Kindness (" Stabat Mater")Feldeinsamkeit (Brahms)DA63510 (Rossini) T. DaviesD97212How fair this spot, Op. 21, No. 7 Lost Chord, The He Groot's OrC119412(Rach,naninoff)7A680In Loughareema ColthamB196810I look into your gardenDA69310 Love Lily. The W. Glvnn'R19ReIt,I saw from tue beachDA63610 Love's Old Sweet Song ThorntonD100312In Waldeseinsamkeit (Brahms)DA62810 Lustspiel Overture (Kiler Bela)Komm bald, Op. 97, No. 5 (Brah:esjDA63510

Coldstream Guards BandC119912I'adraic the FiddilerUsh .In Lyrische Stückchen (Grieg)Sweetest Call, TheDA69210 No. 2 Walzer ; No. 6 Norwegisch;To the children (Rack maninotilDA680lu No.5 Volksweise ; No. 4 ElleutanzTo-morrow ! (Morgen!) (R. Strauss)DA64410

Una BourneC120012When you and I were seventeenDA69310 MADAMA BUTTERFLY (Puccini) Amore o grillo Hislop, Gilly andMcENELLY'S ORCHESTRA,

Wni. Parni=DB74312Edwin, J.-see DANCE RECS. Dovunque at mondo Hislop & GillyDB74312MEFISTOFELE (Boito) Madrigale De Groot's Orch.B199810Prologo-Symphony Or. and Chorus

(Cond. A. Coates)D93F12 MAGYARI, Imre, and hisMEGANE, Leila (Contralto)

TZIGANE ORCHESTRAAmour viens aider Hungarian Dance (Brahms)B208110(" Samson and A.dila ")D97112 Hungarian Folk MusicB208210Death and the MaidenE39610 Hungarian SongB208210Dream in the TwilightE39610 KesergoB208110Songs of Egypt (G. Baalock) Mainmoi,Carmen-see"CARMEN "(a) No. I-Invocation to the Nile Make Hay, Hay A. StanleyB210610(b) No. 5-T,ament of IsisD97312 Malaguei)a (Spanish Dance)Meggie's Wedding H. DearthE38410

New Light Symphony Orch.C121012Mein Veib is busy J. JacobsB209510 MANON LESCAUT (Aaber)Meloch WoolffB209210 C'est l'histoire amoureuse-Scotnei096812Memory Lane Salon Oicn.B1931w M'apparl tutt'amor-seeMENGES, Isolde ( Violin) " MARTHA "Abendlied (Schumann Joachim)E37310 March of the Men of HarlechAllegro (J. H. FioccolF37'It)

Rhondda Welsh Glee SingerB204510(a) Hornpipe; (b) RigaudonD102312 Marche AillitairePassacagliaD102312Coldstream

Guards Ban0117612MERiti WIVES OF WINDSOR Marlen Wiegenlied (Max Reger)(X'icolai)

4-lma K'i'DA63210il-henthatlwasasatinybov.RadfordE37910

LABELS-AS (Orange)DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pale(reen) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White)

No. IN INo.

Minuet and Trio "Divertimento""NO, NO, NANETTE" (Mozart) R.A.H. Orch.I want to be happy Clark & James


(Cond. Sir Landon Ronald)D100512Selections, Pts. I and 2 Mayfair Or.C119112 MiTierra (MyNative Land) FletaDA57310Tea forTwo-H. Clark & I,. lancesB197110 Mit ihren Augen voll Tränen,"No, No, Nanette," Gems from

Act 2 (" Der Rosenkavalier ")Light Opera CompanyC120512 Eva von der Osten & M. NastD100212Nocturne in B Major, Op. 32, No. MOISEIVITCH, Benno (Piano) &1 (Chopin) PachmannDB85912

R.A.H. ORCHESTRANon pin andraf-see "LE NOZZI2 Concerto No. I in G Minor, Op. 25D969DI FIGARO" (Mendelssohn)toNon sat to the d'un giusto-see (Recorded in complete form on :.D97112" LA FAVORITA 12-in. records)NORMA (Belltnt) Moon is high in the Sky, TheAli! del 'repro at giogo indegno ("Aleko") (In Russian) ChaliapineDB69112Pinza and L'AlessioDA56610

November (En Troika) MORINI, Erika (Violin)(Tchaikovsky) Una BourneB191110 Capriccio Valse, Op. 7 (II'ieniavsky)DB37212 Concerto in D Minor (Second)NOZZE DI FIGARO, Le (31ozarl) (Wieniavsky)DB37212Dell ! vieni, non tardar-Dal MonteDB83112 Morning Prayer (Church of Eng-Non pin andraf BattistiuiDB73612

land Service) and Evenin_5"Nozze di Figaro" (Overture) Canticles(Mozart) R.A.H. Orch.

(Recorded on four 12-in. records.(Cond. Sir Landon Ronald)D100512 Complete in album)Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt A Choir from St. George's Chapel,D963(Tchaikovsky) E. MarshallE38610 Windsor Castle and the Rev. Dr,to0 Gladsome Light B. Ii. FellowesD96612Choir from B.N.O.C.E39710 Mounties, The P. DawsonB2004100 good ale, thou art my darling MURPHY, Lambert (Tenor)J. Goss8201710 One little dream of loveE392100 Lisbona-see " DON SEBAS- My best Girl A. StaulecB201510TIANO " My Family E. HastingsC1209120 Mistress mine D. OldhamE38510 My Lady Sleeps Colman,B1968100 Monumento I Regia e Bolgia My life's Delight G. BakerB1967I0Dogale !-see "LA GIOCONDA" My Lute ColthamB2043100 Paradiso, dali'onde uscito-- My old Dress Suit E. HastingsC121112see "L'AFRICANA " My old Kentucky Home0 Peaceful Night Gresham SingersE38210

Savoy Havana BandB2057100 sweet fa's the eve J. GossB201710 My wild Irish Rose J. CrawfordB2075100 that it were so (P. Bridge) NAST, Minnie-see VON DERCarmen HillE37010 OSTEN, Eva & MINNIE NASTOFFERS, Maartje (Contralto)- NAYLOR'S ORCH., Oliver-see " AIDA," " RIENZI " see DANCE RECORDSOh I Darling, do say Yes ! NewtonB204410 NERONE (Bodo)Oh, had I Jubal's Lyre The Chariot Race-Symphony Orch.(" Joshmrt ") (Handel) HempelDA67610

and Chorus (Cond. A. Coates)D93812Oh Katharina ! NEUES TONKUNSTLER ORInternational Novelty Orch.B204710

. " Der Rosenkavalier "-WaltzPtsOh, let no star compare with ,. 1 and 2 (Strauss)C120212thee W. GIN-nne

Old Pal Jesse Crawford8191381992Il)10 NEW LIGHT SYMPHONY OR.OLDHAM, Derek (Tenor) Malaguetia (Spanish Dance)C121012Cruiskeen Lawn, TheE39510 Ro"tic Wedding Symphony ("BridalFair House of JoyE38510 Song")C1210120 'Mistress mineE38510 NEWTON, Cyril (Baritone) withWho is Sylvia ?E39510

SYNCOPATED QUARTET At the cud of the road8204010OLSEN, George, and his music Back in Hackensack New JerseyB200010-see DANCE RECORDS Do yon remember the Love Nest ?B200010On her contentment--see 'DON I want a girl like Peggy O'NeilB207110GIOVANNI" I'll see you in my dreamsB207110On this lute I sing a Serenade Keep smiling at troubleB204410(" The Damnation of Faust ") Oh ! Darling, do say Yes!B204410(Berlioz) R. RadfordE38810 Only, only one for me, The8199510ON WITH THE DANCE (C. B. ShanghaiB199510Cochran's Revue) Show vie the way to go homeB2040IOPoor little Rich Girl A. DelysiaB207010 Night Wind, The HempelDA634010That means nothing to me-DelysiaB2070l0 Nightingale (Tc4ait:ovskv(One little dream of love MurphyE39210 (.Sane in Russt-on) Cha%iapiae MI. hnl Mnti_ r I.....a,.E)ß787n9nne,12,nOnly,

only one for me, The

t` e,,,-f.,,, �d A.-nomst,-,l rn,srt8100A.ln

For prices see page 2 of cover. 21

ý No. ý m I No. i ý,


Symphonie Fantastique (Berlioz) (Recorded in complete form on 6 12-inch records) OS-KE-NON-TON(Canadian

Chief) Invocation to the Sun God (Native

Dialect) Peyote Drinking Song (Native

Dialect) OTELLO (Verdi) Ave Maria E. Scotney Credo in un Dio Crudel-Granforte Our Musical Drama, Pts. I and 2

Ben Lawes Over the mountains E. Thornton Overture-"Le Nozze di Figaro"

R.A.H. Orch. (Cond. Sir Landon Ronald)

PACHMANN, Vladimir De (Piano)Impromptu

in F Sharp Major, op. 36 No.2 (Chopin) Mazurka in A Flat Major, Op. 50,

No. 2 (Chopin) Mazurka in B Flat Minor, Op. 24, No. 4 (Chopin) Nocturne in B Major, Op. 32, No. 1 (Chopin)

PADEREWSKI, Ignace Jan (Piano) Impromptu in B flat Major (Schubert) Mazurka in A Flat, Op. i9, No. 2 (Chopin) Mazurka in F Sharp Minor, Op. 59, No. 3 (Chopin) Padraic the Fiddlier McCormack

PACLIACCI (Leoncavzllo) Song of tender memories-Prologue,

Pt. 2 Gilly Vesti la giubba Gigli Word allow me, A-Prologue, Pt. I

Gilly Passacaglia (Handel- Harty)

Isolde Menges Passione (V. Ranzato) De Groot's O. Patricia-Sel. Mayfair Orchestra PEERLESS QUARTET (Male

Quartet) When my golden hair has turned to silver grey Peyote Drinking Song (in Native


ti prenda-see "AIDA" PINZA, Ezio (Bass) Non sai tu the dun giusto ("La Favorita ")

PINZA & L'ALESSIO Ali! del Tebro at giogo indegno (" Norma") PIQUE DAME (Tchaikovsky) Forgive me Smirnoff What is our life Smirnoff







Poor little Rich Girl ("On with the Dance ") A. Delysia

Pray you Listen-see "HA\ii,l;'T" Prayer of ThanksgivingTrinity

Choir Prayer to Our Lady, A P Lett Precious wee one-LullabyDc

Groot's Orch. Pretty Mocking Bird (Bishop)GalliCurti

PRIMROSE, William ( Violin) Sonata in A, No. 2 (Bach) (Recorded in complete form on 2 12-inch Records) PRINCESS IDA-see GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERAS

PURITANI, I. (Bellini) Sound, sound the Trumpet

Radford & Dawson Put away a little ray of golden

sunshine Aileen Stauley Quartet in D (Czsar Franck)

Virtuoso String Quartet (Recorded in complete form on 6

12-inch records) Quartet in E minor, Op. 59,

No. 2 (Beethoven)Virtuoso String Quartet

(Recorded in complete form on 4 12inch records) Quartet in F major, Op. 18, No. 1 (Beethoven) Cat terail Quartet (Recorded in complete form on 4 12 inch Records) Quartet in F major, Op. 22,

No. 1-Scherzo (Tchail-ovsky) Catterall Quartet Quartet in G Major, Op. 77, No. 1 ( Haydn) ist and 3rd movements

Plouzaley Quartet Quartet in G Major, Op. 18, No. 2 (Beethoven)Catterall

Quartet RADFORD, Robert (Bass) Four jolly sailormeu (E. German) In sheltered vale On this Lute, I sing a Serenade (" The Damnation of Faust ")(Berlioz) When that I was as a tiny boy

(" Merrv it ives of Windsor ") RADFORD, Robert and Peter

DAWSON Lord is a \Ian of War, The (Handel) Sound, sound the Trumpet " I Puritan, " (Bellini) Rambling Pitchfork, The Walsh






Gipsy Laughing Chorus B2058 Hen wlad Fy Nhadau (band of my Fathers) B2045 March of the Mcn of Ilarlech B2045 Y Delyn Aur B2058 RIENZI (11'agner) Gerechter Gott Maartje Offers DB756 In seiner 131üthe Maartje Offers DB756

LABELS--AS (Orange) B and C (Plum) DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pate Green)

D and E (Black) DA and DB (Red) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White)

For prices see page 2 of cover.



Rigaudon (Handel- Harty)SALON ORCHESTRA Isolde MengesD102312All alcueB193110

RIGOLETTO (Verdi)Enchanted ForestB198310 Caro nome, Act I. Dal MonteDB83012Indian Love CallB 199310 Dearest Name (Caro Nome) ScotneyD102412Japanese SunsetB198310 Rio Grande (Shanty) J. GossB199910La PalomaB203310 Romance (Love Song)Memory Lane8193110 (R. Feint) Al. HaywardB192610SerenadeB203310 Rose Marie ("Rose Marie ")World is waiting for the Sunrise, TheB 199310

J. CrawfordB200810SAMSON &DALILA(Saint-Saens) Rose Marie S. ColthamC119812Amour viens aider Leila MeganeD97312 "Rose Marie" Set., Pts. I and 2Sanctuary of the Heart-R.A.F. Bd.C118312

Mayfair Orch.C119712Sarabande et Allemande SharpeE37410 "Rose Marie," Gems fromSAVOY HAVANA BAND (at the

Light Opera CompanyC120512Savoy Hotel, London) Rosebud Walter GlvuneBL91310(a) My Old Kentucky Home Rosemary (That's for Remem-(b) Carry me back to Old Virginny

brance?) C. SharpeE38310(c) Dear Old SouthlandB205710 ROSENKAVALIER, Der (Strauss)(a) Swanee River Ist ein Traum, kann nicht wirklich(b) Massa's in de cold, cold groundB205710 sein (Act 3)SAVOY ORPHEANS and SAVOY

Eva von der Osten & M. NastD100212HAVANA BAND- Mit ihren Augen voll Tränen (Act 2)see DANCE RECORDS

Eva von der Osten & M. NastD100212It ain't gonna rain no mo'-Fantasie Rosenkavalier Waltz, Pts. I and 2Pts. 1 and 2B199410 (Strauss) Neues Tonkunstler Orch.C120212SAVOY ORPHEANS SYM- ROYAL AIR FORCE BANDPHONIC ORCH.

(Cond. Flight-Lt. Amers)fragment, A "From the New Sanctuary of the HeartCI 18312World," Symph. No. 5 in E minor SerenadeC118312(Parts 1 and 2) (Dvordk)Cl 18612 Spanish DancesB210510Scorri flume ("1t Tabarro") GillyDA55910 Suite-Folk Songs (R. Vaughan)SCOTNEY, Evelyn (Soprano)

No. I Seventeen cone SundayAve Maria (" Othello ")D102412 No. 3 Folk Sono from SomersetB194510C'est l'histoire amoureuse

"The Valkyrie" Selection, Pts. 1 & 2C120712("Manna Lescaut ")D96812 ROYAL ALBER I HALL ORCH.Dearest Name (" Rigoletto ")D102412

(Cond. Sir Edward Elgar, O.M.)Prav you listen (" Hamlet "1D96812 "The Light of I,ife," Meditation, Op.Set-morta ne la vita mia RuffoDA34710

29 (Eigar)D101712Selva opaca-see "GUILLAUME Symphony No. 2 in E Flat, Op. 63D1012TELL " (Eigar) (Recorded is complete formtoSerenade R.A.F. BandCUSS12

on 6 12-inch records)D101712Serenade (Schubert) J. CrawfordB194910 ROYAL ALBERT HALL ORCH.Serenade Salon Orch.B203310

(Cond. Eugene Goossens)Seventeen come Sunday (March) "I,a Boutique Fantasque," Selec-R.A.F. BandB194510 tion, Pts. 1 and 2D101812Shanghai C. Newton and

Syncopated QuartetB199510 ROYAL ALBERT HALL ORCH.Shanties-see JOHN GOSS

(Cond. Sir Landon Ronald)SHARPE, Cedric ('Cello) Dance of the Hours, Pis. 1 and 2Believe me, if all those endearing ("La Gioconda ")D99612young charmsE38310 Fetes, No. 2 of Three NocturnesRosemary (That's for Remembrance)F38310 (Debussy) Pts. I and 2D100012Sarabande et AllemandeE37410 Minuet and Trio "Divertimento"She dwelt among the untrodden (Mozart)D100512ways Carmen HillE37510 Nozze di Figaro, Le-OvertureD100512Shenandoah (Shanty) J. GossB199910 RUFFO, Titta (Baritone)Shepherd, tby demeanour vary El PerjuroDA34710H. SuddabyE36610 Sri morta ne la vita miaDA34710Shtlkret's, Jack, Orchestra-see Rumanian Gipsy AirDANCE RECORDS

N. Codolban (Cymbalist)B205010Shmendrik's Kalle J. FeldmanB209710 Russian Gipsy AirShould he upbraid F. HempelDB81412

N. Co3olban (Cymbalist)B205010Show me the way to go home Rustic Wedding SymphonyC. NewtonB204010 (" Bridal Song ")Si carina (Slumber Song)

New I,ight Symphony Orch.C121012("Dinorah"' Galli CurciDB79812 R'zei Adonoi Elohanji HershmanC121612Sinner, please doan' let dis Sacrament (Love Song) R. CrooksE39310harves' pass J. GossB201710 SADOVEN, Helen-see ANSSE AUSkipper of the " MaryJane," The and SADOVENH. DearthE384I10 "Salamanca" Irish Reel-)ValshB194710-Slighted Swain W.GlynneB192710


Godounov " Act I., Scene in the Monastery Cell So gently speaks my lady fair

W. Glvnne So this is love I. Bordopi Some crimson rose P. Dawson Somewhere a voice is calling

J. Crawford Son gente risoluta-see 'FEDORA" Sonata in A, No. 2 ( Bach)

William Primrose (Recorded in complete form on 2 12-inch Records) Sonata in A Major (Cdsar Franck) (Violin and Piano)Thibaud

and Cortol (Recorded in complete form on I 12-inch records) Sonata (Waldstein) in C Major,

Op. 53 (Beethoven)Lamond

Sonata in E Flat, Op. 31- Scherzo (Beethoven) Lamond

Sonata in E Minor ( Veracini)Thibaud

Sonatine, Pts. I and 2 (Ravel) Ilambourg

Fong of Quietness, A--Colthau: Song of tender memories, A-

Prologue-see "PAGI,IACCI" Songs of Egypt (G. Bantoctz) (a) No. 1-Invocation to the Nile (b) No.5-Lament of Isis-I,.\Eegane Sound an alarm (" Judas

.tfacca- tarus ") (Handel) T. Davies Sound, sound the Trumpat-sec

" I PURITANI " Spanish Dances, Op. 12, Nos. 2

and 5 (Moszkozz;shi) R.A.F. Band Spillane the Fiddler L. Walsh Spirit Flower, A P. Dawson Spring E.Suddab} Ständchen, Op. 17, No. 2 (Strauss) Selma Kur,

STANLEY, Aileen Alabamy Bound Can't your friend find a friend for me? Everybody loves my baby Give me just a little bit of your love I ain't got nobody to love If you hadn't gone away It was only a dream Make Hay, Hay My best girl Put away a little ray of golden

sunshine When my sugar walks down the streetYou're

in wrong with the right baby Stimmung, Op. 32, No. 1 (J. Achron) Heifetz Stop me if you've heard it Lester Storvland (Waltz) De Groot's Or.






Strange Harmony of contrast- see " TOSCA " STUDIES IN IMITATION (H. Hughes) Little Jack Horner Little Tommy Tucker There was a crooked man

De Reszke Singers

SUDDABY, Elsie (Soprano) Lass with the delicate air Shepherd, thy demeanour vary SpringVirgin's

Lullaby ("Bethlehem") SUGGIA, Guilhermina ('Cello) Suite for 'Cello in C Niajor (Bach) Suite for 'Cello in C (Back)Suggia

Suite of Serenades,A I Spanish ; 2 Chinese ; 3 Cuban ; 4 Oriental. Whiteman's Orch. Suite "William Byrd" (Arr. Gordon Jacob) Coldstream Guards Bd. Summer Afternoon, A Summer Love Tale, A Dawson Sumurun, Selections (Pts. I & 2)

Mayfair Orchestra Susanin's Aria-see " LIFE FOR THE TZAR " Swanee River Savoy Havana Band Sweetest Call, The McCormack

SYMPHONIE FANTASTIQUE (Berko:) Orchestre Symphonique des Concerts

Pasdeloup (Recorded in complete form on 6

12inch records) Symphony in C, No. 41 (Jupiter) (?Mozart) Symphony Orch. (Albert Coates) (Recorded in complete lorm on 4 l2-inch Records) Symphony No. 2 in E Flat, Op. 63 (Edgar)(Recorded

in complete form on 6 12-inch records) R.A.H. Orch.

(Cond. Sir E. Edgar, O.M.)

SYMPHONY OR.(Cond.A.Coates) -see also under "LOHENGRIN,"

"MEFISTOFELE," "NERONE" Fire Bird, The (Stravinsky)

Francesca da Rimini (Tchaikovsky) (Recorded in complete 'orn on 2 12-inch records) "Impresario" Overture (Mozart) Symph. in C, No. 41 (Jupiter) (Mozart)(Complete

on 4 12-inch Records) Tambourin in D (Leclaire)M.

Hayward Tateniu MameniuHoffman

and Feldman Te souvient-il du lumineux

voyage-see THÄiS " Tea for two-see " NO, NO,

NANETTE" " Tell me more," Sel., Pts. I & 2

Mayfair Orelt.


LABELS-AS (Orange) B and C (Plum)

E381 E366E381E366


D and E (Black) DA and DB (Red) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White)

THAIS (Massend;Valkyrie-Sel., Pts. I and 2 Ah, je suis seule Mary LewisDB81012R.A.F. BandC120712 Te souvient-il (biedttation)Valse, Op. 37, No. 3 (d' A mibrosiu)

'ilarv LewisDB810tiM i--andB192610 That means nothing to me (" OnVariations on a Theme, Bk. 1

with the Dance ") A. DelysiaB207010(Bra'inss) BackhausD101912 They guess the truth-see "AVariations on a Theme, Bk. 2 LIFE FOR THE TZAR "(Brahms) BankhausD102012 THIBAUD, Jacquesveccma zimarra t"La Boheme") (Violin)GillyDA55910Concerto

in E Major (Bach)DB789Vesti la giubba - see (Recorded in complete form on 3to" PAGI,IACCI " 12-inch records)DB79112Viennese Melody M. HaywardB202610 Intrada (G. A. Desplanes)DB79112 Sonata in s valor FFaanck) DB785-DB78812VIOLIN SOLOS-seeHAYW A R D, Sonata in E Minor ( Veracini)DB80112HEIFETZ, MERGES, MORINI, Thing of Dreams, APRIMROSE (" The First Kiss ")-De Groot's Or.B194810 Third Battalion MarchVIOLONCELLO SOLOS-see

Coldstream Guards' BandB196610SHARPE This year, next yearVirgin's Lullaby ("Bethlehem"l

J. Buchanan and JuneB200510E.SuddabcE36610 THORNTON, Edna (Contralto)VIRTUOSOSTRINGOUARTET Bantry BavD100312Quartet in D (Cesar Franck)D1006 Love's Old Sweet SongD100312(Recorded in complete form on 6to Over the MoulitaulsE3651012-inch Records)Dt01112 \1-hen sineiu_ birds were inureE36510Quartet in E Minor, Op. 59, No. Timor di me-see " IL TROVA-(Beethoven)D953 TORE"(Recorded in complete -arm on 4to 'I o a.i isle in the water12-nick records)D95612 (dlallinson) Carnien HillE37010Vissi d'arte, vissi d'amore-see To her 1 love-see "DON" TOSCA "

GIOVANNI "Voi to sapete, o mamma-see To the Children (Rachmaninof/)" CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA "

McCormackDA68910Voix des Cloches, La To-morrow ! (Morgen !)Coldstream Guards BandC1199I'1 (R. Strauss) _McCormackDA64410VON DER OSTEN, Eva Top or the Hill, The G. Bakerß1957toPlaschke and Minnie NAST TOSCA (Puccini)Ist ein Traum, kann nicht wirklich Chi e quella donna biouda Lassasein-Act 3 ("Der Rosenkavalier ")D100212

Ijungberg & flummeryDB75212Mit ihren Augen coil Tränen, Act 2 Ora stammir a seutir(" Der Rosenhavalier ")D100212

Ljungberg & MummeryDB75212Wait Carmen HillE37510 Strange harmony of contrastWALSH, Liam (Irish Bagpipes) (Recoodita armonia) T. DaviesE38910Banks of Suir, TheB207310 Vissi Warte, vissi d'amore JeritzaDA56510Blackbird, theB1947I'd Totem Tom Tom K. Hilliard(a) Jackson's Morning Brush; (b)

and ChorusB200410Delaney's Drummers: (c) The Tramp, The P. DawsonB1914InGarden of Daisies, TheB207310 Traveller, The DawsonC121212Rambling PitchforkB202710 TRINITY CHOIR (Mixed Voices)"Salamanca"-Irish Rees8194710 Come, Thou Almighty KingB204910Spillane the FiddlerB202710 Hark, Hark my SoulB204110Waltz, Op. 40, No. 9 Prayer of Thanksgivin_B2041101 Tchaikovskrl U. BourneB204210 TROVATORE, It (Verdi)Waltz in D Major Comic d'aurato sogno Galli-CurciDB81312(Godomshy) HeifetzDA65910 Timor di me? Galli-CurciDB81312Wander Thirst (No. 4 .. Song 'l'WILIGH't' OF THE GODSFancies ") (Landon Ronald) (11'agner)DawsonB193010 Hagan summons the Vassals (Pts.Wanderer, The (Schubert)

I and 2) Radford, Ch. and Orch.D93012E. MarshallD102212 Two Bourrees (Old EnglishWARING'S PENNSYL-

Dances) C. BourneB210710VANIANS-see DANCE RECS. Una voce poco fa-see " ILWedding Day, Op. 65 (Grieg) BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA "Una BourneC120012 Uwnucho Jomar KwartinB209310Week-End Book, Songs from- VALKYRIE lII agner)see JOHN GOSS Wotan overtakes Brinhilde (Act 3)What a wonderful world 't would Miranda, Walker, Radford, Ch. & O.D92912be S. Coltham8191210 Wotan's sentence (Act 3) Anerum,What Ho ! What Ho I

1Valker, Radford, Ch. and Orcli.D92912Gresham SinnersE38210

For prices see page 2 of cover.

When I think of the happy days Carmen Hill

When I'm home again S. Coltharn When Laura smiles uavies When my golden hair has turned

to silver grey Peerless Quartet When my sugar walks down the

street A. Stanley When singing birds were mute

E. Thornton When that I was as a tiny boy-

-see "MERRY WIVES OF WIN DOOR " When the Romans conquered

Britain B. Lame- When you and I were seventeen

McCormack When you an9 I were young,


Suite of Serenades, A I Spanish ; 2 Chinese, 8 Cuban 4 Oriental

Who is Sylvia ? D. Oldham WIDDOP, Walter (Tenor) Birthday, A (No. 2 of " Three Songs of Love and Youth ") Hence, away, begone ! (No. 3 of "Three Songs of Love and Youth") Winter is gone, The (English

Folk Song) De Re.,zke Singers WOOLFF, Cantor Bernard (Tenor) Ahavas Olom (With everlasting love) Meloch (The Ruler) Wireless E. Hastings Wohin. Op. 25, No. 2 (Schubert)Gerhardt

Wohin (Sdube,l) Hempel Word atiow me, A-Proiogue- see " PAGT,IACCI " World is waiting for the sunrise

Salon Orche=tra W'schomru Kwartin Y Delvn Aur

Rhondda Welsh Glee Singer You're in wrong with the right

baby A. Stanley Zadik Katomor Kwartin


WARNING._As under the Copyright Act 1911 copyright subsists in Gramophone Records proceedings under such

Act may be taken against anyone infringing the Company's copyright therein.


THE NEW FRENCH TANGOAsk to hear the Records by

THE VARALDI TANGO BAND, . (At the Savoy Hotel, London).

i0-inch Double-sided Plum Label. No. B.'135, 13.2136. B.2137.

Printed October, 1925.

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