first friday holy hour · 2020. 9. 27. · first friday holy hour our next holy hour is scheduled...

Post on 24-Feb-2021






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September 27, 2020 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 27, 2020 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ez 18:25-28 / Phil 2:1-11 / Mt 21:28-32

Recognizable Offering .................. $4,324.00

Loose Cash ...................................... $392.00

Total Weekly Offering ................... $4,716.00

Seton Fund Collection ..................... $700.00

Mass Attendance Sept 19/20 ............. 149

Sept 28-Oct 4

Monday ................ Laura Smith(+)

Wednesday ........... Jean Jordan(liv)

Thursday .............. Jeff Hughes(+)

Friday ……………….Trey Corbitt(+)

Saturday ............... Rev. Timothy Hirton(+)

Sunday…………..St Peter Parishioners(9:30 a.m)

Saint Peter Parish Prayer Chain: For prayer needs, con-

tact Angela Zangerle at (808)295-2587 or email her at stpe-

Hospitalized Parishioners: If you or a family m em ber are

hospitalized, please call the Parish Office, otherwise we have no

way of knowing who in our parish is there.

In Your Daily Prayers, Please Remember our parishion-

ers who are deployed and:

Monday Johanna Adam *, Lois Lange*, Carol Dineen*,

Karen Chasteen, Gloria Sanders*, Jean Jordan*

Tuesday Mary Eichler , Hiram Alaniz, Danny Labatte,

Mike Kutcher, John Osborn*, Larry & Joanne Fralic

Wednesday Gordon Pritchard*, Bette Dellner*, Aurora

Beard, Carl & Darlene Winbauer, Barry Fludd

Thursday Pam Bauchw itz*, Lucille Kesler, Antionette

Williams, Stacy Brooks, Prescott Great-grandson

Friday Doug Babiak*, Chuck Gober*, Cheryl Darby, Judy

and Dave Robinson*, Fr Paul Zoghby

Saturday Peter Adam *, Mary Anyel*, Harper Spear , Rene

Morago-Barton, Dona Lovelace

Sunday Donna Fetter*, Dakota Stevens, Grace Farrell*

*Indicates our parishioners.

Please contact the church office if you or a family mem-

ber can be removed from this prayer list.

Prayer to St Michael the Archangel

St Michael the Archangel

defend us in battle.

Be our protection against

the wickedness and snares

of the devil.

May God rebuke him, we

humbly pray; and do Thou,

O Heavenly Prince of Hosts,

by the Power of God, cast

into hell satan, and all the

evil spirits, who prowl

about the earth seeking the

ruin of souls. Amen Pope Leo XIII

First Friday Holy Hour

Our next Holy Hour is scheduled for

Friday, October 2nd from 8 - 9 a.m.

Face masks (available upon request)

and social distancing continue to be


As Christian stewards we are called to a high and holy standard — living as Christ’s dis-

ciples every day and with every person the Lord places in our path. But we can move

towards this goal in “baby steps.”

Jesus demonstrates this comforting truth through the parable He tells in today’s Gospel

from Matthew. It is the story of two sons whose father instructs them to go out and

work in his vineyard that day. While the second son agrees to his father’s request, he

does not follow through — he fails to obey the father’s will. The first son tells his father,

“no.” At least he is honest! And in the end, he reconsiders and obeys his father.

The first son’s honest, less-than-perfect response, is consoling to us Christian stewards.

Haven’t we all felt this way at times when God’s will for us seems to be just too hard?

We can be honest with God at these times. He knows our thoughts already, after all. But

when we stayed engaged in a real relationship with Him, even if it’s just to say, “I don’t

think I can, Lord,” He will supply us with just the grace we need to change our minds and do what He is asking us to


We can even take a step backward from time to time because our Father is merciful and kind. What matters is that

we keep baby stepping along, assured of the grace we need to more closely imitate the actions and attitudes of

Christ. This is the beauty of the stewardship way of life.

Today let us look at our hands, so often empty of love, and let us try to think of some free gift that we can give without expecting anything in return,. That

will please the Lord. And let us ask him: “Lord let me rediscover the joy of giving” -EPIPHANY SUNDAY, JANUARY 6, 2018

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